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Anime for not weebs



I hate anime but ran out of normal stuff to watch. I liked Deathnote cuz the story was interesting & made sense in the context.
I liked Season 1 of High School of the Dead because I thought the gun guy was funny & uhh... the nurse was pretty cool. Yeah
I don't like stupid over the top stuff. Higurashi was dumb because it was.

Deadman wonderland made no sense.


I'm okay with animations, but the style of animation that's anime has a lot of tropes like anyone with glasses is smart, black hair white guy is protagonist that's nice, blonde girls are , Red hair girls are sassy so on.

I can deal with that lazy writing if the story isn't rediculous. I want to say I like western TV but I don't, so I'm not sure I can phrase what I'm looking for.


Something good that isn't just anime cuz anime. Like I don't like TV/Movies just because there's guns, police & soldiers in it.

I hope that kinda gives you direction. I also hate time wasting shows like the wallking dead. A lot of it is just talking about nothing & nothing happening to make the episodes 40 minutes long & 3 million episodes a season & also not have an end. And then they kill a zombie in a SupEr CoOl wAy.

I liked deathnote because it was like a mystery for me. I liked how SPOILERS


The protaganist has a motive that can be justified by the writers. There is enough reasonable explanation to how things work.
"People are dying randomly? Why are they all criminals?" and so on where L kinda connects the dots & so on but then Light is able to outsmart him but then L does something unexpected. I haven't seen anything like it before & haven't seen anything like it since.... except Onesion's only good video where he spoofs it.

I liked High School of the dead because SPOILERS


None of the characters were wildly annoying. The gun kid was super over the top about being into guns & I thought it was funny. The sexuality wasn't THAT bad. Yeah there was that one bathroom scene but for the most part it's not bad.
The bad teacher was also kinda cool cuz he's like doing his thing to earn power & stuff.


Also I think zombie movies can be cool if they don't "What's a zombie?" for 3 hours before being like "okay zombie apocalypse. I get it now."


I didn't like Higurashi because SPOILERS


I only saw part of an episode and asked my friend if that's basically what the whole show was & I was like wow... that sounds really dumb.

Basically these teenagers fight some soldiers or something with swords or axes & they wear bright clothes in a forest night attack they commence on whomever they're fighting.


Maybe if I was 12, half stupid & never seen a good show/movie I could potentially see the appeal but... I'm at least no longer 12.

I didn't like Deadman wonderland because SPOILERS


I only got like 7 episodes in.
So the show starts out pretty cool. This prisoner dude can control his blood to make like swords or something iirc.
Then he competes in these ninja warrior games to get money so he can buy clothes & food.

If he earns enough I think he's allowed to buy freedom.


So the early episode he goes to do one of these competitions & then it was kinda dumb in how it was executed. It wasn't fun to watch him do this obstacle course at all & they mostly gloss over it.

There was some weird angel girl that made no relevance to me & prolly had more meaning with the fighting of the system that came about.

So then they're like escaping & idek what was going on. Why didn't they just make the show about the games? I felt let down by the whole introduction of the games & then they do half of one & chicken out on the idea.


I only read like 2 japanese manga

Robotech idk if it's the original. I didn't read all of it. It's good imo.

I read some weird thing about fish with legs from some guy called ito & that was quite possibly the dumbest story with the coolest concept I've ever seen. Worse than James Cameron's Transformers.


Any anime recommendations for normal people? It's okay to have stereotype characters, there's only so many ways you can write a character.


Links to show on crunchy roll or some other service is helpful.

Weeb anime:


Cardcaptor Sakura -> child obsessed with older boy in overly anime way. Little animal thing that talks all anime

Full Metal Alcemist: Brotherhood -> Everyone is over emotive to a cartoonish/anime extent. There's no professionalism presented by the professionals.

Gurren Lagann -> The characters are too over representative & over explain things like I can't see. Things in the air for no reason. Absurd explosions.

Hunter X Hunter -> Things in the air, over explaining.

Not that weeby:


Death Note



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1. Code Geass

2. Code Geass

3. Code Geass

4. You might like hunter x hunter but it's quite long 149 episodes but there is barely if any filler?

5. Steins gate if you can get past the first half


Quote me for a reply, React if I was helpful, informative, or funny


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Hey there. Recommendations below. Note that the list is kinda dated? Haven't been keeping up with anime lately.

  • Blood+ (4 Seasons, 50 Total Episodes) (2005 - 2006): Action, Dark Fantasy, Suspense. Romance is important to the plot, but the plot doesn't just revolve around romance. It's also super serious, there is like... zero comedy. (Warning: Gore, Sensitive Off-Screen/Implied Content.)
  • Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle (2 Seasons, 52 Total Episodes + 5 OVAs) (2005 - 2009): Adventure, Fantasy, Romance. Comedy is sprinkled in here and there when the plot isn't rolling around in fantasy drama.
  • Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (1 Season, 27 Episodes) (2007): Adventure, Action, Mecha. Romance is important to the plot, especially in the latter half of the series. As you get deeper and deeper into series, there's less comedy and more drama.
  • Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (1 Season, 64 Total Episodes + 4 OVAs) (2009 - 2010): Adventure, Dark Fantasy, Science-Fiction. There is romance, but the plot doesn't revolve around romance.
  • Kekkai Sensen/Blood Blockade Battlefront (2 Seasons, 24 Total Episodes + 2 OVAs) (2015 - 2017): Adventure, Urban Fantasy, Science-Fiction. There is romance (or very deep friendship 😜), and it is sort of important to the plot, but the entire series doesn't revolve around romance. Comedy is sprinkled in here and there when the plot isn't busy being TOTALLY AWESOME. (Note: Personal Bias.)

Copy-pasta'd from this status reply asking for anime with good story and/or romance or comedy. Above recommendations all have plot that is explained throughout the series. How in-depth that explanation is will depend on whether you stick with it out to the end. 😁


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Well RWBY or avatar could count. Rwby is 3d with anime art style.

(\/) (°,,,,°) (\/)

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Cowboy Bebop


Samurai Champloo


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Demon Slayer is something recent that you may enjoy.

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3 hours ago, fpo said:

Like I don't like TV/Movies just because there's guns, police & soldiers in it.


But you liked Death Note and that had guns and police in it. So is there a limit to how much it can have? 


You are missing out on a lot of great anime if you don't like those things. Does that rule out any mecha kind of stuff too? I can think of a lot of other good stuff without those things but since you don't like anime tropes or anything over the top, it makes it even harder. You seem like you still want something seriously though or at least semi-serious. I mean, you like High School of the Dead which is actually pretty over the top and definitely has some anime tropes in so I would think there might be a little wiggle room for recommendations?


Shows like Neon Genesis Evangelion come to mind but it has guns even though must are mecha related. It is one of the best anime ever made and pretty much required watching for anime newcomers. It has a ton of psychologically imbalanced characters, violence, a very interesting plot, great character development, and is one of those shows you will need to watch more than once to understand.  


Anyway, I'm just going to go through my list of watched anime and try to give you some to checkout. Mind you that I haven't watched some of these in years so there may be some tropes here or there or a scene with a gun in it. My descriptions will likely suck but I want to keep it brief.


Another - Pretty serious anime with mystery, psychological, and horror elements revolving around high schoolers. Expect a lot of characters to die. Most of the characters are interesting, especially the main two. 


Bakemonogatari - This is actually a series with a bunch of different names but it starts with Bakemonogatari - It's a very stylish anime with a lot of effects. Pretty much every character is likable. It has very witty dialogue and banter. Lot's of curt responses if you like that kind of thing. Quite funny at times but has a lot of very series moments, many will probably make you cry. Kind of over the top in its presentation and with some things but I don't think it is in the way you are trying to avoid. Has lots of supernatural elements.


Candy Boy - This is a bit more light hearted as it is a slice of life anime. It follows two EXTREMELY close sisters. Borders on the the line of the sisters being really close or actually having some romantic feelings for each other but it never crosses that line. It's a sweet anime regardless. It is a recommended show for those who like incest anime but I never felt like it really delivered on that front so if you don't like that kind of thing, you still might enjoy it.


Chobits - One of the classics and a personal favorite. It's sweet, touching, funny, and romantic. The main female is actually an android slowly learning about the things around her as she discovers her emotions. If you want good romance, this is a great one. There just aren't enough good android romance anime out there and this is probably the best.


Clannad - Expect to cry A LOT. I mean A LOT. Very touching with supernatural elements to it and a whole conclusive romance to boot. Has a lot of slice of life kind of stuff but really isn't strictly that kind of show. High school themed.


Dagashi Kashi - Funny slice of life anime that has a heavy focus on Japanese candy. It's one of those food anime that focus on a niche kind of interest. I think this would actually interest people that may not be that into anime because of its uniqueness and it not just being about huge anime action battles or school girls bending over in their bloomers if you know what I mean.


Plus, it has one of the top tier anime girls in it IMO.



Eden of the East -  Great series as was the movie. I think there is at least another movie or two but I never got around to checking them out. I think it's better to just read the AP description on it than me try to describe it.


Ef A Tale of Memories - One of my favorite conclusive romance anime. Very beautiful and touching. It made me cry a few times. The main girl forgets the day before whenever she sleeps so there is a complexity to the romance and you really feel for her. Check it out.


Elfen Lied - One of my favorite but hard to watch because it can just be so brutal at times. It just makes you feel absolutely horrible for what happens to some characters. It has a lot of blood and gore but also a lot of nice calm moments that will really make you like a lot of the characters and feel like you are watching something really pleasant. Then the show will rip that away from you. There are guns in the beginning but I don't remember much of them beyond that. There is also a little cousin romance going on so I'm not sure if that bothers you or not. Doesn't bother me since I don't really think it's weird, especially since it's legal in most places, even marriage.


Full Metal Panic - I know you said no military but the military stuff here more lighthearted IIRC. This is a comedy after all. A very funny one. Great characters, some anime tropes but nothing extreme. Honestly, it's another classic that I just had to recommend.


Gosick - If you like mystery and detective stuff, this is a really good. Great mysteries and some good humor to go along with it. Plus, the chick is super adorable and likable if you like tsunderes. Good romance element IIRC. I actually watched this with someone who "doesn't like anime" and they actually really enjoyed it.


I just realized that I'll be here all day if I just keep trying to recommend you shows. I'm pretty much just going through my list in alphabetical order. I'm probably missing quite a few anyway since I probably have 30-40 shows I still need to add.


I'm going to skip to the bottom of my list because one show is one my mind.


Yurkikum Arashi - A personal favorite yuri (lesbian romance) anime. Probably one of the best yuri anime out there. I believe its average rating is due to people just not getting it. The whole bear thing is probably a turn off for a lot of people and a bit weird but it serves a purpose. It's really a giant metaphor but I'm not going to spoil anything.


This is just a perfect example of great anime story telling and how anime is just able to do things right. This show does a fantastic job of addressing gay/lesbian issues in a compelling, thoughtful, interesting, and emotional way without the SJW pandering, quilt tripping, and forcing issues that turns so many people off, even those who support LGBT rights but aren't part of the group or warriors/virtue signalers.


It's a pretty emotional show overall. Might be a good idea to keep some tissues handy lol.


There are some guns but it is not central to anything so I wouldn't let it turn you off.


Btw, the opening is one of my favorites.



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44 minutes ago, Kawaii Koneko said:

But you liked Death Note and that had guns and police in it. So is there a limit to how much it can have? 

<Snipping Saves Electrons (and my sanity) >


3 hours ago, DR2D2 said:

Well RWBY or avatar could count. Rwby is 3d with anime art style.

Yeah, not anime but they do use the anime art style. Just worth reiterating what you are saying because a lot of newcomers think they are anime.

Edited by SansVarnic
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If you like Star Wars then "Mobile Suit Gundam" and some of the alternate universe timline Gundam shows is a good option, try to watch some...


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 Lake-V-X6-10600 (Gaming PC)

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Case: Cooler Master HAF XB Evo Black / Case Fan(s) Front: Noctua NF-A14 ULN 140mm Premium Fans / Case Fan(s) Rear: Corsair Air Series AF120 Quiet Edition (red) / Case Fan(s) Side: Noctua NF-A6x25 FLX 60mm Premium Fan / Controller: Sony Dualshock 4 Wireless (DS4Windows) / Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo / CPU: Intel Core i5-10600(ASUS Performance Enhancement), 6-cores, 12-threads, 4.4/4.8GHz, 13,7MB cache (Intel 14nm++ FinFET) / Display: ASUS 24" LED VN247H (67Hz OC) 1920x1080p / GPU: Gigabyte Radeon RX Vega 56 Gaming OC GCN5 56CUs @1.5GHz 10.54 TFLOPS (Samsung 14nm FinFET) R.ID (NimeZ drivers) / Keyboard: Logitech Desktop K120 (Nordic) / Motherboard: ASUS PRIME B460 PLUS, Socket-LGA1200 (SAM enabled) / Mouse: Razer Abyssus 2014 / PCI-E: ASRock USB 3.1/A+C (PCI Express x4) / PSU: EVGA SuperNOVA G2, 850W / RAM A1, A2, B1 & B2: DDR4-2666MHz CL13-15-15-15-35-1T "Samsung 8Gbit C-Die" (4x8GB) / Operating System: Windows 10 Home / Sound: Zombee Z300 / Storage 1 & 2: Samsung 850 EVO 500GB SSD / Storage 3: Seagate® Barracuda 2TB HDD / Storage 4: Seagate® Desktop 2TB SSHD / Storage 5: Crucial P1 1000GB M.2 SSD/ Storage 6: Western Digital WD7500BPKX 2.5" HDD / Wi-fi: TP-Link TL-WN851N 11n Wireless Adapter (Qualcomm Atheros)

Vishera-X8-9370 | R20 score MC: 1476cb


Case: Cooler Master HAF XB Evo Black / Case Fan(s) Front: Noctua NF-A14 ULN 140mm Premium Fans / Case Fan(s) Rear: Corsair Air Series AF120 Quiet Edition (red) / Case Fan(s) Side: Noctua NF-A6x25 FLX 60mm Premium Fan / Case Fan VRM: SUNON MagLev KDE1209PTV3 92mm / Controller: Sony Dualshock 4 Wireless (DS4Windows) / Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo / CPU: AMD FX-8370 (Base: @4.4GHz | Turbo: @4.7GHz) Black Edition Eight-Core (Global Foundries 32nm) / Display: ASUS 24" LED VN247H (67Hz OC) 1920x1080p / GPU: MSI GeForce GTX 970 4GD5 OC "Afterburner" @1450MHz (T.S.M.C. 28nm) / GPU: Gigabyte Radeon RX Vega 56 Gaming OC @1501MHz (Samsung 14nm FinFET) / Keyboard: Logitech Desktop K120 (Nordic) / Motherboard: MSI 970 GAMING, Socket-AM3+ / Mouse: Razer Abyssus 2014 / PCI-E: ASRock USB 3.1/A+C (PCI Express x4) / PSU: EVGA SuperNOVA G2, 850W PSU / RAM 1, 2, 3 & 4: Corsair Vengeance DDR3-1866MHz CL8-10-10-28-37-2T (4x4GB) 16.38GB / Operating System 1: Windows 10 Home / Sound: Zombee Z300 / Storage 1: Samsung 850 EVO 500GB SSD (x2) / Storage 2: Seagate® Barracuda 2TB HDD / Storage 3: Seagate® Desktop 2TB SSHD / Wi-fi: TP-Link TL-WN951N 11n Wireless Adapter

Godavari-X4-880K | R20 score MC: 810cb


Case: Medion Micro-ATX Case / Case Fan Front: SUNON MagLev PF70251VX-Q000-S99 70mm / Case Fan Rear: Fanner Tech(Shen Zhen)Co.,LTD. 80mm (Purple) / Controller: Sony Dualshock 4 Wireless (DS4Windows) / Cooler: AMD Near-silent 95w Thermal Solution / Cooler: AMD Near-silent 125w Thermal Solution / CPU: AMD Athlon X4 860K Black Edition Elite Quad-Core (T.S.M.C. 28nm) / CPU: AMD Athlon X4 880K Black Edition Elite Quad-Core (T.S.M.C. 28nm) / Display: HP 19" Flat Panel L1940 (75Hz) 1280x1024 / GPU: EVGA GeForce GTX 960 SuperSC 2GB (T.S.M.C. 28nm) / GPU: MSI GeForce GTX 970 4GD5 OC "Afterburner" @1450MHz (T.S.M.C. 28nm) / Keyboard: HP KB-0316 PS/2 (Nordic) / Motherboard: MSI A78M-E45 V2, Socket-FM2+ / Mouse: Razer Abyssus 2014 / PCI-E: ASRock USB 3.1/A+C (PCI Express x4) / PSU: EVGA SuperNOVA G2, 550W PSU / RAM 1, 2, 3 & 4: SK hynix DDR3-1866MHz CL9-10-11-27-40 (4x4GB) 16.38GB / Operating System 1: Ubuntu Gnome 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) / Operating System 2: Windows 10 Home / Sound 1: Zombee Z500 / Sound 2: Logitech Stereo Speakers S-150 / Storage 1: Samsung 850 EVO 500GB SSD (x2) / Storage 2: Western Digital My Passport 2.5" 2TB HDD / Storage 3: Western Digital Elements Desktop 2TB HDD / Wi-fi: TP-Link TL-WN851N 11n Wireless Adapter

Acer Aspire 7738G custom (changed CPU, GPU & Storage)

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo P8600, 2-cores, 2-threads, 2.4GHz, 3MB cache (Intel 45nm) / GPU: ATi Radeon HD 4570 515MB DDR2 (T.S.M.C. 55nm) / RAM: DDR2-1066MHz CL7-7-7-20-1T (2x2GB) / Operating System: Windows 10 Home / Storage: Crucial BX500 480GB 3D NAND SATA 2.5" SSD

Complete portable device SoC history:

Apple A4 - Apple iPod touch (4th generation)
Apple A5 - Apple iPod touch (5th generation)
Apple A9 - Apple iPhone 6s Plus
HiSilicon Kirin 810 (T.S.M.C. 7nm) - Huawei P40 Lite / Huawei nova 7i
Mediatek MT2601 (T.S.M.C 28nm) - TicWatch E
Mediatek MT6580 (T.S.M.C 28nm) - TECNO Spark 2 (1GB RAM)
Mediatek MT6592M (T.S.M.C 28nm) - my|phone my32 (orange)
Mediatek MT6592M (T.S.M.C 28nm) - my|phone my32 (yellow)
Mediatek MT6735 (T.S.M.C 28nm) - HMD Nokia 3 Dual SIM
Mediatek MT6737 (T.S.M.C 28nm) - Cherry Mobile Flare S6
Mediatek MT6739 (T.S.M.C 28nm) - my|phone myX8 (blue)
Mediatek MT6739 (T.S.M.C 28nm) - my|phone myX8 (gold)
Mediatek MT6750 (T.S.M.C 28nm) - honor 6C Pro / honor V9 Play
Mediatek MT6765 (T.S.M.C 12nm) - TECNO Pouvoir 3 Plus
Mediatek MT6797D (T.S.M.C 20nm) - my|phone Brown Tab 1
Qualcomm MSM8926 (T.S.M.C. 28nm) - Microsoft Lumia 640 LTE
Qualcomm MSM8974AA (T.S.M.C. 28nm) - Blackberry Passport
Qualcomm SDM710 (Samsung 10nm) - Oppo Realme 3 Pro


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5 hours ago, fpo said:


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The protaganist has a motive that can be justified by the writers. There is enough reasonable explanation to how things work.
"People are dying randomly? Why are they all criminals?" and so on where L kinda connects the dots & so on but then Light is able to outsmart him but then L does something unexpected. I haven't seen anything like it before & haven't seen anything like it since.... except Onesion's only good video where he spoofs it.

I liked High School of the dead because SPOILERS

  Reveal hidden contents

None of the characters were wildly annoying. The gun kid was super over the top about being into guns & I thought it was funny. The sexuality wasn't THAT bad. Yeah there was that one bathroom scene but for the most part it's not bad.
The bad teacher was also kinda cool cuz he's like doing his thing to earn power & stuff.


Also I think zombie movies can be cool if they don't "What's a zombie?" for 3 hours before being like "okay zombie apocalypse. I get it now."


I didn't like Higurashi because SPOILERS

  Reveal hidden contents

I only saw part of an episode and asked my friend if that's basically what the whole show was & I was like wow... that sounds really dumb.

Basically these teenagers fight some soldiers or something with swords or axes & they wear bright clothes in a forest night attack they commence on whomever they're fighting.


Maybe if I was 12, half stupid & never seen a good show/movie I could potentially see the appeal but... I'm at least no longer 12.

I didn't like Deadman wonderland because SPOILERS

  Hide contents

I only got like 7 episodes in.
So the show starts out pretty cool. This prisoner dude can control his blood to make like swords or something iirc.
Then he competes in these ninja warrior games to get money so he can buy clothes & food.

If he earns enough I think he's allowed to buy freedom.


So the early episode he goes to do one of these competitions & then it was kinda dumb in how it was executed. It wasn't fun to watch him do this obstacle course at all & they mostly gloss over it.

There was some weird angel girl that made no relevance to me & prolly had more meaning with the fighting of the system that came about.

So then they're like escaping & idek what was going on. Why didn't they just make the show about the games? I felt let down by the whole introduction of the games & then they do half of one & chicken out on the idea.


Deadman wonderland is incomplete, you should look to the manga if you wanna continue with the story but if you wanna that I spoiler you for that so it makes more sense:


The albino girl is the first that could manipolate it's blood, actually she is a experimental guinea pig

Ganta the protagonist should have been himself a guinea pig, but her mother got affectionate to him, so she couldn't experiment to him, and choosed the girl as it

That prison was an experimental lab

Ganta and shino were friends, but ganta forgot she a cause of a child trauma



Also I would suggest you:


Koe no katachi

Kizumonogatari (subdivided in three films)

They are films, but are amazingly animated

Redline is something really amazing, thinking that it took like 7 years to animate it and that are all drawn by hand is austonish

Under spoiler some trailer of those films:





Ps: I have no idea on how to delete spoilers from mobile


Meanwhile if you are ok with series:

Attack on Titan

Zankyo no terror

The promised neverland

Monogatari series

Mekkaku city actors (similar animation of monogatari)

Texnolyze (is pretty sperimental and depressive, don't look it if you cannot take suspense)

No longer human (same thing of texhnolyze)



Ergo proxy

Bounen no Xamandou 



Steins gate


And if you like comical stuff:

Grand teacher onizuka

Grand blue

Prison school




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7 hours ago, fpo said:

hate anime but ran out of normal stuff to watch

Hi ;)

Your just like me lmao 

Watch dragon ball if you want and Yu-Gi-Oh imo they are the only ones that dont try to be Japanese

PC: Motherboard: ASUS B550M TUF-Plus, CPU: Ryzen 3 3100, CPU Cooler: Arctic Freezer 34, GPU: GIGABYTE WindForce GTX1650S, RAM: HyperX Fury RGB 2x8GB 3200 CL16, Case, CoolerMaster MB311L ARGB, Boot Drive: 250GB MX500, Game Drive: WD Blue 1TB 7200RPM HDD.


Peripherals: GK61 (Optical Gateron Red) with Mistel White/Orange keycaps, Logitech G102 (Purple), BitWit Ensemble Grey Deskpad. 


Audio: Logitech G432, Moondrop Starfield, Mic: Razer Siren Mini (White).


Phone: Pixel 3a (Purple-ish).


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My recommendations come from getting other friends interested in anime, some ofthese have alreasdy been mentioned but warrant another comment.


Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - it's an action packed, kinda wacky, but also emotional rollercoaster of a show. It's only 27 episodes, and besides 1 episode has some of the best animation of its year IMO. It's a mecha, but not like your gundam mecha shows which are super serious, the mechas have a personality linked to each character. Yes there's definitely fanservice, but it's actually done in a really entertaining way (beach episode anyone?) and it's a bright, colourful show, with gainax tropes at its peak. It was my first "proper" anime, and the one I like to use to introduce people, because it's not edgy in any real way, and has some real curveballs in it. Each of the main characters is distinct, and most characters have immediately recogniseable silouhettes. There's also some really hard hitting quotes from the show that carry weight and significance in the real world for helping you as a person improve.


Lupin the third - A classic show, the more recent series, part 4 and part 5, are really well animated, but I think it's worth first learning who each of the characters are, then watching the movie, the castle of cagliostro. You can go back and watch lupin from the beginning, but it's a very different art style to today, which might not be as enjoyable.


My hero academia - If you like superhero stuff, this is a must. Imagine 80% of people have some form of power, it can be strong or weak, who knows. Because of this, there are inherantly superpowered criminals, so ther must be superpowered heroes, registered with the government, to help prevent crime. There's high schools built to help train the next generation of superheroes, and our main character wants to go to the most prestigious of them all. There's jsut one flaw - he doesn't have any powers.

worth a watch if you want to see character development over a number of seasons, it's still running too, with the most recent series finished couple months back.


MEGALOBOX - it's a modern show, where the art style has been done to look like a 90s anime, and it pulls it off well. If you like a gritty story about an underdog rising up the ranks against all odds, then this is definitely the show for you. It's only short, about 13 episodes, but in those 13 episodes you get attached to the story of this dystopian future, where boxing with mechanical equipment on your arms is the main sporting attraction.



Branwen (2015 build) - CPU: i7 4790K GPU:EVGA GTX 1070 SC PSU: XFX XTR 650W RAM: 16GB Kingston HyperX fury Motherboard: MSI Z87 MPower MAX AC SSD: Crucial MX100 256GB + Crucial MX300 1TB  Case: Silverstone RV05 Cooler: Corsair H80i V2 Displays: AOC AGON AG241QG & BenQ BL2420PT Build log: link 


Netrunner (2020 build) - CPU: AMD R7 3700X GPU: EVGA GTX 1070 (from 2015 build) PSU: Corsair SF600 platinum RAM: 32GB Crucial Ballistix RGB 3600Mhz cl16 Motherboard: Gigabyte Aorus X570i pro wifi SSD: Sabrent Rocket 4.0 1TB Case: Lian Li TU150W black Cooler: Be Quiet! Dark Rock Slim


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I concur with steins gate, one of the best I've seen.


Infinite ryvius if you like science fiction


Space dandy if you like writer acid trip


Bakuman was great.


We watched violet evergarden recently and I think it's really good. 



I9 10850K


32 Gb Crucial Balistix ddr4 3600mHz 16-18-18-38

MSI Z490 Tomahawk

Fractal Design Ion+ 860W platinum

Arctic Liquid Freezer II, 360mm

WB Black SN750 NVMe ssd

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Parasyte, can be gore-ish.

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Desktop: AMD R9 3900X | ASUS ROG Strix X570-F | Radeon RX 5700 XT | EVGA GTX 1080 SC | 32GB Trident Z Neo 3600MHz | 1TB 970 EVO | 256GB 840 EVO | 960GB Corsair Force LE | EVGA G2 850W | Phanteks P400S

Laptop: Intel M-5Y10c | Intel HD Graphics | 8GB RAM | 250GB Micron SSD | Asus UX305FA

Server 01: Intel Xeon D 1541 | ASRock Rack D1541D4I-2L2T | 32GB Hynix ECC DDR4 | 4x8TB Western Digital HDDs | 32TB Raw 16TB Usable

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2 minutes ago, 2FA said:

Parasyte, can be gore-ish.

but it's quite good and worth watching. 


Also if you don't mind movies I would suggest you take a look at Perfect Blue and Akira.  Old but gold like they say. 

I9 10850K


32 Gb Crucial Balistix ddr4 3600mHz 16-18-18-38

MSI Z490 Tomahawk

Fractal Design Ion+ 860W platinum

Arctic Liquid Freezer II, 360mm

WB Black SN750 NVMe ssd

TeamGroup L5 3D Lite 1 Tb sata SSD


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Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica. It may seem to start out like a typical "magical girl" series (bright and colorful) but it's really not. I'd probably classify it as psychological horror/despair. Some of its art style can seem a bit crazy at first. I'd suggest watching the first three episodes (12 total) before making a judgment call. Its music is also very good.


Elfen Lied. If you want more action and lots of blood and death. Probably has more of a typical anime feel to it with some (partial) nudity.

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Ghost in the Shell, the original movie and the SAC series were enjoyable. The movie is kind of a classic/required watching in my opinion, as is Perfect Blue. They introduce you, easily, to a lot of themes and basics that are repeated throughout more shows and movies, the dialog is easy to follow if you're watching subtitles (please watch subtitles), and the action is good.

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I like One Punch Man for how it continuously skewers tropes for both superheroes and anime.  Those over-the-top personas like Genos (a stereotypical cyborg warrior if there ever was one)?  Yeah, they're nothing compared to a guy who's more angry about missing grocery discounts than the villain du jour.

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25 minutes ago, Commodus said:

I like One Punch Man for how it continuously skewers tropes for both superheroes and anime.  Those over-the-top personas like Genos (a stereotypical cyborg warrior if there ever was one)?  Yeah, they're nothing compared to a guy who's more angry about missing grocery discounts than the villain du jour.

If you've not seen and aren't familiar with those tropes then they're not really jokes that you'll get so I don't categorize One Punch Man as a good starter anime.

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Death Note gets some flak, but I think it a very approachable series that can cater to a fairly wide audience. The world, for the most part, readily makes sense as do the characters. 

Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood is pretty approachable. While there are some purists out there that would shun anything but Japanese, the English dub in this series is very good. 

Cardcaptor Sakura is probably one of my favorite series. While there is magic and the like in it, it’s actually a relatively minor part of the story compared to the characters and their lives. Would recommend only the Japanese language though. The Nelvana English dub performed about every sin you could make in the course of localization, including changing parts of the story (most notably, instances of same gender relationships). 

Avatar, The Last Airbender, while not technically an anime, is close enough where I don’t care. It’s one of the few American cartoons that actually tells a cohesive, serious story, and so I think it worthy of consideration. The series touches upon political issues that resemble some of what we see today. 

There are also anime movies to look for as well. Studio Ghibli has made some fantastic movies. Those I’ve watched include My Neighbor Totoro, Kiki’s Delivery Service, Spirited Away. A couple other movies I like outside the Ghibli Sphere are Okko’s Inn, Wolf Children, and In This Corner of The World. The emotional impact of some of these movies has rivaled or surpassed anything Disney. 

My eyes see the past…

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I am looking on Crunchy roll to watch these.
I couldn't find some, so I'm quoting you all to respond to all of you.



16 hours ago, Gundar said:

1. Code Geass

2. Code Geass

3. Code Geass

Got it!


4. You might like hunter x hunter but it's quite long 149 episodes but there is barely if any filler?

We'll see!


5. Steins gate if you can get past the first half


If I can't then uhh... I'll say it's bad haha


16 hours ago, Eschew said:

Hey there. Recommendations below. Note that the list is kinda dated? Haven't been keeping up with anime lately.

  • Blood+

Couldn't find it.

  • Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle

Couldn't find it.

  • Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
  • Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
  • Kekkai Sensen/Blood Blockade Battlefront

Going to watch these all.


16 hours ago, DR2D2 said:

Well RWBY or avatar could count. Rwby is 3d with anime art style.

Added it. I liked Red Vs Blue.


15 hours ago, atxcyclist said:

Cowboy Bebop


Samurai Champloo


Added them all.


15 hours ago, vong said:

Demon Slayer is something recent that you may enjoy.

Added it to watch

Kawaii Koneko

13 hours ago, Kawaii Koneko said:

But you liked Death Note and that had guns and police in it. So is there a limit to how much it can have? 

Police & military are fine. It's just that like well... Police shows can be cool but do you know how many NCIS tv shows there are? How many "He's the best cop we've ever seen... but he doesn't play by the rules."

Transporter or whatever was a good movie. Yknow "I will find you & I will kill you."
Now there's a thousand movies & TV shows where the protaganist gets really angry & just shoots everybody. That's the character's personality trait. I can watch explosions and CGI compilations on youtube yet it doesn't make it any more satisfying if you get what I'm trying to say.

I didn't watch game of thrones but I saw the first 3 episodes & they have sex a lot. I can just watch porn instead, yknow? Nothing felt like it was happening & everyone said

"And there's alot of sex."

"okay? There's sex on porn websites."


Death note was about 1 investigation the whole time. No clue really felt pulled out of ones back side.


Does that rule out any mecha kind of stuff too?



You seem like you still want something seriously though or at least semi-serious.

I like serious media. That doesn't mean I dislike comedy. I love South Park & The Boondocks.


I mean, you like High School of the Dead which is actually pretty over the top and definitely has some anime tropes in so I would think there might be a little wiggle room for recommendations?

There is wiggle room. TBH the only reason I finished season 1 was that the gun guy was funny to me & it felt like a comedy making fun of weebs or /k/ in a zombie apocalypse.


Shows like Neon Genesis Evangelion come to mind but it has guns even though must are mecha related.

I watched some Evangelion movie or something. I couldn't find this on Crunchy roll. Where else can I watch it?


Added to watch list


Couldn't find this.


Couldn't find these


Added these to watch


Couldn't find this


Added these to watch


Couldn't find this.


Nena 360

12 hours ago, Nena360 said:

If you like Star Wars then "Mobile Suit Gundam" and some of the alternate universe timline Gundam shows is a good option, try to watch some...


Which is the first mobile suit gundam? Presuming there's an order.


11 hours ago, Xvaster said:

Deadman wonderland is incomplete, you should look to the manga if you wanna continue with the story but if you wanna that I spoiler you for that so it makes more sense:

I recall that sorta being explained but I felt let down when they were breaking out of the facility.



Also I would suggest you:


Koe no katachi

Kizumonogatari (subdivided in three films)

I couldn't find any of these. Where can I watch them?


Attack on Titan

Added to watch list


Zankyo no terror

I actually saw this that was good.


Monogatari series

Which is the first one?



Bounen no Xamandou 

Grand teacher onizuka

Grand blue

I couldn't find any of these.



Too many in picture format.

Feels like you just showed me every anime you ever saw.

Do you have a top 5 picks?


11 hours ago, valdyrgramr said:

There's also the works of Go Nagai, like Devilman and Demon Lord Dante.

The Tenchi franchise

Vinland Saga

Vampire Hunter D

I couldn't find these ones.

The rest I added to watch.



Added them to watch!


4 hours ago, Dr0y said:

Infinite ryvius if you like science fiction

Bakuman was great.

violet evergarden

4 hours ago, Dr0y said:

Perfect Blue

I couldn't find these.


I got the rest of the anime on queue.


4 hours ago, 2FA said:

Parasyte, can be gore-ish.

Is "Parasyte -the maxim-" the right one?
If not do you have a link to the right one where I can watch it?


4 hours ago, Eigenvektor said:

Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.

Elfen Lied.

I couldn't find these.




2 hours ago, Bitter said:

If you've not seen and aren't familiar with those tropes then they're not really jokes that you'll get so I don't categorize One Punch Man as a good starter anime.

I saw one punch man. It was good. Some of my friends are/were hardcore weebs.

one wore a costume of an anime character everyday.


2 hours ago, Commodus said:

One Punch Man

That was a good show.


1 hour ago, Zodiark1593 said:

Death Note

I liked it.


Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood

Cardcaptor Sakura

Avatar, The Last Airbender,

Added them to watch!


There are also anime movies to look for as well. Studio Ghibli has made some fantastic movies. Those I’ve watched include My Neighbor Totoro, Kiki’s Delivery Service, Spirited Away. A couple other movies I like outside the Ghibli Sphere are Okko’s Inn, Wolf Children, and In This Corner of The World. The emotional impact of some of these movies has rivaled or surpassed anything Disney. 

I saw their Spirited away & castle in the sky.

They were okay.
Many people rave over the company. I didn't think they were particularly stellar. They're decent movies though.




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1 minute ago, fpo said:



  Hide contents

Too many in picture format.

Feels like you just showed me every anime you ever saw.

Do you have a top 5 picks?


sure there are many but almost all of them are damn good, i got all the ones from my fav movie reviwer named chris stuckmann, here's all his reccomendation which i have acquired over the years


PS it's a playlist 






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10 minutes ago, fpo said:


  Reveal hidden contents

Yep, that's it.

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Laptop: Intel M-5Y10c | Intel HD Graphics | 8GB RAM | 250GB Micron SSD | Asus UX305FA

Server 01: Intel Xeon D 1541 | ASRock Rack D1541D4I-2L2T | 32GB Hynix ECC DDR4 | 4x8TB Western Digital HDDs | 32TB Raw 16TB Usable

Server 02: Intel i7 7700K | Gigabye Z170N Gaming5 | 16GB Trident Z 3200MHz

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3 minutes ago, fpo said:


Just took a look, it doesn't look like Blood+ or Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicles (also Chronicle of the Wings) are on Crunchroll (there are discussion pages, but no videos). I am both sad and appalled. 😥


Happy that you're considering the other three series I suggested, though! 😁


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