Good evening ladles and gentlespoons, to the first folding Wait sorry, a force of habit! To The First BOINC Event!!!! I'm @GOTSpectrum Although I'm sure you all knew that from my intro. I am honoured, truly, deeply honoured that I was asked to write this blog post. The first update for this event. The first folding event ran on the forum was ran by @palespartan Although I don't know how he is doing, and I do think of him often. What I do know, is that event was the catalyst needed to revitalise
Welcome, welcome!
I am TheLANguy, new leader of the BOINC team and I would like to welcome you the 2025 LTT BOINC Sprint!
The crunch is on! This the first ever LTT BOINC event and well... it's going to be memorable one way or another. I must admit pulling the initial stats today was quite stressful. Despite testing everything multiple times, you can never be too sure. In total we have fifteen beta testers crunchers participating in this event. The big question is which one of them has
February BOINC Blog
Welcome to the second monthly blog. Let's take a look at what's going on in the World of BOINC!
January Stats Breakdown
This month we have produced 544,555,233 credits. We sit at rank 58 overall and at 37 in monthly production with 140 members crunching this month. We have a few new members joining the team this month! Welcome to the team Bricksider, Jnugs321, AtomEyes, HoneydewHolt, and scott! Now lets take a look at our top credit producers this month!
So today I have my first day at college, I did sign up to the evening classes rather than the daytime classes. So I have some time to kill before I need to hear out so I thought let's smash out a blog post! My PC has been perfectly stable since closing the door overnight to stop the cat sleeping on the radiator. I'm not sure what I'm going to do when it get's warmer and I can't do that.
First of all, I would like to thank @cbigfoot for being a diamond geezer and sorting out all of t
So, I am now somewhat confident the PC crashing overnight was the cats doing. After closing the door(and opening the window) it seems despite the higher room tempurature, the PC ran all night. Frustrating sometimes having cats, but I do love them. I'm a little tired today which is surprising becuase I slept quite well overall.
I had some things to take care of today, and that means this blog is once again later than I would personally like, but this is my birthday party after all. T
So, my PC died again overnight, and at first, I was thinking, I guess the chip is dying, but then I remembered how the cat liked to lay on the radiator and the computer doesn't like that. So I'm going to close the door to my office and see if it happens again tonight. I will keep you all updated on how it goes.
We are already more than halfway through the event and I have to say, it is kinda weird not being up at midnight to do updates, but I am quite liking sleeping like a function
Guys, first of all I would like to apologise for how late this blog is, I ended up struggling to sleep, then overslept and had to rush about to get to the enrollment event. But, I can once again get student discount say I'm learning in an academic setting.
So what did I choose, as many of you know I didn't choose before the event event. I ended up choosing to do a Level 2 in Counselling Skills and Entry Level BSL(Sign Language). I'll be honest, I signed up to BSL because it was free and wo
And here we are for yet another blog post, this one is a little later in the day than planned, but I ended up doing Spanish in the morning as I’m going out this afternoon. It’s nice to see everyone ramping up their production rates and firing on all cylinders.
I have to say getting up early is still weird for me, but I’m slowly starting to get used to it. I’ve also been caffeine-free for the last week or so. Which is pretty big for me as I used to drink 3 energy drinks a day plus co
The first day of the week has passed and I have to say, we didn't do too bad to say we have only 30 people signed up for the event.
I'm not planning to do massive blog posts for this event, in part due to the low number of people signed up and the fact that I'm enjoying a little time before I start college. But, thank you, to everyone who signed up to help me celebrate my birthday with some folding, I really do appreciate it.
My PC seems to have become unstable over the last 24 h
January BOINC Blog
Happy New Year Everyone!
Welcome to the first monthly blog. I plan on writing monthly to keep the team updated and discussing the World of BOINC!
The LTT BOINC team is celebrating it's 12th birthday on January 23rd. Big thanks to the original leader @Liquidus who asked:
Stats Breakdown
As 2024 concludes, the team sits at 58th place after gaining two ranks with a total credit of 70,051,46
Merry Christmas Ladles and Gentlespoons,
I hope you have all had a fantastic day. For me, I spent the day alone. Which was somewhat my own choice, but also not. In all honesty, it’s been fine, I’ve been playing with Linux on android with emulation. I’m running into some bugs trying to get things running, so, I need to root the phone. But that is a task for tomorrow.
This is the first Christmas update from me, but I wanted to spend a little time thanking everyone. First
This event was my first event since starting my new ADHD meds. In truth, I didn’t think the medication was helping to any great degree. But that was for one simple reason… I got so used to being unable to push myself, that I just stopped trying. But, this event has shown me that, I can, in fact, apply myself. So I have signed up for a number of online classes, and I’m looking forward to the future for the first time in many years.
For the last time for this event, I should post some
I have to say, this event has been one of my favourites, it has gone quickly, hasn’t been particularly stressful, no one’s username broke the script and I have not missed a single blog post, which is not something that I can say about past events. This has been a really great event in all honesty, my pain hasn’t been too bad, I only ended up in the hospital once and it was a scheduled appointment. I think I’ll try to do it like this again next year.
MUSIC, I’m listening to Lorna Sho
[This is added after the fact; In past events days like today would have been a missed blog post. But not anymore, I am dedicated, I am fixated, I am dependable. We got this] Today has been a not-terrible day. I was up until 7am, which is the problem when you have a friend group online that spans three continents and something happens that makes the whole community want to come together. But I will admit that I have used all of my mental spoons today so this is going to be a challenge to write.
The days of the event are winding down, and with each passing minute, the spirit of the fold grows ever more dim. But do not fear, because one thing is clear. The fold will never die, or so is said by, I. Take solace in the deeds of kindness, as we help to cure medical blindness. For we are one with the fold, if only we could be so bold.
Sorry about that, I’ve been doing a creative writing course today and it seems I was still in that kind of mindset. What am I listening to today, y
I really need to say how much I love this keyboard. I’ve already written a few hundred thousand words with it over the last few weeks, between blogs, chatting, working on personal projects and such. I never really thought that the difference between Cherry and generic switches would have impacted my typing speed to such an extent. But, it seems that it does in fact have a significant impact on my typing speed. I’m about 20% faster on this keyboard than my last. Which is quite a difference to say
So guys, I guess we should lead with the headline news that as of the time of writing the team as a whole has produced 100,659,738,291 points this month. Making it the most points we have ever managed in a one month period. The last highest was just shy of 96 billion during Folding Month VI. Thank you to everyone who has folded over the last month. No matter if you have only folded on a RaspPi or on 8 GPUs you are ranting from Amazon. Every year you guys top the last year's event and I reall
I cannot begin to explain to you all how tired I am. Many of you know that I did not sleep very well last night. I ended up only getting around 3 hours of sleep. Why? Well, the homeless person the police were looking for came back. Which you may ask, why does that mean I didn’t sleep well? At 5:45 the police came to arrest the guy, and were very loud about it. But it wasn’t a quick go of it. The guy ended up having a weapon and claimed he had a hostage. He didn’t, but they had to treat it like t
The end of week four has now passed. That means there is only one week remaining of the event. Will there be any last mad dashes in an attempt to get a better rank, or will everyone continue with business as normal and just sail through this last week? I got woken up this morning at 0830 by a policeman knocking at the door. I thought they were gonna raid me for growing weed, seeing as they used thermal imaging and power meter readings. Let’s just say, It gets very warm in here and I use a lot of
Today has been another unusual day for me. I really don’t know what I’ve done today—completely no knowledge. Which may seem unusual to you but for me it is somewhat a common occurrence. Some of the joys of having mental health like I do is the fact I often disassociate for periods of time. Just flying on auto-pilot doing a range of tasks. This is the reason I don’t fancy learning to drive, because god only knows where I would end up!
Music! Today I am listening to Jeff Wayne’s The W
Well, what a day I have had. First of all my disability was not being kind to me and as such I ended up being in bed until almost three PM. I don’t really enjoy such days, and it is very difficult for me to explain it in terms others would understand. Chronic fatigue is one of my most hated symptoms, because like today, I can be in relatively acceptable levels of pain. But be so physically exhausted that I can’t even walk. It is not often I get as bad as I have been today, it is an occurrence of
Well, it is time to congratulate Kev. He has shown us that you don’t need to own hardware to win. And setting a new record for Folding Month history is a testament to that fact. I remember in the early days when we considered the use of cloud computing to be cheating, not in the sense that we would disqualify someone. But at the time it felt like cheating to those of us who don’t have a credit card. Back then you needed a credit card to rent compute time ysee. But as it became more available to
The time of decision is now upon many participants. Are you happy with your performance? Your rank for the event? If not you have a very small window to make a difference. So start thinking about any and all hardware you can get running. Because when the dust settles you have to wait a whole year until you get the chance for a folding month do-over.
First, as is the norm for these blogs this year why Don’t we talk about music. Now I did take the time to listen to some of your sugges