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By submitting any content, you declare that you have the rights to do so and that you are not infringing upon the intellectual property rights of another party.
You may not post links to external resources containing unauthorized copies of copyrighted material.
Linustechtips.com reserves the right to suspend and/or ban the accounts of any person infringing upon the copyrights or any other intellectual property rights of another party. We will remove any content deemed to be infringing.
Free Speech
We do not take responsibility for, endorse, or accept liability for any content submitted to linustechtips.com. Any opinions expressed by users do not necessarily reflect the views of linustechtips.com.
Although we encourage the open exchange of information, ideas, and opinions on our forum, we reserve the right to remove or censor posts that are harassing or hateful, among other things, and to suspend and/or ban offending accounts.
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If you open any links posted by a user to an external website or Internet resource, you do so at your own risk. Linustechtips.com cannot verify that links posted by users lead to safe or audience-appropriate content or resources. We accept no liability in the event that a user clicks a link that is found to be inappropriate, dangerous, malicious, or illegal; however, we will make efforts to remove links to hateful content, pornography, content that infringes upon the copyright of another party, or illegal content if such links are discovered.


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Please note that Linus Media Group Inc. may receive compensation if a purchase is made using certain links on this site. This also pertains to banners on the sidebar and footer which you may see while navigating the LinusTechTips forum.


If you find content on our forum that you in good faith believe infringes upon your copyright, or the copyright of a party you are authorized to represent, please send us a takedown notice at info@linusmediagroup.com.
We ask that you consider whether the use of the content qualifies as fair use before submitting a takedown notice.

The notice must include:
-       Identification of the copyrighted work, including a URL where we can view an authorized copy of the work
-       Identification of the infringing material, including the URL where it is located
-       Your contact information, including a mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail address.
-       A statement that you have a good faith belief that the use is unauthorized, and a statement that either your rights are being infringed or that you are acting with authorization on behalf of another party whose rights are being infringed.
-       Your electronic signature.
