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Gamers Nexus alleges LMG has insufficient ethics and integrity

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17 minutes ago, trotski94 said:

Maybe you should watch the entire video with the full reasoning before cementing your opinion

I said that I agree with most points though not all. 


I read the whole transcript before posting.   @Dominik W

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7 minutes ago, Levent said:

You mean to tell me you watched a 44 minute video in less than 10 minutes?

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Doesn't GN touch on the community defense at like the very beginning of the video? lol

--Dominik W


(What else do you need, this is just a signature, plus I have them disabled 😅)

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24 minutes ago, Levent said:

You mean to tell me you watched a 44 minute video in less than 10 minutes?

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You mean you don't drag youtube videos into VLC to skip ads and have more control over the video?


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2 minutes ago, rcmaehl said:

You mean you don't drag youtube videos into VLC to skip ads and have more control over the video?

Not when this video is already rendered with more than 100% playback (Steve is like a MC getting ready to duke it out with his words in this video). 

mY sYsTeM iS Not pErfoRmInG aS gOOd As I sAW oN yOuTuBe. WhA t IS a GoOd FaN CuRVe??!!? wHat aRe tEh GoOd OvERclok SeTTinGS FoR My CaRd??  HoW CaN I foRcE my GpU to uSe 1o0%? BuT WiLL i HaVE Bo0tllEnEcKs? RyZEN dOeS NoT peRfORm BetTer wItH HiGhER sPEED RaM!!dId i WiN teH SiLiCON LotTerrYyOu ShoUlD dEsHrOuD uR GPUmy SYstEm iS UNDerPerforMiNg iN WarzONEcan mY Pc Run WiNdOwS 11 ?woUld BaKInG MY GRaPHics card fIX it? MultimETeR TeSTiNG!! aMd'S GpU DrIvErS aRe as goOD aS NviDia's YOU SHoUlD oVERCloCk yOUR ramS To 5000C18

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2 minutes ago, deblimp said:

Steve vs Linus cage match when?????

You're saying there's going to be a new ChannelSuperFun Video? 


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Retro Build: Intel Pentium III @ 500 MHz, Dell Optiplex G1 Full AT Tower, 768MB SDRAM @ 133MHz, Integrated Graphics, Generic 1024x768 60Hz Monitor


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1 hour ago, Dominik W said:

For the large majority, GN is correct. The thing that sticks out to me has been the extremely large increase in * corrections. * this and * that. They need to let their foot off the gas a little. They're moving too fast and breaking things too quickly, catch my drift?

I agree. Having watched the new techquickie (especially at 2x speed because ADHD) the number of * corrections surprised me. And, thinking about it, I'm surprised I'm not surprised that there was a correction to begin with, which just goes to show how common it's become.


Desktop Build: Ryzen 7 2700X @ 4.0GHz, AsRock Fatal1ty X370 Professional Gaming, 48GB Corsair DDR4 @ 3000MHz, RX5700 XT 8GB Sapphire Nitro+, Benq XL2730 1440p 144Hz FS

Retro Build: Intel Pentium III @ 500 MHz, Dell Optiplex G1 Full AT Tower, 768MB SDRAM @ 133MHz, Integrated Graphics, Generic 1024x768 60Hz Monitor


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2 minutes ago, Skiiwee29 said:

Just for clarity and clarification, it is Linus's personal money invested in framework, not LTT or LMG. 

Steve does say "Linus has personally invested $200k in Framework". But I don't think it really matters whether its LTT/LMG or Linus's own cash. Linus and Yvonne are the sole/majority shareholders for LMG (IDK if Luke/Nick/other C Suite has any). As such, utilizing LTT to promote a brand that he has a personal investment in, or any negative coverage of their competitor can be seen as a conflict since he personally stands to gain when Framework gets good press.



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GN isn’t wrong. But, I feel this is a scenario where the pot is calling the kettle black, and it won’t end well for anyone involved.

The example I will lean on is GN’s modmat error, where they had mislabeled pins on their diagrams. I don’t recall if there was a money back option or not. What I do recall is that the one “fix” amounted to little more than a decal. There was no product-replacement option. Sure, it may make the current customer happy, but the mislabeled mats are still out there. At some point down the road someone may look at the mat from GN, a reputable source, and break something.

Now, compare that to GNs expectations of LMG over the backpack issue (what was it, carabiner issue?). While GN’s response to their own problems were acceptable (particularly given the costs to fix the error properly for an organization of their size), they weren’t ideal. They certainly didn’t meet the same standard they were holding LMG to.

Not trying to defend LMG, but I think it’s important to have the perspective that no one is innocent in this business. One creator calling out another, whether the intentions are honest or disingenuous, doesn’t mean that they themselves aren’t also in the midst of their own errors.


In for the intervention content, though. Would be something to see everyone in the tech community list their grievances with Linus, have him atone for them (or rebuff them), and we go from there with whatever the outcome is. Nothing good will come from the high-profile tech creator feud that this could easily devolve into.

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Just now, Cavalry Canuck said:

Now, compare that to GNs expectations of LMG over the backpack issue (what was it, carabiner issue?). While GN’s response to their own problems were acceptable (particularly given the costs to fix the error properly for an organization of their size), they weren’t ideal. They certainly didn’t meet the same standard they were holding LMG to.

This was pre-carabiner issue this was when asked Linus initially ridiculing the idea of a written warranty during the pre-sales of the LTT Backpack saying that it didn't matter.

With Linus saying that people should just trust me bro.

It's part of a longer term thing that Linus has done a few times of saying what I have interpreted as legal contracts and agreements don't really matter and what matters instead is the honour/keeping your word.

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