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[Forbes] Microsoft Is Losing Xbox One Momentum Due To 343's 'Halo: Master Chief Collection' Misdeeds






Halo: The Master Chief Collection, when it works, is the definition of a perfect remastering. It is an absolutely insane amount of content for $60, and features one of the most classic series in all of gaming being repolished with tender care as each area has been visually updated for the present day. The nostalgia factor is so great, I actually got a little choked up re-experiencing some parts of the campaign or seeing old favorite multiplayer levels. That’s how strong emotional connection can be with Halo.


And yet, all that’s done is make this an even greater tragedy. Assassin’s Creed Unity, outside of its technical glitches, is kind of a ho-hum game that needed to work on more than just bug squashing to capture player attention. But Halo was a perfectly cooked steak that fell off the plate onto the floor, and now players are waiting for someone to pick it up and clean it off. Even then, they may have lost their appetite for it.


343′s attempted fix of the problem has been a comedy of errors, as we’re approaching two weeks after launch with still no permanent solution in sight for the multiplayer issues. This week, 343 tried to implement a huge patch to fix the problem, yet after a few properly played games, players started experiencing a whole new host of errors, and patch has apparently broken the game even further, snapping the last bit of patience fans may have had with the game and the developer trying to make it playable.




My desire to purchase this game along with an Xbox One is dead....

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I'm holding out on a PC release.

Someone told Luke and Linus at CES 2017 to "Unban the legend known as Jerakl" and that's about all I've got going for me. (It didn't work)


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So EA And DICE Arnt that bad?


HOW ABOUT THIS: Games are hard to make now.

No, how about this though: We stop making fucking excuses for anybody. If Projek Red or the guys on Star Citizens can pull things off, what fucking excuse do major studios have? The answer here should be none.


Current Rig


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REALLY wish developers would stop rushing unfinished games out the door in a desperate money grab. I would rather wait for a polished gem, then spend money on a pile of steaming shit, with the hope it will be fixed in the near future.

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Well at least the campaigns, the real reason I bought the game, work great. Playing split screen co-op with my brother brings back so many memories. So many feels. We played 8 hours strait with no breaks except for bathroom and beer. Oh god I can't wait to play some more on thanksgiving with him.

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Until the majority of people learn to speak with their wallets and not give these companies money for unfinished garbage we will continue to see unfinished garbage.  Simple as that.  As for Xbox One I am still waiting on a hardware revision which I never expect to come.  WTB 1080p / 60 FPS for every single game.

Too many ****ing games!  Back log 4 life! :S

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I'm holding out on a PC release.

Posted Image

 Motherboard: MSI Z97S Krait Edition █ CPU: Intel i7-4790K █ GPU: Nvidia Geforce GTX 780Ti █ RAM: 8GB AVEXIR DDR3 1600  █ Storage: 120GB Kingston HyperX SSD + 1TB Seagate Barracuda HDD 

█ Monitor: 21.5" 1080p 60Hz  PSU: 700w █ Case: Fractal Define R4 █       ...LTT Dark Theme master race.

Project MiniConsole

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No, how about this though: We stop making fucking excuses for anybody. If Projek Red or the guys on Star Citizens can pull things off, what fucking excuse do major studios have? The answer here should be none.

Why do you think star citizen has pulled it off? Where's there release of a game that is bug free? Just because star citizen has hype doesn't mean it won't turn out just like ac unity or halo

Finally my Santa hat doesn't look out of place

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Interesting that people think the issue stems from ineptitude when just about every game is coming out with issues.  

Grammar and spelling is not indicative of intelligence/knowledge.  Not having the same opinion does not always mean lack of understanding.  

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Interesting that people think the issue stems from ineptitude when just about every game is coming out with issues.  

AW wasn't too bad. I didn't have too many issues with it.

Someone told Luke and Linus at CES 2017 to "Unban the legend known as Jerakl" and that's about all I've got going for me. (It didn't work)


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Well at least the campaigns, the real reason I bought the game, work great. Playing split screen co-op with my brother brings back so many memories. So many feels. We played 8 hours strait with no breaks except for bathroom and beer. Oh god I can't wait to play some more on thanksgiving with him.

 That is fucking awesome haha

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So EA And DICE Arnt that bad?


HOW ABOUT THIS: Games are hard to make now.


and later;


Intel and AMD: CPUs are hard to make now

AMD and nVidia: GPUs are hard to make now

Microsoft: OS development are hard to make now, DirectX has become too complicated, Office suit needs a lot of difficult things

AntiVirus Companies: Viruses and malwares are too complicated now


just because it's hard, difficult and complicated doesn't mean you can put less effort on it and be ok with it... sure, you might need more time but that is totally lazy excuse...

Gadgets: Lenovo Y580 (Nostromo, Naga Epic, Hydra, TrackIr5), Surface Pro 3 (i3), Lumia 930, PSVita

Rig: i7-4770K, 8GB Kingston HyperX, Asus Strix GTX970, MSI Z87-GD65, Asus Xonar DGX, CMStorm Scout II, CM Seidon 240M, BlackWidow Ultimate, Naga Epic, Goliathus Extended Control, TrackIr5, Sennheiser HD205, Audio-Technica ATR2500, Edifier speaker, Logitech G940, Logitech G27, Logitech F710, Dell S2340L, Philips 200VL, Samsung 830 128GB SSD, DXRacer FA01N

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and later;


Intel and AMD: CPUs are hard to make now

AMD and nVidia: GPUs are hard to make now

Microsoft: OS development are hard to make now, DirectX has become too complicated, Office suit needs a lot of difficult things

AntiVirus Companies: Viruses and malwares are too complicated now


just because it's hard, difficult and complicated doesn't mean you can put less effort on it and be ok with it... sure, you might need more time but that is totally lazy excuse...

That's true, you may need more time.

I just think publishers are generally rushing things now on second thought.


Even EA Has extended BF4 Premium for another year (No rants about DLC pls) to give DICE more time to work on BF5/Mirrors edge (Maybe?)

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Star Citizen does have loads of bugs. But they're open about that which is one reason we still really like them. We don't get loads of BS from them all the time. The CEOs don't run their mouths pissing off PC gamers.


Projekt Red and Chris Roberts spend a few years working on each of their games, making it the best possible for PC.

Ubisoft, Microsoft and so many others spend as little time as possible (annual releases), and don't care about optimizing as much as possible for PC.

I think the issue is apparent.


Games are hard to make, and I would grant that they are getting harder to make despite exponentially more powerful PCs, better software, larger dev teams, and bigger budgets. But there's a little more to it than "they're hard to make".

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the real problem is publishers pushing for release dates...its clear that new hardware has brought new issues that need time to be resolved but heaven forbid you miss a release date....

"if nothing is impossible, try slamming a revolving door....." - unknown

my new rig bob https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/b/sGRG3C#cx710255

Kumaresh - "Judging whether something is alive by it's capability to live is one of the most idiotic arguments I've ever seen." - jan 2017

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Maybe, just maybe, expecting one game to sell an inferior console was a bad idea.

The stone cannot know why the chisel cleaves it; the iron cannot know why the fire scorches it. When thy life is cleft and scorched, when death and despair leap at thee, beat not thy breast and curse thy evil fate, but thank the Builder for the trials that shape thee.
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And rightfully so. No consumer should experience such a messy game launch.

144Hz goodness

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Is indies, small studios and Nintendo the only companies that can only release perfect games at release these days or what? It sure feels like it :/

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I've no sympathy at all, despite being a raving Halo fan. You decided to say "fuck pc" and continue being bent over by the consoles, and now look where you are.


No, how about this though: We stop making fucking excuses for anybody. If Projek Red or the guys on Star Citizens can pull things off, what fucking excuse do major studios have? The answer here should be none.



I pray for the day when we see developers (actual developers, not just the corporate management asshats) say "You know what, fuck console, we're tired of having our imaginations limited by this bullshit hardware that sucks more dick than a $10 hooker, we're going to console."

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No really, I've been having fun. 2 legendary campaigns down and a hard earned Rank 11 in a playlist that reminds me just how brutally good people can be. I mean, CS 1.6 taught me that people can be scary good but Halo has genuinely scared me with how badly a well run team can make you want to quit.

The title is also a bit sensationalist, no? Losing momentum my ass. The Internet and its citizens seem to think that normal people give a shit about their drama more than they actually do. Yes, buggy MM has dampened the mood but losing momentum? Ehh...

If BF4, the holy clusterfuck of a release that was, the game that didn't get fixed till this summer, went through and survived; every game has a chance. Maybe that's why I'm not that upset. I put up with BF4s monumental fuckups for months, every other game has been a comparative walk jn the park.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go mentally prepare myself for handling Halo 2 on legendary. God help me.

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Honestly i've stuck it out as much as I have because I just love Halo's multiplayer. But yea... they're really pissing me off. The game doesn't seem to be freezing mid match anymore but at the end of games it's crashing to xbox home without warning. Just "and welcome to home" with no evidence Halo was running.


They also really killed the Halo 1 campaign (might have been done on the original anniversary edition too) by making it stupidly harder. I'm on normal and I remember being able to just up and skip rooms... now the first guy takes me out in two hits. It's really annoying. I was gonna do a campaign runthrough but... I keep rage quitting.


They really messed this up big time... it's ridiculous. Like they've gone through matchmaking problems before, they KNOW what to expect. So why the hell is this such a big deal?

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Hey check out this closed network compute test of what we can do on the cloud, on internet infrastructure that doesn't exist.


NM. We can't even run dedicated servers on the one freakin title that needed to be polished and perfect to push sales this holiday season.  Oh and this is on a SMALL install base, on one system in a FPS game. This isn't exactly World of Warcraft.

CPU:24/7-4770k @ 4.5ghz/4.0 cache @ 1.22V override, 1.776 VCCIN. MB: Z87-G41 PC Mate. Cooling: Hyper 212 evo push/pull. Ram: Gskill Ares 1600 CL9 @ 2133 1.56v 10-12-10-31-T1 150 TRFC. Case: HAF 912 stock fans (no LED crap). HD: Seagate Barracuda 1 TB. Display: Dell S2340M IPS. GPU: Sapphire Tri-x R9 290. PSU:CX600M OS: Win 7 64 bit/Mac OS X Mavericks, dual boot Hackintosh.

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No really, I've been having fun. 2 legendary campaigns down and a hard earned Rank 11 in a playlist that reminds me just how brutally good people can be. I mean, CS 1.6 taught me that people can be scary good but Halo has genuinely scared me with how badly a well run team can make you want to quit.

The title is also a bit sensationalist, no? Losing momentum my ass. The Internet and its citizens seem to think that normal people give a shit about their drama more than they actually do. Yes, buggy MM has dampened the mood but losing momentum? Ehh...

If BF4, the holy clusterfuck of a release that was, the game that didn't get fixed till this summer, went through and survived; every game has a chance. Maybe that's why I'm not that upset. I put up with BF4s monumental fuckups for months, every other game has been a comparative walk jn the park.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go mentally prepare myself for handling Halo 2 on legendary. God help me.

My cousin bought an Xbox one & Halo:MC edition. He literally bought the Xbox one JUST for Halo:MC edition.

He regrets it. a lot.


you also have every major news outlet giving it bad reviewes.. I'd say the title is spot on.

I'm not sure how many consoles sold just because of Halo, but I can tell you, there was a lot of hype.

now it's just a super-flop because it doesn't work online, properly.


BF4 doesn't sell Xbox one's. Imagine BF4 being exclusive to PS4, now add the shitstorm and subtract PS4 sales due to outlets saying "online doesnt work, guys"


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