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[ARS] Failed Christian shoe promoter makes anti-gay first-person shooter





The Steam downloadable games shop launched its "Greenlight" initiative in 2012 as a way to open its sales doors to smaller game developers. However, because the shop launched with a glut of inauthentic and joking submissions, the folks at Valve added a $100 fee to "cut down the noise."


Whether or not that fee has been backed by any active filtering or monitoring service, Greenlight still failed to stop a game from launching that clearly violated its terms of service. Kill The Faggot, a light-gun-styled game about shooting gay people made by a California developer, skateboarder, and Christian shoe promoter named Randall Herman, launched for public consumption early Monday morning before being pulled from the Greenlight service hours later.


Before its removal from Greenlight, games critic Jim Sterling downloaded and tested the game, which launched via Herman's game shop moniker Skaldic Games. The resulting YouTube video revealed a crude game that has players aim a bullseye to shoot and kill people who say such things as, "Can I put my weiner in your butt?" and "Whoops, I just dropped the soap." (After playing a minute of the game, Sterling shouted, "Where is the fucking satire? What is it satirizing? Not really anything. It's just being 'the thing.'")


The game makes very clear that its goal is to shoot and kill homosexuals (with liberal use of the pejorative F-word in the game's title, at that). Players get points for killing gay people—more points if the person killed is transgender—and they lose points for any straight people they kill. It's hard to make a judgment call about the "most" offensive thing in this game, but we were particularly disturbed to hear the game's announcer celebrate a kill by saying, "AIDS carrier eliminated."



Holy shit....

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what game engine is that ?

If your grave doesn't say "rest in peace" on it You are automatically drafted into the skeleton war.

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Something immediately tells me.. people're making bad uses of their free-time...

lol yeah I'll say... These fucking idiots need to be wiped from the face of the planet.

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"Be tolerant of others" "Nah bro, fuck that shit."


Yeah, you're following your religion right. :lol:


*Not starting flame wars because you're all boundless balls of energy and thought


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I'm all for free speech and creative expression and all that, but.. we seriously have a duty as human beings to not fuckin' do -this- kind of stuff, y'know.  Respect for one another, and understanding goes a loooong way, instead of spreading negativity and hate.  That and it can introduce people to new ideas and perspectives that could change their life. 

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What the actual fuck...

====>The car thread<====>Dark Souls thread<====>Placeholder<====
"Life is like a raging river, Its gonna get rough downstream. And people's gonna piss in it" 

"Who discovered we could get milk from cows, and what did he THINK he was doing at the time?"

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What the actual fuck. I am just mind blown. How can something like this get published. Is there no employee at Valve that verifies the game before it launches or have some kind of list of recommended people for testing out all the games that get published through greenlight

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What the actual fuck. I am just mind blown. How can something like this get published. Is there no employee at Valve that verifies the game before it launches or have some kind of list of recommended people for testing out all the games that get published through greenlight

At this point it's probably just an algorithm.  Only when something is noted by a LOT of people does Steam send down an employee to fix things.

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To be fair.. I like the black and white color pattern of those shoes.

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To be fair.. I like the black and white color pattern of those shoes.

I'd like to drop a steamy dump on them and that Herman cunt.

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Yeah, I don't want him in my Catholic church. He belongs in the Westboro Baptist church

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We need this on Steam Greenlight guys!

I think you should zip up that flame suit before the people that don't understand sarcasm see your post.

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This is going to be released on another platform, and people are going to play it because controversy, and the dev will make a crap ton of shrekles

"My game vs my brains, who gets more fatal errors?" ~ Camper125Lv, GMC Jam #15

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At this point it's probably just an algorithm.  Only when something is noted by a LOT of people does Steam send down an employee to fix things.

I supposed it was something like that but what I wanted to say is that I hope there would be a system for verification before the game is published because lets say the truth. It is terrible to do post-publishing verification

Cpu:i5-4690k Gpu:r9 280x with some other things

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Make a game about killing random people with undefined sexuality in the street (Hatred) and nobody panics. Make a game about killing gays in the street, everyone loses their minds!



lol yeah I'll say... These fucking idiots need to be wiped from the face of the planet.

Kill the creator with fire

found the solution to the author posting any more intolerant bullcrap

<pic of guillotine>


Yeah cause you guys are soooo much better than him, aren't you?


Guess what? I put you in the same boat as him. Take your blood thirst somewhere else.

waffle waffle waffle on and on and on

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Why make anti gay, anti Christ, anti Muslim stuff? Be happy with your own thing. People need education.

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Signature unda construction... in the meantime. Tell me more about yourself. I'm sure you've got an interesting story.


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lol yeah I'll say... These fucking idiots need to be wiped from the face of the planet.

Maybe then you could do a sequel where you get points for killing the homophobic game devs? Though then that would make us no better than they are...

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