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[ARS] Failed Christian shoe promoter makes anti-gay first-person shooter


I just don't understand the hatred of certain group of people towards gay. Even go as far as creating a "crappy" game to promote their ideology.

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I just don't understand the hatred of certain group of people towards gay. Even go as far as creating a "crappy" game to promote their ideology.


like this one?




Video games are just the new propaganda medium,  it used to be pamphlets, then it was ads and videos, now it is video games.  I am sure there is propaganda for every ethos one might ascribe to.   We are just getting to see it more often and before it gets shut down because the internet is faster than bureaucracy.

Grammar and spelling is not indicative of intelligence/knowledge.  Not having the same opinion does not always mean lack of understanding.  

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This is why we can't have nice things.

Also, a lot of people are comparing this to Hatred, but there's a difference: Hatred has a goal of killing everyone on sight, while this game is practically an interactive hate crime targeted towards those of varying sexual orientations.

At least in Hatred, everyone is equal in the main character's eyes: dead. But this? This is absurd.

EDIT: @SpaghettiCarbonara

...I thought more people mentioned Hatred, sorry if it seems I'm singling you out, just drawing your attention to my counterpoint.

[witty signature]

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I'm really not sure why I even attempt at reading the pseudo intellectual comments on this LTT thread...

The Internet is the first thing that humanity has built that humanity doesn't understand, the largest experiment in anarchy that we have ever had.

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I am not pleased that it was removed from Steam. The game looked really boring and bad, Valve has the right to remove the game if they want since it is their store and all, but I still don't think it should have been removed.
Remember, the users of Steam voted the game into the store. It was not like the developed hacked into Steam and put it there. Enough people said "yes, this game looks interesting and I want it on Steam" for it to end up there, and then Valve goes "we don't like it so let's remove it".
I don't get why people are so upset about the game either, and even going as far as to say the developed should be executed. If anyone made a "kill the heterosexual" I doubt anyone would have cared. It's just a bad and stupid game. It did no harm. It's not like someone is sitting at home going "I wonder if homosexuals are bad people", then finds this game and it tips them over to the anti-gay side.
I also like how people are quick to go "he is not a true Christian!" (as if the holy book written by an omnipotent being with knowledge that goes beyond us mere mortals' comprehension is tolerant towards homosexuals). Did you guys even bother to look into why he made the game? Quote from the developer:

The reason behind this particular game is because of how tired I am of people being overly sensitive and how easily offended people are by every little thing, especially with LGBT issues
I didn't make this game to attack LGBT people personally, and no I don't hate gays and think they should be treated fairly, but I made this game just to piss off those people that are way too overly sensitive, which includes straight people.

Congratulations Internet for proving his point.

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I'm really not sure why I even attempt at reading the pseudo intellectual comments on this LTT thread...


"My viewpoint doesn't line up with these other guys', so they must be stupid."

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Congratulations Internet for proving his point.




I have very mixed feelings on this. I understand that real hate against any human is a bad thing, and I do not condone and/or participate in it. I understand some people have felt/feel oppressed, and again, I don't condone or participate either. I do know those are serious issues.


On the other hand, I think it's RIDICULOUS how "being politically correct" is being forced onto everyone. I can't call someone "gay", because suddenly I'm offensive to Homosexual people? I need to change? What about the people who get offended stop being so god damn sensitive to EVERYTHING. Just because I call my best friend "gay" (which, by the way, used to be "a perfectly fine word", does that mean I hate homosexuals? Should I go hate on my actual homosexual friends? No!


This kind of shit is where I usually link to encyclopedia dramatica's "Offended" page, which I am not going to do because I'm being politically correct. (Heck, the only reason I love that site is because it's demeaning to EVERYONE. I LOVE how it is uncensored and is just the most politically incorrect it can be. to EVERYONE.)

"It's a taxi, it has a FARE METER."

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"My viewpoint doesn't line up with these other guys', so they must be stupid."


Well... get ready for my "sub-18 year old who has NO idea what life is really like" response.


~Expressing my dissatisfaction at other people too much for you? I'm glad you took the time to express your dissatisfaction at my expression of  dissatisfaction.~ Yes, my views are the only correct views - praised be the reality of subjective morality. I'd say there's a high probability that you've also called people you've disagreed with stupid and so I don't honestly know what your point is.


Anyways, when people are going to great lengths of conflating the removal of Hatred with the removal of this game, then yes I'll wholeheartedly call them stupid for it. Hatred has at least a viable narrative context for it's nonsensical edginess, but this game is literally "kill the faggots" for the sake of stirring up shit and being overtly offensive. It's also simply a shit game. Hatred isn't directed at any single group and it's not made as a political message glorifying hate crimes (satire or otherwise). People talking about "oh look kiddies cried over the removal of Hatred, yet applaud the removal of this game. DEH HYPOCRISY!1" is a point made for the sake of pseudo-intellectual grandeur. It's an asinine attempt at trying to call out hypocrisy where reasonably there is none. For me, it's too over the top to be taken anywhere near seriously so I couldn't give a damn whether or not it stayed up. It's a video game, it doesn't make people violent or bigoted.


I'm also annoyed at people using the no-true-Scotsman bullshit about 'not a real Christian', but that's nothing new.

The Internet is the first thing that humanity has built that humanity doesn't understand, the largest experiment in anarchy that we have ever had.

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Personally I don't think freedom of expression means freedom to insult- the same applies to published work such as video games.


In a lot of places there are limitations on what you can say/do, and while they are often misused and/or abused they still exist... members of the WBC have been banned from entering Canada and the UK for their hateful work.


This game is clearly targeted towards and was to built to be offensive, while I don't like the game Hatred that wasn't built to discriminate against a certain group of people (to my knowledge).


The game is allowed to exist, Steam (Valve) just don't want it on their store-front, and I'm sure an awful lot of people don't want to see this hateful garbage on Steams' store-front either.

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found the solution to the author posting any more intolerant bullcrap



Well look how "tolerant" you are. Hypocrite.

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Personally I don't think freedom of expression means freedom to insult- the same applies to published work such as video games.


In a lot of places there are limitations on what you can say/do, and while they are often misused and/or abused they still exist... members of the WBC have been banned from entering Canada and the UK for their hateful work.


This game is clearly targeted towards and was to built to be offensive, while I don't like the game Hatred that wasn't built to discriminate against a certain group of people (to my knowledge).


The game is allowed to exist, Steam (Valve) just don't want it on their store-front, and I'm sure an awful lot of people don't want to see this hateful garbage on Steams' store-front either.


Freedom of Speech is not equal in every democratic society. 


Here in the US, Speech rights are incredibly important (heck its the first amendment) and its one of the fundamental pillars of being "American". I'm not entirely sure but I believe Germany prohibits the display of Nazi emblems and/or any acts that hint towards Nazism, yes they support free speech but it is limited. Here in the US, you can be a proud member of the KKK and go about your day saying "God damn, this black n**ggrs are ruining this country" "We need to send these apes back across the sea". It's a small but key difference.

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