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December 19, 2014 - The WAN Show Document



News Ghost cars are becoming a reality, thanks to Jaguar!

Source 1: linustechtips.com OP: Xtankslayerx

Source 2: engadget.com

  • “360 degree virtual urban windscreen”

  • virtually eliminates blind spots by making “transparent” pillars

  • shows what is behind the pillar

  • can also generate a ghost car which you can follow

  • takes the place of audio turn-by-turn navigation through

  • still in development so tough to say how the final implementation will be

Assassin's Creed Creator Reveals AAA "Historical-Action-Survival" Game

Source 1: linustechtips.com OP: Rohith Kumar Sp

Source 2: gamespot.com

  • The first game from Panache Digital Games, the new Canadian studio founded by Assassin's Creed creator Patrice Desilets, will be a third-person AAA "historical-action-survival" game.

  • Desilets: “I believe wholeheartedly that this medium we call 'video games' can be a positive force for change in our society and that AAA quality gaming experiences have unmatched strength to achieve this.”

  • Desilets did not share a name for Panache's first game, nor did he confirm if he was successful in his attempts to buy back the rights to his Amsterdam-set 1666 game from Ubisoft.

Ting Expands Service To Provide Gigabit Internet

Source 1: linustechtips.com OP: Lucifyra

Source 2: tomshardware.com

  • Ting will be expanding into the ISP market by providing gigabit-speed Internet in Charlottesville, Virginia.

  • Ting bought a majority share (70 percent) in Blue Ridge InternetWorks, an independent Internet service provider based in Charlottesville.

  • Customers in Charlottesville can expect gigabit service in Q1 2015.

  • Gigabit plans should be under $100.

  • Blue Ridge's service will not change at all. However, the company also has plans to provide a television package in 2015 as well.

  • Elliot Noss, the president and CEO of Tucows, Ting's parent company, said: “as of the announcement yesterday, hundreds of people in the area have already signed up for more information about it.”

  • The reason for the short setup and launch is because Blue Ridge InternetWorks already has a fiber network in place, and most homes in the area aren't too far from the existing network. Prior to Ting's purchase of the company, Blue Ridge was already offering Internet fiber service in three different tiers. The highest offering for a basic Internet fiber package was $499.95 for 100 Mbps download and 50 Mbps upload.

Sony Hacks - It's update time again, Hackers have threatened Terror Attacks, and they won as of (17/12/14)

Source 1: linustechtips.com OP: Alexp10V2

Source 2: theverge.com

Source 3: gizmodo.co.uk

Source 4: npr.org

Source 5: theverge.com

Source 6: theverge.com

  • the GOP won, The Interview launch was pulled

  • largest theater chains in North America decided against showing the movie on launch day due to terror threats sent out by the GOP

  • “Warning, We will clearly show it to you at the very time and places "The Interview" be shown, including the premiere, how bitter fate those who seek fun in terror should be doomed to. Soon all the world will see what an awful movie Sony Pictures Entertainment has made. The world will be full of fear. Remember the 11th of September 2001. We recommend you to keep yourself distant from the places at that time. (If your house is nearby, you’d better leave.) Whatever comes in the coming days is called by the greed of Sony Pictures Entertainment. All the world will denounce the SONY.” read an email sent to the head of Sony Pictures

  • no solid evidence that the email came from GOP, but some are assuming so

  • all of Sony Pictures’ major partners decided against showing the film on release day, so they were left with no choice but to cancel the release

  • recently the hackers promised a “Christmas gift” of some kind

  • no confirmation, but the cancellation of the movie or the threatened attack both make sense as said “gift” given the circumstances

Update 12/19/2014:

  • Obama criticizes Sony for cancelling the release, calling it a mistake

  • “We cannot have a society in which some dictator someplace can start imposing censorship here in the United States” - PotUS in his year-end news conference

  • added that he was “sympathetic” about their concerns but “I wish they would have spoken to me first”

Update (Today):

  • New email from hackers: "It's very wise that you have made the decision to cancel the release of The Interview. It will be very useful for you," CNN reports the message as reading. The email concludes, "We will ensure the security of your data unless you make additional trouble."

  • It also says, "And we want everything related to the movie, including its trailers, as well as its full version down from any website hosting them immediately."

Update (Today):

  • A number of people have called on Sony to release The Interview online.

  • Sony Pictures CEO Michael Lynton says that while Sony "has every desire" to release the film, online isn't the immediate option.

  • "There are a number of options open to us, and we have considered those and are considering those. As it stands right now, while there have been a number of suggestions... there has not been one major VOD distributor [or] one major e-commerce site that has stepped forward and said they're willing to distribute this movie for us... Again we don't have that direct interface with the American public."

  • The decision not to move forward with the December 25 theatrical release of The Interview was made as a result of the majority of the nation’s theater owners choosing not to screen the film. This was their decision.

Reddit starts banning users who share leaked data from Sony

Source 1: linustechtips.com OP: Xtankslayerx

Source 2: theguardian.com

  • subreddit “SonyGOP” was banned

  • moderator for that page “SonyGOP” also had their account deleted

  • Reddit told Business Insider’s James Cook that “discussions and news stores about the hack” were still allowed on the site

  • previously removed subreddit for TheFappening while that was going on

  • it seems that only information leaks are being removed, not discussion or news

Group behind Sony hacks working on behalf of North Korean Government

Source 1: linustechtips.com OP: Xtankslayerx

Source 2: reuters.com

Source 3: npr.org

  • as of 12/19/2014, the US gov’t has stated that the group behind the Sony hacks was working for the North Korean gov’t

  • US gov’t said the hack was a “serious national security matter” and that the administration was considering a “proportional response”

  • also noted that such attackers are often looking to provoke a response

  • “They may believe that a response from us in one fashion or another would be advantageous to them” said White House spokesman Josh Earnest

  • may enhance their standing among their cohorts or on an int’l stage

  • the FBI said the tools used in the hack had similarities to a cyberattack in March of last year against banks in South Korea

  • FBI: “We are deeply concened about the destructive nature of this attack on a private-sector entity and the ordinary citizens who worked there.”

  • House Committee on Foreign Affairs Rep. Ed Royce criticized the White House for not imposing tough financial sanctions on North Korea

  • “North Korea is attacking our infrastructure. It is also attacking our values. The decision to pull ‘The Interview’ from theatres unfortunately is a North Korean victory in its attacks on our freedom. We better quickly respond comprehensively to defend freedom of speech in the face of terrorist threats and cyber attacks.”

steam games/gift are now region lock due to Russian ruble crumble

Source 1: linustechtips.com OP: Ahhming

Source 2: steamlocks.tk

Source 3: twitter.com

Source 4: reddit.com

Source 5: linustechtips.com

Source 6: hardcoregamer.com

Source 7: engadget.com

  • Ruble hitting rock-bottom prices has been a concern for game developers

  • already deal with people reselling their games for profit by buying on low-cost servers and selling to higher-cost servers

  • Steam will no longer allow packages to be unpacked on an account if gifted or traded from a lower priced region to a higher priced region

  • customers will be given a warning prior to checkout in those regions

  • affected countries: Russia/CIS (?), Southeast Asia, South America, Turkey

  • done in an effort to thwart sites that buy games on Russian and other lower priced servers then sell to Westerners at a discount

  • will be some users who wish to gift items to friends from different regions and now cannot, but hopefully it will be a positive effect for the industry overall

Hyperloop Trains Research Progressing

Source 1: engadget.com

  • the Hyperloop is a series of underground trains powered by compressed air that transport folks between cities in tubes at around Mach I.

  • A company called Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HTT), with the help of some UCLA students, has made considerable progress developing the idea.

  • The startup has enlisted top engineers from companies like Boeing, Airbus and SpaceX willing to work on Hyperloop in their spare time in exchange for stock options.

  • So far, they've developed rough concepts for the train's route, the stations and capsules themselves. The goal was to keep the lines between cities as straight as possible to avoid motion sickness issues.

  • HTT and the students have mostly figured out how to build the vacuum tubes and supports, but it still needs to figure out one important part: how to make the capsules flow along it friction-free.

  • Musk suggested a compressor to create an "air-hockey" pocket of air, but the HTT leaders think that some kind of magnetic levitation system might work better

  • They want to start building a prototype as early as next year and predict the final product "can be built within a decade."

  • They need to find investors to raise the $6-10b required to build the first 400-mile loop.

Ubisoft to release major performance enhancing patch to Unity.... later.

Source 1: linustechtips.com OP: Thatcoolbluekidd

Source 2: kitguru.net

Source 3: assassinscreed.ubi.com

  • major performance fixing patch delayed

  • development team wasn’t hitting the performance target it was hoping for with the new patch

  • now in the process of “refurbishing” the Paris map

  • Ubisoft: “Rigorous quality control is of paramount importance to us, and your feedback over these past weeks has indicated that it is important to you as well.” (from Kitguru)

  • “We are choosing to hold off until we can give you the improvements we’ve promised. We are committed to delivering major performance improvements, which requires that we refurbish the Paris map and that will take a few more days to hit the high level of quality our players deserve.” - Ubisoft blog

  • Patch is now out: kotaku.com

Mars Rover Curiosity Confirms Organics on Mars

Source 1: linustechtips.com OP: Devilishbooster

Source 2: news.discovery.com

  • NASA’s rover Curiosity has found organic compounds on Mars.

  • “We have had a major discovery. We have found organics on Mars,” Curiosity lead scientist John Grotzinger.

  • Whether the organics were delivered by carbon-rich meteorites or formed on Mars has yet to be determined.

  • The discovery, paired with a sister investigation that found occasional spikes of methane gas in the Martian atmosphere, is a turning point for the mission, which began 2.5 years ago.

  • On Earth, more than 90 percent of the atmospheric methane is produced by biological processes.

  • Explaining both the organics and the methane will require far more analysis, much of which may be beyond the rover’s capabilities.

  • Curiosity got a taste of organics two years ago when it analyzed samples drilled out from an ancient mudstone called Cumberland, but scientists couldn’t rule out until now that the carbon-containing compounds were hitchhikers from Earth.

  • Organics, whether delivered by comets and asteroids crashing onto the surface or produced indigenously, face a tough life on Mars. The planet is constantly bombarded by cosmic rays, which destroy organics. Surface soils are strongly oxidizing, which break down molecular bonds. Perchlorates also produces chlorine, which change the molecules.

Don'T Fear Ai, Says Google'S Eric Schmidt

Source 1: linustechtips.com OP: Spiderloser

Source 2: wired.co.uk

  • makes sense, seeing as he is chairman and former CEO of Google

  • heavily involved in the development of some of the world’s most sophisticated AI systems

  • believes concerns of machines stealing jobs and taking over the world is unwarranted

  • “These concerns are normal. They’re also, to some degree, misguided.”

  • people have been concerned with machines taking over the world for centuries

  • “Go back to the history of the loom. There was absolute dislocation, but I think all of us are better of with more mechanised ways of getting clothes made.” (pretty weak argument)

  • argues that past economies have prospered the more they adopt new technologies

  • “There’s lots of evidence that when computers show up, wages go up. There’s lots of evidence that people who work with computers are paid more than people without.”

  • “The correct concern is what we’re going to do to improve the education systems and incentive systems globally, in order to get people prepared for this new world, so they can maximize their income.”

  • also confessed that these machines are a lot more primitive that people would like to imagine

  • brought up an experiment from a few years ago

  • scientists developed a neural network and fed it 11,000 hours of YouTube videos to see what it could learn

  • “It discovered the concept of “cat.,” I’m not quite sure what to say about that, except that that’s where we are.”

  • believes human operators are still as important as technology

Microsoft Condemns U.S. Government in Latest Video Ad

Source 1: linustechtips.com OP: Rh00D

Source 2: arstechnica.com

  • Microsoft fight against the US warrant to search emails in its Irish servers.

  • Microsoft wants the Obama administration to ponder a scenario where the "shoe is on the other foot."

  • Apple, AT&T, Cisco, and Verizon all agree with Microsoft.

  • Verizon said (PDF) that a decision favoring the US would produce "dramatic conflict with foreign data protection laws."

  • Apple and Cisco said that the tech sector is put "at risk" of being sanctioned by foreign governments and that the US should seek cooperation with foreign nations via treaties, a position the US said is not practical.

  • The Justice Department said global jurisdiction is necessary in an age when "electronic communications are used extensively by criminals of all types in the United States and abroad, from fraudsters to hackers to drug dealers, in furtherance of violations of US law."

  • The senior counsel for the Irish Supreme Court wrote in a lower court filing that a US-Ireland "Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty" was the "efficient" avenue for the US government to obtain the e-mail held on Microsoft's servers in Dublin, Ireland.


purch buys anandtech, the same guys that own tom's hardware

Source 1: linustechtips.com OP: Alexgoeshigh

Source 2: purch.com

  • “Purch is a portfolio of digital brands and services that helps make complex buying decisions easy for 100 million consumers monthly.”

  • Top Ten Reviews, Tom’s Guide, Tom’s Hardware, and Live science just to name a few of their brands

  • Ryan Smith, Anandtech Editor in Chief said “The challenge has always been that there are very few players in the publishing space these days who value deep high-quality content… Purch provides a partner that understood our values, had a sound business model to ensure AnandTech’s legacy would continue for years to come, and would allow us to grow and expand our readership without compromising… quality…”

  • Anand Ship “AnandTech represents much of my life’s work over the past 18 years, I am happy to see it end up with a partner committed to taking good care of the brand and its readers. I wouldn’t have had it any other way.”

  • none of the terms of the purchase were disclosed

  • forum user LinusTech said “Talk to me in another 17 years or however long Anand was doing it and we'll see if I'm ready for a different challenge at that point…” ;)

Hatred was removed from Steam Greenlight - is now back, Gabe Newell apologies.

Source 1: linustechtips.com OP: Xtankslayerx

Source 2: forums.hatredgame.com

Source 3: forums.hatredgame.com

  • Hatred is a game where you play “the antagonist”

  • you’re a mass murderer going on a killing spree

  • the entire point of the game is to kill innocent civilians and police officers

  • steam pulled the game from Greenlight just hours after it was launched on December 15

  • Doug Lombardi, VP of Marketing at Valve, stated “based on what we’ve seen on Greenlight we would not publish Hatred on Steam. As such we’ll be taking it down.” he did not elaborate on that decision

  • GabeN reinstated Hatred on Greenlight one day later, December 16

  • he personally emailed the creator, Jaroslaw Zielinski, to apologize and inform him that the game was to be placed back on Steam Greenlight

  • GabeN: “Since I wasn’t up to speed, I asked around internally to find out why we had done that [taken Hatred down]. It turns out that it wasn’t a good decision, and we’ll be putting Hatred back up. My apologies to you and your team. Steam is creating tools for content creators and customers. Good luck with your game.”

Double Amputee Controls Bionic Arms with his Mind

Source 1: linustechtips.com OP: Dirtyharry

Source 2: mashable.com

(Video in source 2)

  • Scientists recently equipped double amputee Les Baugh with a pair of Modular Prosthetics Limbs (MPL) that he controls with his mind.

  • Baugh, lost both arms in an electrical accident nearly 40 years ago.

  • Surgeons at Johns Hopkins essentially had to wake up dead nerves, and reassign others in Baugh's chest, known as re-enervating, quite a painful process.

  • The bionic arms were attached to a special harness that uses pattern recognition to observe muscle activity generated by the re-awakened nerves.

  • They provide Baugh with 30 degrees of motion on both sides.

  • Baugh had to learn to control the arms with his mind, which he did in a virtual-reality environment.

  • He was able to control a combination of motions across both arms at the same time.

  • To move an arm, Baugh has to first move his shoulder, then elbow, then wrist and then hand, while taking a short rest in between each movement.

  • The arms are still in development, but the Johns Hopkins team hopes to eventually send Baugh home with a pair.

RAPID FIRE Lian Li launches the O series of cases

Source 1: linustechtips.com OP: ahhming

Source 2: techreport.com

  • tempered glass

  • small form factor

China reveals heat ray gun, Russia to follow

Source 1: linustechtips.com OP: Xtankslayerx

Source 2: independent.co.uk

  • Long range microwave gun.

  • Heats up water in humans, like a microwave does to food.

  • Non-lethal, but causes intense pain.

  • (Video of reporter taking a hit in source 2)

  • Range of 80m but with increased power can work at over 1km.

  • The US deployed a similar gun in 2010, but it was recalled as the gun takes 16 hours to warm up.

  • Russia is thought to be developing a similar weapon.

Intel NUC 2.0 Specs Revealed

Source 1: linustechtips.com OP: Patrickjp93

Source 2: legitreviews.com

Source 3: kitguru.net

  • Intel’s new NUC 2.0 systems are expected to be introduced at the CES 2015.

  • It is called: The NUC 2.0 “Rock Canyon” will be 15mm*111mm* either 29.8mm or 48.5mm height.

  • The NUC 2.0 “Maple Canyon” are expected to be similar to current-gen commercial NUCs.

  • Will sport USB 3.0, HDMI and DisplayPort connectivity, M.2 slot for SSDs, 2.5” bay for HDDs/SSDs, built-in Ethernet (“Maple Canyon” only), 802.11ac WiFi (“Rock Canyon” only) and so on.

  • Both types of systems will feature yellow USB 3.0 connectors that allow charging of devices while the systems are turned off.

The Pirate Bay Shutdown: Lessons in Futility

Source 1: linustechtips.com OP: Powderbanks

Source 2: variety.com

Source 3: variety.com

Source 4: variety.com

Source 5: variety.com

Source 6: variety.com

Source 7: variety411.com

  • Total of BitTorrent users barely dropped during The Pirate Bay’s downtime

  • 101.5 million users on December 8, one day prior to Swedish law-enforcement takedown of TPB

  • Reached an overall low of 95.0 million users on December 10

  • Back up to 100.2 million on Friday December 12

  • Daily average since Nov. 1 is roughly 99.9 million

  • It takes so much effort to take down even one site, and when they do there are dozens to take its place

Gamestop president:"Digital games are too cheap"

Source 1: linustechtips.com OP: Mark201200

Source 2: gamespot.com

  • Gamestop president Tony Bartel said “We want to help ensure that our industry does not make the same mistake as other entertainment categories by driving the perceived value of digital goods significantly below that of a physical game.”

  • unsurprising stance from the president of a physical game retailer

  • a recent survey showed that the average price a consumer pays for a AAA title download is $22

  • when asked how much they would be willing to pay, consumers said approximately $35

  • no link to where this information came from, quoted by Gamestop in an article about Gamestop so… legitimacy may be questionable

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Video is private?


[ I5 4690k (no oc) - Gigabyte Z97 D3H - 8GB Ram - Sapphire R9 280X Vapor-X ]

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Luke has sex appeal

~Just the tips

 The only good human being is a dead human being. 


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The Chaplin movie were referring to is 'The Great Dictator' and you should definitely watch it, it's fantastic and was produced and released before USA joined WW2.

'The Dictator' is a recent garbage remake of it with Sasha Baron Cohen. It's appropriately named cause -unlike the original- it's not great.

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 I think after the nun shaved her legs she should have given the razor to her transvestite girlfriend. That is one ugly broad....... when I say ugly, I mean UUUGLEEEEEEEE. 


wonder how those moist butt wipes would have worked on "Einsteins" lipstick?  Cmon guys,l no more of this stuff. Really tough to watch.

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Yay it's up!!

If watching 2 guys dressed up as girls gets it up for you, thats fine, i won't judge  <_<

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to
(")_(") help him on his way to world domination.

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If watching 2 guys dressed up as girls gets it up for you, thats fine, i won't judge  <_<

No, it's just funny, I tuned in to the last 20mins of the stream and didn't see the starting

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Luke has sex appeal


And this fact is, quite frankly, pretty terrifying.

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You're not alone, Linus. I put my parents in my phone by their actual name.

Gaming PCs:
Intel i7 4790k, EVGA GTX 980ti, NZXT H440
Intel i5 7600k, Asus GTX 970 DC Mini, Silverstone SG13B
HTPC: AMD Phenom II X6 1045t, EVGA GTX 770 FTW, Fractal Node 604
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I'm predicting they will stuff the fake boobs with buttons and use them as game controllers.

FX 8320@4.1Ghz, Noctua NH-D14, MSI 7870@1050Mhz, 8 GB 1600 MHz, M5A97 LE R2.0, NZXT H440, CX500M

Your rights matter because you never know when you are going to need them.

-Edward Snowden

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Dat epic moment where my name was actually spelled right xD 




AMD 5000 Series Ryzen 7 5800X| MSI MAG X570 Tomahawk WiFi | G.SKILL Trident Z RGB 32GB (2 * 16GB) DDR4 3200MHz CL16-18-18-38 | Asus GeForce GTX 3080Ti STRIX | SAMSUNG 980 PRO 500GB PCIe NVMe Gen4 SSD M.2 + Samsung 970 EVO Plus 1TB PCIe NVMe M.2 (2280) Gen3 | Cooler Master V850 Gold V2 Modular | Corsair iCUE H115i RGB Pro XT | Cooler Master Box MB511 | ASUS TUF Gaming VG259Q Gaming Monitor 144Hz, 1ms, IPS, G-Sync | Logitech G 304 Lightspeed | Logitech G213 Gaming Keyboard |


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You did not see "the great dictator" ??for me it change the way i saw chaplin



the music is not from the video but a great ad 


" Our knowledge has made us cynical, our cleverness hard and unkind. We think too much but feel to little"
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You did not see "the great dictator" ??for me it change the way i saw chaplin



the music is not from the video but a great ad 


" Our knowledge has made us cynical, our cleverness hard and unkind. We think too much but feel to little"


a great part of that speach kinda reminds you of what's happening in the "free" world right now.......... ( greed/economic enslavement/religeous wack-jobbery)

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In Finland you can get an fixed 50e penalty notice if you're caught using a phone in car


It doesn't matter if texting or talking or just holding it if get caught phone in your hand while driving you get ticket


Because in Finland it legal nightmare to police looking phone 


if you get caught many times you lose driving licence


Link is Finnish newspaper year 2011



Now i have time watch last week wan show many many time missed after party because there is NO archive of afterparty


Wan show start 2:30am and after party start around 4:00am Finnish time


So after work week not many Finnish are up at 4:00am 


I love see if after also get in youtube or twitch

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haha know that feel bro,these people kinda screw up our names..... if you notice the way he pronounced anand and the way we pronounce it....

Linus those slave jokes weren't funny...... that can cost you sponsors 

i know :P , see my Singnature, i was on wan show before, where Linus just said , he's gonna change the user names of people he can't spell , hilarious 



AMD 5000 Series Ryzen 7 5800X| MSI MAG X570 Tomahawk WiFi | G.SKILL Trident Z RGB 32GB (2 * 16GB) DDR4 3200MHz CL16-18-18-38 | Asus GeForce GTX 3080Ti STRIX | SAMSUNG 980 PRO 500GB PCIe NVMe Gen4 SSD M.2 + Samsung 970 EVO Plus 1TB PCIe NVMe M.2 (2280) Gen3 | Cooler Master V850 Gold V2 Modular | Corsair iCUE H115i RGB Pro XT | Cooler Master Box MB511 | ASUS TUF Gaming VG259Q Gaming Monitor 144Hz, 1ms, IPS, G-Sync | Logitech G 304 Lightspeed | Logitech G213 Gaming Keyboard |


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