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Unpopular Opinions

Deus Ragno

About the electric cars life cycle thing: According to papers such as this and presentations such as this electric vehicles have the best environmental scores. Of course this depends on the energy sources, but in Europe we are starting to see a decrease in use of coal, oil, etc. in favor of wind, photovoltaic, etc.


All people who drive BMW's or Porsche's are a**holes

Gun control is the worst idea for the United States


Gay couples should only have children of their own gender. 

Would you care to explain?


As for mine, I guess

I'd rather play a game with crappy graphics or at less than 30 fps than a game with a bad storyline. I can't help but feel that people are more concerned with graphics and high settings than the actual game.

Noctua fans are not ugly. Also, no one should sacrifice performance (or in any way opt for a different product) because of looks: computers are meant to be used to work/game/etc. not to be looked at. That said, if you want to mod your components to look better, go for it.

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I'd rather play a game with crappy graphics or at less than 30 fps than a game with a bad storyline.

^This. I recall some people complaining about how the graphics in the original

Deus Ex weren't exactly up to par for their time anymore. All I could think was

"How can you care about that if the game is this bloody awesome?!".

And yes, electric cars have the potential to improve things, if they're

manufactured with decent environmental standards and if the energy we use

to manufacture and drive them actually comes from an environmentally

sustainable source.

BUILD LOGS: HELIOS - Latest Update: 2015-SEP-06 ::: ZEUS - BOTW 2013-JUN-28 ::: APOLLO - Complete: 2014-MAY-10
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And yes, electric cars have the potential to improve things, if they're

manufactured with decent environmental standards and if the energy we use

to manufacture and drive them actually comes from an environmentally

sustainable source.

I actually just pulled up one of our most recent electric bill. According to what they say, in 2012 our (Portugal) electricity came from coal (15,1%), fossil fuels (10,7%) wind (40,1%), hydro (10%), other renewable (8.9%) and others (15,2%).

I'd say it's getting pretty good.

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I actually just pulled up one of our most recent electric bill. According to what they say, in 2012 our (Portugal) electricity came from coal (15,1%), fossil fuels (10,7%) wind (40,1%), hydro (10%), other renewable (8.9%) and others (15,2%).

I'd say it's getting pretty good.

Yeah, that's not too shabby I think, especially the wind part. My dad works

with some major power companies and many in that industry think wind will be

one of the major power sources in the future.

According to Wikipedia, we (EDIT:i.e. Switzerland ;)) had 56% hydro, 39% nuclear

and 5% other in 2008. The problem we currently have is that we've pretty much

exhausted hydro power (you can only build so many dams and river plants),

nuclear energy will be coming to an end within your lifetime or our children's

(our government has decided to abandon it by 2050), and you can't really

build wind farms in the current political climate here because our quaint

little people immediately come jumping with:

"You can't ruin our landscape with wind turbines!".

It's really rather frustrating, because they didn't seem to have a problem

flooding alpine valleys and building masses of hydro plants in our rivers.

But no wind turbines! facepalm.gif

Ah well, maybe they'll come to their senses once electricity starts getting

tight. Or, we can just import electricity from France's nuclear plants... banghead.gif


I'm not necessarily against nuclear power on principle. The first major problem

I have is that nobody seems to be willing to accept the nuclear waste problem

as a fact of life and actually take measures about it, and even if (when?) that's

handled: fissile materials will run out sooner rather than later, so it's not

really sustainable either in the long run. Just as a side note.

BUILD LOGS: HELIOS - Latest Update: 2015-SEP-06 ::: ZEUS - BOTW 2013-JUN-28 ::: APOLLO - Complete: 2014-MAY-10
OTHER STUFF: Cable Lacing Tutorial ::: What Is ZFS? ::: mincss Primer ::: LSI RAID Card Flashing Tutorial
FORUM INFO: Community Standards ::: The Moderating Team ::: 10TB+ Storage Showoff Topic

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Yeah, that's not too shabby I think, especially the wind part. My dad works

with some major power companies and many in that industry think wind will be

one of the major power sources in the future.

According to Wikipedia, we (EDIT:i.e. Switzerland ;)) had 56% hydro, 39% nuclear

and 5% other in 2008. The problem we currently have is that we've pretty much

exhausted hydro power (you can only build so many dams and river plants),

nuclear energy will be coming to an end within your lifetime or our children's

(our government has decided to abandon it by 2050), and you can't really

build wind farms in the current political climate here because our quaint

little people immediately come jumping with:

"You can't ruin our landscape with wind turbines!".

It's really rather frustrating, because they didn't seem to have a problem

flooding alpine valleys and building masses of hydro plants in our rivers.

But no wind turbines! facepalm.gif

Ah well, maybe they'll come to their senses once electricity starts getting

tight. Or, we can just import electricity from France's nuclear plants... banghead.gif


I'm not necessarily against nuclear power on principle. The first major problem

I have is that nobody seems to be willing to accept the nuclear waste problem

as a fact of life and actually take measures about it, and even if (when?) that's

handled: fissile materials will run out sooner rather than later, so it's not

really sustainable either in the long run. Just as a side note.


It's good to see a rational approach to energy production issues like this.  So many people are so wound up in their ideologies that they don't give credit where it is due.  Lobby groups on boith sides of the debate are usually the worst.  I am in favour of nuclear as a short term fix, save the coal and crude oils for the things we don't have alternatives to yet. At least that way we can make it last longer and give researchers a chance to provide solutions. 


Geothermal and thorium sound like great alternatives and I heard in 2018 the first fusion reactor will be operational. so we don't have to  hold out long for much better options than covering the landscape with turbines or daming our waterways.

Grammar and spelling is not indicative of intelligence/knowledge.  Not having the same opinion does not always mean lack of understanding.  

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-MLP and bronies need to die

-Smoking of any kind is a disgusting habit

-I like Alienware

-"Gamer" Marketing is a bunch of bulls**t, companies just say something is "Gamer" kit so they can charge more than they should.

-The name MOBA (Multiplayer online battle arena) is a stupid name for a genre, as it describes every multiplayer game ever made

-Dota, LoL and similar titles are terrible

-I hate the Simpsons

-Razer products are terrible

-The idea's SAWG and Yolo need to die as do anyone who thinks they are cool

-With the exception of XFX, AMD GPU's all look terrible and their naming conventions are even worse.

-LED's are annoying, LED fans are even worse.

-At this point in time SSD's are a waste.

-If I were building a PC for myself and was on a tight budget ($400-$500USD), I would rather lose performance and stay with Intel/Nvidia than use an AMD CPU/GPU.

-MMORPGS are pretty much universally similar to one-another and are all terrible, the people who play the likes of WoW and Everquest have a worst taste in games than some CoD fanboy.

-Every Call of Duty after Call of Duty 2 has been absolutely dreadful and repetitive.

-Every Battlefield after Battlefield 2 Modern Combat was terrible.

-I hate headphones

-Starbucks is pointlessly overpriced

-Smart phones are universally stupid and if I had my way about it they wouldn't exist, the materials, money, and manpower wasted on them would have been put towards PC development.

-Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, instgram and all similar social media outlets are the worst things to happen to the human race socially since the dark ages.

-Games journalism is a pathetic, laughable attempt at writing on the subject of games and is a detriment to the industry.

-Every sport that doesn't involve some form of vehicle is terrible and less interesting than a bag of dog s**t. (Nascar is the exception, it's terrible too in it's current form)

-Nascar is pointless in it's current form as they are no longer "Stock" cars, they are tubular racing chassis with a sheet metal body, the old days of Stock car racing where REAL production cars were modified for racing is much better an far more relevant in determining who really makes the best go fast kit. (This is an unpopular opinion where I live)

-Overclocking is stupid to a certain extent

-Weed is overrated and anyone who goes on about weed and constantly talks about getting high, brags about it, or uses any reference to it in any kind of alias needs to f**k off into some deep pit filled with fire and rusty nails.

-Children are stupid, undisciplined, noisy, annoying little bags of meat suited only to exhausting the wallets and/or patience of anyone in their vicinity.

-The death penalty is not a bad idea.

-An eye for an eye is the best method of punishment, ex: you kill someone you die, you drive drunk have an accident and cripple someone you get surgically crippled to the same extent.

-Abortion is not a bad thing.

-All fast food is garbage and anyone who thinks otherwise has absolutely no idea what good food is.

-Every woman regardless of race, upbringing, social status should be limited to having only one child their entire lives.

-Euthanasia, for mentally handicapped people who will not be able to contribute to society is not a bad idea.

-The welfare system(US) is a tremendous waste and should be shut down in it's entirety, this is the only way to ensure that it is not abused.

-Every religion is based on exclusion, hate, and ignorance.

-Celebrities are no better than anyone else and the insane attention that is focused on their every action and word is completely asinine.

-The idea that humans have passed the point of being animals is ridiculous.

-Numbers and gravity are the only truth's in the universe, everything else is a lie.

-Competitive multiplayer is highly overrated.

-Counterstrike in all it's forms is a boring 1 dimensional waste of time

-Half Life, while good is overrated

-Left 4 Dead is boring and repetitive

-TF2 is s**t

-98% of all indie games are s**t

-Reality TV in all it's forms is a waste and only makes you stupid.

-Star Wars/Star Trek is and always will be terrible

-Lord of the Rings is terrible.

-Energy drinks are disgusting.

-Any controller that is not in the Xbox 360 layout is terrible

-Touch screen technology is obnoxious and entirely unnecessary, there is nothing wrong with buttons.

-Motion Control (See above, replace Touch screen with Motion control)

-Point and click adventure games are terrible.

-Ebooks are stupid

-Tablets are stupid

-Pokemon is stupid

-All modern cartoons are terrible

-99.8% of anime is terrible.

-99.5% of all movies are terrible.

-90% of all music is terrible.

-Google has made us all stupid

-Most TV show's are terrible ex: breaking bad, sons of anarchy

-The idea that people can change their ways is asinine, once someone does something that is considered wrong, immoral, illegal they will do it again. ex: Murders, rapists, child molesters, thieves

-Most people are incapable of thinking ahead when the short term reward for an action is deemed "worth it" ex: drug use

-The Earth is overcrowded, the human population needs to be culled and maintained at a level that does not exceed 3.5 billion people.

-The halt to manned space exploration was a massive mistake, if we had continued at the rate we were going during the space race we would be on Mars by now.

-Japanese porn is terrible

-Moaning in porn is annoying and is a major turn off

-College is overpriced

-The idea that being introverted is a bad thing

-Personal relationships are overrated

-I hate 99.8% of the human population

-Youtube is stupid



That's all I feel like typing for now, if I feel up to it I'll add the rest later.

-The Bellerophon- Obsidian 550D-i5-3570k@4.5Ghz -Asus Sabertooth Z77-16GB Corsair Dominator Platinum 1866Mhz-x2 EVGA GTX 760 Dual FTW 4GB-Creative Sound Blaster XF-i Titanium-OCZ Vertex Plus 120GB-Seagate Barracuda 2TB- https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/60154-the-not-really-a-build-log-build-log/ Twofold http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/121043-twofold-a-dual-itx-system/ How great is EVGA? http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/110662-evga-how-great-are-they/#entry1478299

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-MLP and bronies need to die

-Smoking of any kind is a disgusting habit

-I like Alienware

-"Gamer" Marketing is a bunch of bulls**t, companies just say something is "Gamer" kit so they can charge more than they should.

-The name MOBA (Multiplayer online battle arena) is a stupid name for a genre, as it describes every multiplayer game ever made

-Dota, LoL and similar titles are terrible

-I hate the Simpsons

-Razer products are terrible

-The idea's SAWG and Yolo need to die as do anyone who thinks they are cool

-With the exception of XFX, AMD GPU's all look terrible and their naming conventions are even worse.

-LED's are annoying, LED fans are even worse.

-At this point in time SSD's are a waste.

-If I were building a PC for myself and was on a tight budget ($400-$500USD), I would rather lose performance and stay with Intel/Nvidia than use an AMD CPU/GPU.

-MMORPGS are pretty much universally similar to one-another and are all terrible, the people who play the likes of WoW and Everquest have a worst taste in games than some CoD fanboy.

-Every Call of Duty after Call of Duty 2 has been absolutely dreadful and repetitive.

-Every Battlefield after Battlefield 2 Modern Combat was terrible.

-I hate headphones

-Starbucks is pointlessly overpriced

-Smart phones are universally stupid and if I had my way about it they wouldn't exist, the materials, money, and manpower wasted on them would have been put towards PC development.

-Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, instgram and all similar social media outlets are the worst things to happen to the human race socially since the dark ages.

-Games journalism is a pathetic, laughable attempt at writing on the subject of games and is a detriment to the industry.

-Every sport that doesn't involve some form of vehicle is terrible and less interesting than a bag of dog s**t. (Nascar is the exception, it's terrible too in it's current form)

-Nascar is pointless in it's current form as they are no longer "Stock" cars, they are tubular racing chassis with a sheet metal body, the old days of Stock car racing where REAL production cars were modified for racing is much better an far more relevant in determining who really makes the best go fast kit. (This is an unpopular opinion where I live)

-Overclocking is stupid to a certain extent

-Weed is overrated and anyone who goes on about weed and constantly talks about getting high, brags about it, or uses any reference to it in any kind of alias needs to f**k off into some deep pit filled with fire and rusty nails.

-Children are stupid, undisciplined, noisy, annoying little bags of meat suited only to exhausting the wallets and/or patience of anyone in their vicinity.

-The death penalty is not a bad idea.

-An eye for an eye is the best method of punishment, ex: you kill someone you die, you drive drunk have an accident and cripple someone you get surgically crippled to the same extent.

-Abortion is not a bad thing.

-All fast food is garbage and anyone who thinks otherwise has absolutely no idea what good food is.

-Every woman regardless of race, upbringing, social status should be limited to having only one child their entire lives.

-Euthanasia, for mentally handicapped people who will not be able to contribute to society is not a bad idea.

-The welfare system(US) is a tremendous waste and should be shut down in it's entirety, this is the only way to ensure that it is not abused.

-Every religion is based on exclusion, hate, and ignorance.

-Celebrities are no better than anyone else and the insane attention that is focused on their every action and word is completely asinine.

-The idea that humans have passed the point of being animals is ridiculous.

-Numbers and gravity are the only truth's in the universe, everything else is a lie.

-Competitive multiplayer is highly overrated.

-Counterstrike in all it's forms is a boring 1 dimensional waste of time

-Half Life, while good is overrated

-Left 4 Dead is boring and repetitive

-TF2 is s**t

-98% of all indie games are s**t

-Reality TV in all it's forms is a waste and only makes you stupid.

-Star Wars/Star Trek is and always will be terrible

-Lord of the Rings is terrible.

-Energy drinks are disgusting.

-Any controller that is not in the Xbox 360 layout is terrible

-Touch screen technology is obnoxious and entirely unnecessary, there is nothing wrong with buttons.

-Motion Control (See above, replace Touch screen with Motion control)

-Point and click adventure games are terrible.

-Ebooks are stupid

-Tablets are stupid

-Pokemon is stupid

-All modern cartoons are terrible

-99.8% of anime is terrible.

-99.5% of all movies are terrible.

-90% of all music is terrible.

-Google has made us all stupid

-Most TV show's are terrible ex: breaking bad, sons of anarchy

-The idea that people can change their ways is asinine, once someone does something that is considered wrong, immoral, illegal they will do it again. ex: Murders, rapists, child molesters, thieves

-Most people are incapable of thinking ahead when the short term reward for an action is deemed "worth it" ex: drug use

-The Earth is overcrowded, the human population needs to be culled and maintained at a level that does not exceed 3.5 billion people.

-The halt to manned space exploration was a massive mistake, if we had continued at the rate we were going during the space race we would be on Mars by now.

-Japanese porn is terrible

-Moaning in porn is annoying and is a major turn off

-College is overpriced

-The idea that being introverted is a bad thing

-Personal relationships are overrated

-I hate 99.8% of the human population

-Youtube is stupid



That's all I feel like typing for now, if I feel up to it I'll add the rest later.


You seem a well balanced person with no unresolved issues,  Life is good yes?


PS. I also Hate 98.8% of the human population.

Grammar and spelling is not indicative of intelligence/knowledge.  Not having the same opinion does not always mean lack of understanding.  

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I think that people (at least in this thread) seem to over use the word hate...

Case: Corsair C70 GunMetalBlack, CPU: Intel 3570k, Mobo: Asus p8z77-v lx, CPU Cooler: BeQuiet! Dark Rock Pro 2, RAM: 8GB Corsair Vengeance 1600Mhz lp, Video Card: Asus HD7950 DC2 Top V2, SSD: Samsung 840 pro, HDD: one Seagate 2TB Barracuda, PSU: BeQuiet! Dark Power pro 10 650w, Monitor: Dell UltraSharp u2412m, Keyboard: CoolerMaster QuickFire tk (Brown Switches), Mouse: Steelseries Sensei raw, Sennheiser HD 558


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Apple computers are actually pretty good and has good value at launch

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Would you care to explain?


Sure. I think that two fathers are not sufficiently capable to help their teenage daughter cope with puberty and its side effects. If they had a son, they both would have gone through that stage in their life once, and even though their sexual interest may differ from the one of their son, everything else would be the same. 


Now in general, I am against gay couples having children but I can understand why they would want one. Young children need an accessable mother and father equally. That is not to say that they automatically get that in hetero relationships, but at least there is the potential for it. I know that homosexual couples feel discriminated against if they wouldn't be allowed to adopt or have children. But as loving as they are, it is not in the best interest for the child. 

5.1GHz 4770k

My Specs

Intel i7-4770K @ 4.7GHz | Corsair H105 w/ SP120 | Asus Gene VI | 32GB Corsair Vengeance LP | 2x GTX 780Ti| Corsair 750D | OCZ Agility 3 | Samsung 840/850 | Sandisk SSD | 3TB WD RED | Seagate Barracuda 2TB | Corsair RM850 | ASUS PB278Q | SyncMaster 2370HD | SyncMaster P2450
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Sure. I think that two fathers are not sufficiently capable to help their teenage daughter cope with puberty and its side effects. If they had a son, they both would have gone through that stage in their life once, and even though their sexual interest may differ from the one of their son, everything else would be the same.


So you're also of the opinion that single parents should not be allowed to raise children of the opposite sex? Either way information is available, and gay people know women too. If it's weird for a daugther to talk to her father about it then they can easily ask her aunt or a friend to do it for them.

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i don't think single parents or gay couples should have kids. More so with gay couples though, because most children that grow up in a divorced family still have the opportunity to see the other parent on a regular basis. 

5.1GHz 4770k

My Specs

Intel i7-4770K @ 4.7GHz | Corsair H105 w/ SP120 | Asus Gene VI | 32GB Corsair Vengeance LP | 2x GTX 780Ti| Corsair 750D | OCZ Agility 3 | Samsung 840/850 | Sandisk SSD | 3TB WD RED | Seagate Barracuda 2TB | Corsair RM850 | ASUS PB278Q | SyncMaster 2370HD | SyncMaster P2450
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i don't think single parents or gay couples should have kids. More so with gay couples though, because most children that grow up in a divorced family still have the opportunity to see the other parent on a regular basis. 

Wut? Ok, I don't think this topic is for me, I'll just forget about what I read here.

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I believe that Noctua fans are probably the worst fans you could possibly buy if you are on a budget. Just 4 Noctua fans would put you back $100, extremely overpriced. Especially for them being only marginally better than other fans.

 Motherboard: MSI Z97S Krait Edition █ CPU: Intel i7-4790K █ GPU: Nvidia Geforce GTX 780Ti █ RAM: 8GB AVEXIR DDR3 1600  █ Storage: 120GB Kingston HyperX SSD + 1TB Seagate Barracuda HDD 

█ Monitor: 21.5" 1080p 60Hz  PSU: 700w █ Case: Fractal Define R4 █       ...LTT Dark Theme master race.

Project MiniConsole

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Welp, I'm going to give it a go!


- The Define R4 is a poorly constructed case.

- Pepsi is better than Coke

- I actually like Top Gear USA

- GTA V is overhyped and looks like butt for console

- Facebook is dumb

- I respect the Honda Civic (non riced of course)

- Nintendo is more interesting than Sony and Microsoft

- Stick thin models are unattractive and plump wide hipped women look better

- Blue LED lighting for PC hardware is overplayed and is actually uninspiring

- I find the new Dominos pizza to be delicious :ph34r:



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Welp, I'm going to give it a go!


- The Define R4 is a poorly constructed case.

- Pepsi is better than Coke

- I actually like Top Gear USA

- GTA V is overhyped and looks like butt for console

- Facebook is dumb

- I respect the Honda Civic (non riced of course)

- Nintendo is more interesting than Sony and Microsoft

- Stick thin models are unattractive and plump wide hipped women look better

- Blue LED lighting for PC hardware is overplayed and is actually uninspiring

- I find the new Dominos pizza to be delicious :ph34r:

first list that i can 100 % disagree with :)

5.1GHz 4770k

My Specs

Intel i7-4770K @ 4.7GHz | Corsair H105 w/ SP120 | Asus Gene VI | 32GB Corsair Vengeance LP | 2x GTX 780Ti| Corsair 750D | OCZ Agility 3 | Samsung 840/850 | Sandisk SSD | 3TB WD RED | Seagate Barracuda 2TB | Corsair RM850 | ASUS PB278Q | SyncMaster 2370HD | SyncMaster P2450
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Sure. I think that two fathers are not sufficiently capable to help their teenage daughter cope with puberty and its side effects. If they had a son, they both would have gone through that stage in their life once, and even though their sexual interest may differ from the one of their son, everything else would be the same. 


Now in general, I am against gay couples having children but I can understand why they would want one. Young children need an accessable mother and father equally. That is not to say that they automatically get that in hetero relationships, but at least there is the potential for it. I know that homosexual couples feel discriminated against if they wouldn't be allowed to adopt or have children. But as loving as they are, it is not in the best interest for the child. 


I'm going to try to keep this short because off-topic.

In fact men do not go through exactly the same puberty process as women. I'll give you that. But your argument would make a lot more sense a few years ago, when information wasn't so readily available to most people. And the specifics of puberty may be different but the general feeling is pretty much the same (I guess, I don't have any siblings to base this opinion on). And like @Canoas said, there are other women in the family or close group of friends that the child can talk to.

As for the need for mother and father equally I'll just quote an excerpt of an abstract published in the American Academy of Pediatrics: "... more than 30 years of research reveal that children raised by gay and lesbian parents have demonstrated resilience with regard to social, psychological, and sexual health despite economic and legal disparities and social stigma."

Lily Tucker-Pritchett seems to be doing fine so far! Segue into on-topic


Speaking of TV shows, my unpopular (maybe even highly controversial?!) opinion of the day is:

Breaking Bad is a bad show. Now, I haven't watched it, you can give me a hard time about that, but simply the premise of producing drugs because I'm dying and want my family to do well just seems wrong. I might watch it a few months from now, but I am almost 95% sure that I'm going to have a hard time looking past that.

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Welp, I'm going to give it a go!


- The Define R4 is a poorly constructed case.

- Pepsi is better than Coke

- I actually like Top Gear USA

- GTA V is overhyped and looks like butt for console

- Facebook is dumb

- I respect the Honda Civic (non riced of course)

- Nintendo is more interesting than Sony and Microsoft

- Stick thin models are unattractive and plump wide hipped women look better

- Blue LED lighting for PC hardware is overplayed and is actually uninspiring

- I find the new Dominos pizza to be delicious :ph34r:









no, red is the one you're talking about


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Most of my opinions are unpopular 


LTT's Resident Black Star

I should get an award for still being here at this point 

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Or, we can just import electricity from France's nuclear plants... banghead.gif


I'm not necessarily against nuclear power on principle. The first major problem

I have is that nobody seems to be willing to accept the nuclear waste problem

as a fact of life and actually take measures about it, and even if (when?) that's

handled: fissile materials will run out sooner rather than later, so it's not

really sustainable either in the long run. Just as a side note.


On a relevant note, actually, here's a really cool documentary i watched about a finnish nuclear waste bunker that's being constructed. Covers the nuclear storage issue. Called "Into Eternity". Kinda crazy stuff. Anyone seen it?

Anywho here's an article by wired UK that covers it: http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2010-09/20/into-eternity-nuclear-waste-finland

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On a relevant note, actually, here's a really cool documentary i watched about a finnish nuclear waste bunker that's being constructed. Covers the nuclear storage issue. Called "Into Eternity". Kinda crazy stuff. Anyone seen it?

Anywho here's an article by wired UK that covers it: http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2010-09/20/into-eternity-nuclear-waste-finland

Ha, I stumbled upon that a few weeks back. Haven't watched it in its entirety

yet though. What I've seen so far has seemed quite interesting, especially the

bits where the interviewees get asked a question for which they're not really

prepared and need to give an unrehearsed answer. Some are easily able to come

up with a good response, whereas others seem worryingly uncomfortable saying

something which hasn't been approved by their PR office. Not that all of the

questions are necessarily smart, but there are some good ones in there.

We're still bickering about such a facility in Switzerland, they've been trying

to come up with a place to put it for decades. Just recently they were discussing

(or even decided to, not sure anymore) re-introducing the possibility for the

region which has been selected to veto with a popular vote, which of course

will always be a "No", therefore further delaying the project into all eternity

(I think this has actually already happened at least once).

In the end it's really the only practical solution that I'm aware of (those who

say "Let's shoot it into space!" clearly are not aware of what a risky undertaking

rocket launches actually still are and how many of them we would need), but hey,

who needs to solve problems now when you can just save them up for your grandchildren

and let them deal with the problem (which, by then, will have become more urgent

and probably more serious, so yay for that banghead.gif), same goes for global warming of course.

Anyway, </rant>...

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I'm going to try to keep this short because off-topic.

In fact men do not go through exactly the same puberty process as women. I'll give you that. But your argument would make a lot more sense a few years ago, when information wasn't so readily available to most people. And the specifics of puberty may be different but the general feeling is pretty much the same (I guess, I don't have any siblings to base this opinion on). And like @Canoas said, there are other women in the family or close group of friends that the child can talk to.

As for the need for mother and father equally I'll just quote an excerpt of an abstract published in the American Academy of Pediatrics: "... more than 30 years of research reveal that children raised by gay and lesbian parents have demonstrated resilience with regard to social, psychological, and sexual health despite economic and legal disparities and social stigma."

Lily Tucker-Pritchett seems to be doing fine so far! Segue into on-topic


Speaking of TV shows, my unpopular (maybe even highly controversial?!) opinion of the day is:

Breaking Bad is a bad show. Now, I haven't watched it, you can give me a hard time about that, but simply the premise of producing drugs because I'm dying and want my family to do well just seems wrong. I might watch it a few months from now, but I am almost 95% sure that I'm going to have a hard time looking past that.


Alright, I'll be more liberal and invest some time into more research on the subject. So far I have only heard about the negative effects/influences of children being raised by gay couples. Don't get me wrong though, I have nothing against homosexuals, some of my best friends are. 


I actually somewhat agree with you on Breaking Bad. The core story and how it could even get there is very hard to believe. Also the lead charachters' actions after the initial meth cooking are very questionable. I do however enjoy watching it for its camera work, the sound design and the acting, which is top. If you are looking for a show, I recommend The Newsroom :)

5.1GHz 4770k

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Intel i7-4770K @ 4.7GHz | Corsair H105 w/ SP120 | Asus Gene VI | 32GB Corsair Vengeance LP | 2x GTX 780Ti| Corsair 750D | OCZ Agility 3 | Samsung 840/850 | Sandisk SSD | 3TB WD RED | Seagate Barracuda 2TB | Corsair RM850 | ASUS PB278Q | SyncMaster 2370HD | SyncMaster P2450
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I dont really think mechanical keyboards are better for typing. In fact I think they may be worse. I have a mechanical green switch at the moment, 

AMD FX-8350 @ 4.7Ghz when gaming | MSI 990FXA-GD80 v2 | Swiftech H220 | Sapphire Radeon HD 7950  +  XFX Radeon 7950 | 8 Gigs of Crucial Ballistix Tracers | 140 GB Raptor X | 1 TB WD Blue | 250 GB Samsung Pro SSD | 120 GB Samsung SSD | 750 Watt Antec HCG PSU | Corsair C70 Mil Green

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I don't think I should pay taxes on money that I am making by investing the money I earned at work (on which taxes have already been paid). 

5.1GHz 4770k

My Specs

Intel i7-4770K @ 4.7GHz | Corsair H105 w/ SP120 | Asus Gene VI | 32GB Corsair Vengeance LP | 2x GTX 780Ti| Corsair 750D | OCZ Agility 3 | Samsung 840/850 | Sandisk SSD | 3TB WD RED | Seagate Barracuda 2TB | Corsair RM850 | ASUS PB278Q | SyncMaster 2370HD | SyncMaster P2450
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