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Anime Club - Heaven Society


All dem carry-out, mang.


FreeCAD is pretty decent for a free program from my experience.

Dude Chinese places literally give you a paper bag full of soy sauce when you get to go, it's ridiculous. 

Like watching Anime? Consider joining the unofficial LTT Anime Club Heaven Society~ ^.^



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Dude Chinese places literally give you a paper bag full of soy sauce when you get to go, it's ridiculous. 

Food doesn't taste good enough?


Add more soy. 



lol, but people do love sauces. 

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Welp! Happy mode engaged!


Next giveaway being planned! I always deliver! Who want's to hop on board?!

 nice but the real question i have right now is this weeks thread going to be up before next week starts?


All dem carry-outs, mang.


FreeCAD is pretty decent for a free program from my experience.

Not sure I have tried freeCAD but I'm not a fan of libreCAD or draftsight
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 nice but the real question i have right now is this weeks thread going to be up before next week starts?


Not sure I have tried freeCAD but I'm not a fan of libreCAD or draftsight

@Luclocke didn't deliver. I'll make it tonight. Perfect timing anyway, it's Wednesday.


Like watching Anime? Consider joining the unofficial LTT Anime Club Heaven Society~ ^.^



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Heh.. that's like saying a Toyota Yaris feels meh after driving a Roadster or Veyron or 918 for a while.

It's definitely an eye-opening experience. 

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Welp! Happy mode engaged!


Next giveaway being planned! I always deliver! Who want's to hop on board?! 


Maybe. I will have to see. looking at new gpu and or ssd.


Dude Chinese places literally give you a paper bag full of soy sauce when you get to go, it's ridiculous. 

Never had that happen to me.


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 nice but the real question i have right now is this weeks thread going to be up before next week starts?


Not sure I have tried freeCAD but I'm not a fan of libreCAD or draftsight

Why so?


The default black background looks somewhat pleasing to the eyes. 

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@Opask @Ruostunut kokis Super easy to make a RAM Disk in Linux:

sudo mkdir /mnt/ramdisk sudo mount -t ramfs -o size=12g ramfs /mnt/ramdisk
The mount can be named whatever you want (so /mnt/ram instead of /mnt/ramdisk), and you can choose between ramfs & tmpfs for the mount command. 12g is just what I used (mah 32gb of ram needs to be used).

You can edit the /etc/fstab file to make that permanent, but always remember it's volatile storage (meaning it will be deleted upon reboot like /tmp).

The mkdir is just so it has a place to go (you can mount it anywhere, /home/opask/ramdisk for example).

The difference between ramfs and tmpfs is simple: One expands and the other does not. tmpfs will make a 12GB file using that much RAM (in my case) that it slowly fills with wtv files you store, but will not let you use more than 12GB of space. ramfs will not use any RAM until you actually start putting stuff into it, and can expand beyond it leading to your system running out of memory if you use too much space in it.

The other difference is that tmpfs will use swap if you run out of RAM, while ramfs will not (leading to your system choking, basically).

I'm using ramfs because I never intend to use more than 12GB. I'll probably record video to it. I'll also use it to test my other drives & such.

Super easy way to test drive performance:

sudo dd if=/dev/sdX of=/mnt/ramdisk/output bs=8k count=1000k
Obviously replace the X with your drive letter thingie. I used sda which is my OS drive for the following result (my USB 3.0 drive). It returns with a thing like this:

8388608000 bytes (8.4 GB) copied, 42.5372 s, 197 MB/s
bs is the amount of Bytes per transfer (so 8KB in the above example), and the count is the number of sectors on the drive to count (so 1,000,000). If you want a faster test, just reduce that count number by a magnitude (10k or 100k would be fine).

Mah 4-way RAID 0 of the PCI-E SSD's performance for example:

sudo dd if=/dev/md0p1 of=/mnt/ramdisk/output bs=8k
So, I actually ran the above thing without thinking. Partition 1 of that RAID array is 414 GB big. I told it to write the whole thing to my measly 32GB of RAM. The system locked up. So be mindful of that. LOL

I then rebooted, and when I opened Chromium, I hit "restore" on the tabs (since it knew it locked up). This post (up to the above command) was still in this box. ... I can't tell you how much I love that. No more losing posts. :D Ever. Basically.

ANYWAY, mah 4-way RAID 0 of the PCI-E SSD's performance:

sudo dd if=/dev/md0p1 of=/mnt/ramdisk/output bs=8k count=1000k8388608000 bytes (8.4 GB) copied, 2.21048 s, 3.8 GB/s
@TheProfosist wat ... just wat. These numbers can't be right. This is amazing. How the hell does it get those speeds? Just... I can't even.

I copied my CoD4:MW folder over to Partition 1 of my RAID because I thought transferring empty space would be much faster than actual data. Here is what happens when I do that with an empty /dev/md0p1:

8388608000 bytes (8.4 GB) copied, 6.9536 s, 1.2 GB/s
This confuses me so much.


Here are 5 more attempts at it (dd /dev/md0p1 to /mnt/ramdisk):

8388608000 bytes (8.4 GB) copied, 5.20765 s, 1.6 GB/s8388608000 bytes (8.4 GB) copied, 2.25741 s, 3.7 GB/s8388608000 bytes (8.4 GB) copied, 2.17323 s, 3.9 GB/s8388608000 bytes (8.4 GB) copied, 2.13117 s, 3.9 GB/s8388608000 bytes (8.4 GB) copied, 2.19202 s, 3.8 GB/s
Look at my reply below to TheProfosist.

† Christian Member †

For my pertinent links to guides, reviews, and anything similar, go here, and look under the spoiler labeled such. A brief history of Unix and it's relation to OS X by Builder.



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Why so?


The default black background looks somewhat pleasing to the eyes.

probably my lack of knowledge in the programs but when I have tried using them I have had more problems then really getting anything done with either.
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At one point my friends were forcefully trying to make me play cards and gamble with them. I was soooo not in the mood so I did this routine



And TA-DA I'm not allowed to participate in any card game ever again.




*the guy's United Kingdom from hetalia

|CPU: Intel i7-5960X @ 4.4ghz|MoBo: Asus Rampage V|RAM: 64GB Corsair Dominator Platinum|GPU:2-way SLI Gigabyte G1 Gaming GTX 980's|SSD:512GB Samsung 850 pro|HDD: 2TB WD Black|PSU: Corsair AX1200i|COOLING: NZXT Kraken x61|SOUNDCARD: Creative SBX ZxR|  ^_^  Planned Bedroom Build: Red Phantom [quadro is stuck in customs, still trying to find a cheaper way to buy a highend xeon]

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Maybe. I will have to see. looking at new gpu and or ssd.


Never had that happen to me.

Happiness spreading time haha.


Maybe you have better Chinese restaurants around your area.... stuff here is well... mediocre or worse.



Gotta go to find a frame to put it in xD


Whoa lots of Linux stuff I don't understand a bit of. 


BTW doing a stock filter sweep, look for good short positions on the market now. I'll keep you updated on what I find, If I don't say anything today then I've probably already fell asleep and will display results the next day. Your positions all stuck in place?

Like watching Anime? Consider joining the unofficial LTT Anime Club Heaven Society~ ^.^



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Welp! Happy mode engaged!


Next giveaway being planned! I always deliver! Who want's to hop on board?! 


Umm I would but I just give @Charger all my things...

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Gotta go to find a frame to put it in xD

Whoa lots of Linux stuff I don't understand a bit of.

BTW doing a stock filter sweep, look for good short positions on the market now. I'll keep you updated on what I find, If I don't say anything today then I've probably already fell asleep and will display results the next day. Your positions all stuck in place?

ATM no. I can sell any time. I haven't sold Calls yet (which would lock them in, sort of. I could buy them back, but that'd cost me a tiny bit).

† Christian Member †

For my pertinent links to guides, reviews, and anything similar, go here, and look under the spoiler labeled such. A brief history of Unix and it's relation to OS X by Builder.



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*the guy's United Kingdom from hetalia

I've seen tons of hetalia fan art but I could never get into the series.

Like watching Anime? Consider joining the unofficial LTT Anime Club Heaven Society~ ^.^



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@TheProfosist wat ... just wat. These numbers can't be right. This is amazing. How the hell does it get those speeds? Just... I can't even.

I copied my CoD4:MW folder over to Partition 1 of my RAID because I thought transferring empty space would be much faster than actual data. Here is what happens when I do that with an empty /dev/md0p1:

8388608000 bytes (8.4 GB) copied, 6.9536 s, 1.2 GB/s
This confuses me so much.

So wait what is the question?

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I've seen tons of hetalia fan art but I could never get into the series.

The one series I saw was alright.


Would have been fun if it was basically Cromartie High School but with the United Nation.

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So wait what is the question?

I'm cloning the partition on the PCI-e SSD you sold me to a RAM Disk.

It has 8GB of actual data on it (CoD4MW), so it isn't just empty stuff.

I'm consistently getting 3.7-3.9GB/s transfer speeds.

But now that I think about it, I can't guarantee (using dd anyway) that I'm actually transferring CoD4MW's files since I'm telling dd to only copy the first 1,000,000 sectors on the RAID array that I had to set up to make this work.

Hmm. I'll have to find a different tool that can specify actual data vs just blindly going with sectors then.

@RedSphyxis Noice bro. Good choice I'd think.

I gotta say, I'm digging that music in that video tho.

† Christian Member †

For my pertinent links to guides, reviews, and anything similar, go here, and look under the spoiler labeled such. A brief history of Unix and it's relation to OS X by Builder.



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I'm cloning the partition on the PCI-e SSD you sold me to a RAM Disk.

It has 8GB of actual data on it (CoD4MW), so it isn't just empty stuff.

I'm consistently getting 3.7-3.9GB/s transfer speeds.

But now that I think about it, I can't guarantee (using dd anyway) that I'm actually transferring CoD4MW's files since I'm telling dd to only copy the first 1,000,000 sectors on the RAID array that I had to set up to make this work.

Hmm. I'll have to find a different tool that can specify actual data vs just blindly going with sectors then.

Yea idk that drive is quick but I dont think that quick...

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I've seen tons of hetalia fan art but I could never get into the series.

it's one of those series where the yaoi flags and ships turns off a lot of viewers. If you can get past those then you're on your way to becoming a fan.


And it has some pretty awesome hetero ships.


my fav would be AustriaXHungary




@Vitalius I always have that tune playing inside my head Every-time I perform this trick. Likely because it doesn't require any patter.

Edited by RedSphyxis

|CPU: Intel i7-5960X @ 4.4ghz|MoBo: Asus Rampage V|RAM: 64GB Corsair Dominator Platinum|GPU:2-way SLI Gigabyte G1 Gaming GTX 980's|SSD:512GB Samsung 850 pro|HDD: 2TB WD Black|PSU: Corsair AX1200i|COOLING: NZXT Kraken x61|SOUNDCARD: Creative SBX ZxR|  ^_^  Planned Bedroom Build: Red Phantom [quadro is stuck in customs, still trying to find a cheaper way to buy a highend xeon]

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If I wanted to, I would wait until an English version gets licensed. Broadcast version just got a BR re-release.


IIRC you could import it for 300 (less shipping), but you probably don't understand japanese.


up to you really, but I doubt it was something you were looking for and happened to stumble upon it, so you can probably wait.

of course, unless you wouldn't buy it otherwise


and then again, buying used doesn't really give any support, might as well save your money and steal it instead of buying used

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Slightly late to the party, but I just finished watching Madoka Magica and all 3 of its movies. I didn't have a singular favourite anime before, now I do. No other show/film I've watched has managed to make me feel so invested despite being so short. It sounds like I'm putting it on too high a pedestal but I haven't enjoyed a show this much in forever.


(Mild spoilers):

I was aware it got dark a couple of episodes in, but I was under the impression it would just be violent and bloody, not give a bleak feeling of inescapable tragedy like it did.


I thought the show ended perfectly, and I was skeptical about movie 3 continuing the story, but was surprised at how much I liked it. I have mixed feelings about the ending but overall it was still fantastic.


Mami is best girl.



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Slightly late to the party, but I just finished watching Madoka Magica and all 3 of its movies. I didn't have a singular favourite anime before, now I do. No other show/film I've watched has managed to make me feel so invested despite being so short. It sounds like I'm putting it on too high a pedestal but I haven't enjoyed a show this much in forever.


(Mild spoilers):

I was aware it got dark a couple of episodes in, but I was under the impression it would just be violent and bloody, not give a bleak feeling of inescapable tragedy like it did.


I thought the show ended perfectly, and I was skeptical about movie 3 continuing the story, but was surprised at how much I liked it. I have mixed feelings about the ending but overall it was still fantastic.


Mami is best girl.



A lot of people didn't like rebellion ending, thought it was really good, IMO.

homu a boss



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