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Losing passion for video games and it seems impossible to regain it


The title is totally stolen from another post, elsewhere on the web :)


This is more of a personal issue than anything else but at this point im not sure what i should do.


Im 30 years old and i've been a pc gamer my entire life. I always thought that gaming will be part of my life for as long as im alive or close to it.


Gaming was always my passion.


Lately however, for the past year or so in fact, i noticed that my will to play games has diminished. Most noticable is the amount of games that I have started but not finished. I never did this in the past, i've always finished my games, in fact i would finish them multiple times depending on the game.

This loss of will to play games was gradual. I became aware of it several months ago and ive tried to take steps to counter act it. 


One of the things i tried was to upgrade my pc. I was running on an outdate pc, i couldnt play the latest AAA titles at acceptable frame rates, etc. 

So i decided to finally build myself a trully high end gaming system in hopes that with the new system i would re-ignite my passion for games.


Recently i built my dream pc, RTX 3080 TUF, AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, 32 GB RAM, etc.  I finally have my first high end system, capable of playing anything out there at my 2k resolution monitor.


First thing i did was, download and install all the games i couldnt play before, all the games i really wanted to play, thinking i would lose myself in them.



But, here i am, looking at my desktop and wondering wtf should i do.


I tried forcing myself to play. I would launch a game that i know i like and while i didnt hate the experience, i was playing for the sake of playing and eventually just quitting and i was back at the desktop again.




Ive had this issue in the past as well but often times it would go away  in a week time (tops).

Its been several months now and its getting worse by the day.


One other reason i built this pc was because of Cyberpunk 2077. At the moment im crazy for it. I cant wait to play it. The hype is REAL!


However, im afraid that when the time comes and i can finally play that game, i will run into the same issue. I will play the game for a couple of days and then start loosing interest in it .... 


The problem is, i dont have another hobby other than Airsoft (but sadly, there is no way for me to practice that sport where i live). I love movies, i would watch movies all day but ive already done that, i ran out of things i want to watch ... 


Has anyone here had a similar issue? 

If yes, did you eventually recover from it? How?


Any ideas, suggestions? Anything? 



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2 minutes ago, code99 said:

This is more of a personal issue than anything else but at this point im not sure what i should do.


Im 30 years old and i've been a pc gamer my entire life. I always thought that gaming will be part of my life for as long as im alive or close to it.


Gaming was always my passion.


Lately however, for the past year or so in fact, i noticed that my will to play games has diminished. Most noticable is the amount of games that I have started but not finished. I never did this in the past, i've always finished my games, in fact i would finish them multiple times depending on the game.

This loss of will to play games was gradual. I became aware of it several months ago and ive tried to take steps to counter act it. 


One of the things i tried was to upgrade my pc. I was running on an outdate pc, i couldnt play the latest AAA titles at acceptable frame rates, etc. 

So i decided to finally build myself a trully high end gaming system in hopes that with the new system i would re-ignite my passion for games.


Recently i built my dream pc, RTX 3080 TUF, AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, 32 GB RAM, etc.  I finally have my first high end system, capable of playing anything out there at my 2k resolution monitor.


First thing i did was, download and install all the games i couldnt play before, all the games i really wanted to play, thinking i would lose myself in them.



But, here i am, looking at my desktop and wondering wtf should i do.


I tried forcing myself to play. I would launch a game that i know i like and while i didnt hate the experience, i was playing for the sake of playing and eventually just quitting and i was back at the desktop again.




Ive had this issue in the past as well but often times it would go away  in a week time (tops).

Its been several months now and its getting worse by the day.


One other reason i built this pc was because of Cyberpunk 2077. At the moment im crazy for it. I cant wait to play it. The hype is REAL!


However, im afraid that when the time comes and i can finally play that game, i will run into the same issue. I will play the game for a couple of days and then start loosing interest in it .... 



Has anyone here had a similar issue? 

If yes, did you eventually recover from it? How?


Any ideas, suggestions? Anything? 



Don't force yourself to love games again.

These things happen, and gaining and losing interest in something happens naturally.

You can't force yourself to like something, or have interest in something. Doing that will make you feel less and less interested in what your trying to force yourself to be interested in.

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I am 34 and I had the same issue around your age. The interest never renewed which is why I deleted my gaming accounts. I want to leave it completely behind 

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I go through phases, but my biggest factor is honestly depression. I know intellectually that getting into a game will bring me joy, but I can't ever sink into one when I'm past a certain depressive threshold. 

5950X/4090FE primary rig  |  1920X/1070Ti Unraid for dockers  |  200TB TrueNAS w/ 1:1 backup

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1 minute ago, OddOod said:

I go through phases, but my biggest factor is honestly depression. I know intellectually that getting into a game will bring me joy, but I can't ever sink into one when I'm past a certain depressive threshold. 

Came here to say this. Depression is what kills the fun and all the enjoyment, I had the same thing happen to me when I was 23, OP I am guessing you are going through some other things that affect your life overall. Try other things, I for example picked up weekend camping during that time and didnt even play video games for months.

mY sYsTeM iS Not pErfoRmInG aS gOOd As I sAW oN yOuTuBe. WhA t IS a GoOd FaN CuRVe??!!? wHat aRe tEh GoOd OvERclok SeTTinGS FoR My CaRd??  HoW CaN I foRcE my GpU to uSe 1o0%? BuT WiLL i HaVE Bo0tllEnEcKs? RyZEN dOeS NoT peRfORm BetTer wItH HiGhER sPEED RaM!!dId i WiN teH SiLiCON LotTerrYyOu ShoUlD dEsHrOuD uR GPUmy SYstEm iS UNDerPerforMiNg iN WarzONEcan mY Pc Run WiNdOwS 11 ?woUld BaKInG MY GRaPHics card fIX it? MultimETeR TeSTiNG!! aMd'S GpU DrIvErS aRe as goOD aS NviDia's YOU SHoUlD oVERCloCk yOUR ramS To 5000C18

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As you get older, your passions will change, or cycle.  It's normal.

I'd suggest finding an active hobby.  I've found that I enjoy what time I dedicate to nerding out or gaming more, if I have had positive social experiences and exercised vigorously. 

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I'd suggest trying other genres of video games ... if you played mostly shooters, try some RPGs like let's say Neverwinter Nights or Dungeon Siege or other similar games with nice inventory, character classes etc... maybe try some adventure/puzzle adventure games like Syberia, The Longest Journey (the original), Phantasmagoria  ... or try some real time strategy like Dune 2000, World of Warcraft, the original Command and Conquer games... or even some turn base strategy like Heroes of Might and Magic, King's Bounty etc


Maybe you're ready to expand your taste in games, maybe you're simply growing out of some genres of games..


I agree with not forcing yourself to play...  it can be depression, it can be your mind being too stressed / overloaded with all the problems of this year, who knows.


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29 minutes ago, code99 said:

The title is totally stolen from another post, elsewhere on the web :)


This is more of a personal issue than anything else but at this point im not sure what i should do.


Im 30 years old and i've been a pc gamer my entire life. I always thought that gaming will be part of my life for as long as im alive or close to it.


Gaming was always my passion.


Lately however, for the past year or so in fact, i noticed that my will to play games has diminished. Most noticable is the amount of games that I have started but not finished. I never did this in the past, i've always finished my games, in fact i would finish them multiple times depending on the game.

This loss of will to play games was gradual. I became aware of it several months ago and ive tried to take steps to counter act it. 


One of the things i tried was to upgrade my pc. I was running on an outdate pc, i couldnt play the latest AAA titles at acceptable frame rates, etc. 

So i decided to finally build myself a trully high end gaming system in hopes that with the new system i would re-ignite my passion for games.


Recently i built my dream pc, RTX 3080 TUF, AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, 32 GB RAM, etc.  I finally have my first high end system, capable of playing anything out there at my 2k resolution monitor.


First thing i did was, download and install all the games i couldnt play before, all the games i really wanted to play, thinking i would lose myself in them.



But, here i am, looking at my desktop and wondering wtf should i do.


I tried forcing myself to play. I would launch a game that i know i like and while i didnt hate the experience, i was playing for the sake of playing and eventually just quitting and i was back at the desktop again.




Ive had this issue in the past as well but often times it would go away  in a week time (tops).

Its been several months now and its getting worse by the day.


One other reason i built this pc was because of Cyberpunk 2077. At the moment im crazy for it. I cant wait to play it. The hype is REAL!


However, im afraid that when the time comes and i can finally play that game, i will run into the same issue. I will play the game for a couple of days and then start loosing interest in it .... 


The problem is, i dont have another hobby other than Airsoft (but sadly, there is no way for me to practice that sport where i live). I love movies, i would watch movies all day but ive already done that, i ran out of things i want to watch ... 


Has anyone here had a similar issue? 

If yes, did you eventually recover from it? How?


Any ideas, suggestions? Anything? 




I am also 30 and have the same issue, to be completely honest with you I could tell for the last 2-3 years I just don't have the same amount of time to play games like I did before and it meant I was rushing and just not enjoying it. I found two things that really helped. 1 was playing more party games with Family and Friends like Jack Box,Mario Party,Among Us anything that got me involved with others for a couple hours and 2 I split my focus a bit and watch YouTube or Funimation or Netflix on random while also playing something like Genshin impact or an MMO and just sort of float between what I'm really paying attention to until something catches my interest.



I understand how you feel and hope you find something you really enjoy.

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OK kiddies, have a seat.  It's time for Daddy to talk.  I'm a couple of years away from the big 5 0.  And I've been playing FPS games since the OG Doom that launched when I was 20.


What you're experience is a combination of things.  As a lot of folks have already said: it's normal for interests to slide around a bit and it's a foolish move to force it.  If you're not enjoying the activity: STOP DOING IT!  That's the surest way to destroy any chance of it ever being fun again.


I've gone through these episodes multiple times in the many years I've been FPS'ing.  No other game style interests me in the least, so I don't play them.  If it's not a shooter, I'm not playing it.  But there are stretches of time where I just don't use my PC.  I turn it off (which is rare) and leave it off (even more rare).


The other thing you're running into is age.  You likely have lost some of your hand-eye coordination at the age of 30, though it's not nearly as bad as it's going to get.  Just wait.  By the time you hit 40, your hand-eye is going to feel like syrup.  I'm exaggerating, of course, but it doesn't take much of a decline to cause you to suffer in game.  Not when you're playing against 20 year olds.  And you know what you can do about that?


Nothing.  Absolutely, positively nothing.  Don't go Googling for a "way to beat age" when it comes to hand-eye.  No matter what snake oil someone tries to tell you about online, nothing will work.  I made this last year regarding age and my then-favorite: Rainbow Six Siege



I "retired" from Siege last month as it's just gotten way too difficult to play as an old man.  And I was hating and hating and hating playing it; forcing myself to.  In other words: destroying any chance it would be fun again for me.


Don't do that.  Ease into your aging self because there's no positive alternative to it.  Keep playing games, but temper the game play with other activities such as learning, reading, what have you.  This is all a normal aspect of getting older.  Accept and embrace it, and then capitalize on it.



Editing Rig: Mac Pro 7,1

System Specs: 3.2GHz 16-core Xeon | 96GB ECC DDR4 | AMD Radeon Pro W6800X Duo | Lots of SSD and NVMe storage |

Audio: Universal Audio Apollo Thunderbolt-3 Interface |

Displays: 3 x LG 32UL950-W displays |


Gaming Rig: PC

System Specs:  Asus ROG Crosshair X670E Extreme | AMD 7800X3D | 64GB G.Skill Trident Z5 NEO 6000MHz RAM | NVidia 4090 FE card (OC'd) | Corsair AX1500i power supply | CaseLabs Magnum THW10 case (RIP CaseLabs ) |

Audio:  Sound Blaster AE-9 card | Mackie DL32R Mixer | Sennheiser HDV820 amp | Sennheiser HD820 phones | Rode Broadcaster mic |

Display: Asus PG32UQX 4K/144Hz displayBenQ EW3280U display

Cooling:  2 x EK 140 Revo D5 Pump/Res | EK Quantum Magnitude CPU block | EK 4090FE waterblock | AlphaCool 480mm x 60mm rad | AlphaCool 560mm x 60mm rad | 13 x Noctua 120mm fans | 8 x Noctua 140mm fans | 2 x Aquaero 6XT fan controllers |

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one problem is that you're playing bad games. and I'm dead serious, 'cyberpunk" lol, I can definitely imagine what games you tend to play, I'd be bored too! 


Personally I can't play western games at all, the animation are 99% terrible, they all have this weird kind of handholding to make sure the player alway knows the next step (basically "press x to win syndrome") and play generally in a very similar way,, even the "stories"...  in a way, you could say they take themselves way too serious. 


yes I'm completely over generalizing, but that's kinda the point, on average, in most case it's true... 


Asian games are different, they do have some similarities for sure, some try to be too much to be "western" (prominent examples : MGSV, complete "DS" saga...) but generally they take much more risks, trying new things and aren't necessarily afraid of failing (prominent examples : "Nier", Yakuza, Monster Hunter) 



Yes, hey, maybe I'm completely "wrong" but my gut feeling says that's were the issue lies somehow... 


too much mainstream, pew pew, sure that must get boring at some point! 


me? I might get this also that I'm not sure what to play next, but there's always something new coming around somehow, even if it's in form of emulating older games - one of my personal favorites and absolute gem which I did find not too unrecently: 





I just love games, and shit like this is why! ;D


PS: it's also absolutely beautiful in 4k! they don't make'm like that anymore... 

The direction tells you... the direction

-Scott Manley, 2021


Softwares used:

Corsair Link (Anime Edition) 

MSI Afterburner 


Lively Wallpaper 

OBS Studio

Shutter Encoder









3D Paint

GitHub Desktop 






Generic Logviewer




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Just take a break? If you have games the better part of your life (like me for 20 some years) and are only now losing interest, just take a break. I have taken two, and you could say I'm currently on break too. I've taken two breaks where I didn't play anything for couple of months. Currently I only play Overwatch and Gems of War (match-3 style). Mainly this is due other activities taking my interests and time, but also as the games I have played before don't really get my sparks flying.


I don't do anything because I feel like I need to keep the spark up. If I have spark for something, I go on with it. Until I lose interest and drop it. Thats how things go with some people. And thats also reason why I don't pursue career on games or tech, even when those have been important to me. I don't want to lose that interest completely because I make money with it.


So take a break. Maybe move to watching streams, maybe take up something else. You can always come back or pick up things again.

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Have you ever considered the fact that you grew out of it?

Sure, you can try to reignite the passion but isn't letting it go a better alternative? Maybe even for a while, just so you can see what happens.

Honestly, think about it like that: you're doing something that is meant to bring you joy but causes the opposite. So there you are, bored to the core and not knowing what to do next while there's a shitton of other cool stuff you could be doing at the very same time. Something that can bring you fulfillment just because you see a reason in it, because you see effects of your work, because you know you're learning new stuff, because you better yourself.

Realize how much you are missing by limiting yourself to something you don't even enjoy anymore.

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17 hours ago, code99 said:

The title is totally stolen from another post, elsewhere on the web :)


This is more of a personal issue than anything else but at this point im not sure what i should do.


Im 30 years old and i've been a pc gamer my entire life. I always thought that gaming will be part of my life for as long as im alive or close to it.


Gaming was always my passion.


Lately however, for the past year or so in fact, i noticed that my will to play games has diminished. Most noticable is the amount of games that I have started but not finished. I never did this in the past, i've always finished my games, in fact i would finish them multiple times depending on the game.

This loss of will to play games was gradual. I became aware of it several months ago and ive tried to take steps to counter act it. 


One of the things i tried was to upgrade my pc. I was running on an outdate pc, i couldnt play the latest AAA titles at acceptable frame rates, etc. 

So i decided to finally build myself a trully high end gaming system in hopes that with the new system i would re-ignite my passion for games.


Recently i built my dream pc, RTX 3080 TUF, AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, 32 GB RAM, etc.  I finally have my first high end system, capable of playing anything out there at my 2k resolution monitor.


First thing i did was, download and install all the games i couldnt play before, all the games i really wanted to play, thinking i would lose myself in them.



But, here i am, looking at my desktop and wondering wtf should i do.


I tried forcing myself to play. I would launch a game that i know i like and while i didnt hate the experience, i was playing for the sake of playing and eventually just quitting and i was back at the desktop again.




Ive had this issue in the past as well but often times it would go away  in a week time (tops).

Its been several months now and its getting worse by the day.


One other reason i built this pc was because of Cyberpunk 2077. At the moment im crazy for it. I cant wait to play it. The hype is REAL!


However, im afraid that when the time comes and i can finally play that game, i will run into the same issue. I will play the game for a couple of days and then start loosing interest in it .... 


The problem is, i dont have another hobby other than Airsoft (but sadly, there is no way for me to practice that sport where i live). I love movies, i would watch movies all day but ive already done that, i ran out of things i want to watch ... 


Has anyone here had a similar issue? 

If yes, did you eventually recover from it? How?


Any ideas, suggestions? Anything? 



Find another hobby so you’re not investing your time just into one. If all you do is eat your favourite food you’re not going to want it after a while. 

Dirty Windows Peasants :P ?

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A lot of games ARE bad. 


The trend even just 10 years ago was to release a game complete. 


I also think PS4 got a lot of the bangers we missed. 


Pc got games in the last 7 years but most were short/shitty indie games. 


We also got ports like dark souls (hard so maybe skipped), halo, call of duty. 


Nothing super stellar though. 

Im not really looking forward to any games. 

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im 35, and life changes that's ok.
I wanted to go to school for computer science and security/tech and ended up switching to Mathematics,
Honestly I don't regret it. 

Also sometimes real life stuff does loom in the way.
thats also ok.  

Enjoy what's out there. 

homeofmew (homeofmew#1337)

[ | folding@home | F@A Extreme Over Clocking | Bionic | ]

Bachelors of Science in Mathematics, University of Houston

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22 hours ago, WikiForce said:

i am in the same boat :(

it's been few years now

Few years!? 

I cant see myself not playing games for a few years! 


22 hours ago, Levent said:

Came here to say this. Depression is what kills the fun and all the enjoyment, I had the same thing happen to me when I was 23, OP I am guessing you are going through some other things that affect your life overall. Try other things, I for example picked up weekend camping during that time and didnt even play video games for months.

But im not depressed. At least I dont think i am!


I like my job, im a CNC programmer for a luxury furniture factory, currently working on 4 CNC's ... something that i enjoy doing.

I have plenty of free time, i work only 8 hours a day with the occasional 9-10 hour shift every now and again.


My overall life is fine. 


Dont think im depressed 



18 hours ago, Mark Kaine said:

one problem is that you're playing bad games. and I'm dead serious, 'cyberpunk" lol, I can definitely imagine what games you tend to play, I'd be bored too! 


Personally I can't play western games at all, the animation are 99% terrible, they all have this weird kind of handholding to make sure the player alway knows the next step (basically "press x to win syndrome") and play generally in a very similar way,, even the "stories"...  in a way, you could say they take themselves way too serious. 


yes I'm completely over generalizing, but that's kinda the point, on average, in most case it's true... 


Asian games are different, they do have some similarities for sure, some try to be too much to be "western" (prominent examples : MGSV, complete "DS" saga...) but generally they take much more risks, trying new things and aren't necessarily afraid of failing (prominent examples : "Nier", Yakuza, Monster Hunter) 



Yes, hey, maybe I'm completely "wrong" but my gut feeling says that's were the issue lies somehow... 


too much mainstream, pew pew, sure that must get boring at some point! 


me? I might get this also that I'm not sure what to play next, but there's always something new coming around somehow, even if it's in form of emulating older games - one of my personal favorites and absolute gem which I did find not too unrecently: 





I just love games, and shit like this is why! ;D


PS: it's also absolutely beautiful in 4k! they don't make'm like that anymore... 

Idk i play a wide range of games i think.

I dont play FPS games like call of duty warzone any more. Any fast paces FPS games, i dont wanna hear about it.

Same goes for RTS games, i rarely play these anymore, dont like em anymore.


I cant speak to anyone's taste in games but for me, Cyberpunk 2077, is a dream come true. Its just the game i always wanted.


Anyway, like i said, i play a wide range of games in all sort of genres. Games like Graveyard Keeper, Mars Horizon, KSP, X4 Foundation, Death Stranding, Star Wars Jedi Fallen order, Stellaris, Anno 1800, Squad, Heroes 3 (yes, i still play this) and so on.


Those are all games i have currently installed and play ... Well ... i play less now than i used to ... 

10 hours ago, LogicalDrm said:

Just take a break? If you have games the better part of your life (like me for 20 some years) and are only now losing interest, just take a break. I have taken two, and you could say I'm currently on break too. I've taken two breaks where I didn't play anything for couple of months. Currently I only play Overwatch and Gems of War (match-3 style). Mainly this is due other activities taking my interests and time, but also as the games I have played before don't really get my sparks flying.


I don't do anything because I feel like I need to keep the spark up. If I have spark for something, I go on with it. Until I lose interest and drop it. Thats how things go with some people. And thats also reason why I don't pursue career on games or tech, even when those have been important to me. I don't want to lose that interest completely because I make money with it.


So take a break. Maybe move to watching streams, maybe take up something else. You can always come back or pick up things again.

Well kinda difficult to do atm (taking a break i mean). 


With the pandemic going on, i cant do much outside and I dont have anything to do home other than gaming and movies. I watched a lot of movies lately but im starting to run low on movies to watch tbh heh


I think 2020 is the worst time to have an issue such as mine, this year is just a disaster!

8 hours ago, Soag said:

Have you ever considered the fact that you grew out of it?

Sure, you can try to reignite the passion but isn't letting it go a better alternative? Maybe even for a while, just so you can see what happens.

Honestly, think about it like that: you're doing something that is meant to bring you joy but causes the opposite. So there you are, bored to the core and not knowing what to do next while there's a shitton of other cool stuff you could be doing at the very same time. Something that can bring you fulfillment just because you see a reason in it, because you see effects of your work, because you know you're learning new stuff, because you better yourself.

Realize how much you are missing by limiting yourself to something you don't even enjoy anymore.

I agree with you, i should be doing something else atm. 

I know what i want to do, its my dream activity/hobby. I've already done it in the past for a short bit and i love it, i would give up gaming for it.




I can afford doing it, its pretty expensive sport BUT its 2020!


I cant do it because of lockdown. Even if i could do it, sadly, i live in an area where this sport is kinda dead. There used to be some clubs in my area but they all disbanded in time.


Idk what else to do, never liked classic sports like soccer or anything like that ... 


Ive had a rough time trying to find a different hobby other than gaming tbh

4 hours ago, fpo said:

A lot of games ARE bad. 


The trend even just 10 years ago was to release a game complete. 


I also think PS4 got a lot of the bangers we missed. 


Pc got games in the last 7 years but most were short/shitty indie games. 


We also got ports like dark souls (hard so maybe skipped), halo, call of duty. 


Nothing super stellar though. 

Im not really looking forward to any games. 

I do agree with this.


Game quality has gone down in the past few years. A lot of games nowdays are copy paste type games. All feel the same, all generic, nothing innovating, nothing really exciting.


And yes, ps4 got some of the best titles released in the past few years, titles that pc gamers cant play. I dont like consoles, never have, never will so i guess unless some ports are made i will never be able to play those games. ...

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23 hours ago, code99 said:

However, im afraid that when the time comes and i can finally play that game, i will run into the same issue. I will play the game for a couple of days and then start loosing interest in it .... 


The problem is, i dont have another hobby other than Airsoft (but sadly, there is no way for me to practice that sport where i live). I love movies, i would watch movies all day but ive already done that, i ran out of things i want to watch ... 

Well i am no psychologist but i have knowledge in psychology so here is what i think:

A lot of people are afraid of change and that's normal,no need to force yourself into something.

If the loss of passion for gaming is permanent or temporary is remain to be seen,your passion can go back after 6 months,more than 6 months or never.

I think you should accept it,accept your feelings and accept yourself.

Change maybe scary but that sort of change is harmless,do things because you like them and enjoy them now - not because you used to in the past.

A PC Enthusiast since 2011
AMD Ryzen 7 5700X@4.65GHz | GIGABYTE GTX 1660 GAMING OC @ Core 2085MHz Memory 5000MHz
Cinebench R23: 15669cb | Unigine Superposition 1080p Extreme: 3566
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Just now, WikiForce said:

i mean i do play not as much as i used to because i lost my passion for it

As long as it's not from depression it's normal,we have a lot of things going on in our lives,and there are a lot of variables in play that can cause this.


A PC Enthusiast since 2011
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21 minutes ago, code99 said:

Those are all games i have currently installed and play ... Well ... i play less now than i used to ... 

I think it's entirely possible you're just losing "passion" for games, there are other, maybe even more enjoyable hobbies, but it's totally normal to lose passion for certain things, especially hobbies... and it's true, overall games keep getting worse so that certainly doesn't help - I still think my wild guess of playing the "wrong" games wasn't completely wrong, I wouldn't want to play those games, and especially console games as in "uncharted" et al are the worst... "press x to win" boring as hell, no innovation, terrible animations... 


But yeah, it doesn't really matter and people will have different tastes anyhow, it does seem like it's as stated, you're likely just losing passion, and the games I enjoy (I'm super picky btw and I sometimes play the same game for *years*) wouldn't probably be your cup of tea either in the first place... 


Edit: But... but, just in case, 



here's a completely "random" top fav games of mine - random, because there are so many I couldn't list them all... and I also couldn't really rate them in order... 















































I'd be curious which of those you have played, and which you would be interested in playing...  



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5 hours ago, fpo said:

A lot of games ARE bad. 


The trend even just 10 years ago was to release a game complete. 


I also think PS4 got a lot of the bangers we missed. 


Pc got games in the last 7 years but most were short/shitty indie games. 


We also got ports like dark souls (hard so maybe skipped), halo, call of duty. 


Nothing super stellar though. 

Im not really looking forward to any games. 

Dunno I’ve had fun with a fun released in the last 5 years. Really enjoyed DMCV, Tekken, Arkham Knight now it’s fixed, overwatch, CoD zombies, both Dooms, subnautica, tomb raider and Jurassic world evolution. 

Dirty Windows Peasants :P ?

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40 minutes ago, code99 said:

With the pandemic going on, i cant do much outside and I dont have anything to do home other than gaming and movies. I watched a lot of movies lately but im starting to run low on movies to watch tbh heh

Reading, starting to learn something new. There are things to sink time onto. Rather than doing something where you think "why I'm wasting my time doing this".

^^^^ That's my post ^^^^
<-- This is me --- That's your scrollbar -->
vvvv Who's there? vvvv

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8 minutes ago, Lord Vile said:

Dunno I’ve had fun with a fun released in the last 5 years. Really enjoyed DMCV, Tekken, Arkham Knight now it’s fixed, overwatch, CoD zombies, both Dooms, subnautica, tomb raider and Jurassic world evolution. 

Those are some good games, but had slipped my mind.

Ignoring Tekken, Arkham, and Jurrassic Park, those are all really good games.

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1 minute ago, LogicalDrm said:

Reading, starting to learn something new. There are things to sink time onto. Rather than doing something where you think "why I'm wasting my time doing this".

Also my signature has some media threads where I post things like banger movies and TV shows.

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1 minute ago, fpo said:

Those are some good games, but had slipped my mind.

Ignoring Tekken, Arkham, and Jurrassic Park, those are all really good games.

Suppose tekken is depending if you like tekken or not but don’t be attack Arkham like that ;) makes you feel like Batman. 

Dirty Windows Peasants :P ?

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Just now, Lord Vile said:

Suppose tekken is depending if you like tekken or not but don’t be attack Arkham like that ;) makes you feel like Batman. 

I'm just not a huge fan of fighting games.
Super Smash Bros is the only fun one, but all fighting games just aren't fun when anyone is good at the game. When everyone sucks, it's a great time. But when someone practices it's just boring for everyone else because they literally cannot do anything.


I played Arkham Knight and found it lackluster. The graphics were phenominal. Probably the best of any game I've ever played. Just... the combat didn't feel engaging nor satisfying & the car was pretty floaty & basic. Not really fleshed out. I think I played like 6 missions & got bored.

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