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Gamers Nexus alleges LMG has insufficient ethics and integrity

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11 minutes ago, faluff said:

I really really really really hope the "firing" part won't be a thing, as this would prove again that they are ignoring the real issue (processes) and instead blame it on a random employee.

You sound like someone who has never delegated authority before.


You can't micromanage people, you need to trust that they can do their job. 


To put simply, let say it is a restuarant, you are a restaurant manager, the pizza guy accidentally put shell fish on a pizza and gives it to someone with allergies.  Who is at fault?  The pizza guy but the company has accountability.

Intel 12400F | 2x8 3000Mhz Corsair LPX | ASRock H570M-ITX  | Noctua DH-N14 | Corsair MP50 480GB | Meshilicious | Corsair SF600Fedora


Thanks let me know if I said something useful. Cheers!

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1 minute ago, HiTechLowSpec said:

This has been covered repeatedly in this thread. Billet Labs doesn't want it back and it's not in the hands of a competitor. Billet wants the compensation that they and Linus had agreed to earlier.


Why people keep insisting on plowing the same row over and over is beyond me.

All true, but there is no agreement on how high that compensation needs to be. There's also the issue with damaged reputation because Linus basically repeatedly said in public "it's bullshit, don't buy it". Billet said that they'd inform the community if and when a final settlement with LMG has been reached.

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Gamers nexus is the Jeremy Kyle/Jerry Springer of the YouTube tech community, he's the drama King. 


He purposely tries to provoke a negative response and conflict from people to entertain his audience, and he really enjoys it, you can tell by how excited he gets, the laughing, the grinning, and the silly lame attempts at jokes he makes. 


LTT have done stuff wrong and need to fix them, but GN has gone about this all wrong and I question his intentions. 

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the fact that ex employees are already talking bad about their experience at LTT and how they had to left because of the bad environment and workload speaks volumes, the house of cards is coming down

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Just now, Shlouski said:

Gamers nexus is the Jeremy Kyle/Jerry Springer of the YouTube tech community, he's the drama King. 


He purposely tries to provoke a negative response and conflict from people to entertain his audience, and he really enjoys it, you can tell by how excited he gets, the laughing, the grinning, and the silly lame attempts at jokes he makes. 


LTT have done stuff wrong and need to fix them, but GN has gone about this all wrong and I question his intentions. 

tis sad to see him become the thing he claimed to champion against 

and its pretty recent he jumped the shark a year or so ago and I think hes struggling with where to take his channel 

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1 minute ago, dustypaws said:

All true, but there is no agreement on how high that compensation needs to be. There's also the issue with damaged reputation because Linus basically repeatedly said in public "it's bullshit, don't buy it". Billet said that they'd inform the community if and when a final settlement with LMG has been reached.

Read Billet's statement. They're done with it.


If you want something different, then just say as much.

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6 minutes ago, HiTechLowSpec said:

This has been covered repeatedly in this thread. Billet Labs doesn't want it back and it's not in the hands of a competitor. Billet wants the compensation that they and Linus had agreed to earlier.


Why people keep insisting on plowing the same row over and over is beyond me.

They said specifically that they wanted compensation due to the fact they are already working to replace the prototype & it has costed them money to do it already. They expected to not get it back ever due to what happened, which is a very fair assumption.

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This is unbelievable, not only did you guys unfairly review someone's prototype cooler by using it on the wrong graphics card, not only did you double down on this mistake, but you actually actioned off their prototype cooler ? And then you dare to reply that you didn't "sell it", you "actioned it off for charity". AND THEN you message the company right before this reply to offer to pay for the damages ? Linus needs someone to seriously push back on this attitude in private, Luke, or Ivone, or someone.

This isn't the Linus we thought we'd known, this is an egomaniac who refuses to admit he was wrong and refuses to properly address his errors. I understand mistakes, but I cannot understand triple-ing down on being wrong and still trying to shift the narrative in your favor. 

"We didn't sell it, we actioned it off for charity" - Linus Sebastian, 2023 

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Just now, HiTechLowSpec said:

Read Billet's statement. They're done with it.


If you want something different, then just say as much.

Oh... Maybe I'm not up to date then... Sorry... 😶

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10 minutes ago, Aiken Drum said:

Steve put up a video some time in the last year, iirc, where he specifically told both viewers and LTT that, because LMG had become an actual, sizable member of the industry, rather than just a critic thereof, he would no longer be treating LMG any differently from how he treated other large companies like Corsair, Asus, Newegg, etc. He specifically said that LMG would not be receiving any special treatment just because they knew each other or had previously been on friendly terms.

Linus had no reason to feel blindsided by Steve's recent response. He'd been put on notice, very publicly, of the change in their relationship status.

man the pure arrogance here how do you even breath

I will be buying the "Hot Takes and Review Mistakes" Tee Shirt when it hits lttstore.com tho


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2 minutes ago, Andrei Ugg said:

This is unbelievable, not only did you guys unfairly review someone's prototype cooler by using it on the wrong graphics card, not only did you double down on this mistake, but you actually actioned off their prototype cooler ? And then you dare to reply that you didn't "sell it", you "actioned it off for charity". AND THEN you message the company right before this reply to offer to pay for the damages ? Linus needs someone to seriously push back on this attitude in private, Luke, or Ivone, or someone.

This isn't the Linus we thought we'd known, this is an egomaniac who refuses to admit he was wrong and refuses to properly address his errors. I understand mistakes, but I cannot understand triple-ing down on being wrong and still trying to shift the narrative in your favor. 

"We didn't sell it, we actioned it off for charity" - Linus Sebastian, 2023 

"Officer, I didn't 'steal' a car, I merely auctioned it off!"

"One must imagine Linus happy."


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3 minutes ago, TheFlyingSquirrel said:

You sound like someone who has never delegated authority before.


You can't micromanage people, you need to trust that they can do their job. 


To put simply, let say it is a restuarant, you are a restaurant manager, the pizza guy accidentally put shell fish on a pizza and gives it to someone with allergies.  Who is at fault?  The pizza guy but the company has accountability.

The person at fault is the person who delegated a task to someone without exercising the due diligence to be sure the person it was delegated to did a good job of it. There's a massive difference between micro-managing and verifying performance, and Linus, even when given massive incontrovertible proof of poor performance, just took it personally and got mad instead of detailing what the company was doing to avoid fupping the duck in the future.


Accountability isn't waiting to say "Oops, you caught us making a ton of mistakes," it's saying, "Hey employee, I see you making a lot of mistakes that are going to affect our reputation, and I want you to do things differently," before anyone else even has a chance to call out your org. And, even if you fail at that due diligence, it's not to say "no u", it's to say "Ugh, you're right, we made these changes, sorry, we'll do better."

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8 minutes ago, Shlouski said:

Gamers nexus is the Jeremy Kyle/Jerry Springer of the YouTube tech community, he's the drama King. 


He purposely tries to provoke a negative response and conflict from people to entertain his audience, and he really enjoys it, you can tell by how excited he gets, the laughing, the grinning, and the silly lame attempts at jokes he makes. 


LTT have done stuff wrong and need to fix them, but GN has gone about this all wrong and I question his intentions. 

The Jeremy Kyle show and Jerry Springer bring the worst examples of humanity on stage to mock them publicly. 

GN's pointed out factual errors and the mishandling of the billet situation. Please don't compare the two, it makes you look extremely silly.


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Steve's new video further exposes this problem, Linus emailed Billet minutes before making this reply and offered compensation, that's just another poor approach at shifting the narrative. Linus, people are not idiots, accept the mistake and make it right, saying it is you who is disappointed is disingenuous and a slap to the face of your community, it is the community whom you've let down with this one, horrible response, zero accountability, trust me bro. 

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3 minutes ago, AndreiArgeanu said:

The moderators are working over time on these topics.


Topic was locked for 2 minutes just now as well. Poor mods. Can't imagine dealing with this much backlash and having to judge comments, some of them are right on the line of character attacks and some of them come across like brainwashed LTT fans, you know which ones (and who) I'm talking about

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14 minutes ago, HiTechLowSpec said:

Why people keep insisting on plowing the same row over and over is beyond me.

It's called "Drama tourism"

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Just now, RandomDude843 said:

Road to 37k subs in floatplane


i just unsubbed from all lmg channels in YT, not that it mattered in the grand scheme of things but it felt right. I’ll wait for their official response tho

Do want a medal?


Seriously, enjoying someone else's misery is not cool.

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At this point, I'm honestly stunned of how many people have lost sight of the issue at hand, making the issue about Linus vs. Steve, GN jealously, or solely fixating on the Billet issue.


While the Billet issue is probably one that encapsulates many of the issues at LMG currently, the main issue and Steve's main point in his video (which he re-asserted in his 2nd video) is that LTT's quality has been slipping for the past year. This issue should be clear as day to anyone who watches LTT regularly, especially to anyone (like me) who has followed Linus since the NCIX days.


Saying that LTT is just an "entertainment channel" and claiming that everyone knows this is a BS excuse. Most of you here have probably blinded yourselves to that fact that this forum mostly consists of veteran viewers who likely have been with this channel on average for much longer than the majority of LTT's current subscriber and viewership base.


LTT has 15M subscribers now, with some videos having reach of 100M. If people want to seriously claim that the overwhelmingly majority of the 15M subscribers know LTT is simply a 'joke' entertainment channel and that none of the 100M+ non-subscribers viewing LTT are taking Linus's buying recommendations seriously... I don't know what to tell you.


And the defense of being an "entertainment channel" is honestly a complete joke:

  • Firstly, it has never been said LTT is a joke and there is no indication on any of the videos which to be treated seriously and which as 'simply entertainment'. Sure, "buyer beware" and that it's just the viewer for trusting bad information from LTT all you want, but this is a massive ethics problem to be knowingly publishing misleading information that can harm consumers. Linus should especially know this if he's going to accuse Steve on the basis of ethics.
  • Secondly, that LTT is simply a 'joke channel' not to be treated seriously is refuted by Linus himself. What is the point of the massive investment into Labs and claiming to want rigorous, trustworthy data produced for the consumer? Was Linus simply joking?

That Labs is still in-development and we should just treat the data being used from Labs carefully since their inclusion a few months ago is also non-sense. If Labs is not ready, don't use the data! It's that simple. You only get a few chances to establish credibility right. And the first steps you do are hire arrogant employees who feel safe to hand off-the-cuffs remarks accusing HUB/GN of being less rigorous than they are, while at the same time releasing obviously wrong data to be used in videos...?


Also, that some of you here seriously think Linus suing Steve/GN for libel is a good option moving forward is... simply flabbergasting. Even disregarding the merits (if any) of such a suit, do you not realize the PR suicide that kind of move would be? LTT would truly be finished if that was allowed to drag on for a year (yet ironically you all accuse GN of trying to take down LTT).


I'll end this post with these Reddit comments that I believe truly spell out the tragedy of the situation, and I hope @LinusTech or someone on his team takes the time to realize how this could have all been easily avoided. That this has turned into the massive PR disaster that it is currently is completely 100% on Linus's unhinged response. It could have been over on day one, with increased respect for LTT and an explanation/apology for the viewers for the awful, slipping quality of videos. Now, it's gone into the worst-case scenario, with even more allegations from others spilling out into the open. 


(Now, I truly feel for Linus and believe there can be non-malicious reasons for keeping the current video schedule, despite employee complaints and clearly slipping quality. There is probably no chance that Linus paid for his new assets (merch/labs buildings, testing equipment, etc.) in solely cash and the rising inflationary situation must have some effect on him, on top of all his existing expenses in salaries, merch, equipment, etc.


Yet, I cannot understand him when he claims the community is simply not paying attention of quality improvements when many only see the opposite. It's also funny to hear this from Linus who I believe has claimed in the past that he doesn't watch his own videos. It is more baffling that he chose to not waste an extra $500 to retest or take the time to craft a proper response to GN, which ignited this whole fiasco that may end up costing 5-6 digit figures. This is not an exaggeration: Floatplane subscribers have dropped by ~3,000 as of now. Assuming all of them were on the basic $5 plan, that's $15,000 gone (for the month) already) 

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3 minutes ago, Aiken Drum said:

The person at fault is the person who delegated a task to someone without exercising the due diligence to be sure the person it was delegated to did a good job of it. There's a massive difference between micro-managing and verifying performance, and Linus, even when given massive incontrovertible proof of poor performance, just took it personally and got mad instead of detailing what the company was doing to avoid fupping the duck in the future.


Accountability isn't waiting to say "Oops, you caught us making a ton of mistakes," it's saying, "Hey employee, I see you making a lot of mistakes that are going to affect our reputation, and I want you to do things differently," before anyone else even has a chance to call out your org. And, even if you fail at that due diligence, it's not to say "no u", it's to say "Ugh, you're right, we made these changes, sorry, we'll do better."

Your comment is based on flawed logic, because in both cases the pizza guy and the LMG business team have a long track record of performance.

Intel 12400F | 2x8 3000Mhz Corsair LPX | ASRock H570M-ITX  | Noctua DH-N14 | Corsair MP50 480GB | Meshilicious | Corsair SF600Fedora


Thanks let me know if I said something useful. Cheers!

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