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If you ran for president, what would your policies be?


it's kinda broad, but didn't expect people to read or care about my post anyways.

but I'm just talking about how big companies just shouldn't do some of the stuff they do now like collecting all that data, leaving no privacy for people and getting away with it because they pay some people for all of it..

And with retards running the technology stuff I mean that it seems like where I live, people who don't know anything about technology make big decisions or plans about it.

In turn wasting millions in making systems that don't work, have to be replaced quickly or don't know how it works causing it to break on day one (like their servers go down and stuff)


And yeah, of course legality of gay marriage, gay couples being able to adopt children, etc. etc.

I get your point and, as you would expect, I enjoyed reading your orginal post as well as this one. I value your opinion and that's the reason why I took time to read it.

I also now get yourpoint withthe technology. Like in Berlin where the cities own little governmnet decided to design and "build" and airport themselvers... outcome: lots of problems and it should have opened more than 2 years agao and they're still working and pumping a shitload of money into it. Just casue some stupid politicians had no I dea what they were talking about when they decided to build that thing from scratch.


I not only respect your opinion, I value and share it. (I've seen some TV poop about netherlands, is the right wing movement seriously so bad there? Ya'll always seem so liberal... idk I am not really informedgood on this)

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I'm in full support for gun rights.


mandatory guns in the hands of all muslims and people with mental instabilities no ifs ands or buts they must all have guns.

What about the mentaly unstable?

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What about the mentaly unstable?

them too. duct tape handguns in their hands and attach frikin lazer beams to their heads.

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I get your point and, as you would expect, I enjoyed reading your orginal post as well as this one. I value your opinion and that's the reason why I took time to read it.

I also now get yourpoint withthe technology. Like in Berlin where the cities own little governmnet decided to design and "build" and airport themselvers... outcome: lots of problems and it should have opened more than 2 years agao and they're still working and pumping a shitload of money into it. Just casue some stupid politicians had no I dea what they were talking about when they decided to build that thing from scratch.


I not only respect your opinion, I value and share it. (I've seen some TV poop about netherlands, is the right wing movement seriously so bad there? Ya'll always seem so liberal... idk I am not really informedgood on this)

I heard about that airport.. That's the sort of stuff I don't want to happen. It happens here a lot in the computer business and stuff. Some politician thinks of a 'great' idea and executes it but it will turn out to cost 3 million more than expected.. oops!


Well the most right person/party is Geert Wilders from the PVV (you may or may not have seen him on TV some time). He makes some statements which I agree with, but goes a little too far IMO. He hates on immigrants, religion (mostly Islam) and people in welfare. And more stuff like that.


The country is now leaded by 2 parties mostly. One is halfway at the right/liberal side and the other is halfway at the left side.

So it's not that extreme now, but they can't make any decisions at all because they disagree on everything..

"We're all in this together, might as well be friends" Tom, Toonami.


mini eLiXiVy: my open source 65% mechanical PCB, a build log, PCB anatomy and discussing open source licenses: https://linustechtips.com/topic/1366493-elixivy-a-65-mechanical-keyboard-build-log-pcb-anatomy-and-how-i-open-sourced-this-project/


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@trik' stari, Im sure you have good points for this :D

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I heard about that airport.. That's the sort of stuff I don't want to happen. It happens here a lot in the computer business and stuff. Some politician thinks of a 'great' idea and executes it but it will turn out to cost 3 million more than expected.. oops!


Well the most right person/party is Geert Wilders from the PVV (you may or may not have seen him on TV some time). He makes some statements which I agree with, but goes a little too far IMO. He hates on immigrants, religion (mostly Islam) and people in welfare. And more stuff like that.


The country is now leaded by 2 parties mostly. One is halfway at the right/liberal side and the other is halfway at the left side.

So it's not that extreme now, but they can't make any decisions at all because they disagree on everything..

Uuhh, that's pretty dumb...

Yeah I have seen some clips of "idk-who" asking a crowd stuf like: "Do you want more more or less Maroccans?" and the Crowd shouts back a loud "LESS"

Some pretty sick stuff I have to admit but good to hear your daily political live is still intact, as far as you can call that intact... Well, it is going its normal way :P A lot of nothing and a breeze of meaningless stuff :/


http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/334934-unofficial-ltt-beginners-guide/ (by Minibois) and a few things that will make our community interaction more pleasent:
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Uuhh, that's pretty dumb...

Yeah I have seen some clips of "idk-who" asking a crowd stuf like: "Do you want more more or less Maroccans?" and the Crowd shouts back a loud "LESS"

Some pretty sick stuff I have to admit but good to hear your daily political live is still intact, as far as you can call that intact... Well, it is going its normal way :P A lot of nothing and a breeze of meaningless stuff :/



Hahaha, that clip was of that Geert Wilders guy.

But the whole country was in an uproar because of it

"We're all in this together, might as well be friends" Tom, Toonami.


mini eLiXiVy: my open source 65% mechanical PCB, a build log, PCB anatomy and discussing open source licenses: https://linustechtips.com/topic/1366493-elixivy-a-65-mechanical-keyboard-build-log-pcb-anatomy-and-how-i-open-sourced-this-project/


mini_cardboard: a 4% keyboard build log and how keyboards workhttps://linustechtips.com/topic/1328547-mini_cardboard-a-4-keyboard-build-log-and-how-keyboards-work/

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My list:


- Ban concealed firearms (Handguns, etc.) excluding rubber bullet handguns (Used for self defense, reduced lethality.) However rifles are permitted under a license.

- Legalize, but restrict Weed and only allow it to be sold by approved/licensed farms.

- Tax based on salary (People who have a large salary get taxed more than people with a small one.)

- Abortion should only be allowed for victims of Rape or Sexual assault, as well as people under 18 and those who have health issues. you will have to pay a hefty fine if you want an abortion when not meeting the requirements. 

- Acts of terrorism with proof will be met with a death sentence. 

- Judging someone based on their race or ethnicity in terms of anything such as a job interview or any acts of extreme discrimination is against the law and will be met with jail time as well as a fine. We need to treat everyone as equals.

- Upon getting ANY job, you will be required under the law to provide documents of citizenship inside of the country.

- Immigrants will be required to live with the rules of the law and learn how things are done in this country and follow them. If you do not want to accept the way of life in this country, and will not adjust to it you will not be allowed to live here. Plain and simple.

- Police, Public service workers (Fire Dept. Hospital workers) and Military will be required to take mental evaluation tests on certain dates. If the people fail to meet the mental stability requirements they will be put on leave from their job and given the required help.

- Welfare is not going to be given to people who move to the country. You have to have been a citizen for at least 5 years, and have had a job or residence in the past in order to be eligible.

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I'm basically Bernie Sanders. I agree with 95% of his views.


So I'm pretty much the anti-Trump, and I'm fine with that. Gleeful, in fact.

Why is the God of Hyperdeath SO...DARN...CUTE!?


Also, if anyone has their mind corrupted by an anthropomorphic black latex bat, please let me know. I would like to join you.

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EPA Fully Totally and Wholly defund the EPA they get 0 tax dollars none whatsoever.




..... however.... just like how traffic cops rake in their funding from issuing tickets let the EPA fund themselves by keeping the proceeds from the fines they issue let them be the asshole traffic cops to corporate america.

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Shrink the Military by about 15%, but increase overall training to be more in line with special forces training, and improve the quality of kit each service member is issued. Pay would be greatly increased.


Require all members of the military to go through, and maintain, infantry training qualification, to include marksmanship qualifications. Even Air force.



Create a disaster relief training facility at the Mayport, FL Navy base.  All military units, and ships, would have to cycle through periodically to go through joint training in disaster relief. This would be open to first responders (police, fire, rescue) as well, and NATO member countries could attend training and pool ideas/experiences.


Close all military bases and pull out all service members from Europe and South Korea.  Except for maybe Rammstein, mainly for the hospital. 


Mandate psychological testing and therapy for law enforcement and military service members.  They are the number 1 and number 2 largest suicide groups, and we need to help them.


Stream line the legal immigration process, but double down on boarder security and punishments for illegal immigration. Basically shift the Risk/Reward ratio in favor of lawful migration.


Clean up the corp. tax code and and remove subsidies and tax breaks.  Maximum corp. tax will be set to 25%. However small Corporations will be taxed at 13%, and large corporations whose good and services are primarily produced domestically, say 65% or more, will be taxed at 17%. 

Change it to where money accrued by companies from overseas revenue is only taxed up to the difference between our domestic rate and the over seas rate.  I.e. if revenue was earned in a foreign country, and was taxed in that country at 15%.  Then bringing the money back to the US would only cost the difference between theirs and our tax rate. which in this instance be 10%.


Remove suppressors (silencers) and Short Barreled Rifles/Shotguns (SBRs) from the National Firearms Act (NFA), require local LAw enforcement to sign off on Form 1s and Form 4s, and repeal the Hughes amendment.

Suppressors and SBRs aren't even regulated in many European countries; no reason for us to.  Automatic weapons would be legal to purchase again, but the requirement to undergo the enhanced ATF background check, pay for a tax stamp , and register the weapons would still be in effect.  Law enforcement would be required to sign off on acknowledging the requires forms, which has prevented the ATF from conducting said background checks.


End 922r, seriously that shit is moronic.


Direct the justice department to begin prosecuting at a higher rate "prohibited persons" who attempt to purchase a firearm.  As it stands when a felon tries to buy a gun at a gun shop he is committing another felony, and the justice department rarely, if ever, prosecutes.  Out of the thousands of these per year only about 50 people get prosecuted.


levy a $50 per year tax on hybrids and alternate fuel vehicles.  They use the roads at the same rate, but end up paying the usage fees (part of gas tax) a lot less.


10 year $10 trillion infrastructure upgrade project.  New and upgraded roads, bridges, schools, and utility lines would all be covered, plus the installation of Fiber in many localities.  This would be paid for by a sales tax increase on many goods, but have sunset provisions so that once the project is complete the taxes go away.  


End Domestic spying, and prohibit the use of tax payer funds from being used to influence elections in allied countries.


Increase the minimum education required to be a teacher in public schools. Bachelors for grades k-7, Masters for 8-12.


Raise subsidies on cancer medications. Seriously that shit is expensive.


I could go on, but you get the gist.

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1. Arrest every single last member of congress currently sitting in office, while releasing all the information the NSA has on them and their cohorts to the public.

2. No more political donations

3. Reorganize the election system in such a way that anyone can be elected. A series of debates, tax funded, candidates get into said debates ((at a local level) with a certain number of petition signatures. Running all the way up to presidential and congressional elections. Any and all personnel collecting signatures for your petition, must be volunteers, and thus unpaid.

4. No more political parties, everyone runs as an independent.

5. All major news corporations are herby BANNED from airing advertisements of any kind, or product placements of any kind, during any hour that contains informational broadcasting (political or governmental news, on any level).

6. All major news corporations are required to cover debates and elections on their particular level of coverage (state wide local news covers state debates, fox/cnn/msnbc etc cover federal) and are required to give the same amount of airtime to all candidates.

7. Prism is officially OVER, with one exception. They will continue to collect data on any and all elected officials in the country, and be required to immediately disclose said information to the public, without redaction.

8. A fourth branch of government will be created. Although it already exists. Any and all laws passed or approved by the other three branches of government MUST be approved by a 3/4ths majority of a popular vote of the entire population.

9. These new changes will be put under a new subset of amendments that CANNOT IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM, BE CHANGED, REPEALED, OR AMENDED by congress. Congress can propose changes to them, but they must be approved by a 3/4ths vote by the population.



Remove suppressors (silencers) and Short Barreled Rifles/Shotguns (SBRs) from the National Firearms Act (NFA), require local LAw enforcement to sign off on Form 1s and Form 4s, and repeal the Hughes amendment.

Suppressors and SBRs aren't even regulated in many European countries; no reason for us to.  Automatic weapons would be legal to purchase again, but the requirement to undergo the enhanced ATF background check, pay for a tax stamp , and register the weapons would still be in effect.  Law enforcement would be required to sign off on acknowledging the requires forms, which has prevented the ATF from conducting said background checks.


End 922r, seriously that shit is moronic.


You can still buy Automatics in the US, but you have to go through a process. Pretty much the exact process you just described. It's called a class 3 gun license, and it only applies to the firearm you purchase.


Or do you mean the whole "no purchasing an automatic manufactured after a specific and arbitrary date" thing?

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Oh and triple NASA funding and require non profits (unions, churches, charity, schools) to pay taxes. Just cause it's non profit doesn't mean someone isn't getting rich

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Oh, I forgot one.


Kanye west is to be set adrift on an ice flow, and his name and works will be stricken from the internet, and all of history.


If he attempts to swim back to shore, he will be burned at the stake.

Ketchup is better than mustard.

GUI is better than Command Line Interface.

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Would turn Murica into a social-democratic land;


- Ban all personal guns

- Drastically increase social security/social insurances

- Reduce military costs from 600B to under 100B

- Legalize marijuana and other softdrugs with big excise tax 

- Increase incometax for the richest

- Healthcare subsidy for the poorest

- Increase VAT on luxury products to 25%, decrease VAT on basic needs.

- More tax on cars including more excise on gasoline. Use this money to improve the shitty US infrastructure drastically with bile lanes in city and Maglev trains for inter-state travel.

- On each police patrol car there is one white person and one black person.

- Abortion is legal

- Prisons must be both rehabilitation and punishment buildings. All prisoners need to work in order to cut down the huge costs.

Open your eyes and break your chains. Console peasantry is just a state of mind.


MSI 980Ti + Acer XB270HU 

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Or do you mean the whole "no purchasing an automatic manufactured after a specific and arbitrary date" thing?

Ending the nothing after may 1986 rule which is the Hughes amendment.

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Would turn Murica into a social-democratic land;


- Ban all personal guns

- Drastically increase social security/social insurances

- Reduce military costs from 600B to under 100B

- Legalize marijuana and other softdrugs with big excise tax 

- Increase incometax for the richest

- Increase VAT on luxury products, decrease VAT on basic needs

- More tax on cars including more excise on gasoline. Use this money to improve the shitty US infrastructure drastically with bile lanes in city and Maglev trains for inter-state travel.

- On each police patrol car there is one white person and one black person.

- Abortion is legal

- Prisons must be both rehabilitation and punishment buildings. All prisoners need to work in order to cut down the huge costs.

1. Immediate civil war you would lose

2. We already spend more on that than we do on the military

3. Fine, as long as we put most of it into science

4. YES

5. Wouldn't work, they would just move overseas

6. Meh, good luck taxing the poor

7. Wouldn't change much really.

8. Already is

9. No real opinion, keep the death penalty.


Or do you mean the whole "no purchasing an automatic manufactured after a specific and arbitrary date" thing?

Ending the nothing after may 1986 rule which is the Hughes amendment.


Oh good. I can finally get my dream gun, the MP-7.


I love that gun. I am a destroyer of worlds with it in BF3

Ketchup is better than mustard.

GUI is better than Command Line Interface.

Dubs are better than subs

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1. Immediate civil war you would lose

2. We already spend more on that than we do on the military

3. Fine, as long as we put most of it into science

4. YES

5. Wouldn't work, they would just move overseas

6. Meh, good luck taxing the poor

7. Wouldn't change much really.

8. Already is

9. No real opinion, keep the death penalty.


Oh good. I can finally get my dream gun, the MP-7.


I love that gun. I am a destroyer of worlds with it in BF3


It's funny how I just named the laws in the best welfare countries in the world, Muricans still think they need a special/other treatment.

Open your eyes and break your chains. Console peasantry is just a state of mind.


MSI 980Ti + Acer XB270HU 

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become nazi germany

.....not sure if joking, or serious.


It's funny how I just named the laws in the best welfare countries in the world, Muricans still think they need a special/other treatment.


They really need to start teaching you Europeans the difference between an opinion and abject fact. Your moral superiority for being a welfare state, is an opinion, not a fact.


I prefer a nation where people are empowered and enabled to create their own success and happiness, not coddled into mediocrity by being taken care of their entire lives.

Ketchup is better than mustard.

GUI is better than Command Line Interface.

Dubs are better than subs

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OK, here we go

  • Legalize all drugs. Tax them, regulate them and offer people help with their addictions




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They really need to start teaching you Europeans the difference between an opinion and abject fact. Your moral superiority for being a welfare state, is an opinion, not a fact.


And you need to stop being jealous and go read some UN statistics and reports

Open your eyes and break your chains. Console peasantry is just a state of mind.


MSI 980Ti + Acer XB270HU 

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So including hard-drugs ?

Open your eyes and break your chains. Console peasantry is just a state of mind.


MSI 980Ti + Acer XB270HU 

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