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Gamers Nexus alleges LMG has insufficient ethics and integrity

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1 minute ago, ajmorin369 said:

Linus has already responded to the vicious attacks by Steve, who clearly could have handled this in a more professional manner by calling Linus or someone on his team that he already knows and has worked with before and has contact information for. But if you can’t find Linus's response then look here. 






It's entirely fair criticism that clearly wasn't changing. Employees say they need more time, Linus says they need more time, nothing changes. Billet eventually gets ghosted by Linus? 


Those and everything else absolutely deserve the heat they're getting, especially doubling down and lying more. 

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1 minute ago, DJ3thenew23 said:

From the SPJ themselves:

It is not a set of rules, rather a guide that encourages all who engage in journalism to take responsibility for the information they provide, regardless of medium. The code should be read as a whole; individual principles should not be taken out of context. It is not, nor can it be under the First Amendment, legally enforceable.

So youre saying disregard them if you want to take a jab at someone elses journalistic integrity without doing your own due dilligence.

Got it...

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Just now, m6_is_me said:


Re: Gamers Nexus: "Billet emphasized us that it had NOT sent Linus Media Group a quote. It noted that it had expressed a possible value of the block in frustration before GN's video on it. AFTER they learned that it had been auctioned. It wasn't any quote or invoice."


 Billet: "I said: 'do you plan to reimburse us for this?' And we heard nothing, we didn't get a response until [GN's] video"


Why do you continue to lie when there's such objective proof that instantly invalidates your lies? Seems VERY silly and this ordeal has 100% had an effect on my opinion of you and LTT as a whole. 


this is just sad and pathetic, the need to lie like this. How much of an asshole do you have to be?



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2 minutes ago, harls said:

It could also be that LMG has agreed that they are going to pay what they need to to make it right.  That could have happened before reaching out to Billet.

According to the new GN video, Billet reports they received no communication from LMG until hours after the first GN video went live.

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4 minutes ago, BigToeGhost said:

Can you imagine if a competitor bought it and could basically re-engineer it?  I have no idea if the block is good at all but they thought they had a good enough version to send to LTT.

that would be a horrorstory for LTT... Hopefully it is "just" a random Tech Joe Smoe that thought hey this is fun I want that

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Linus your really in the wrong at this point and your response is utter nonsense. You auctioned someone else property not sold it and have yet to receive payment which makes everything ok?!! Little hint it still wrong to do something like that and it really black and white for people to figure it out. Made more so that your statement makes it sound like they agreed to this before hand which this clearly didn't.


As for getting facts wrong that happens and no one is perfect but correcting those mistakes is a must not ignoring them which is the trend now.

There been some who testing errors and that gets totally ignored


What is mind blowing Linus is you seen what happens to larger companies when they do what you are presently doing.


You give nonsense response in which you don't take responsibility and  end up sounding a lot like eufy when they messed up.


Gn giving you a out here as all you need do is say yes we messed up and here what we are going to do to improve out testing to avoid the mistakes and explain what happened  that someone else property ended up on auction.


As for the testing of that product you dropped the ball and in your own response slapped yourself in the face with it. If something is designed for a certain product you test it on that product. This gives integrity to your testing and though it may have had no effect on the outcome at all it should have been done that way for your sake.


With Ltt starting up its testing end of things how do you think people are going to except it when they already know your fine with taking shortcuts in that very testing?


This is about Ltt at this point and how people see it.

Coming out and explaining what happened with the block and saying here what went wrong with the testing well go a long way to reassuring the people that they can trust Ltt and the results they see later.


Time to step up and take responsibility and says yeah we screwed up and fix things. God knows you roasted other companies for these types of responses lately and you did the same thing as they did.  How does that look?


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Ah the good ol'  "I'm not going to be an adult and take responsibility for my mistakes, instead I'm going to play the victim and gaslight instead to make everyone feel sorry for me so that I can keep being an entitled narcissistic man-child" routine. Deja Vu of the "trust me bruh" warranty debacle where he did the same thing.  And just like before, the shills crawl from the woodwork to vehemently defend while the naysayers get shadowbanned, disrespected, etc. for pointing out the truth.  It's honestly a sad state of affairs.

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 Gamer nexus has made  a segment for Linus piss poor response in hardware news, I'm almost finished with the video, and I just made this account after years of being a yt sub, well I'm not anymore and surprise surprise he lied again

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2 minutes ago, coopa said:

In the response video from Steve:



This screamed to me that Steve wants to think that there is a problem with LMG so he will not reach out to get any info that may refute his premise.  That is not to say LMG doesn't have any issues,  they clearly have some screwups on their hands. 

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4 minutes ago, ajmorin369 said:

Linus has already responded to the vicious attacks by Steve, who clearly could have handled this in a more professional manner by calling Linus or someone on his team that he already knows and has worked with before and has contact information for. 

Steve wasn't the one that stole and sold a prototype, after releasing a botched review of it and attacking its manufacturers for no good reason...

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Just now, m6_is_me said:

Linus seems to have a very hard time admitting he's in the wrong. 


maybe that's the problem, it seems with 120 employees is such a massive tool no one around him pointed all this out to him

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1 minute ago, Reonu said:

Linus' response to this is the most disappointing thing I've witnessed from LTT, and I've been following it for like 7+ years. Really disheartening.


Just remember brah. The more money you get the less you have to admit mistakes. $100m? LOL you never have to admit you are wrong ever again.


And yes, for the less sharp out there I was being sarcastic.

How many special people change?
How many lives are livin' strange?
Where were you while we were getting high?

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Now that Steve debunked Linus claim about having come to an agreement with Billet, where are all the apologists who said that that was enough?


This is "I declassified them in my mind" all over again. 

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Overnight this went from being a fair criticism of an industry peer to an obvious assassination piece.

LMG sure fucked up plenty and I am thoroughly disappointed, by GN reaction to the reaction is just completely and utterly pathetic shit pot stirring.

Unprofessional, hypocritical, drama baiting

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Just now, joaopt said:


maybe that's the problem, it seems with 120 employees is such a massive tool no one around him pointed all this out to him

Fear. Remember, most of us actually have to worry about the bills and where our next meal is going to come from.


So I don't blame people for not calling him out. Maybe had I learned to keep my mouth shut in life I would have a lot more money, but alas I could never quite manage it.

How many special people change?
How many lives are livin' strange?
Where were you while we were getting high?

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3 minutes ago, japers said:

So youre saying disregard them if you want to take a jab at someone elses journalistic integrity without doing your own due dilligence.

Got it...

No, I'm saying read the stuff you quote in full when it clearly contradicts your point lol. That's as bad as Linus not watching videos and just reading comments. How lazy can you be?

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12 hours ago, OverjoyedDonut said:

This is exactly the type of shit that will ruin a channel. If you want this channel to succeed, then you want them to fix the issues that GN brought up.

That was for the team not for you.  It won’t ruin the channel, they are aware of where the holes exist and will patch them up in due time.
I’m sure we will all agree that every story has two sides, maybe more.  In my opinion, GN took it personal when AN EMPLOYEE made a comment.
 Jealousy manifest itself in many ways.  Recording a 44 minute video doesn’t fix anything it just makes a show of things.  While everyone is up in arms being a keyboard warrior, the labs team is becoming better.  As with any addition to a new and challenging workflow there are growing pains.  

The real lesson is in the nuance.  Let’s all act for a second that GN is not aware of what the mission is.  Let’s also assume it’s not a direct competition to GN brand. Let that sink in.  It’s all in the nuance.  The team made mistakes but to air out someone’s dirty laundry is a bit brash.  I’m aware that this tactic is on brand for GN, as they try to be the de-facto White Knight of tech, but he went after low-level hanging fruit in an ugly manner.  If everyone dislikes humans making mistakes in tech videos that much, here are some steps you can take.


1.  Make a YouTube channel

2.  Review Tech like LTT and others.

3. Make it perfect.


See how easy that is?





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22 minutes ago, throwawayManMode said:

Looks like Linus straight up lied about working to send them payment for the prototype

Just watched that myself.


I actually cannot believe that Linus saw fit to attempt to mislead us like that, especially since it was EXTREMELY OBVIOUS that GN would call him out on this one, too. I can only assume (although I am going in his favor here again and honestly, he hardly deserves it in this case) that he was indeed extremely upset by GN's video. If you think about it for even a minute, you realistically cannot think that it is a good idea to act like this, when it will predictably backfire on you. 


Now I find myself sincerely hoping that the next few videos will bomb as much as the current one so that a PROPER response becomes inevitable. I myself will probably suspend watching LTT or other LMG channels until at least then. 


Honestly @LinusTech, this is embarassing and seriously damages my picture of you. Very disappointing indeed - although I suspect you won't care about that, what are a few viewers feeling this way after all? ^_^

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2 minutes ago, harls said:

Linus is right that Steve is not doing his journalistic duty by reaching out to get comment and finding out if there is more to the story.  


Linus said that as if 80% of the video wasn't about incorrect data , rushed schedule and his approach on fixing those issues. The billed lab situation wasn't even the main focus of GN video.

Also Linus clearly has no problem lying and hiding the truth as shown in GN latest video. 

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Just now, AlienALX said:

Fear. Remember, most of us actually have to worry about the bills and where our next meal is going to come from.


So I don't blame people for not calling him out. Maybe had I learned to keep my mouth shut in life I would have a lot more money, but alas I could never quite manage it.

 It's like Linus fears the youtube algorithm in a sense.

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