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Gamers Nexus alleges LMG has insufficient ethics and integrity

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Linus have basically throw away years of research of 2 guys trying to start a company. That is simply inacceptable. 

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4 minutes ago, RichardBirch said:

Currently they don't have the resources - a number of staff members have gone on record saying that they do not have enough time to get videos right

Then there are two solutions, either they should hire more people or they should cut down on the number of videos (OK, it can still be one video per day but not one video per day on five channels!). Yes, both decisions would affect the profit margin in a short term. But in a long term they'll suffer much more if they don't take any of these decisions because of the lost credibility.


(Or they'll have to completely turn into a digital tabloid who compensates the lack of quality with sheer volumes of sensationalist and misleading content).

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18 hours ago, LinusTech said:

There won't be a big WAN Show segment about this or anything. Most of what I have to say, I've already said, and I've done so privately.

To Steve, I expressed my disappointment that he didn't go through proper journalistic practices in creating this piece. He has my email and number (along with numerous other members of our team) and could have asked me for context that may have proven to be valuable (like the fact that we didn't 'sell' the monoblock, but rather auctioned it for charity due to a miscommunication... AND the fact that while we haven't sent payment yet, we have already agreed to compensate Billet Labs for the cost of their prototype). There are other issues, but I've told him that I won't be drawn into a public sniping match over this and that I'll be continuing to move forward in good faith as part of 'Team Media'. When/if he's ready to do so again I'll be ready.

To my team (and my CEO's team, but realistically I was at the helm for all of these errors, so I need to own it), I stressed the importance of diligence in our work because there are so many eyes on us. We are going through some growing pains - we've been very public about them in the interest of transparency - and it's clear we have some work to do on internal processes and communication. We have already been doing a lot of work internally to clean up our processes, but these things take time. Rome wasn't built in a day, but that's no excuse for sloppiness.

Now, for my community, all I can say is the same things I always say. We know that we're not perfect. We wear our imperfection on our sleeves in the interest of ensuring that we stay accountable to you. But it's sad and unfortunate when this transparency gets warped into a bad thing. The Labs team is hard at work hard creating processes and tools to generate data that will benefit all consumers - a work in progress that is very much not done and that we've communicated needs to be treated as such. Do we have notes under some videos? Yes. Is it because we are striving for transparency/improvement? Yeah... What we're doing hasn't been in many years, if ever.. and we would make a much larger correction if the circumstances merited it. Listing the wrong amount of cache on a table for a CPU review is sloppy, but given that our conclusions are drawn based on our testing, not the spec sheet, it doesn't materially change the recommendation. That doesn't mean these things don't matter. We've set KPIs for our writing/labs team around accuracy, and we are continually installing new checks and balances to ensure that things continue to get better. If you haven't seen the improvement, frankly I wonder if you're really looking for it... The thoroughness that we managed on our last handful of GPU videos is getting really incredible given the limited time we have for these embargoes. I'm REALLY excited about what the future will hold.


With all of that said, I still disagree that the Billet Labs video (not the situation with the return, which I've already addressed above) is an 'accuracy' issue. It's more like I just read the room wrong. We COULD have re-tested it with perfect accuracy, but to do so PROPERLY - accounting for which cases it could be installed in (none) and which radiators it would be plumbed with (again... mystery) would have been impossible... and also didn't affect the conclusion of the video... OR SO I THOUGHT...


I wanted to evaluate it as a product, and as a product, IF it could manage to compete with the temperatures of the highest end blocks on the planet, it still wouldn't make sense to buy... so from my point of view, re-testing it and finding out that yes, it did in fact run cooler made no difference to the conclusion, so it didn't really make a difference.


Adam and I were talking about this today. He advocated for re-testing it regardless of how non-viable it was as a product at the time and I think he expressed really well today why it mattered. It was like making a video about a supercar. It doesn't mater if no one watching will buy it. They just wanna see it rip.  I missed that, but it wasn't because I didn't care about the consumer.. it was because I was so focused on how this product impacted a potential buyer. Either way, clearly my bad, but my intention was never to harm Billet Labs. I specifically called out their incredible machining skills because I wanted to see them create something with a viable market for it and was hoping others would appreciate the fineness of the craftsmanship even if the product was impractical. I still hope they move forward building something else because they obviously have talent and I've watched countless niche water cooling vendors come and go. It's an astonishingly unforgiving market.


Either way, I'm sorry I got the community's priorities mixed-up on this one, and that we didn't show the Billet in the best light. Our intention wasn't to hurt anyone. We wanted no one to buy it (because it's an egregious waste of money no matter what temps it runs at) and we wanted Billet to make something marketable (so they can, y'know, eat).


With all of this in mind, it saddens me how quickly the pitchforks were raised over this. It also comes across a touch hypocritical when some basic due diligence could have helped clarify much of it. I have a LONG history of meeting issues head on and I've never been afraid to answer questions, which lands me in hot water regularly, but helps keep me in tune with my peers and with the community. The only reason I can think of not to ask me is because my honest response might be inconvenient. 


We can test that... with this post. Will the "It was a mistake (a bad one, but a mistake) and they're taking care of it" reality manage to have the same reach? Let's see if anyone actually wants to know what happened. I hope so, but it's been disheartening seeing how many people were willing to jump on us here. Believe it or not, I'm a real person and so is the rest of my team. We are trying our best, and if what we were doing was easy, everyone would do it. Today sucks.


Thanks for reading this.

Running a company and trying to put out as much content as you do is stressful to say the least. Mistakes will happen. Its what you learn from those mistakes to improve. I know you have a video deadline of x amount per week so you can make sure your staff gets to eat but quality over quantity is better in the long run. I think you should make a separate channel in time for the labs testing. It would not only give you more time to do videos there, but increase the quality of the videos on the other channels in my opinion since its still a work in progress. Its just a thought and it would separate the fun opinion videos from the hard facts videos where data is important to get right.

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I'm sorry but I'm canceling my OG Floatplane subscription over this. I don't think the response was good enough, and I hope Linus changes his mind and actually addresses this during WAN. It's a very serious topic.

Don't forget to "Quote" when replying so we can see it. 

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2 minutes ago, dynastes said:

Isn't viewership not also quite bad on this one? About 500K in this time frame ... I am not tracking these things too closely, but it kind of feels like it. If this will not force a response, I don't know what will.

Viewership is down.


It is exceedingly rare for an LTT video not to reach 1 million views. This one might actually not make it to 1 million, which would be the first non-livestream video of theirs to do that since... *checks notes* last week with the Sega video only hitting 987k? I'd forgotten about that one, but it's pretty close to 1 million.


Before that, it was 7 months ago with three of their CES 2023 videos. That's how rare a video not reaching 1 million is - just 4 times so far in 2023. If this video fails to hit that mark, it'll be 5 times.

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9 minutes ago, FadedSpark said:

In BC, they can fire you for it however. It's not a protected action.


The fact that it's in the handbook is questionable.

So i looked into this for BC. Its a little questionable but the BC Labour Relations Code Section 8 might cover the disclosure of wages. Its kind of ambiguous, like most laws.

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7 minutes ago, doncerdo said:



Just subbed to post on this. 


The problem is you and let me explain:


1. Your narcism, ego and self-righteousness are killing the brand you have worked your ass off to create and maintain. 


2. You are alienating everyone from your wife, to Luke, to all those who work at LMG, to your community, by always having the last word and standing your ground. 


3. You've become so out of touch with reality that you are building people and companies to tear them down. 


Killing of you brand's capital is bad business. Being tone deaf is bad business. Not listening to those who wish you to make things better is bad for business. 


If you were burning yourself down alone, fine. But your actions affect the livelihoods of 100+ souls and their families within LMG. Your reckless behavior is damaging the livelihood of people outside your company that also have families. But in your self-contained narcissistic bubble, you only think about how it affects you. In any other company, you would have been fired by now. 


Me, me me. That's your problem. One that in years past, coaching would be the recommendation. Today, you really need an intervention and professional help. You are way beyond repair. Ethics, moral compass and being truthful are out the window because you are so self-contained in your bubble of righteousness that no one, again, not even your wife or Luke can knock you out of it. They maneuver their way around your illness. 


100+ forum pages, downvotes on YT and trolling on a new scale on X shows the scale of the issue. Don't solve your personal issues "for the community" at large, do it for your employees and their families. Self destruct by yourself, don't drag people who love the work they do to your chasm. 


GN held an attempt of an intervention, you, as an addict of your narcism reject it and try to justify yourself. No different than any other person with an addiction. Hope you get the help you need. Others literally depend on you not being ill. 


tl;dr: you are addicted to your narcissistic ways, with that, you are destroying the very thing that pays LMG's bills: trust. By not caring to recognize your mistakes just to prove you are right, you are endangering the livelihoods of 100s of families. You are an addict and need help. 

Way too hot of a take.


Last night I was all over here talking about what I think should happen etc etc and Linus looking inward is definitely prime on the list but damn, this is aggressive.


You ever feel pride in something? You ever feel protective of something or someone? That's I'm certain how Linus feels every day. About LTT/LMG, his family, his friends, and co-workers. It's not a bad thing that he feels this way, until he compromised their and his credibility and the only justification we can see is cold hard cash.


There's the no one should buy this excuse about the waterblock, and to that I think Linus should hand in his enthusiast card and give up all his cool projects he's got going, like his remote gaming computers, his pool cooled server rack etc. He did that for the same reason billet made that block, to be the best, cost be damned. He should recognize that, because he lives that life daily. It's not for everyone, but it is for someone.


He should have reframed his view on the product as an incredibly niche product, not just a waterblock.


Ironically, his out of touch reaction on this one was in the opposite direction, and more in line with average consumer response.


It's not narcissism unless it continues. Until then, it's pride, a (REALLY) bad take, and poor judgement/bad leadership.


He can fix that. If he crosses the line in to narcissism? Well, that's game over.

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20 minutes ago, TubsAlwaysWins said:

Watching the video now, 

Something ive noticed which linus brings up at 5:15 - tl:dr They tried a product on a GPU it wasnt meant for, didnt work, Adam asked for more testing time, linus said no.


I feel like this is a recurring theme I see. Especially with alot of the more custom projects. They just get half-assed together and im assuming its a time thing. I myself enjoy just "making things work" but they just put enough effort in for 30 minutes of results. Like dont do things that are in theory very cool experiments or projects, such as a custom watercooling thingine, and then do it just enough so you can benchmark while water is pouring out. 


Do it right or dont do it at all. Its better to Whole-ass one thing than Half-ass multiple things. Just miss the old House LTT in the kitchen. Disappointing. 

I been waiting for this comment.


Every interesting video (recently, imo) is botched and we only get the finished or jank finished product right at the end of a video (on yt) sometimes just as the credits are coming up.


Linus has his dropping things persona and "eh its fine" "trust me bro" energy but when the whole video feels like that it does bother me.


So for me Steve highlighted this issue that its the sheer numbers of videos LMG release every week and i hope they take a slower route, look at creators like ZeFrank, CGP Grey and Real Life Lore and loads more they take an absolute age to release new content because they want it to be as accurate as possible before release.


I wouldnt mind if LTT released one 30/45 min video a week and it was top notch quality fully utilizing the lab he paid so much for but even 3 times a week would be better than just pushing out content that i dont think can be managed for innacuracies if you have to release the video by 5pm, dosent matter the size of the buisness if you only have 3 man hours or whatever per project then being accurate isnt the priority.


Anyway i dont hate the guy, he didnt kill my dog or anything im not a steve fan boy or a linus stan and the reaction from some as if Linus is as bad or as complicit as say a company like Monsanto (ooooo) or steve is a clout chaser with a boring voice. I wish people cared this much about their towns and their cities and the countries in which they reside, not to say its ok for LTT to inadvertedly cost a company so much but pretending that Linus is some sort of Canadian Cruella de Burns is mad to me- just a comment on the apparent "OUTRAGE"


and breathe

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1 minute ago, Tams said:

I find his delivery to be incredibly condescending, self-congratulatory, smug, and most of all dry.


I also don't care to watch 45 minutes of that attitude.


Now, you may say that that's ad hominem, and it is.  But how a message is delivered does matter, and Steve is one person I have no care to listen to because of that.

I understand that you may have a personal problem with Steve, but this should not be a reason to ignore facts being presented.


I don't necessarily like all my colleagues at work, but that doesn't mean I should not listen to their advice and expertise.

Case: Lian Li O11-dynamic mini | CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X | GPU: AMD Radeon RX6800 | Motherboard: ASUS ROG Strix B550 E-Gaming | Memory: 32Gb 3600Mhz G. SKILL Trident Z | PSU: Corsair SF750 Platinum | Cooling: Lian Li Galahad AIO 240 | Case fans: Lian Li Unifans

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17 minutes ago, kdawgmaster said:

I think the Warranty thing shows that "hes a bad guy" but more rather that he thinks his clout with the community extends past things where they dont need to be put down. I can see where his head space was at but i dont agree with it. Warranties should ALWAYS be put down in writing.

I wouldn't call him a bad guy, but delusional... he tries to treat everyone as a "bro" with the "trust me bro" he is totally out of touch with that people buying his products aren't personal friends that he hang out with every weekend drinking beers at the pool and such... this is customers buying products from a very large company

yes that would be "alright" when he is a small channel with a few thousand views... but we are at what 13.000.000? and a 100.000.000 dollar company... that isn't a "bro" scenario but he hasn't awaked yet to figure that out

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17 minutes ago, BlackSmokeDMax said:


Actually I think the Billet thing is not the biggest problem being exposed. I think it is the inline corrections being made after possibly millions of views without any other form of notification. No one who has already watched those videos will ever know they have bad info they may be using to try and make an informed decision.


This quality is where Linus' stated goal for the Labs is supposed to be aiming, The fact that there are LMG employees calling out other creators is a problem. And I agree with Linus that the employee wasn't likely supposed to be doing something like that, but I also didn't see LMG as a company offering up an official apology, or a retraction of that statement. Let's face it, at this point in time LTT Labs doesn't hold a candle to many other sites doing testing. Will they in the future, I'm sure they will. But we don't need them trying to claim superiority at a time when they obviously are not. And that's not even getting into the issue where even if the Labs data was great, the fact that they can't seem to get factual data into a video is a real issue.


In regard to the water-block, people here are saying LMG did Billet wrong by selling/auctioning off their prototype they wanted back. 100% agree; egregious error. LMG and Billet discuss the situation and come to an agreement that both are satisfied with. LMG doesn't try to hide the fact that they messed up and they make a public statement about it. NO ONE HERE IS SATISFIED WITH THE STATEMENT!


Now, explain to me how the, "biggest problem being exposed...is the inline corrections being made after possibly millions of views without any other form of notification." We have an example of what happens when they make corrections in the form of Billet.


There's nothing they can do to satisfy the unwashed masses pouring in here to say their two cents. They want retribution; it's as plain as day.

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Reading some of these comments is crazy, all sorts of personality diagnoses and wild claims flying around. Most of us here are not privy to what the behind the scenes picture is like and what the nuances are which is why airing the issues on the WAN show (or in a more structured video) will help calm the mood, inform, and show the ability to to have an honest discussion with the community.


There are several different claims from GN from rushed videos and benchmarking (hardly the biggest crime in the world) to more serious stuff. Addressing at least the more serious claims is an import way to restore and maintain LMG's credibility. I'm not saying GN is 100% right and certainly a conflict of interest due to the competition between a channel like that and labs is possible but sweeping it all under the rug with a couple of forum posts is not a good look.

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32 minutes ago, Slizzo said:

Perhaps acknowledge, publicly, that their testing of the product was severely flawed and take down the original video?

You're in effect asking them to go against what makes a YouTube channel successful. I agree they need to do something though. It's just not as easy as take down the video.

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7 minutes ago, kiska3 said:


Since it probably got buried in the thread here is the podcast of that:


Thanks for pointing it out.
I guess the one I posted was just a cutted version for people who scampers when they see 1 hour+ duration of a video. 🤣

There is approximately 99% chance I edited my post

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17 minutes ago, King Podge said:

Because context and right of reply is a very basic fundamental tenant of journalism. Otherwise it’s an opinion piece, not journalism. 


i don’t make the rules, i just comment on 2000 page forum threads about them. 

When a lot of the issues have already been brought up in the past, and when there are already public statements by the company about certain things...there is less expectation of needing to get a first hand detail on what is wrong.


Ultimately the only thing that could have been clarified in the video was the Billet bit; but even then based on what Linus has said nothing really would have changed.  The fact is based on statements Linus  made on this forum in one where I talked about Toyota's role; his reply pretty much solidifies that there is a lack of ethics at LMG and that it also comes from the top.  He doesn't think having Alex flown down CA by Toyota and using press docs from Toyota as something he should disclose...instead  it seems he only views disclosure as being needed when he takes money for some editorial say.


GN likely has talked to Linus over the years in regards to the accuracy and not handling it, and then Linus calling out GN on the WAN show pretty much destroyed any chance of getting a fair reply.

3735928559 - Beware of the dead beef

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2 minutes ago, RockerBug17 said:

In regard to the water-block, people here are saying LMG did Billet wrong by selling/auctioning off their prototype they wanted back. 100% agree; egregious error. LMG and Billet discuss the situation and come to an agreement that both are satisfied with. LMG doesn't try to hide the fact that they messed up and they make a public statement about it. NO ONE HERE IS SATISFIED WITH THE STATEMENT!


Because I don't think Billit is satisfied with the outcome. Billit is a start-up consisting of 2 people, with a small budget. They know there is no action they can take against LMG to reach an outcome that they consider to be satisfactory.


The outcome that would have been satisfactory, possibly, for Billit, would be for the review of their block to be re-done with the parts being used correctly, and for their prototype to be handed over back to them. The damage was already done when they decided to release a review which they perfectly knew was not done correctly, but decided to judge over the product anyway.

Case: Lian Li O11-dynamic mini | CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X | GPU: AMD Radeon RX6800 | Motherboard: ASUS ROG Strix B550 E-Gaming | Memory: 32Gb 3600Mhz G. SKILL Trident Z | PSU: Corsair SF750 Platinum | Cooling: Lian Li Galahad AIO 240 | Case fans: Lian Li Unifans

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20 minutes ago, Reclus said:

Think before they speak? Don't deflect to people pointing out the obvious? Address the issue in accordance to what they were preaching and for a long time practicing? Use the criticism as a topic of conversation  on WAN and spring multiple videos on how they are improving and fixing the mistake? Like they have been some time ago? Don't ever say "trust me bro", or "we threw money at it and I don't care?" Don't hold every other company (Anker) to a standard they are not holding themselves to? Don't double down on an extremely unprofessional review? Don't be arrogant when talking about other people's product when your  own conduct really leaves a lot to desire? Don't respond only in your own corner of the internet filled with people that are absolute fanboys? Especially since all you mistakes have been very public and the consequences of those mistakes where very public for people not under your employment?

Or maybe the very basic: Be the LTT everyone watched and enjoyed. Not the one where the bottom line and the push forward is the only goal. 

Steve was right. This community has turned into an absolute echo chamber where people are blindly defending grievous behaviours. The amount of people that have created their accounts here just to remind LTT that it is risking alienating the very core that has seen this company rise from it's NCIX days should be a clear enough warning sign. So far it just looks terrible.

Translation: tell everyone what we want to hear so we can feel better and go back to just consume product, and then get excited for next products.

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18 hours ago, LinusTech said:

Thanks for reading this.

You should ask Youtube to irrevocably remove your ability to repost videos in-place on all LTT channels. That made you even more sloppy than before. Mistakes got to hurt. Reposts/Corrections have to get people's attention. Just replacing the video and pretending the fudgeup didn't happen is beneath you and your people.

Also get some distance from this. Yes, we'll miss you for the week or so you're gone but you NEED distance to really think about it. You obviously still in your sith mindset writing the above response.

Please do better.

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I suppose I will throw my opinion into this hurricane of a 100+ page thread:


I like LTT. It is home to some really exceptional hosts and personalities, Linus included. I'd watch anything that they are in. But I'm watching for entertainment. Usually, I am not expecting to really be educated. (The one main exception would be that I expect WAN and the Linked channels to accurately report news. Which I think they usually do.)


Anyway, on its own, that's fine! Focusing on entertainment over education is fine. I like being entertained. But Steve's criticism is valid, and I think it gets at the heart of why viewers should probably not approach LMG content as factual or educational. Why many of us who are fans and frequent viewers take everything said in a video with a grain of salt. All despite Linus' stated vision for LMG being a source for reliable and impartial reporting.


That's just not the case right now. If that's the goal, LMG is failing badly at it. Transparency is a good thing. But being transparent about the problem doesn't mean the problem isn't still a problem.


Linus, take the L. Writing negatively about GN when they were level and reasonable in their criticism is a bad look. It's okay to focus only on acknowledging the problem and explaining what LMG is already doing and will do in the future to address it.


Hopefully that does include stepping back on the frequency of videos. What LMG really needs isn't a team of fact-checkers (though it might not hurt) but surely just to give all the new people the time they need to learn, and the veterans the time they need to do things right. Surely the errors that GN pointed out in their video are not the things you'd need a dedicated fact-checking team to catch, just for the people working on it to not be so rushed to shove unfinished content out the door and to move on to the next project.


It's clear that many of the people in LMG thrive in a high-pressure environment, but even those people may be more prone to mistakes or oversights or errors in judgment when they're being rushed. Does that matter, if the point is to entertain? Probably not. Hell, that's a lot of what made Scrapyard Wars so enjoyable. Does it matter, if the point is to educate and to provide information that many people are likely to factor into their purchasing decisions? Well, yes, then it matters a lot. If LMG doesn't get this right ASAP, if many people's first impression of Labs and its data is unreliability and inaccuracy, then that reputation for hastiness may never be fully repaired. Labs may never be seen as the resource that LMG wants it to be. Which would be a shame, because I think the mission of Labs is an important one.


Also, I have to point out: Declining to talk to LMG before publishing is not a journalistic failure on GN's part. Steve has already said in the past that, with LMG's growth and rising presence in the tech space, GN intends to approach their relationship with and commentary on LMG differently. Which is fair.


And the way that GN characterized the auction was not wrong. This was still a very disappointing screw-up to see from LMG, regardless of whether GN explicitly mentioned that the auction was for charity.


Finally: It seems disingenuous to describe the response to all of this as raising pitchforks, and it especially seems disingenuous for Linus to accuse people generally of not wanting to hear an honest response. As always on the internet, there are trolls and assholes. As always, they can be safely ignored. But overwhelmingly, in the conversations I see about this, people just want LMG to do better.


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13 minutes ago, bramturismo said:

I still think satisfied is an incorrect word for coming to terms.


Left with no other option would be better suited. What actions could Billit Labs possibly take against LMG in which they would feel satisfied? Being a start-up, they are pretty much with their backs against the wall.

And people are calling me a conspiracy theorist.


If LMG strong armed Billet into a position then I'll retract everything I said. But the FACT is whatever was offered Billet accepted. If not then they'd negotiate more, or end up in court. 

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7 minutes ago, RockerBug17 said:

It's just not as easy as take down the video.

That will be a first step. Just like JayzTwoCents did with the botched 4060 Ti review video and posted a disclaimer video where he explained himself and was trying to make amends, at a time when he was recovering from a major surgery. I guess, LTT doesn't care at all about doing the right thing. Just like they did not care to return the prototype to Billet Labs, instead auctioning it. And now paying off Billet Labs to silence them and to possibly avoid a "MikeRoweSoft" scandal. Is it legal? Probably... Is it moral and ethical? Definitely not. It's egregious and atrocious behaviour. Both from the company and the individual endorsing it. 

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1 minute ago, mrgerry123 said:

Reading some of these comments is crazy, all sorts of personality diagnoses and wild claims flying around. Most of us here are not privy to what the behind the scenes picture is like and what the nuances are which is why airing the issues on the WAN show (or in a more structured video) will help calm the mood, inform, and show the ability to to have an honest discussion with the community.


There are several different claims from GN from rushed videos and benchmarking (hardly the biggest crime in the world) to more serious stuff. Addressing at least the more serious claims is an import way to restore and maintain LMG's credibility. I'm not saying GN is 100% right and certainly a conflict of interest due to the competition between a channel like that and labs is possible but sweeping it all under the rug with a couple of forum posts is not a good look.

I don't think you realize how much harder LTT failing at doing proper benchmarks makes life for other review outlets. In Hardware Unboxed's podcast today, they talked about how they get called out for their benchmarks being wrong because they differ from LTT. And I see those comments on YouTube and reddit, where people are saying "Hardware Unboxed/Gamers Nexus are such shills/hacks/idiots/etc - they can't even run a benchmark" citing LTT as giving the "correct" results. A couple more recent comments in that vein are using the Labs as justification for their opinion that LTT is better.


So yes, it is "just" benchmarking, but in the context of the Tech Tuber community, LTT has a lot of weight, and a lot of people (rightly or wrongly) trust them to provide accurate information. And the results of their failures in this regard go beyond some dubious consumer advice and can actually cause headaches for the rest of the community.


I care about this because I don't want LTT to become the next Userbenchmark, where everyone is forced to say on forums and social media "Don't listen to LTT reviews - they're a bunch of shills/hacks/idiots/etc" and having that be the general consensus. These things matter if LTT wants to be taken seriously, and given the massive investments into Labs, I can only assume that they do want to be taken seriously.

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37 minutes ago, ImorallySourcedElectrons said:

No, what I'm saying is that if you rewrite the game for a different platform you're also going to be making other adjustments, and by no means will the game represent the same load or achieve the exact same graphics fidelity, we already see this when you apply a different graphics API on the same platform, so yes, you will get a different visual quality. So I'm really curious as to why you think it won't make a difference for this benchmark across different systems? There's no reason why "medium graphics" on platform A is the same as it is on platform B, and you damn well know it. So it could very well be one system is handling a far more difficult workload than the other, and comparing the graphics output to find traces of this is going to be ridiculously difficult and a complete waste of time most likely, so unless if you write an entire very basic boring benchmark suite that tests each aspect of the GPU individually, there's no real point in comparing. 

But that’s the nature of having multiple platforms. I daily a MacBook Pro, developers using Metal API in games makes them better when I’m on my laptop. It only makes sense that a reviewer would use the most efficient means on a platform. As both a Windows and Mac gamer, I definitely want results with the most efficient API on a given platform.

My Current Setup:

AMD Ryzen 5900X

Kingston HyperX Fury 3200mhz 2x16GB

MSI B450 Gaming Plus

Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo


Samsung 970 EVO Plus 2TB

WD 5400RPM 2TB

EVGA G3 750W

Corsair Carbide 300R

Arctic Fans 140mm x4 120mm x 1


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8 minutes ago, Godiwa said:

I wouldn't call him a bad guy, but delusional... he tries to treat everyone as a "bro" with the "trust me bro" he is totally out of touch with that people buying his products aren't personal friends that he hang out with every weekend drinking beers at the pool and such... this is customers buying products from a very large company

yes that would be "alright" when he is a small channel with a few thousand views... but we are at what 13.000.000? and a 100.000.000 dollar company... that isn't a "bro" scenario but he hasn't awaked yet to figure that out

And thats where i think he rides his clout to much with the community. 

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7 minutes ago, RockerBug17 said:

In regard to the water-block, people here are saying LMG did Billet wrong by selling/auctioning off their prototype they wanted back. 100% agree; egregious error. LMG and Billet discuss the situation and come to an agreement that both are satisfied with. LMG doesn't try to hide the fact that they messed up and they make a public statement about it. NO ONE HERE IS SATISFIED WITH THE STATEMENT!


Now, explain to me how the, "biggest problem being exposed...is the inline corrections being made after possibly millions of views without any other form of notification." We have an example of what happens when they make corrections in the form of Billet.


There's nothing they can do to satisfy the unwashed masses pouring in here to say their two cents. They want retribution; it's as plain as day.


I don't care if the "unwashed masses" are satisfied. I just want better and more transparent policies/actions from LMG. That is what would leave me satisfied. If that means fewer videos that are higher quality, so be it. If they want to stay as just entertainment, then fine carry on. But if so, stop claiming they want to LTT Labs to be the "THING" in quality reviews.

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