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Thread for Linus Tech Tips Video Suggestions


How about an all in one pc build that's portable. Something that runs Linux on bare metal so you can use it as a dev machine and sandbox while running windows in kvm with gpu pass though for gaming. Think hotel gaming, as compact and light as practical but easily deployable by connecting to the room TV. Something that's traveler friendly that would give desktop power without the laptop limits. Maybe mini itx form factor with a handle.

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How about a budget home recording set up with peripherals? Please 

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How about a video with the topic homelabbing with a raspberry pi and the services which could be hosted on it (like Nextcloud, Jellyfin and Guacamole, ...)?

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"Didn't they cover that topic before?

Also, can we bring back extreme water-cooling projects? Not just one video about DIY CPU blocks, but I mean insane levels like in the old days. I miss the whole room water-cooling projects and the mineral oil series – you know, the visually and otherwise really outlandish stuff no one else does or needs.

How about reviving vintage hardware or something?

Oh, and of course, the obligatory request for another epic Scrapyard Wars. With a twist – no money involved, just scavenged parts people give away. I'd love to see Linus desperately trying to squeeze a few extra MHz out of some ancient CPU just to beat Luke, who somehow managed to salvage and repair a broken AIO or something. Their dynamic is just perfect for that format. And no guests – Austin was really hard to watch."

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How can we create a "wife-approved" computer rack? We're thinking of using regular cabinets (Ikea) to reduce costs and make it blend in more discreetly. But still have good performance and cooling. This is for those of us who need to keep the rack visible rather than tucked away in the basement.

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I'd love to see you guys cover the Micron SLS Printer when it becomes available. If the videos are to be believed, could be the "next big thing" for hobbyist 3d printing if the technology continues to get cheaper.

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All Open-Source PC. To see if you can survive with only free stuff (linux, firefox, libreoffice) and to recommend best open source software.

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i've seen many different devices and i would love to see a video from ltt testing second hand server grade GPU from nvidia but also AMD, i would only be interested in 16GB vram onwards and i would like to see fine tune and inference performance against consumer gpus, also, what issues run into when cooling them, driver support (idea is to run a rtx 3xxx with p40 for me, but i would like to see how it works for them, you know, driver issues and that type of stuff, my hunch is amd would be better from that point of view, (if you are running nvidia as main gpu))
all in all i am very interested into making AI and i want hardware made for it and if it is possible cheaper, i am not gonna run 70B model with 24gb of vram (most likely) but at least i could experiment doing merges, finetuning at the same time as inference (usefull if you run a local LLM with RAG stuff or you make training data with inference in a local LLM) and if any writer at LTT is reading this, please cheak out unsloth and Ollama, i think that is the best combination for training and inference.

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Brief one here - I was watching a video from "the backyard scientist" where he powers traditionally electric items using a gas engine from an RC car (titled "gas powering things that should NOT be gas powered")


The first thing he tests is a propellor on the engine as a fan, and the results are ridiculous. The amount of air it moves it crazy.


So my suggestion is this: fit a bunch of engines to PC fans and make a "gas cooled" PC, which I think has a fairly marketable title to say the least.

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Cool concept, maybe even marketable (I'd buy it):


Use VGA AUX 8 pins to type-c that can be mounted on a PCIe bracket (maybe that one above the GPU that most motherboards space off one to fit coolers like the NH-D15) to power high end type-c devices using the PC's internal power supply. The coolest thing would be to power your main display, potentially using a conversion to a barrel connector.


The result in that scenario would be a type-c and DP coming out of the computer to both power and pass display. Potentially being possible for some monitors that accept DP-alt to have the DP connection passed through (and maybe USB if its got a hub, why not) for a single type-c out of the machine to pass power/display/usb.


There'd need to be some logic some where to take 12Vdc anywhere from 5V-24V, but it would be a cool way of eliminating bulk at the desk by consolidating the monitor's power supply (which is usually external now a days).


Most higher end builds that would benefit from such a thing probably have +200W of headroom for their monitor anyways.

Ryzen 7950x3D Direct Die NH-D15, CCD1 disabled

RTX 4090 @133%/+230/+500

Builder/Enthusiast/Overclocker since 2012  //  Professional IT since 2017

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Hey everyone,

I've been a longtime follower of the Linus Tech Tips channel, and I've always appreciated the coverage and analysis provided on various tech products and brands. Linus and the team have built an incredible platform that serves as a hub for tech enthusiasts to stay informed and engaged.

I wanted to propose an idea that I believe could enhance the community's interaction with the channel and provide valuable feedback to both viewers and manufacturers alike. Over the years, I've noticed that there are often recurring issues or feature requests raised by the community regarding products that have been reviewed or endorsed on the channel.

My suggestion is to incorporate a segment into WAN Show where community concerns about previously reviewed products or brands currently endorsed through ads are addressed and evaluated. This segment could serve as a platform for viewers to voice their feedback directly, while also allowing the team to provide insights and updates on these issues.


For instance, let's take the TP-Link's Deco series of products. Many users have expressed frustration on TP-Link forum over the lack of a Web GUI option for managing these devices, despite the request being raised over two years ago. In Deco App there is no way of making a manual backup which is outrageous. This is just one example of a situation where the channel could facilitate meaningful dialogue between consumers and manufacturers.

https://community.tp-link.com/en/home/forum/topic/531350 - link to the topic I refer to.


By dedicating a portion of WAN Show to addressing these community concerns, Linus Tech Tips could further demonstrate its commitment to listening to its audience and foster a more transparent relationship with the brands it collaborates with. Additionally, this segment could serve as a valuable resource for both consumers and companies, helping to bridge the gap between product development and user feedback. I know it's wishful thinking but I hope for a change...

I understand that implementing such a segment would require additional time and effort, but I believe it would be well worth the investment. 


I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts on this suggestion and discuss how we might be able to make it happen. Thank you for considering my proposal

Best regards,


-- Mostly written with chat GPT since I'm not native speaker, but I stand by it 🙂 -- 

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I'd love to see something like the i7-4930K + 2x SLI 780Ti build from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cq-zqQiY-OA&t tested again.

But taking it through games over the years (GTA 5 for 2015, Doom for 2016, etc) and seeing how it aged over time. Seeing how long is can handle 4K, seeing what point you need to start lowering settings, resolution, and start to only use one of the GPUs, until you get to the point of no support.

Another fun in that would being how a system like that could still be useful (to not make people think these old of systems can't do anything still) in productivity, like if it can still do Photoshop smoothly and how it handles 4K footage and such in Premiere.

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A video on project olympus or their insane hardware "built by microsoft"


Attached picture of one of my olympus motherboards. Would share one for a video. (Have 5)20230107_122924.thumb.jpg.aef878b7a116b99980496f471b91cefd.jpg


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What about economic home security setup with all products from Amazon.

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This isn’t a suggestion but a question about a video. I don’t know where else to ask it. There was a video I recently watched where Linus had two computers. He was comparing the two builds. He was playing doom and one of the cards had more vram than the other. And one of them was significantly more playable than the other. 

I know that’s not a lot to go on but can anyone tell me what video this was?

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a video involving the new study that found some ppl can see at a higher frame rate than others. 

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Video thumbnail: Linus holding a mystery "GAMING" printer

Video name: seconds per frame?...

Video idea: Linus finds the fastest top 3 printers on the market that can print very fast and use it as a display output.

I think the tech group can figure out how to do such a crazy and funny project

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I have nearly 10 years of experience in Marketing Operations for a variety of large tech companies. 

I was watching old clips of the WAN show where Linus ranted about TeamViewer et al and their marketing practices. I realized I could speak to exactly why this kind of stuff happens. I also realize that there is not a lot of good public information out there about how these systems are built and work. These systems are often mysteries to the very teams that work with them!


Anyway, if anyone actually wants to learn more about how these systems work (or don't work) from an industry insider, have some tips/hacks to get out of these marketing systems, or learn the best way to stick it to spammers like this - again I think the information out there online is either not helpful or not accurate.

If there is a writer at LMG who would be interested in this topic, I can answer a lot of questions and tell you a lot of stuff you wouldn't hear from anywhere else. 

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Hello, new user so sorry if this has already been suggested…


would it be possible to add DAW benchmarks into your CPU testing? As of right now the music production community doesn’t really have anyone doing this, at least not easy to find and consistently updating with new CPUs. 

adding a Ableton and another DAW benchmark would be AMAZING and would help A LOT in terms of trying to build the a new music production PC. 

latency when tracking with plugins and VST’s is still a major problem for home producers who don’t have the outboard equipment to offload the work from the CPU. 

I don’t think it would add that much work to your benchmarks but at the same time you could potentially get a LOT of traffic to your videos from “ Music “ people. As of right now no one’s really tackled this testing to my knowledge….


anyways love your videos.

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Can we get a "Last guide you'll ever need" type video but for custom water cooling? In the humble pc build, Linus dropped a lot of good tips for custom water cooling. It'd be nice to have one long video entirely focused on custom water cooling. How to plan your runs, how to measure tubing for bends, planning, building, maintaining, etc.

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Living in an apartment I wanted to see how you can make a home theater audio setup that doesn't disturb your neighbours. Apparently there's this device called Waves Maxxbass 101 & 102 which increase perceived bass without actually producing bass. I was wondering if you would make a video like "The home theater setup that doesn't disturb your neighbours" which tries to create a setup that doesn't disturb the neighbours. The conclusion could just be to wear headphones but it would be interesting to see what you can achieve.

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A video idea for one of your Intel uprade sessions!


I currently have a good AMD system and the wife has a well so bad AMD system it isn't even used atm! Yet we live in the shadow of the UK Intel HQ. (https://g.co/kgs/prWachp)  We also have the UK Muesem of computing just around the corner. (https://www.museumofcomputing.org.uk/


Why not fly over have a tour around both have a laugh, play some games, after the intel tour do a Intel upgrades on her PC (yes a little selfserving but hey worth a try 😉 ) You could get a couple of other LTT does the UK videos whilst you're here!!


All the best.



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I found a suitably ODD variation on a 2080ti, it's a 22GB version for "AI" out of Japan for sale at 4070 Ti Super prices, it might make for interesting content if it can still game... Here's the link to the eBay listing I found, https://www.ebay.com/itm/145702414808?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=BIPY0CJkSzi&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=T_2nZU5fQF-&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY  .

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I think many people including myself would love to see a review of the Nothing ear a and the regular Nothing ear, maybe an idea worth for short circuit.

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