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Madison reveals experiences working at LMG

Message added by SansVarnic,

*03NOV2023: Topic is now locked for the time until the investigation results are released, will not be re-open prior.*



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Another disgruntled ex employee piling on when the time is right.. classic

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I am legitimately blown away by these god awful takes that these accusations are lies for profit, lies to pile on, or frankly, lies. Unreal. Sexual harassment, "women are hormonal lol", and inappropriate power balances are so commonplace in the techsphere that there is legitimate industry-wide change being called for, and entire companies turning a profit on helping change the culture of organizations or helping employees report issues confidentially. These comments accusing her ARE LITERALLY WHY PEOPLE SOMETIMES DON'T COME FORWARD UNTIL SOMEONE ELSE DOES. SHE LITERALLY LAYS OUT EXACTLY THAT IN HER TWEETS AS TO WHY SHE HASN'T COME FORWARD UNTIL NOW.


It is clear that LTT has no actual human resources, to start. You can see that they don't on their employee page. Furthermore, HR exists to defend the company from lawsuits, not employees from their employer.


There is so much wilful ignorance in this community to defend a YouTube channel and personality that it's fundamentally astonishing. I'm sure some of it is just from not working in this field and seeing your female colleagues go through absolute BS, especially at startups, but still.

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2 minutes ago, ginsardi said:

If she feels she was discriminated against and a victim of a hostile workplace, she needs to go talk to a lawyer. THIS IS NOT A COMMUNITY TOPIC FOR ENTERTAINMENT.

She's literally the one that put this public. What else would it be for if not for people to discuss?

ask me about my homelab

on a personal quest convincing the general public to return to the glory that is 12" laptops.

cheap and easy cable management is my fetish.

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1 minute ago, Middcore said:

Just like the Billet Labs situation was "already being handled," and Steve would have known it if he'd asked Linus, when in reality Billet didn't hear from LTT until Steve's video came out?

Hey, I don’t make assumptions 🤷🏼‍♂️. I don’t have all the details, nor do you.  I’m just saying that we have no idea what’s going on. The Billet Labs thing is another discussion. Stay on topic. 

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1 minute ago, HesCalledTheStig said:

Lol. Look at you, telling me to calm down when you’re the one that seems all worked up. Re-read what I said and tell me where I’m worked up 😂

You're right, sorry about that. It's just that mindless toxicity and rage has me worked up. I'm full of seeing so many bad takes around this issue. If people just stopped and waited for actual info before assuming malice or villainy or whatever, the world would be a better place.

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1 minute ago, hassam222 said:

Dude is asleep. It's not even 7 am where he is.

He didn't sleep I'm sure, if you go to his profile here, he was last online recently.

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Just now, HesCalledTheStig said:

Stay on topic. 

LTT's proven pattern of dishonesty in their claims about making things right with those they've wronged is on topic. 

Corps aren't your friends. "Bottleneck calculators" are BS. Only suckers buy based on brand. It's your PC, do what makes you happy.  If your build meets your needs, you don't need anyone else to "rate" it for you. And talking about being part of a "master race" is cringe. Watch this space for further truths people need to hear.


Ryzen 7 5800X3D | ASRock X570 PG Velocita | PowerColor Red Devil RX 6900 XT | 4x8GB Crucial Ballistix 3600mt/s CL16

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20 minutes ago, Permux said:


There are many company’s and division which are specialised for it. Even KPMG, PWC etc. or Lawfirms like Hogen Lovells , Kirksland & Ellis to name only a few

Are you paying for that? I'm not. I don't think Madison has the bank for that. Is LMG going to voluntarily pay a third party thousands to do an investigation into something the complaint alleges they clearly don't care about.


If it wasn't something that would be so costly for everyone involved then I'd expect an investigation.

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17 minutes ago, Rackneh said:

This isn't just about heavy work, it's about alleged innapropriate behaviour by higher ups. From verbal abuse to sexual harrasment.

Even if it's just verbal abuse: That should 100% be adressed and who ever thought it was okay to let their feefees dictate how they treat employees should be axed immediately.
If they're not they can be more honest and show us the toxic work enviroment during behind the scenes content. If people are actually being yelled at and degraded then either fix it or have the balls to flaunt it.


Again, are you sure about what she says?
She says that the senior management strongly criticized her work and abilities. Is that verbal abuse? We are provided no context.
The whole thread is phrased like she was verbally abused but we have no real example of abuse. Saying "your last video was shit" maybe impolite but is not abuse.


Also it's not clear who did this alleged "sexual harrasment". You conflate both the verbal abuse and the let's call it inappropriate behavior to be from the same people. But it's not clear.

Everything is so vague, so undetermined, completely out of context. Things that are perfectly legitimate behavior described in the detail - like not putting a mirror in an office per employee request, like wtf? - are mixed with vague descriptions of what could be serious crimes. Like they are related. Except it's not stated that there's a relation. I'm sorry, but I read this and I feel like I'm being manipulated into outrage and it doesn't feel right.




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The situation with GN is one thing, and if all of the complaints from Steve/GN are true then that’s really shitty for viewers of the channel as LMG’s credibility to present information is compromised.


This is different. A workplace where unwanted mental or physical abuse is happening, especially that is sexual in nature, that is digesting and likely not an environment where ‘we’ll do better’ can be an adequate response. I had suspected Madison leaving was not a simple, ‘bad fit in the company’ situation, but I wouldn’t have ever expected it to be the accusations Madison has made; If true, this is way worse than bad performance graphs.

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3 minutes ago, Middcore said:


It's that hard for you to believe that one of the only female employees in the company (especially at the time) and the youngest was the one who got treated this way? Really? 

Is it that hard for you to believe she COULD be making it up?  As I said, I’m not discrediting anyone. No one knows the details. 

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Wow parts of this community is toxic...


1. HR exists to protect the company and not the employees. Unions protect employees, HR finds ways to make situations go away with as little damage to the company as possible. I have seen this play out on so many occasions. This is why you have so many sexual harassment, bulling, wrongful termination and payment issues in companies, because HR tried to minimise damage and remove / screw the employee. In some American states HR is so good at protecting the company they get away with child labour, killing employees and stealing from employees.


2. Victims of harassment and bullying hardly ever make formal complaints, the same as victims of rape do not report it. They are either afraid of repercussions or do not want to keep reliving the situation. If they are still employed at the company then they are also afraid about loss of income, which leads to loss of accommodation / savings etc...


3. As has been shown with other investigations, it is known that more victims come forward once a company / person is being held accountable in public for their actions. People suggest this is handled behind closed doors where on one side you have well paid and resourced lawyers and on the other a disgruntled employee, a perfect balance of power there...


4. Going to court costs a lot of time and money and can be very damaging to someone already suffering from mental issues caused by their employment. People commit suicide all the time over issues like this.


5. For people asking for her to provide 'receipts' I don't see you asking for LTT to do the same. As far as the cooler issue goes, the timeline and compensation agreement is disputed by Billet who say they were contacted after the GN video went live and not as Linus suggested. Linus also suggested GN said they sold the hardware where as in the GN video they do say it was auctioned and provide a photo of the auction. From this alone LTT cannot be trusted, they are playing their viewers for fools as we can easily find evidence to the contrary.


Now no one is asking you to believe 100% what Madison is saying, you are instead being asked to believe it might have happened. That is all, no one needs to harass her or start calling her names or sending her threats.


But what you can do is look at the childish response that Linus did to an accusation that could be very damaging to his company and then extrapolate that to how he might handle accusations from an employee of his company about behaviour of himself or his friends. What I see was someone being extremely unprofessional and letting their emotions get in the way, which in the latest LTT vid is kinda alluded to. Behind closed doors I expect this attitude was worse if they didn't see anything wrong with the video they initially released on the subject / his posts & comments.

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3 minutes ago, false_ said:

It is clear that LTT has no actual human resources, to start. You can see that they don't on their employee page. Furthermore, HR exists to defend the company from lawsuits, not employees from their employer.

While that's true, it doesn't always mean that HR stomps the (ex-) employee shouting about the problem - sometimes, that defence is to get rid of the employee putting the company at risk by harassing others.


It gets a lot more difficult when the harassment is endemic to the company's management structure, though, which it seems might be a possibility here.

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Beyond disappointing to see the contrast in community reaction between the GN/Billet thread and here.


< needless flaming removed >


Young female LTT employee opens up about being bullied, harassed, and possibly assaulted during her time at the company? Community proceeds to debate the timing, stroke their chins over what "inappropriately grabbed" means, belittles the work the employee did, and attack her professionalism and mental health. And of course the mouth-breathers are in here too adding some unveiled misogyny to the mix.


I haven't been on these forums much or at all the past few months because I was growing disenchanted with LTT's content and I was focused on other hobbies besides PC stuff. This thread makes me not want to be a part of this community at all. Although I'm not sure I would want to have to acknowledge "Yes, I'm an active member of the LTT forums, yes that Linus" after this week anyway. 

Edited by LogicalDrm

Corps aren't your friends. "Bottleneck calculators" are BS. Only suckers buy based on brand. It's your PC, do what makes you happy.  If your build meets your needs, you don't need anyone else to "rate" it for you. And talking about being part of a "master race" is cringe. Watch this space for further truths people need to hear.


Ryzen 7 5800X3D | ASRock X570 PG Velocita | PowerColor Red Devil RX 6900 XT | 4x8GB Crucial Ballistix 3600mt/s CL16

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5 minutes ago, Skipple said:

She's literally the one that put this public. What else would it be for if not for people to discuss?

I understand that, but having lost people to suicide, and knowing plenty who have attempted, this is arguably the worst possible thing that can be happening right now. Particularly, when she starts reading comments from people that don't believe her. The thought of "I need to do something for them to believe me" will come and it will continue to escalate. This is not a small deal, no matter how true or untrue. It's a serious claim and needs to be handled by professionals. Not by social media, not by the community, not in public. There are all sorts of resources that were built for exactly this, and that's where this issue needs to be handled.  

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5 minutes ago, W33DKILL3R said:

Behind closed doors I expect this attitude was worse if they didn't see anything wrong with the video they initially released on the subject / his posts & comments.

I'm of the opinion that the majority of the company being built around Linus effectively creates an echo chamber. 
Luke has been trying to keep him from making PR disasters, but you can see how much he needs to tip toe around Linus for it. 

I'm applying Ikea spelling, meaning you get most of the words and letters, then it's up to you to assemble them correctly! 👍

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2 minutes ago, Middcore said:

Beyond disappointing to see the contrast in community reaction between the GN/Billet thread and here.


It's pointed out that LTT makes shoddy reviews and screwed over a startup company? Except for a few fanboys and mouth-breathers everyone basically rolls their eyes at, by and large the community takes it seriously and tries to impress upon LTT the importance of correcting their mistakes. Great!


Young female LTT employee opens up about being bullied, harassed, and possibly assaulted during her time at the company? Community proceeds to debate the timing, stroke their chins over what "inappropriately grabbed" means, belittles the work the employee did, and attack her professionalism and mental health. And of course the mouth-breathers are in here too adding some unveiled misogyny to the mix.


I haven't been on these forums much or at all the past few months because I was growing disenchanted with LTT's content and I was focused on other hobbies besides PC stuff. This thread makes me not want to be a part of this community at all. Although I'm not sure I would want to have to acknowledge "Yes, I'm an active member of the LTT forums, yes that Linus" after this week anyway. 

No one is attacking anyone.


Yes, when someone makes serious accusations without a scrap of evidence, normal people have doubts.

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3 minutes ago, ginsardi said:

There are all sorts of resources that were built for exactly this, and that's where this issue needs to be handled.  

I agree! And it could have been handled in that manner, but it wasn't and it's public now. I'm not saying that's wrong to go public. It's perfectly valid if that's her choice, but it was a choice made by Madison.

You don't get to determine what the public does and how they react if you make the information public yourself. 

ask me about my homelab

on a personal quest convincing the general public to return to the glory that is 12" laptops.

cheap and easy cable management is my fetish.

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1 minute ago, Middcore said:

I haven't been on these forums much or at all the past few months because I was growing disenchanted with LTT's content and I was focused on other hobbies besides PC stuff.

Thanks for sharing!


I think some people just question the timing and the way she “published” these allegations. 

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8 minutes ago, Riccardo Cagnasso said:

Again, are you sure about what she says?
She says that the senior management strongly criticized her work and abilities. Is that verbal abuse? We are provided no context.
The whole thread is phrased like she was verbally abused but we have no real example of abuse. Saying "your last video was shit" maybe impolite but is not abuse.


Also it's not clear who did this alleged "sexual harrasment". You conflate both the verbal abuse and the let's call it inappropriate behavior to be from the same people. But it's not clear.

Everything is so vague, so undetermined, completely out of context. Things that are perfectly legitimate behavior described in the detail - like not putting a mirror in an office per employee request, like wtf? - are mixed with vague descriptions of what could be serious crimes. Like they are related. Except it's not stated that there's a relation. I'm sorry, but I read this and I feel like I'm being manipulated into outrage and it doesn't feel right.




From the tweets it sounded like "your last video was shit" was retaliation for going to management to complain. So workplace bullying just to be clear.

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47 minutes ago, avg123 said:

Has linus said anything about madisons tweets?

Nop, they gonna sweep this one under the rug.

This font is amazing.

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Chronically online people: why don't women come forward with this stuff sooner? why did she wait?!?


Those same people: she's lying! she wants a payout! isn't the timing suspicious?!


Thank everything that the overwhelming majority believe Madison, and I hope this marks the end for a vile company.

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Just now, Ludachris said:

I think some people just question the timing and the way she “published” these allegations. 

Thanks for providing further examples of the exact disappointing behavior I was describing!



Corps aren't your friends. "Bottleneck calculators" are BS. Only suckers buy based on brand. It's your PC, do what makes you happy.  If your build meets your needs, you don't need anyone else to "rate" it for you. And talking about being part of a "master race" is cringe. Watch this space for further truths people need to hear.


Ryzen 7 5800X3D | ASRock X570 PG Velocita | PowerColor Red Devil RX 6900 XT | 4x8GB Crucial Ballistix 3600mt/s CL16

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I’m disgusted…


LTT needs a competent ethics team. A true HR Relations department. 

This and the new revelations from GN…



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