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24 minutes ago, trag1c said:

I don't necessarily have a dedicated air fryer but I use my convection oven with a deep pan that has a grill on top. 


I found it to be excellent with pub foods like chicken wings, chicken fingers, tater tots, fries etc.

I did buy a 2 pound bag of tater tots when I got my Fryer.

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On 9/19/2021 at 12:41 AM, Beerzerker said:

No mushrooms at all - No way, no how.
As for yeast, that's a little different - They are microscopic in size and it's not like what you are eating IS comprised of yeast and nothing else.

I didn't claim Breads are made of Yeast but from Yeast. Baker's Yeast is added to flour and water...

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40 minutes ago, Joduko said:

They're just glorified toaster ovens.

Toaster Ovens don't have Fans in them.

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22 hours ago, CalintzJerevinan said:

Best way to cook tofu. Is to slice it up then pan fry it or air fry it with olive oil and add salt, black pepper, and garlic powder.  Then fry it up until it's firm.  Eat it with rice or kimchi and it's good.   It's the best to eat it.  I also cook some fried eggs sunny side up and Spam.    Use firm tofu not soft tofu.  Soft tofu is for soups.

Ever made fried rice with one of these? I found a few recipes and they all mentioned adding Sesame or peanut oil. This and fried breaded okra are the primary reasons I purchased this yesterday.

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On 9/19/2021 at 1:13 AM, SansVarnic said:

1. This is not something I will address here; it walks to close to political opinion and opinion. Carbon footprint and its effects on the environment is still very much in the scientific theory stage, not yet ready to enter the fact and proof stage. I won't conjecture or debate on this.

2. Transporting food not vacuum sealed, is very limiting.

3. It seems I have a vehemence but I dont. My opinion is this.

4. If you want to make a veggie burger dont call it what it is not. There is a brand called "Beyond Meat", I am sorry but call it what it is. My issue, trying to fake it to get people eat something that is suppose to immitate something is wrong. I will eat my vegetables as I always do. But like I said lie to yourself but dont lie to me. Its a trick to give a burger, I eat it and then tell me it is vegetable, that deceiving pure and simple. If i want more veggies then I'll eat more veggies but I am not going to just stop eating meat because a goup of people say I need to eat less meat or no meat.

5. Studies go back and forth on the value and nutrition of both sides of the debate [meat vs vegetables] but neither has a stronger standing over the other. That is my position.

6. I do eat a lot of mushrooms already but I really cant see a productive reason to use this as a replacement for meat

1. I'm not sure I'm getting you here. Are you saying that the effects of greenhouse gases on the climate is only a theory? That's simply not true if that's what you are insinuating. There's piles and piles and piles of research into this and has been for decades. Some in politics may be trying to turn it political, but Climate change and greenhouse gases are not political, they're just science. Not opinion, no matter how many people seem to pretend it is. Also whether you trust established science or not, it's still pollution, and less of it is still better, regardless of effects on the climate.


2. Not sure why you'd be transporting it without vacuum sealing it, but ideally you have food production somewhat locally not only to prevent spoilage and food waste, but also 

3. I'm sorry if I misread that with more anger than intended but it's tough to take it in a lighter tone when you say "The day I don't eat real meat is the day I die." Preferring death over fake meat is what I'd call extreme dislike.

4. I'm curious why you think anyone is trying to pull the wool over your eyes. I haven't seen a single company who has tried to trick me or lie to me. All the ones I've seen have outright advertised what they are because there is a huge market for it. Could you give me an example of being outright lied to? Maybe it just hasn't happened to me.

5. Could you provide some context? I'm not aware of any research saying more veggies and less meat is not worthwhile.

6. In fairness I can't stand mushrooms. Taste and texture, along with the idea of eating something that just ate dead stuff. I know yeast and yogurt and cheese is all gross too when you think about it, but I can't get past the taste and texture of mushrooms.

On 9/19/2021 at 1:41 AM, Beerzerker said:

No mushrooms at all - No way, no how.
As for yeast, that's a little different - They are microscopic in size and it's not like what you are eating IS comprised of yeast and nothing else.

Yeah technically a different process and not something you taste or have to think about. Yeast is a lot easier to get past the idea of than fungi

On 9/19/2021 at 1:41 AM, Quackers101 said:

1. As with nutrition both have their pros and cons, it really just depends. While if one had all you need, then vegetables can be cleaner or easier to get everything in your body that is needed. But often takes a lot of different resources to make such a product. And with neither, you don't know if they are clean or safe to eat. From mold, diseases, contaminated products etc.

2. What is useless though, is green salad. Its more or less just "water" and can easily be contaminated or not washed correctly while becoming deadly from eating it raw.

3. It has to be cooked, hopefully around it being welldone all of the time or be treated. (very few cases of it being raw or "allowed" to).


1. But technically you can get all meat nutrients from veggies. Protein is the biggest thing people claim as why they still need meat, but many veggies provide great protein, along with many other great nutrients.

2. While they seem to get contaminated more, they're not useless. If it provides calories that's great, and many leafy greens have a ton of nutrients.

3. This is actually a gripe I have with meats, they DON'T have to be cooked. Many people eat meat with red in the middle or pink, sushi is a thing, and so is tartare, though I don't think that one is common anymore thankfully.

On 9/19/2021 at 2:03 AM, trag1c said:

Though in don't know if I could ever make the switch to solely vege products as that would mean giving up hunting and smoking meats.

It doesn't need to be gone, just lessened along with better farming practices

On 9/19/2021 at 3:51 AM, 8tg said:

1. I understand the vegetarian alternatives, but I don’t like food that pretends “it’s just the same as the real thing!”

2. With advertisements being these faked taste tests where oh wow, the guy who loves the Burger King whopper can’t tell that the impossible whopper isn’t made with real beef! How surprising.

3. And that brings me to the other aspect of these artificial not-meats I despise, they’re cheap as dirt to produce, and they’re what these corporations want to shove down your throat instead of real meat because it’s cheaper. All this under the guise of animal ethics, ecological concern and being healthy. 
4. I decimated the rest of the life on this planet to the extent where I have enslaved entire species so I can have them killed and cooked on demand. I respect and admire what humanity has done, and I’m not going to do the anthropological equivalent of suicide, giving up everything I as a human have accomplished, just so some corporation can have more power over me, or so some smoothbrain can think they’re better than other people for not eating real meat.

1. I've not seen anyone advertising like that. Many say they TASTE the same, and I've had some that do, but I've never had any that say they are just the same, but even that being a comparison is advertising it's not actually meat, it's the same AS the real thing. 

2. Every commercial taste test is faked by nature of being a commercial, but that doesn't mean it still doesn't taste good. Again I've had some and couldn't tell much if any difference. 

3. They aren't cheap as dirt as far as I'm aware of, though hopefully as production ramps up with demand they will get cheaper. Assuming they were cheaper though, I don't care that they are cheaper. Lets say the company literally has a CEO sitting in a chair petting a cat and laughing evilly at how much money they make. If they're making an ecofriendly solution that's helping to literally save the world, I don't care that they are making more money. 

4. I'm confused that you are proud of decimating nature. You can be proud of technology and what we are able to accomplish as a species, but the trampling of our only home to get there is objectively bad. And if we don't work to protect our planet better, we already are committing suicide as a species. If this world dies, we die with it. We've been drinking bleach as a species for many many years.

On 9/19/2021 at 8:17 AM, tikker said:

1. Plenty of veggies we eat aren't good for us raw, but we don't scrutinize mushrooms or beans if they're properly handled and cooked.

2. The same would happen if you chow down too many avocados every day. Obesity and diet correlate, but so do obesity and health conciousness or the amount of exercise you do. If calories in exceeds calories out, it gets stored as fat. For example, take the guy that lost weight and fat eating nothing but mcdonalds.

3. By presenting it as a "substitute" you still create the expectation of it tasting and acting the same and, perhaps more importantly, you reinforce the still common thought and practice of needing meat for every meal. There are entire cultures that thrive on vegetarian foods like Indian. Marketing needs to stop with "better than meat" or "unique twist" BS. Just market me a delicious portobello burger for what it is: a mushroom on a bun, but a fucking delicious one. One of the best burgers I've ever had was a vegan bean burger

1. That's because eating undercooked meat could give you ecoli or salmonella or other very dangerous bacteria. Yes you CAN possibly get sick from undercooked beans but it's much harder. It's literally so easy to cook veggies right, and it's often not nearly as easy to cook meat perfectly through. On top of that, people like raw meats, I don't think anyone is intentionally cracking their teeth on uncooked beans. Also all meat is dangerous uncooked, but few veggies pose any danger uncooked. 

2. True, but it is hard to overeat on veggies because they are low calorie foods. By the time your brain tells you you're full, you will have a hard time having eaten a whole day's worth of calories in veggies. Meanwhile at pizza hut I eat just 4 slices of a large meatlover's and I'm only 80 calories away from my daily 2000 calorie limit. Some fast food burgers are 1000 calories or more for one burger, covering over half your daily calorie limit.

3. I can agree with this, and I think Beyond Meat is a great name in this regards. It's not pretending to be meat, it's beyond it. It's something else entirely and it tastes great!


Insanity is not the absence of sanity, but the willingness to ignore it for a purpose. Chaos is the result of this choice. I relish in both.

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On 9/20/2021 at 4:00 AM, tikker said:

1. No one over eats lettuce because it's more than 90% water. It contains around 16 kcal per ~100 g. The recommended 2500 kcal per day for men would require you to eat (2500/16) * 0.1 kg = 15-16 kg of lettuce daily. Good luck with that 😛

2. Plant aren't nutritious compared to meat, which is extremely calorie dense in comparison. If I take the value here for steak you are at almost 300 kcal per 100 g, 20 times that of lettuce, so yeah if people eat 500 g steaks or lots of meat with cheeses, sauces and what not often that's a substantial fraction of your daily intake and that's just one course. Combine that with snacks and other hidden calories and it's not hard to exceed your daily amount easily.

3. Not saying control in an addiction is easy, and I believe the studies indicating potential addictive effects of meat, e.g. because it substitutes for some stuff the body can produce itself. That's more reason to not push people to go vegan immediately, but to ease them into it by demonstrating how good vegetarian and vegan food can be. If full time meat eaters skip one day of meat per week that's already a win.

1. Exactly the point, by nature of not being able to overeat lettuce, it is already winning over meat.

2. Either you're saying plants aren't more nutritious and not providing reasoning, or you're conflating high calorie density with nutrition. Either way science disagrees with you. Plants factually have tons of nutrients that are great for your body and getting those nutrients doesn't take making yourself obese in the process. Meat has some nutrients, but it's nowhere near what veggies have to offer. 

3. I can agree with you here, people need to be eased into what has to be our future if we want to have a future at all. The simple fact is we cannot keep producing meat the way we do now and be sustainable. We will have to shift eventually, and sooner is better, but many won't move quickly, some won't move at all, and that's going to make it harder to save our species.

Insanity is not the absence of sanity, but the willingness to ignore it for a purpose. Chaos is the result of this choice. I relish in both.

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3 hours ago, Caroline said:

As with everything, it's only bad if you abuse. 

Beans are probably the best way you can add soy to your recipes, I've read about the "soy is bad" myth that goes online but let me tell you soy by itself isn't bad, it's ultraprocessed junk food what's bad, which happens to contain some soy, some burger patties are an example of this, they add some sort of soy paste to them to avoid using real meat.


Bottled soy "milk" is also a bit terrible since it contains lots of sugar and other additives. Not my favourite drink tbh, I'd rather have some coconut water

I purchased a carton of Soy Milk once and only once. Vanilla Flavored and with a rather strong beanie flavor at that. Sure didn't taste anything like Vanilla.


One time I gotten at a pantry, but drink it but use it for oatmeal...

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7 hours ago, whm1974 said:

I'm mean not at all. I did one see one mother breastfeed in public ~three years ago or so. I was going to some mental health support groups at the time. She was setting in a chair in the hallway feeding a 1 1/2 old(?). I looked away and avoided staring at her.


Didn't want her to feel uncomfortable. Mother's Milk is best for infants or so they say.

It's not as simple as can they make milk, it's about consistency and being able to drop everything you're doing on a dime. And there's nothing lesser or wrong with formula.


Insanity is not the absence of sanity, but the willingness to ignore it for a purpose. Chaos is the result of this choice. I relish in both.

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30 minutes ago, Jtalk4456 said:

It's not as simple as can they make milk, it's about consistency and being able to drop everything you're doing on a dime. And there's nothing lesser or wrong with formula.


I have correct something here. If a Mother couldn't breastfeed her baby, she use a goat or have a wetnurse do it. It was somewhat common for the Nobility and Royalty to hire the last.

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1 hour ago, Jtalk4456 said:

3. This is actually a gripe I have with meats, they DON'T have to be cooked. Many people eat meat with red in the middle or pink, sushi is a thing, and so is tartare, though I don't think that one is common anymore thankfully.

they should in nearly every case. raw fish and meat can cause a variaty of issues, kind of depends on the animal to it's health and other things.

Wouldn't want worms or other parasites in your body, fishes being a big case of that and why one shouldn't order all types of sushi. seemingly its why norwegians recommended their salmon to the japanese for salmon sushi or something like that, since japanese salmon was too poor quality with a lot more parasites/diseases etc, to be used "raw".


while this can be found in fruits and veggies too or more about bugs and poop or waste. I would recommend to mostly always if being on the safer side to cook any meal or pre-cooked or treated. Some Sushi is also treated and maybe more in japan they do their mixture for sushi? not sure.


also the issues around the eating cycle of animals to humans, and what humans give to them for food or treatment.




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1 minute ago, Quackers101 said:

they should in nearly every case.


while this can be found in fruits and veggies too or more about bugs and poop or waste. I would recommend to mostly always if being on the safer side to cook any meal or pre-cooked or treated. Some Sushi is also treated and maybe more in japan they do their mixture for sushi? not sure.


also the issues around the eating cycle of animals to humans, and what humans give to them for food or treatment.


Should is the keyword. Unfortunately a large portion of the world doesn't care about that SHOULD

While worms and bug CAN be found in veggies, that's an unintended thing. People ordering medium steaks, that's on purpose. With moderation and a bit of common sense, there's no reason that any of these food should be a potential issue. Unfortunately, moderation and common sense aren't abundant in society. While it would be nice to just let everything be up to the consumer, the consumer often makes bad choices, so those of use with common sense need to do whatever we can to guide the world towards better options


Insanity is not the absence of sanity, but the willingness to ignore it for a purpose. Chaos is the result of this choice. I relish in both.

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23 minutes ago, Jtalk4456 said:

Should is the keyword. Unfortunately a large portion of the world doesn't care about that SHOULD

While worms and bug CAN be found in veggies, that's an unintended thing. People ordering medium steaks, that's on purpose. With moderation and a bit of common sense, there's no reason that any of these food should be a potential issue. Unfortunately, moderation and common sense aren't abundant in society. While it would be nice to just let everything be up to the consumer, the consumer often makes bad choices, so those of use with common sense need to do whatever we can to guide the world towards better options

well humans like to take shortcuts or when they know of one, even if they shouldn't do so.

this one is a bit fun, goes on about the victorian era and how they increased food sales with "fake food" or hiding outdated foods. (or sold not as the real thing like some organic foods etc). Like milk and others, and some of this might be carried on today and could have if it wasn't for strict rules about food (and some science/history).

Although at times, any chain in a production and the longer it is, can have issues and targeted attacks. As some companies have experinced this by employees contaminate the food or by selling not up to the standards for the product. Something the place about plastic comes in handy for some products.


also then you got fake foods in china and with their recent hit from one of their big bubbles? could become a lot worse from there.

some in other poorer areas/countries too, where it can be easy to be robbed with fake products or deadly.


fun video on the victorian era, and a lot about the stuff they did.


Edited by Quackers101
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9 hours ago, Jtalk4456 said:

1. Exactly the point, by nature of not being able to overeat lettuce, it is already winning over meat.

One can argue the opposite 16 kg of lettuce is ridiculous as only 2 or so kg of steak will yield the same amount of energy/calories (see next point below), so lettuce is hugely inferior. Plus eating 16 kg of lettuce won't change the mindset that the amount we're eating is the main problem with obesity, not the food itself.

9 hours ago, Jtalk4456 said:

2. Either you're saying plants aren't more nutritious and not providing reasoning, or you're conflating high calorie density with nutrition. Either way science disagrees with you. Plants factually have tons of nutrients that are great for your body and getting those nutrients doesn't take making yourself obese in the process. Meat has some nutrients, but it's nowhere near what veggies have to offer. 

I never denied plants do not have nutrients that are great for your body. Meat has its place and so do fruits and plants. Nutrition is indeed about more than just calories and there are both nutritionally bad plants (lettuce) and good ones (avocado, soy). We ate meat because it happened to be the easy calorie/energy rich stuff for our survive-till-the-next day situation. It has been key to our evolution. We can afford to spend months to years cultivating crops and consuming less energy-dense foods now, because we are no longer in a survival situation. Eating has become a social thing as well.

9 hours ago, Jtalk4456 said:

The simple fact is we cannot keep producing meat the way we do now and be sustainable.

Indeed, especially the bolded bit. Our problem isn't purely eating meat. It's over consumption (no need for meat in breakfast, lunch and dinner) and wasteful consumption (mcdonalds etc.). If we'd go by nutrition alone we'd just ration everbody a block of soy nuts or something every day and leave it at that. We do need the vocal voices requesting radical change, otherwise it slips under the radar. The actual changes need to be more gradual though.

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9 hours ago, tikker said:

1. One can argue the opposite 16 kg of lettuce is ridiculous as only 2 or so kg of steak will yield the same amount of energy/calories (see next point below), so lettuce is hugely inferior. Plus eating 16 kg of lettuce won't change the mindset that the amount we're eating is the main problem with obesity, not the food itself. I never denied plants do not have nutrients that are great for your body. Meat has its place and so do fruits and plants. Nutrition is indeed about more than just calories and there are both nutritionally bad plants (lettuce) and good ones (avocado, soy). We ate meat because it happened to be the easy calorie/energy rich stuff for our survive-till-the-next day situation. It has been key to our evolution. We can afford to spend months to years cultivating crops and consuming less energy-dense foods now, because we are no longer in a survival situation. Eating has become a social thing as well.

Indeed, especially the bolded bit. Our problem isn't purely eating meat. It's over consumption (no need for meat in breakfast, lunch and dinner) and wasteful consumption (mcdonalds etc.).

1. You say below that nutrition is more than just calories, but in this point you try to argue lettuce as inferior simply due to calories. That would imply that calorie density is the measure you are using for a food group being better. What I'm pointing out is that calorie density should be inversely important. If the goal is reducing obesity, then caloric density has to be a relationship where lower is actually better. Lettuce is better health wise than a steak. Not to say that steak is BAD, but it IS dense, so we have to reduce it to manage our nutrition. Lower Calorie-Dense foods will be superior then for managing nutrition. You say the food itself isn't the problem, and it's certainly not the only problem, but it is a major one. There's no GOOD way to moderate with a single burger that is 1500 or more calories. That's beyond moderation, the food is the issue. Eat just 1 and nothing else, you have already made an objectively bad nutritional choice. While this is less common, there's plenty of burgers and meals that come above 1000 calories. While it would be nice if everyone made great choices and had balanced diets, the reality is they won't and the industry supporting that behavior is destroying that planet for all of us. Sitting idly by saying "it's their choice to be bad" just doesn't fix the problem.

Insanity is not the absence of sanity, but the willingness to ignore it for a purpose. Chaos is the result of this choice. I relish in both.

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3 minutes ago, Jtalk4456 said:

 While it would be nice if everyone made great choices and had balanced diets, the reality is they won't and the industry supporting that behavior is destroying that planet for all of us. Sitting idly by saying "it's their choice to be bad" just doesn't fix the problem.

I have to point that it is not remotely possible to destroy a Planet. If Humans did wipe themselves and many other Lifeforms out, Earth will still exist.

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Just now, whm1974 said:

I have to point that it is not remotely possible to destroy a Planet. If Humans did wipe themselves and many other Lifeforms out, Earth will still exist.

The possibilities of nuclear warfare might disagree with you, but I know what you mean. Earth simply existing isn't a good goal to aim for though, that's bare minimum. 

Insanity is not the absence of sanity, but the willingness to ignore it for a purpose. Chaos is the result of this choice. I relish in both.

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33 minutes ago, Jtalk4456 said:

1. You say below that nutrition is more than just calories, but in this point you try to argue lettuce as inferior simply due to calories. That would imply that calorie density is the measure you are using for a food group being better. What I'm pointing out is that calorie density should be inversely important.

This dichotomy is what I was getting at with that point. You say lettuce is superior because it is pretty much impossible to overeat, but the reason for that is because it barely gives you any energy at all and little other nutrients. So if you define the "superior food"as something you can eat a practically unlimited amount of, which by definition must be poor in energy and/or nutritional value, then yeah lettuce is superior. If you define it at what is most efficient at getting you energy, it's one of the worst. The roasted soy beans, though plant-based, are even more dense in calories than a steak however, and would by this measure thus be extremely inferior food due to its ease to overeat on. Simply plant-based isn't the answer either. It still takes effort in knowing what and how much you are eating.

33 minutes ago, Jtalk4456 said:

Not to say that steak is BAD, but it IS dense, so we have to reduce it to manage our nutrition. Lower Calorie-Dense foods will be superior then for managing nutrition.

True and I'm not denying that calorie-poor foods are not useful in managing your intake.

33 minutes ago, Jtalk4456 said:

There's no GOOD way to moderate with a single burger that is 1500 or more calories. That's beyond moderation, the food is the issue. Eat just 1 and nothing else, you have already made an objectively bad nutritional choice. While this is less common, there's plenty of burgers and meals that come above 1000 calories.

You indeed can't moderate the burger itself, unless you eat less than a whole one. That's why it should be treated as more of a treat food. Don't eat one or multiple burgers with a big side of fries for lunch and dinner, don't do it every day, and if you do eat (it) a lot, put in the exercise to offset it. As an adult I can go out and buy a whole cake every day if I want to. I don't do that, because I was taught and/or realised that cake is a treat or a little snack to go with coffee, and not food-food.

33 minutes ago, Jtalk4456 said:

While it would be nice if everyone made great choices and had balanced diets, the reality is they won't and the industry supporting that behavior is destroying that planet for all of us. Sitting idly by saying "it's their choice to be bad" just doesn't fix the problem.

I agree the industry is supporting it, that needs to change for sure. I wouldn't be against "regulations" on that end, like less McDonalds-esque fast food chains and such with the $1 sad excuses for burgers, at all. If someone's being a lazy bastard eating 5000 kcal worth of food without moving a finger, that's mostly on them though. I say both top down and bottom up changes are welcome. At the same time I wouldn't be surprised if they also don't realise how relatively hard it is to burn calories without more vigorous exercise I run quite a bit, but that only burns around 80, maybe 100 kcal on high tempo, per km for me. It can be sad to exercise and have all that effort be destroyed in 30s by eating a Snickers bar. On the other hand it can "motivate" as spending just 30 min per day running earns you extra room for food.


This is why, to tie it back to the meat alternatives, I'm more an advocate of marketing "proper" vegetarian or vegan food. Don't just focus on replacing the patty with cardboard and calling it a day, as that still reinforces the meat and eat whatever you want mentality, but make people discover tasty dishes based on veggies.

22 minutes ago, whm1974 said:

I have to point that it is not remotely possible to destroy a Planet. If Humans did wipe themselves and many other Lifeforms out, Earth will still exist.

We don't have to literally destroy the planet to destroy it though. We've been doing a pretty good job of pushing it to the edge, and not at a slow pace either.

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1 hour ago, tikker said:

We don't have to literally destroy the planet to destroy it though. We've been doing a pretty good job of pushing it to the edge, and not at a slow pace either.

Yawn: What We as a Species will ended up doing is wiping ourselves out by destroying the Ecosystem We depend on. Other Species such as Bacteria, Insects, Microbes, and Plants are very likely to survive.

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This reminds me of the mushroom chapter of Uzumaki.

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1 hour ago, tikker said:

1. This dichotomy is what I was getting at with that point. You say lettuce is superior because it is pretty much impossible to overeat, but the reason for that is because it barely gives you any energy at all and little other nutrients. So if you define the "superior food" as something you can eat a practically unlimited amount of, which by definition must be poor in energy and/or nutritional value, then yeah lettuce is superior.

2. If you define it at what is most efficient at getting you energy

3. This is why, to tie it back to the meat alternatives, I'm more an advocate of marketing "proper" vegetarian or vegan food. Don't just focus on replacing the patty with cardboard and calling it a day, as that still reinforces the meat and eat whatever you want mentality, but make people discover tasty dishes based on veggies.

We don't have to literally destroy the planet to destroy it though. We've been doing a pretty good job of pushing it to the edge, and not at a slow pace either.

1. First off, lettuce actually does have nutrients.


Despite its reputation for being a complete zero on the nutritional scale, iceberg lettuce provides significant amounts of vitamins A and K. It also has small amounts of many other healthy nutrients. Although it’s low in fiber, it has a high water content, making it a refreshing choice during hot weather. It also provides calcium, potassium, vitamin C, and folate.

So yeah I consider lettuce nutritionally and ecologically superior than a steak. It provides nutrients and isn't overly dense in calories. Second off, lets not pretend that lettuce is the only salad material and salad is the only type of veggie. Spinach is far superior to lettuce and there are lots of other examples of better veggies than iceberg lettuce. 

2. If you define it as the most purple one, neither lettuce nor steak wins, but why would you define it by that?

1 hour ago, whm1974 said:

Yawn: What We as a Species will ended up doing is wiping ourselves out by destroying the Ecosystem We depend on. Other Species such as Bacteria, Insects, Microbes, and Plants are very likely to survive.

The "Yawn:" makes me think you consider the destruction of the ecosystem we depend on to be not a big deal. This confuses me. I get you're having fun making the standard definition for what it means to destroy a planet, but we are talking about the end of the human species, here. The semantics you're trying to push hardly matter to the point at hand.

Insanity is not the absence of sanity, but the willingness to ignore it for a purpose. Chaos is the result of this choice. I relish in both.

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1 minute ago, Jtalk4456 said:

The "Yawn:" makes me think you consider the destruction of the ecosystem we depend on to be not a big deal. This confuses me. I get you're having fun making the standard definition for what it means to destroy a planet, but we are talking about the end of the human species, here. The semantics you're trying to push hardly matter to the point at hand.

I do consider the Destruction of the Ecosystem and of Humanity to be serious subjects.

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On 9/18/2021 at 4:10 PM, whm1974 said:

I wonder how long before this is commonplace?

Well in the last little while meat alternatives have really been popping out of the wood work. I have tired both Beef and Chicken alternatives. The Morningstar Incognomeat Chicken Strips and Nuggets are not that bad. You can tell its not chicken but a little BBQ sauce and you really cant tell too much of a difference. I like mushrooms, so Id honestly be interested in trying this. 


For the record I do still eat meat, but I like to try new things. I figure with a lot of these meat alternatives at least Im getting a few more veggies in my diet. 

I just want to sit back and watch the world burn. 

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4 minutes ago, Donut417 said:

Well in the last little while meat alternatives have really been popping out of the wood work. I have tired both Beef and Chicken alternatives. The Morningstar Incognomeat Chicken Strips and Nuggets are not that bad. You can tell its not chicken but a little BBQ sauce and you really cant tell too much of a difference. I like mushrooms, so Id honestly be interested in trying this. 


For the record I do still eat meat, but I like to try new things. I figure with a lot of these meat alternatives at least Im getting a few more veggies in my diet. 

BBQ Sauce is overpowering unless you use a small amount. I swear you could smother a Turd in that and People will still eat it.

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2 minutes ago, whm1974 said:

BBQ Sauce is overpowering unless you use a small amount. I swear you could smother a Turd in that and People will still eat it.

Ive tried them without sauce and they are not bad. But you can tell its not chicken. Put a little sauce and you would never know the difference. 

I just want to sit back and watch the world burn. 

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