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So Trump Just Went on Late Night With Colbert...

Khajiit Dealer

At least he wouldn't murder children and deny their existence (or that of American citizens being murdered for just being Muslim). If you didn't want to leave this country after that, why would you just leave if an idiot got in?

I've wanted out for quite some time. I hate being tied to this country and the image it has brought. I've recently fallen into some financial difficulties, and my college credits won't transfer over the border. He is simply a bigger push to get me out sooner than later. I don't know where I'll go yet, I'll research that when the time comes. But for now, I'm trying to build a future that can suit an international move instead of bailing and starting fresh with literally nothing.


EDIT: I should also add that I only have a very naive understanding of politics, mostly because it doesn't interest me. I won't argue for one candidate or another, but I will argue against whom I think does not fit the position. I also won't claim to know something about politics. I'm heavily debating voting this year, being my first presidential election, but I just can't decide if I'm being uneducated about it (Bernie supporter, in all honesty), or voting because he's who I feel is right for the lead. This is a huge thing for me, I'm stepping out of my comfort zone even discussing the topic. I'm terribly uneasy about it.

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I've wanted out for quite some time. I hate being tied to this country and the image it has brought. I've recently fallen into some financial difficulties, and my college credits won't transfer over the border. He is simply a bigger push to get me out sooner than later. I don't know where I'll go yet, I'll research that when the time comes. But for now, I'm trying to build a future that can suit an international move instead of bailing and starting fresh with literally nothing.


I see then...! I would seriously consider leaving the country too, if Hilary got in. I would rather have another term with Obama than see that lying, two faced Kim Jong-Un twin get in because she only ever looks out for her best interests and it disgusts me.

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|"They got a war on drugs so the police can bother me.”Tupac Shakur  | "Half of writing history is hiding the truth"Captain Malcolm Reynolds | "Museums are racist."Michelle Obama | "Slap a word like "racist" or "nazi" on it and you'll have an army at your back."MSM Logic | "A new command I give you: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another"Jesus Christ | "I love the Union and the Constitution, but I would rather leave the Union with the Constitution than remain in the Union without it."Jefferson Davis |

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I see then...! I would seriously consider leaving the country too, if Hilary got in. I would rather have another term with Obama than see that lying, two faced Kim Jong-Un twin get in because she only ever looks out for her best interests and it disgusts me.

I'll go ahead and quote my edit here so you have a bit more background on my stance...

EDIT: I should also add that I only have a very naive understanding of politics, mostly because it doesn't interest me. I won't argue for one candidate or another, but I will argue against whom I think does not fit the position. I also won't claim to know something about politics. I'm heavily debating voting this year, being my first presidential election, but I just can't decide if I'm being uneducated about it (Bernie supporter, in all honesty), or voting because he's who I feel is right for the lead. This is a huge thing for me, I'm stepping out of my comfort zone even discussing the topic. I'm terribly uneasy about it.


And when I say that I hate being tied to this country, it's more along the lines of me hating being tied to the morons and the media of this country. I'm damn proud to have been born and raised in America, by a mother who runs our company, and a father who busts his ass to make sure I go without nothing. I've been able to speak my voice without repercussions (mostly because I understand that the first amendment is broken once you infringe on others freedoms). I'm allowed to be an atheist living in a Christian home. I'm allowed to CHOOSE to serve my country (which sadly didn't end how I planned, denied from the Army and Marines due to crippling knee issues). I simply don't like many of the things that have been going on lately, and I wish to disassociate myself with them (hate crimes in particular, and not the media's interpretation).


One thing I can comment on Trump though, I think it is highly disrespectful how he has bashed his opponents, and several personalities, then given half-assed apologies. That's utter bullshit, and that is the sole reason I refuse to vote for him. Before I did what little research I had done, I supported him. But after I had realized the things he had said, and they way he acts like a kiss-ass, I just can't bring myself to vote for him. (Hillary either because of the same reasons you stated.) If I cannot find a candidate that I can fully stand behind before election day, I will not be voting.


I also don't appreciate the troll-supporters who are going to vote for a candidate simply to see how the country fares with them in office. And I especially am distasteful towards those who are from other countries saying they wish for candidates like Trump and Hillary to win the election because they want to see how it plays out. Meh..

FX-8350 | GA-990FXA-UD3 | G.SKILL 2x8GB 1600MHz | 1TB WD RE4 | CM Hyper 212 EVO | MSI R9 290x Lightning | Corsair AX860i | Silverstone FT05B-W

Pentium G3258 | MSI Z97 PC Mate | G.SKILL 4x4GB 1066MHz | 500GB Samsung 2.5" | Stock cooler | Pending GPU | EVGA 500B | Antec DF-35

GoPro Hero 3 Silver | Netgear R7000 Nighthawk with DD-WRT | HP Officejet Pro 8610 | Canon iP110 | AudioTechnica ATR2500 USB

Downdraft cooler for mITX board (new build) | Desk mount mic stand | Pop filter | Anti-vibration mount for microphone | mITX case | 3rd monitor (matching existing 23.1" | Intel Core i7-4790K (for mITX build)

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LOL anyone ever notice Trump doesn't understand citations???  He'll say something like "I had some of the worlds leading scholars say so and so to me at my office just the other day"  Or, and every time I see this I shit brixx and cry while I do it "I have a friend with a two year old baby, they pumped the thing full of vaccines, two weeks later he has a fever and then he comes down with autism."  xD It's just so funny because according to Trump the guy who apparently knows more about the medical field than Ben Carson Autism is a disease you can now contract!



Trump needs a little better counseling on a few topics, but he is the best guy for the job.

Regarding the autism thing, he is actually right.  I know numerous medical professionals and there are numerous scientific studies, JUST NOT STUDIES DONE BY THE ESTABLISHMENT Pharmaceutical companies that Ben Carson reads, which show the problems with some of the vaccines.

The question about Syria and Putin:  3 of the 15 candidates answered it best, and they were Rand Paul (Non-interventionist principle), Ben Carson (Aggression at times, but intellect first), and Trump (I will call Putin and we will become friends and learn what the hell is really at stake).

FYI: The USA has been fed 10 tons of propaganda by mainstream news, which gets its feed from the Pentagon.  America has actually been funding ISIS to overthrow the Syrian regime (Asad).  America has caused all this horror.  The mustard gas that was reported that Asad used on his own people proved FALSE by a U.N. investigative team.  Turns out the mustard gas was used by either ISIS or some other rebels.  Russia has been longtime allies with Iran and Syria, so the troops that Russia has sent into Syria was to be expected.  America is now between a rock and a hard place:  We now have to take responsibility for refugees crisis while at the same time turning our back on the ISIS terrorists since we can no longer expect them to achieve the goal the Pentagon hoped for since Russia has now gone in there to back up their allies.

Trust me, I am a true American and patriot to this country, but I see evil men in power and bullshit being propagated on the populace.  I no longer read nor trust mainstream news.  And I have a brain which I use.  The type of crap that people believe on the TV News is just plain stupid.  Do people ever stop to think about realities?

Regarding Carly Fiorina, while she is smart and precise with her words, who cares?  My wife and I both blurted out the same thing when we heard her answer to the Syria question.  She wants to send in and rebuild the 6th fleet, 30,000 troops to Germany, 10,000 troops to Syria, more troops in other areas ... we both thought "Damn, she is going to start the cold war all over again!"  The hell with that.


I would add, that Trump's answer was best, but not perfect.  He should have said to the CNN people about their theme being foreign affairs/policy that evening, "For starters, not too many of us know the inside information that is going down from the intelligence community, and you journalists should be smart enough to know that.  But if elected, I will hear from all the best advisers, military think tanks, bring in the fired Generals and Colonels that Obama fired, and get the real scoop.  Then, as Commander in Chief in charge of the best interest of the American people and following and upholding the US Constitution, will use my skill and people at my disposal to do the job right."

Trump and Rand Paul have the best tax policy of any of the bunch.  Theirs are quite similar in that they tax the lower income either very little or none at all, (They do not believe in making the poor carry a harder tax burden known as a regressive tax), and wish to eliminate the IRS altogether (Paul) or scrap 100% of the tax code (Trump) and eliminate all the loop holes.  Both ideas will probably bring in more tax revenue by reducing the tax rate, but eliminating loop holes (used most successfully by the rich).

Trump is the man.  

As for his once being a democrat, so was Reagan at one time.


Furthermore, his once having leaned to the left side (which clearly is not the case any longer) does in fact help draw in some people who are leftists and moderates, for sure.


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You americans should not worry about trump. He is nothing compared to our politicians.

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What's disgusting is many people would vote for him just because he's become so, so famous and for the wrong reasons.. How can people like a racist person like Donald Trump? A man actually called P. Barack Obama "not an american" and that muslims are U.S.'s biggest problems, Trump just stood there shaking his head without denying it..

You're wrong on both critical points.


1) Trump is not racist and people who make the charge know fully well that they are lying and attempting to make him look bad.  His position is that of every other legal American's belief:  Everybody can come into America, so long as they enter in legally.  Period.

Your an ass for saying Trump is racist when you know fully well he is not.


2) The muslim religion (have you any real knowledge about this topic?) is a political creed, and not one of faith in God.  The muslim position is to dehumanize females by their adherence to "sharia law" which is beastial.  Their "faith" is to manipulate and scheme to get into powerful positions and then use their power to beat non-islamic people into submission.  Their religion is not about peace.  It's a forceful takeover similar to communism, but with their false god "Alah" used to justify their hatred.  They are crafty.

3) If people in the USA wish to be atheists, or communist, or moslem, or socialist in their ideology, they have the right not to be put in jail for their personal beliefs.  That is the 1st Amendment.  But if people have any wisdom at all, they should weigh in on people's personal beliefs to understand the ramifications of how they will conduct themselves in a public servant position.  Common sense.

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Dear American, please don't.


The rest of the civilised world. 


Yea...we could end up like Australia if we aren't careful.  :P 

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|"They got a war on drugs so the police can bother me.”Tupac Shakur  | "Half of writing history is hiding the truth"Captain Malcolm Reynolds | "Museums are racist."Michelle Obama | "Slap a word like "racist" or "nazi" on it and you'll have an army at your back."MSM Logic | "A new command I give you: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another"Jesus Christ | "I love the Union and the Constitution, but I would rather leave the Union with the Constitution than remain in the Union without it."Jefferson Davis |

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That's not even really accurate in the first place. Jeb has some really strong differences in comparison to his brother. Just because they share blood doesn't mean they are the same or can make the same mistakes, and people who think so need their heads checked. 

Again, Trump should have answered must better to Jeb's ridiculous statement of "One thing my brother did was keep America safe" which got a lot of applause, shamefully so.

Trump should have said, "Oh really?  What was 911 then, on his watch?"  That would have been a knockout punch.

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Yea...we could end up like Australia if we aren't careful.  :P

Avoid that at all costs! Or else your president will be eating onions on national television and telling Putin that he'd like to fight him in typical pub style conflict. 

"The wheel?" "No thanks, I'll walk, its more natural" - thus was the beginning of the doom of the Human race.
Cheese monger.

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Again, Trump should have answered must better to Jeb's ridiculous statement of "One thing my brother did was keep America safe" which got a lot of applause, shamefully so.

Trump should have said, "Oh really?  What was 911 then, on his watch?"  That would have been a knockout punch.


Don't be ignorant. It wasn't like he knew 9/11 was going to happen. No one can see into the future, not even Trump. He protected us from other 9/11 incidents and gathered all of that pretty data that led to Osama being captured (killed) by Obama's admin—albeit he did it all in a questionable way, he still protected millions of people.



Avoid that at all costs! Or else your president will be eating onions on national television and telling Putin that he'd like to fight him in typical pub style conflict. 


I didn't think anyone was ignorant enough to challenge Putin to a fight. He wrestles bears and lions and sharks. :lol:

|  The United Empire of Earth Wants You | The Stormborn (ongoing build; 90% done)  |  Skyrim Mods Recommendations  LTT Blue Forum Theme! | Learning Russian! Blog |
|"They got a war on drugs so the police can bother me.”Tupac Shakur  | "Half of writing history is hiding the truth"Captain Malcolm Reynolds | "Museums are racist."Michelle Obama | "Slap a word like "racist" or "nazi" on it and you'll have an army at your back."MSM Logic | "A new command I give you: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another"Jesus Christ | "I love the Union and the Constitution, but I would rather leave the Union with the Constitution than remain in the Union without it."Jefferson Davis |

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In the past, Carly Fiorina has supported an amendment to the constitution that would ban same-sex marriage, but now opposes that amendment. She still says "marriage is between a man and a woman." She opposed the Employee Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), which would grant federal protection against workplace discrimination for LGBT people. She also said that she didn't have a problem with Indiana's bill that allowed businesses to not serve or hire LGBT people based on their religious beliefs.


Ben Carson is against same-sex marriage and has spoken out in support of firing judges who rule in favor of same-sex marriage. He also spoke out in support of Indiana's religious freedom bill, and dismissed outrage as "political correctness." He's previously said being LGBT was a choice because of prison, but later retracted this statement (although he was unclear as to whether he still thought it was a choice.) He doesn't support allowing same-sex couples to adopt. He's also compared same-sex marriage to bestiality.


Marco Rubio is opposed to same-sex marriage. He thanked John Boehner for spending money to defend the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which was a federal law that defined marriage as between a man and a woman. Along with Fiorina, he opposed the ENDA and even said that he'd oppose his own immigration law if it included same-sex couples, which is just truly cruel. He's helped raise money to support "conversion therapy" which the purpose of is to convert LGBT people to be cis/het people, and it's been proven to not only be ineffective, but can also cause mental harm to patients. He's also opposed to same-sex couples adopting.


Jeb Bush, unsurprisingly, is opposed to same-sex marriage. While he now says he supports workplace discrimination protections for people on the basis of their sexual orientation, he didn't mention anything about gender identity and, in the past, advised an LGBT employee to stay closeted. He has opposed the right of same-sex couples to adopt, but after it was made legal through a court decision, he said he respected the ruling. 


Ted Cruz is against same-sex marriage and even supported a constitutional amendment that would prevent the federal government from recognizing same-sex couples. Cruz opposes workplace discrimination protections for LGBT people and has also opposed ENDA. He believes being LGBT is a choice.


As everyone probably knows from the recent hubbub caused by Kim Davis, Mike Huckabee opposes same-sex marriage. Like Ben Carson, Huckabee has said that judges that rule in favor of same-sex marriage should be impeached. He's argued against LGBT workplace discrimination protection, has supported conversion therapy, and said that two men or two women in a relationship has an "ick factor." He's also opposed the right of adoption for same-sex couples.


Rand Paul is against same-sex marriage. He's said he's committed to fighting against LGBT workplace discrimination protection. On Obama's executive orders that have provided LGBT workers with workplace protection, he's said he wants to repeal that. He's compared same-sex marriage to people marrying inanimate objects. 


Chris Christie opposes marriage equality. He has, however, spoken out in support of workplace and housing discrimination protection (yay!). Christie signed into law a ban on conversion therapy (yay!). He's said that sexual orientation is determined at birth, but made no mention of gender identity. He's actually pretty supportive for a republican.


I could go on, but every republican candidate is against marriage equality, and apart from Christie and Trump, pretty much all of them I listed oppose workplace discrimination with only Christie mentioning anything about housing discrimination. I'm sure you know, but just in case anyone reading this doesn't, LGBT people can be fired from their job in several states and can even be denied housing simply for being who they are. It's clear that many republicans want this to continue to be the law of the land. I would like to add that although the candidates who oppose marriage equality have not exactly said anything rude against LGBT people (besides Huckabee), it still implies that LGBT people are unwanted and seen as lesser.


While it may not appear that electing one of these candidates would be all *that* bad, it really is when you also consider the democratic candidate's positions. While Hillary has been opposed to same-sex marriage in the past (although she didn't want to go as far as a constitutional amendment), she now supports same-sex marriage and she would also like to grant LGBT couples workplace and housing discrimination. Even though she is the one most likely to be nominated as democratic presidential candidate, the next most likely (in my opinion) would probably be Bernie Sanders. He also supports same-sex marriage and discrimination protection. Compared to the republican candidates, the democratic candidates actually support LGBT people and aren't interested in squandering or preventing our rights.



Finally, I can see you're right. It is frustrating when someone dismisses your argument without addressing it and simply cites freedom of speech, especially when my life -- and all LGBT lives -- are literally hanging in the balance. Yes, while the US government would never (at least in this day and age) purposefully murder LGBT people, citizens can choose to ignore the law and purposefully harm LGBT people, and preventing LGBT rights is the first step to encourage people to do this. The US, whether anyone likes it or not, will also continue to set an example for the rest of the world and many other countries could follow in anti-LGBT footsteps that would create a world even more hostile than today's for LGBT people. People seem to forget the countless legal murders of LGBT people in other countries.



You did a great job! It wasn't rambly or jumbly at all. 

Why not just call it what it is, like that guy from Duck Dynasty did?

Furthermore, in the 1970 American Psychology Association book of mental diseases, published every 10 years, homosexuality was listed as a mental disease.


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Don't be ignorant. It wasn't like he knew 9/11 was going to happen. No one can see into the future, not even Trump. He protected us from other 9/11 incidents and gathered all of that pretty data that led to Osama being captured (killed) by Obama's admin—albeit he did it all in a questionable way, he still protected millions of people.




I didn't think anyone was ignorant enough to challenge Putin to a fight. He wrestles bears and lions and sharks. :lol:


I beg to differ.  This, apparently, is not the forum for it, but I could speak for hours on the evidence that 911 was an inside job, and even if it was not, they claim that Osama Bin Laden attempted to blow explosives in the Twin Towers during the Clinton Admin, so Bush had every reason to be on the alert.

Facts regarding 911 include eye witness testimony, forensics, engineering tests and testimony including structual engineers, demolition experts, actual video footage of the day,  scientific testings, footage of demolitions to compare, audio and video recordings of numerous explosions going off before the floors began to fall testified to by numerous fire fighters and policemen, military grade thermite in the microspheres of the white powder at ground zero, shipping out all the steel from the buildings (evidence) to China immediately!, no black boxes from any of the 4 planes recovered (oh really?), building #7 which was 42 stories high and not hit by anything -- freefalling down on top of itself just like the demolitioned twin towers, and much more.  


Most people who hear this statement dismiss it immediately because they "cannot believe it possible that our own government could do something so dastardly" and their first incredulous question (the thing I am supposed to PROVE) is "Why?"

They've put the cart before the horse.  You must do discovery first.  Then that will lead you to a thorough investigation and get to motive (which is pretty obvious seeing how the USA is a completely different country than it was from just 15 years ago), but you must be a seeker of the truth first, then the rest will follow.


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You're wrong on both critical points.


1) Trump is not racist and people who make the charge know fully well that they are lying and attempting to make him look bad.  His position is that of every other legal American's belief:  Everybody can come into America, so long as they enter in legally.  Period.

Your an ass for saying Trump is racist when you know fully well he is not.


2) The muslim religion (have you any real knowledge about this topic?) is a political creed, and not one of faith in God.  The muslim position is to dehumanize females by their adherence to "sharia law" which is beastial.  Their "faith" is to manipulate and scheme to get into powerful positions and then use their power to beat non-islamic people into submission.  Their religion is not about peace.  It's a forceful takeover similar to communism, but with their false god "Alah" used to justify their hatred.  They are crafty.

3) If people in the USA wish to be atheists, or communist, or moslem, or socialist in their ideology, they have the right not to be put in jail for their personal beliefs.  That is the 1st Amendment.  But if people have any wisdom at all, they should weigh in on people's personal beliefs to understand the ramifications of how they will conduct themselves in a public servant position.  Common sense.


I can't believe there's imbecile people like you in existence.. What do I know about islam eh? I just happen to have a half muslim family and I live in the middle east where 50% of the citizens are muslim.. Yep, I'm just an ignorant.. You are the wise man who knows everything.. good for you. I will not argue with such pathetic post. Thank you for calling me an ass.

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I beg to differ.  This, apparently, is not the forum for it, but I could speak for hours on the evidence that 911 was an inside job, and even if it was not, they claim that Osama Bin Laden attempted to blow explosives in the Twin Towers during the Clinton Admin, so Bush had every reason to be on the alert.

Facts regarding 911 include eye witness testimony, forensics, engineering tests and testimony, actual video footage of the day,  scientific testings, footage of demolitions to compare, audio and video recordings of numerous explosions going off before the floors began to fall testified to by numerous fire fighters and policemen, military grade thermite in the microspheres of the white powder at ground zero, shipping out all the steel from the buildings (evidence) to China immediately!, no black boxes from any of the 4 planes recovered (oh really?), building #7 which was 42 stories high and not hit by anything -- freefalling down on top of itself just like the demolitioned twin towers, and much more.  


Most people who hear this statement dismiss it immediately because they "cannot believe it possible that our own government could do something so dastardly" and their first incredulous question (the thing I am supposed to PROVE) is "Why?"

They've put the cart before the horse.  You must do discovery first.  Then that will lead you to a thorough investigation and get to motive (which is pretty obvious seeing how the USA is a completely different country than it was from just 15 years ago), but you must be a seeker of the truth first, then the rest will follow.


I believe our government would do whatever it felt it needed to or wanted to to get what they wanted. However, I will not take conspiracy theories as fact when we have no idea what happened. Have you ever considered, should this be true, that Bush wasn't even involved? If you think this is true and the president is the master mind behind it all, then that is just sad. The president is nothing more than a puppet, so if someone was involved in 9/11 that worked in our government, it certainly wouldn't be the one at the end of the strings.

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|"They got a war on drugs so the police can bother me.”Tupac Shakur  | "Half of writing history is hiding the truth"Captain Malcolm Reynolds | "Museums are racist."Michelle Obama | "Slap a word like "racist" or "nazi" on it and you'll have an army at your back."MSM Logic | "A new command I give you: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another"Jesus Christ | "I love the Union and the Constitution, but I would rather leave the Union with the Constitution than remain in the Union without it."Jefferson Davis |

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I can't believe there's imbecile people like you in existence.. What do I know about islam eh? I just happen to have a half muslim family and I live in the middle east where 50% of the citizens are muslim.. Yep, I'm just an ignorant.. You are the wise man who knows everything.. good for you. I will not argue with such pathetic post. Thank you for calling me an ass.



PampaZiya, may I ask, and please be truthful, "Do you believe in sharia law"? 

And in the context I quoted, I think the noun "ass" is justified.  I do not mean to turn you hostile, but to call your attention to the sin of accusing Trump of something that you know, or should know, fully well is not the case.

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PampaZiya, may I ask, and please be truthful, "Do you believe in sharia law"? 

And in the context I quoted, I think the noun "ass" is justified.  I do not mean to turn you hostile, but to call your attention to the sin of accusing Trump of something that you know, or should know, fully well is not the case.


1) HELL no. You will never understand the real islam. ISIS IS NOT islam. And you'll be an ass yourself if you think so.


2) I can accuse however I want since most of the westerners accuse islam however they want. I accused one man, you're accusing the whole islamic religion, just something for u to think abt.

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1) HELL no. You will never understand the real islam. ISIS IS NOT islam. And you'll be an ass yourself if you think so.


2) I can accuse however I want since most of the westerners accuse islam however they want. I accused one man, you're accusing the whole islamic religion, just something for u to think abt.


Its not but its awfully easy to convince one so.

 When the going gets weirdthe weird turn pro.

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Kind of interesting that I didn't see anything specifically about LGBT people in this thread. Granted, I did skim all 7 pages, but that was just skimming so I could have possibly missed it. 


I know a lot of internet discussion about politics can get blind quickly, so I would really appreciate it, if you were reading my post, to really consider what I have to say and think about it deeply before responding. Try to put yourself in my shoes, and realize I've done the same.


As a person who falls under the LGBT+ spectrum, it gets really irritating when I have to constantly defend my existence, especially towards conservatives. The focus that republicans have put on trying to tear down "political correctness" in the 2016 campaign is honestly just disrespectful. Most LGBT+ people just want their identity to be respected, but instead, it's not. Most LGBT+ people also understand that cis/het people can say things that they don't realize are offensive, and at least in my experience, every time that a cis/het person has said something unintentionally rude, it's met with kindness and a will to educate instead of a will to throw hate back.


That aside, when being respectful towards someone's identity is dismissed as an effort to be "politically correct" or "pander to the LGBT+ population," from the perspective of every LGBT+ person, that dismissive attitude will always be seen as LGBT-phobic. While cis/het people may be attacked for being cis/het, there is no such thing as "heterophobia" or "cisphobia" -- there isn't a massive portion of the population that's against your rights and there isn't a history of violence against people like you. Additionally, if a cis/het person trying to defend themselves against an attack on their gender or sexual identity wouldn't be seen as "pushing the cis/het agenda" or "forcing political correctness," it would be seen as common sense (as it should be! I'm just saying it should be that way for LGBT+ people too).


Part of the reason I believe LGBT+ peoples' reactions to anti-LGBT+ attitudes can be so extreme is because a lot of LGBT+ people are just simply afraid of losing ANY rights we have. People have been jailed, raped, tortured, and killed for being LGBT+, and especially for transgender people, they still are, even in the United States. So next time an LGBT+ person offers you their opinion on something that affects them specifically for being LGBT+, please listen and consider what they have to say seriously and take the time to think about it.


Please note that in this post I'm not specifically arguing against one candidate or party, but rather the idea that "political correctness" has grown out of control. LGBT+ people are just sick of being disrespected, and I'm not saying that you -- the reader -- are disrespectful towards LGBT+ people, but rather I'm challenging you to really think about what a political candidate is saying when they talk about "political correctness" and how it really affects the daily lives of LGBT+ people.

What many of us mean by "political correctness" is the fact that we try dancing around subjects and certain words because TRIGGER WARNINGS and SOMEBODY MIGHT GET OFFENDED. This is especially rampant on college campuses.

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Why not just call it what it is, like that guy from Duck Dynasty did?

Furthermore, in the 1970 American Psychology Association book of mental diseases, published every 10 years, homosexuality was listed as a mental disease.

It's honestly really sad that you feel the need to come onto this forum and source things that are so outdated. The American Psychology Association did have homosexuality published as a mental disease BUT, as our society and their experts learned more about human sexuality, it's now NOT listed as a mental illness.


Okay, I get you think its perverted and grotesque. Straight sex doesn't turn me on so I don't have it, and it doesn't feel natural to me. Maybe you should seek the same philosophy? That doesn't mean I'm going to attack straight people because I think straight sex is disgusting. 


What many of us mean by "political correctness" is the fact that we try dancing around subjects and certain words because TRIGGER WARNINGS and SOMEBODY MIGHT GET OFFENDED. This is especially rampant on college campuses.

Thank you for clarifying. In my personal experience, when I hear someone talking about political correctness, it's usually used in the defense of homophobic/racist/etc. behavior or language.

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Thank you for clarifying. In my personal experience, when I hear someone talking about political correctness, it's usually used in the defense of homophobic/racist/etc. behavior or language.

I gotcha. I just can't personally stand the gentle walk around pools of lava when talking to feminist unions etc. I would imagine that Trump hates social justice and feminism etc like many. I used to be part of an LGBT rights activism community and stopped being part of it once their marriage rights were established nationwide (yay!). I'm all for people having equal rights but a lot of groups (cough feminist) try to further their own egos rather than seek improvement in people's legal lives. 


I absolutely do not condone homophobic behavior of any sort and fly reports of their comments whenever I see them online in the same way I allow other people to have opinions about various issues. 

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My system: PCPartPicker || For Corsair support tag @Corsair Josephor @Corsair Nick || My 5MT Legacy GT Wagon ||

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we do thank the participants very much in playing the game, but now this is

getting into beliefs/opinions that lead to ills, personal attacks and general

uber off-topic mash-ups. so we'll leave it here.

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