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Billet labs debacle .


In his eyes the product was a complete waste of money . I agree on this point to an extent . Its a product designed for a specific product . So no matter how you look at it even if it went to market the billet labs prototype was a complete waste of cash . After a few years an expensive cooler would be nothing more than a paper weight . At least for the general public it is a true statement , But its only part of the story . On the other hand there are people out there who have more money than sense . To them it would be bought for not just an aesthetics but also a functional item within a build . 


Not testing properly was just plain bad judgement based on that belief . Its what pisses me off more than anything else about the controversy over the cooler . A V12 lambo is a waste for the average joe soap who cant afford it . . Still doesnt mean the general public doesnt need to be given a proper test drive and review for those who can afford to buy them . Its aldo entertainment for those who cant Offord them . 


As far as the auction goes for the prototype . Billet labs and LMG have sorted that out . Its a non issue at this point . LMG has to make sure mistakes like that don't happen again , and we as a community have to hold them accountable when we see BS happen. 


Maddison allegations 


Could Maddison have done this another way ? Probably but she didn't .  There is also the fact her mental health probably wasn't allowing her to be in a place where she could deal with the stress of doing it privately or legally . Maybe just maybe seen LMG looking weak was what she needed for it to come to light . Maybe she felt by going public with this was the only way to be taken seriously . Maybe she was wanting to get some kind of revenge for her time at LMG and made allegations to make things worse .


We can know what is going on in maddisons head or what she wants . Nor should we be making assumptions of guilt against LMG staff . 


The so called proof that's going around online isn't proof . Collin only stated that her conversation with him before she left is the same as what she says online . Nothing more .  He even stated that his comment is hearsay and he didnt witness this happening . The recording is of a meeting is another one . We have no context of what took place before or after the meeting . We dont even know how often these meetings are . Also please stop jumping to conclusions of who it actually is . Damaging peoples reputations without proof of guilt is called a witch hunt .  A broken clock been right twice a day means its wrong the majority of the time . Much like accusations are from those outside of the situation with no first hand knowledge .  


I am not defending LMG or maddison on this . None of us know enough of the truth to make any kind of informed conclusion . 


As for LMGs response to the allegations . It is now not just a PR matter but a legal matter . 


As for the internal investigation . GIve it time . We dont know if the allegations are true . We don't know if said employee or employees are still at LMG . SO lets not put LMG on trial in the court of public opinion without the facts . 


If someone has done something you can expect the punishment to be swift . I think that person/ people to be past the point of a stern talking to . I would expect suspensions and termination of employment is next if there has been any wrong doing . 


Either way its not going to be pretty for anyone . THere are legal repercussions so LMG saying any more than they did  


I do know one thing . No matter the outcome people still wont be satisfied by any investigation because minds have been made up without any substantial facts . No matter what we say here , we wont change their minds . Especially when they are already looking for an apology . 


GN Steves video . 

THis is not just about steve . Its also about hardware unboxed . When employees make comments on other companies without insider knowledge there are other problems to be dealt with . Steves article was on point . Linus made an emotional argument instead of looking at things objectively . I get it he felt that he and his company was under attack . Still steve didnt have to contact anyone since public statements made it clear BIAS answers would have given , IN the end he was right . 


Now i am sure that if GN staff made the same comments Steve would have probably done the same . Again could've would've should've doesnt apply . 


Fact is steve did get angry and rightly so . LMG employees called out his testing methods and the owner slammed him for not calling him . Again i think the end justify the means when the response was so blatantly braindead . in the first place .  



In fact i am still on the side of the guys calling for Linus to apologise to steve . Regardless of it been a hit piece i think LMG employees fired the first shot . At a minimum those who made comments about hardware unboxed and gamers nexus need to very publicly apologise for their comments . 


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3 minutes ago, digitalscream said:

There's no employment dispute mediation available, because she's no longer employed by LTT. There's no union support, because it's heavily discouraged (publicly) at LTT.


Consider this: if it was all about chaos and vengeance, then why has she been mostly silent since the original thread? She posted a couple more just to clarify some stuff, and stopped. Then there were a couple of well-timed Tweets from a couple of ex-employees who she'd confided in when all of this happened and thus already had a strong relationship with...do you think that's a coincidence? Why would they chime in with no skin in the game (and, more importantly, when they could've stayed well-clear of any backlash), unless they had either agreed to or their empathy with Madison's situation is greater than their relationship with LMG?


Everybody seems to believe that she's some poor little victim acting out of some kind of mental instability. She's a social media professional, who already knows (first hand) how much of this will play out; she was a victim of it before, now she's using it.


Again, it comes down to what she wants to achieve, and I don't think it's just revenge. I just don't think it's criminal penalties or a protracted court battle over compensation either.


That's the best reason you can come up with for why others stepped up? Not that many might seem to sit with some shit they've experienced at LMG, and deciding this might be a good time to air it out? Others seeing that people support Madison might be all the encouragement they need to feel they won't be attacked by LTT fans for speaking up, or that finally there's a unified voice that gives it all bigger meaning. Or even just believing the torment a friend expresses.


As someone who's had close friends experience traumatic events at the hands of others, I'd say I'm happy for you for not knowing how it eats you up inside, and the oscillation between saying something and not. It comes in waves. I know people who've experienced the most direct form of sexual assault, and the torment they have over considering going to the cops or not, it's horrible.


I just want you to know that if what Madison has experienced is real, she won't have the mental fortitude to plan some attack like you're describing. I'm happy for you for not understanding that, because it would mean intimate understanding of the workings of experiencing stuff like this. However, this just isn't okay. I think the wording "everyone thinks she's a poor little victim" isn't okay. This is victim blaming. If you believe she's experienced the things she said, I think you shouldn't be participating in conjuring up such ideas for other's people's intensions, even if we do stay clear of the discussion of if her intentions even matter.


I don't think this is okay.



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18 minutes ago, Articate said:


I just want you to know that if what Madison has experienced is real, she won't have the mental fortitude to plan some attack like you're describing. I'm happy for you for not understanding that, because it would mean intimate understanding of the workings of experiencing stuff like this. However, this just isn't okay. I think the wording "everyone thinks she's a poor little victim" isn't okay. This is victim blaming. If you believe she's experienced the things she said, I think you shouldn't be participating in conjuring up such ideas for other's people's intensions, even if we do stay clear of the discussion of if her intentions even matter.


This is precisely my point - your only argument is that she must be mentally unstable, because you can't imagine any way that she isn't.


I'm just saying there are other possibilities that nobody seems to be considering, because almost everybody - on both sides - is making the massive (and possibly erroneous) assumption that she's not fully in control of her actions. Like you - despite not knowing exactly what happened, or the extent to which it affects her to this day, or whether she's successfully been through a treatment programme to help etc etc, you're saying that she can't possibly have the strength to deal with it and come up with a strategy for righting the wrongs she experienced. From people I know who've been through (on the face of it) similar ordeals - myself included, as well as my wife far less recently - I can say with some confidence that there's at least a 50% chance you're doing her a massive disservice there by completely removing her agency.


But, just to address the "victim blaming" comment - that's the very opposite of what I'm saying. I'm giving her far more credit than you appear to be, and more to the point I think she was absolutely right to choose this approach because it's the only one which would actually result in change at LMG and the investigation that she so desperately wanted (and deserved) back when she was working for them. Every other route runs a better-than-even chance of just not being followed up, or being bogged down for years, or simply losing because juries are made up of idiots.


18 minutes ago, Articate said:


That's the best reason you can come up with for why others stepped up? Not that many might seem to sit with some shit they've experienced at LMG, and deciding this might be a good time to air it out? Others seeing that people support Madison might be all the encouragement they need to feel they won't be attacked by LTT fans for speaking up, or that finally there's a unified voice that gives it all bigger meaning. Or even just believing the torment a friend expresses.

I'm guessing you missed this part (I'll make it bold for you)...


32 minutes ago, digitalscream said:

Why would they chime in with no skin in the game (and, more importantly, when they could've stayed well-clear of any backlash), unless they had either agreed to or their empathy with Madison's situation is greater than their relationship with LMG?

...which is exactly what you just said. My hunch is that either their responses at the time or their comments since gave her confidence that they'd speak up as soon as she went public.

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9 hours ago, Articate said:

No. Responding is the right thing. Saying this is a poor response is not equivalent of me saying they should've done something besides responding. It goes into what Steve said. "Even if they respond differently, we're not sure we'll react to that. We've seen their initial response, so you can't trust a second response to not be PR controlled".


can you really trust what steve said? how do you know he's not doing this for reasons of his own?


i also watch gamersnexus and in other storys he has covered about so called "scandals" he's alway reached out to the company for comment BEFORE releasing the vidio whether it was newegg or corsair or any of the other stories he covered but this one he didnt, why is that do you think?  he was so fast to break this story and even do a follow up in the weekly news and yet he STILL hasnt covered the latest info on this story why? when new info came in for all the other stories he ALWAYS did follow up vidios and yet days later still no follow up. STOP THINKING STEVE IS SOME SORT OF ANGEL doing good for the sake of it. in this case i think there is real reason to be suspicious of his motives, but hey i could be wrong. maybe he will release a vidio in the next few days talking about the latest info but i doubt it personaly.

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3 hours ago, smirb said:

You complaining further is just making things worse for everyone. Just stop talking and touch grass.

Please, take your own advice and "stop talking and touch grass".

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Not sure if this will get lock or not, but just wanted to say in general that even though things are rough right now, we do appreciate you guys a lot. 

I've been watching you guys since 2014, and I've got to say that y'all have really gotten me into the PC game. Every company has it's moments, and this one will pass just like the rest of them. 

I personally really owe you guys a lot and I know a lot of other people on the forum feel similarly. I really hope things get better for y'all soon. 



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3 hours ago, smirb said:

You know what? I’m just gonna say it:


r/LinusTechTips has turned into another Twitter. (Or X, idc at this point)

People were being a d**k to me for publicly giving out my opinion when others did similar.

This is just what you have done, out of the blue, with my comments here. This should mean something, if you can think a bit about it (and then go touch grass 😉 ).

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Edited by JuntaPiezas
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8 minutes ago, Iblade said:

can you really trust what steve said? how do you know he's not doing this for reasons of his own?


i also watch gamersnexus and in other storys he has covered about so called "scandals" he's alway reached out to the company for comment BEFORE releasing the vidio whether it was newegg or corsair or any of the other stories he covered but this one he didnt, why is that do you think?  he was so fast to break this story and even do a follow up in the weekly news and yet he STILL hasnt covered the latest info on this story why? when new info came in for all the other stories he ALWAYS did follow up vidios and yet days later still no follow up. STOP THINKING STEVE IS SOME SORT OF ANGEL doing good for the sake of it. in this case i think there is real reason to be suspicious of his motives, but hey i could be wrong. maybe he will release a vidio in the next few days talking about the latest info but i doubt it personaly.

no he didn't "always" reach out..

and he said in the frigging video why he didn't do it...

no reason to cook more soup on that bone... nothing to come after...

yes you hate him... noone cares... tadaa... end of the story.

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Same, I love everyone here too. They are so kind and helpful 🙂 .

I like computers. And watching them blow up while playing GTA 5. Remember to update to Windows 11! 😁 

Forum Member


Brroooooo spiders are the only web developers that enjoy finding bugs.

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A person who participates on an internet forum. Also called a forumite. So why does the word forumite remind me of a species of mites?



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2 hours ago, JuntaPiezas said:

This is just what you have done, out of the blue, with my comments here. This should mean something, if you can think a bit about it (and then go touch grass 😉 ).

I will, but please, it’s not just you.


everyone is just adding petrol to the fire. If you could just help everyone here and pull the plug on the internet

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2 hours ago, Godiwa said:

and he said in the frigging video why he didn't do it...

I do not agree with his reasoning, it was quite blatantly "I don't want to let you know in any way I am doing this piece on you, so you have to scramble while under fire from everyone to prepare a statement", and it also seems to say that he does not care to properly represent LTTs side of the story which is... odd? 

Here is the direct quote so you can see where I am getting this from: "[...] that it [the truth] is not miss-represented by a manufacture [...] we don't have to reach out to corporations when [...] there may be a significant chance that they try to cover things up or prepare a pre-written response that could twist the narrative [...]"

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5 minutes ago, Woofer21 said:

I do not agree with his reasoning, it was quite blatantly "I don't want to let you know in any way I am doing this piece on you, so you have to scramble while under fire from everyone to prepare a statement", and it also seems to say that he does not care to properly represent LTTs side of the story which is... odd? 

Here is the direct quote so you can see where I am getting this from: "[...] that it [the truth] is not miss-represented by a manufacture [...] we don't have to reach out to corporations when [...] there may be a significant chance that they try to cover things up or prepare a pre-written response that could twist the narrative [...]"

you don't have to agree with him, but his reason is valid so can't cook more soup on that

he posted the proof which is PUBLICLY AVAILABLE... and harming people right now... So it needed to be fixed now and not for LTT to cover up as he usually do... time and time again... now it is out... he can't hide it... but he can FIX IT... just need to get started...

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ill always stick with LTT no matter what because they have been with me throughout my life since 2013, when i built my first pc. I am now 22 and have an understanding that people fuck up. I feel like alot of people are overreacting because its fucking internet drama and to that I say grow up and go live a real life

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Too many If , could be and you dont know  statements been made as some kind of morale highground . 


Everyone one has made plausible arguments for and against maddisons allegations  .The conclusions for and against are both valid . At this time choosing to believe either is doing nothing but creating excuses for people to be toxic on both side . I dont care if you want to stand up for maddison . You are entitled to at the end of the day . Same for the guys standing up for linus and LMG . People seem to think that truth is on one side or the other . That's false . There is maddisons truth , Linus and LMG's truth and then there is the actual truth . Again not enough facts are available to make proper judgement on who is right or wrong . 


Dont be attacking people with comments of " you dont know what its like for someone in that position " OR " You should stand up for maddison because she is a victim " . Especially when you don't know who you are talking to , and don't have the entire picture  to make any concrete claims . Also making comments on mental health works both ways . People deal with stress and depression in different ways . I have met people who suffered from depression for a while and became extremely vindictive . Then went out of their way to hurt the person who wronged them . I have met people who came out the other side who are just angry all the time . I have meet others who are terminally depressed and other who are just numb with little to no feeling for anyone . THe funny thing is no one person's experience is the exact same . So comment on maddisons mental health is only an exercise for those who want to justify their reasoning for fighting for her . 


It takes some guts to come and make the claims Maddison did . Especially in public . I don't think she need some nobodies on the internet fighting for here . 


3 hours ago, digitalscream said:

There's no employment dispute mediation available, because she's no longer employed by LTT

There isnt an employment dispute since maddison quit the job of her own volition . Your 100% right on that point though again it has nothing to do with whats going on .  . There is abuse claims which is an entirely different beast . It all depends on what the investigation finds . LMG could possibly be up for a civil lawsuit if the investigation find the atmosphere in the company at the time lead to the abuse . IF the ABuse wa sdown to a staff member who didnt care then its a different story . That person will get thrown to the wolves and LMG wont have to deal with it past that . 


Its time to look at things objectively guys . Maybe people here can do that i am not sure . I am sure some are here for the sole purpose of fighting for a cause because a big name is involved . THey need their next victim to burn to the ground regardless of truth . 

29 minutes ago, Woofer21 said:

I do not agree with his reasoning, it was quite blatantly "I don't want to let you know in any way I am doing this piece on you, so you have to scramble while under fire from everyone to prepare a statement", and it also seems to say that he does not care to properly represent LTTs side of the story which is... odd?


I do not agree with that statement you made at all . LInus could have replied with something like this .


" its my bad . My employees should not have made comments on another companies testing processed , I will be reprimanding and making them publicly apologise . As for the benchmarking  of the billet labs product . my own misplaced belief led to the that mistake . I should have known better , As for the billet labs prototype we auctioned off . THis was because an email communication error occurred . Again our fault and we have sorted that out with Billet Labs. I have been trying to get labs to produce data and have needlessly put staff under stress . SO the mistake in benchmarks and graphs is also my fault . I thanks steve for pointing out our mistakes . WHile i whish steve did contact us i understand his reluctance to do so . "


Instead he passed blame off on others and called out steve on his journalistic practices . Because linus was buitthurt . 


We have been getting factually wrong benchmarks and charts for a while now . Things that influence where we spend our money .  I do think Steve got emotionally involved . You can get the sense of anger from him throughout the article . Was its steves best showing ? No . He was still right no matter how you look at it . 

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1 hour ago, BiotechBen said:

Shout-out to the mods on all the platforms, especially now. Y'all are doing such a great job ♥️🫶🫶🫰

Y'all are very very appreciated. 

+1 for this for sure. I'm sure this week has been an absolute nightmare for the mods and all in all I think they've done a fantastic job.

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2 hours ago, BiotechBen said:

Shout-out to the mods on all the platforms, especially now. Y'all are doing such a great job ♥️🫶🫶🫰

Y'all are very very appreciated. 

Couldn't be more true. The community here, and the mods who keep it civil, have always been the best part about LTT.

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I want this drama to stop. The decline in mental health, sanity, and humanness to just vanish. It’s taking a toll on everyone, LTT or not. I’m SICK of it.

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22 minutes ago, smirb said:

I want this drama to stop. The decline in mental health, sanity, and humanness to just vanish. It’s taking a toll on everyone, LTT or not. I’m SICK of it.

I am here trying to be a voice of reason . I now it maybe a lost cause . Now i dont want to sound like an asshole , but if you feel that way dont read or post in this thread . Its just not a fight your heart is in so dont do it if you feel the way you do .  Someone has to at least try to and change things . That said some here wont change because they have an axe to grind and they will bury that axe in someone . Come hell or high water .    That said its a lot less toxic than it was a few days ago when the whole controversy cam to light . 

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