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1 hour ago, ImorallySourcedElectrons said:

Madison and LMG should have handled this through the legal system. Hence, it shouldn't have been made public. Believe it or not, such cases are highly damaging for both parties involved, and there's absolutely no way to take anything back of what's been said. Folks have literally gone around and accused multiple LMG employees of having pertained sexual assault, and they literally don't get to defend themselves or clear their names - ever - even if they had nothing to do with what allegedly happened, that stain will always be there if a future employer googles their name. So congrats, you're supporting internet mob justice if you think this should have been made public.

No. Unequivocally no. They do not have to take it through the legal system. They could, but they don't have to. You're so cautious you're causing harm. You can't not whistleblow "because of the implications". If anything, the damages is all entirely on the wrongdoing party. If that's Madison and she's lying, it's on her. If it's LMG, then it's on LMG in whatever configuration this was allowed to happen in. If Linus was complicit to this happening, he's largely responsible for this fallout. You cannot say Madison has no right to take this publicly, or should have not taken this publicly. She absolutely can. So long as she isn't lying. By saying she should have, you're enabling this culture to thrive. You're allowing sexual assault to happen, so long as they make a settlement. I don't think that's a nice world. If Linus has failed in leadership so that this could happen at his company, he should be personally responsible for much of the damage. You don't seem to understand that, given that this is true, that Madison absolutely has the right to nuke LMG to orbit.


Also, there's no need to say the damage can't be undone. Johnny Depp did so. Are some people still under the wrong impression? Absolutely. But that's on the other party's hands.


If LMG is complicit in something like Madison says, I absolutely want the public to know, because I do not want to support such an enterprise, and I know most people won't. So no, LMG can't be given a speeding ticket. It's a fundamentally wrong position you've taken here, in placing the blame of the fallout on Madison instead of on LMG.


1 hour ago, ImorallySourcedElectrons said:

You do realise that what Madison is accusing LMG of has actual legal consequences? As a result, you get the canned legal response.


That's too weak. It's not good enough. It's canned for a reason, and LMG should be better than store bought. They weren't, and that is upsetting to see. They are not as good as I hoped they were.


1 hour ago, ImorallySourcedElectrons said:

As to Steve's bit, that was just the YouTube equivalent of a political hit/attack ad, and it really stifles the creator space. There have been multiple creators that came out already with funny remarks like "I'm happy I didn't do any GPU reviews". But there's a not so pleasant undertone in those joke responses if you haven't noticed already. 


Calling it an attack ad is as ridiculous as it is wrong. It implies so much of GN that is absolutely unfounded. If you look at GNs history, you see that they have been the only consistent force of holding an industry responsible. That's needed in the tech world, especially as it leans towards gaming. Your views are enablist; you allow harm. They're also woefully ignorant to history, and without insight into how other industries work.


Recall the automotive industry in the '60s and '70s, when Ralph Nader's expose on the Chevrolet Corvair in 'Unsafe at Any Speed' led to vital reforms. Without his scrutiny, consumers would've continued to be unknowingly at risk. Similarly, in the early days of journalism, it was muckrakers like Upton Sinclair who exposed unsanitary conditions in meatpacking plants, leading to the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act. These instances exemplify the importance of holding industries accountable for their actions and ensuring the well-being of consumers.


In the realm of tech, especially with platforms as influential as LTT, inaccuracies not only mislead consumers but can also lead to skewed market dynamics. It's not about stifling creators; it's about ensuring that the information they disseminate is accurate, balanced, and devoid of biases. The tech industry, like any other, needs its watchdogs. These watchdogs are necessary to prevent misinformation, protect consumer interests, and maintain a level playing field for all manufacturers.


Imagine a world where no one is held accountable for their errors. It would be a place where misinformation runs rampant, consumers make ill-informed decisions, and the very essence of fair competition is undermined. GN's actions should be seen not as an 'attack' but as a necessary check in a system that thrives on accuracy and accountability. To dismiss such actions is to turn a blind eye to the lessons of history and the importance of rigorous, factual reporting in any industry.



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24 minutes ago, Articate said:

That's too weak. It's not good enough. It's canned for a reason, and LMG should be better than store bought. They weren't, and that is upsetting to see. They are not as good as I hoped they were.

No, this is a legal matter, that gets a legal approved response. There is no way you will see a more indepth response until after the investigations, as saying anything could jeopardies those. Once both investigations come out we will see the real and full picture and then decide where to go from there. 

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2 hours ago, AndreiArgeanu said:

This is pathethic.

And with this you've set the tone of your entire response, you disagree so it's pathetic. May I propose you hold up a mirror when you say that? 


The reality is that accusing your opponent of being a bunch of money grabbing ghouls that bow to corporate wishes (which is very much the undertone of several parts of that video) is a low blow and no better than a political attack ad. And the fact that LMG didn't just fling the mud right back at them is exactly my point, they've taken the high road where many people wouldn't have, which shows a fair degree of levelheadedness and massively speaks in Linus's favour. So yeah, please rethink your response.


43 minutes ago, Articate said:

No. Unequivocally no. They do not have to take it through the legal system. They could, but they don't have to. You're so cautious you're causing harm. You can't not whistleblow "because of the implications". If anything, the damages is all entirely on the wrongdoing party. If that's Madison and she's lying, it's on her. If it's LMG, then it's on LMG in whatever configuration this was allowed to happen in. If Linus was complicit to this happening, he's largely responsible for this fallout. You cannot say Madison has no right to take this publicly, or should have not taken this publicly. She absolutely can. So long as she isn't lying. By saying she should have, you're enabling this culture to thrive. You're allowing sexual assault to happen, so long as they make a settlement. I don't think that's a nice world. If Linus has failed in leadership so that this could happen at his company, he should be personally responsible for much of the damage. You don't seem to understand that, given that this is true, that Madison absolutely has the right to nuke LMG to orbit.

And how about the rights of the folks that were potentially unjustly implicated? You seem to think this is a one sided thing, but it really isn't. Yes, in an ideal world she can take it public, but you bunch here who are shouting murder and fire kind of provide the counter argument to that. Until you bunch learn to lower your pitchforks and stop the witch hunt without even knowing who this is exactly about, it really shouldn't be made public. For god's sake, you're basically jumping me with two for saying that you should use some common sense and handle things in a serene and quiet way instead of going for the lynch mob. We genuinely don't know, and this could end anywhere on the scale of "disgruntled employee trying to screw over ex-employer" to "WAN show - Prison Visitation Edition", so handling it with some care and not smearing it out in public might be the somewhat preferable action.


And "nuke LMG to orbit", so operating on the assumption this is true, there are maybe five people who did something criminal. Should we now instantly make the life of those 95+ others a living nightmare and cause them to lose their job? They might not even have known what was going on. Because that's what you're implying should happen. Please tell me you hit your head or sniffed some glue before writing that post, because you're seriously making me lose hope in humanity.


And why is it that every time something bad happens that folks like you got to crawl out of the woodwork and propose sweeping changes and extreme solutions that we know don't achieve anything. In fact, making those changes is usually used as a scapegoat to say why the original request wasn't handled properly, but now with these changes in place we can handle it very well!


24 minutes ago, Woofer21 said:

No, this is a legal matter, that gets a legal approved response. There is no way you will see a more indepth response until after the investigations, as saying anything could jeopardies those. Once both investigations come out we will see the real and full picture and then decide where to go from there. 

Exactly, but this is too hard to grasp for this bunch it seems.

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2 hours ago, Owsleygarcia95 said:

It sure seems like you were offended 😆 

I'm only offendend by human stupidity driven by big narcissistic egos. I'm dobule offended now.

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2 hours ago, WeiSheiLindon said:

Gotta love the internet. Someone makes a good point and rather than so much as admitting they may have a point, you tell them they are universally wrong. I should expect it by now, but still.

It's not my fault if someone is blatantly wrong. Not the first nor this second time.

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Just now, JuntaPiezas said:

It's not my fault if someone is blatantly wrong. Not the first nor this second time.

Please, calm down and touch grass.

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2 minutes ago, smirb said:

Please, calm down and touch grass.

Sorry. Maybe I wasn't reading the room correctly or, maybe, I'm tired of letting people so wrong feel entitled to tell others whatever without addressing what is the thruth.

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For those insisting that Madison should only have ever taken the legal route - pretty sure you're wrong, because you don't know what Madison was trying to achieve from all of this. The alleged incidents could be viewed as both criminal and civil offences; the only possible results from those are jail time or money in her pocket respectively.


It's pretty clear that, over the last two years, she's had many of the same comments from everybody she knows (and, by the sounds of it, some people who worked with her at LMG), and yet - despite having plenty of time to research and prepare - she didn't go down either of those routes. Seems to me that she doesn't want to see anyone go to jail over it, and money's not the goal. It's entirely possible that the guilty parties losing their jobs and the company taking HR complaints more seriously is enough for her, but they'd completely ignored all of her complaints...and so waiting for a time of low goodwill in the fanbase to strike guaranteed that the company had no choice but to take her seriously.


I think she's gone into this with an actual strategy and a clear goal in mind - and that clear goal is going to be the first thing that LMG ask her about once they've got the full story from her in the investigation.

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19 minutes ago, JuntaPiezas said:

Sorry. Maybe I wasn't reading the room correctly or, maybe, I'm tired of letting people so wrong feel entitled to tell others whatever without addressing what is the thruth.

You complaining further is just making things worse for everyone. Just stop talking and touch grass.

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32 minutes ago, digitalscream said:

For those insisting that Madison should only have ever taken the legal route - pretty sure you're wrong, because you don't know what Madison was trying to achieve from all of this.

Before you take this stance, do you actually see what's happening right now to individual people? Do you understand that several of these people who are currently being targeted weren't even at LMG when the alleged events took place? Do you understand damage could be done to those people that is in no way reparable in the future if the allegations turn out to be false? And are you ok with all of that?

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You know what? I’m just gonna say it:


r/LinusTechTips has turned into another Twitter. (Or X, idc at this point)

People were being a d**k to me for publicly giving out my opinion when others did similar.

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4 hours ago, AndreiArgeanu said:

......... This isn't how you professionally handle communication. If they decide later to make a piece on GN criticising them, that's fine, but doing that as a response to criticism is just bad and shows a further lack of professionalism. Like it or not, in these kind of situations you have to be the bigger person if you want to come out on top, not a child with short temper.

Responding to your overall comment, rather than the quote above... 


With an element of giving the benefit of the doubt, I get that GN intended their video to be constructive criticism. But a few things seem off to me with how GN handled the situation:


1.  Going public (straight away?).  If the channels really are friends and amicable then wouldn't this have been dealt with better behind closed doors?  Have a chat on the phone, ring Linus, outline the concerns, etc.  Reach an agreement then perhaps release a video together summarizing the discussion, methodological errors, and the way forward. 

2.  Click baiting LTT viewers to the GN channel makes it seem like the goal is to expand, or even steal, the audience.  Even if that one video isn't monetized it looks like one goal of it is direct and aggressive competition with LTT.  An alternative would be to release a video discussing generalized review methodologies and perhaps use examples from multiple YouTube channels, rather than a hit piece singling out one in particular. 


Overall, there's more to this than meets the eye. 

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1 hour ago, digitalscream said:


I think she's gone into this with an actual strategy and a clear goal in mind - and that clear goal is going to be the first thing that LMG ask her about once they've got the full story from her in the investigation.

I'm not sure.  Her actions seem more chaotic and vengeful (which I can understand if her previous attempts to resolve with LTT fell on deaf ears). 


Rather than subjecting herself to the court of public opinion she could have gone through an employment dispute mediation, union support, or other community support processes.  (I'm not based in Canada some I'm assuming there's something like this). Failing that there are other legal options that would have reduced the public exposure for herself and LTT. 

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2 hours ago, ImorallySourcedElectrons said:

And with this you've set the tone of your entire response, you disagree so it's pathetic. May I propose you hold up a mirror when you say that? 

I don't get why you'd respond to someone like this? It's not as if it's inherently wrong to call something pathetic. The onus is on you to defend your point. I've had issues with what you said, and someone else did, too. Might be worth trying to look into that, rather than disregard a whole person out of their choice of words.


2 hours ago, ImorallySourcedElectrons said:

And how about the rights of the folks that were potentially unjustly implicated? You seem to think this is a one sided thing, but it really isn't. Yes, in an ideal world she can take it public, but you bunch here who are shouting murder and fire kind of provide the counter argument to that. Until you bunch learn to lower your pitchforks and stop the witch hunt without even knowing who this is exactly about, it really shouldn't be made public.

Again, this is a strawman. Just because I'm advocating for Madison's rights to take this publicly, which is a right you seem to not know about, does not mean I have a pitchfork, or I'm out to draw blood. If you go back and check out my posts, you'll find I've taken the time to construct arguments to why your views are harmful. I'm arguing against you. Not LMG. I care that you have that opinion. I want to share why. I actually am here, and I see you. I don't agree, but I'm putting in effort for all of us.


I'm saying why Madison absolutely can take this publicly. You should applaud her courage. Instead you victim blame. I understand that given your position, it's hard to see the harm your views are doing. I just need you to know that these are not ethical standpoints to have. I would also hope you don't think it's moral, but that's up to you.


The harm you're doing is that you're saying the victim needs to consider how saying these things aloud will work. Putting that responsibility on the victim is a dangerous misconception to have.


Also, I covered the folk that are potentially unjustly implicated. In the case that Madison is telling nothing but the truth in what she's saying, she's not responsible for that. As a matter of fact, to counter your own, yet again, misunderstood conception of how a company actually could respond in a situation like this, then you should be on my side, and even beyond. To control the situation, and not unjustly imply people, LMG, who would be responsible for all damages in case of the truth, should prevent any unjust parties be involved, and clarify the situation.


Do you see how you saying LMG can't say anything contradicts your point when you're concerned about the unjust implications of others? Madison hasn't implicated them.


2 hours ago, ImorallySourcedElectrons said:


For god's sake, you're basically jumping me with two for saying that you should use some common sense and handle things in a serene and quiet way instead of going for the lynch mob. We genuinely don't know, and this could end anywhere on the scale of "disgruntled employee trying to screw over ex-employer" to "WAN show - Prison Visitation Edition", so handling it with some care and not smearing it out in public might be the somewhat preferable action.


I'm not jumping on you. I'm responding to what you quoted of me. I'm explaining why I'm upset at LMG's response. You again impose this idea that it's everyone else's responsibility to not consider a situation before all facts are out. Now, again, everything I've said about how I am actually not okay with what LMG has done has been in response to everything we know for certain. I have not pulled the theoretical facts of Madison's position into any of it. I have only talked about LMG's response to the situation, and to things that we know for certain.


The way you keep trying to paint me to be this pitchfork witchhunter tells me that you're not really reading what I'm writing. I'm saying that because you seem to be out to defend yourself, rather than to have a conversation. When you cherrypick parts of my response, and leave out other well-written facts, that seems to me to be a clear indication that this isn't a dialog. It's simply an argument. And you're name-calling me, and that's not nice in itself. To boot, it's not even true, and you'd see that if you went back and read over my responses.


I understand that your emotions might run high on this, and that it could be hard to separate several posters who argue against you, but please don't do me the disservice of calling me things I'm not, especially not when I'm actually doing my best to have a conversation with you. I think you have an unreasonable position, and I am willing to spend my time to explain that your views are causing harm. That feels like something worthwhile engaging with back.


2 hours ago, ImorallySourcedElectrons said:


And "nuke LMG to orbit", so operating on the assumption this is true, there are maybe five people who did something criminal. Should we now instantly make the life of those 95+ others a living nightmare and cause them to lose their job? They might not even have known what was going on. Because that's what you're implying should happen. Please tell me you hit your head or sniffed some glue before writing that post, because you're seriously making me lose hope in humanity.


See, this is name calling again. This isn't a nice way to be against each other.


I'll clarify. You're apologetic. You're saying that for the benefit of the other employees, we can't actually judge LMG. That's not how it works. I think this stems simply from you wanting LMG to be around, and not for your benevolence towards the employees, but you can be the judge of that. The fact of the matter is that I think LMG should absolutely fail if Madison's allegations are true. I don't think a corporation needs a chance to reform. They're not sorry; they're sorry they got caught. In the case that Madison's telling the truth, I believe the company should fail. I am not the ultimate judge of that. But I am allowed that opinion. And there's nothing wrong with it.


You need to allow people to have that sort of an idea, without claiming that I just want to see LMG burn. I have never said I want them to disappear now, I have said that these are extremely serious allegations, and they show a totally failed leadership. For the well-being of all the people working there, in the case that it's true, I believe it's a greater good that Linus cannot ever employ them again. We already know he's over-working them, we already know so much. If this goes on top, then he's a massive failure of a leader. We can't sweep that under the rug for some employees. That's an excuse to keep LMG around. You can't keep having these endless lines of collateral damage be the direct responsibility of Madison and me. You're telling me that me wanting LMG to go under is me wanting people to be out a job. How does that have any bearing on the situation? I'm not the judge here. Allow people to have opinions. Listen to them. You might learn something. Don't just attack people for being contrary to yourself.


2 hours ago, ImorallySourcedElectrons said:

And why is it that every time something bad happens that folks like you got to crawl out of the woodwork and propose sweeping changes and extreme solutions that we know don't achieve anything. In fact, making those changes is usually used as a scapegoat to say why the original request wasn't handled properly, but now with these changes in place we can handle it very well!


Exactly, but this is too hard to grasp for this bunch it seems.


Again, I have not expressed any solution for the way things are. We don't know what's to come of Madison's allegations, and I have not called for a single solution or change. I am extremely disappointed in Linus and everyone at LMG at this point, but that is for all the things we know. That's for everything GN said and for everything LMG admitted to in their video. It's also their handling of this situation, and I am so f***ing tired of Linus and his piss poor knee-jerk reactions. I would not be surprised if he's let all of this happen under his watch, but I that's not part of this.


So, again, please try and ensure you get the point of the people you're arguing against before you're name calling. You have some poor views of what whistleblowing is, and on what GN's video was about. In case you haven't understood it yet, here's my previous point against why you made an egregious argument that is actually hurtful to people in this situation. When you talk about Gamer's Nexus' video as an "attack ad", after all the names you've called me, it feels like all the things you're saying are pure projection. That's not a good look. But that's just my take. So, here's what I said, and here's what I think you should consider about the argument you made before, and the way it's hurtful to everyone on this earth:

3 hours ago, Articate said:

Calling it an attack ad is as ridiculous as it is wrong. It implies so much of GN that is absolutely unfounded. If you look at GNs history, you see that they have been the only consistent force of holding an industry responsible. That's needed in the tech world, especially as it leans towards gaming. Your views are enablist; you allow harm. They're also woefully ignorant to history, and without insight into how other industries work.


Recall the automotive industry in the '60s and '70s, when Ralph Nader's expose on the Chevrolet Corvair in 'Unsafe at Any Speed' led to vital reforms. Without his scrutiny, consumers would've continued to be unknowingly at risk. Similarly, in the early days of journalism, it was muckrakers like Upton Sinclair who exposed unsanitary conditions in meatpacking plants, leading to the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act. These instances exemplify the importance of holding industries accountable for their actions and ensuring the well-being of consumers.


In the realm of tech, especially with platforms as influential as LTT, inaccuracies not only mislead consumers but can also lead to skewed market dynamics. It's not about stifling creators; it's about ensuring that the information they disseminate is accurate, balanced, and devoid of biases. The tech industry, like any other, needs its watchdogs. These watchdogs are necessary to prevent misinformation, protect consumer interests, and maintain a level playing field for all manufacturers.


Imagine a world where no one is held accountable for their errors. It would be a place where misinformation runs rampant, consumers make ill-informed decisions, and the very essence of fair competition is undermined. GN's actions should be seen not as an 'attack' but as a necessary check in a system that thrives on accuracy and accountability. To dismiss such actions is to turn a blind eye to the lessons of history and the importance of rigorous, factual reporting in any industry.


Edited by Articate
I was initially upset; toned down some unfairly harsh language
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1 hour ago, JuntaPiezas said:

It's not my fault if someone is blatantly wrong. Not the first nor this second time.

Your world view is blatantly right.

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1 hour ago, smirb said:

You know what? I’m just gonna say it:


r/LinusTechTips has turned into another Twitter. (Or X, idc at this point)

People were being a d**k to me for publicly giving out my opinion when others did similar.

thats reddit now give me upvotes or ill dont vote all yours post. /s

Polygons? textures?  samples? You want it? It's yours, my friend, as long as you have enough Vram.
Hey heads up I  have writing disorder I try my best but still make errors. 

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3 hours ago, Woofer21 said:

No, this is a legal matter, that gets a legal approved response. There is no way you will see a more indepth response until after the investigations, as saying anything could jeopardies those. Once both investigations come out we will see the real and full picture and then decide where to go from there. 

It's as if people here are trying to misinterpret what I'm saying, and I've even clarified this already. The point of a canned response is that you don't say something that can be used against you. Do you believe that the canned response is the only response that can be given where you're not saying something that can be used against you?


Also, we need to remember we're dealing with a corporation. They run the way they run because it has a track record. It's not done because it's the right thing to do. The company could actually take some responsibility. There's nothing wrong with that. It's not what your legal team wants, because it might hurts us. But just being a decent human being might be more important than what a legal team things. I am not saying you should admit to anything. I'm saying that the non-committal response this was is not enough for me. This was shit on top of shit. They've handled everything subpar. Linus' terrible initial response, the PR handwavy 'what now' video, and then this. It's nothing, and that's too little. "But it's the only thing they could do". It isn't. It's the only thing they wanted to do.


It's okay to expect better.

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The LMG has hired a third party investigation group. We expect more in a coup of days


I like computers. And watching them blow up while playing GTA 5. Remember to update to Windows 11! 😁 

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Brroooooo spiders are the only web developers that enjoy finding bugs.

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A person who participates on an internet forum. Also called a forumite. So why does the word forumite remind me of a species of mites?



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On 8/16/2023 at 4:51 PM, Hamrat said:

Yes! LTT may have a lot of good ideas, but the execution isn't the greatest. They're at risk of becoming a "shovelware" channel if they don't rein in some of their production

Its like do first then think. If you are testing you want consistency in the metrics if you can’t do that it invalidate the testing. Also if there doing stuff its like Linus wants stuff to drop was fun while it lasted. They know there stuff but execution is not as smooth as it should. Take the build with 6 pc’s in one it lasted a few episodes but after that no updates or there where update but because of so many video’s i missed it.

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6 minutes ago, EllieCat said:

We expect more in a coup of days

Will likely be longer "then  a couple of days", this is a serious investigation that needs to go back 2+ years, expect it to take at minimum 2-3 weeks

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17 minutes ago, Woofer21 said:

Will likely be longer "then  a couple of days", this is a serious investigation that needs to go back 2+ years, expect it to take at minimum 2-3 weeks

2-3 weeks? Numerous factors could  cause this to last for months, maybe even years, before being settled.

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2 hours ago, ImorallySourcedElectrons said:

Before you take this stance, do you actually see what's happening right now to individual people? Do you understand that several of these people who are currently being targeted weren't even at LMG when the alleged events took place? Do you understand damage could be done to those people that is in no way reparable in the future if the allegations turn out to be false? And are you ok with all of that?

Targeted by whom? Madison hasn't named anybody.


If there are people being targeted who weren't even at LMG, then the portion of the community doing it is absolutely as dumb as they appear.


Explain to me who's being targeted and why - genuinely, because I haven't seen any of that.

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I wonder if Madison will sue LMG because she has suffered injuries and severe PTSD.

I like computers. And watching them blow up while playing GTA 5. Remember to update to Windows 11! 😁 

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Brroooooo spiders are the only web developers that enjoy finding bugs.

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A person who participates on an internet forum. Also called a forumite. So why does the word forumite remind me of a species of mites?



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7 minutes ago, digitalscream said:

Targeted by whom? Madison hasn't named anybody.


If there are people being targeted who weren't even at LMG, then the portion of the community doing it is absolutely as dumb as they appear.


Explain to me who's being targeted and why - genuinely, because I haven't seen any of that.

I would assume they are referring to people like James, because of the comment he made in the leaked meeting video that people are taking and running with. 

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1 hour ago, isp said:

I'm not sure.  Her actions seem more chaotic and vengeful (which I can understand if her previous attempts to resolve with LTT fell on deaf ears). 


Rather than subjecting herself to the court of public opinion she could have gone through an employment dispute mediation, union support, or other community support processes.  (I'm not based in Canada some I'm assuming there's something like this). Failing that there are other legal options that would have reduced the public exposure for herself and LTT. 

There's no employment dispute mediation available, because she's no longer employed by LTT. There's no union support, because it's heavily discouraged (publicly) at LTT.


Consider this: if it was all about chaos and vengeance, then why has she been mostly silent since the original thread? She posted a couple more just to clarify some stuff, and stopped. Then there were a couple of well-timed Tweets from a couple of ex-employees who she'd confided in when all of this happened and thus already had a strong relationship with...do you think that's a coincidence? Why would they chime in with no skin in the game (and, more importantly, when they could've stayed well-clear of any backlash), unless they had either agreed to or their empathy with Madison's situation is greater than their relationship with LMG?


Everybody seems to believe that she's some poor little victim acting out of some kind of mental instability. She's a social media professional, who already knows (first hand) how much of this will play out; she was a victim of it before, now she's using it.


Again, it comes down to what she wants to achieve, and I don't think it's just revenge. I just don't think it's criminal penalties or a protracted court battle over compensation either.

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