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1 hour ago, Woddell said:


It's not really like that though. To use the car analogy it would be more like telling someone they can use the car indefinitely, then request it back because they didn't want it. Then tell everyone that they sold your car and now you can't get to work because they sold it. Them selling it is really shitty. But they claimed reliance on something they originally agreed to give away. That's the part I don't like about all of this, BL/GN claimed LMG caused a slow in production by selling the item. But why on earth would BL tell LMG to originally keep it if it was a core part of their production process? It doesn't make sense.  


I'm going to use the car analogy again, it would be like letting someone review an expensive one off prototype car, then the reviewer says its crap and they're not going to use it.  Then LMG sells it and it could've went to some competition that could have stolen their design.

Billet probably expected LMG to really use the block in more than one video than just use the cooler wrong then say its crap and refuse to use it again, if LMG had used it in another video then Billet would've gotten a fair review of it and people would've been made aware of the product. But they didn't so Billet wasn't getting any return at all from sending the block to LMG, so they might have wanted to send it to another reviewer.

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4 minutes ago, Articate said:

Did you check out the context of the video? Nitazene-King-002 posted this after having been in contact with employees at LMG. We know the context of the video.

All we know is that they said that. You can tell they're being quite defensive in the comments sections, either calling sexual names whomever dares to ask for more information about it or straight out insulting and calling everyone a bitch ass Karen.

Again, all I'd like to see is more proof that the meeting date is real, that the topics discussed are inherent to Madison's departure from LMG and things like that. I actually read everything that Nitazene-King said on his second account and on his first account and it actually tends to be quite malicious and ill-intended. "we know the context" is pointless.

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1 minute ago, Articate said:

That's an extremely reactive way of looking at things. I'm ridiculously certain that this is the way Linus would do things like this, but that's not the only way. If you start hearing rumors about things you don't want happening at your company, as CEO, you are free to investigate. If I started hearing rumors that there's rampant sexual harassment at my work, I would've investigated and checked if it was accurate. I don't have to wait for proof. C'mon.


What would you investigate? The victim hasn't said/reported anything and no one else has internally, we all know the internet speculates all the time about random stuff like this so he'd spend all his time investigating it all. Practically speaking, what can he do to investigate? SA is a horrible thing, but sadly it's near impossible to prove when all you're hearing are rumors. 



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In other news, Reddit top page is 8 posts about LTT out of top 10.


Same ratio going down into the top 40. 


I guess LTT finally made it on other platforms, but I doubt they will have a lot of sponsors remaining after this incident.

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Jeezus effing christ. What do you guys actually want? We're talking about a computer tech review channel, not a government agency. How about some effing perspective? Linus could be handing out $100 bills to everyone on the street and you'd complain that he didn't do it reverent enough. It's YouTube people. It's not a church scandal, an arms deal gone wrong, the invasion of a country under false pretenses, an election stolen, or a serial killer on the loose. You don't like it, don't watch it. Do you not have anything better to do that pile on with your insults when this really doesn't affect your life at all? Have YOU ever run a company? Ever worked as both an on-air talent AND the CEO of a 100+ employee company? Everyone has their opinions based on no experience and think they're brilliant. What does LTT have to do for you at this point for you to stop griping? What magic wand can they wave?

/end rant.... /pant/pant

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13 minutes ago, joaopt said:


really different recordings if you don't listen to laughter after the joke and they say nothing about it. At a public sexual harassment report case inside the company, that Linus labels as "gossip"

have you read an employee HR hand out as that would give context to this, it's on about anything not just sexual harassment "give the following guidelines for problem solving and conflict resolution". (any form of harassment is a problem)  so if you hear gossip about anyone else make sure you tell them and find out from them one so that person knows and should they want it stopping can raise it though the proper channel and two so people don't jump to conclusions and start behaving differently around said person, that is a very standard conflict resolution document or page in most companies HR pack for all employees and he was just reading it out. no where did he say sexual harassment it's about any form of problem or conflict between staff members. 

I will say being that they have a 3rd party HR company probably means they had that policy in place for a while just reiterated it because it tends to be one of the things an HR company will force a company to do as part of the "employee handbook"

I will say i work for a company that is currently going though this change of small start up into a "big boy" company and having to sort out all of this stuff including all managers (my self included) making sure our staff are aware there is a policy what that policy is and where the can access that policy, and our training for dealing with conflict resolution between our staff.

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After watching several videos and reading up on some, I think this video on “We will do better and create new processes” all within a week rings hollow to me.


Especially new processes should take more then a week to formulate and implement, especially if this regards the whole LMG crew and not a fraction of it. 


Also the mentioning of not taking on sponsorships, but then plugging the store felt tone deaf and I did not understand why this take was used at all. Especially with Yvonne mentioning why they did not take any sponsors.


Not addressing Madison’s statement is - while understandable from a legal side - still wanting and really paints the (former) upper management in a way different light.


Lastly and this is something related to previous videos. I am talking about those (which I felt increased in volume) “look at the privileged stuff I’m making over at my house”, or “rich YouTuber ordered something expensive” videos  when resources could have been spent more on projects - especially in this day and age - focus on sustainability and environment friendly products and projects. I know this is personal preference, but I wanted to share my full opinion.


In short, not only the response of LMG had been lacking for me, but also the videos that had been shown before. Again, this is my personal opinion and others might feel differently.

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1 hour ago, dw95_ said:
Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation.
Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation.
Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation.
Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation.
Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation.
Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation. Please address the Madison situation

This should not be funny.  This should NOT be funny.   That should not be funny. 

I did lol though.    Even if all LTT did was release a video of a statement being read talking about how seriously the are taking this that would be good.  IT should be prepared by lawyer and perhaps even given by a lawyer retained to represent LTT on this matter.  

IF any of what she alleges is true then the people involved NEED TO BE FIRED.  

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4 minutes ago, Kiwamu said:

Not addressing Madison’s statement is - while understandable from a legal side - still wanting and really paints the (former) upper management in a way different light.

1. This happened after the video was filmed, edited, and uploaded
2. You can see managements statement here

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3 minutes ago, AamirA said:

Oh my...


Where was this posted?

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3 minutes ago, Uttamattamakin said:

This should not be funny.  This should NOT be funny.   That should not be funny. 

I did lol though.    Even if all LTT did was release a video of a statement being read talking about how seriously the are taking this that would be good.  IT should be prepared by lawyer and perhaps even given by a lawyer retained to represent LTT on this matter.  

IF any of what she alleges is true then the people involved NEED TO BE FIRED.  

They already made a statement

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1 minute ago, Woofer21 said:

2. You can see managements statement here

That should be on the forum, too. At least my opinion. Though thank you for the link.

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Well I hope LTT recovers from this, because I do need my daily LTT videos. And this may sound a little weird, but I kinda like the low quality videos. Was never bothered by wrong data too much, if anything it made the videos more entertaining in my opinion.

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2 minutes ago, Woofer21 said:

Oh good, was going to mention how they are again only informing people who have paid, but they now have a post on the youtube community tab as well.

This sounds like the kind of statement that needs to be released.  Having a spokesperson who is not part of LTT perhaps their legal counsel make this statement in a video might be a good idea since many people are too lazy to read.   This is a situation that alleges so much, systematic, ongoing, harassment. Say one thing about it.  Then batton down the hatches.  It's gonna be rough. 

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22 minutes ago, Woddell said:


What would you investigate? The victim hasn't said/reported anything and no one else has internally, we all know the internet speculates all the time about random stuff like this so he'd spend all his time investigating it all. Practically speaking, what can he do to investigate? SA is a horrible thing, but sadly it's near impossible to prove when all you're hearing are rumors. 


If you are unable to sniff out sexual harassment when you hear about rumors, you're woefully out of touch with your company. I'm a work process consultant. I come into firms and find pain points in the workflows. It takes a competent person to earn the trust of the people in the company to understand that being open with me will result in positive change, but competency is okay to expect. By talking with people, you quickly see repeating patters. In my line of work, that means that I start seeing what departments, what department heads, what processes and after digging for a while, I start seeing the cultural issues. I've made changes to workplaces where top management would be so top-down, that no one underneath knew they could say no. By taking away that power from the management and giving it to the people in charge of an area, you empower that department to trust their own findings. I could see the corroding effects the culture had on the people that worked there. I learned of people that quit after various incidents.


It quickly ties together, work culture and how things work at a workplace. So, with having been at this for some years, I can tell you that it's abundantly clear what issues are there, when you're present in a workplace. So if you do realize that there might be things going on that shouldn't, you can reattach yourself to the workplace and find these issues. A microcosm of this for LTT is the ever-continuing joke of ragging on Colton. I think most of us have been on the receiving end of a joke that's gone on for too long. You might be in on it, and okay with it, for quite the time. But at a certain time, that joke starts corroding at you. I've never been comfortable with them making that joke, and when they're okay being public about making such a joke for such a long time, I know there's a lot more under that iceberg.

Now, these are just character judgement calls from some random guy on the internet, and I don't intend for this to mean anything by itself. It's just a view into how easy it is to sniff out bad culture at work. It can be hard and even impossible to change it, but it's not okay not to know about it.

So, you investigate in that manner. You ensure that when rumors of things not being the way they should at your work that it's actually not like that, or find out that it is, and take action.


28 minutes ago, DansDrives said:

It's sad to see how many people in this forum just want to see LTT fail when what they really need to do is just grow and learn. You can't expect a company like this to grow like this and not make mistakes along the way. It's just not possible. It's good to be critical, it's good to give feedback, and it's also good to admit fault, grow from it, and change your ways. I don't know what's true and what isn't still, and to be honest, I don't really care as long as they make things right - whatever that means. I'll never know if they do or not entirely, but I hope it works out and the content and company improve. 


They are closing in on 15 years. "Growing pains" is an excuse. I'm currently consulting in a firm that has eight times the employees and have existed for ten years. They have things they need to figure out because of the company growing in size, but not growing pains like this. This is just bad culture, not growing pains. If you overwork your workers due to video frequency, there's a culture issue, not growing pains .Also, it's not about wanting LTT to fail, it's about holding them accountable.


1 minute ago, AamirA said:

Oh my...



It's just another nothing-burger. "We take it seriously, we'll take necessary steps". Nothing apologetic towards Madison. It's just a PR nightmare they need to solve. It doesn't feel like they feel remorseful that we're even in this position, all things said are simply the correct response to a PR issue.

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This was a lot to take in, watching both GN's videos, LTT's, and reading Maddison's chain of tweets.

The Billetlabs stuff is a mix of bad practices and understandable mistakes. With the number of hats, Colton seems to be wearing, I can understand how the auction fuckup happened. Hopefully, with the slowdown, they look into hiring one or two more people to help ease his burden.

That was an understandable mistake, the bad practice was clearly with Linus' initial response as well as his follow-up on the WAN show was wrong. He's talked extensively about wanting to refine the screwdriver and backpack so they were perfect for their intended use cases, so why he didn't think to make sure they were properly tested is unacceptable.

The LTT benchmark inaccuracies are in many parts a non-issue to me. I don't like them existing, but I rarely make purchasing decisions off an LTT video so that's more of a personal thing. They should do better cause they can. Pretty hopefully the slowdown means they will be able to get themselves sorted.

The Framework laptop investment that GN mentioned remains in my mind a bad choice. While I have had a lot of trust for the team to keep things separate, it is harder to believe it the larger the company gets and the more dependent they are on making sure they can make payroll.

I think the comments about Asus getting sweetheart coverage because Gary was from there don't feel like they are valid, but I do recognise that Jake's comment about them being good do make me at least apprehensive.

Finally, the biggest issue is Maddison. I really hope what happened to her didn't happen, but I'm glad there will be an independent investigation into this. Hopefully, LTT can share an anonymised update once it is over so we can be settled. I know the Yogscast went through something similar a few years back with two creators and their CEO. All guilty parties left, and better processes were implemented to ensure future bad actors can't win again. So I have hope that the outcome here is positive.

I think a lot of what Maddison says re-emphasises that an LMG Employee union is necessary. Linus is perfectly right in saying that he wants to run his companies in a way that means they don't feel like they need one. But an open-door policy doesn't work at their size. He has mentioned several times on the WAN show before about meeting people who have been hired and he didn't know about them. They won't feel able to come forward if there isn't a personal connection.
So yeah I hope the new CEO approaches the employees and supports them in forming a union to enable them to have plenty of rep to approach in case of issues with other employees and management going

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16 minutes ago, Articate said:

It's just another nothing-burger. "We take it seriously, we'll take necessary steps". Nothing apologetic towards Madison. It's just a PR nightmare they need to solve. It doesn't feel like they feel remorseful that we're even in this position, all things said are simply the correct response to a PR issue.

Of course there wont be anything directly calling out to here, that's just asking for legal trouble. This was the most safe thing they could have said. 

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13 minutes ago, Naith123 said:

He's talked extensively about wanting to refine the screwdriver and backpack so they were perfect for their intended use cases, so why he didn't think to make sure they were properly tested is unacceptable.

This is because those two products represent him and they make him money, the billet labs product does not represent him or make him money so he did not spend more time on it. 

16 minutes ago, Naith123 said:

The Framework laptop investment that GN mentioned remains in my mind a bad choice. While I have had a lot of trust for the team to keep things separate, it is harder to believe it the larger the company gets and the more dependent they are on making sure they can make payroll.

Going to have to disagree here, Linus has always made his investment clear and he still gives good reviews to other laptops, i don't think he is biased towards framework and im sure if they messed up he would say something. 

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29 minutes ago, iLikeBananas said:

Well I hope LTT recovers from this, because I do not my daily LTT videos. And this may sound a little weird, but I kinda like the low quality videos. Was never bothered by wrong data too much, if anything it made the videos more entertaining in my opinion.

You know getting both is an option? Information show should be correct or you could better just skip it or fill all with bogus stuff and say you are a parody/channel super fun channel.

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