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What do we do now?


@LinusTechI made this account, just to post this and I am out. Unsubbed from every channel, Floatplane, etc. Might be for good, because it is clear, that you have no real intentions of changing anything. The video and the whole take is as fake as it gets, but still less fake than you have become. You have no real intentions of changing, you are too far gone. It's your mess, drown in it ! Just have the common courtesy and the common sense, towards the few good men and women, still at LMG, to step down, get away from it and not drag them into the abyss, alongside yourself. If you still have that ounce of decency. I guess, "fake it till you make it", best describes you. Goodbye and best of luck !



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Just popping by amidst all craziness to say to Linus and LMG:

There are still fans around, people who appreciate the work that you all do. I know because I am one of them.

Hang on, and take some time to focus on the necessary improvements and find your ground again. You can do it, give it the time that it needs.

People need to chill out instead of shouting about everything. Bottom line: as much as you think you can see inside the company and know all these people, you can't and you do not. 
We only know what we see, which is eventually only a small portion of who all these people are. Be grateful they show as much as they do, they are much more open about a lot of things then any other company I know.

I am not dismissing the Madison situation by any means, or the things Steve brought on, but I can't pretend knowing everything that is going on and I can't just blindly accept that suddenly the whole company seems to be this bad.

So far, every reply I've seen from LMG and Linus, I can still see where it comes from and I do believe the good intention still.


Good luck!

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You know what grinds my gears?


When people jump to conclusions before people finish explaining or before a situation is over.


in all seriousness though, say whatever you want about the video, but it’s a phase rn and they’ll get over it


as for the allegations, yes, they are unjustifiable, but collecting the pieces of the truth needs time. Time that they are currently committed to using as mentioned in their apology.


i’m going to approach this a similar way I did to another medium-sized YT channel: I’m going to not watch, but stay subbed, for 2-6 months. If all goes well, all goes well. But if not, then I’ll make further considerations and possibly unsub. 

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10 minutes ago, BiudreuN said:

Colin's (Ex-LTT) take on Madison's claims


oh shit this is getting wilder and wilder

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1 hour ago, Noobs Inc. said:



You need to leave for awhile.

treating Madison like that just cause she is not from Canada is 110% wrong. You guys destroyed her life, i hope you get sued and that asshole who abused her goes to jail.

Sadly we all know NOTHING!!! is gonna happen, i wonder how much your gonna pay to shut her up?

The community needs to back up madison and make sure LMG knows this treatment of woman is not acceptable at all.


You are so lucky this is not the USA you would have already had the studios raided and probably worse.


Your just a silver spooned creep now.


You better make this right, your not far from a boycott.

you became the assholes you were trying to fight against, 


I would encourage you to choose your language a little more carefully, as you are verging on a threat, which in a public setting like this can be legally enforceable. YOU are not helping the situation. 

I would suggest you stop trying to incite aggressive behaviour or you may find it is in fact you that ends up on the wrong side of the law. 

By all means make your point known but do not try to influence others into a way of thinking, that is for them to make up their own minds. 

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The way I see it there is a lot of pressure on Linus. He has to run a big company and he has to make sure it stays afloat so that he can continue to pay his employees. This is a lot of pressure, and under pressure like that people sometimes do mistakes they normally wouldn't do. The waterblock thing was a big mistake, but I think Linus would have handled it better if he had more time to think about the situation.


I am a little worried that Linus is gonna be pushed to the background now in future LTT videos, which I find a little unfair.

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13 minutes ago, SamKirk said:

I would encourage you to choose your language a little more carefully, as you are verging on a threat, which in a public setting like this can be legally enforceable. YOU are not helping the situation. 

I would suggest you stop trying to incite aggressive behaviour or you may find it is in fact you that ends up on the wrong side of the law. 

By all means make your point known but do not try to influence others into a way of thinking, that is for them to make up their own minds. 

I was about to reply to Noobs Inc. message also, but that's what he wants. it's just another troll that circulates around the internet stirring the pot that just limits itself to making vain accusations without any kind of proof and asking people to boycott a company or a person just because.


It's just a kid throwing a tantrum to get attention from adults.

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10 minutes ago, Baron_Samedi said:

I was about to reply to Noobs Inc. message also, but that's what he wants. it's just another troll that circulates around the internet stirring the pot that just limits itself to making vain accusations without any kind of proof and asking people to boycott a company or a person just because.


It's just a kid throwing a tantrum to get attention from adults.

He used bold and caps, he must be heard.

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In regard to the Madison situation, I find it absolutely atrocious that people have the ability to judge a company based on just one side.


It is clearly seen that these types of people who make these judgments have never led any team.


1 - There are always 2 sides to a story and as long as we don't know the 2 sides the only thing we are doing is assuming we know the truth. As the saying goes, “Assumptions are the mother of all fuck ups!”


2 - Madison may be absolutely right (which I doubt only for statistical reasons) but complaining that she may not be able to work in the area anymore due to the influence of LTT and then come and wash your dirty laundry for the internet is, at the very least, a reason for questioning her emotional intelligence and maturity.


3 - Don't spit on the plate where you ate. If you don't like it, move on. Or do you think your next employer will like the way you talked about your previous one?


4 - If Madison is sure that there was improper behavior, it has never been in such a prosperous time to be given reason in a labor court as the times in which we live.


5 - It's not the one who complains more and louder who is more right. Once again, we are in a society where people feel that the whole world should know about their problems and that the world should support them in their crusade for "justice". Employment courts exist for exactly these types of disputes, not the internet.

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1 minute ago, Baron_Samedi said:

In regard to the Madison situation, I find it absolutely atrocious that people have the ability to judge a company based on just one side.


It is clearly seen that these types of people who make these judgments have never led any team.


1 - There are always 2 sides to a story and as long as we don't know the 2 sides the only thing we are doing is assuming we know the truth. As the saying goes, “Assumptions are the mother of all fuck ups!”


2 - Madison may be absolutely right (which I doubt only for statistical reasons) but complaining that she may not be able to work in the area anymore due to the influence of LTT and then come and wash your dirty laundry for the internet is, at the very least, a reason for questioning her emotional intelligence and maturity.


3 - Don't spit on the plate where you ate. If you don't like it, move on. Or do you think your next employer will like the way you talked about your previous one?


4 - If Madison is sure that there was improper behavior, it has never been in such a prosperous time to be given reason in a labor court as the times in which we live.


5 - It's not the one who complains more and louder who is more right. Once again, we are in a society where people feel that the whole world should know about their problems and that the world should support them in their crusade for "justice". Employment courts exist for exactly these types of disputes, not the internet.

most of reddit and Internet would say.

your having a stroke comment...

due to how dumb they are.


MSI x399 sli plus  | AMD theardripper 2990wx all core 3ghz lock |Thermaltake flo ring 360 | EVGA 2080, Zotac 2080 |Gskill Ripjaws 128GB 3000 MHz | Corsair RM1200i |150tb | Asus tuff gaming mid tower| 10gb NIC

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Most people on the internet have absolutely zero patience. My people in Christ go touch grass for 5 minutes

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I've been a fan since the NCIX days, not a massive fanboy fan or anything but one that would watch 90% of the main LTT videos as a tech/computer enthusiast just because they were fun to watch, and so I have seen the growth of LTT and what it has become now.

A lot of sh*t has gone down and while I did watch the video and read the statement re: Maddison I honestly don't care about them, what I do care about though is how everything gets handled. It's easy to say X, Y, and Z on the matter in a written post or fully shot video but their actions will define how they come out of this.

I hope LTT can truly learn from this and do better in the future, that they aren't just going "We'll do better" only to make the same mistakes again.
Also, I hope the Maddison situation can be handled in the best way possible for both parties since I only know what's been put out there, so not taking sides but if Maddison's stuff rings true then hopefully the result that comes out helps her move on and either way hopefully helps LTT employees in the future from ever experiencing this or any other issues of workloads...etc that are being talked about.


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The sponsor joke was in pretty bad taste.

Saying they had been addressing the complaints thread was a lie. They had not said anything for ages in the sponor complaints thread until 3-5 hours after GN's video.

Lies about Bilets as well and it come off like you were putting the blame on Billet for the cooler being auctioned off.


I can see why this is becoming such a mess and it is rather saddening that is for sure.

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Where this video is still lacking:

  1. It included jokes...ive seen out there a reply from the staff that it was to "break the tension"...no...this SHOULD be uncomfortable for you all. YOU made mistakes and YOU must be humble and properly apologize, without jokes segues, etc.
  2. Store plug...another "joke" an also not needed.
  3. There is still a whole frame at 13:17 where the price is visible for a whole frame ( using the < and > keys you can go frame by frame on YouTube)

On a positive note, glad to see the description was updated to remove affiliate links and such and glad that is is no longer monetized. GN announced in their video that they would not be monetizing. Might be something to keep in mind during the internal process reviews.


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36 minutes ago, Baron_Samedi said:

In regard to the Madison situation, I find it absolutely atrocious that people have the ability to judge a company based on just one side.


It is clearly seen that these types of people who make these judgments have never led any team.


1 - There are always 2 sides to a story and as long as we don't know the 2 sides the only thing we are doing is assuming we know the truth. As the saying goes, “Assumptions are the mother of all fuck ups!”


2 - Madison may be absolutely right (which I doubt only for statistical reasons) but complaining that she may not be able to work in the area anymore due to the influence of LTT and then come and wash your dirty laundry for the internet is, at the very least, a reason for questioning her emotional intelligence and maturity.


3 - Don't spit on the plate where you ate. If you don't like it, move on. Or do you think your next employer will like the way you talked about your previous one?


4 - If Madison is sure that there was improper behavior, it has never been in such a prosperous time to be given reason in a labor court as the times in which we live.


5 - It's not the one who complains more and louder who is more right. Once again, we are in a society where people feel that the whole world should know about their problems and that the world should support them in their crusade for "justice". Employment courts exist for exactly these types of disputes, not the internet.

While I agree with you on the substance of the issue you may want to consider the 'woke' culture we're currently operating in. 


Judging by the posts of Madison and the leaked vid of the internal LTT meeting after she left and the tweet by @DubMFG below I'm inclined to believe at least 50% of her claims - managing LTT's OnlyFans account should be easy to prove by checking the logs.


In my opinion she's a typical snowflake and I would have probably acted the same way Linus/management team did but then again I'm a boomer and I treat this woke movement with a bit of skepticism (euphemism).


Nonetheless currently the Western world pretends to live in line with the values of the 'woke' (not mention other movements) movement and it's somehow important in the media sphere. (also see Alex Afrasiabi).


And while I'm personally mainly put off by the 'lttstore.com', 'segue to our sponsor' and the honest 'fuck you Billet Labs' it's mainly the quality of benchmarks that made me stop watching product reviews by LMG.


I still sometimes watch their lab? (Anthony and Jake) vids to see if they have some new ideas for me to implement in my own home server space but then when I see those vids being cut when an interesting issue arises and then the system miraculously! works (without a note in the vid description - a link to the forum with a detailed text solution would be nice) it just makes no sense to watch this type of content.


I'm still following this thread just to see how the current cancel culture will affect this business - it might be an interesting lesson afterall.



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48 minutes ago, iLikeBananas said:

The way I see it there is a lot of pressure on Linus. He has to run a big company and he has to make sure it stays afloat so that he can continue to pay his employees. This is a lot of pressure, and under pressure like that people sometimes do mistakes they normally wouldn't do. The waterblock thing was a big mistake, but I think Linus would have handled it better if he had more time to think about the situation.


I am a little worried that Linus is gonna be pushed to the background now in future LTT videos, which I find a little unfair.

He hosts a weekly public personal therapy session cloaked as a tech show for dealing with his own mental anxiety by getting off on toting and wielding the raw enormous social media power he built as a coping mechanism. He loves attention too much to get pushed into the background and his current methods of "dealing" are completely ineffective.

If anything he's been sucked into this for too long and what he really needs is to go on a mental retreat into the woods for a month. Touch some serious grass, wood, rock, etc. Climb a tree, ride a dolphin, fight a bear, find jesus, whatever he needs. Remember what its like to just be a creature on this earth, then come back. He's mentally locked into treating his business and social media like its the most important thing in the world when what he's never learned is its a constantly moving target to fulfilling actual self-worth. He doesn't need to need to have "more time to think about the situation" to write a response when the problem is he's currently broken and a better response would just be obfuscation. There was a likeable person there once. I liked him. He might be able to reset but he needs a serious reboot done with as little of tech and social hierarchy as possible.

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10 hours ago, JamesSP said:

I totally agree with this point. Even without the 'journalism practices', GN should have gave chance to clarify and mend. If not he is just part of angry mob who can't commnunicate. Also GN claims that he is objective, but lots of points seems like subjective to me.


The question is, he said monetization for the original criticism video is off, but is monetization off for the latest video that also include LTT stuff? It seems like it's pulling views none like any previous video. Not to mention surge in YouTube subscribers. I can  sense ulterior motive here. 


There are some allegations that needs to be sorted out, and it's LTT's responsibility to do so. But allegations are just that allegations, and we have due process to get to the facts. 


Since Canadian Government and British Columbia has very strict laws on worker safety, I wonder why Medison didnt file for complaint to the legal authorities. She can still do so if she felt what she said. This would've been the right way to pursue this, not publish it on Twitter to raise a mob.


Linus and LMG is not perfect, but this angry mob is just getting out of hand. They are just angry for the sake of getting angry. If you dont like the content or the creator behind it, unsubscribe and leave. No one is forcing you to watch LTT.

Aside from the Maddison comments, I completely agree.


But, there are a great many reasons why a harrassed, abused, and/or unstable (as a result of harrassment and abuse) individual would be unwilling or unable to go to authorities, particularly while that harrassment and/or abuse is fresh. If you accept Maddison's allegations as true, I see no value in then criticizing a victim's way of communicating to the public the abuse they suffered. If they are not true, no method of communicating these allegations would be proper, so the inquiry is irrelevant. 


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Please give a recap im confused. I DONT KNOW what happened.



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Sad to see that this wasn't a genuine apology, but yet another communication mistake.

  1. You "didn't think" that people would take offense at the monetization says that you indeed have not yet learned a thing
  2. Jokes and especially sexual innuendo does NOT belong in a serious apology, ESPECIALLY not when there are serious allegations of sexual harassment floating around, and the guy who was supposed to protect you FROM THIS EXACT MISTAKE is in the video telling everyone it was his job .. no excuses about "it being your style", it's unprofessional and inappropriate, and sours your entire "apology"
  3. Merch plugs do NOT belong in a serious apology, no, nobody had to say it, really
  4. Yvonne and Luke are making apologies for Linus's behavior before letting him say he's sorry - mostly an editing mistake, but still pretty bad
  5. Linus is not genuinely sorry, he's deflecting, he's making excuses, he's saying "ho ho hoo, I'm going to make mistakes again, nobody can stop me, ho hoo", he was forced to make some sort of response, and he didn't do much better than at his hasty forum response
  6. Colton's brave decision to "make things ok" without confirming sure has a different ring to it after you realized LTT leaked the Billet guestimation to be in the range of a low tier manager swiping the business card at any point in time in many companies
  7. You ignored the majority of the complaints made, and failed to acknowledge the people who risked a lot to bring them to your attention
  8. Your promises of "transparency" immediately burned to the ground by paywalling that. Let me guess, the promised harassment investigation report will be available only on LTT Store?

Compare the tone of this video to Linus genuinely saying he's sorry to Tim Sweeney, or e.g. JayzTwoCents apologizing for his poor 4060 Ti review video, just one video. Those are genuine apologies, this .. was a joke to the LMG staff, a minor inconvenience they had to deal with, some excuses they had to come up with.

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15 hours ago, Woddell said:

I'm not trolling. All Linus did in that meeting was read through the company grievance policy to remind people who they could speak to if they had an issue. I don't think there's anything sexualized with James' comment but people will hear what they want to hear I guess. 

Whether you agree with it being sexual or not, he started joking THE MOMENT THE SEXUAL HARASSMENT MEETING WAS OVER. This imo shows his disdain towards the topic.

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10 minutes ago, Madpaatch said:

While I agree with you on the substance of the issue you may want to consider the 'woke' culture we're currently operating in. 


Judging by the posts of Madison and the leaked vid of the internal LTT meeting after she left and the tweet by @DubMFG below I'm inclined to believe at least 50% of her claims - managing LTT's OnlyFans account should be easy to prove by checking the logs.


In my opinion she's a typical snowflake and I would have probably acted the same way Linus/management team did but then again I'm a boomer and I treat this woke movement with a bit of skepticism (euphemism).


Nonetheless currently the Western world pretends to live in line with the values of the 'woke' (not mention other movements) movement and it's somehow important in the media sphere. (also see Alex Afrasiabi).


And while I'm personally mainly put off by the 'lttstore.com', 'seague to our sponsor' and the honest 'fuck you Billet Labs' it's mainly the quality of benchmarks that made me stop watching product reviews by LMG.


I still sometimes watch their lab? (Anthony and Jake) vids to see if they have some new ideas for me to implement in my own home server space but then when I see those vids being cut when an interesting issue arises and then the system miraculously! works (without a note in the vid description - a link to the forum with a detailed text solution would be nice) it just makes no sense to watch this type of content.


I'm still following this thread just to see how the current cancel culture will affect this business - it might be an interesting lesson afterall.



I'm an old fart, and i refuse do bend into to the 'woke' culture.


The world is not restricted to rules imposed by a minority.


The majority does not have to conform to the minority.


As in nature, either you adapt to the majority that created the ecosystem you live in or the world will make you cease to exist.


Cancel culture and Wokanism is such a perfidious system that it will eventually consume itself.


Society is not perfect, just think that it is made up of beings who, in their essence, have defects.


Despite this, the search for a better world does not involve imposing a set of arbitrary rules imposed by a minority that does not even want to be part of this world.


As I mentioned earlier, I believe that there is no smoke without fire, however the means used by Medison to draw attention to this case will have an adverse effect on Medison.


As a software house manager, I would never hire someone like that.


Even if she had skills and experience far above average, exactly because of the way she went online to talk about the company that hired her earlier.


I don't consider myself enlightened or even close to that, but I have some life experience that allows me to foresee that this type of situation never works in favor of the employee if it's done this way.

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22 minutes ago, AdmiralKird said:

He hosts a weekly public personal therapy session cloaked as a tech show for dealing with his own mental anxiety by getting off on toting and wielding the raw enormous social media power he built as a coping mechanism. He loves attention too much to get pushed into the background and his current methods of "dealing" are completely ineffective.

And I always loved WAN show because of that. He does not only share his very valuable experiences, but also his mental health status, which can be kinda therapeutic to others. At least to me it is. 


23 minutes ago, AdmiralKird said:

If anything he's been sucked into this for too long and what he really needs is to go on a mental retreat into the woods for a month. Touch some serious grass, wood, rock, etc. Climb a tree, ride a dolphin, fight a bear, find jesus, whatever he needs. Remember what its like to just be a creature on this earth, then come back. He's mentally locked into treating his business and social media like its the most important thing in the world when what he's never learned is its a constantly moving target to fulfilling actual self-worth. He doesn't need to need to have "more time to think about the situation" to write a response when the problem is he's currently broken and a better response would just be obfuscation. There was a likeable person there once. I liked him. He might be able to reset but he needs a serious reboot done with as little of tech and social hierarchy as possible.

While I do agree that a little vacation for a month like that would do him good, I am also worried that this will negatively affect LTT videos. If I remember correctly, there was a time when he was off for a while and during this time the others hosted videos. And I remember not being a huge fan of those videos because they lacked this special something that Linus adds to the videos.


And besides that, I think Linus himself knows that he needs a break and maybe that's why they hired the new CEO. Maybe a week or month off was already in the planning.


I still think that he is a likeable person. But I am also a person who grinds a lot at work. Haven't used a sick day since Feb 2022 and that one was related to the vaccine. 

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4 minutes ago, kazaakas said:

Whether you agree with it being sexual or not, he started joking THE MOMENT THE SEXUAL HARASSMENT MEETING WAS OVER. This imo shows his disdain towards the topic.

Potentially. It could also be to break the ice a little. I've been in very serious meetings before (not sexual harassment however) and everyone was feeling awkward and in some cases, sure it's not the worst to feel a little awkward. But breaking the ice with, what to him (I presume), was a little light humour? I've seen it done a lot. Not to make excuses for someone I don't know, just putting my way of seeing it across.

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