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Madison reveals experiences working at LMG

Message added by SansVarnic,

*03NOV2023: Topic is now locked for the time until the investigation results are released, will not be re-open prior.*



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4 minutes ago, GameRetro said:

What's up with people saying comments are being hidden/deleted from the latest "What do we do now?" video? I honestly can't find some of these examples of 5K likes comments about Madison even thought I sorted by TOP and this is what I get:




The rest of the comments in the next few pages barely have any likes and a few randomly scattered 24K and 3K likes down below like these ones:





But I could barely find any mentioning anything harsh about the Madison thing in the first 10 pages. What sort of "sort by top" algorythm is this? Is it Google's incompetence in ranking comments or is there something actually going on with commetns being deboosted?

Not a conspiracy or deboosting, Google's UI is atrocious. The sort by top never worked for me and I'm using their browser...


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6 minutes ago, Mertrodome said:

What y'all "she should've gone to the police" folk seem to have missed from her thread is the fact she said she was made to feel like she'd done wrong, that it was her fault. It took the ER incident to realise she had a problem and needed to get out. That's is what she said.

It's very easy to say "why didn't she gather evidence" or "why didn't she tell the authorities" or "why didn't she use a spy pen" (fucking lmao) with the gift of hindsight, but why would her first thought be to go to a police station if she's feeling the way she describes? That she was at fault, that she was bad at her job, etc?


Any of y'all been in a failed relationship where after some time has passed you think "how on earth did I ever put up with all that?" Where the weight of it and how bad it was didn't fully manifest for you until you'd got some distance from it?


It's entirely common to not see the forest for the trees when you're in the midst of things, when you're being told things are a certain way, when your own mental state has led you to believe that you're at fault, or that things aren't as bad as they later appear.


Sure, in an ideal world she had receipts for everything, had recorded all pertinent interactions, had insisted on bringing a neutral party to all HR meetings, etc. In an ideal world she does all that. But just because she didn't doesn't automatically make her a liar, or discredit her. It doesn't automatically means she's telling the truth either, of course. But surely well all have some situation, big or small, where we can think back on it and realise "wow, that was actually kinda worse than I realised at the time" or "I wish I'd seen how bad it was and done things differently as a result".

Taking your perspective in account, having her doing what she is doing now, does not indicate that the hindsight was gathered still though the context changed.

Regardless of the truth in her statements, the approach is bad and this time she is responsible, being a bit more mature, hopefully, and not classified as such by anyone else.

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3 minutes ago, GameRetro said:

What's up with people saying comments are being hidden/deleted from the latest "What do we do now?" video? I honestly can't find some of these examples of 5K likes comments about Madison even thought I sorted by TOP and this is what I get:




The rest of the comments in the next few pages barely have any likes and a few randomly scattered 24K and 3K likes down below like these ones:





But I could barely find any mentioning anything harsh about the Madison thing in the first 10 pages. What sort of "sort by top" algorythm is this? Is it Google's incompetence in ranking comments or is there something actually going on with commetns being deboosted?

The fact you can't find them despite it being talked about should be evidence enough already.

I can't remember where it was shown, but someone somewhere (subreddit?) showed a list of deleted youtube comments as well, at least one with 5K upvotes, talking about Madison which had been forcably removed.

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10 minutes ago, GameRetro said:

What's up with people saying comments are being hidden/deleted from the latest "What do we do now?" video? I honestly can't find some of these examples of 5K likes comments about Madison even thought I sorted by TOP and this is what I get:




The rest of the comments in the next few pages barely have any likes and a few randomly scattered 24K and 3K likes down below like these ones:





But I could barely find any mentioning anything harsh about the Madison thing in the first 10 pages. What sort of "sort by top" algorythm is this? Is it Google's incompetence in ranking comments or is there something actually going on with commetns being deboosted?




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Just now, Ursul_Polar said:

Taking your perspective in account, having her doing what she is doing now, does not indicate that the hindsight was gathered still though the context changed.

Regardless of the truth in her statements, the approach is bad and this time she is responsible, being a bit more mature, hopefully, and not classified as such by anyone else.

Eyoo, fellow east european, sup?

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Given the past 48 hours or so, I find myself re-evaluating my thoughts on LMG as an entity. While I like much of the content, it's clear to me that there are problems as well. Kudos  to Steve at GN for his approach to this and also to the other Steve at HUB for standing his ground. LMG, at 120 employees and a supposed valuation of $100m, is not just a fellow YouTuber, but an industry player that needs appropriate media scrutiny.


I cannot comment on Madison's situation as I have no direct knowledge. I only hope it gets investigated and sorted out appropriately. If true, firings need to happen.

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17 hours ago, kurangak said:

Hoo boy. thats an ammo GN definitely gonna use

Except that GN will only report on facts or close to facts. This is heresay until evidence is provided. Whether they believe her or not, they won't cover it from this angle.

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3 minutes ago, ILuvUrMun said:

Eyoo, fellow east european, sup?

I, we, at least 😅

Not for long though as working hours are creeping by quite fast 😄

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Any discussion here is basically hearsay at this point.  They're bringing in a 3rd party.  That's the right way to deal with it. 

Moving forward, a respectful workplace can look different to different people.  The only way that you get everyone on the same page is by actively setting specific expectations and regularly discussing them in meetings.


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15 minutes ago, Sasha2D said:


Ah shit, I don't farm the fields or work in the steel mill. I guess I will walk out into traffic.


Well if making YouTube videos are not essential for civilization I guess LTT just shouldn't exist right? 

Neither do I.


I didn't say it shouldn't exist. I just don't think people that probably suck at their jobs (considering this has never happened before and everyone else seems to keep up), should make all these allegations with no screen shots or evidence. It just sounds embellished. And the vague hints at being touched with no explanation, that everyone is referring to as assault. She was awfully specific with all of the words people said that no one will ever be able to verify, and then completely vague on the inappropriate touching or whatever the exact words were.

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Is the official response out yet? Cause I just game from the Philip DeFranco show which had some full FAQ response about this matter from the LMG team.

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9 minutes ago, Devin Baines said:

Given the past 48 hours or so, I find myself re-evaluating my thoughts on LMG as an entity. While I like much of the content, it's clear to me that there are problems as well. Kudos  to Steve at GN for his approach to this and also to the other Steve at HUB for standing his ground. LMG, at 120 employees and a supposed valuation of $100m, is not just a fellow YouTuber, but an industry player that needs appropriate media scrutiny.


I cannot comment on Madison's situation as I have no direct knowledge. I only hope it gets investigated and sorted out appropriately. If true, firings need to happen.


I would give Linus personally the benefit of doubt that he knowingly ignored or encouraged such a work environment. That being said I would stand to the fact that he's long since not been very familiar with the details of going-ons since LMG is so large now and he's living in his own bubble thinking that things are peachy when in fact there's fires everywhere.


I suspect that apart from maybe Luke and Yvonne he's been surrounded by mostly yes-men and frat-boy-like younger coworkers that encourage the more loose and irresponsible side of him, further made extreme by his workaholic and ever-growing-ambitious persona and the fact that some of the most entertaining things they do is Linus being unhinged/unchecked...


But you can tell by the fact that the company is pushing people so much, and that most the videos are just random ideas that mostly go nowhere and still get published, and that half the content is Linus renovating his home or setting up offices (and having employees do chores) - that they are playing a numbers game with less emphasis on quality and attention to detail.


And that lack of attention to detail and focus on only numbers and results might have heavily contributed to a toxic working environment in some areas.


What strikes me the most is that IF this is true and IF it was reported - someone pretty high up has to have caught wind of it - and then downplayed it or ignored it - which would be HORRENDOUS!!!


This is where and why UNIONS are important - and given Linus' passive aggressive stance on that matter I am very very critical and am completely believing of Madison's account as things stand. I just don't know who is to be blamed most for it.


(edit: forgive any typos or confusing phrases - not native English so there might be some word rotations due to loss in translation etc.)

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36 minutes ago, Uttamattamakin said:

Yeah but none of those things mean she is not telling the truth about this.  Some people see someone young and in distress and want to help.  Offer a job, offer a fresh start.   Some other people see someone in distress and want to take advantage.   Sometimes a little of both.  I've seen this happen to others and had people try that nonsense with me.  

Not everyone has the self esteem to tell those with more institutional power where to stick it.   Madison sounds like that kind of person.  I mean thinking that the employee handbook had any legally enforcible standing beyond "here are a list of things that LTT wants you to do while you work there".  Of course LTT wants you to keep issues internal.  (If their hadbook says, or implies, or anyone of standing at LTT says or implies that a complaint to authorities about these things is cause for dismissal that is illegal). 

In fact I'm going to go farther, I'm going to play a bit of devils advocate here. 
IT is a well known thing for companies to give a set of bad reviews on record for anyone they think will file a complaint.  Then they can fire them, and say "it's not retaliation they are on the way out".  Madison being told her work is "Dog ***T" etc is a very immature persons version of doing that.  

I see a lack of business maturity.  I'll gladly say I'm a looser who takes care of my decrepit parents at home, never been married.  I can't leave for a week without one of them being in the hospital once I get back from Copenhagen, (True story).  So pot meet kettle.  Plus I'm  older what's my excuse?  My excuse is my type of immaturity only effects me, and kinda helps my family.  I spend all my maturity at work.  LTT and LMG have been structured like a group of friends/ family who are friends not a company.  It needs to be a company.  It needs to be more Arasaka and less Tyger Claws. 

At this point it's hard to tell if it is indeed true, or not and if true, to which degree.  Regardless I do agree that there is potentially some growing up to do for some of the employees at LMG if this is indeed whats going on. Terran even mentioned something similar when it came to a conversation about a sponsor(review) and the wording used to say no and that there is a more tactful way of delivering this information. So I get the feeling that Terran notices that staff and management may need some education and guidance on how to deal with and approach situations, whether it's dealing with a company, or another person in general. The vast majority of them are younger than Linus, so some of these things (whether intentional, or not) may not always be obvious to some people. This is where training and educating are very import to ensure all staff have the proper edict and respect for one another. If there is an issue it does need to be dealt with appropriately.


Regarding mental situation, its hard, very hard to pick up. Some people are exceptional at hiding it and it may not always be obvious, even to those who know the signs and symptoms. It could very well be that if some of these allegations are indeed true, that no one knew, or noticed. That doesn't mean they were trying to take advantage, or hurt her intentionally, they could have simply been unaware of her situation. I am not trying to make excuses, but wanted to highlight that noticing someone who is struggling with mental health issues can be very hard to pick up, even for people trained to look for it.

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1 hour ago, theboysinthewoodz said:

yes you could.....its only a crime in canada to do so and you could face both a fine or imprisonment according to "The Anti-Wiretapping Act of 1965 (RA 4200), which protects privacy, is a critical piece of legislation. Individuals who attempt to secretly overhear, intercept, or record private communications or spoken words without the consent of all concerned parties face a fine or imprisonment." According to THIS source

RA4200 is a law in the Philippines. Maybe use a reliable source when discussing things because you are citing a Philippine law when discussing a case in Canada.


Now, let's clarify the actual law. Criminal Code Section 183 addresses this: https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-46/section-183.html


183.1 Where a private communication is originated by more than one person or is intended by the originator thereof to be received by more than one person, a consent to the interception thereof by any one of those persons is sufficient consent for the purposes of any provision of this Part.

So long as the person who recorded the conversation was a part of that meeting and they were an intended recipient, then that qualifies as consent as it pertains to the "Interception of Communications".


This is just the long and technical way of saying Canada is a one-party consent state: so long as one party to the conversation consents it may be recorded. Please do our research and stop spreading misinformation. It takes a simple search for "RA 4200" to learn that that is a law from the Philippines smfh

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The plot thickens. 


At the end of the day there are two sides to every story. A 3rd party who is not connected to either party needs to be allowed to come in and do an investigation. If issues are found they need to be handle within the letter of the law.  For some reason this kinda reminds me of that BS that lit Blizzard on fire a few months ago. At the end of the day this needs to be dealt with in a proper manner. 


18 hours ago, Spotty said:

'm discussing with the mod team what we want to do with it. For now carry on discussing here.

Good luck on keeping things together. Im channeling as much positive energy I can muster to you and the rest of the mods. 

I just want to sit back and watch the world burn. 

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10 hours ago, Sawa Takahashi said:

Am I part of the MeeToo movement if I declare that I am reserving judgment me too ? I certainly hope not 😛


I won't debate on anything that happened because I stopped reading once GN went out with their video. I watch LTT videos because I like tech, tech news and goofy jokes. When there is too much drama involved, it saps any fun there has been and it becomes like any other tabloid sensationalist news outlet.


My take on the whole Madison affair is that we'll probably never know what really happened and from the point of view of every person involved. Yes, something needs to be done so that it never repeats again. But what really happened... is probably not of our business at this point. This is something LMG, Madison and all those involved have to deal with.


What can we do as viewers of LTT channels ? I think the most appropriate action is to keep an open mind, do not condemn and do not assume anything. There are facts of what really happened but the Internet is not the place to find them.


Hope that situation will be resolved one way or another and for the better, not the worse.


Have a nice day everyone, is in "be nice and behave" everyone 🙂

I agree. 

Be sure to @Pickles von Brine if you want me to see your reply!

Stopping by to praise the all mighty jar Lord pickles... * drinks from a chalice of holy pickle juice and tossed dill over shoulder* ~ @WarDance
3600x | NH-D15 Chromax Black | 32GB 3200MHz | ASUS KO RTX 3070 UnderVolted and UnderClocked | Gigabyte Aorus Elite AX X570S | Seasonic X760w | Phanteks Evolv X | 500GB WD_Black SN750 x2 | Sandisk Skyhawk 3.84TB SSD 

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26 minutes ago, Master Link said:

Sure, we know 1984 is coming in on us fast, there's no denying that, but we do band together as a team.  That's the whole point of being as one.  GenZ are our responsibility, and rather than treat them like dog meat, we could treat them as equal partners in the same silly fight, rather than not.


It's hard for me to be pessimistic when I have been at bat for people and would do it all over again.

idk im a kid and im just on this forum

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9 minutes ago, Master Link said:

To be fair, asking someone to re-live such an event is hard on the mentality of a person.  Come on man, you can't be this insensitive, can you?


Again, it IS hearsay, we don't know.  But to be so quick to be insensitive is inhumane and downright toxic.

I mean if you can't make it through life or a job without feeling so bad about dirty jokes and coworkers talking some shit when your new, you probably aren't cut our for many jobs in the real world other than being a twitch/YouTube streamer. If someone was actually slapping her ass or something, then yeah they should have been fired and they should have responded appropriately. But I just have a hard time believing a bunch of liberal tech nerds were playing grab ass with the girl they didn't like. Coming out 2 years later right after the GN video. I'm sure she probably didn't have the greatest experience working there but with all of the women that have been doing this lately, I suspect she now has money for a lawyer, and is trying to get public sympathy before she goes for the lawsuit.

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gotta like it when "both sides" starts attacking each other and trying to push that this is a part of something "bigger".

also to the attacks on her.

And yes, she did talk about her "situation" before. which is why felt its a bit weird that it comes now and again.

So its nothing wrong in having doubts about it, but of course this is not denying anything. so bro, derailed topic into madness.

Edited by Quackers101
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2 minutes ago, Owsleygarcia95 said:

I mean if you can't make it through life or a job without feeling so bad about dirty jokes and coworkers talking some shit when your new, you probably aren't cut our for many jobs in the real world other than being a twitch/YouTube streamer. If someone was actually slapping her ass or something, then yeah they should have been fired and they should have responded appropriately. But I just have a hard time believing a bunch of liberal tech nerds were playing grab ass with the girl they didn't like. Coming out 2 years later right after the GN video. I'm sure she probably didn't have the greatest experience working there but with all of the women that have been doing this lately, I suspect she now has money for a lawyer, and is trying to get public sympathy before she goes for the lawsuit.

"tech nerds" "playing grab ass" hahahahaha lollllllll 

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this thread should be deleted into oblivion

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One things for sure, all of the other tech YouTubers smell blood in the water. I'm having a hard time thinking of one that hasn't made a video about it yet.

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Just now, Owsleygarcia95 said:

One things for sure, all of the other tech YouTubers smell blood in the water. I'm having a hard time thinking of one that hasn't made a video about it yet.

Mrwhosetheboss, MKBHD, and plenty more

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