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Gamers Nexus alleges LMG has insufficient ethics and integrity

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1 hour ago, Legitsu said:

thanks for all of those faulty assumptions futher driving the point I am trying to make that you are missing 

which is this entire thing is a ridiculous farce


but apperently my satirical witt is either lost on you or I am not as funny as I think I am ....  either way I agree with linus product was dumb from the get go. did he handle it poorly o yes quiet badly ... does it change the fact that the product is dumber then a car made of macaroni noodles being marketed to starving nigerian children Not at all 

nobody ruined anybody here if anything all of the drama is great pr for a company that otherwise would have been forgotten by now 

Well at least we agree that you're not exactly as funny as you might like to believe.


Again you still don't say how this product is dumb, you just believe it because daddy linus says so.


I think it's a great product that ifworks as well as shown is a great tool in reducing a PC's footprint whilst not sacrificing on cooling performance. 


Anyway your bootlicking bores me, no point going around in circles with someone who thinks LTT is infallible and any criticism is simply just a "hit piece".

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4 minutes ago, CoolGoose said:

I think people in general have no idea that as a journalist you need to give whoever you're investigating the right to reply back. And if you look at other GN videos, they did reach out to ASUS/ MSI/ random ass other company, when they did fuckups. 

The video was in response to already public statements. Approaching for comment isn't some 100% necessary thing that suddenly makes the rest of GN's points invalid.

Once again:


This is because the Editors’ Code of Practice, the set of rules which IPSO enforces, does not state that journalists must contact every individual or company before publication of every story.

If the article is reporting on factual information that is already in the public domain, such as a recent court case or comments made publicly on social media, not contacting someone before the article is published is highly unlikely to be a breach of our rules.


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10 minutes ago, TheProfosist said:


As for the issues on the graphs. I dont know if anyone but another tech reviewer would have noticed, especially en-masse. I have definitely run CrystalDisk in the wrong mode and only found out when I'm done editing or even published the video/review. Realistically at that point im not retesting everything. I'll either cut that item/graph/result or mention its borked.



That isn't the point... If you SAY you do something, you better DO what you say... Else stop lying... Being dishonest is bad no matter if the regular Moe Joe or Tech Reviewer Bob notices it... It shouldn't happen.

If you want to be "professional" then you do it the professional way and do it right...

Like you use the SAME card on both Intel and AMD systems (since variability between cards can actually be high)
You do atleast 3 runs and take the averages
If there are outliers you find out why they are there (human error, load screens etc. etc.)
You manually set all settings since some games do weird mumbo jumbo and you do DOUBLE CHECK them... aka have a written SoP for the game listing what each setting you be at and you go through them one at a time...
You make sure your settings actually test what you want to test (CPU limit/GPU limit/Memory limit etc.)
You don't mix settings unless specifically testing the difference between for example DLSS 2 and DLSS 3 and so on and then that is the ONLY setting you change else the result is useless
and so on and so on there is a long list and yes it is not easy (which is also why you write a SoP for each and make checklists

same thing when you edit videos... you want to make sure that the speech for 1080p results aren't over the 4K results and so on and that the graphs are correct vs. what is said and the text on the graphs axis are correct and the title and so on.

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5 hours ago, Albal_156 said:

If GN want to be journalists then they aren't doing a very good job of presenting both sides of a argument that is for sure yes. They've done so in the past with the Newegg videos while also speaking to former members of Artesian Builds to get lots of sides to the story but yeah despite the many valid criticisms made in the video the start of the video specifically felt too much like a hit piece.

Maybe the suspicion comes from the TMB incident (over year ago now tbh can't believe its this prevalent still) where Linus just told everyone to trust him. I will be honest I've got no reason to distrust Linus about something as I feel he's had good track record but a CEO of a corp telling you trust him over a prodct with no warranty thats shipped worldwide isn't a good look despite previous track records so perhaps thats the reason why GN is distrustful.

Perhaps, but that would still not be a valid reason for this hit piece. 

I personally also think that the TMB issue was overblown.  LTT merch is specifically for LTT subscribers, they aren't exactly marketing to the average Joe.  So, in my opinion any person subscribed to them for any length of time could see that LTT is passionate about providing good products, so in my mind, the TMB guarantee is worth more than most normal guarantees.  But hey, personal opinion.
Call me a fanboy, but I personally believe that Linus tries to act with integrity and that filters through to his company.

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44 minutes ago, Mr_Guillotine said:

I hope this can all be worked out and I hope that you and Steve can discuss things, but you have to be open to criticism, which, honestly, sometimes you don't seem to be (though, sort of understandable, but sometimes I feel like you take things too personally when all someone is trying to do is to help you understand something from a new perspective...and I believe you've admitted as much on WAN at least once), but in this case, it would be good to just listen and then give honest answers to any questions, clear up anything that was incorrect or a misunderstanding.

I entirely agree. In my opinion, what Linus needs to understand, is that he has outgrown his media persona, he is the image of a company which is a judicial entity that should be held accountable no questions asked. The first step into making things right is to take full responsibility, not to take it personally and accept the fallout and move forward from that point on. This is not about himself as a person, this is about the company he owns and has an enormous influence, upon millions and millions of people. It comes without saying, that LMG in a way, at least from a moral standpoint is also responsible for the decisions their viewers make, when purchasing something, etc. In my opinion, when they took a giant leap forward, investing in their labs, they should have taken a very serious approach. I am not saying they should drop their entertainment content. But entertainment should not be a part of a video that is supposed to be a review/an analysis of a certain product. At least not in a way that entirely changes the meaning of such content and provides inaccurate information. So far for me, the content provided by their labs, has been shallow and unfruitful, to say the least. They have all sorts of state of the art testing equipment, which sometimes it seems like it's just collecting dust, because people do not know how to put it to good use. And all we hear is bragging. Honestly, many times I felt that I was listening to a CNC operator, for example, bragging about successfully performing open heart surgery. And it does not work that way. 


Unfortunately, we are a very small minority on this forum, that have arguments and try to provide constructive criticism. Most of the people on YT, are either haters or fanboys. Improvement always comes, when one is willing to accept criticism and move forward with an open mind and most importantly, understand that it is not personal and nobody is out there to get them. And they are the only ones responsible for the situation they created.

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16 minutes ago, TheProfosist said:

Im more irked about when they know there is an error and correct it in video, like reshoot that or dub it. If you know its bad dont put it out. Those just shouldnt be there, lop them out! Its almost as if the video is edited them someone watches it and adds the notes/corrections.


As for the issues on the graphs. I dont know if anyone but another tech reviewer would have noticed, especially en-masse. I have definitely run CrystalDisk in the wrong mode and only found out when I'm done editing or even published the video/review. Realistically at that point im not retesting everything. I'll either cut that item/graph/result or mention its borked.

The problem with their testing errors seems to be that LTT is a big operation. I imagine it goes like this:

- one guy does the testing

- another guy writes the script / is on camera

- another guy does the graph making

- another guy does the editing

- another guy does the uploading / correcting on screen...


An error such as in the 4090 review would have been easily caught by a smaller operation, with one person doing all these tasks themselves. There would be 3 instances in which you would go like "hold on a minute, this doesn't seem right".


So it sounds like they need to:

- have more stringent quality control in place for testing in the first place

- If an error is found, they need to be willing to retest, not use the result, re-record a video, or take a video down. Right now they don't seem willing to do any of these things.

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As an avid follower of LTT and someone who has made purchases based on their reviews, I've been increasingly concerned about the accuracy and ethical practices behind their recent content. I recently came across GN's video highlighting some serious issues, and I'd like to delve into them.


1. Investment in LTT Labs:

If I recall correctly, LTT has invested an estimate of $10 million in LTT Labs, a facility replete with specialized equipment and industry specialists. The promise was that this would lead to more rigorous testing and dependable reviews. However, despite this significant investment, LTT's recent content appears to be plagued by misinformation and errors. This raises questions about the efficacy and purpose of LTT Labs. What's the point if it's not leading to the precise and reliable information that viewers expect?


2. Billet Labs Incident:

Moving on to the particularly concerning case involves a copper waterblock for the RTX 3090 Ti, provided by Billet Labs, a small 2 person startup. Instead of testing it on the intended GPU, LTT forced it onto an RTX 4090 and subsequently condemned it as subpar. This is not only a methodological failure but also an ethical one, as they proceeded to auction the prototype without Billet Labs' knowledge, despite requests to send it back. The disregard for proper testing protocol and Billet Labs' requests paints a worrying picture.


3. Overall Integrity and Ethical Considerations:

Given LTT's valuation of over $100 million and a staff of 120+ employees (considering they have industry experts as well), it's alarming to see these lapses in judgment and professionalism. Whether it's inaccurate data or questionable interactions with smaller companies, these issues undermine the trust viewers like myself have placed in them.



The purpose of tech reviews is to provide unbiased, accurate information to guide consumers. While LTT has been a go-to source for me, these recent incidents make it hard to overlook the growing pattern of inaccuracies and questionable ethics. LTT must take immediate steps to restore faith in their review process and reconsider how they engage with the broader tech community.


In my opinion, LTT's lapses in recent times are a poignant reminder that no matter how big or influential a brand becomes, maintaining integrity, transparency, and respect for all stakeholders is vital. I hope they will reflect on these incidents and take steps to ensure that their reviews and actions live up to the high standards that their viewers deserve. GN did not have to create the video but they did (I'm thankful they did) because someone has to hold LTT accountable, if not who else?


P.S. If you have not watched GN video in totality, please do not respond to me because I will deem your opinion as pointless. I'm just referencing the guy who said he didn't watch GN's video because it's pointless.

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32 minutes ago, maplepants said:

Does he need to? We know why he didn't reach out: the Billet Labs story is significantly more dramatic without LMG's comments than it is with them. They knew that going in, and so why bother reaching out for a comment that puts such a damper on the headline of your drama video?


Because really, as much as GN has good points about how rushed videos contain more mistakes than carefully edited videos; the framing is pure YouTube drama. Why do you think he spends so much time at the beginning talking about how they're not monetizing the video, putting it in the description, and again in a pinned comment? Because the last round of drama GN tried to kick up was about the possibility of a "trust me bro" t-shirt. If you want your new drama to go viral, linking it to a past instance of drama is key.


It honestly just seems like the main motivator for this video from GN is sour grapes. I guess they're mad that the Labs team is going to start covering stuff like power supplies where GN was the largest player, and he's extremely annoyed that LTT can replace videos in-place without having to delete and re-upload (he mentions it a lot). 


Steve makes a big stink about how they treat LMG "like any other big company". Except they don't. If they heard some hot gossip about ASUS, they'd reach out if for no other reason than to say "ASUS refused to comment". But when they've got hot LMG gossip, they don't reach out because LMG might respond and it might deflate their drama.

Why would he need to though? Linus would've just doubled down on the WAN show, and the fact LMG threw a hit at GN twice before with the Labs comment and another hit on the WAN show, so while it would've been nice to reach out for a comment first, I can understand why GN didn't.

Also with the whole "trust me bro" issue Linus went and doubled down instead of apologizing and admitting he was wrong, then went in defense again with a t shirt over it, so expecting a reasonable comment after having the reputation for not wanting to have a humble and honest discussion from the whole backpack warranty thing might not have been an expectation.

And thinking GN made the video out of jealousy is a weird take, its weird for people to keep shifting the blame onto GN, but that is what Linus did and probably wants his fans to do as well. This video is a call out for LMG to improve, something people have been asking here for LMG to do for a long time, especially with video quality,  LMG has so much influence over the tech community, the information in videos needs to be as accurate as possible, and if Linus wants LTT labs to be a trustworthy source then the data in videos needs to be consistent and accurate.

As for LMG being treated as a company, I find that a bit ironic as Linus wants the audience to treat them as a friendly start up youtuber, if people are finding so much fault on GN for not asking for comment then they're missing the point with the goal of the video.

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4 minutes ago, Stark_Source21 said:


You see, that there is a thoughtful response to a very messed up situation. How long did it take you to come up with that solution, Profosist? And why didn't Linus put at least that much thought into it?


That's what really got me here, and I'm genuinely disappointed in, even put off by, Linus on this occasion. I don't want to support a man who's so callous and off-handed. 

In minutes, earlier today on Twitter when it broke. That aside, Linus himself has come up with resolutions similar to this before for other issues and for other people. He's also not worked with manufactures over them screwing over backers and refusing to refund.


My guess here is that its happening to him right now and he's doesn't see an issue with the content. However, in situations like this it really doesn't really matter what you think. It's all about what others perceive and turning that around. I can tell you I haven't always thought this way, or been in the position to do so.

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1 hour ago, treestain said:

I wonder if GN will comment on why he never reached out to anyone asking for comment. I agree with a lot of what was said in the GN Video. but there were some moments that just semmed... strange.

I think they should reach out but at the same time LMG took shots on them and HUB about how they test stuff (and being wrong) without reaching to them first and asking them how they test stuff so...

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@LinusTech To me it seems pretty fair to make this video public before going to you guys. They made this video with the info that was available, that is the same info that a viewer such as myself also has access to. To critically express concern's in an objectieve and constructive way about this info seems pretty fair to me. The mistakes were made in public, so discussing the mistakes and the implications of these mistakes should also be discussed in public in my opinion. 


This is exactly the kind of cross examination that needs to happen in the tech media space and in the end is beneficial for all. And I believe you have made comparable statements. That this process is needed to create trust. 


Still much love to the whole team! As you said, this shit is hard.




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3 minutes ago, bandainamcofan said:

The video was in response to already public statements. Approaching for comment isn't some 100% necessary thing that suddenly makes the rest of GN's points invalid.

Once again:


Not contacting Linus ahead of time was a choice, and given how salty Linus was about it and tried to throw him under the bus publicly over it, it was the right choice. If Linus isn’t going to respect fair and factual reporting then why should Steve respect Linus. 

I suspect there might be some behind the scenes history between the two that we are not aware of that led Steve to believe that Linus would react poorly to getting heads up on this. This is just speculation however. 

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11 minutes ago, bandainamcofan said:

The video was in response to already public statements. Approaching for comment isn't some 100% necessary thing that suddenly makes the rest of GN's points invalid.

Once again:


I didn't say their points are invalid, I literally said they are valid, let's not cherry pick ;).

I was just explaining that compared to their other publications of this is shit please fix wtf are you doing they acted more aggressively and one sided 😉 

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15 minutes ago, treestain said:

It seems to me they got angry when the one guy at labs was differentiating themselves from GN and hardware unboxed, and decided to go through the channels entire history and go at Linus and LMG hard. wasn't that the first thing GN mentioned in the video? Yes I agree with a lot that was said, but this is weird timing and seems somewhat bias in my eyes. All of it is just weird.


Dont get me wrong, everything GN is saying is true, but stretched out into a 40 minute video repeating himself and repeating past events that was already dealt with and Linus tried fixing. It seems like hes just trying to defend his name from what the labs was saying about him. But I mean, I could be wrong. I'm sure someone will disagree with me.


The whole video is simply revenge over that comment; the fact that he didn't contact them to explain their side of the story regarding the Billet Labs thing says a lot. Or how he throws baseless accuasions like conflict of interests with the Frameworks deal when he knows he doesn't review laptops + they fully disclosed the deal so people were aware of it, or the also baseless accusations about favoritism with Noctua over a stupid mistake, etc.


Like, if he is going to play this game, he can also explain us if it was a coincidence when Jay2cents trying to influence people to buy EVGA 3090ti's when they were absolutely overpriced while both Jay and him had the "exclusive" of EVGA leaving Nvidia... he wasn't so worried about "protecting the millions of followers over misinformation".


But audience manipulation is easy, and he knows that using tricks like that or announcing that you're not monetizing the video do wonders.

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1 minute ago, FUTDomi said:


The whole video is simply revenge over that comment; the fact that he didn't contact them to explain their side of the story regarding the Billet Labs thing says a lot. Or how he throws baseless accuasions like conflict of interests with the Frameworks deal when he knows he doesn't review laptops + they fully disclosed the deal so people were aware of it, or the also baseless accusations about favoritism with Noctua over a stupid mistake, etc.


Like, if he is going to play this game, he can also explain us if it was a coincidence over Jay2cents trying to influence people to buy EVGA 3090ti's when they were absolutely overpriced while both Jay and him had the "exclusive" of EVGA leaving Nvidia... he wasn't so worried about "protecting the millions of followers over misinformation".


But audience manipulation is easy, and he knows that using tricks like that or announcing that you're not monetizing the video do wonders.

Linus explained why he did what he did on wanshow what else is for him to say, you should really watch the clip he's a total dick the entire 5 minutes then he gets on here and is a dick making snarky remarks in his apology.

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1 minute ago, CoolGoose said:

I didn't say their points are invalid, I literally said they are valid, let's not cherry pick ;).

I was just explaining that compared to their other publications of this is shit please fix wtf are you doing they acted more aggressively and one sided 😉 

I didn't say you said that. I'm saying it isn't some requirement. People (not just you) keep repeating this right to reply thing as if it's a 100% MUST DO and it simply isn't. It appears to be deflection from the points at hand. 

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8 minutes ago, treestain said:

It seems to me they got angry when the one guy at labs was differentiating themselves from GN and hardware unboxed, and decided to go through the channels entire history and go at Linus and LMG hard. wasn't that the first thing GN mentioned in the video? Yes I agree with a lot that was said, but this is weird timing and seems somewhat bias in my eyes. All of it is just weird.


Dont get me wrong, everything GN is saying is true, but stretched out into a 40 minute video repeating himself and repeating past events that was already dealt with and Linus tried fixing. It seems like hes just trying to defend his name from what the labs was saying about him. But I mean, I could be wrong. I'm sure someone will disagree with me.

That was definitely the trigger for this one. But I think he's also still mad because he tried to turn the backpack situation a year ago into juicy YouTube drama, and Linus called him out for making juicy YouTube drama videos. 


So he's mad about some past YouTube drama, a guy in the Labs points out what he thinks differentiates them from GN and Steve basically thinks "how dare these people who sometimes make mistakes criticize me!". And here we are. 


You can tell from the structure of the video itself it's main purpose is YouTube drama. Hense the deep hooks into last years drama, no reaching out to LMG about Billet Labs, the classic YouTube drama "I would have deleted the video", and the complete nonsense about "Sponsors absolutely make LMG biased, but not us".


The core argument "LMG's production schedule is too rushed, and has resulted in mistakes that they wouldn't have made if given more time on each video" has been made lots of times before, but GN's got the juice here because their getting better at making drama videos. The Artesian saga clearly taught them many lessons.

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Just now, Texbobcat said:

Linus explained why he did what he did on wanshow what else is for him to say, you should really watch the clip he's a total dick the entire 5 minutes then he gets on here and is a dick making snarky remarks in his apology.

No, I'm talking about the auction thing.

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2 minutes ago, CoolGoose said:

I didn't say their points are invalid, I literally said they are valid, let's not cherry pick ;).

I was just explaining that compared to their other publications of this is shit please fix wtf are you doing they acted more aggressively and one sided 😉 


so did the mouse guys, so did HW, so did Billet. Maybe LTT went to far to piss so many people off this way ever think off that. Worst then the clown stuff is the constant replies to it in a obviously asinine manner.

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19 minutes ago, dynastes said:

Understandable, but if you value context that much, you should still watch the entirety of the video. Otherwise it comes off as a bit of a double-standard.

To be clear, I will (probably on 2X speed). I'm sure the video contains a bunch of things that LMG got factually incorrect. The Billet thing also sounds like it was a right screw up. I don't want to do it now though as I'm already biased against it because of the bad taste the first two minutes left.

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21 minutes ago, ramp said:

Honestly, this is so disappointing to hear after all these years of talking about credibility, transparency and dismissing bad practices - even small ones - when you could find them on the WAN show etc.


You get angry one of your prototype backpacks was found in a thrift store, but suddenly Billet Labs has to "just take it" when you auction off their own block that they asked back, multiple times? How is that fair at all?


And financial compensation isn't a "get out of jail" free card btw - you of all people should know (since you develop actual real products like the backpack and screwdriver) that aside from the costs you have caused massive delays for this company since they have to create new ones. In the worst case scenario, if this block gets in the hands of another bigger company they can now beat Billet Labs to market and make Billet Labs go bankrupt.


You should know all this, since you talk about business risks all the time.


It also shows you haven't watched GamerNexus' actual video cause he mentions the block was auctioned, not sold, multiple times. I get you're a busy person, you have said so many times in the past on WAN show, but failing at even doing basic stuff like watching this video only proves his point that time pressure and mistakes are rampant everywhere in the LMG company. And that is because it starts from the top.


What I'm most disappointed by, is your admission that you won't address this next WAN show. You have adressed issues on WAN that were much more minor than this one in the past all because of "transparency".

You know well that a lot more people will see WAN show and WAN clips than read a forum thread - so this feels more like hiding. Like sweeping this all under the rug. If you haven't noticed, that's the opposite of transparency.

Not adressing this on WAN show makes 0 sense.


And lastly - your comment about "he should have just talked to you" - come on, be real for a second. You have made so many careless statements in the past, both on your main channel, shortcircuit and on WAN show that you haven't taken back without first communicating properly with the entity that you talk about (Billet Labs is only one of many exampes). Yet suddenly when GamerNexus creates a video about you without first communication to you it's a big problem and you call his journalism into question (cause that's what you do by saying you were disappointed in how he handled this)?


To be clear here - I'm not a hater. I have been watching LinusTechTips basically daily since 2011 I think.

I have had a Floatplane sub to the channel, I have bought a screwdriver, a tech pouch, mouse mats and many other items from LTTStore (you can ask for my order IDs). I love what you guys are doing and I love the attention, care and detail you put in your products. You're the only company that I trust by placing a pre-order to actually deliver.


But, like you said with Eufy - even though I really like your products, I will stop buying from you and promoting you until you actually give a proper statement on WAN show or on another public place instead of this doubling down. You claim to stand for transparency, but you now show to only be transparent when the backlash is minor or it's got nothing to do with you. And until you actually stand for transparency, just like with Eufy's privacy claim, it's a no from me.

The whole prototype backpack thing was the first thing I had to think about too. It really bothers me and was the main reason I decided to register and post here some pages earlier. Really felt the need to reach out to Linus about it. It is just crazy how this is handled given the context. Maybe he can't see it clearly with all the things he has on top of his head but it's hard to ignore the apparent neglicence of this issue given his own prior expierences with prototype units.

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Just now, bandainamcofan said:

I didn't say you said that. I'm saying it isn't some requirement. People (not just you) keep repeating this right to reply thing as if it's a 100% MUST DO and it simply isn't. It appears to be deflection from the points at hand. 

Eh fair 😉 text is harder than voice at times to get the message trough.
I 100% agree that they're rushing videos when they shouldn't and even with Labs their quality of the reviews went down, not up.

Hopefully this is going to be fixed / improved sooner than later, or they can just rename it in Linus SuperFun Tips 😉

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6 minutes ago, WereCat said:

I think they should reach out but at the same time LMG took shots on them and HUB about how they test stuff (and being wrong) without reaching to them first and asking them how they test stuff so...

Not for 40 minutes going through the channels entire history of operations... it was a simple "this is how we're different from Gamers Nexus."


Maybe I'm wrong? but I really only saw like a 30 second clip shared hundreds of times online.

never overclock your underwear

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