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extensive guide to minecraft server hosting: the hardware, the software, the purpose.

so, recently a lot of people have been asking questions about minecraft servers, and with -sadly- a lot of outdated, confusing, or plain false information out there i decided to make a guide that covers most of the range of possibilities, and most importantly the entire range of skill.

pre-post edit: yes, i know its messy, i'll try to clean it up over time.

feel free to give some advice down below, as long as its in a polite manner.


i'm gonna split the guide up in pieces spoilered up for readability and post length, just click open whichever you need.

before i get started, this guide will *only* cover hosting on linux, because i truly believe its the superior way of doing things, even when you only have a windows machine available, running minecraft on linux in virtualbox on top of windows will still be considerably faster and easier to manage.


first off the quick one: hardware:

first what we all know: you'll need ram, as opposed to many make you out to believe, you dont actually need a lot of it, and even the most powerful of server boxes will cap out at 5-6GB ram usage before dropping below optimal without custom software in a lot of cases.

(should add, custom software is outside of this tutorial, if you're here that means you're not in a position where that'd be any good)

i'll talk more in depth about amounts in the software section.


gpu wise, for some reason theres sources that say you need a decent gpu in your server or the client's fps will drop, this is -certainly in the case of minecraft- the biggest fabrication of them all, in fact, i've hosted a minecraft server on a box with a 1MB (yes, megabyte) S3 vga card from 1995.

as long as it can display the linux console, we're good on this end (if it cant, you need an upgrade like last century...)


as for a motherboard, i'm just adding this to show you dont need quality hardware: i've ran a server off a board that'd barely post, and had more broken slots than working slots.


brings us to one of the key features: the processor. once again, if we're not talking custom software, we're limited to 3 and a half options in terms of software: running the plain vanilla server (please dont.), using forge on top of the vanilla server (my favourite, more on this later), bukkit, and its siamese twin brother spigot.

all of these spawn roughly 20 threads, of which one does the entire party, the rest are threads for specific mods (on the forge side), or netty threads for network connections.

the bulk is done trough one single thread, making it VERY important that if you have the choice, you go for less cores that are each more powerful, than getting more cores, but have weaker ones. (the endless FX8350 vs i5 4460 debate ends here in terms of minecraft hosting) a general rule of thumb i keep for myelf, and seems to roughly line up with reality is that as long as you dont do anything crazy, roughly 1.5 core is enough for a minecraft server. (meaning 3 cores can run two servers without interfering on each other's performance)

as a rough recommendation when you're gonna host off a dumpster dived box: i *really* cannot recommend anything below a 3-4GHz 64bit pentium 4, or a 2GHz athlon 64. i specificly say 64-bit P4 since from my experience the 32-bit ones have the flops of a pocket calculator...


beyond that another very big point of debate is the storage: if you're going full out, SSD is the way to go, but hard drive certainly isnt a bad idea. i do recommend getting a decently fast storage solution (no 5400rpm drives, please dont...) as hard drive seek times can directly impact server performance when users are traveling land quickly.(its related to the way minecraft servers load chunks, not gonna get into it deeply)


another thing often forgotten is the power supply. since you're running 24/7 (or at least, this guide aims that way) the power bill is a serious consideration, as well as reliability. power bill calculation is straight up math, depending on your hardware and the local power cost.

i suggest getting a wattmeter you can plug your server into. i found a cheap wattmeter locally that can track the server's usage over time, and even convert that to a "money spent" amount.

if your local power cost is high, consider looking into 80+ gold or platinum, otherwise go crazy. as long as its a quality device that can take a 24/7 load it should be fine.


skipping over airflow to avoid thermal throttling and dust filters to avoid a buildup of cats, because that should be self explanatory.


brings us to the last one: network. this one depends on what you're intending to do, and is the one you yourself have the least control over. i'll just put it like this: anything that you cant push over the average home connection shouldnt be done at home either way.


if you're doing anything public, you should be on a datacenter connection, preferably with DDoS protection, meaning renting a box at a datacenter.

fast mythbuster: minecraft serverhosts are terrible, all of them, rent a dedicated box or VM at an actual serverhosting company instead.



you *can* host on the same machine as the one you play on, although i dont really recommend it, its a stopgap solution for playing with friends.

should also add that since minecraft 1.3 this should not bring any performance loss over playing single player. (the client in fact runs a server internally for singleplayer sessions, this was in preparation for the long awaited modding api, that well... we are awaiting.)

with the dry bit over (or wet, if you're that one guy thats hosting off of watercooling) i'll be going over the vareous pieces of software you'll need, and which ones are available.

first off: the OS of choice

windows isnt here, at all, its NOT the way to do things. if you are stuck with a machine that only has windows as an OS possibility, its still better to use virtualbox to host off of linux in a VM, it'll perform better, and will be easier to manage.


bringing us to my list of recommended linux distros sorted by ease of use:

- ubuntu server

- arch linux


long list, isnt it? i'd put debian in there as well, if i wasnt that guy that broke his debian installs in minutes, rather than months...

basicly the deal is ubuntu server uses 64MB ram on its own, and if you cant be arsed to try and do better with arch linux, you shouldnt bother.

the next bit is the minecraft server software itself.

as before mentioned these are the options here

- the default minecraft server (which please, dont....)

- minecraft forge on top of the default server (my favourite, also the most in-depth one)

- bukkit, which has been dying a slow death since drama happened a few versions back, and i honestly dont follow the news anymore.

- spigot, which is the siamese twin brother of bukkit sharing most of its code base, butis less tied tied to its history, it seems.

since bukkit -as of writing this tutorial- still hasnt recovered from said drama, and spigot is about as shady as ordering your hardware in china, i'll be mostly covering from the forge side of things, also my primary source of experience. if you want any kind of advanced control over your server i recommend forge, but you will need to mod your client as well. if you're dealing with friends more dense than bedrock i suggest just spinning vanilla, and #sunglasses deal with it.

which brings us to the most debatable piece of the whole thing: the layer between OS and server: how do we manage this thing, and how do we monitor it?

managing is split up in 3 choices dependant on skill:

the easy/lazy way. if it needs to work without much trouble, even if its kinda a shyte solution.

MineOS is defenately the easiest way to do things properly, but it is alsy the most horrible way. MineOS is written by someone thats good with code, but does not believe in protecting your password against shoulder surfers, so its webUI has a login page where -by default- your password is shown as you type.


ignoring that, its pretty much what the big minecraft webhosting folks use to let you tinker with your server, but aimed at home hosting.

i'm not really gonna go trough the UI much since its pretty much self explanatory.

MineOS has two primary ways of installing: the first being their own linux distro, which i cant recommend, its not too much good...

anyways, to install it on top of before mentioned ubuntu server, the way to do so is described pretty well on their website:


i'm guessing that if you end up here, you probably dont know much about linux, so i'm gonna toss a link to ubuntu server (os of choice)


and for the folk stuck with only a windows machine, virtualbox:


the setup of your VM is pretty easy: core count is 1.5 times the amount of servers you're gonna be hosting, rounded up. RAM is the amount of memory you're gonna be allocating to minecraft, with roughly a gigabyte extra i'd say. (java uses more than you allocate, thats why you need an extra gigabyte, and not just ~100MB for the os)

as for hard drive size, i doubt you're ever gonna fill up 50GB, but set it to dynamically allocated, so it doesnt take up the full 50GB from the start.

beyond that, default should be good, and installing ubuntu server is pretty much as easy as installing windows.

PS: forgot to mention, you'll need to change the network setup in virtualbox from "NAT" to "network bridge adapter"

i'm gonna piss off a few people here: "if you cant do this on your own, you shouldnt be hosting minecraft servers, i'll give plenty of reasons why in the purpose section."

beyond that i'm gonna let you look around in MineOS on your own, its mostly self explanatory and easy to use.

the "i have gotten my penguin feet wet/am ready to get my penguin feet wet and dive into linux." way.

for the fresh penguins that want to make something on their own that doesnt require a crappy web UI, and gives some more advanced control.

this will work entirely trough SSH and FTP, so you'll need putty and filezilla, available here:



with filezilla comes a small disclaimer: you need to download the client, AND make sure that the file you download has the filezilla logo, there's been cases in the past where sourceforge hides the actual installer behind their bloatware installer, this one will not have the red filezilla logo.

once we get that going, lets dive into ubuntu server.

the installer is self explanatory, but make sure to install an SSD daemon and FTP daemon upon install, the installer should have both of these options available. otherwise these are the packages you need: openssh-server and vsftpd, if you need more help, ubuntu has lots of articles available for you, i'm not gonna be holding your hand much here, because i truly believe you'll get the best results when you dive in face forward and learn.


once thats installed on the hosting machine, or a virtualbox VM if you only have a windows machine available (look at the easy/lazy way for virtualbox details) you can log in trough SSH using putty, and download the following packages: htop and screen.

htop is basicly a command line version of task manager, and screen allows you to attach and detach terminal sessions, you'll read why you need this later.

this bit is mostly gonna focus on making your own scripts, and isnt really minecraft-specific, but its my favourite way because its all in your control.

should add that if you're trying to automate backups, i'll not be covering that here, and rather suggest you use mods to do so, since the "layers on top doing backups" is about as reliable as as the WAN show computer...

for a starter, make a folder you'll be putting your scripts in under your home directory, for this example called "~/starters" (whrere ~ is home)


what i called the "enter" script, this prints the available commands, and removes the need to type "./" before your commands. please note, "subfolder" is a replacement for an actual useful subfolder name, please replace, add or remove as needed.
#!/bin/bashcd ~/startersexport PATH=$PATH:.echo --{commands}----------------------lsecho --{subfolder commands}---------ls subfolder
the next script is what i've used for minecraft, gmod and a few other games for a while, all in the same basic format:
theres a tag where you can start a session detached, i personally choose not to, because i like to confirm my server is starting fine.
#!/bin/bashcd <insert server folder here, if minecraft server is located in /home/manikyath/servers/minecraft, thats exactly what needs to be typed here>screen -S <name of session, put something you'll recognise here, example: MC1710> <launch command, example: java -Xms256M -Xmx4G -jar minecraft1710.jar>
next a utility i like to keep around:
"clearCache", a script to free up as much ram as possible, handy if your server has very little available resources. (MS, please implement this on windows...)
#!/bin/bashsudo sh -c "sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches"
finally i should explain how to use screen:
to make a session, you use screen -S <session name>
to detach from a session, hold left contol, then press A followed by D
to reattach to a detached session type screen -r <session name> (session name not required if only one session is running, screen is really smart at figuring out where you want to be)
to see the running sessions, type screen -ls
to exit a session, type exit. a session that was given a command at opening (like in the script we wrote) will exit automagicly when the command finishes.
if you want some more advanced features on this, the advanced tutorial is gonna give some additional info on this.

the "i have adapted to the life of the amphibious ice bird" way.

so, you're a very skilled penguin, and come here for a tutorial? why are you here? anyways, forgecraft (a private server with lots of mod devs and youtubers/livestreamers) has recently shared their minecraft management script, you can look into it if you want:


as for monitoring, it'll just be a few short plugs

the first and foremost reason i recommend forge, is the "/forge tps" command, this does exactly what it says on the box: it accurately measures the "ticks per second" and "seconds per tick" of each world on your server, as well as a total. i'm not sure why no one ever made a bukkit/spigot plugin that does this in this much detail.

on top of that is opis, opis changed my life. it changed everything i knew about minecraft.

minecraft forge has its own download website that sadly directs their download links trough adfocus, which is getting more malicious every day, this is the only moment i'll say this but *please enable adblock when visiting to avoid clicking the wrong things*


as for server management mods, it doesnt get any better than opis, available here:


(as of writing this tutorial only minecraft 1.7 and earler is supported, and requires mobiuscore available here: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/mobiuscore i'll try to remember to change this once updates flip in, afaik mobius is already working on the juicy updates.)


theres a "minecraft mod website blacklist" somewhere that tells you which websites to avoid at all cost, since they are most likely malicious. sadly i cant find it right now, i'll edit it in when i bump into it again. the common thing is either use curseforge, or the mod dev's own website.

which brings us to the purpose: the different reasons to host your own minecraft server, and the different ways to do so.

first the easiest: just an afternoon of goofing off with friends, the server can go offline when you're done playing and be started back up the next time.

if its for vanilla minecraft, just go ahead and run the exe version in the background on your gaming rig, at this point it honestly doesnt matter, anything is better than "open to lan" -- if you're portforwarding for your friends, make SURE to run in whitelist. i've had randomers trying to join my (custom modded) servers before, i dont worry much because i usually have one or two mods that are extremely hard to come by, but still, run whitelist.


if you're gonna be using mods with your friends, refer to the virtualbox way of doing things.

then the other side of easy: you're convinced to make it in the minecraft world and host your own public server at home.


the next option is you're convinced to make it in the minecraft world, and are gonna rent a dedicated server in a datacenter for it.

make sure to make this thing a fortress in terms of security, but prepare for a shitstorm none the less, public servers are the target of griefers, trolls, and small children with a big mouth.

now you're thinking "oh well, you just basicly said theres no good reason to host minecraft servers?" well, you're wrong. you forgot the biggest reason for hosting servers: playing with friends that arent necessarily online at the same time as you, so the world needs to be spinning 24/7

i recommend getting a seperate box for this, dive up anything old with more than 2GB ram and install ubuntu server on it, like mentioned in the hardware section it doesnt matter if it barely even posts, it just needs to *work*


install ubuntu server, with your preferred layer on top. i honestly can recommend the "lazy" way here, purely for ease of use. if you're playing pure vanilla and have friends dense as bedrock, just use the official jar, i'm not gonna cover diving into bukkit/spigot because honestly, its a mess.

if your friends are at least somewhat capable, even if you're playing vanilla i have a few suggestions for mods that enhance the vanilla experience, without changing the vanilla experience:

- opis, as mentioned before, it changed how i think about minecraft, it comes with a minimap clientside, turn this on and off to your liking.

- waila, especially if you have friends that are new to the game, this is a HUGE help, it basicly shows a tooltip on in-world blocks to tell people "what am i looking at"

- another one for the new folks: "not enough items" it, along with "not enough resources" is a great learning tool for the green ones, helping out with crafting recipes and where to find resources.

- if your pc is sluggish, try optifine, its not very happy alongside some other mods but offers a decent performance boost.

- aromabackup, this is in my opinon the eastest and best way to backup your minecraft server.


if you're gonna play modpacks, refer to the modpack information as theres too much out there for me to cover, generally speaking you should never need beyond 4GB ram to play with friends.


if you portforward, i cannot press hard enough on this: WHITELIST YOUR SERVER.

bringing us to the least expected reason: performance.

sometimes your single player experience has that much stuff going on even the best pc in the world has issues with it, in this case its worth considering just hosting on a seperate box for performance reasons, you can mostly follow the guidelines above.

another reason to host just for yourself is if you want to access the same save from multiple computers easily.

next up is a small FAQ:

Q: how many dedotated wams to da server?

A: somewhere between 256MB and 6GB depending on what you're doing, there is no clear cut answer here, i dont want to hear you claiming so either.

"as much as possible" isnt right either, as theres been proof minecraft performance goes down with high amounts of allocated memory (hence why -Xms went out of fashion)

Q: it doesnt work, your tuturial sucks.

A: sounds like an issue in layer 8, or a classic case of PEBCAK, please give me useful information if you expect me to help you.

Q: why do you keep moaning about hosting on windows, it does just fine for me?

A: my current server is windows 8.1, with virtualbox on top running ubuntu server for my minecraft server, and i get a good 10% performance increase this way.

Q: why did you not describe public servers in detail?

A: because i honestly think public servers are the worst idea you've had all week if you have to look at a tutorial for it.

Q: whats your problem with bukkit/spigot?

A: my problem with bukkit is not having a download button for 3 years means vaporware for me, my problem with spigot is they have pretty much claimed the impossible before and actually deliviered, i cannot grasp how it functions properly so i cannot recommend it.

Q: what about cauldron?

A: get out. its a crashing DISASTER.


if you have some advice or more questions please do add below, i'm not here to preach my way of doing things, i'm here to end the bullshit of crappy tutorials everywhere. while indeed this isnt a very "clear cut" tutorial, thats because "minecraft servers" arent a very clear cut "one way to handle things" solution either.


oh, and if you're into the bukkit/spigot thing, please help me out here.


PS: since searching for stuff is a disaster, here's a tag you probably will find this thread with trough the search bar: "minecraftserverhostingtutorial"

(just like you can find the psu tier list by typing "tiers" in the search bar, you'd be surprised how little topics there are with that word.)

also, if you feel like this is worthy of being in the guides/tutorials catalog let me know, and i'll see if i can get into contact with whoever does the list.

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I just spend $5 a month to have a 20 slot server hosted for me. Then it's way easier to add plugins through the server hoster then it would for me to add them my self


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I just spend $5 a month to have a 20 slot server hosted for me. Then it's way easier to add plugins through the server hoster then it would for me to add them my self


Some people don't want to pay for a server, and have both the knowledge and hardware to not have to, others lack the knowledge but want to setup their own which I assume is the point of the thread.

https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/631048-psu-tier-list-updated/ Tier Breakdown (My understanding)--1 Godly, 2 Great, 3 Good, 4 Average, 5 Meh, 6 Bad, 7 Awful


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gpu wise, for some reason theres sources that say you need a decent gpu in your server or the client's fps will drop, this is -certainly in the case of minecraft- the biggest fabrication of them all, in fact, i've hosted a minecraft server on a box with a 1MB (yes, megabyte) S3 vga card from 1995.

as long as it can display the linux console, we're good on this end (if it cant, you need an upgrade like last century...)



and 1 gig of ddr2...

OFF TOPIC: I suggest every poll from now on to have "**CK EA" option instead of "Other"

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and 1 gig of ddr2...

how was the floating point performance? :P

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I hosted one years ago and accidentally lost the world we were all in. Been wanting to get back into it. I'll be following your thread. =)

CPU: Core i7 4970K | MOBO: Asus Z87 Pro | RAM: 32GBs of G.Skill Ares 1866 | GPU: MSI GAMING X GTX 1070 | STOR: 2 X Crucial BX100 250GB, 2 x WD Blk 1TB (mirror),WD Blk 500GB | CASE: Cooler Master HAF 932 Advanced | PSU: EVGA SUPERNOVA G2 750W | COOL: Cooler Master Hyper T4 | DISP: 21" 1080P POS | KB: MS Keyboard | MAU5: Redragon NEMEANLION | MIC: Snowball Blue | OS: Win 8.1 Pro x64, (Working on Arch for dual boot) |

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If questions regarding bukkit come up, feel free to tag me into them. I'll just say I've got extensive experience with that awful thing. Less so after the wolf incident, but enough still to be a helping hand here and there.

Updated 2021 Desktop || 3700x || Asus x570 Tuf Gaming || 32gb Predator 3200mhz || 2080s XC Ultra || MSI 1440p144hz || DT990 + HD660 || GoXLR + ifi Zen Can || Avermedia Livestreamer 513 ||

New Home Dedicated Game Server || Xeon E5 2630Lv3 || 16gb 2333mhz ddr4 ECC || 2tb Sata SSD || 8tb Nas HDD || Radeon 6450 1g display adapter ||

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Best Mincecraft Server CPU is a G3258. When my little brother did a Minecraft server, I built a rig for him with a G3258 @ 4.7GHz, 8GB of RAM, and a MX100 128GB. That G3258 was stupid fast in single thread and price per dollar was nice too considering he bought it for $30. He ran a dedicated VPS prior to that which had some quad-core IVY Xeon at 3 something GHz and was SSD based. But the G3258 absolutely destroyed the Xeon, he could spaw extremely large objects and nothing would slow down, the only time there was an issue was when he'd try to spaw in an object so large the actually program would crash.

Mein Führer... I CAN WALK !!

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how was the floating point performance? :P

it was shit

but did not change my fps performance


OFF TOPIC: I suggest every poll from now on to have "**CK EA" option instead of "Other"

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If questions regarding bukkit come up, feel free to tag me into them. I'll just say I've got extensive experience with that awful thing. Less so after the wolf incident, but enough still to be a helping hand here and there.

IF anyone wants to host a bukkit server easily (and i mean easily) here is a file you double click and it runs a bukkit server 4 u


OFF TOPIC: I suggest every poll from now on to have "**CK EA" option instead of "Other"

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@manikyath What kind of hardware would you recommend for a server with a stupid amount of large mods. Like those modpacks from the FTB and Tekkit teams?



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IF anyone wants to host a bukkit server easily (and i mean easily) here is a file you double click and it runs a bukkit server 4 u



Going with the latest version of bukkit is rarely a good idea.

There are a ton of things you need to consider before choosing a version of MC to run, especially if you just want to play with friends.

Finding a version that supports the features/plugins you want, etc. are all very important.


Also, not sure if this is gonna get me a warning point or anything, but I think in the year and a half I've been here I can afford a warning point or two.


Mirror for bukkit/spigot downloads, since the false dmca delivered by Wolf (A now defunct member of the bukkit team) is still in effect.

If you think ltt delivering dmca take downs to their own content was funny, then that story about bukkit is even funnier.

Updated 2021 Desktop || 3700x || Asus x570 Tuf Gaming || 32gb Predator 3200mhz || 2080s XC Ultra || MSI 1440p144hz || DT990 + HD660 || GoXLR + ifi Zen Can || Avermedia Livestreamer 513 ||

New Home Dedicated Game Server || Xeon E5 2630Lv3 || 16gb 2333mhz ddr4 ECC || 2tb Sata SSD || 8tb Nas HDD || Radeon 6450 1g display adapter ||

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Going with the latest version of bukkit is rarely a good idea.

There are a ton of things you need to consider before choosing a version of MC to run, especially if you just want to play with friends.

Finding a version that supports the features/plugins you want, etc. are all very important.


Also, not sure if this is gonna get me a warning point or anything, but I think in the year and a half I've been here I can afford a warning point or two.


Mirror for bukkit/spigot downloads, since the false dmca delivered by Wolf (A now defunct member of the bukkit team) is still in effect.

If you think ltt delivering dmca take downs to their own content was funny, then that story about bukkit is even funnier.

lol what

i wont get a warning point right...


OFF TOPIC: I suggest every poll from now on to have "**CK EA" option instead of "Other"

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lol what

i wont get a warning point right...



Honestly, I don't know xD

Oh well, I could care less; if it's against the rules so be it, if not, then we're just here to give people a helping hand. The downloads are being mirrored by a member of the bukkit team anyway, so yea.

Updated 2021 Desktop || 3700x || Asus x570 Tuf Gaming || 32gb Predator 3200mhz || 2080s XC Ultra || MSI 1440p144hz || DT990 + HD660 || GoXLR + ifi Zen Can || Avermedia Livestreamer 513 ||

New Home Dedicated Game Server || Xeon E5 2630Lv3 || 16gb 2333mhz ddr4 ECC || 2tb Sata SSD || 8tb Nas HDD || Radeon 6450 1g display adapter ||

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Honestly, I don't know xD

Oh well, I could care less; if it's against the rules so be it, if not, then we're just here to give people a helping hand. The downloads are being mirrored by a member of the bukkit team anyway, so yea.

my final post will be that i tried to help somebody

OFF TOPIC: I suggest every poll from now on to have "**CK EA" option instead of "Other"

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oh god, i realised i forgot to follow my thread.. hang in there folks xD


I just spend $5 a month to have a 20 slot server hosted for me. Then it's way easier to add plugins through the server hoster then it would for me to add them my self

well, the thing is for that $5 you could most likely have a MUCH better server than what the hosting company put you on.


If questions regarding bukkit come up, feel free to tag me into them. I'll just say I've got extensive experience with that awful thing. Less so after the wolf incident, but enough still to be a helping hand here and there.

said incident very unfortunately came along the same time as forge essentials and similar taking off, so it drained the bukkit crowd A LOT.

it also cracked me up that they initially tried sending out updates trough binary patches in the same way as pokemon ROM hacks are done, but it seems that has also stopped.


IF anyone wants to host a bukkit server easily (and i mean easily) here is a file you double click and it runs a bukkit server 4 u


without any actual information i'd prefer you remove said link, because minecraft is a HUGE magnet to malicious developers.


Going with the latest version of bukkit is rarely a good idea.

There are a ton of things you need to consider before choosing a version of MC to run, especially if you just want to play with friends.

Finding a version that supports the features/plugins you want, etc. are all very important.


Also, not sure if this is gonna get me a warning point or anything, but I think in the year and a half I've been here I can afford a warning point or two.


Mirror for bukkit/spigot downloads, since the false dmca delivered by Wolf (A now defunct member of the bukkit team) is still in effect.

If you think ltt delivering dmca take downs to their own content was funny, then that story about bukkit is even funnier.

is that a trusted source - as in do we know who compiles and hosts said files?

also, you clearly remember the days of "this plugin needs this version of bukkit EXACTLY" xD


Honestly, I don't know xD

Oh well, I could care less; if it's against the rules so be it, if not, then we're just here to give people a helping hand. The downloads are being mirrored by a member of the bukkit team anyway, so yea.

i guess it falls under links related to the topic, because honestly i'd be interested in a safe and reliable way of getting back into bukkit.

rom hacks and dropbox links are not that tho...

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I was able to run a server on a Raspberry Pi. Not recommendable :rolleyes:


Also I have used spigot for a while. I had a public server for me, my colleagues and anyone who liked join.

Works very well and has really good plugins. Never had to worry about griefing. B)

CPU: i7-12700KF Grill Plate Edition // MOBO: Asus Z690-PLUS WIFI D4 // RAM: 16GB G.Skill Trident Z 3200MHz CL14 

GPU: MSI GTX 1080 FE // PSU: Corsair RM750i // CASE: Thermaltake Core X71 // BOOT: Samsung Evo 960 500GB

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well, the thing is for that $5 you could most likely have a MUCH better server than what the hosting company put you on.



idk man $5 for 10 set ranks, 20 person server, 24 hour support, add as many plugins as i want and i can pick from pre-created spawns and worlds to set as spawn.


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idk man $5 for 10 set ranks, 20 person server, 24 hour support, add as many plugins as i want and i can pick from pre-created spawns and worlds to set as spawn.

or $5 for a piece of hardware you could do with what you want and easily host 30 people with.

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or $5 for a piece of hardware you could do with what you want and easily host 30 people with.

upgrading to what you said is more than $5 xD


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upgrading to what you said is more than $5 xD

not if you find the right host.

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I was able to run a server on a Raspberry Pi. Not recommendable :rolleyes:  

honestly, ignoring the singular gigabyte of ram, the pi is *almost* there.

i'd compare it to hosting on a P4 xD

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I know I already asked this but what kind of hardware would you recommend for a server with a stupid amount of large mods. Like those modpacks from the FTB and Tekkit teams?



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oh god, i realised i forgot to follow my thread.. hang in there folks xD


well, the thing is for that $5 you could most likely have a MUCH better server than what the hosting company put you on.


said incident very unfortunately came along the same time as forge essentials and similar taking off, so it drained the bukkit crowd A LOT.

it also cracked me up that they initially tried sending out updates trough binary patches in the same way as pokemon ROM hacks are done, but it seems that has also stopped.


without any actual information i'd prefer you remove said link, because minecraft is a HUGE magnet to malicious developers.


is that a trusted source - as in do we know who compiles and hosts said files?

also, you clearly remember the days of "this plugin needs this version of bukkit EXACTLY" xD


i guess it falls under links related to the topic, because honestly i'd be interested in a safe and reliable way of getting back into bukkit.

rom hacks and dropbox links are not that tho...

the bukkit files that are up there ive used pretty thouroughly, from my standing they appear to just be mirrored downloads since the op's are locked. once i get the time i can go through and validate all their downloads, but to my knowledge they're safe.

and yes... i remember those days of exact versions very well. theres a good amount of give now with versions, but some plugins are just not kept up to date and still require those pre-launch versions of minecraft, like the beloved 1.4.7 or 1.5.1

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