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Intel Bias?

Go to solution Solved by Dabombinable,

forum update broke the spoilers, but here:

You aren't going to be able to do small form factor with FX because those motherboards aren't capable of properly providing power to the FX processors. If this is a gaming rig, look for an i3/i5 + B85 motherboard. Usage % of CPU doesn't correlate to in game performance. Cinebench is not a representation of gaming performance.


People think they are getting a good deal when they buy an FX for gaming, and they are not:

My goal with this post is to help others by avoiding costly mistakes that so many before them have made, and to help educate people on the objective reasoning why you should choose one product over another. After being on this forum for over a year, I am seeing so many users complaining about their gaming experience with FX processors that it is time to put a stop to it, and the best way to do that is nip it in the bud and recommend the correct tool for the job. To do that, I and a bunch of other forum members created this post as a one-link reference to all of the information we have gathered and continue to gather on the subject. This is an ever growing and constantly updated post.

The most common problems with the FX processors are unsatisfactory results in games, VRM throttling, and GPU bottlenecking. In my links below I will show you many different, yet conclusive results compiled from respected hardware reviewers and other members of this forum. I hope to paint a picture as to why the FX processor is objectively the inferior option and why it is a bad choice for a gaming machine especially when an equally, or lower priced option is available. I want you to make an educated decision based on information available without taking emotion and bias into this. I am about to present to you that information. There are some positives to the FX processors that I will talk about, but gaming is not one of them.

I always advocate the right tool for the job, and for some jobs, the FX processor is the best tool for the job, but you need to be aware of what your priorities are when building your machine. If your priority is gaming, then Intel is the clear winner regardless of price point. I have experience with both processors, and have owned both Intel and AMD. I currently own Intel because it is objectively the better processor. I don't hate AMD, I don't like Intel. What I love is facts and the facts are very clear that Intel is the better option at this point in time.

If you enjoy games like MMOs(ArcheAge, WoW, Guild Wars2, World of Tanks, Planetside2 etc..) DayZ, ARMA, GTA V, Dead Rising 3, Indies, RTS, Emulators, etc.. the FX will fall WAY behind the equally and sometimes lower priced Intel processors, and in some instances, become unplayable* unless you are fine with massive, recurring, constant, and noticeable FPS drops when the action starts.

*Everyone has a different definition of what unplayable is, so don't over analyze and exaggerate my wording. What is unplayable to me, might not be unplayable to you, but what we can all agree on is that no one likes FPS drops that makes your game hitch, stutter, or freeze, and you shouldn't be ok with those side effects because an Intel processor won't give you those unwanted side effects nearly as often as you get them with FX processors.

Then there are other games that are playable, but no where near as fluid as they would be on Intel because minimum framerates(which are the most important), drop much more significantly with FX processors. A few examples are: Starcraft, Skyrim, Civilization V, Far Cry 4, Assassin's Creed, Metal Gear Solid etc..

And of course there are a lot of games where the FX will perform similar to Intel because the games just run on anything. Tomb Raider, Bioshock, CoD:Ghosts, and many more.

For the a lot of games, the FX will be sufficient. But why would you want to spend more or the same amount of money on an old, and inferior product, when you can get a new and superior product for the same amount of money? Why play 4 out of 5 games at an acceptable level, when you could play 5 out of 5 games at an excellent level, with no bottlenecking, lower energy costs, and future upgrade paths while paying the same amount of money.

Minimum FPS is the most important FPS measurement. Bad minimums mean less fluidity in gameplay. Sometimes I see FX owners saying, "I hit 60fps just fine". While you might be capable of hitting 60fps on FX, the minimums are going to be lower, and that results in a noticeable detachment from immersion which is what constant 60+fps feels like. An Intel processor is often the difference between a fluid experience and a stuttery one. With Intel, your minimums are much higher, meaning a more fluid and immersive game play experience.

You will see below that even the Intel i3(costs less) is outperforming the FX6/8/9s in many games, and the locked i5(costs the same) is running away with it. There have also been a lot of new, modern, multi-threaded games that are performing poorly on the FX platform because of the poor per-core performance. More on that in some spoilers below.

I hope that when AMD releases Zen in 2016 that it will bring AMD back into high end consumer CPU relevancy. It doesn't even have to be better than Intel, it just has to be competitive. If its performance, namely single core, is close to Intel's while remaining at a lower price, then I will likely switch to AMD because I am all about price to performance. The problem is, price to performance for AMD doesn't exist right now. I will go over the pricing in detail in spoilers below.

Even this supposedly very good multi-threaded game, Call of Duty:Advanced Warefare runs better on an i3 than an FX9
Really pitiful when modern games are playing so much better on an i3 than an FX9.
You have to OC an FX8 to 5Ghz just to match an i5-4440 at stock in BF4 multiplayer with an R9 290X.
Even Mantle doesn't bridge the gap. Too bad they don't show the minimums in this above graph.
Very modern, multi-threaded game that does take advantage of all cores available, yet you have to OC an FX to 5Ghz to MATCH an i3.
This one above is Witcher 2
These are just a few games, and obviously skewed towards Intel, but my point is to try and illustrate that some games run very poorly on the weak cores on FX processors. Even these new games that are well multithreaded are running better on i3s than FX8s. If you can find benchmarks from multiple sources that show something else, please share because in all of my research, I have not found any.

What benchmarks fail to show is in-game performance. There is no substitute for actually playing these games on both processors. Now, I will admit I haven't played all of the games listed above, but in the games I did play, there was a noticeable stutter that would happen. It didn't happen in all games, but it happened often enough for me to be displeased with it. My friend who owns the FX8 simply said "You get used to it." This is the wrong attitude to have.

Now...why buy a processor that can only play 4 out of 5 games, when you can pay the same and play 5 out of 5 games without issue? In the 18 gaming graphs above that show both the FX8 processor and the 4th Gen Intel i3, the i3 is performing better than the FX8 in 16 of the games! In not a single game does the i5 perform worse than the FX8. A locked i5 + H81/B85 motherboard can be purchased for less than the cost of an FX8 + 8+2 VRM Phase Motherboard. I will show that below in another spoiler.


Look through all of these sources... the i3 is handing it to the FX8s and FX9s in so many games!


"To put it nicely, the FX-8370E is a true middle-of-the-road CPU. Using it only makes sense as long as the graphics card you choose comes from a similar performance segment.
Depending on the game in question, AMD’s new processor has the potential to keep you happy around the AMD Radeon R9 270X/285 or Nvidia GeForce GTX 760 or 660 Ti level.
A higher- or even high-end graphics card doesn’t make sense, as pairing it with AMD's FX-8370E simply limits the card's potential."

"In terms of raw single-core performance the flagship AMD FX-8350 is lagging behind intel's processor line-up by over two generations. The PassMark Single Thread scores for the i5-2500K vs the FX-8350 are 1863 to 1520 which shows that in terms of raw per-core processing the FX-8350 is lagging the two year old i5 by 23%. Where the AMD FX makes up is on multi-core performance, with a score of 9156 vs 6745, the AMD leads the Intel 2500K by 36% making it the far more capable multi-threaded server orientated performer. The AMD is also cheaper but significantly more power hungry which counts strongly against it as a sever proposition. The FX-8350 could be a good fit for specific server use cases but for general consumer use, which is single and dual core intensive, Intel's two year old i5-2500K will deliver better performance."

"When AMD first released CPUs for their AM3+ platform we at OC3D were not overly impressed, behind the hype of AMD's "Bulldozer" architecture was some very power hungry, hot running and under-performing CPUs. When AMD's second generation of FX CPUs, Piledriver, was released AMD had lessened a lot of these issues, but many of those flaws still remained."

"This is a huge result – it wasn’t until we used a Haswell core CPU that the R9 280X was able to deliver consistent frame times and a 60 FPS frame rate in Assassin’s Creed IV. All three AMD CPUs we used – even the FX 8350 – and the Ivy Bridge Core i3 would deliver a sub 60 FPS frame rate, with frame spikes throughout the benchmark run.
In this case, the Core i3 4340 allows the R9 280X GPU to run at maximum potential, just like the Core i5 (and Core i7 would)."

"My benchmarks show that the Core i3-4360 is faster than the FX-8320E in virtually every test on a per-core basis, you’re probably never going to see this differential unless you spend quite a lot of time in benchmark-land. Benchmark-land is fun, kind of like taking your car to the drag strip to see what it will do. But, like your quarter-mile time, it often doesn’t have that much correlation with real-world performance."

"In the end, AMD's FX-8320E is an affordable quad-core processor that overclocks decently, but even if you pushed it to 5GHz it would struggle to match the slightly pricier Core i5-4430 and even the Core i3-4360 at times. Then after you take the power consumption figures into account, arguments for the FX-8320E begin to seem rather indefensible."

"Pop over to the gaming scatter, though, and the picture changes dramatically. There, the FX-8350 is the highest-performance AMD desktop processor to date for gaming, finally toppling the venerable Phenom II X4 980. Yet the FX-8350's gaming performance almost exactly matches that of the Core i3-3225, a $134 Ivy Bridge-based processor. Meanwhile, the Core i5-3470 delivers markedly superior gaming performance for less money than the FX-8350. The FX-8350 isn't exactly bad for video games—its performance was generally acceptable in our tests. But it is relatively weak compared to the competition.
This strange divergence between the two performance pictures isn't just confined to gaming, of course. The FX-8350 is also relatively pokey in image processing applications, in SunSpider, and in the less widely multithreaded portions of our video encoding tests. Many of these scenarios rely on one or several threads, and the FX-8350 suffers compared to recent Intel chips in such cases. Still, the contrast between the FX-8350 and the Sandy/Ivy Bridge chips isn't nearly as acute as it was with the older FX processors. Piledriver's IPC gains and that 4GHz base clock have taken the edge off of our objections.
The other major consideration here is power consumption, and really, the FX-8350 isn't even the same class of product as the Ivy Bridge Core i5 processors on this front. There's a 48W gap between the TDP ratings of the Core i5 parts and the FX-8350, but in our tests, the actual difference at the wall socket between two similarly configured systems under load was over 100W. That gap is large enough to force the potential buyer to think deeply about the class of power supply, case, and CPU cooler he needs for his build. One could definitely get away with less expensive components for a Core i5 system."

"The FX-8370E stretches its legs a little in terms of minimum frame rates, particularly in SLI, however it is handily beaten by the i3-4330."

"Average frametimes did not do AMD’s processors any justice either. As we already said the game was fluid with i7 and i5’s, and somewhat playable with the i3 processor line. When we switched to FX CPUs not only did we have worse framerate but the gameplay was simply put, laggy."

The Bulldozer architecture was released in 2011, but it had been in development for many years. It basically reused an old architecture that had already been phased out years ago. They reused it, and marketed it well to trick users into thinking it was something spectacular. "How could an 8 core, 4Ghz CPU possibly be bad?" One word: Architecture. This CPU is not good now, and it wasn't even good when it was released. Please give this article a read because it does a much better job of explaining this than I will ever be able to. Analyzing Bulldozer

The architecture behind the FX CPUs cannot keep up with high end graphics cards that require strong cores to consistently feed the card. Monitor your GPU load in your games and you will quickly see that your GPU is not running at 90%+ if you own a high end graphics card paired with an FX processor. Use an FX with a mid range GPU all you want, that is fine and you won't limit the card's potential and makes for a much more balanced rig. If you get into the upper echelon of GPUs, that is when you are holding your card back by the FX. This also doesn't bode well for the future because as GPUs get more powerful, the FX will simply not be able to keep up with even mid-range GPUs. As of now, the highest end GPU I would pair with an FX that won't limit its potential is an R9 280/GTX770.

There are very few games that are very well multithreaded, and even in those games, such as CoD:AW, an i3 is still beating out an FX9. The reason behind this is because games typically have one main thread, Core #0. When this main thread is being choked by poor single core performance, the rest of the threads struggle. So even in these really well multithreaded PC port games, we are still seeing Intel processors beating out FXs because their poor IPC simply can't give as good as results on that main thread.

Single core performance is the most important thing when evaluating a processor for desktop use. "The majority of consumer applications (MS World, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and most games) although multi threaded rarely utilize more than one thread at a time. The single core benchmarks can be seen as a reasonable real world test for typical consumer workloads."

When AMD sends out R9 290Xs for review, or release new drivers they send out Intel i7s along with them because they know their FX processors can't power their high end GPUs to their max potential. That's a big red flag.


Check out LTT's own Cinebench Scores:


-LTT's Cinebench Database
These FXs are overclocked to 4.8Ghz and 5.3Ghz! and still fall well behind Intel's offerings.

Even when you pair the FX with a mid range GPU, it doesn't change the fact that some games are largely CPU bound and require strong IPC. Parallelism doesn't exist in games. There are not many, if any highly repetitive calculations going on in games that the CPU can guess what is coming next like in video editing or rendering. They have tricked you into thinking that more cores and higher Ghz is what matters for your CPU, when it all comes down to the architecture and instructions per cycle.

Websites like cpubenchmark.net have a suite of synthetic benchmarks that they run each processor through to spit out a score. Going by this, the FX8 outperforms the i5 because those synthetic tests are highly repetitive calculations that benefit from more cores. People see that result and automatically think "Oh, the FX8 is a much stronger processor than the i5." And in some tasks it is, gaming is just not one of them.

A man(Faa) who knows a lot more about this than me did some research and found, to the surprise of no one, that games just aren't using more than 4 threads, and the ones that do, aren't benefiting as much as you would think from those extra cores/threads. I'm going to link you over to his research that shows how cores/threads have an impact on gaming performance. It is a great read with a lot of interesting information, as well as a few links to other more reputable review websites doing testing on many popular mainstream games. For the most part, games are using 2-4 threads. And the few that can take advantage of more threads, aren't really benefiting from them. Of course in some games, the FX8 is going to do much better than the FX4, but looking over benchmarks from the gaming graphs above, and all of the links in the i3 > FX8 spoiler, the FX4,6,8 processors are mostly lumped together with very little difference between them. An example: For every game that the FX8 actually does a lot better than the FX4, there are 5 games that only show a ~10% improvement.

When you look at the Bulldozer Block Diagram, what do you see?
I see 4 modules, and 8 integer cores.

Lets define what a core is: A CPU core is a collection of components in a processor used to process code. Its not just the logical processor (the integer core), not just the FPU, not just the decoder, not just the l1 cache not just the l2 cache but all of these components combined is what forms a core.

Modules and cores are very different. This module design is a very old microarchitecture design(1996) and it doesn't work the same way a true core does. The issue with this design is that resources are shared, namely the floating point unit. The floating point unit is very important for gaming. So while it does have 8 integer cores/threads, those cores have to share resources for certain tasks, and this causes one core to wait until the other is finished. Because of this, it is not a true 8 core processor.

A true core 8 core processor is when there is no situation you can present it short of disabling cores that will cause even one thread out of eight to have to wait to be processed. Not a single situation. you can't say the same thing about the FX processors. If both threads on a module need the FPU one of the threads will have to wait.

Gaming performance aside, the vast majority of daily tasks are single threaded. Everything you do on your desktop, booting up your computer, loading a simple program such as iTunes is going to be faster on Intel because these are single threaded tasks and the performance per core is so much more powerful which results in a more snappy overall experience. There are very few tasks that benefit from 8 cores. A program that really benefits from all the cores you throw at it is a real niche area, often reserved for content creation and calculations-not games. This niche area is where the FX processors really shine because those programs benefit from many cores able to execute highly repetitive tasks. Please note that not all content creation programs benefit from 8 cores, some programs do still prefer the strong cores of Intel, so please check and see if the program you specifically plan to use benefits from more cores, or stronger ones.

This is PCMark 7, it is a FutureMark benchmark that "is a complete PC benchmark that measures overall system performance during typical desktop usage across a range of activities such as handling images and video, web browsing and gaming. This is the most important test since it returns the official PCMark score for the system." This is most closely related to a multitasking scenario.
-PCMark 7
This shows that while the performance in daily workloads is similar, Intel is still ahead. Also consider that these are older generation Intel processors that have since been improved upon, only further increasing the result in Intel's favor for daily tasks. Think multi-tasking is better on the FX8 because of all those cores? Nope.

Some more productivity benchmarks for your enjoyment:

The FX processors do have some strengths, just make sure that you are using a program that maximizes those strengths because as shown above, even in some multithreaded programs, the i5-4690k still comes out ahead. In my opinion the gaming benefits of a locked i5, far outweigh the productivity(certain programs) benefits of the FX8. You will have to personally weigh the pros and cons of what your priorities of your computer will be, and make your decision based on that, but if I'm building a gaming computer with a side of content creation, I will take the better gaming results over a 20 second(arbitrary number) shorter render time.


I also want to throw in these power consumption graphs.

Top graph is power draw during Far Cry 3. This is a good example because Far Cry 3 hits both the CPU and GPU adequately. Some games will draw more power, some less, so this is a good middle of the road example.

The Below graph is during a x264 Encoding Benchmark with all processors at stock speeds. This is hitting the CPU to the max 100%, and you can see when both an i5 and FX8 are hit to the max, there is a 100W+ difference.

Power consumption is another aspect of the FX CPU that needs to be talked about. It draws so much more power than the Intel equivalent, that in just 2-3 years of use, the FX will end up costing you even more money. Of course some places it is less expensive for energy than others, but you cannot deny that there is a 100W+ difference between an FX8 and an i5. This power disparity only grows the further you overclock the FX.

I will use the average price of residential electricity in the U.S., which is $0.1294c per KWh according to EIA in September 2014. For this example, we will assume the average price is a flat $0.12 per KWh to give a conservative estimate. We will also assume that the overclocked FX power draw is 100W higher than the stock i5, again a conservative estimate. Lastly, lets assume that the average gamer plays for two hours per day, with an additional 2 hours of regular use(non-gaming), so lets just call it 3 hours a day to make it easy.

Power Consumption = 100W
Hours of Use Per Day = 3
Energy Consumed Per Day = .3 KWh
Price Per Killowatt Hour = $0.12

Energy Cost Per Day = $0.036
Energy Cost Per Month = $1.08
Energy Cost Per Year = $13.14

With our quick and dirty calculation, we see that the difference between the FX and i5 is going to add up to over $10 per year, and that is a conservative estimate. With most of us wanting to keep our components as long as possible before having to upgrade, owning components for 2-3 years, and sometimes even longer, is not out of the question and that energy cost per year really starts to add up. You also have to consider that you will likely need a more expensive PSU to keep up with this power draw, especially if you want to overclock.

If you would like to calculate this for yourself, you will need to find out what the cost of energy is where you are located, and these two formulas:

Energy consumption calculation
The energy E in kilowatt-hours (kWh) per day is equal to the power P in watts (W) times number of usage hours per day t divided by 1000 watts per kilowatt:
E(kWh/day) = P(W) × t(h/day) / 1000(W/kW)
Energy cost calculation
The energy cost per day in dollars is equal to the energy consumption E in kWh per day times the energy cost of 1 kWh in cents/kWh divided by 100 cents per dollar:
Cost($/day) = E(kWh/day) × Cost(cent/kWh) / 100(cent/$)

I hear the argument that AMD runs cooler than Intel, and this is a really silly misconception. I can understand why someone would think that it does, but the temperatures from AMD processors are inaccurate. They don't measure the cores, they measure the socket, cores tend to be hotter than the socket by a fair amount, and its an algorithm, not a direct measurement like with Intel. It also has to heat up before it becomes more accurate, this is why you see so many people seeing their FX processors are running below ambient temperatures when at idle. Thats impossible, its the sensor and the algorithm acting up. It is against the laws of physics for an FX processor to be less hot than an Intel one. The FX draws much more power. At stock, the FX8 draws 125W compared to 84/88W of an i5. The FX processor heats up the room much more as well. I know in my friends' house who owns the FX, his room is sweltering after just an hour of gaming.

"Concerning your question regarding the temperatures with your processor. The maximum temperature threshold is 62 Celsius which set for the internal die (core) temperature of the chip. The core temperatures have an equational offset to determine temperature which equalizes at about 45 Celsius thus giving you more accurate readings at peak temperatures. The hindrance in this is the sub ambient idle temperature readings you speak of.

The silicon and adhesives used in manufacturing these processors has a peak temperature rating of 97+ Celsius before any form of degradation will take place. The processor also has a thermal shut off safe guard in place that shuts the processor down at 90 Celsius.
The Cpu temperature is read form a sensor embedded within the socket of your motherboard causing about a 7-10 Celsius variance form the actual Cpu temperature, which may be what you are reading about on the net.
I hope I was able to answer your questions, If you have any more inquiries don't hesitate to contact us.

You can use an application called AMD overdrive, that will allow you to monitor your temperatures accurately.
As long as your core temperature has not exceeded the high side of the 60 degree mark for extended periods of time you should be ok. 62 degrees holds a generous safety net to begin with.

Thank You
Alex Cromwell
Senior Technology Director
Advanced Micro Devices

Fort Collins, Colorado
2950 East Harmony Road
Suite 300
Fort Collins, CO"

The other thing to consider with FX based systems is that their voltage regulation modules on the motherboard get extremely hot as well, and for the most part, they only have a heatsink on them, not direct airflow. These VRMs are often in the 70C range, and have nothing to dissipate that heat. This is another reason why FX based systems make the room much hotter.


This is an excellent comparison done by Paulsterio of the forums. You should really read through the entire above link, it is a great and detailed read. Here is the conclusion in Paulsterio's words.


If you've made it this far, congrats and thank you very, very much for reading. I appreciate it genuinely.

Okay, so let's conclude. Yes, Intel won 5-2, but that's meaningless. Looking at benchmarks for the sake of looking at benchmarks doesn't
help us. What helps us is seeing where the 4670K wins massively and where the 8350 wins massively.

In gaming, the 4670K wins. This is said by Linus, said by AnandTech, said by Bit-Tech, said by Tom's Hardware, said all around the internet
except for at Tek Syndicate. If you are going for a gaming PC, go with the 4670K.

Video Editing and 3D Rendering
Yes, there are benchmarks where the 8350 beats the 4670K, however, what is important is that these two are almost neck and neck.
Some sites have the 8350 ever so slightly faster, some have the 3570K/4670K as ever so slightly faster. At the end of the day, it's too close to call.
However, the extra IPC that Haswell offers should help in a wider variety of situations, so I would award this to the 4670K.

This one goes to the 8350 which demonstrates a higher performance with calculations throughout due to its higher core count. It beats Intel convincingly
in most calculation benchmarks.

So, what does this mean?

This has been said in the introduction, but I will say it again. I am not an Intel fanboy, which is why I went out to research instead of screaming that Intel
is better. I have suggested AMD in the past, their Athlon 64 was better than the Pentium 4, their Athlon 64 x2 was better than the Pentium D. However,
I genuinely dislike the promulgation of false information, especially to people who are asking for help selecting new parts.

If you're an AMD fanboy, you're not going to like it, but Intel's 4670K is better than AMD's 8350. Regardless of however you look at it, in most situations,
the 4670K wins, but it isn't just that, its far superior IPC gives it such an advantage in most every day tasks, which are mostly still single-threaded.

The AMD 8350 is good for certain workloads, but apart from those workloads, it is simply terrible. Its IPC, which is weaker than the i7 920's, which is
5 years old, is simply too weak to put it as any sort of real competition to the 4670K.

I hope that this clears up some of the misconceptions here. Yes, AMD had their time, their Athlon 64 was better than the Intel Pentium 4, however,
those days are well and truly over. If, in this day and age, you recommend an AMD processor for any usage apart from calculations, you are either
being a fanboy or just plainly ignorant of the facts which say that the 4670K is superior.

Of course, this is not to say that nobody should use AMD, but, if you suggest an AMD build for someone else, especially if you suggest an 8350
against a 4670K, know that you are suggesting a worse option, especially for a gaming PC. To argue that the 8350 is competitive with the 4670K
across the board is delusional and just plainly wrong. Yes, you are wrong.

So that's it guys, for most people, the 4670K is the better option compared to the 8350 and the information shows it.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to read my little article. I hope I have helped you see what the statistics say about these two processors.
I appreciate you taking the time to read what I have written. Cheers :)"

This video is the most meticulous head to head comparison of the FX8 and i5. Its lengthy, but it is the most comprehensive and in-depth review of the FX8 and i5-4670k in a myriad of scenarios pitted against each other. Single player, multiplayer, 1080p, 1440p, power consumption, min/max/avg framerates, daily tasks, rendering, editing, streaming, mid level GPUs, high level GPUs, multi-threaded games, single core games, this video covers it all.

Also, when people say that the FX8 is a less expensive option, they are wrong. In order for the FX8 to be viable, it needs to be overclocked, which means you need a motherboard with at least 8+2 VRM phase design, and more expensive cooling solution. You can squeeze by on a 6+2, but you aren't going to get as consistent results as an 8+2, also overclocking results drop with the 6+2. This makes it cost the same, if not more than a locked i5 processor which will beat the FX8 in every single game, no matter how high the FX is overclocked. I'm not arguing that the processor is less expensive on AMD's side, but the ancillary components needed end up making it cost the same as a locked i5.

You can forget about small form factors because there are no AM3+ motherboards available with sufficient VRM phase design that are smaller than ATX. Even some ATX mobos have small phase counts, and are not reliable. If you need to educate yourself on what VRMs are and why they are so important, please refer to this link about VRMs and Mosfets. That link is slightly dated, being last updated in 2012, but the basic educational information in it remains the same.

"Failures on motherboards with higher phase counts have been relatively infrequent if at all. Most of the culprits for VRM failures are the lower end 4+1 phase and 3+1 phase motherboards that aren't equipped to handle processors that consume lots of power and may be overclocked. Smaller 4+1 phase systems or less on CPUs can be particularly risky due to the fact that each transistor must be capable of outputting more current and heat. This is why you normally see motherboards with low phase count failing (i.e. catching fire, frying, overloading), often on motherboards from only certain manufacturers or certain particular motherboards."

This next video is a bit of an exaggeration because it is the behemoth FX9590, but the point remains, if you don't have a sufficient motherboard for these power hungry processors, problems can arise.

This is why you HAVE to buy a quality motherboard for the FX series, which makes the overall cost of an FX based system more expensive, and we haven't even begun to talk about cooling.

PCPartPicker part list: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/6JNdt6
Price breakdown by merchant: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/6JNdt6/by_merchant/

CPU: AMD FX-8320 3.5GHz 8-Core Processor ($145.95 @ Amazon)
Motherboard: ASRock 970 Performance ATX AM3+ Motherboard ($83.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $229.94
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-01-04 15:50 EST-0500


PCPartPicker part list: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/c7WWt6
Price breakdown by merchant: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/c7WWt6/by_merchant/

CPU: Intel Core i5-4440 3.1GHz Quad-Core Processor ($169.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-B85M-DS3H Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($45.98 @ OutletPC) <-- You could even save an additional $10 by going with a motherboard with only 2 DIMM slots, which is all you really need.
Total: $215.97
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-11 17:20 EST-0500


PCPartPicker part list: http://de.pcpartpicker.com/p/rzHNP6
Price breakdown by merchant: http://de.pcpartpicker.com/p/rzHNP6/by_merchant/

CPU: Intel Core i5-4430 3.0GHz Quad-Core Processor (€160.82 @ Hardwareversand)
Motherboard: ASRock H81M-DGS Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard (€42.49 @ Home of Hardware DE)
Total: €203.31
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-27 01:51 CET+0100


PCPartPicker part list: http://de.pcpartpicker.com/p/ZhVQD3
Price breakdown by merchant: http://de.pcpartpicker.com/p/ZhVQD3/by_merchant/

CPU: AMD FX-8320 3.5GHz 8-Core Processor (€124.90 @ Caseking)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3P ATX AM3+ Motherboard (€79.78 @ Hardwareversand)
Total: €204.68
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-27 01:49 CET+0100


Limited selection on PcP

PCPartPicker part list: http://au.pcpartpicker.com/p/WYvZcf
Price breakdown by merchant: http://au.pcpartpicker.com/p/WYvZcf/by_merchant/

CPU: Intel Core i5-4570 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor ($228.00 @ CPL Online)
Motherboard: ASRock H81 Pro BTC ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($39.00 @ PLE Computers)
Total: $267.00
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-12 22:47 EST+1100


PCPartPicker part list: http://au.pcpartpicker.com/p/MDtBGX
Price breakdown by merchant: http://au.pcpartpicker.com/p/MDtBGX/by_merchant/

CPU: AMD FX-8320 3.5GHz 8-Core Processor ($182.00 @ CPL Online)
Motherboard: MSI 970 GAMING ATX AM3+ Motherboard ($129.00 @ CPL Online) <-- Any less expensive motherboards only have 4+1 VRM phase design, which is not adequate.
Total: $311.00
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-27 11:52 EST+1100

New Zealand:

PCPartPicker part list: http://nz.pcpartpicker.com/p/fZTrrH
Price breakdown by merchant: http://nz.pcpartpicker.com/p/fZTrrH/by_merchant/

CPU: Intel Core i5-4440 3.1GHz Quad-Core Processor ($272.00 @ Paradigm PCs)
Motherboard: ASRock H81M-HDS Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($72.44 @ PB Technologies)
Total: $344.44
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-27 13:53 NZDT+1300


PCPartPicker part list: http://nz.pcpartpicker.com/p/MytJxr
Price breakdown by merchant: http://nz.pcpartpicker.com/p/MytJxr/by_merchant/

CPU: AMD FX-8320 3.5GHz 8-Core Processor ($207.00 @ 1stWave Technologies)
Motherboard: Asus M5A97 R2.0 ATX AM3+ Motherboard ($149.95 @ Computer Lounge)
Total: $356.95
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-27 13:52 NZDT+1300


PCPartPicker part list: http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/VCGVFT
Price breakdown by merchant: http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/VCGVFT/by_merchant/

CPU: Intel Core i5-4440 3.1GHz Quad-Core Processor ($186.96 @ Newegg Canada)
Motherboard: ASRock H81 Pro BTC ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($39.99 @ Memory Express)
Total: $226.95
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-12 06:52 EST-0500


PCPartPicker part list: http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/ZhVQD3
Price breakdown by merchant: http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/ZhVQD3/by_merchant/

CPU: AMD FX-8320 3.5GHz 8-Core Processor ($157.90 @ DirectCanada)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3P ATX AM3+ Motherboard ($106.00 @ Vuugo)
Total: $263.90
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-26 19:53 EST-0500

United Kingdom:

PCPartPicker part list: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/f39ZZL
Price breakdown by merchant: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/f39ZZL/by_merchant/

CPU: Intel Core i5-4440 3.1GHz Quad-Core Processor (£131.20 @ Aria PC)
Motherboard: MSI H81M-P33 Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard (£32.17 @ Scan.co.uk)
Total: £163.37
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-27 00:54 GMT+0000


PCPartPicker part list: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/ZhVQD3
Price breakdown by merchant: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/ZhVQD3/by_merchant/

CPU: AMD FX-8320 3.5GHz 8-Core Processor (£103.00 @ Amazon UK)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3P ATX AM3+ Motherboard (£63.54 @ Aria PC)
Total: £166.54
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-27 00:54 GMT+0000


PCPartPicker part list: http://it.pcpartpicker.com/p/f39ZZL
Price breakdown by merchant: http://it.pcpartpicker.com/p/f39ZZL/by_merchant/

CPU: Intel Core i5-4440 3.1GHz Quad-Core Processor (€173.38 @ Amazon Italia)
Motherboard: MSI H81M-P33 Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard (€41.17 @ Amazon Italia)
Total: €214.55
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-12 13:03 CET+0100


PCPartPicker part list: http://it.pcpartpicker.com/p/ZhVQD3
Price breakdown by merchant: http://it.pcpartpicker.com/p/ZhVQD3/by_merchant/

CPU: AMD FX-8320 3.5GHz 8-Core Processor (€131.67 @ Amazon Italia)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3P ATX AM3+ Motherboard (€87.62 @ Amazon Italia)
Total: €219.29
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-27 01:55 CET+0100


PCPartPicker part list: http://es.pcpartpicker.com/p/f39ZZL
Price breakdown by merchant: http://es.pcpartpicker.com/p/f39ZZL/by_merchant/

CPU: Intel Core i5-4440 3.1GHz Quad-Core Processor (€163.00 @ Amazon Espana)
Motherboard: MSI H81M-P33 Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard (€42.20 @ Amazon Espana)
Total: €205.20
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-27 01:56 CET+0100


PCPartPicker part list: http://es.pcpartpicker.com/p/ZhVQD3
Price breakdown by merchant: http://es.pcpartpicker.com/p/ZhVQD3/by_merchant/

CPU: AMD FX-8320 3.5GHz 8-Core Processor (€130.83 @ Amazon Espana)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3P ATX AM3+ Motherboard (€87.83 @ Amazon Espana)
Total: €218.66
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-27 01:55 CET+0100

Want to try and find a cheaper option for AMD? Be my guest. Here is the AM3+ Motherboard Phasing Guide. You need at least 6+2, but recommended 8+2.
Don't forget that you will likely need an aftermarket cooler as well.

Every region on PcP, it is less expensive to go Intel than AMD. I have also found that in regions not supported by PcP it is less expensive to go Intel than AMD. These regions that I have personally found are: Norway, India, and Poland. If you would like me to check for you, send me your frequently used online retailers and I will be happy to look into it for you.

iUpgraded to an i7: A 30 Day Journal:
If you don't like numbers and want pure user experience without benchmarks and stats, check out Suika's 30 Day Journal of his experience going from an FX8350 + GTX 780 to an i7-4790k + GTX780. Like many others on this forum, he noticed that he was being held back in many games with his FX8, and his expensive GPU wasn't being fully utilized. Here is a pure experience based review from a forum member on his experience going from FX to Intel.

Suika is one of many users here on LTT who were previously using FX processors with high end GPUs thinking it was a good match, only to realize in the end that it was not a good balance.

Here is another member, UnbendingNose who was told on this very forum to buy an FX8 because it won't hold back an R9 290, and an ASRock Extreme 3 wont throttle his CPU. Both of which are false. Here are his two posts, the one where he is asking for advice on what to buy, and the 2nd where he is unhappy with his FX8320s performance because of bottlenecking and throttling. He finally ended up buying an i5, which is what he should have done in the first place, and miraculously, to the surprise of no one, his performance in every single game improved, most notably minimum fps.

Another one is itachipirate who used to be an FX crusader but finally saw enough compelling evidence to persuade him otherwise. Here is his write up on the FX6.
AMD FX6, 6 Month Conclusion

FLUFFYJELLO, another FX owner had this to say: "All you have to do is look at my current rig and it could be a testimonial. These guys put me in my place on a number of threads where I was *attempting* to defend my 6350. Currently on an i5 setup I can run FC4 without frames dipping into the low 20's as with my old FX."

itzhalo, was having issues with his FX8350 OC'd to 4.8Ghz in a number of games. He later upgraded to an i5, and here is what he had to say about it:

"My apologies guys if I am bringing this thread back up but I just wanted to update this. Turns out that I upgraded to the intel i5 4460 and the MSI Z97 PC Mate (Only reason why I got the Z97 was because down the road I most likely will be upgrading to 4790K and overclocking). When it comes to performance it has improved. Battlefield 4 I get a constant 90+ Usage on my GPU and in most games that I have played like shadow of mordor my FPS was extremely stable and had no stuttering or drops. All in all just a word of advice to whoever is going to use the 8350 and GTX 970 combination I highly recommend that you save up a bit and go with at least an i5 4460 or better"
If you want to read the entire thread, it is available here.

JamGorby says: "The last Intel I owned up until now was a P3 667. It has been nothing but AMD since then. I had reasons for that were justified and backed by objective reasons. Those reasons no longer exist.

My last AMD build (the last AMD build was actually a 1100t but I bought the chip and mb used for $50 so it doesn't count) was a Phenom II X4 955.

Funny thing is, when doing research and pricing on my current build, I went in with the whole "AMD is the best bang for the buck" mentality that I'm sure a lot of AMD fans still have. Boy, was that ever so not the case.

Unless I wanted to throw an FX chip on a shitty 760G based board (a chipset, BTW, that is over 7 years old by now) Intel was just a better choice. Bare in mind, my original plan was to shop in the core i3/Fx8xxx range. I wound up with the 4790k because I ended up with a bigger budget than I anticipated having when I made my purchase. But, the point I'm making is that AMD has even lost their position in the bang for the buck department. Now, they are only compelling in the entry level cheapo market.

Before having a better budget, I kept playing around with different builds and Intel kept coming out the victor. AMD 9xx series boards are just not good value. While the chips look like a good price to performance option, decent boards will eat up any savings you might make. When an Intel cost more, it was usually a difference of only $20. With a few configs, Intel even cost less.

People throw that word, fanboy, around a lot. As you can see, AMD took a good bit of my computing money for over a decade. But reality doesn't care about how you feel. Facts will continue to be true. AMD is losing and for many good reasons. The free market doesn't lie. Their failings aren't part of some conspiracy."

rtpb5642 has created his own thread talking about his switch from an FX8350 @ 4.8Ghz to an Intel i5-4670k. Simply titled: Made the AMD to Intel Switch.

FLUFFYJELLO created his own thread talking about the games that are specific to him. While not AAA titles, these are still very popular games that people play. Here is his thread: I switched from AMD: A Testimonial

Fluffy also has one of the best quotes trying to help someone deciding between an FX and Intel processor:
If you cannot see the correct choice then you are suffering from "Subjective stupidity (this is stupidity, not ignorance. Ignorance would mean you don't have the information and it's not your fault. You've been given the information, and refuse to accept facts; that is stupidity)"

I am aware that an i7 is much more expensive than an FX8, but the performance in games between an i5 and i7 is nearly identical, especially when at the same clock speed. Not to mention, all you need is an i5 @ 3.0Ghz to beat anything FX has to offer.

With the AM3+ platform, there is nothing to upgrade to. Going from an FX6 to FX8 to FX9 doesn't yield much performance gains because they all use the same architecture, which has horrible single core performance. If you tried to go from FX8 to FX9, you're going to have to spend even more on super high end 990FX motherboard, and at least a $60 CPU Cooler. Just throwing money at a bottomless pit of poor gaming performance. Basically, you're stuck with what you have if you decide to go FX.

With Intel, upgrading is easy. You can go from an i3 to i5, an i7, or Xeon, even if you're on one of the less expensive, minimalistic, and older motherboards like an H81, you can still drop in a higher end Intel processor without issue. All that is necessary is a BIOS update, which is easy to do as long as you already have a Haswell processor, which you would have if you went this route. Even the soon to be released Broadwell processors should be compatible with H81 motherboards. They are going to be compatible with Devil's Canyon motherboards, which are also LGA1150, so they will fit in the same socket as these motherboards, so in theory all that is necessary is a BIOS update. Going this route, you won't be able to overclock using the multiplier, but you can always squeeze an extra 1-300Mhz by BCLK overclocking. Good thing Intel processors at stock already blow the doors off the highest overclocked FX chip out there. At least the option for truly increased performance is there with Intel, unlike with AMD.

Referring to the FX as the budget option, or good for its price needs to stop. $225 equals $225 but the performance of one does not equal the other in games.

The truth can be denied, not avoided.

In the few days that I've been on this forum, it has shown me that many users are very biased towards Intel, and don't like AMD processors.

It seems to me like AMD has better pricing for higher clock speeds, and more cores. The only difference is HyperThreading, which doesn't really seem to enhance performance much, at least in a gaming aspect. So would an 8-core AMD chip out perform an 8-core Intel chip and I'm also assuming the AMD version would sell for much less since their FX-8320 is 8 cores at 3.8GHz... At about $125 USD I don't know of many Intel cores that could match that price to performance ratio..

I'm not biased towards either side, but I'm a little more willing to go with AMD since they're greatly cheaper than Intel, and from the ones I've used, last longer, or are more able to keep up with the new technology coming out.


The thing with AMD is that they've spent the last few years developing APUs and graphics cards, to the total detriment of CPUs. The last fully new CPU microarchitecture made by AMD was released in 2011, and the last microarchitecture focused on high-end gaming was released in 2008. It pains me to say it as a long-time Intel hater, but AMD is way behind at the moment.


Still, Zen could be very good... :)

Main Rig "Melanie" (click!) -- AMD Ryzen7 1800X • Gigabyte Aorus X370-Gaming 5 • 3x G.SKILL TridentZ 3200 8GB • Gigabyte GTX 970 G1 Gaming • Corsair RM750x • Phanteks Enthoo Pro --

HTPC "Keira" -- AMD Sempron 2650 • MSI AM1I • 2x Kingston HyperX Fury DDR3 1866 8GB • ASUS ENGTX 560Ti • Corsair SF450 • Phanteks Enthoo EVOLV Shift --

Laptop "Abbey" -- AMD E-350 • HP 646982-001 • 1x Samsung DDR3 1333 4GB • AMD Radeon HD 6310 • HP MU06 Notebook Battery • HP 635 case --

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As everyone else has already mentioned, core count, and speed doesn't mean much when comparing two different architectures. Also, the vast majority of people on this forum as about gaming, but regardless what they ask, you recommend the correct tool for the job, and Intel is the correct tool for the job 9 times out of time, regardless of price point.

You cannot compare just the price of the processor because there are ancillary factors that come into play with the FX processors.

Sorry that the spoilers are currently broken/funky. Happens often whenever there is an update. Give the post that Dabominable linked a read because it covers everything.

"I genuinely dislike the promulgation of false information, especially to people who are asking for help selecting new parts."

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With your hard earn money, do you want to spend something on ancient technology or something new? What AMD does have is attractive prices but that's because they CPU are so bad they're kind of force to do it, otherwise no one is going to buy them. Their 8 core FX8320 is like sub $150, while Intel's cheapest core CPU is around $750. If the tables were turned and AMD had the performance Intel has right now, everyone will be "biased" towards AMD. It's not about we're biased towards Intel, it's because they perform better and that's a fact. when Zen is here and they performs better than or extremly close to Intel, then we might see more AMD builds.

Intel Xeon E5 1650 v3 @ 3.5GHz 6C:12T / CM212 Evo / Asus X99 Deluxe / 16GB (4x4GB) DDR4 3000 Trident-Z / Samsung 850 Pro 256GB / Intel 335 240GB / WD Red 2 & 3TB / Antec 850w / RTX 2070 / Win10 Pro x64

HP Envy X360 15: Intel Core i5 8250U @ 1.6GHz 4C:8T / 8GB DDR4 / Intel UHD620 + Nvidia GeForce MX150 4GB / Intel 120GB SSD / Win10 Pro x64


HP Envy x360 BP series Intel 8th gen

AMD ThreadRipper 2!

5820K & 6800K 3-way SLI mobo support list


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Over a certain price point, AMD is a lost case. However in budget settings, or in specialized low usage builds (such as LAN rigs). AMD can be great.


Say you want to build a dedicated mITX LAN rig to play older, simple games at 1080p. You'd be hard pressed to find a cheaper and easier solution then a APU setup (dont even suggest broadwell, 15-20% FPS increase for 205% the price aint even worth it remotely, you can build almost a whole AMD APU build for the price of a broadwell i5 + mobo)


Or you need a cheap rig that can play MMOs, CSGO, LoL, Dota2 etc... , but not full on AAA title games. Then a 860k + 270X is a good combo for sure and will suffice for quite some time.


Now if you want to play competitively, thus requiring more then 30FPS, then Intel is the only choice for CPUs.


To give people an example. My FX 8320 that i OC'd to 4.52GHz couldnt get above 33FPS in The Witcher 3 when paired with a R9 295x2. Now that i swapped over to Intel i7, i get 49-80 (probably some driver issues with my R9 295x2 that makes it dip). ANd this is at 3440x1440p. My FX, even when overclocked ONE GIGAHERTZ over its stock setting couldnt EVER break 33FPS in the game, sure it went 2000+ on the loading screen, but that doesnt justify the barely acceptable framerates. Atleast it redeemed itself by never dropping below 29FPS. So atleast it had that going for it, but 29 to 33 FPS isnt stellar when youre on a 60Hz monitor.
It is playable though.

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In the few days that I've been on this forum, it has shown me that many users are very biased towards Intel, and don't like AMD processors.

It seems to me like AMD has better pricing for higher clock speeds, and more cores. The only difference is HyperThreading, which doesn't really seem to enhance performance much, at least in a gaming aspect. So would an 8-core AMD chip out perform an 8-core Intel chip and I'm also assuming the AMD version would sell for much less since their FX-8320 is 8 cores at 3.8GHz... At about $125 USD I don't know of many Intel cores that could match that price to performance ratio..

I'm not biased towards either side, but I'm a little more willing to go with AMD since they're greatly cheaper than Intel, and from the ones I've used, last longer, or are more able to keep up with the new technology coming out.

Their CPUs are fine but if you are happy with 30-60fps mostly 60 unless its games like cities skyline and planetside 2 then you will reach 30 during stress also Saints Row is kinda bad but its poorly optimized, Grey Goo is a game I am not sure how well it was optimized but it has issues once there is many units and battle goes on but in RTS games FPS is not so important... :P In first person shooters the FPS is normally high the only games I have seen it low is planetside 2 and well world of tanks is stuck at 45 but yeah... War Thunder is better and with 60 FPS! :D


Edit: Arma is bad FPS no matter what CPU you have!

Zen-III-X8-5900X (Gamestation 5)


Case: Medion Micro-ATX Case / Case Fan Front: SUNON MagLev PF70251VX-Q000-S99 70mm / Case Fan Rear: Fanner Tech(Shen Zhen)Co.,LTD. 80mm (Purple) / Controller: Sony Dualshock 4 Wireless (DS4Windows) / Cooler: AMD Near-silent 125w Thermal Solution / CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600, 6-cores, 12-threads, 4.2/4.2GHz, 35,3MB cache (T.S.M.C. 7nm FinFET) / CPU: AMD Ryzen 9(7) 5900X(ECO mode), 12(8)-cores, 24(16)-threads, 4.5/4.8GHz, 70.5MB(68,35MB) cache (T.S.M.C. 7nm FinFET) / Display: HP 24" L2445w (64Hz OC) 1920x1200 / GPU: MSI GeForce GTX 970 4GD5 OC "Afterburner" @1450MHz (T.S.M.C. 28nm) / GPU: ASUS Radeon RX 6600 XT DUAL OC RDNA2 32CUs @2.6GHz 10.6 TFLOPS (T.S.M.C. 7nm FinFET) / Keyboard: HP KB-0316 PS/2 (Nordic) / Motherboard: ASRock B450M Pro4, Socket-AM4 (SAM enabled) / Mouse: Razer Abyssus 2014 / PCI-E: ASRock USB 3.1/A+C (PCI Express x4) / PSU: EVGA SuperNOVA G2, 550W / RAM A2 & B2: DDR4-3600MHz CL16-18-8-19-37-1T "SK Hynix 8Gbit CJR" (2x16GB) / Operating System: Windows 10 Home / Sound 1: Zombee Z500 / Sound 2: Logitech Stereo Speakers S-150 / Storage 1 & 2: Samsung 850 EVO 500GB SSD / Storage 3: Western Digital My Passport 2.5" 2TB HDD / Storage 4: Western Digital Elements Desktop 2TB HDD / Storage 5: Kingston A2000 1TB M.2 NVME SSD / Wi-fi & Bluetooth: ASUS PCE-AC55BT Wireless Adapter (Intel)

 Lake-V-X6-10600 (Gaming PC)

R23 score MC: 9190pts | R23 score SC: 1302pts

R20 score MC: 3529cb | R20 score SC: 506cb


Case: Cooler Master HAF XB Evo Black / Case Fan(s) Front: Noctua NF-A14 ULN 140mm Premium Fans / Case Fan(s) Rear: Corsair Air Series AF120 Quiet Edition (red) / Case Fan(s) Side: Noctua NF-A6x25 FLX 60mm Premium Fan / Controller: Sony Dualshock 4 Wireless (DS4Windows) / Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo / CPU: Intel Core i5-10600(ASUS Performance Enhancement), 6-cores, 12-threads, 4.4/4.8GHz, 13,7MB cache (Intel 14nm++ FinFET) / Display: ASUS 24" LED VN247H (67Hz OC) 1920x1080p / GPU: Gigabyte Radeon RX Vega 56 Gaming OC GCN5 56CUs @1.5GHz 10.54 TFLOPS (Samsung 14nm FinFET) R.ID (NimeZ drivers) / Keyboard: Logitech Desktop K120 (Nordic) / Motherboard: ASUS PRIME B460 PLUS, Socket-LGA1200 (SAM enabled) / Mouse: Razer Abyssus 2014 / PCI-E: ASRock USB 3.1/A+C (PCI Express x4) / PSU: EVGA SuperNOVA G2, 850W / RAM A1, A2, B1 & B2: DDR4-2666MHz CL13-15-15-15-35-1T "Samsung 8Gbit C-Die" (4x8GB) / Operating System: Windows 10 Home / Sound: Zombee Z300 / Storage 1 & 2: Samsung 850 EVO 500GB SSD / Storage 3: Seagate® Barracuda 2TB HDD / Storage 4: Seagate® Desktop 2TB SSHD / Storage 5: Crucial P1 1000GB M.2 SSD/ Storage 6: Western Digital WD7500BPKX 2.5" HDD / Wi-fi: TP-Link TL-WN851N 11n Wireless Adapter (Qualcomm Atheros)

Vishera-X8-9370 | R20 score MC: 1476cb


Case: Cooler Master HAF XB Evo Black / Case Fan(s) Front: Noctua NF-A14 ULN 140mm Premium Fans / Case Fan(s) Rear: Corsair Air Series AF120 Quiet Edition (red) / Case Fan(s) Side: Noctua NF-A6x25 FLX 60mm Premium Fan / Case Fan VRM: SUNON MagLev KDE1209PTV3 92mm / Controller: Sony Dualshock 4 Wireless (DS4Windows) / Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo / CPU: AMD FX-8370 (Base: @4.4GHz | Turbo: @4.7GHz) Black Edition Eight-Core (Global Foundries 32nm) / Display: ASUS 24" LED VN247H (67Hz OC) 1920x1080p / GPU: MSI GeForce GTX 970 4GD5 OC "Afterburner" @1450MHz (T.S.M.C. 28nm) / GPU: Gigabyte Radeon RX Vega 56 Gaming OC @1501MHz (Samsung 14nm FinFET) / Keyboard: Logitech Desktop K120 (Nordic) / Motherboard: MSI 970 GAMING, Socket-AM3+ / Mouse: Razer Abyssus 2014 / PCI-E: ASRock USB 3.1/A+C (PCI Express x4) / PSU: EVGA SuperNOVA G2, 850W PSU / RAM 1, 2, 3 & 4: Corsair Vengeance DDR3-1866MHz CL8-10-10-28-37-2T (4x4GB) 16.38GB / Operating System 1: Windows 10 Home / Sound: Zombee Z300 / Storage 1: Samsung 850 EVO 500GB SSD (x2) / Storage 2: Seagate® Barracuda 2TB HDD / Storage 3: Seagate® Desktop 2TB SSHD / Wi-fi: TP-Link TL-WN951N 11n Wireless Adapter

Godavari-X4-880K | R20 score MC: 810cb


Case: Medion Micro-ATX Case / Case Fan Front: SUNON MagLev PF70251VX-Q000-S99 70mm / Case Fan Rear: Fanner Tech(Shen Zhen)Co.,LTD. 80mm (Purple) / Controller: Sony Dualshock 4 Wireless (DS4Windows) / Cooler: AMD Near-silent 95w Thermal Solution / Cooler: AMD Near-silent 125w Thermal Solution / CPU: AMD Athlon X4 860K Black Edition Elite Quad-Core (T.S.M.C. 28nm) / CPU: AMD Athlon X4 880K Black Edition Elite Quad-Core (T.S.M.C. 28nm) / Display: HP 19" Flat Panel L1940 (75Hz) 1280x1024 / GPU: EVGA GeForce GTX 960 SuperSC 2GB (T.S.M.C. 28nm) / GPU: MSI GeForce GTX 970 4GD5 OC "Afterburner" @1450MHz (T.S.M.C. 28nm) / Keyboard: HP KB-0316 PS/2 (Nordic) / Motherboard: MSI A78M-E45 V2, Socket-FM2+ / Mouse: Razer Abyssus 2014 / PCI-E: ASRock USB 3.1/A+C (PCI Express x4) / PSU: EVGA SuperNOVA G2, 550W PSU / RAM 1, 2, 3 & 4: SK hynix DDR3-1866MHz CL9-10-11-27-40 (4x4GB) 16.38GB / Operating System 1: Ubuntu Gnome 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) / Operating System 2: Windows 10 Home / Sound 1: Zombee Z500 / Sound 2: Logitech Stereo Speakers S-150 / Storage 1: Samsung 850 EVO 500GB SSD (x2) / Storage 2: Western Digital My Passport 2.5" 2TB HDD / Storage 3: Western Digital Elements Desktop 2TB HDD / Wi-fi: TP-Link TL-WN851N 11n Wireless Adapter

Acer Aspire 7738G custom (changed CPU, GPU & Storage)

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo P8600, 2-cores, 2-threads, 2.4GHz, 3MB cache (Intel 45nm) / GPU: ATi Radeon HD 4570 515MB DDR2 (T.S.M.C. 55nm) / RAM: DDR2-1066MHz CL7-7-7-20-1T (2x2GB) / Operating System: Windows 10 Home / Storage: Crucial BX500 480GB 3D NAND SATA 2.5" SSD

Complete portable device SoC history:

Apple A4 - Apple iPod touch (4th generation)
Apple A5 - Apple iPod touch (5th generation)
Apple A9 - Apple iPhone 6s Plus
HiSilicon Kirin 810 (T.S.M.C. 7nm) - Huawei P40 Lite / Huawei nova 7i
Mediatek MT2601 (T.S.M.C 28nm) - TicWatch E
Mediatek MT6580 (T.S.M.C 28nm) - TECNO Spark 2 (1GB RAM)
Mediatek MT6592M (T.S.M.C 28nm) - my|phone my32 (orange)
Mediatek MT6592M (T.S.M.C 28nm) - my|phone my32 (yellow)
Mediatek MT6735 (T.S.M.C 28nm) - HMD Nokia 3 Dual SIM
Mediatek MT6737 (T.S.M.C 28nm) - Cherry Mobile Flare S6
Mediatek MT6739 (T.S.M.C 28nm) - my|phone myX8 (blue)
Mediatek MT6739 (T.S.M.C 28nm) - my|phone myX8 (gold)
Mediatek MT6750 (T.S.M.C 28nm) - honor 6C Pro / honor V9 Play
Mediatek MT6765 (T.S.M.C 12nm) - TECNO Pouvoir 3 Plus
Mediatek MT6797D (T.S.M.C 20nm) - my|phone Brown Tab 1
Qualcomm MSM8926 (T.S.M.C. 28nm) - Microsoft Lumia 640 LTE
Qualcomm MSM8974AA (T.S.M.C. 28nm) - Blackberry Passport
Qualcomm SDM710 (Samsung 10nm) - Oppo Realme 3 Pro


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Lol says people are biased when Intel's low end I3s routinely outperform the best chips amd has available.

LINK-> Kurald Galain:  The Night Eternal 

Top 5820k, 980ti SLI Build in the World*

CPU: i7-5820k // GPU: SLI MSI 980ti Gaming 6G // Cooling: Full Custom WC //  Mobo: ASUS X99 Sabertooth // Ram: 32GB Crucial Ballistic Sport // Boot SSD: Samsung 850 EVO 500GB

Mass SSD: Crucial M500 960GB  // PSU: EVGA Supernova 850G2 // Case: Fractal Design Define S Windowed // OS: Windows 10 // Mouse: Razer Naga Chroma // Keyboard: Corsair k70 Cherry MX Reds

Headset: Senn RS185 // Monitor: ASUS PG348Q // Devices: Note 10+ - Surface Book 2 15"

LINK-> Ainulindale: Music of the Ainur 

Prosumer DYI FreeNAS

CPU: Xeon E3-1231v3  // Cooling: Noctua L9x65 //  Mobo: AsRock E3C224D2I // Ram: 16GB Kingston ECC DDR3-1333

HDDs: 4x HGST Deskstar NAS 3TB  // PSU: EVGA 650GQ // Case: Fractal Design Node 304 // OS: FreeNAS




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this webiste is VERY INTEL BIASED

cpu:i7-4770k    gpu: msi reference r9 290x  liquid cooled with h55 and hg10 a1     motherboard:z97x gaming 5   ram:gskill sniper 8 gb

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Their CPUs are fine but if you are happy with 30-60fps mostly 60 unless its games like cities skyline and planetside 2 then you will reach 30 during stress also Saints Row is kinda bad but its poorly optimized, Grey Goo is a game I am not sure how well it was optimized but it has issues once there is many units and battle goes on but in RTS games FPS is not so important... :P In first person shooters the FPS is normally high the only games I have seen it low is planetside 2 and well world of tanks is stuck at 45 but yeah... War Thunder is better and with 60 FPS! :D


Have you ever heard of punctuation, mate?

Main Rig "Melanie" (click!) -- AMD Ryzen7 1800X • Gigabyte Aorus X370-Gaming 5 • 3x G.SKILL TridentZ 3200 8GB • Gigabyte GTX 970 G1 Gaming • Corsair RM750x • Phanteks Enthoo Pro --

HTPC "Keira" -- AMD Sempron 2650 • MSI AM1I • 2x Kingston HyperX Fury DDR3 1866 8GB • ASUS ENGTX 560Ti • Corsair SF450 • Phanteks Enthoo EVOLV Shift --

Laptop "Abbey" -- AMD E-350 • HP 646982-001 • 1x Samsung DDR3 1333 4GB • AMD Radeon HD 6310 • HP MU06 Notebook Battery • HP 635 case --

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Have you ever heard of punctuation, mate?

Was in a hurry! ;P

Zen-III-X8-5900X (Gamestation 5)


Case: Medion Micro-ATX Case / Case Fan Front: SUNON MagLev PF70251VX-Q000-S99 70mm / Case Fan Rear: Fanner Tech(Shen Zhen)Co.,LTD. 80mm (Purple) / Controller: Sony Dualshock 4 Wireless (DS4Windows) / Cooler: AMD Near-silent 125w Thermal Solution / CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600, 6-cores, 12-threads, 4.2/4.2GHz, 35,3MB cache (T.S.M.C. 7nm FinFET) / CPU: AMD Ryzen 9(7) 5900X(ECO mode), 12(8)-cores, 24(16)-threads, 4.5/4.8GHz, 70.5MB(68,35MB) cache (T.S.M.C. 7nm FinFET) / Display: HP 24" L2445w (64Hz OC) 1920x1200 / GPU: MSI GeForce GTX 970 4GD5 OC "Afterburner" @1450MHz (T.S.M.C. 28nm) / GPU: ASUS Radeon RX 6600 XT DUAL OC RDNA2 32CUs @2.6GHz 10.6 TFLOPS (T.S.M.C. 7nm FinFET) / Keyboard: HP KB-0316 PS/2 (Nordic) / Motherboard: ASRock B450M Pro4, Socket-AM4 (SAM enabled) / Mouse: Razer Abyssus 2014 / PCI-E: ASRock USB 3.1/A+C (PCI Express x4) / PSU: EVGA SuperNOVA G2, 550W / RAM A2 & B2: DDR4-3600MHz CL16-18-8-19-37-1T "SK Hynix 8Gbit CJR" (2x16GB) / Operating System: Windows 10 Home / Sound 1: Zombee Z500 / Sound 2: Logitech Stereo Speakers S-150 / Storage 1 & 2: Samsung 850 EVO 500GB SSD / Storage 3: Western Digital My Passport 2.5" 2TB HDD / Storage 4: Western Digital Elements Desktop 2TB HDD / Storage 5: Kingston A2000 1TB M.2 NVME SSD / Wi-fi & Bluetooth: ASUS PCE-AC55BT Wireless Adapter (Intel)

 Lake-V-X6-10600 (Gaming PC)

R23 score MC: 9190pts | R23 score SC: 1302pts

R20 score MC: 3529cb | R20 score SC: 506cb


Case: Cooler Master HAF XB Evo Black / Case Fan(s) Front: Noctua NF-A14 ULN 140mm Premium Fans / Case Fan(s) Rear: Corsair Air Series AF120 Quiet Edition (red) / Case Fan(s) Side: Noctua NF-A6x25 FLX 60mm Premium Fan / Controller: Sony Dualshock 4 Wireless (DS4Windows) / Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo / CPU: Intel Core i5-10600(ASUS Performance Enhancement), 6-cores, 12-threads, 4.4/4.8GHz, 13,7MB cache (Intel 14nm++ FinFET) / Display: ASUS 24" LED VN247H (67Hz OC) 1920x1080p / GPU: Gigabyte Radeon RX Vega 56 Gaming OC GCN5 56CUs @1.5GHz 10.54 TFLOPS (Samsung 14nm FinFET) R.ID (NimeZ drivers) / Keyboard: Logitech Desktop K120 (Nordic) / Motherboard: ASUS PRIME B460 PLUS, Socket-LGA1200 (SAM enabled) / Mouse: Razer Abyssus 2014 / PCI-E: ASRock USB 3.1/A+C (PCI Express x4) / PSU: EVGA SuperNOVA G2, 850W / RAM A1, A2, B1 & B2: DDR4-2666MHz CL13-15-15-15-35-1T "Samsung 8Gbit C-Die" (4x8GB) / Operating System: Windows 10 Home / Sound: Zombee Z300 / Storage 1 & 2: Samsung 850 EVO 500GB SSD / Storage 3: Seagate® Barracuda 2TB HDD / Storage 4: Seagate® Desktop 2TB SSHD / Storage 5: Crucial P1 1000GB M.2 SSD/ Storage 6: Western Digital WD7500BPKX 2.5" HDD / Wi-fi: TP-Link TL-WN851N 11n Wireless Adapter (Qualcomm Atheros)

Vishera-X8-9370 | R20 score MC: 1476cb


Case: Cooler Master HAF XB Evo Black / Case Fan(s) Front: Noctua NF-A14 ULN 140mm Premium Fans / Case Fan(s) Rear: Corsair Air Series AF120 Quiet Edition (red) / Case Fan(s) Side: Noctua NF-A6x25 FLX 60mm Premium Fan / Case Fan VRM: SUNON MagLev KDE1209PTV3 92mm / Controller: Sony Dualshock 4 Wireless (DS4Windows) / Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo / CPU: AMD FX-8370 (Base: @4.4GHz | Turbo: @4.7GHz) Black Edition Eight-Core (Global Foundries 32nm) / Display: ASUS 24" LED VN247H (67Hz OC) 1920x1080p / GPU: MSI GeForce GTX 970 4GD5 OC "Afterburner" @1450MHz (T.S.M.C. 28nm) / GPU: Gigabyte Radeon RX Vega 56 Gaming OC @1501MHz (Samsung 14nm FinFET) / Keyboard: Logitech Desktop K120 (Nordic) / Motherboard: MSI 970 GAMING, Socket-AM3+ / Mouse: Razer Abyssus 2014 / PCI-E: ASRock USB 3.1/A+C (PCI Express x4) / PSU: EVGA SuperNOVA G2, 850W PSU / RAM 1, 2, 3 & 4: Corsair Vengeance DDR3-1866MHz CL8-10-10-28-37-2T (4x4GB) 16.38GB / Operating System 1: Windows 10 Home / Sound: Zombee Z300 / Storage 1: Samsung 850 EVO 500GB SSD (x2) / Storage 2: Seagate® Barracuda 2TB HDD / Storage 3: Seagate® Desktop 2TB SSHD / Wi-fi: TP-Link TL-WN951N 11n Wireless Adapter

Godavari-X4-880K | R20 score MC: 810cb


Case: Medion Micro-ATX Case / Case Fan Front: SUNON MagLev PF70251VX-Q000-S99 70mm / Case Fan Rear: Fanner Tech(Shen Zhen)Co.,LTD. 80mm (Purple) / Controller: Sony Dualshock 4 Wireless (DS4Windows) / Cooler: AMD Near-silent 95w Thermal Solution / Cooler: AMD Near-silent 125w Thermal Solution / CPU: AMD Athlon X4 860K Black Edition Elite Quad-Core (T.S.M.C. 28nm) / CPU: AMD Athlon X4 880K Black Edition Elite Quad-Core (T.S.M.C. 28nm) / Display: HP 19" Flat Panel L1940 (75Hz) 1280x1024 / GPU: EVGA GeForce GTX 960 SuperSC 2GB (T.S.M.C. 28nm) / GPU: MSI GeForce GTX 970 4GD5 OC "Afterburner" @1450MHz (T.S.M.C. 28nm) / Keyboard: HP KB-0316 PS/2 (Nordic) / Motherboard: MSI A78M-E45 V2, Socket-FM2+ / Mouse: Razer Abyssus 2014 / PCI-E: ASRock USB 3.1/A+C (PCI Express x4) / PSU: EVGA SuperNOVA G2, 550W PSU / RAM 1, 2, 3 & 4: SK hynix DDR3-1866MHz CL9-10-11-27-40 (4x4GB) 16.38GB / Operating System 1: Ubuntu Gnome 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) / Operating System 2: Windows 10 Home / Sound 1: Zombee Z500 / Sound 2: Logitech Stereo Speakers S-150 / Storage 1: Samsung 850 EVO 500GB SSD (x2) / Storage 2: Western Digital My Passport 2.5" 2TB HDD / Storage 3: Western Digital Elements Desktop 2TB HDD / Wi-fi: TP-Link TL-WN851N 11n Wireless Adapter

Acer Aspire 7738G custom (changed CPU, GPU & Storage)

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo P8600, 2-cores, 2-threads, 2.4GHz, 3MB cache (Intel 45nm) / GPU: ATi Radeon HD 4570 515MB DDR2 (T.S.M.C. 55nm) / RAM: DDR2-1066MHz CL7-7-7-20-1T (2x2GB) / Operating System: Windows 10 Home / Storage: Crucial BX500 480GB 3D NAND SATA 2.5" SSD

Complete portable device SoC history:

Apple A4 - Apple iPod touch (4th generation)
Apple A5 - Apple iPod touch (5th generation)
Apple A9 - Apple iPhone 6s Plus
HiSilicon Kirin 810 (T.S.M.C. 7nm) - Huawei P40 Lite / Huawei nova 7i
Mediatek MT2601 (T.S.M.C 28nm) - TicWatch E
Mediatek MT6580 (T.S.M.C 28nm) - TECNO Spark 2 (1GB RAM)
Mediatek MT6592M (T.S.M.C 28nm) - my|phone my32 (orange)
Mediatek MT6592M (T.S.M.C 28nm) - my|phone my32 (yellow)
Mediatek MT6735 (T.S.M.C 28nm) - HMD Nokia 3 Dual SIM
Mediatek MT6737 (T.S.M.C 28nm) - Cherry Mobile Flare S6
Mediatek MT6739 (T.S.M.C 28nm) - my|phone myX8 (blue)
Mediatek MT6739 (T.S.M.C 28nm) - my|phone myX8 (gold)
Mediatek MT6750 (T.S.M.C 28nm) - honor 6C Pro / honor V9 Play
Mediatek MT6765 (T.S.M.C 12nm) - TECNO Pouvoir 3 Plus
Mediatek MT6797D (T.S.M.C 20nm) - my|phone Brown Tab 1
Qualcomm MSM8926 (T.S.M.C. 28nm) - Microsoft Lumia 640 LTE
Qualcomm MSM8974AA (T.S.M.C. 28nm) - Blackberry Passport
Qualcomm SDM710 (Samsung 10nm) - Oppo Realme 3 Pro


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this webiste is VERY INTEL BIASED

I'm sorry that the majority of people on this site care about getting good performance?

Seriously, claiming people are Intel biased when Intel has much better offerings than amd just shows your fanboy nature

My rig:
CPU: i5 4690k 24/7 @4.4ghz (1.165v) Max 4.7ghz (1.325v) COOLER: NZXT Kraken X61 MOBO: Asus Z97-A   RAM: 16GB Crucial Ballistix Tactical   GPU: EVGA GTX 970 SSC   PSU: EVGA GS 650W   CASE: NZXT Phantom 530 HDD: WD Caviar Blue 1TB + WD Black 2TB

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I'm sorry that the majority of people on this site care about getting good performance?

Seriously, claiming people are Intel biased when Intel has much better offerings than amd just shows your fanboy nature


cpu:i7-4770k    gpu: msi reference r9 290x  liquid cooled with h55 and hg10 a1     motherboard:z97x gaming 5   ram:gskill sniper 8 gb

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Sub 5 or 600 dollar builds AMD destroys intel and your absolutely right.

Tek syndicate has a some great amd vs intel videos.

Kavari SMOKES Iris Pro in games.

If intel is so superior why cheat by rigging benchmark software used by the tech media....great article at extreme tech but no where else cause the tech media doesn't want to admit being part of a lie.

ALLOT of awesome people here but I am not entirely unconvinced that the entire intel marketing department is not getting paid overtime for flooding this site. I read "Only the Paranoid Survive", founder of intel hates AMD more then 60 Minutes or whoever made the Pentium Bug front page news and cost intel half a billion. Only intel I bought was pentium 4 cause EVERYONE said it blew away AMD and it was pure BS.

Oh and there are a few (cheese eaters) trying like heck to get me kicked off LTT but I am still here.

Oh and the A10 Kavari is the most advanced and sophisticated piece of silicon in the solar system. And I have 2 of them :)

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Sub 5 or 600 dollar builds AMD destroys intel and your absolutely right.

Tek syndicate has a some great amd vs intel videos.

Kavari SMOKES Iris Pro in games.

If intel is so superior why cheat by rigging benchmark software used by the tech media....great article at extreme tech but no where else cause the tech media doesn't want to admit being part of a lie.

ALLOT of awesome people here but I am not entirely unconvinced that the entire intel marketing department is not getting paid overtime for flooding this site. I read "Only the Paranoid Survive", founder of intel hates AMD more then 60 Minutes or whoever made the Pentium Bug front page news and cost intel half a billion. Only intel I bought was pentium 4 cause EVERYONE said it blew away AMD and it was pure BS.

Oh and there are a few (cheese eaters) trying like heck to get me kicked off LTT but I am still here.

Oh and the A10 Kavari is the most advanced and sophisticated piece of silicon in the solar system. And I have 2 of them :)

I don't think anything out there really suggests that the A10 Kaveri (not Kavari) is the most advanced and sophisticated piece of silicon in existence, unless of course, you have evidence to back your claims that nobody else knows about.


The APU chips are indeed better than most of Intel's product offerings if you're talking about gaming performance without a discrete graphics card. Sub 500-600 shouldn't be relying solely on integrated graphics die, unless it's a really basic HTPC; so your claim about AMD DESTROYING Intel, would again, be quite false. In most scenarios, an i3 and a Athlon 860K should perform rather similarly, with the i3 usually edging out with an advantage in most games.


You mentioned Intel rigging benchmarking software. I can't really find much regarding Intel rigging software, so why don't you list the specific software that you're talking about that you claim have been rigged by Intel in order to achieve better results than AMD's offerings.


Pentium 4 has been at least 7 years old, I don't get why you bothered to bring that up in a discussion relating to modern products.


You can believe what you like about Intel's entire marketing department being part of this forum, you can believe that people are trying to get you kicked off of LinusTechTips; honestly, most people around here are just trying to offer what they know about PC technology in order to get people a better experience for what they can afford.


AMD's products aren't trash, they just tend to fall short of what Intel can offer them at a similar price so it's often seen as wiser to go with something that could be just a bit better without breaking the bank.


I used to think that AMD's lower-end chips were the absolute bomb and that everyone on this site were just Intel fanboys; but honestly, trying to my own research revealed otherwise, and I soon found myself grasping at non-existent straws to justify purchasing an AMD processor over an Intel one. I would personally be fine with a computer that just works and plays my games, regardless of brand; I don't get giggles from flaunting the fact that my computer has an Intel processor to everyone and shouting down anyone who owns an FX-8350 about how inferior their shit is to mine.

CPU: Intel Core i5-4460 Motherboard: ASRock H97M Anniversary RAM: Kingston HyperX 1600MHz 8GB (2x4GB) GPU: ASUS GeForce GTX 750Ti
Case: Corsair Air 240 White Storage: Western Digital Caviar Black 500GB PSU: Corsair CX500 Keyboard: CM Storm Quickfire Rapid (Cherry MX Blue)
Mouse: SteelSeries Kinzu V2 Operating System: Windows 8.1N

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No, I openly admit that I am trying to get trucker2 kicked off or at least to stop posting the way he has been because he is posting this filth in all of these threads.  This is not a matter of discussion, which is your defense.  It has been emphatically proven time and time again from every single source on the internet except Tek Syndicate than an i5 handily beats an FX8 when it comes to gaming.


Making these outrageous claims, bringing up stuff that isn't relevant, saying that FX8 processors are better than i5s and siting Tek Syndicate which we all know is false should be not acceptable when people are asking for help.  This is other people's money we are talking about.  Are you going to refund them $220 when they find out that their FX8 is under performing?


The biggest problem I have with him is that he tries to justify buying an FX processors to people looking for new hardware in 2015.  This is not acceptable when someone comes to this forum, asks for help, and we have someone posting erroneous and false information.  Hopefully whoever asking for advice is able to be objective, see the evidence that everyone is posting and come to the correct conclusion.


I am just going to keep reporting him, because I have successfully had a lot of his posts entirely removed because the moderators must agree that his posts are nonsense.


Try and build a better FX8 build for under $600:


PCPartPicker part list: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/qdgkK8
Price breakdown by merchant: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/qdgkK8/by_merchant/

CPU: Intel Core i5-4460 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor  ($166.95 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-B85M-GAMING 3 Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard  ($44.45 @ OutletPC)
Memory: PNY XLR8 8GB (1 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 Memory  ($43.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive  ($44.99 @ Amazon)
Video Card: XFX Radeon R9 290 4GB Black Edition Double Dissipation Video Card  ($240.00 @ Newegg)
Case: Cougar MG100 MicroATX Mini Tower Case  ($28.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Power Supply: Corsair Builder 500W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply  ($29.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $599.36
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-06-26 20:10 EDT-0400


Or under $500:


PCPartPicker part list: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/kkzq23
Price breakdown by merchant: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/kkzq23/by_merchant/

CPU: Intel Core i5-4460 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor  ($166.95 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-H81M-S1 Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard  ($39.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Memory: PNY XLR8 8GB (1 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 Memory  ($43.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive  ($44.99 @ Amazon)
Video Card: Sapphire Radeon R9 280 3GB Dual-X Video Card  ($149.99 @ Newegg)
Case: Thermaltake VL80001W2Z ATX Mid Tower Case  ($22.99 @ Micro Center)
Power Supply: Corsair Builder 500W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply  ($29.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $498.89
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-06-26 20:07 EDT-0400


Sub $400:


PCPartPicker part list: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/kPYMYJ
Price breakdown by merchant: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/kPYMYJ/by_merchant/

CPU: Intel Core i3-4160 3.6GHz Dual-Core Processor  ($108.95 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-B85M-GAMING 3 Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard  ($44.45 @ OutletPC)
Memory: PNY XLR8 8GB (1 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 Memory  ($43.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive  ($44.99 @ Amazon)
Video Card: MSI GeForce GTX 750 Ti 2GB Video Card  ($97.99 @ Newegg)
Case: Cougar MG100 MicroATX Mini Tower Case  ($28.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Power Supply: Corsair Builder 500W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply  ($29.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $399.35
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-06-26 20:13 EDT-0400

"I genuinely dislike the promulgation of false information, especially to people who are asking for help selecting new parts."

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Why the difference with the H81/B85 between the builds?

CPU: Intel Core i5-4460 Motherboard: ASRock H97M Anniversary RAM: Kingston HyperX 1600MHz 8GB (2x4GB) GPU: ASUS GeForce GTX 750Ti
Case: Corsair Air 240 White Storage: Western Digital Caviar Black 500GB PSU: Corsair CX500 Keyboard: CM Storm Quickfire Rapid (Cherry MX Blue)
Mouse: SteelSeries Kinzu V2 Operating System: Windows 8.1N

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Okay sometimes I get a lil bombastic:)

2.41 billion transistors plus HSA plus mantle and anandtech did an awesome review of their 7870k. IMHO the A10 works best in the 200 to 250 range for system price.

I shop at microcenter, in store the cheapest I3/MB combo is 199 and fx 6300 for 99 bucks and 6350 for 129. Frankly for half the price if the 6300 loses a few fps I can deal.

For the Kavari I built one system for 270 or so bucks, with tax,soda and chips it was under 300 out the door. 7850k t2 cooler 8 gig 2133 nice case with 380 watt 80+ bronze PSU, I took her old emachines 1300 salvaged the 220 watt psu and 160 gig hd and with a 7870k/MB cobo for 130, 8gig 2400 ram for 55 bucks and an old case I will have a second system for under 200. Both systems will game everything at 720 and some games nicely at 1080 low to med. I should have said under 400 cause at these prices there is nothing from intel that comes close.

Can AMD match the Xeons 1231 or I7, no way.

As for the tek syndicate vid when in some games the 8350 beats the i5 something, check out the video and the hate they recieved after it they discuss in the following vid. If someone can do the same test and get different results I am open to watching it. Frankly the 8350 is out of my budget and so is the 6300. for now.

the I3 xeon 1231 v3 and i7's are awesome chips. But when people say intel is best at EVERY price point and actually try to get the moderators to ban anyone who disagrees I feel no guilt at a little hypebole. I think my builds prove otherwise especially at 720 and low 1080 gaming and frankly I despise rats. And there is allot of troubleshooting buy switching to intel that goes on arounf here.

  Look, I love a spritited discussion and admit i do like a good flame war from time to time.

Entire marketing dept, hyperbole, trying to get me kicked off, that I know for a fact.

As for the pentium 4 being 7 years old I still dont like what Microsoft did to Lotus 123, I'm old crotchety and very opinionated and way past caring what people think. This place is tame compared to truckstops and cb wars that have resulted in cops and ambulances. And frankly getting banned from LTT would not really affect my life in the least. I am currently going nuts trying to put my 7870k in a case made in 1987 and my 3d printer weighs 5 lbs and has a wood handle.

Many times Ill tell people looking at an I5 to consider a xeon 1231 v3, not to get, consider and I always encourage everyone to do there own research. Anyway I did like your post hence my response. Have a great day.

BTW I love driving the self-important bonkers:):):):):):):):):):):):

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Why the difference with the H81/B85 between the builds?

To make the pricing work

"I genuinely dislike the promulgation of false information, especially to people who are asking for help selecting new parts."

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Okay sometimes I get a lil bombastic:)

2.41 billion transistors plus HSA plus mantle and anandtech did an awesome review of their 7870k. IMHO the A10 works best in the 200 to 250 range for system price.

I shop at microcenter, in store the cheapest I3/MB combo is 199 and fx 6300 for 99 bucks and 6350 for 129. Frankly for half the price if the 6300 loses a few fps I can deal.

For the Kavari I built one system for 270 or so bucks, with tax,soda and chips it was under 300 out the door. 7850k t2 cooler 8 gig 2133 nice case with 380 watt 80+ bronze PSU, I took her old emachines 1300 salvaged the 220 watt psu and 160 gig hd and with a 7870k/MB cobo for 130, 8gig 2400 ram for 55 bucks and an old case I will have a second system for under 200. Both systems will game everything at 720 and some games nicely at 1080 low to med. I should have said under 400 cause at these prices there is nothing from intel that comes close.

Can AMD match the Xeons 1231 or I7, no way.

As for the tek syndicate vid when in some games the 8350 beats the i5 something, check out the video and the hate they recieved after it they discuss in the following vid. If someone can do the same test and get different results I am open to watching it. Frankly the 8350 is out of my budget and so is the 6300. for now.

the I3 xeon 1231 v3 and i7's are awesome chips. But when people say intel is best at EVERY price point and actually try to get the moderators to ban anyone who disagrees I feel no guilt at a little hypebole. I think my builds prove otherwise especially at 720 and low 1080 gaming and frankly I despise rats. And there is allot of troubleshooting buy switching to intel that goes on arounf here.

  Look, I love a spritited discussion and admit i do like a good flame war from time to time.

Entire marketing dept, hyperbole, trying to get me kicked off, that I know for a fact.

As for the pentium 4 being 7 years old I still dont like what Microsoft did to Lotus 123, I'm old crotchety and very opinionated and way past caring what people think. This place is tame compared to truckstops and cb wars that have resulted in cops and ambulances. And frankly getting banned from LTT would not really affect my life in the least. I am currently going nuts trying to put my 7870k in a case made in 1987 and my 3d printer weighs 5 lbs and has a wood handle.

Many times Ill tell people looking at an I5 to consider a xeon 1231 v3, not to get, consider and I always encourage everyone to do there own research. Anyway I did like your post hence my response. Have a great day.

BTW I love driving the self-important bonkers:) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):):

Your builds are using salvaged parts.  Build something using PcP, not Microcenter for under $400.  The one I built at $400 will game at 1080p no problem.  It wrecks any APU based system.


The Pentium 4 stuff is ancient history and doesn't apply to anything going on today, or anything being talked about in any of the threads you try and bring it up in.


That Tek Syndicate video is erroneous.  They are using a mid-range GPU, so the bottleneck won't show, and are simultaneously streaming.  Benchmarks between the i5 and FX8 when you are not using Xsplit, the i5 is handing it to the FX.  You can stream just as well using an i5 + iGPU.  It is not relevant, please stop posting it and acting like it is. 


If you want to keep posting that video, then you must say that their results are while streaming, because the way you currently phrase it, makes it sounds like the i5 loses to the FX8 in all situations, which is just not true.  Also...  the i5 can stream just as well if you use the iGPU.


This is not a discussion, yet you keep acting like it is.  The earth has been proven to be round, yet you are running around saying "Wait, its flat, hear me out!"  The evidence is already out there proving it to be round.  You sound like a nut when you say the FX8 is better than an i5.


What troubleshooting with switching to Intel?  Its people who forgot to uninstall their old drivers.  Its not a hard thing to do, and its a simple fix.  Its also not something that someone building new has to deal with.  Its irrelevant!

"I genuinely dislike the promulgation of false information, especially to people who are asking for help selecting new parts."

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We do not sell cosmetics. We just blind animals."


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This PSA brought to you by Equifacks.

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You handled him well, he just can't use his head.


How did you get spoilers to work?


By the way, I'm working on a revision to the post. Its broken cause of the spoilers, but I think it is organized much better now:


[spoiler=People think they are getting a good deal when they buy an FX for gaming, and they are not]



My goal with this post is to help others by avoiding costly mistakes that so many before them have made, and to help educate people on the objective reasoning why you should choose one product over another. After being on this forum for over a year, I am seeing so many users complaining about their gaming experience with FX processors that it is time to put a stop to it, and the best way to do that is nip it in the bud and recommend the correct tool for the job.  To do that, I and a bunch of other forum members created this post as a one-link reference to all of the information we have gathered and continue to gather on the subject.  This is an ever growing and constantly updated post.


I always advocate the right tool for the job, and for some jobs, the FX processor is the best tool for the job, but you need to be aware of what your priorities are when building your machine.  If your priority is gaming, then Intel is the clear winner regardless of price point.  I have experience with both processors, and have owned both Intel and AMD.  I currently own Intel because it is objectively the better processor.  I don't hate AMD, I don't like Intel.  What I love are facts and the facts are very clear that Intel is the better option at this point in time.


The Main Issues Surrounding FX Processors

The most common problems with the FX processors are unsatisfactory results in games, VRM throttling, and GPU bottlenecking.  In my links below I will show you many different, yet conclusive results compiled from respected hardware reviewers and other members of this forum.  I hope to paint a picture as to why the FX processor is objectively the inferior option and why it is a bad choice for a gaming machine especially when an equally, or lower priced option is available.  I want you to make an educated decision based on information available without taking emotion and bias into this.  I am about to present to you that information.  There are some positives to the FX processors that I will talk about, but gaming is not one of them.


Gaming on FX Processors

If you enjoy games like MMOs(ArcheAge, WoW, Guild Wars2, World of Tanks, Planetside2 etc..) DayZ, ARMA, GTA V, Dead Rising 3, Indies, RTS, Emulators, etc.. the FX will fall WAY behind the equally and sometimes lower priced Intel processors, and in some instances, become unplayable* unless you are fine with massive, recurring, constant, and noticeable FPS drops when the action starts. 


Then there are other games that are playable, but no where near as fluid as they would be on Intel because minimum framerates(which are the most important), drop much more significantly with FX processors.  A few examples are: Starcraft, Skyrim, Civilization V, Far Cry 4, Assassin's Creed, Metal Gear Solid etc..


And of course there are a lot of games where the FX will perform similar to Intel because the games just run on anything.  Tomb Raider, Bioshock, CoD:Ghosts, and many more.


For the a lot of games, the FX will be sufficient.  But why would you want to spend more or the same amount of money on an old, and inferior product, when you can get a new and superior product for the same amount of money?  Why play 4 out of 5 games  at an acceptable level, when you could play 5 out of 5 games at an excellent level, with no bottlenecking, lower energy costs, and future upgrade paths while paying the same amount of money.


Minimum FPS is the most important FPS measurement.  Bad minimums mean less fluidity in gameplay.  Sometimes I see FX owners saying, "I hit 60fps just fine".  While you might be capable of hitting 60fps on FX, the minimums are going to be lower, and that results in a noticeable detachment from immersion which is what constant 60+fps feels like.  An Intel processor is often the difference between a fluid experience and a stuttery one.  With Intel, your minimums are much higher, meaning a more fluid and immersive game play experience. 


*Everyone has a different definition of what unplayable is, so don't over analyze and exaggerate my wording.  What is unplayable to me, might not be unplayable to you, but what we can all agree on is that no one likes FPS drops that makes your game hitch, stutter, or freeze, and you shouldn't be ok with those side effects because an Intel processor won't give you those unwanted side effects nearly as often as you get them with FX processors.


[spoiler= Issue: I Architecture and IPC]

The culprit behind the FX's poor gaming performance is its Micro-architecture and Instructions Per Cycle(IPC)


The Bulldozer architecture was released in 2011, but it had been in development for many years.  It basically reused an old architecture that had already been phased out years ago(CMT).  They reused it, and marketed it well to trick users into thinking it was something spectacular.  "How could an 8 core, 4Ghz CPU possibly be bad?"  One word:  Architecture.  This CPU is not good now, and it wasn't even good when it was released.  Please give this article a read because it does a much better job of explaining this than I will ever be able to.  Analyzing Bulldozer


The architecture behind the FX CPUs cannot keep up with high end graphics cards that require strong cores to consistently feed the card.  Monitor your GPU load in your games and you will quickly see that your GPU is not running at 90%+ if you own a high end graphics card paired with an FX processor.  Use an FX with a mid range GPU all you want, that is fine and you won't limit the card's potential and makes for a much more balanced rig. If you get into the upper echelon of GPUs, that is when you are holding your card back by the FX.  This also doesn't bode well for the future because as GPUs get more powerful, the FX will simply not be able to keep up with even mid-range GPUs.  As of now, the highest end GPUs I would pair with an FX that won't limit the card's potential is around the R9 280X/GTX 770 level.


Synthetic Benchmarks:

Websites like cpubenchmark.net have a suite of synthetic benchmarks that they run each processor through to spit out a score.  Going by this, the FX8 outperforms the i5 because those synthetic tests are highly repetitive calculations that benefit from more cores.  People see that result and automatically think "Oh, the FX8 is a much stronger processor than the i5."  And in some tasks it is, gaming is just not one of them.


Real-World Applications:

There are very few games that are very well multithreaded, and even in those games, such as CoD:AW, an i3 is still beating out an FX9.  The reason behind this is because games typically have one main thread, Core #0.  When this main thread is being choked by poor single core performance, the rest of the threads struggle.  So even in these really well multithreaded PC port games, we are still seeing Intel processors beating out FXs because their poor IPC simply can't give as good as results on that main thread.


Single core performance is the most important thing when evaluating a processor for desktop use. "The majority of consumer applications (MS World, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and most games) although multi threaded rarely utilize more than one thread at a time.  The single core benchmarks can be seen as a reasonable real world test for typical consumer workloads."


When AMD sends out R9 290Xs for review, or release new drivers they send out Intel i7s along with them because they know their FX processors can't power their high end GPUs to their max potential.  That's a big red flag.





Check out LTT's own Cinebench Scores:







-LTT's Cinebench Database

These FXs are overclocked to 4.8Ghz and 5.3Ghz! and still fall well behind Intel's offerings.


Even when you pair the FX with a mid range GPU, it doesn't change the fact that some games are largely CPU bound and require strong IPC.  Parallelism doesn't exist in games.  There are not many, if any highly repetitive calculations going on in games that the CPU can guess what is coming next like in video editing or rendering.  They have tricked you into thinking that more cores and higher Ghz is what matters for your CPU, when it all comes down to the architecture and instructions per cycle. 


[spoiler= Issue II:  Core Count]


When you recommend someone an FX8 for gaming, you're really recommending them an FX4.  This is because the architecture between all FX variants is the same.  The only thing that is changed is core count, and speed.  A man(Faa) who knows a lot more about this than me did some research and found, that games just aren't using more than 4 threads, and the ones that do, aren't benefiting as much as you would think from those extra cores/threads. Linus did a video about this recently. 



I'm going to link you over to Faa's research that shows how cores/threads have an impact on gaming performance.  It is a great read with a lot of interesting information, as well as a few links to other more reputable review websites doing testing on many popular mainstream games.  For the most part, games are using 2-4 threads.  And the few that can take advantage of more threads, aren't really benefiting from them. Of course in some games, the FX8 is going to do much better than the FX4, but looking over benchmarks from the gaming graphs below, and all of the links in the FX Vs. i3 spoiler, the FX4,6,8 processors are mostly lumped together with very little difference between them.  An example:  For every game that the FX8 actually does a lot better than the FX4, there are 5 games that only show a ~10% improvement between the FX4/6/8.


Cores Vs. Modules

When you look at the Bulldozer Block Diagram, what do you see?


I see 4 modules, and 8 integer cores. 


Lets define what a core is:  A CPU core is a collection of components in a processor used to process code. Its not just the logical processor (the integer core), not just the FPU, not just the decoder, not just the l1 cache not just the l2 cache but all of these components combined is what forms a core.


Modules and cores are very different. This module design is a very old microarchitecture design(1996) and it doesn't work the same way a true core does. The issue with this design is that resources are shared, namely the floating point unit.  The floating point unit is very important for gaming.  So while it does have 8 integer cores/threads, those cores have to share resources for certain tasks, and this causes one core to wait until the other is finished.  Because of this, it is not a true 8 core processor.


A true core 8 core processor is when there is no situation you can present it short of disabling cores that will cause even one thread out of eight to have to wait to be processed. Not a single situation. you can't say the same thing about the FX processors. If both threads on a module need the FPU one of the threads will have to wait.


[spoiler=Issue III:  Upgradability]

With the AM3+ platform, there is nothing to upgrade to.  Going from an FX6 to FX8 to FX9 doesn't yield much performance gains because they all use the same architecture, which has horrible single core performance.  If you tried to go from FX8 to FX9, you're going to have to spend even more on super high end 990FX motherboard, and at least a $60 CPU Cooler.  Just throwing money at a bottomless pit of poor gaming performance.  Basically, you're stuck with what you have if you decide to go FX.


With Intel, upgrading is easy.  You can go from an i3 to i5, an i7, or Xeon, even if you're on one of the less expensive, minimalistic, and older motherboards like an H81, you can still drop in a higher end Intel processor without issue.  All that is necessary is a BIOS update, which is easy to do as long as you already have a Haswell processor, which you would have if you went this route.  Even the soon to be released Broadwell processors should be compatible with H81 motherboards.  They are going to be compatible with Devil's Canyon motherboards, which are also LGA1150, so they will fit in the same socket as these motherboards, so in theory all that is necessary is a BIOS update.  Going this route, you won't be able to overclock using the multiplier, but you can always squeeze an extra 1-300Mhz by BCLK overclocking.  Good thing Intel processors at stock already blow the doors off the highest overclocked FX chip out there. At least the option for truly increased performance is there with Intel, unlike with AMD.


[spoiler=The strengths of FX Processors]


Productivity and Content Creation is an area that the FX does very well in.  Gaming performance aside, the vast majority of daily tasks are single threaded.  Everything you do on your desktop, booting up your computer, loading a simple program such as iTunes is going to be faster on Intel because these are single threaded tasks and the performance per core is so much more powerful which results in a more snappy overall experience.  There are very few tasks that benefit from 8 cores.  A program that really benefits from all the cores you throw at it is a real niche area, often reserved for content creation and calculations-not games.  This niche area is where the FX processors really shine because those programs benefit from many cores able to execute highly repetitive tasks.


Please note that not all content creation programs benefit from 8 cores, some programs do still prefer the strong cores of Intel, so please check and see if the program you specifically plan to use benefits from more cores, or stronger ones.


Multi-Tasking Benchmarks

This is PCMark 7, it is a FutureMark benchmark that "is a complete PC benchmark that measures overall system performance during typical desktop usage across a range of activities such as handling images and video, web browsing and gaming. This is the most important test since it returns the official PCMark score for the system."  This is most closely related to a multitasking scenario.

-PCMark 7


This shows that while the performance in daily workloads is similar, Intel is still ahead.  Also consider that these are older generation Intel processors that have since been improved upon, only further increasing the result in Intel's favor for daily tasks.  Think multi-tasking is better on the FX8 because of all those cores?  In some situations, yes, but overall, no.  It really depends on the programs being used, and the vast majority of programs are single core dependent, and running these programs simultaneously will be much more fluid on the strong Intel processors.









Content Creation Program Benchmarks:































The FX processors do have some strengths, just make sure that you are using a program that maximizes those strengths because as shown above, even in some multithreaded programs, the i5-4690k still comes out ahead.  In my opinion the gaming benefits of a locked i5, far outweigh the productivity(certain programs) benefits of the FX8.  You will have to personally weigh the pros and cons of what your priorities of your computer will be, and make your decision based on that, but if I'm building a gaming computer with a side of content creation, I will take the better gaming results over a 20 second(arbitrary number) shorter render time.








[spoiler=Feasibility and Cost]


You can forget about small form factors because there are no AM3+ motherboards available with sufficient VRM phase design that are smaller than ATX.  Even some ATX mobos have small phase counts, and are not reliable.  If you need to educate yourself on what VRMs are and why they are so important, please refer to this link about VRMs and Mosfets.  That link is slightly dated, being last updated in 2012, but the basic educational information in it remains the same.


"Failures on motherboards with higher phase counts have been relatively infrequent if at all. Most of the culprits for VRM failures are the lower end 4+1 phase and 3+1 phase motherboards that aren't equipped to handle processors that consume lots of power and may be overclocked.  Smaller 4+1 phase systems or less on CPUs can be particularly risky due to the fact that each transistor must be capable of outputting more current and heat. This is why you normally see motherboards with low phase count failing (i.e. catching fire, frying, overloading), often on motherboards from only certain manufacturers or certain particular motherboards."


This is why you have to buy a sufficient motherboard for the FX series, which makes the overall cost of an FX based system more expensive, and we haven't even included cooling or factored in energy costs.  Often times people will look at just the price of the processors, compare that number and stop there.  This is not an accurate representation of what it costs to build a PC.


This is the bare minimum for an overclocked FX8 processor that will still under achieve compared to an Intel processor no matter how high you manage to overclock it, all while bottlenecking high end GPUs, and with no upgrade path.  Because AM3+ is such an old platform, it also lacks some modern features such as PCI 3.0, and SATA Express.


PCPartPicker part list: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/6JNdt6

Price breakdown by merchant: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/6JNdt6/by_merchant/

CPU: AMD FX-8320 3.5GHz 8-Core Processor  ($145.95 @ Amazon)

Motherboard: ASRock 970 Performance ATX AM3+ Motherboard  ($83.99 @ Newegg)

Total: $229.94

Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-01-04 15:50 EST-0500




PCPartPicker part list: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/c7WWt6

Price breakdown by merchant: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/c7WWt6/by_merchant/

CPU: Intel Core i5-4440 3.1GHz Quad-Core Processor  ($169.99 @ SuperBiiz)

Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-B85M-DS3H Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard  ($45.98 @ OutletPC) <-- You could even save an additional $10 by going with a motherboard with only 2 DIMM slots, which is all you really need.

Total: $215.97

Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-11 17:20 EST-0500



PCPartPicker part list: http://de.pcpartpicker.com/p/rzHNP6

Price breakdown by merchant: http://de.pcpartpicker.com/p/rzHNP6/by_merchant/

CPU: Intel Core i5-4430 3.0GHz Quad-Core Processor  (€160.82 @ Hardwareversand)

Motherboard: ASRock H81M-DGS Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard  (€42.49 @ Home of Hardware DE)

Total: €203.31

Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-27 01:51 CET+0100




PCPartPicker part list: http://de.pcpartpicker.com/p/ZhVQD3

Price breakdown by merchant: http://de.pcpartpicker.com/p/ZhVQD3/by_merchant/

CPU: AMD FX-8320 3.5GHz 8-Core Processor  (€124.90 @ Caseking)

Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3P ATX AM3+ Motherboard  (€79.78 @ Hardwareversand)

Total: €204.68

Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-27 01:49 CET+0100





Limited selection on PcP


PCPartPicker part list: http://au.pcpartpicker.com/p/WYvZcf

Price breakdown by merchant: http://au.pcpartpicker.com/p/WYvZcf/by_merchant/

CPU: Intel Core i5-4570 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor  ($228.00 @ CPL Online)

Motherboard: ASRock H81 Pro BTC ATX LGA1150 Motherboard  ($39.00 @ PLE Computers)

Total: $267.00

Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-12 22:47 EST+1100




PCPartPicker part list: http://au.pcpartpicker.com/p/MDtBGX

Price breakdown by merchant: http://au.pcpartpicker.com/p/MDtBGX/by_merchant/

CPU: AMD FX-8320 3.5GHz 8-Core Processor  ($182.00 @ CPL Online)

Motherboard: MSI 970 GAMING ATX AM3+ Motherboard  ($129.00 @ CPL Online) <-- Any less expensive motherboards only have 4+1 VRM phase design, which is not adequate.

Total: $311.00

Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-27 11:52 EST+1100


New Zealand:


PCPartPicker part list: http://nz.pcpartpicker.com/p/fZTrrH

Price breakdown by merchant: http://nz.pcpartpicker.com/p/fZTrrH/by_merchant/

CPU: Intel Core i5-4440 3.1GHz Quad-Core Processor  ($272.00 @ Paradigm PCs)

Motherboard: ASRock H81M-HDS Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard  ($72.44 @ PB Technologies)

Total: $344.44

Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-27 13:53 NZDT+1300




PCPartPicker part list: http://nz.pcpartpicker.com/p/MytJxr

Price breakdown by merchant: http://nz.pcpartpicker.com/p/MytJxr/by_merchant/

CPU: AMD FX-8320 3.5GHz 8-Core Processor  ($207.00 @ 1stWave Technologies)

Motherboard: Asus M5A97 R2.0 ATX AM3+ Motherboard  ($149.95 @ Computer Lounge)

Total: $356.95

Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-27 13:52 NZDT+1300




PCPartPicker part list: http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/VCGVFT

Price breakdown by merchant: http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/VCGVFT/by_merchant/

CPU: Intel Core i5-4440 3.1GHz Quad-Core Processor  ($186.96 @ Newegg Canada)

Motherboard: ASRock H81 Pro BTC ATX LGA1150 Motherboard  ($39.99 @ Memory Express)

Total: $226.95

Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-12 06:52 EST-0500




PCPartPicker part list: http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/ZhVQD3

Price breakdown by merchant: http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/ZhVQD3/by_merchant/

CPU: AMD FX-8320 3.5GHz 8-Core Processor  ($157.90 @ DirectCanada)

Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3P ATX AM3+ Motherboard  ($106.00 @ Vuugo)

Total: $263.90

Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-26 19:53 EST-0500


United Kingdom:


PCPartPicker part list: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/f39ZZL

Price breakdown by merchant: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/f39ZZL/by_merchant/

CPU: Intel Core i5-4440 3.1GHz Quad-Core Processor  (£131.20 @ Aria PC)

Motherboard: MSI H81M-P33 Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard  (£32.17 @ Scan.co.uk)

Total: £163.37

Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-27 00:54 GMT+0000




PCPartPicker part list: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/ZhVQD3

Price breakdown by merchant: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/ZhVQD3/by_merchant/

CPU: AMD FX-8320 3.5GHz 8-Core Processor  (£103.00 @ Amazon UK)

Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3P ATX AM3+ Motherboard  (£63.54 @ Aria PC)

Total: £166.54

Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-27 00:54 GMT+0000




PCPartPicker part list: http://it.pcpartpicker.com/p/f39ZZL

Price breakdown by merchant: http://it.pcpartpicker.com/p/f39ZZL/by_merchant/

CPU: Intel Core i5-4440 3.1GHz Quad-Core Processor  (€173.38 @ Amazon Italia)

Motherboard: MSI H81M-P33 Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard  (€41.17 @ Amazon Italia)

Total: €214.55

Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-12 13:03 CET+0100




PCPartPicker part list: http://it.pcpartpicker.com/p/ZhVQD3

Price breakdown by merchant: http://it.pcpartpicker.com/p/ZhVQD3/by_merchant/

CPU: AMD FX-8320 3.5GHz 8-Core Processor  (€131.67 @ Amazon Italia)

Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3P ATX AM3+ Motherboard  (€87.62 @ Amazon Italia)

Total: €219.29

Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-27 01:55 CET+0100




PCPartPicker part list: http://es.pcpartpicker.com/p/f39ZZL

Price breakdown by merchant: http://es.pcpartpicker.com/p/f39ZZL/by_merchant/

CPU: Intel Core i5-4440 3.1GHz Quad-Core Processor  (€163.00 @ Amazon Espana)

Motherboard: MSI H81M-P33 Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard  (€42.20 @ Amazon Espana)

Total: €205.20

Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-27 01:56 CET+0100




PCPartPicker part list: http://es.pcpartpicker.com/p/ZhVQD3

Price breakdown by merchant: http://es.pcpartpicker.com/p/ZhVQD3/by_merchant/

CPU: AMD FX-8320 3.5GHz 8-Core Processor  (€130.83 @ Amazon Espana)

Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3P ATX AM3+ Motherboard  (€87.83 @ Amazon Espana)

Total: €218.66

Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-27 01:55 CET+0100


Want to try and find a cheaper option for AMD?  Be my guest.  Here is the AM3+ Motherboard Phasing Guide.  You need at least 6+2, but recommended 8+2.

Don't forget that you will likely need an aftermarket cooler as well.


Every region on PcP, it is less expensive to go Intel than AMD.  I have also found that in regions not supported by PcP it is less expensive to go Intel than AMD.  These regions that I have personally found are: Scandinavia, India, and Poland.  If you would like me to check for you, send me your frequently used online retailers and I will be happy to look into it for you.






Yes, I did post that twice on purpose.  Please check and double check for compatibility, I would hate for anyone to get incompatible components.  Just ask, we are always happy to help if you are confused.


[spoiler=FX Vs. i3]


You will see below that even the Intel i3 which costs considerably less, is outperforming the FX6/8/9s in many games, and the locked i5, which costs the same, is running away with it.  There have also been a lot of new, modern, multi-threaded games that take advantage of all threads available, but are still performing poorly on the FX platform because of the poor per-core performance. 


Look through all of these sources... the i3 is handing it to the FX8s and FX9s in so many games!


















"To put it nicely, the FX-8370E is a true middle-of-the-road CPU. Using it only makes sense as long as the graphics card you choose comes from a similar performance segment.

Depending on the game in question, AMD’s new processor has the potential to keep you happy around the AMD Radeon R9 270X/285 or Nvidia GeForce GTX 760 or 660 Ti level.

A higher- or even high-end graphics card doesn’t make sense, as pairing it with AMD's FX-8370E simply limits the card's potential."


"In terms of raw single-core performance the flagship AMD FX-8350 is lagging behind intel's processor line-up by over two generations. The PassMark Single Thread scores for the i5-2500K vs the FX-8350 are 1863 to 1520 which shows that in terms of raw per-core processing the FX-8350 is lagging the two year old i5 by 23%. Where the AMD FX makes up is on multi-core performance, with a score of 9156 vs 6745, the AMD leads the Intel 2500K by 36% making it the far more capable multi-threaded server orientated performer. The AMD is also cheaper but significantly more power hungry which counts strongly against it as a sever proposition. The FX-8350 could be a good fit for specific server use cases but for general consumer use, which is single and dual core intensive, Intel's two year old i5-2500K will deliver better performance."


"When AMD first released CPUs for their AM3+ platform we at OC3D were not overly impressed, behind the hype of AMD's "Bulldozer" architecture was some very power hungry, hot running and under-performing CPUs. When AMD's second generation of FX CPUs, Piledriver, was released AMD had lessened a lot of these issues, but many of those flaws still remained."


"This is a huge result – it wasn’t until we used a Haswell core CPU that the R9 280X  was able to deliver consistent frame times and a 60 FPS frame rate in Assassin’s Creed IV. All three AMD CPUs we used – even the FX 8350 – and the Ivy Bridge Core i3 would deliver a sub 60 FPS frame rate, with frame spikes throughout the benchmark run.

In this case, the Core i3 4340 allows the R9 280X GPU to run at maximum potential, just like the Core i5 (and Core i7 would)."


"My benchmarks show that the Core i3-4360 is faster than the FX-8320E in virtually every test on a per-core basis, you’re probably never going to see this differential unless you spend quite a lot of time in benchmark-land. Benchmark-land is fun, kind of like taking your car to the drag strip to see what it will do. But, like your quarter-mile time, it often doesn’t have that much correlation with real-world performance."
"In the end, AMD's FX-8320E is an affordable quad-core processor that overclocks decently, but even if you pushed it to 5GHz it would struggle to match the slightly pricier Core i5-4430 and even the Core i3-4360 at times. Then after you take the power consumption figures into account, arguments for the FX-8320E begin to seem rather indefensible."



"Pop over to the gaming scatter, though, and the picture changes dramatically. There, the FX-8350 is the highest-performance AMD desktop processor to date for gaming, finally toppling the venerable Phenom II X4 980. Yet the FX-8350's gaming performance almost exactly matches that of the Core i3-3225, a $134 Ivy Bridge-based processor. Meanwhile, the Core i5-3470 delivers markedly superior gaming performance for less money than the FX-8350. The FX-8350 isn't exactly bad for video games—its performance was generally acceptable in our tests. But it is relatively weak compared to the competition.

This strange divergence between the two performance pictures isn't just confined to gaming, of course. The FX-8350 is also relatively pokey in image processing applications, in SunSpider, and in the less widely multithreaded portions of our video encoding tests. Many of these scenarios rely on one or several threads, and the FX-8350 suffers compared to recent Intel chips in such cases. Still, the contrast between the FX-8350 and the Sandy/Ivy Bridge chips isn't nearly as acute as it was with the older FX processors. Piledriver's IPC gains and that 4GHz base clock have taken the edge off of our objections.

The other major consideration here is power consumption, and really, the FX-8350 isn't even the same class of product as the Ivy Bridge Core i5 processors on this front. There's a 48W gap between the TDP ratings of the Core i5 parts and the FX-8350, but in our tests, the actual difference at the wall socket between two similarly configured systems under load was over 100W. That gap is large enough to force the potential buyer to think deeply about the class of power supply, case, and CPU cooler he needs for his build. One could definitely get away with less expensive components for a Core i5 system."


"The FX-8370E stretches its legs a little in terms of minimum frame rates, particularly in SLI, however it is handily beaten by the i3-4330."


"Average frametimes did not do AMD’s processors any justice either. As we already said the game was fluid with i7 and i5’s, and somewhat playable with the i3 processor line. When we switched to FX CPUs not only did we have worse framerate but the gameplay was simply put, laggy."



[spoiler= FX Vs. i5]


This video is the most meticulous head to head comparison of the FX8 and i5.  Its lengthy, but it is the most comprehensive and in-depth review of the FX8 and i5-4670k in a myriad of scenarios pitted against each other.  Single player, multiplayer, 1080p, 1440p, power consumption, min/max/avg framerates, daily tasks, rendering, editing, streaming, mid level GPUs, high level GPUs, multi-threaded games, single core games, this video covers it all.



When people say that the FX8 is a less expensive option, they are wrong.  In order for the FX8 to be viable, it needs to be overclocked, which means you need a motherboard with at least 8+2 VRM phase design, and an aftermarket cooling solution.  You can squeeze by on a 6+2 motherboard, but you aren't going to get as consistent results as an 8+2.  This makes it cost the same, if not more than a locked i5 processor which will beat the FX8 in every single game, no matter how high the FX is overclocked.  I'm not arguing that the processor is less expensive on AMD's side, because it is.  What people fail to account for are the ancillary components needed for the FX processors, which end up making it cost the same as a locked i5.


i5-4670k Vs. FX8350 Aggregate Comparison


This is an excellent comparison done by Paulsterio of the forums.  You should really read through the entire above link, it is a great and detailed read. Here is the conclusion in Paulsterio's words.


"If you've made it this far, congrats and thank you very, very much for reading. I appreciate it genuinely.


Okay, so let's conclude. Yes, Intel won 5-2, but that's meaningless. Looking at benchmarks for the sake of looking at benchmarks doesn't

help us. What helps us is seeing where the 4670K wins massively and where the 8350 wins massively. 



In gaming, the 4670K wins. This is said by Linus, said by AnandTech, said by Bit-Tech, said by Tom's Hardware, said all around the internet

except for at Tek Syndicate. If you are going for a gaming PC, go with the 4670K.


Video Editing and 3D Rendering

Yes, there are benchmarks where the 8350 beats the 4670K, however, what is important is that these two are almost neck and neck.

Some sites have the 8350 ever so slightly faster, some have the 3570K/4670K as ever so slightly faster. At the end of the day, it's too close to call.

However, the extra IPC that Haswell offers should help in a wider variety of situations, so I would award this to the 4670K. 



This one goes to the 8350 which demonstrates a higher performance with calculations throughout due to its higher core count. It beats Intel convincingly

in most calculation benchmarks. 


So, what does this mean?


This has been said in the introduction, but I will say it again. I am not an Intel fanboy, which is why I went out to research instead of screaming that Intel

is better. I have suggested AMD in the past, their Athlon 64 was better than the Pentium 4, their Athlon 64 x2 was better than the Pentium D. However,

I genuinely dislike the promulgation of false information, especially to people who are asking for help selecting new parts. 


If you're an AMD fanboy, you're not going to like it, but Intel's 4670K is better than AMD's 8350. Regardless of however you look at it, in most situations,

the 4670K wins, but it isn't just that, its far superior IPC gives it such an advantage in most every day tasks, which are mostly still single-threaded. 


The AMD 8350 is good for certain workloads, but apart from those workloads, it is simply terrible. Its IPC, which is weaker than the i7 920's, which is

5 years old, is simply too weak to put it as any sort of real competition to the 4670K. 


I hope that this clears up some of the misconceptions here. Yes, AMD had their time, their Athlon 64 was better than the Intel Pentium 4, however,

those days are well and truly over. If, in this day and age, you recommend an AMD processor for any usage apart from calculations, you are either

being a fanboy or just plainly ignorant of the facts which say that the 4670K is superior. 


Of course, this is not to say that nobody should use AMD, but, if you suggest an AMD build for someone else, especially if you suggest an 8350

against a 4670K, know that you are suggesting a worse option, especially for a gaming PC. To argue that the 8350 is competitive with the 4670K

across the board is delusional and just plainly wrong. Yes, you are wrong. 


So that's it guys, for most people, the 4670K is the better option compared to the 8350 and the information shows it. 


Once again, thank you for taking the time to read my little article. I hope I have helped you see what the statistics say about these two processors.

I appreciate you taking the time to read what I have written. Cheers :)"





This next section is reserved for users who have previously owned FX processors and made the switch to Intel.  They discuss their experience with both and offer insight into what both platforms are like from a user's perspective.  I invite anyone to submit their own testimonial, positive or negative to be shared in this section.



If you don't like numbers and want pure user experience without benchmarks and stats, check out Suika's 30 Day Journal of his experience going from an overclocked FX8350 + GTX 780 to an i7-4790k + GTX780. Like many others on this forum, he noticed that he was being held back in many games by his FX8, and his expensive GPU wasn't being fully utilized.


Suika is one of many users here on LTT who were previously using FX processors with high end GPUs thinking it was a good match, only to realize in the end that it was not a good balance.




UnbendingNose is a member who was told on this very forum to buy an FX8 because it won't hold back an R9 290, and an ASRock Extreme 3 wont throttle his CPU.  Both of which are false.  Here are his two posts, the one where he is asking for advice on what to buy, and the 2nd where he is unhappy with his FX8320s performance because of bottlenecking and throttling.  He finally ended up buying an i5, which is what he should have done in the first place, and miraculously, to the surprise of no one, his performance in every single game improved, most notably minimum fps.




Itachipirate is an LTT member who used to be an FX crusader but finally saw enough compelling evidence to persuade him otherwise.  Here is his write up on the FX6:  AMD FX6, 6 Month Conclusion




Another FX owner who had this to say:  "All you have to do is look at my current rig and it could be a testimonial. These guys put me in my place on a number of threads where I was *attempting* to defend my 6350.  Currently on an i5 setup I can run FC4 without frames dipping into the low 20's as with my old FX."


He eventually created his own thread talking about the games that are specific to him.  While not AAA titles, these are very popular games that people play.  People often forget that there is a broader gaming consumer base who enjoy games other than just AAA titles. 


Here is his thread:  I switched from AMD: A Testimonial


Fluffy also has one of the best quotes trying to help someone deciding between an FX and Intel processor:

"If you cannot see the correct choice then you are suffering from "Subjective stupidity (this is stupidity, not ignorance. Ignorance would mean you don't have the information and it's not your fault. You've been given the information, and refuse to accept facts; that is stupidity)"




Another member having issues with his FX8350 OC'd to 4.8Ghz in a number of games.  He later upgraded to an i5, and here is what he had to say about it:


"My apologies guys if I am bringing this thread back up but I just wanted to update this. Turns out that I upgraded to the intel i5 4460 and the MSI Z97 PC Mate (Only reason why I got the Z97 was because down the road I most likely will be upgrading to 4790K and overclocking). When it comes to performance it has improved. Battlefield 4 I get a constant 90+ Usage on my GPU and in most games that I have played like shadow of mordor my FPS was extremely stable and had no stuttering or drops. All in all just a word of advice to whoever is going to use the 8350 and GTX 970 combination I highly recommend that you save up a bit and go with at least an i5 4460 or better"


If you want to read the entire thread, it is available here.




He had this to say: "The last Intel I owned up until now was a P3 667. It has been nothing but AMD since then. I had reasons for that were justified and backed by objective reasons. Those reasons no longer exist. 

My last AMD build (the last AMD build was actually a 1100t but I bought the chip and mb used for $50 so it doesn't count) was a Phenom II X4 955. 

Funny thing is, when doing research and pricing on my current build, I went in with the whole "AMD is the best bang for the buck" mentality that I'm sure a lot of AMD fans still have. Boy, was that ever so not the case. 

Unless I wanted to throw an FX chip on a shitty 760G based board (a chipset, BTW, that is over 7 years old by now) Intel was just a better choice. Bare in mind, my original plan was to shop in the core i3/Fx8xxx range. I wound up with the 4790k because I ended up with a bigger budget than I anticipated having when I made my purchase. But, the point I'm making is that AMD has even lost their position in the bang for the buck department. Now, they are only compelling in the entry level cheapo market. 

Before having a better budget, I kept playing around with different builds and Intel kept coming out the victor. AMD 9xx series boards are just not good value. While the chips look like a good price to performance option, decent boards will eat up any savings you might make. When an Intel cost more, it was usually a difference of only $20. With a few configs, Intel even cost less. 

People throw that word, fanboy, around a lot. As you can see, AMD took a good bit of my computing money for over a decade. But reality doesn't care about how you feel. Facts will continue to be true. AMD is losing and for many good reasons. The free market doesn't lie. Their failings aren't part of some conspiracy."




Another member who created their own thread talking about their switch from an FX8350 @ 4.8Ghz to an Intel i5-4670k.  Simply titled:  Made the AMD to Intel Switch.



Referring to the FX as the budget option, or good for its price needs to stop.  $225 equals $225 but the performance of one does not equal the other in games.


The truth can be denied, not avoided.



In this section I will include a lot of gaming graphs, as well as touch on a few other subjects such as AMD's up and coming microarchitecture(Zen), as well as DX12.




















Even this supposedly very good multi-threaded game, Call of Duty:Advanced Warefare runs better on an i3 than an FX9








Really pitiful when modern games are playing so much better on an i3 than an FX9.



















You have to OC an FX8 to 5Ghz just to match an i5-4440 at stock in BF4 multiplayer with an R9 290X.



Even Mantle doesn't bridge the gap.  Too bad they don't show the minimums in this above graph.















Very modern, multi-threaded game that does take advantage of all cores available, yet you have to OC an FX to 5Ghz to MATCH an i3.









This one above is Witcher 2






These are just a few games, and obviously skewed towards Intel, but my point is to try and illustrate that some games run very poorly on the weak cores on FX processors.  Even these new games that are properly multithreaded are running better on i3s than FX8s.  If you can find benchmarks from multiple sources that show something else, please share because in all of my research, I have not found any. 


What benchmarks fail to show is in-game performance.  There is no substitute for actually playing these games on both processors.  Now, I will admit I haven't played all of the games listed above, but in the games I did play, there was a noticeable stutter that would happen.  It didn't happen in all games, but it happened often enough for me to be displeased with it.  My friend who owns the FX8 simply said "You get used to it."  I strongly feel that this is the wrong attitude to have, especially when an i5 can be purchased for the same price.


Why buy a processor that can only play 4 out of 5 games at an ok level of performance, when you can pay the same and play 5 out of 5 games at an excellent level of performance? 


In the 18 gaming graphs above that show both the FX8 processor and the 4th Gen Intel i3, the i3 is performing better than the FX8 in 16 of those games!  In not a single game does the i5 perform worse than the FX8.  A locked i5 + H81/B85 motherboard can be purchased for the same, or less than the cost of an FX8 + 8+2 VRM Phase Motherboard as I demonstrated above.


I also want to throw in these power consumption graphs because it is something that one must consider when going with the FX processors.


The top graph is power draw during Far Cry 3.  This is a good example because Far Cry 3 hits both the CPU and GPU adequately.   Some games will draw more power, some less, so this is a good middle of the road example.  The bottom graph is of Metro Redux, and using an FX(E) processor which is lighter in terms of power consumption than the non-E variants.  In order for the FX to be competitive, it must be overclocked, and look how dramatically the power consumption increases!  Not to mention, if you follow the corresponding link, the overclocked FX still falls behind the stock i3 when it comes to in-game performance.  This is a common theme throughout most games.





The Below graph is during a x264 Encoding Benchmark with all processors at stock speeds.  This is hitting the CPU to the max 100%, and you can see when both an i5 and FX8 are hit to the max, there is a 100W+ difference.



Power consumption is another aspect of the FX CPU that needs to be talked about.  It draws so much more power than the Intel equivalent, that in just 2-3 years of use, the FX will end up costing you even more money.  Of course some places it is less expensive for energy than others, but you cannot deny that there is a sizable difference between an FX8 and an i5.  This power disparity only grows the further you overclock the FX.


I will use the average price of residential electricity in the U.S., which is $0.1294c per KWh according to EIA in September 2014.  For this example, we will assume the average price is a flat $0.12 per KWh to give a conservative estimate.  We will also assume that the overclocked FX power draw is 100W higher than the stock i5, again a conservative estimate.  Lastly, lets assume that the average gamer plays for two hours per day, with an additional 2 hours of regular use(non-gaming), so lets just call it 3 hours a day to make it easy.


Power Consumption = 100W

Hours of Use Per Day = 3

Energy Consumed Per Day = .3 KWh

Price Per Killowatt Hour = $0.12


Energy Cost Per Day = $0.036

Energy Cost Per Month = $1.08

Energy Cost Per Year = $13.14


With our quick and dirty calculation, we see that the difference between the FX and i5 is going to add up to over $10 per year, and that is a conservative estimate.  With most of us wanting to keep our components as long as possible before having to upgrade, owning components for 2-3 years, and sometimes even longer, is not out of the question and that energy cost per year really starts to add up.  You also have to consider that you will likely need a more expensive PSU to keep up with this power draw, especially if you want to overclock.



If you would like to calculate this for yourself, you will need to find out what the cost of energy is where you are located, and these two formulas:

Energy consumption calculation

The energy E in kilowatt-hours (kWh) per day is equal to the power P in watts (W) times number of usage hours per day t divided by 1000 watts per kilowatt:

E(kWh/day) = P(W) × t(h/day) / 1000(W/kW)

Energy cost calculation

The energy cost per day in dollars is equal to the energy consumption E in kWh per day times the energy cost of 1 kWh in cents/kWh divided by 100 cents per dollar:

Cost($/day) = E(kWh/day) × Cost(cent/kWh) / 100(cent/$)



I hear the argument that AMD runs cooler than Intel, and this is a really silly misconception.  I can understand why someone would think that it does, but the temperatures from AMD processors are inaccurate.  They don't measure the cores, they measure the socket, cores tend to be hotter than the socket by a fair amount, and its an algorithm, not a direct measurement like with Intel.  It also has to heat up before it becomes more accurate, this is why you see so many people seeing their FX processors are running below ambient temperatures when at idle.  Thats impossible, its the sensor and the algorithm acting up. It is against the laws of physics for an FX processor to be less hot than an Intel one.  The FX draws much more power.  At stock, the FX8 draws 125W compared to 84/88W of an i5. The FX processor heats up the room much more as well.  I know in my friends' house who owns the FX, his room is sweltering after just an hour of gaming.


"Concerning your question regarding the temperatures with your processor. The maximum temperature threshold is 62 Celsius which set for the internal die (core) temperature of the chip. The core temperatures have an equational offset to determine temperature which equalizes at about 45 Celsius thus giving you more accurate readings at peak temperatures. The hindrance in this is the sub ambient idle temperature readings you speak of.


 The silicon and adhesives used in manufacturing these processors has a peak temperature rating of 97+ Celsius before any form of degradation will take place. The processor also has a thermal shut off safe guard in place that shuts the processor down at 90 Celsius.

The Cpu temperature is read form a sensor embedded within the socket of your motherboard causing about a 7-10 Celsius variance form the actual Cpu temperature, which may be what you are reading about on the net.

 I hope I was able to answer your questions, If you have any more inquiries don't hesitate to contact us.

 You can use an application called AMD overdrive, that will allow you to monitor your temperatures accurately.

 As long as your core temperature has not exceeded the high side of the 60 degree mark for extended periods of time you should be ok. 62 degrees holds a generous safety net to begin with.

 Thank You

 Alex Cromwell

 Senior Technology Director

 Advanced Micro Devices

 Fort Collins, Colorado

 2950 East Harmony Road

 Suite 300

 Fort Collins, CO"


The other thing to consider with FX based systems is that their voltage regulation modules on the motherboard get extremely hot as well, and for the most part, they only have a heatsink on them, not direct airflow.  These VRMs are often in the 70C range, and have nothing to dissipate that heat.  This is another reason why FX based systems make the room much hotter.





2011 was the last time AMD actually released a new architecture.  Don't be confused by their rehashes such as the FX8320E/FX8370.  Those are still the same processors, with the same architecture, just with minor tweaks and highly binned into their respected SKUs.  Think Haswell Vs. Devil's Canyon, a minor tweak, but the same underlying architecture.


AMD does have a new microarchitecture in the works, codenamed "Zen."  It is rumored to be released in Q2/3 of 2016, and will be on the AM4 Socket.  It is being designed by Jim Keller, who is the engineer responsible for the venerable Athlon 64.  I hope that when AMD releases Zen it will bring AMD back into high end consumer CPU relevancy.  It doesn't even have to be better than Intel, it just has to be competitive.  If its performance, namely single core, is close to Intel's while remaining at a lower price, then I will likely switch to AMD because I am all about price to performance.


We should also be rooting for Zen in general because AMD needs a win badly.  The Fury has been fantastic for them, but I don't think it is enough to dig them out of the hole they are currently in.  Hopefully Zen is the answer to AMD's woes.  This industry needs competition, because competition breeds technological advancements.



DX12 is almost here, and with it comes a lot of excitement.  It should really help these old FX processors, but what people fail to understand is that it is not a miracle fix to what the main problems surrounding the FX processors are.


The main thing DX12 is going to do is increase the draw calls between the CPU and GPU, reducing the GPU bottleneck.  This will only be in games coded for DX12, which we wont see for many years. Remember how long it took for DX11 to be adopted completely?  Keep in mind it won't fix games that aren't coded for DX12.  Also, DX12 is going to help Intel processors, so until we see gaming benchmarks it doesn't make much sense to hype DX12 as the cure to mediocrity.

Buying an FX processor with the assumption that DX12 will fix it, is like going to the beach and not applying sun screen, hoping that a cure for skin cancer is right around the corner.  You just don't do it.


You also have to be aware that there are many games, and many features/settings within games that are still going to rely on strong single core performance, which DX12 isn't going to fix.


"I genuinely dislike the promulgation of false information, especially to people who are asking for help selecting new parts."

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The principle reason no one makes a big deal about these gaps anymore is because the difference between Intel and AMD has simply grown too wide. An 8-12% systemic improvement for Intel may make AMD look worse than it otherwise would, but AMD’s performance in Sysmark 2012 can lag Intel by as much as 50% — and that’s not something that compiler patches can fix.


This quote succinctly states what the matter at hand is; there's still a reasonable gap that little fixes like these won't actually address.


I would agree that Intel should NOT always be seen as the answer at every price point - because it's the more responsible thing to shop by performance/price over branding - but as it stands, I would feel that it's a little difficult for most computer builders and enthusiasts to justify spending their hard-earned cash on a Kaveri APU or FX chip, unless their specific purposes and intents called for it, because general gaming with discrete graphics cards tends to do a bit better per dollar on Intel's offerings than it would on AMD's offerings - this is withholding the idea of upgrade path that a lot of people state in support of using Intel's 1150 socket over the FM2 or AM3+, because I would say that the average computer builder wouldn't really care that much to be constantly upgrading their computer within the same socket (it's more likely that they'd just use something until it's no longer usable or satisfactory, and then upgrade entirely).


If you're happy with your A10, that's great. I like playing my games and sipping my water too. I would have thought that going with an AMD processor would be fun too at one point; do a little custom cooling, overclock it to see what I can get it stable on, and play my games. Sadly, I don't have much funds to play around on a computer like that, so I just got a locked i5 at a reasonable price (the Xeon E3 1231V3 looks good, but the price is just too much for me to handle, not to mention the reason that most gaming recommendations stop at an i5 is that most games wouldn't take advantage of higher thread count of the Xeon for an average person to notice any real benefit) and that was the end of it, because it works for me, plays my games, and doesn't turn my room into a sauna.


I can assure you that many people here are very much wishing for AMD to succeed, in both CPU/APU and GPU development; because even if we don't BUY their products, it would result in better competition which invariably results in better prices and new developments in products. While the 300 series and Fury X felt just a little short of what they should/could have been, I eagerly await what AMD has in mind with their new Zen lineup of CPUs, as the company desperately needs a boost with their image of being a second-rate option to Intel.


Fanboyism occurs very frequently no matter what forum you go to; it's just natural. Everyone wants to defend their purchase choice. I personally kinda regret getting an i5 at the moment because very few of the games that I play make much of a difference with it and I probably could have just saved the money, but at the same time I will probably come to appreciate my choice in the future, when dual-core options such as the Pentium and the i3 are left in the dust in terms of gaming (although it's quite doubtful).


What I can say is that, at the moment, the numbers largely favor Intel. Pointing out 1 Tek Syndicate video as evidence that the FX-8350 beats an i5 doesn't really say MUCH without reproducible results. It's akin to finding 1 result on Google stating that vaccines cause autism and then infecting everyone in your community with measles. Overall, I wish that people would take a step away from using hyperbole and extreme adjectives; be reasonable with how you describe things, and then perhaps people will feel less like their choices are being attacked and be more open to analyzing the data.

CPU: Intel Core i5-4460 Motherboard: ASRock H97M Anniversary RAM: Kingston HyperX 1600MHz 8GB (2x4GB) GPU: ASUS GeForce GTX 750Ti
Case: Corsair Air 240 White Storage: Western Digital Caviar Black 500GB PSU: Corsair CX500 Keyboard: CM Storm Quickfire Rapid (Cherry MX Blue)
Mouse: SteelSeries Kinzu V2 Operating System: Windows 8.1N

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In the few days that I've been on this forum, it has shown me that many users are very biased towards Intel, and don't like AMD processors.

It seems to me like AMD has better pricing for higher clock speeds, and more cores. The only difference is HyperThreading, which doesn't really seem to enhance performance much, at least in a gaming aspect. So would an 8-core AMD chip out perform an 8-core Intel chip and I'm also assuming the AMD version would sell for much less since their FX-8320 is 8 cores at 3.8GHz... At about $125 USD I don't know of many Intel cores that could match that price to performance ratio..

I'm not biased towards either side, but I'm a little more willing to go with AMD since they're greatly cheaper than Intel, and from the ones I've used, last longer, or are more able to keep up with the new technology coming out.

If hyper threading doesn't enhance performance, in another manner nor will more cores. And no, The high end 8 core Fx processor (which is great) cant outperform a eight core intel. Depends, do you mean hyper threaded or real cores? 

Comparing their cores and clock speeds is like comparing elephants and words. That made no sense right?

Really all that matters is real world performance, sense when you sit down to render a video and play GTA you dont stare at the bios telling you how fast the cpu runs, but you play the game it self. 


Sorry for my bad format, its been a long damn time sense I was on the forums. 

To love is to risk not being loved in return. To hope is to risk pain. To try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.


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forum update broke the spoilers, but here:

You aren't going to be able to do small form factor with FX because those motherboards aren't capable of properly providing power to the FX processors. If this is a gaming rig, look for an i3/i5 + B85 motherboard. Usage % of CPU doesn't correlate to in game performance. Cinebench is not a representation of gaming performance.

People think they are getting a good deal when they buy an FX for gaming, and they are not:

My goal with this post is to help others by avoiding costly mistakes that so many before them have made, and to help educate people on the objective reasoning why you should choose one product over another. After being on this forum for over a year, I am seeing so many users complaining about their gaming experience with FX processors that it is time to put a stop to it, and the best way to do that is nip it in the bud and recommend the correct tool for the job. To do that, I and a bunch of other forum members created this post as a one-link reference to all of the information we have gathered and continue to gather on the subject. This is an ever growing and constantly updated post.

The most common problems with the FX processors are unsatisfactory results in games, VRM throttling, and GPU bottlenecking. In my links below I will show you many different, yet conclusive results compiled from respected hardware reviewers and other members of this forum. I hope to paint a picture as to why the FX processor is objectively the inferior option and why it is a bad choice for a gaming machine especially when an equally, or lower priced option is available. I want you to make an educated decision based on information available without taking emotion and bias into this. I am about to present to you that information. There are some positives to the FX processors that I will talk about, but gaming is not one of them.

I always advocate the right tool for the job, and for some jobs, the FX processor is the best tool for the job, but you need to be aware of what your priorities are when building your machine. If your priority is gaming, then Intel is the clear winner regardless of price point. I have experience with both processors, and have owned both Intel and AMD. I currently own Intel because it is objectively the better processor. I don't hate AMD, I don't like Intel. What I love is facts and the facts are very clear that Intel is the better option at this point in time.

If you enjoy games like MMOs(ArcheAge, WoW, Guild Wars2, World of Tanks, Planetside2 etc..) DayZ, ARMA, GTA V, Dead Rising 3, Indies, RTS, Emulators, etc.. the FX will fall WAY behind the equally and sometimes lower priced Intel processors, and in some instances, become unplayable* unless you are fine with massive, recurring, constant, and noticeable FPS drops when the action starts.

*Everyone has a different definition of what unplayable is, so don't over analyze and exaggerate my wording. What is unplayable to me, might not be unplayable to you, but what we can all agree on is that no one likes FPS drops that makes your game hitch, stutter, or freeze, and you shouldn't be ok with those side effects because an Intel processor won't give you those unwanted side effects nearly as often as you get them with FX processors.

Then there are other games that are playable, but no where near as fluid as they would be on Intel because minimum framerates(which are the most important), drop much more significantly with FX processors. A few examples are: Starcraft, Skyrim, Civilization V, Far Cry 4, Assassin's Creed, Metal Gear Solid etc..

And of course there are a lot of games where the FX will perform similar to Intel because the games just run on anything. Tomb Raider, Bioshock, CoD:Ghosts, and many more.

For the a lot of games, the FX will be sufficient. But why would you want to spend more or the same amount of money on an old, and inferior product, when you can get a new and superior product for the same amount of money? Why play 4 out of 5 games at an acceptable level, when you could play 5 out of 5 games at an excellent level, with no bottlenecking, lower energy costs, and future upgrade paths while paying the same amount of money.

Minimum FPS is the most important FPS measurement. Bad minimums mean less fluidity in gameplay. Sometimes I see FX owners saying, "I hit 60fps just fine". While you might be capable of hitting 60fps on FX, the minimums are going to be lower, and that results in a noticeable detachment from immersion which is what constant 60+fps feels like. An Intel processor is often the difference between a fluid experience and a stuttery one. With Intel, your minimums are much higher, meaning a more fluid and immersive game play experience.

You will see below that even the Intel i3(costs less) is outperforming the FX6/8/9s in many games, and the locked i5(costs the same) is running away with it. There have also been a lot of new, modern, multi-threaded games that are performing poorly on the FX platform because of the poor per-core performance. More on that in some spoilers below.

I hope that when AMD releases Zen in 2016 that it will bring AMD back into high end consumer CPU relevancy. It doesn't even have to be better than Intel, it just has to be competitive. If its performance, namely single core, is close to Intel's while remaining at a lower price, then I will likely switch to AMD because I am all about price to performance. The problem is, price to performance for AMD doesn't exist right now. I will go over the pricing in detail in spoilers below.



















Even this supposedly very good multi-threaded game, Call of Duty:Advanced Warefare runs better on an i3 than an FX9








Really pitiful when modern games are playing so much better on an i3 than an FX9.



















You have to OC an FX8 to 5Ghz just to match an i5-4440 at stock in BF4 multiplayer with an R9 290X.



Even Mantle doesn't bridge the gap. Too bad they don't show the minimums in this above graph.















Very modern, multi-threaded game that does take advantage of all cores available, yet you have to OC an FX to 5Ghz to MATCH an i3.









This one above is Witcher 2






These are just a few games, and obviously skewed towards Intel, but my point is to try and illustrate that some games run very poorly on the weak cores on FX processors. Even these new games that are well multithreaded are running better on i3s than FX8s. If you can find benchmarks from multiple sources that show something else, please share because in all of my research, I have not found any.

What benchmarks fail to show is in-game performance. There is no substitute for actually playing these games on both processors. Now, I will admit I haven't played all of the games listed above, but in the games I did play, there was a noticeable stutter that would happen. It didn't happen in all games, but it happened often enough for me to be displeased with it. My friend who owns the FX8 simply said "You get used to it." This is the wrong attitude to have.

Now...why buy a processor that can only play 4 out of 5 games, when you can pay the same and play 5 out of 5 games without issue? In the 18 gaming graphs above that show both the FX8 processor and the 4th Gen Intel i3, the i3 is performing better than the FX8 in 16 of the games! In not a single game does the i5 perform worse than the FX8. A locked i5 + H81/B85 motherboard can be purchased for less than the cost of an FX8 + 8+2 VRM Phase Motherboard. I will show that below in another spoiler.


Look through all of these sources... the i3 is handing it to the FX8s and FX9s in so many games!













"To put it nicely, the FX-8370E is a true middle-of-the-road CPU. Using it only makes sense as long as the graphics card you choose comes from a similar performance segment.

Depending on the game in question, AMD’s new processor has the potential to keep you happy around the AMD Radeon R9 270X/285 or Nvidia GeForce GTX 760 or 660 Ti level.

A higher- or even high-end graphics card doesn’t make sense, as pairing it with AMD's FX-8370E simply limits the card's potential."

"In terms of raw single-core performance the flagship AMD FX-8350 is lagging behind intel's processor line-up by over two generations. The PassMark Single Thread scores for the i5-2500K vs the FX-8350 are 1863 to 1520 which shows that in terms of raw per-core processing the FX-8350 is lagging the two year old i5 by 23%. Where the AMD FX makes up is on multi-core performance, with a score of 9156 vs 6745, the AMD leads the Intel 2500K by 36% making it the far more capable multi-threaded server orientated performer. The AMD is also cheaper but significantly more power hungry which counts strongly against it as a sever proposition. The FX-8350 could be a good fit for specific server use cases but for general consumer use, which is single and dual core intensive, Intel's two year old i5-2500K will deliver better performance."

"When AMD first released CPUs for their AM3+ platform we at OC3D were not overly impressed, behind the hype of AMD's "Bulldozer" architecture was some very power hungry, hot running and under-performing CPUs. When AMD's second generation of FX CPUs, Piledriver, was released AMD had lessened a lot of these issues, but many of those flaws still remained."

"This is a huge result – it wasn’t until we used a Haswell core CPU that the R9 280X was able to deliver consistent frame times and a 60 FPS frame rate in Assassin’s Creed IV. All three AMD CPUs we used – even the FX 8350 – and the Ivy Bridge Core i3 would deliver a sub 60 FPS frame rate, with frame spikes throughout the benchmark run.

In this case, the Core i3 4340 allows the R9 280X GPU to run at maximum potential, just like the Core i5 (and Core i7 would)."

"My benchmarks show that the Core i3-4360 is faster than the FX-8320E in virtually every test on a per-core basis, you’re probably never going to see this differential unless you spend quite a lot of time in benchmark-land. Benchmark-land is fun, kind of like taking your car to the drag strip to see what it will do. But, like your quarter-mile time, it often doesn’t have that much correlation with real-world performance."

"In the end, AMD's FX-8320E is an affordable quad-core processor that overclocks decently, but even if you pushed it to 5GHz it would struggle to match the slightly pricier Core i5-4430 and even the Core i3-4360 at times. Then after you take the power consumption figures into account, arguments for the FX-8320E begin to seem rather indefensible."

"Pop over to the gaming scatter, though, and the picture changes dramatically. There, the FX-8350 is the highest-performance AMD desktop processor to date for gaming, finally toppling the venerable Phenom II X4 980. Yet the FX-8350's gaming performance almost exactly matches that of the Core i3-3225, a $134 Ivy Bridge-based processor. Meanwhile, the Core i5-3470 delivers markedly superior gaming performance for less money than the FX-8350. The FX-8350 isn't exactly bad for video games—its performance was generally acceptable in our tests. But it is relatively weak compared to the competition.

This strange divergence between the two performance pictures isn't just confined to gaming, of course. The FX-8350 is also relatively pokey in image processing applications, in SunSpider, and in the less widely multithreaded portions of our video encoding tests. Many of these scenarios rely on one or several threads, and the FX-8350 suffers compared to recent Intel chips in such cases. Still, the contrast between the FX-8350 and the Sandy/Ivy Bridge chips isn't nearly as acute as it was with the older FX processors. Piledriver's IPC gains and that 4GHz base clock have taken the edge off of our objections.

The other major consideration here is power consumption, and really, the FX-8350 isn't even the same class of product as the Ivy Bridge Core i5 processors on this front. There's a 48W gap between the TDP ratings of the Core i5 parts and the FX-8350, but in our tests, the actual difference at the wall socket between two similarly configured systems under load was over 100W. That gap is large enough to force the potential buyer to think deeply about the class of power supply, case, and CPU cooler he needs for his build. One could definitely get away with less expensive components for a Core i5 system."

"The FX-8370E stretches its legs a little in terms of minimum frame rates, particularly in SLI, however it is handily beaten by the i3-4330."

"Average frametimes did not do AMD’s processors any justice either. As we already said the game was fluid with i7 and i5’s, and somewhat playable with the i3 processor line. When we switched to FX CPUs not only did we have worse framerate but the gameplay was simply put, laggy."

The Bulldozer architecture was released in 2011, but it had been in development for many years. It basically reused an old architecture that had already been phased out years ago. They reused it, and marketed it well to trick users into thinking it was something spectacular. "How could an 8 core, 4Ghz CPU possibly be bad?" One word: Architecture. This CPU is not good now, and it wasn't even good when it was released. Please give this article a read because it does a much better job of explaining this than I will ever be able to. Analyzing Bulldozer

The architecture behind the FX CPUs cannot keep up with high end graphics cards that require strong cores to consistently feed the card. Monitor your GPU load in your games and you will quickly see that your GPU is not running at 90%+ if you own a high end graphics card paired with an FX processor. Use an FX with a mid range GPU all you want, that is fine and you won't limit the card's potential and makes for a much more balanced rig. If you get into the upper echelon of GPUs, that is when you are holding your card back by the FX. This also doesn't bode well for the future because as GPUs get more powerful, the FX will simply not be able to keep up with even mid-range GPUs. As of now, the highest end GPU I would pair with an FX that won't limit its potential is an R9 280/GTX770.

There are very few games that are very well multithreaded, and even in those games, such as CoD:AW, an i3 is still beating out an FX9. The reason behind this is because games typically have one main thread, Core #0. When this main thread is being choked by poor single core performance, the rest of the threads struggle. So even in these really well multithreaded PC port games, we are still seeing Intel processors beating out FXs because their poor IPC simply can't give as good as results on that main thread.

Single core performance is the most important thing when evaluating a processor for desktop use. "The majority of consumer applications (MS World, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and most games) although multi threaded rarely utilize more than one thread at a time. The single core benchmarks can be seen as a reasonable real world test for typical consumer workloads."

When AMD sends out R9 290Xs for review, or release new drivers they send out Intel i7s along with them because they know their FX processors can't power their high end GPUs to their max potential. That's a big red flag.



Check out LTT's own Cinebench Scores:




-LTT's Cinebench Database

These FXs are overclocked to 4.8Ghz and 5.3Ghz! and still fall well behind Intel's offerings.

Even when you pair the FX with a mid range GPU, it doesn't change the fact that some games are largely CPU bound and require strong IPC. Parallelism doesn't exist in games. There are not many, if any highly repetitive calculations going on in games that the CPU can guess what is coming next like in video editing or rendering. They have tricked you into thinking that more cores and higher Ghz is what matters for your CPU, when it all comes down to the architecture and instructions per cycle.

Websites like cpubenchmark.net have a suite of synthetic benchmarks that they run each processor through to spit out a score. Going by this, the FX8 outperforms the i5 because those synthetic tests are highly repetitive calculations that benefit from more cores. People see that result and automatically think "Oh, the FX8 is a much stronger processor than the i5." And in some tasks it is, gaming is just not one of them.

A man(Faa) who knows a lot more about this than me did some research and found, to the surprise of no one, that games just aren't using more than 4 threads, and the ones that do, aren't benefiting as much as you would think from those extra cores/threads. I'm going to link you over to his research that shows how cores/threads have an impact on gaming performance. It is a great read with a lot of interesting information, as well as a few links to other more reputable review websites doing testing on many popular mainstream games. For the most part, games are using 2-4 threads. And the few that can take advantage of more threads, aren't really benefiting from them. Of course in some games, the FX8 is going to do much better than the FX4, but looking over benchmarks from the gaming graphs above, and all of the links in the i3 > FX8 spoiler, the FX4,6,8 processors are mostly lumped together with very little difference between them. An example: For every game that the FX8 actually does a lot better than the FX4, there are 5 games that only show a ~10% improvement.

When you look at the Bulldozer Block Diagram, what do you see?


I see 4 modules, and 8 integer cores.

Lets define what a core is: A CPU core is a collection of components in a processor used to process code. Its not just the logical processor (the integer core), not just the FPU, not just the decoder, not just the l1 cache not just the l2 cache but all of these components combined is what forms a core.

Modules and cores are very different. This module design is a very old microarchitecture design(1996) and it doesn't work the same way a true core does. The issue with this design is that resources are shared, namely the floating point unit. The floating point unit is very important for gaming. So while it does have 8 integer cores/threads, those cores have to share resources for certain tasks, and this causes one core to wait until the other is finished. Because of this, it is not a true 8 core processor.

A true core 8 core processor is when there is no situation you can present it short of disabling cores that will cause even one thread out of eight to have to wait to be processed. Not a single situation. you can't say the same thing about the FX processors. If both threads on a module need the FPU one of the threads will have to wait.

Gaming performance aside, the vast majority of daily tasks are single threaded. Everything you do on your desktop, booting up your computer, loading a simple program such as iTunes is going to be faster on Intel because these are single threaded tasks and the performance per core is so much more powerful which results in a more snappy overall experience. There are very few tasks that benefit from 8 cores. A program that really benefits from all the cores you throw at it is a real niche area, often reserved for content creation and calculations-not games. This niche area is where the FX processors really shine because those programs benefit from many cores able to execute highly repetitive tasks. Please note that not all content creation programs benefit from 8 cores, some programs do still prefer the strong cores of Intel, so please check and see if the program you specifically plan to use benefits from more cores, or stronger ones.

This is PCMark 7, it is a FutureMark benchmark that "is a complete PC benchmark that measures overall system performance during typical desktop usage across a range of activities such as handling images and video, web browsing and gaming. This is the most important test since it returns the official PCMark score for the system." This is most closely related to a multitasking scenario.

-PCMark 7


This shows that while the performance in daily workloads is similar, Intel is still ahead. Also consider that these are older generation Intel processors that have since been improved upon, only further increasing the result in Intel's favor for daily tasks. Think multi-tasking is better on the FX8 because of all those cores? Nope.



Some more productivity benchmarks for your enjoyment:





























The FX processors do have some strengths, just make sure that you are using a program that maximizes those strengths because as shown above, even in some multithreaded programs, the i5-4690k still comes out ahead. In my opinion the gaming benefits of a locked i5, far outweigh the productivity(certain programs) benefits of the FX8. You will have to personally weigh the pros and cons of what your priorities of your computer will be, and make your decision based on that, but if I'm building a gaming computer with a side of content creation, I will take the better gaming results over a 20 second(arbitrary number) shorter render time.





I also want to throw in these power consumption graphs.

Top graph is power draw during Far Cry 3. This is a good example because Far Cry 3 hits both the CPU and GPU adequately. Some games will draw more power, some less, so this is a good middle of the road example.


The Below graph is during a x264 Encoding Benchmark with all processors at stock speeds. This is hitting the CPU to the max 100%, and you can see when both an i5 and FX8 are hit to the max, there is a 100W+ difference.


Power consumption is another aspect of the FX CPU that needs to be talked about. It draws so much more power than the Intel equivalent, that in just 2-3 years of use, the FX will end up costing you even more money. Of course some places it is less expensive for energy than others, but you cannot deny that there is a 100W+ difference between an FX8 and an i5. This power disparity only grows the further you overclock the FX.

I will use the average price of residential electricity in the U.S., which is $0.1294c per KWh according to EIA in September 2014. For this example, we will assume the average price is a flat $0.12 per KWh to give a conservative estimate. We will also assume that the overclocked FX power draw is 100W higher than the stock i5, again a conservative estimate. Lastly, lets assume that the average gamer plays for two hours per day, with an additional 2 hours of regular use(non-gaming), so lets just call it 3 hours a day to make it easy.

Power Consumption = 100W

Hours of Use Per Day = 3

Energy Consumed Per Day = .3 KWh

Price Per Killowatt Hour = $0.12

Energy Cost Per Day = $0.036

Energy Cost Per Month = $1.08

Energy Cost Per Year = $13.14

With our quick and dirty calculation, we see that the difference between the FX and i5 is going to add up to over $10 per year, and that is a conservative estimate. With most of us wanting to keep our components as long as possible before having to upgrade, owning components for 2-3 years, and sometimes even longer, is not out of the question and that energy cost per year really starts to add up. You also have to consider that you will likely need a more expensive PSU to keep up with this power draw, especially if you want to overclock.

If you would like to calculate this for yourself, you will need to find out what the cost of energy is where you are located, and these two formulas:

Energy consumption calculation

The energy E in kilowatt-hours (kWh) per day is equal to the power P in watts (W) times number of usage hours per day t divided by 1000 watts per kilowatt:

E(kWh/day) = P(W) × t(h/day) / 1000(W/kW)

Energy cost calculation

The energy cost per day in dollars is equal to the energy consumption E in kWh per day times the energy cost of 1 kWh in cents/kWh divided by 100 cents per dollar:

Cost($/day) = E(kWh/day) × Cost(cent/kWh) / 100(cent/$)


I hear the argument that AMD runs cooler than Intel, and this is a really silly misconception. I can understand why someone would think that it does, but the temperatures from AMD processors are inaccurate. They don't measure the cores, they measure the socket, cores tend to be hotter than the socket by a fair amount, and its an algorithm, not a direct measurement like with Intel. It also has to heat up before it becomes more accurate, this is why you see so many people seeing their FX processors are running below ambient temperatures when at idle. Thats impossible, its the sensor and the algorithm acting up. It is against the laws of physics for an FX processor to be less hot than an Intel one. The FX draws much more power. At stock, the FX8 draws 125W compared to 84/88W of an i5. The FX processor heats up the room much more as well. I know in my friends' house who owns the FX, his room is sweltering after just an hour of gaming.

"Concerning your question regarding the temperatures with your processor. The maximum temperature threshold is 62 Celsius which set for the internal die (core) temperature of the chip. The core temperatures have an equational offset to determine temperature which equalizes at about 45 Celsius thus giving you more accurate readings at peak temperatures. The hindrance in this is the sub ambient idle temperature readings you speak of.

The silicon and adhesives used in manufacturing these processors has a peak temperature rating of 97+ Celsius before any form of degradation will take place. The processor also has a thermal shut off safe guard in place that shuts the processor down at 90 Celsius.

The Cpu temperature is read form a sensor embedded within the socket of your motherboard causing about a 7-10 Celsius variance form the actual Cpu temperature, which may be what you are reading about on the net.

I hope I was able to answer your questions, If you have any more inquiries don't hesitate to contact us.

You can use an application called AMD overdrive, that will allow you to monitor your temperatures accurately.

As long as your core temperature has not exceeded the high side of the 60 degree mark for extended periods of time you should be ok. 62 degrees holds a generous safety net to begin with.

Thank You

Alex Cromwell

Senior Technology Director

Advanced Micro Devices

Fort Collins, Colorado

2950 East Harmony Road

Suite 300

Fort Collins, CO"

The other thing to consider with FX based systems is that their voltage regulation modules on the motherboard get extremely hot as well, and for the most part, they only have a heatsink on them, not direct airflow. These VRMs are often in the 70C range, and have nothing to dissipate that heat. This is another reason why FX based systems make the room much hotter.


This is an excellent comparison done by Paulsterio of the forums. You should really read through the entire above link, it is a great and detailed read. Here is the conclusion in Paulsterio's words.


If you've made it this far, congrats and thank you very, very much for reading. I appreciate it genuinely.

Okay, so let's conclude. Yes, Intel won 5-2, but that's meaningless. Looking at benchmarks for the sake of looking at benchmarks doesn't

help us. What helps us is seeing where the 4670K wins massively and where the 8350 wins massively.


In gaming, the 4670K wins. This is said by Linus, said by AnandTech, said by Bit-Tech, said by Tom's Hardware, said all around the internet

except for at Tek Syndicate. If you are going for a gaming PC, go with the 4670K.

Video Editing and 3D Rendering

Yes, there are benchmarks where the 8350 beats the 4670K, however, what is important is that these two are almost neck and neck.

Some sites have the 8350 ever so slightly faster, some have the 3570K/4670K as ever so slightly faster. At the end of the day, it's too close to call.

However, the extra IPC that Haswell offers should help in a wider variety of situations, so I would award this to the 4670K.


This one goes to the 8350 which demonstrates a higher performance with calculations throughout due to its higher core count. It beats Intel convincingly

in most calculation benchmarks.

So, what does this mean?

This has been said in the introduction, but I will say it again. I am not an Intel fanboy, which is why I went out to research instead of screaming that Intel

is better. I have suggested AMD in the past, their Athlon 64 was better than the Pentium 4, their Athlon 64 x2 was better than the Pentium D. However,

I genuinely dislike the promulgation of false information, especially to people who are asking for help selecting new parts.

If you're an AMD fanboy, you're not going to like it, but Intel's 4670K is better than AMD's 8350. Regardless of however you look at it, in most situations,

the 4670K wins, but it isn't just that, its far superior IPC gives it such an advantage in most every day tasks, which are mostly still single-threaded.

The AMD 8350 is good for certain workloads, but apart from those workloads, it is simply terrible. Its IPC, which is weaker than the i7 920's, which is

5 years old, is simply too weak to put it as any sort of real competition to the 4670K.

I hope that this clears up some of the misconceptions here. Yes, AMD had their time, their Athlon 64 was better than the Intel Pentium 4, however,

those days are well and truly over. If, in this day and age, you recommend an AMD processor for any usage apart from calculations, you are either

being a fanboy or just plainly ignorant of the facts which say that the 4670K is superior.

Of course, this is not to say that nobody should use AMD, but, if you suggest an AMD build for someone else, especially if you suggest an 8350

against a 4670K, know that you are suggesting a worse option, especially for a gaming PC. To argue that the 8350 is competitive with the 4670K

across the board is delusional and just plainly wrong. Yes, you are wrong.

So that's it guys, for most people, the 4670K is the better option compared to the 8350 and the information shows it.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to read my little article. I hope I have helped you see what the statistics say about these two processors.

I appreciate you taking the time to read what I have written. Cheers :)"

This video is the most meticulous head to head comparison of the FX8 and i5. Its lengthy, but it is the most comprehensive and in-depth review of the FX8 and i5-4670k in a myriad of scenarios pitted against each other. Single player, multiplayer, 1080p, 1440p, power consumption, min/max/avg framerates, daily tasks, rendering, editing, streaming, mid level GPUs, high level GPUs, multi-threaded games, single core games, this video covers it all.


Also, when people say that the FX8 is a less expensive option, they are wrong. In order for the FX8 to be viable, it needs to be overclocked, which means you need a motherboard with at least 8+2 VRM phase design, and more expensive cooling solution. You can squeeze by on a 6+2, but you aren't going to get as consistent results as an 8+2, also overclocking results drop with the 6+2. This makes it cost the same, if not more than a locked i5 processor which will beat the FX8 in every single game, no matter how high the FX is overclocked. I'm not arguing that the processor is less expensive on AMD's side, but the ancillary components needed end up making it cost the same as a locked i5.

You can forget about small form factors because there are no AM3+ motherboards available with sufficient VRM phase design that are smaller than ATX. Even some ATX mobos have small phase counts, and are not reliable. If you need to educate yourself on what VRMs are and why they are so important, please refer to this link about VRMs and Mosfets. That link is slightly dated, being last updated in 2012, but the basic educational information in it remains the same.

"Failures on motherboards with higher phase counts have been relatively infrequent if at all. Most of the culprits for VRM failures are the lower end 4+1 phase and 3+1 phase motherboards that aren't equipped to handle processors that consume lots of power and may be overclocked. Smaller 4+1 phase systems or less on CPUs can be particularly risky due to the fact that each transistor must be capable of outputting more current and heat. This is why you normally see motherboards with low phase count failing (i.e. catching fire, frying, overloading), often on motherboards from only certain manufacturers or certain particular motherboards."

This next video is a bit of an exaggeration because it is the behemoth FX9590, but the point remains, if you don't have a sufficient motherboard for these power hungry processors, problems can arise.


This is why you HAVE to buy a quality motherboard for the FX series, which makes the overall cost of an FX based system more expensive, and we haven't even begun to talk about cooling.

PCPartPicker part list: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/6JNdt6

Price breakdown by merchant: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/6JNdt6/by_merchant/

CPU: AMD FX-8320 3.5GHz 8-Core Processor ($145.95 @ Amazon)

Motherboard: ASRock 970 Performance ATX AM3+ Motherboard ($83.99 @ Newegg)

Total: $229.94

Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-01-04 15:50 EST-0500


PCPartPicker part list: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/c7WWt6

Price breakdown by merchant: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/c7WWt6/by_merchant/

CPU: Intel Core i5-4440 3.1GHz Quad-Core Processor ($169.99 @ SuperBiiz)

Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-B85M-DS3H Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($45.98 @ OutletPC) <-- You could even save an additional $10 by going with a motherboard with only 2 DIMM slots, which is all you really need.

Total: $215.97

Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-11 17:20 EST-0500



PCPartPicker part list: http://de.pcpartpicker.com/p/rzHNP6

Price breakdown by merchant: http://de.pcpartpicker.com/p/rzHNP6/by_merchant/

CPU: Intel Core i5-4430 3.0GHz Quad-Core Processor (€160.82 @ Hardwareversand)

Motherboard: ASRock H81M-DGS Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard (€42.49 @ Home of Hardware DE)

Total: €203.31

Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-27 01:51 CET+0100


PCPartPicker part list: http://de.pcpartpicker.com/p/ZhVQD3

Price breakdown by merchant: http://de.pcpartpicker.com/p/ZhVQD3/by_merchant/

CPU: AMD FX-8320 3.5GHz 8-Core Processor (€124.90 @ Caseking)

Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3P ATX AM3+ Motherboard (€79.78 @ Hardwareversand)

Total: €204.68

Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-27 01:49 CET+0100


Limited selection on PcP

PCPartPicker part list: http://au.pcpartpicker.com/p/WYvZcf

Price breakdown by merchant: http://au.pcpartpicker.com/p/WYvZcf/by_merchant/

CPU: Intel Core i5-4570 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor ($228.00 @ CPL Online)

Motherboard: ASRock H81 Pro BTC ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($39.00 @ PLE Computers)

Total: $267.00

Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-12 22:47 EST+1100


PCPartPicker part list: http://au.pcpartpicker.com/p/MDtBGX

Price breakdown by merchant: http://au.pcpartpicker.com/p/MDtBGX/by_merchant/

CPU: AMD FX-8320 3.5GHz 8-Core Processor ($182.00 @ CPL Online)

Motherboard: MSI 970 GAMING ATX AM3+ Motherboard ($129.00 @ CPL Online) <-- Any less expensive motherboards only have 4+1 VRM phase design, which is not adequate.

Total: $311.00

Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-27 11:52 EST+1100

New Zealand:

PCPartPicker part list: http://nz.pcpartpicker.com/p/fZTrrH

Price breakdown by merchant: http://nz.pcpartpicker.com/p/fZTrrH/by_merchant/

CPU: Intel Core i5-4440 3.1GHz Quad-Core Processor ($272.00 @ Paradigm PCs)

Motherboard: ASRock H81M-HDS Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($72.44 @ PB Technologies)

Total: $344.44

Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-27 13:53 NZDT+1300


PCPartPicker part list: http://nz.pcpartpicker.com/p/MytJxr

Price breakdown by merchant: http://nz.pcpartpicker.com/p/MytJxr/by_merchant/

CPU: AMD FX-8320 3.5GHz 8-Core Processor ($207.00 @ 1stWave Technologies)

Motherboard: Asus M5A97 R2.0 ATX AM3+ Motherboard ($149.95 @ Computer Lounge)

Total: $356.95

Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-27 13:52 NZDT+1300


PCPartPicker part list: http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/VCGVFT

Price breakdown by merchant: http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/VCGVFT/by_merchant/

CPU: Intel Core i5-4440 3.1GHz Quad-Core Processor ($186.96 @ Newegg Canada)

Motherboard: ASRock H81 Pro BTC ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($39.99 @ Memory Express)

Total: $226.95

Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-12 06:52 EST-0500


PCPartPicker part list: http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/ZhVQD3

Price breakdown by merchant: http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/ZhVQD3/by_merchant/

CPU: AMD FX-8320 3.5GHz 8-Core Processor ($157.90 @ DirectCanada)

Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3P ATX AM3+ Motherboard ($106.00 @ Vuugo)

Total: $263.90

Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-26 19:53 EST-0500

United Kingdom:

PCPartPicker part list: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/f39ZZL

Price breakdown by merchant: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/f39ZZL/by_merchant/

CPU: Intel Core i5-4440 3.1GHz Quad-Core Processor (£131.20 @ Aria PC)

Motherboard: MSI H81M-P33 Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard (£32.17 @ Scan.co.uk)

Total: £163.37

Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-27 00:54 GMT+0000


PCPartPicker part list: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/ZhVQD3

Price breakdown by merchant: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/ZhVQD3/by_merchant/

CPU: AMD FX-8320 3.5GHz 8-Core Processor (£103.00 @ Amazon UK)

Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3P ATX AM3+ Motherboard (£63.54 @ Aria PC)

Total: £166.54

Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-27 00:54 GMT+0000


PCPartPicker part list: http://it.pcpartpicker.com/p/f39ZZL

Price breakdown by merchant: http://it.pcpartpicker.com/p/f39ZZL/by_merchant/

CPU: Intel Core i5-4440 3.1GHz Quad-Core Processor (€173.38 @ Amazon Italia)

Motherboard: MSI H81M-P33 Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard (€41.17 @ Amazon Italia)

Total: €214.55

Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-12 13:03 CET+0100


PCPartPicker part list: http://it.pcpartpicker.com/p/ZhVQD3

Price breakdown by merchant: http://it.pcpartpicker.com/p/ZhVQD3/by_merchant/

CPU: AMD FX-8320 3.5GHz 8-Core Processor (€131.67 @ Amazon Italia)

Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3P ATX AM3+ Motherboard (€87.62 @ Amazon Italia)

Total: €219.29

Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-27 01:55 CET+0100


PCPartPicker part list: http://es.pcpartpicker.com/p/f39ZZL

Price breakdown by merchant: http://es.pcpartpicker.com/p/f39ZZL/by_merchant/

CPU: Intel Core i5-4440 3.1GHz Quad-Core Processor (€163.00 @ Amazon Espana)

Motherboard: MSI H81M-P33 Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard (€42.20 @ Amazon Espana)

Total: €205.20

Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-27 01:56 CET+0100


PCPartPicker part list: http://es.pcpartpicker.com/p/ZhVQD3

Price breakdown by merchant: http://es.pcpartpicker.com/p/ZhVQD3/by_merchant/

CPU: AMD FX-8320 3.5GHz 8-Core Processor (€130.83 @ Amazon Espana)

Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3P ATX AM3+ Motherboard (€87.83 @ Amazon Espana)

Total: €218.66

Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-27 01:55 CET+0100

Want to try and find a cheaper option for AMD? Be my guest. Here is the AM3+ Motherboard Phasing Guide. You need at least 6+2, but recommended 8+2.

Don't forget that you will likely need an aftermarket cooler as well.

Every region on PcP, it is less expensive to go Intel than AMD. I have also found that in regions not supported by PcP it is less expensive to go Intel than AMD. These regions that I have personally found are: Norway, India, and Poland. If you would like me to check for you, send me your frequently used online retailers and I will be happy to look into it for you.


iUpgraded to an i7: A 30 Day Journal:

If you don't like numbers and want pure user experience without benchmarks and stats, check out Suika's 30 Day Journal of his experience going from an FX8350 + GTX 780 to an i7-4790k + GTX780. Like many others on this forum, he noticed that he was being held back in many games with his FX8, and his expensive GPU wasn't being fully utilized. Here is a pure experience based review from a forum member on his experience going from FX to Intel.

Suika is one of many users here on LTT who were previously using FX processors with high end GPUs thinking it was a good match, only to realize in the end that it was not a good balance.

Here is another member, UnbendingNose who was told on this very forum to buy an FX8 because it won't hold back an R9 290, and an ASRock Extreme 3 wont throttle his CPU. Both of which are false. Here are his two posts, the one where he is asking for advice on what to buy, and the 2nd where he is unhappy with his FX8320s performance because of bottlenecking and throttling. He finally ended up buying an i5, which is what he should have done in the first place, and miraculously, to the surprise of no one, his performance in every single game improved, most notably minimum fps.

Another one is itachipirate who used to be an FX crusader but finally saw enough compelling evidence to persuade him otherwise. Here is his write up on the FX6.

AMD FX6, 6 Month Conclusion

FLUFFYJELLO, another FX owner had this to say: "All you have to do is look at my current rig and it could be a testimonial. These guys put me in my place on a number of threads where I was *attempting* to defend my 6350. Currently on an i5 setup I can run FC4 without frames dipping into the low 20's as with my old FX."

itzhalo, was having issues with his FX8350 OC'd to 4.8Ghz in a number of games. He later upgraded to an i5, and here is what he had to say about it:

"My apologies guys if I am bringing this thread back up but I just wanted to update this. Turns out that I upgraded to the intel i5 4460 and the MSI Z97 PC Mate (Only reason why I got the Z97 was because down the road I most likely will be upgrading to 4790K and overclocking). When it comes to performance it has improved. Battlefield 4 I get a constant 90+ Usage on my GPU and in most games that I have played like shadow of mordor my FPS was extremely stable and had no stuttering or drops. All in all just a word of advice to whoever is going to use the 8350 and GTX 970 combination I highly recommend that you save up a bit and go with at least an i5 4460 or better"

If you want to read the entire thread, it is available here.

JamGorby says: "The last Intel I owned up until now was a P3 667. It has been nothing but AMD since then. I had reasons for that were justified and backed by objective reasons. Those reasons no longer exist.

My last AMD build (the last AMD build was actually a 1100t but I bought the chip and mb used for $50 so it doesn't count) was a Phenom II X4 955.

Funny thing is, when doing research and pricing on my current build, I went in with the whole "AMD is the best bang for the buck" mentality that I'm sure a lot of AMD fans still have. Boy, was that ever so not the case.

Unless I wanted to throw an FX chip on a shitty 760G based board (a chipset, BTW, that is over 7 years old by now) Intel was just a better choice. Bare in mind, my original plan was to shop in the core i3/Fx8xxx range. I wound up with the 4790k because I ended up with a bigger budget than I anticipated having when I made my purchase. But, the point I'm making is that AMD has even lost their position in the bang for the buck department. Now, they are only compelling in the entry level cheapo market.

Before having a better budget, I kept playing around with different builds and Intel kept coming out the victor. AMD 9xx series boards are just not good value. While the chips look like a good price to performance option, decent boards will eat up any savings you might make. When an Intel cost more, it was usually a difference of only $20. With a few configs, Intel even cost less.

People throw that word, fanboy, around a lot. As you can see, AMD took a good bit of my computing money for over a decade. But reality doesn't care about how you feel. Facts will continue to be true. AMD is losing and for many good reasons. The free market doesn't lie. Their failings aren't part of some conspiracy."

rtpb5642 has created his own thread talking about his switch from an FX8350 @ 4.8Ghz to an Intel i5-4670k. Simply titled: Made the AMD to Intel Switch.

FLUFFYJELLO created his own thread talking about the games that are specific to him. While not AAA titles, these are still very popular games that people play. Here is his thread: I switched from AMD: A Testimonial

Fluffy also has one of the best quotes trying to help someone deciding between an FX and Intel processor:

If you cannot see the correct choice then you are suffering from "Subjective stupidity (this is stupidity, not ignorance. Ignorance would mean you don't have the information and it's not your fault. You've been given the information, and refuse to accept facts; that is stupidity)"

I am aware that an i7 is much more expensive than an FX8, but the performance in games between an i5 and i7 is nearly identical, especially when at the same clock speed. Not to mention, all you need is an i5 @ 3.0Ghz to beat anything FX has to offer.

With the AM3+ platform, there is nothing to upgrade to. Going from an FX6 to FX8 to FX9 doesn't yield much performance gains because they all use the same architecture, which has horrible single core performance. If you tried to go from FX8 to FX9, you're going to have to spend even more on super high end 990FX motherboard, and at least a $60 CPU Cooler. Just throwing money at a bottomless pit of poor gaming performance. Basically, you're stuck with what you have if you decide to go FX.

With Intel, upgrading is easy. You can go from an i3 to i5, an i7, or Xeon, even if you're on one of the less expensive, minimalistic, and older motherboards like an H81, you can still drop in a higher end Intel processor without issue. All that is necessary is a BIOS update, which is easy to do as long as you already have a Haswell processor, which you would have if you went this route. Even the soon to be released Broadwell processors should be compatible with H81 motherboards. They are going to be compatible with Devil's Canyon motherboards, which are also LGA1150, so they will fit in the same socket as these motherboards, so in theory all that is necessary is a BIOS update. Going this route, you won't be able to overclock using the multiplier, but you can always squeeze an extra 1-300Mhz by BCLK overclocking. Good thing Intel processors at stock already blow the doors off the highest overclocked FX chip out there. At least the option for truly increased performance is there with Intel, unlike with AMD.

Referring to the FX as the budget option, or good for its price needs to stop. $225 equals $225 but the performance of one does not equal the other in games.

The truth can be denied, not avoided.

This was the reply I was looking for.

Thank you to all for your suggestions, I'll be moving parts around on my build list. I'm trying to find a decent board that's got all of the bells and whistles I want, but isn't gonna cost me everything. I'll take a look at the (I think it was) D85 board that someone mentioned. I'll properly annotate this later.

Anyway, thanks to all of you for your help!

PC Interest - Thriving | Wallet Status - Near Empty


Ryzen 9 5900X, ASUS TUF RTX 4080

Corsair Vengeance LPX (2 x 16GB) 3600MHz, ROG Crosshair VIII Dark Hero

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This was the reply I was looking for.

Thank you to all for your suggestions, I'll be moving parts around on my build list. I'm trying to find a decent board that's got all of the bells and whistles I want, but isn't gonna cost me everything. I'll take a look at the (I think it was) D85 board that someone mentioned. I'll properly annotate this later.

Anyway, thanks to all of you for your help!


B85 but ya. its a good budget chipset to go for. good luck with the build :)

My rig:
CPU: i5 4690k 24/7 @4.4ghz (1.165v) Max 4.7ghz (1.325v) COOLER: NZXT Kraken X61 MOBO: Asus Z97-A   RAM: 16GB Crucial Ballistix Tactical   GPU: EVGA GTX 970 SSC   PSU: EVGA GS 650W   CASE: NZXT Phantom 530 HDD: WD Caviar Blue 1TB + WD Black 2TB

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