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Good movie recommendations? (Didn't see a movie/tv show section)


Please, don't quote this original post for the convenience of other viewer, and readers. I will get every reply in my notifications. 


TL;DR: give uncommon Movie/TV show recommendations (TL;DR END)


I need some good movie recommendations. I'm finding a lot of garbage on Netflix, and I've seen the movies we have like a billion times.

I like movies with good story, and compelling characters. I like shows retaining those aspects as well, however I also enjoy crude movies and tv shows. 

I really struggled to find movies that I liked, so I really had to try. I didn't see every movie, yet just so many I've watched are just so baddddd. 

Can you make any recommendations for movies and tv shows to see? I didn't list everything I've seen but hopefully I gave you a good picture. Sorry for not alphabetizing, however I separated each list. 

I'm really struggling to find things that seem interesting.

If you'd be dedicated enough to recommend things similar to what I moderately reviewed below I'd be thankful for you extra effort.


Some good Serious movies I like:

Star Wars 1-6 (seven, clone wars, and rogue one SUCK SOOOOOOO hard......) (The prequels were ingeniously written to reflect how Anikan was betrayed and hated the Jedi, and how Luke was a lot like his father. The original series was well thought out and filled with an original story. The overall series was a great universe that was well thought out. Characters have their own motifs, and the soundtrack though copied many old songs, combined they make a spectacular soundtrack.)

9 (Great characters, and excellent animation.)

Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole (Excellent animation and quality. )

Dead Within (It was interesting to see how the girl went insane after spending so long scared and trapped in a cabin alone for so long.)

Insidious 1-3 (All I've seen so far. Think only 3 are out as of this time.) (Great thought out story.)

The Conjuring (Based on what may be real events, realistic special effects, and well toned.)

1980s Robocop (The only actual action movie ever made. The blood and gore was cool for what it is. It's an action movie. This one is supposed to have over the top if not realistic wounds.)

Alien series. (except promethius, AVP series, and didn't see the new one.) (Terrifying alien creature, great characters, excellent stories, and the plots unfold magnificantly.)

Predator series (I think the Predator is cool, and mysterious. Action scenes are cool!)

Requiem for a Dream (Great movie that shows how your great life can go downhill really quickly, and how drugs COULD ruin everyone's lives. Doubt this happens super often, however it was well done.)

8 Mile (Interesting to see lives of the poor, and how it may be for them. Also puts into perspective what it's like to be judged for your race. Being White it's hard for me to understand African Americans' struggle.)

Matrix series (Fun action movie, with a decent story, though it got a bit crazy towards the end.)

12 monkeys (great movie about fate, and time travel.)

Schindler's List (Can't recall much, but felt well written, and had great actors.)

James Cameron's: Avatar (Reminds me of World of Warcraft Night Elves. The movie was great to learn about the primitive alien race seeing a unique alien world.)

Planet of the apes. (First original of all time.) (Great unique idea with great characters, and realistic dialogue, and actions of characters. Felt very natural and well acted.)

Wall-E (Fun movie to follow along with.)

Apollo 13 (I haven't seen it since it came out though it's an interesting space movie with problems, and solutions that were cool to see solved by teams of engineers, and relayed to the crew on the ship. Realistic problems that brought about realistic problem solving.)

Tron classic and new one (The idea of the computer worlds are very well done, and has excellent art direction. Some parts were dumb, but the first 2 things are well done.)

Water for Elephants (Different tone of movie that I'm used to. Very good movie about a zoo/circus. )

Doomsday (Fun adventure movie. Great antaganist, great direction of characters, Realistic enough combat/fight scenes.)

The first half of 28 Days later (Well done fast zombie type blood rushing film that kept my interest till they got to the mansion and I couldn't pay attention anymore.)

28 Weeks later (Great sequal that didn't depend on the first 28 movie very much creating as much of a unique story within the same universe as they could. Very unique thought of making a sequel, and a good standalone movie.)

The book of Eli (The adventure of following Eli as he ventured accross the wasteland was really good. I get the whole god protection thing, but the adventure, was fun to go along with, and the writing wasn't that bad. They only needed the 3 main characters and made it work.)


Some good goofy/comical movies I like:

Seth rogan movies (sausage party, this is the end) (The whole gang, seth rogan, philip defranco or whatever, and everyone have really funny druggy dumb personalities that make each episode/movie adventure they go on just a disaster, and the comedy is quite crude, but funny.)

tropic thunder (It was a really funny movie that hit war movies really hard. It also had lots of really good jokes.)

ricky bobby (It's just really dumb, but thought out for what "White trash" is like, and really gets poorly parented kids right.)

Mad Max: Fury Road (It's goofy because of how stupidly awesome it is. A guy on a giant car who's strung up to play electric guitar as they blow people up with grenade spears? Yeah, it's a 2 hour action scene, but that's the point, and they achieved the goal without distracting with an overly complex plot. Yeah they waste a lot of water when it's valuable, but it's about the fight scenes.)

Toy story 1-3 (Classic stories.)

Back to the Future 1-3 (The best explanation for time travel I've ever seen. It has a great story, and is the serious version of Rick and Mory-Of which I've never seen.)

Kung Fu Panda (1-3) (Poe is overweight, but makes great fat jokes that aren't gross. He's an obsessive nerd that reflects fanboys everywhere making fun of them directly. Really funny.)

Shrek (All of them, even if the sequals were terrible... Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life. It has its mystical fairy tales in it, a serious character that's interesting-shrek-and comedic relief(Donkey). Also Puss in Boots makes the more intelligent jokes Donkey can't in the sequels.)

Despicable Me/minions (I know it's cancer, but it's still funny. Groo is a fully fledged out character, and the 3 young girls being his opposite made it really well done. The minions have the 3 year old jokes that are so blunt you can't help laughing.)

Quest for the Holy Grail (Goofy comedy with a lot of fantastic one liners.)

The Lego Movie (I loved legos as a kid, and the comedy is golden. "I am the president of the gas company AND the world" just... okay! hahahaha)

Stan Helsing (Funny movie making fun of horror cliches)

Cabin in the Woods (Such a dumb movie making fun of horror movies.)

Madagascar movies (Great jokes. Simply genious.)

Dude where's my car (Dumb comedy with idiot 20~ year olds without OVER doing it.)

The Ringer (offensive, but... sorry it's funny!)

Mystery Men (dumb, and just funny)


Serious TV Shows:

Lost (Very unique with it's own ideology for the universe. It all made sense with everything revealed as it should. Characters were developed as needed giving the viewer just enough information. No re-watch value.)

Breaking Bad (Excellent story, few characters, but PLENTY of screentime to really make them count.)

The Walking dead (Season 1. The rest were bad.) (Season 1 was the most realistic, and highest production zombie media I've ever seen.)

Death Note  (The Only good-ish anime I've seen. It has as few cliche as possible, and was the most "realistic" including its surreal elements. Everything made sense and it wasn't uber long.)

Angel Beats (The only compelling anime.) (I really felt with the characters. It was emotional, had subtle music that kicked your emotions, and made me cry in the end.)

1980s original Transformers (Lots of different characters, and neat ideas for episodes)


Goofy/comical shows:

Futurama (seen like 6 times.... Getting bored of it) (I guess it's the type of stupidity that's appealing. It has a lot of cool science and space theory in it as well which is appealing.)

South Park (very intelligently written, and vulgar that sends important messages whilst entertaining. Touches important matters often, and shames public and current events.)

Family Guy (Random, and stupid.)

Pee Wee's Playhouse (Random, and has story, but it's not as important so I don't have to actively watch it. As intended for younger kids-it's extremely goofy with hilariously adult humor hidden within.)

Cleveland Show (meh... alternate version of family guy)

The boondocks (stereotypical humor, that makes many references, and isn't scared to go places.)

American Dad (meh... Alternate version of family guy)

Total Drama (Does what it set out to do, be a cartoon AND make fun of game shows. Does both spectacularly)

Archer (Unique characters, well done jokes that are childish yet mature.)

The Devil is a Part Timer (The only other anime that didn't suck that I know of. Pretty good comedy for what it is.)

It's Always Sunny in Philidelphia (Each character is fully thought out, and unique. Episodes are beautifully laid out where each character can shine.)


These are what came to mind that I liked. Here... what may surprise you, are things I thought were meh at best, or outright horrible. 

ALL superhero movies (Except Dr. Strange)

Michael Bay movies. (Transformers) (They messed up the transformers characters, the movies have horrible plot, dated comedy, )

The new Star Wars Movies. (I feel like Jin Erso, and the girl from the other one are the same bad character.)

The Office (Too quiet, and low quality jokes. Too many jokes based off "awkwardness" and long pauses.)

Full Metal Jacket (The jokes from Boot camp are played out, and the war part isn't worth watching.)

Saving Private Ryan (Seen it soooo many times... )

He Man (Soooooo boring)

Pacific Heat (The worst Archer copy ever. And only one I know of.)

Moana (Just okay. The "You're welcome" song was the best part. Story was okay for a kid's movie.)

Harry Potter Series (The world was cool, but the later movies in the series detract from it with their special effects, and bad dialogue.)

The new Pirates of the Carribian (Bad rehash of jack sparrow from #1, and the new "young relationships" are stupid.)

Sinister 1 & 2 (they had pretty good stories, but just.. meh)

World War Z (Plot was skipped over, ending was horrible)

Deadpool (Such a dumb movie. The comedy was written by a dumb 12 year old.)

The JJ lens flare Abrams movies. All of them. Star Trek, and Star Wars 7 alike. (Horrible plots, poorly written characters)

The new planet of the apes movies are horrible. 2001 was meh

Wanted (Curve teh Boolet. Drink Vodka tah git HP back.)

Cars (Just okay.. Story wasn't anything good, and comedy is above average.)

Pacific Rim (Dumb movie because it's just giant robots fighting monsters. Yeah Charlie from ASIP was there but... still)

Aladdin (Alladin wasn't a character compelling, nor worth being a main character. He was creepy, and self interested then gaining what he wanted. And the Genie died irl... He was the coolest!)

Incredibles (dumb story. Too childish)

Les Miserables (Can't bear the singing)

The Martian (He talks to himself way too much, and bumbles on like an idiot even though he has masters in every science discipline.)

Warcraft (It was amazing in Imax, but then I saw it at home and realized it sucked. Only graphics and sounds make that movie good.)

Spirited Away (I've been searching for that movie my whole life, then I realized it was good when I was too young to remember the name.)

Gladiator (It was good back in the day, but now it's meh)

Indiana Jones (plot doesn't withstand the test of time)

Apocalypse Now (wasn't that good of an action movie)

Every car movie like Fast and Furious (So dumb. I can watch porn if I want to look at girls. And cars are boring to me.)

Gran Torino (Tried too much to carry off the main actor being "cool" with only 1 "cool" scene when he tells them to get off the lawn.)

Grand Budapest Hotel (Boring. I couldn't pay attention to the plot... ON AN AIRPLANE!)

Zombieland (just okay kind of movie)

Rango (It was okay the first few times, but I've seen it like 5 times now.)

Resident Evil series (The first was okay, but the rest were just... what the hell?)

Inglorious Bastards (Wasn't funny.)

2012 (too childish)

Expendables series (No good action scenes, Didn't have any of the good actors doing anything)

Hellboy (Hellboy wasn't as cool as he was made to be.)

50 First dates (Adam Sandler is a terrible actor)

Project X (I didn't care to watch a party for 2 hours.)

Super 8 (child actors were bad, and wasn't very good)

BraveHeart (Too long and empty plot)

300 series (feels worn out.)

Narnia Series (It was good when I was a kid, but sucks now)

Romeo and Juliet movie adeptations (couldn't compare to the play script.)

Mission impossible (just meh.. )

Jason Bourne series (They're okay at best.)

Bad Boys (I can't remember why but it's not very good)

The mask (comedy isn't that good, really dated)

I am Legend (Just because it has will smith doesn't mean it's a good action movie)

Truman show (The message was deeper than the show, but still a shallow message. And the movie was boring)

Valkyrie (Can you talk more? Please. )

The wold of wallstreet (Let's be 40 years old and do pills like immature high schoolers)

Wardogs (Or the wolf of wallstreet if he sold guns instead of stocks)

Blue Mountain State (so dumb... where do I begin? 12 year old quality jokes, and sex up the wazoo. Yes up, NOT out. It's stupid. I have no problem with sex, but there must be a point.)

Game of Thrones. (I can't get past episode 3. I tried. I really did. It's written by an old pervert that just likes boobs. All I saw were naked girls and people talking about naked girls. I thought the guards were cool but instead I get to watch some tan guy hump the white blonde lady, and her be told how to have sex with him, and then watch them have sex again for little purpose. Lack of foreplay to refusal to cuddle. The whole bad sex arc.)

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Also I want to acknowledge the fact that you have actually taken the time to keep track of the movies and shows you have watched.

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1 minute ago, Max_Settings said:

Also I want to acknowledge the fact that you have actually taken the time to keep track of the movies and shows you have watched.

If I don't I'd get a million recommendations for things I've seen. 

Like "Batman is good, avengers is good, breaking bad is good" because they will just recommend what first comes to mind. 

I've asked my friends about what are good shows and they recommend the most mainstream films, and I don't want to be rude and say "that didn't help at all" or "I've already seen that." I've said I've seen what was recommended before, and they just say "oh," and that's it. 

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I urge you to continue game of thrones till at least the end of the first season (or at least episode 7). It gets a LOT better, i promise. The plot gets moving and things start happening.

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Just now, Haaselh0ff said:

I urge you to continue game of thrones till at least the end of the first season (or at least episode 7). It gets a LOT better, i promise. The plot gets moving and things start happening.

Will I miss much if I just start at episode 7? 

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Just now, Haaselh0ff said:

I urge you to continue game of thrones till at least the end of the first season (or at least episode 7). It gets a LOT better, i promise. The plot gets moving and things start happening.

Or, what's the best episode? I can start with that one. 

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1 minute ago, fpo said:

Will I miss much if I just start at episode 7? 

I'd say yes. I'm not sure what episode it starts really picking up but i urge you to try and continue. If you watch the season finale and just go "this is stupid" then that's fine, you're not interested but if you do keep watching it'll be great! Besides, if you got nothing better to do, might as well try lol.

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6 minutes ago, fpo said:

Or, what's the best episode? I can start with that one. 

 If you really want, i think you could skip episode 4 and be okay just watching the recap, you can read a plot synopsis and it'll probably be fine but ep 5 picks things up considerably.

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27 minutes ago, fpo said:

Please, don't quote this original post for the convenience of other viewer, and readers. I will get every reply in my notifications. 


I need some good movie recommendations. I'm finding a lot of garbage on Netflix, and I've seen the movies we have like a billion times.

I like movies with good story, and compelling characters. I like shows retaining those aspects as well, however I also enjoy crude movies and tv shows. 

I really struggled to find movies that I liked, so I really had to try. I didn't see every movie, yet just so many I've watched are just so baddddd. 

Can you make any recommendations for movies and tv shows to see? I didn't list everything I've seen but hopefully I gave you a good picture. Sorry for not alphabetizing, however I separated each list. 

I'm really struggling to find things that seem interesting.

If you'd be dedicated enough to recommend things similar to what I moderately reviewed below I'd be thankful for you extra effort.


Some good Serious movies I like:

Star Wars 1-6 (seven, clone wars, and rogue one SUCK SOOOOOOO hard......) (The prequels were ingeniously written to reflect how Anikan was betrayed and hated the Jedi, and how Luke was a lot like his father. The original series was well thought out and filled with an original story. The overall series was a great universe that was well thought out. Characters have their own motifs, and the soundtrack though copied many old songs, combined they make a spectacular soundtrack.)

9 (Great characters, and excellent animation.)

Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole (Excellent animation and quality. )

Dead Within (It was interesting to see how the girl went insane after spending so long scared and trapped in a cabin alone for so long.)

Insidious 1-3 (All I've seen so far. Think only 3 are out as of this time.) (Great thought out story.)

The Conjuring (Based on what may be real events, realistic special effects, and well toned.)

1980s Robocop (The only actual action movie ever made. The blood and gore was cool for what it is. It's an action movie. This one is supposed to have over the top if not realistic wounds.)

Alien series. (except promethius, AVP series, and didn't see the new one.) (Terrifying alien creature, great characters, excellent stories, and the plots unfold magnificantly.)

Predator series (I think the Predator is cool, and mysterious. Action scenes are cool!)

Requiem for a Dream (Great movie that shows how your great life can go downhill really quickly, and how drugs COULD ruin everyone's lives. Doubt this happens super often, however it was well done.)

8 Mile (Interesting to see lives of the poor, and how it may be for them. Also puts into perspective what it's like to be judged for your race. Being White it's hard for me to understand African Americans' struggle.)

Matrix series (Fun action movie, with a decent story, though it got a bit crazy towards the end.)

12 monkeys (great movie about fate, and time travel.)

Schindler's List (Can't recall much, but felt well written, and had great actors.)

James Cameron's: Avatar (Reminds me of World of Warcraft Night Elves. The movie was great to learn about the primitive alien race seeing a unique alien world.)

Planet of the apes. (First original of all time.) (Great unique idea with great characters, and realistic dialogue, and actions of characters. Felt very natural and well acted.)

Wall-E (Fun movie to follow along with.)

Apollo 13 (I haven't seen it since it came out though it's an interesting space movie with problems, and solutions that were cool to see solved by teams of engineers, and relayed to the crew on the ship. Realistic problems that brought about realistic problem solving.)

Tron classic and new one (The idea of the computer worlds are very well done, and has excellent art direction. Some parts were dumb, but the first 2 things are well done.)

Water for Elephants (Different tone of movie that I'm used to. Very good movie about a zoo/circus. )

Doomsday (Fun adventure movie. Great antaganist, great direction of characters, Realistic enough combat/fight scenes.)

The first half of 28 Days later (Well done fast zombie type blood rushing film that kept my interest till they got to the mansion and I couldn't pay attention anymore.)

28 Weeks later (Great sequal that didn't depend on the first 28 movie very much creating as much of a unique story within the same universe as they could. Very unique thought of making a sequel, and a good standalone movie.)

The book of Eli (The adventure of following Eli as he ventured accross the wasteland was really good. I get the whole god protection thing, but the adventure, was fun to go along with, and the writing wasn't that bad. They only needed the 3 main characters and made it work.)


Some good goofy/comical movies I like:

Seth rogan movies (sausage party, this is the end) (The whole gang, seth rogan, philip defranco or whatever, and everyone have really funny druggy dumb personalities that make each episode/movie adventure they go on just a disaster, and the comedy is quite crude, but funny.)

tropic thunder (It was a really funny movie that hit war movies really hard. It also had lots of really good jokes.)

ricky bobby (It's just really dumb, but thought out for what "White trash" is like, and really gets poorly parented kids right.)

Mad Max: Fury Road (It's goofy because of how stupidly awesome it is. A guy on a giant car who's strung up to play electric guitar as they blow people up with grenade spears? Yeah, it's a 2 hour action scene, but that's the point, and they achieved the goal without distracting with an overly complex plot. Yeah they waste a lot of water when it's valuable, but it's about the fight scenes.)

Toy story 1-3 (Classic stories.)

Back to the Future 1-3 (The best explanation for time travel I've ever seen. It has a great story, and is the serious version of Rick and Mory-Of which I've never seen.)

Kung Fu Panda (1-3) (Poe is overweight, but makes great fat jokes that aren't gross. He's an obsessive nerd that reflects fanboys everywhere making fun of them directly. Really funny.)

Shrek (All of them, even if the sequals were terrible... Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life. It has its mystical fairy tales in it, a serious character that's interesting-shrek-and comedic relief(Donkey). Also Puss in Boots makes the more intelligent jokes Donkey can't in the sequels.)

Despicable Me/minions (I know it's cancer, but it's still funny. Groo is a fully fledged out character, and the 3 young girls being his opposite made it really well done. The minions have the 3 year old jokes that are so blunt you can't help laughing.)

Quest for the Holy Grail (Goofy comedy with a lot of fantastic one liners.)

The Lego Movie (I loved legos as a kid, and the comedy is golden. "I am the president of the gas company AND the world" just... okay! hahahaha)

Stan Helsing (Funny movie making fun of horror cliches)

Cabin in the Woods (Such a dumb movie making fun of horror movies.)

Madagascar movies (Great jokes. Simply genious.)

Dude where's my car (Dumb comedy with idiot 20~ year olds without OVER doing it.)

The Ringer (offensive, but... sorry it's funny!)

Mystery Men (dumb, and just funny)


Serious TV Shows:

Lost (Very unique with it's own ideology for the universe. It all made sense with everything revealed as it should. Characters were developed as needed giving the viewer just enough information. No re-watch value.)

Breaking Bad (Excellent story, few characters, but PLENTY of screentime to really make them count.)

The Walking dead (Season 1. The rest were bad.) (Season 1 was the most realistic, and highest production zombie media I've ever seen.)

Death Note  (The Only good-ish anime I've seen. It has as few cliche as possible, and was the most "realistic" including its surreal elements. Everything made sense and it wasn't uber long.)

Angel Beats (The only compelling anime.) (I really felt with the characters. It was emotional, had subtle music that kicked your emotions, and made me cry in the end.)

1980s original Transformers (Lots of different characters, and neat ideas for episodes)


Goofy/comical shows:

Futurama (seen like 6 times.... Getting bored of it) (I guess it's the type of stupidity that's appealing. It has a lot of cool science and space theory in it as well which is appealing.)

South Park (very intelligently written, and vulgar that sends important messages whilst entertaining. Touches important matters often, and shames public and current events.)

Family Guy (Random, and stupid.)

Pee Wee's Playhouse (Random, and has story, but it's not as important so I don't have to actively watch it. As intended for younger kids-it's extremely goofy with hilariously adult humor hidden within.)

Cleveland Show (meh... alternate version of family guy)

The boondocks (stereotypical humor, that makes many references, and isn't scared to go places.)

American Dad (meh... Alternate version of family guy)

Total Drama (Does what it set out to do, be a cartoon AND make fun of game shows. Does both spectacularly)

Archer (Unique characters, well done jokes that are childish yet mature.)

The Devil is a Part Timer (The only other anime that didn't suck that I know of. Pretty good comedy for what it is.)

It's Always Sunny in Philidelphia (Each character is fully thought out, and unique. Episodes are beautifully laid out where each character can shine.)


These are what came to mind that I liked. Here... what may surprise you, are things I thought were meh at best, or outright horrible. 

ALL superhero movies (Except Dr. Strange)

Michael Bay movies. (Transformers) (They messed up the transformers characters, the movies have horrible plot, dated comedy, )

The new Star Wars Movies. (I feel like Jin Erso, and the girl from the other one are the same bad character.)

The Office (Too quiet, and low quality jokes. Too many jokes based off "awkwardness" and long pauses.)

Full Metal Jacket (The jokes from Boot camp are played out, and the war part isn't worth watching.)

Saving Private Ryan (Seen it soooo many times... )

He Man (Soooooo boring)

Pacific Heat (The worst Archer copy ever. And only one I know of.)

Moana (Just okay. The "You're welcome" song was the best part. Story was okay for a kid's movie.)

Harry Potter Series (The world was cool, but the later movies in the series detract from it with their special effects, and bad dialogue.)

The new Pirates of the Carribian (Bad rehash of jack sparrow from #1, and the new "young relationships" are stupid.)

Sinister 1 & 2 (they had pretty good stories, but just.. meh)

World War Z (Plot was skipped over, ending was horrible)

Deadpool (Such a dumb movie. The comedy was written by a dumb 12 year old.)

The JJ lens flare Abrams movies. All of them. Star Trek, and Star Wars 7 alike. (Horrible plots, poorly written characters)

The new planet of the apes movies are horrible. 2001 was meh

Wanted (Curve teh Boolet. Drink Vodka tah git HP back.)

Cars (Just okay.. Story wasn't anything good, and comedy is above average.)

Pacific Rim (Dumb movie because it's just giant robots fighting monsters. Yeah Charlie from ASIP was there but... still)

Aladdin (Alladin wasn't a character compelling, nor worth being a main character. He was creepy, and self interested then gaining what he wanted. And the Genie died irl... He was the coolest!)

Incredibles (dumb story. Too childish)

Les Miserables (Can't bear the singing)

The Martian (He talks to himself way too much, and bumbles on like an idiot even though he has masters in every science discipline.)

Warcraft (It was amazing in Imax, but then I saw it at home and realized it sucked. Only graphics and sounds make that movie good.)

Spirited Away (I've been searching for that movie my whole life, then I realized it was good when I was too young to remember the name.)

Gladiator (It was good back in the day, but now it's meh)

Indiana Jones (plot doesn't withstand the test of time)

Apocalypse Now (wasn't that good of an action movie)

Every car movie like Fast and Furious (So dumb. I can watch porn if I want to look at girls. And cars are boring to me.)

Gran Torino (Tried too much to carry off the main actor being "cool" with only 1 "cool" scene when he tells them to get off the lawn.)

Grand Budapest Hotel (Boring. I couldn't pay attention to the plot... ON AN AIRPLANE!)

Zombieland (just okay kind of movie)

Rango (It was okay the first few times, but I've seen it like 5 times now.)

Resident Evil series (The first was okay, but the rest were just... what the hell?)

Inglorious Bastards (Wasn't funny.)

2012 (too childish)

Expendables series (No good action scenes, Didn't have any of the good actors doing anything)

Hellboy (Hellboy wasn't as cool as he was made to be.)

50 First dates (Adam Sandler is a terrible actor)

Project X (I didn't care to watch a party for 2 hours.)

Super 8 (child actors were bad, and wasn't very good)

BraveHeart (Too long and empty plot)

300 series (feels worn out.)

Narnia Series (It was good when I was a kid, but sucks now)

Romeo and Juliet movie adeptations (couldn't compare to the play script.)

Mission impossible (just meh.. )

Jason Bourne series (They're okay at best.)

Bad Boys (I can't remember why but it's not very good)

The mask (comedy isn't that good, really dated)

I am Legend (Just because it has will smith doesn't mean it's a good action movie)

Truman show (The message was deeper than the show, but still a shallow message. And the movie was boring)

Valkyrie (Can you talk more? Please. )

The wold of wallstreet (Let's be 40 years old and do pills like immature high schoolers)

Wardogs (Or the wolf of wallstreet if he sold guns instead of stocks)

Blue Mountain State (so dumb... where do I begin? 12 year old quality jokes, and sex up the wazoo. Yes up, NOT out. It's stupid. I have no problem with sex, but there must be a point.)

Game of Thrones. (I can't get past episode 3. I tried. I really did. It's written by an old pervert that just likes boobs. All I saw were naked girls and people talking about naked girls. I thought the guards were cool but instead I get to watch some tan guy hump the white blonde lady, and her be told how to have sex with him, and then watch them have sex again for little purpose. Lack of foreplay to refusal to cuddle. The whole bad sex arc.)

I couldn't finish reading it.

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Brave Hearts: Umizaru

You know it's going to be a good movie when the cover/poster looks like this.




Intel® Core™ i7-12700 | GIGABYTE B660 AORUS MASTER DDR4 | Gigabyte Radeon™ RX 6650 XT Gaming OC | 32GB Corsair Vengeance® RGB Pro SL DDR4 | Samsung 990 Pro 1TB | WD Green 1.5TB | Windows 11 Pro | NZXT H510 Flow White
Sony MDR-V250 | GNT-500 | Logitech G610 Orion Brown | Logitech G402 | Samsung C27JG5 | ASUS ProArt PA238QR
iPhone 12 Mini (iOS 17.2.1) | iPhone XR (iOS 17.2.1) | iPad Mini (iOS 9.3.5) | KZ AZ09 Pro x KZ ZSN Pro X | Sennheiser HD450bt
Intel® Core™ i7-1265U | Kioxia KBG50ZNV512G | 16GB DDR4 | Windows 11 Enterprise | HP EliteBook 650 G9
Intel® Core™ i5-8520U | WD Blue M.2 250GB | 1TB Seagate FireCuda | 16GB DDR4 | Windows 11 Home | ASUS Vivobook 15 
Intel® Core™ i7-3520M | GT 630M | 16 GB Corsair Vengeance® DDR3 |
Samsung 850 EVO 250GB | macOS Catalina | Lenovo IdeaPad P580

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7 minutes ago, chris76816 said:

I couldn't finish reading it.

Sorry. You didn't have to read the list. Do you have any uncommon movies/tv shows that you'd recommend? 

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3 minutes ago, BlueChinchillaEatingDorito said:

Brave Hearts: Umizaru

You know it's going to be a good movie when the cover/poster looks like this.

I really hope you aren't serious. hahaha

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1 minute ago, fpo said:

I really hope you aren't serious. hahaha

I've actually watched it and it was pretty good.

Intel® Core™ i7-12700 | GIGABYTE B660 AORUS MASTER DDR4 | Gigabyte Radeon™ RX 6650 XT Gaming OC | 32GB Corsair Vengeance® RGB Pro SL DDR4 | Samsung 990 Pro 1TB | WD Green 1.5TB | Windows 11 Pro | NZXT H510 Flow White
Sony MDR-V250 | GNT-500 | Logitech G610 Orion Brown | Logitech G402 | Samsung C27JG5 | ASUS ProArt PA238QR
iPhone 12 Mini (iOS 17.2.1) | iPhone XR (iOS 17.2.1) | iPad Mini (iOS 9.3.5) | KZ AZ09 Pro x KZ ZSN Pro X | Sennheiser HD450bt
Intel® Core™ i7-1265U | Kioxia KBG50ZNV512G | 16GB DDR4 | Windows 11 Enterprise | HP EliteBook 650 G9
Intel® Core™ i5-8520U | WD Blue M.2 250GB | 1TB Seagate FireCuda | 16GB DDR4 | Windows 11 Home | ASUS Vivobook 15 
Intel® Core™ i7-3520M | GT 630M | 16 GB Corsair Vengeance® DDR3 |
Samsung 850 EVO 250GB | macOS Catalina | Lenovo IdeaPad P580

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32 minutes ago, Max_Settings said:

I hate to tell this to you, but this post is so long that no one is going to take the time to read it.

@Max_Settings I read it.

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Just now, BlueChinchillaEatingDorito said:

I've actually watched it and it was pretty good.

Looks like "so bad it's good" kind of good. Is it like the so bad it's funny good?


1 minute ago, KenH83 said:

@Max_Settings I read it.

Thank you! 

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Just now, Max_Settings said:


@Max_Settings, I'm not. I'm a huge movie and tv snob. I read boring reviews and all kinds of shit about TV and Movies that most people don't bother with.

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Just now, KenH83 said:

@Max_Settings, I'm not. I'm a huge movie and tv snob. I read boring reviews and all kinds of shit about TV and Movies that most people don't bother with.

Any recommendations? Perhaps some ancient classics? (ie pre-1940)

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1 minute ago, KenH83 said:

@fpo The Affairs of Annabel

next question... Where do I watch it?

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@fpo I'm not really sure where you live, or what movie clubs you have around your area.

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Just now, KenH83 said:

@fpo I'm not really sure where you live, or what movie clubs you have around your area.

Are there any classic movie online stores, forums, or collections? 


I get that Rotten Tomatoes exists, and whatnot, but I mean one dedicated to old movies. 

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Uno: The Movie.


Some say it's the modern day 12 Angry Men.

Come Bloody Angel

Break off your chains

And look what I've found in the dirt.


Pale battered body

Seems she was struggling

Something is wrong with this world.


Fierce Bloody Angel

The blood is on your hands

Why did you come to this world?


Everybody turns to dust.


Everybody turns to dust.


The blood is on your hands.


The blood is on your hands!



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Just now, Drak3 said:

Uno: The Movie.


Some say it's the modern day 12 Angry Men.


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