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That "clock" that Mohamed Ahmed made is a 1980's Digital Alarm Clock


SJW is actually a very berating term. It was meant to insult you. 


So SJW is the new code for Ni**er?  :(

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So SJW is the new code for Ni**er?  :(


Its less direct than that. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=SJW


It is meant as an insult if anyone calls you that. But I wouldn't pay heed if you're talking about what @Albatross said to you, he/she will call you a SJW while doing the same. 

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I don't care so much about the conspiracy part that you're making connections with--


However the article you sourced is excellent. My favorite part:


If we stop and think – was it really such a ridiculous reaction from the teacher and the police in the first place? How many school shootings and incidents of violence have we had, where we hear afterwards “this could have been prevented, if only we paid more attention to the signs!” Teachers are taught to be suspicious and vigilant. Ahmed wasn’t accused of making a bomb – he was accused of making a look-alike, a hoax. And be honest with yourself, a big red digital display with a bunch of loose wires in a brief-case looking box is awful like a Hollywood-style representation of a bomb. Everyone jumped to play the race and religion cards and try and paint the teachers and police as idiots and bigots, but in my mind, they were probably acting responsibly and erring on the side of caution to protect the rest of their students, just in case. “This wouldn’t have happened if Ahmed were white,” they say. We’re supposed to be sensitive to school violence, but apparently religious and racial sensitivity trumps that. At least we have another clue about how the sensitivity and moral outrage pecking order lies.


I think it was completely reasonable for the school staff to call for the police in light of what actually happened. Social justice warriors are such a cancer, and this kid is getting tons of attention and free shit for practically what would happen to ANYONE if they brought to school ANYTHING that resembled a typical Hollywood bomb.


White kids are typically stereotyped as crazy people that shoot up schools, and you're telling me that if a white kid brought on of these to school the exact same way Mohammad did, that he wouldn't face the same actions? Of course he would!


People are so stuck on playing the race card for things that can just easily be dealt with on a normal and logical basis. As a result of the circus of media outlets covering this story, he's probably gained so much free shit in return for being used by politicians like President Obama and the like to push awful social agendas.


Political correctness and social justice are such cancers, dammit.

"It seems we living the American dream, but the people highest up got the lowest self esteem. The prettiest people do the ugliest things, for the road to riches and diamond rings."- Kanye West, "All Falls Down"


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I don't care so much about the conspiracy part that you're making connections with--


However the article you sourced is excellent. My favorite part:



I think it was completely reasonable for the school staff to call for the police in light of what actually happened. Social justice warriors are such a cancer, and this kid is getting tons of attention and free shit for practically what would happen to ANYONE if they brought to school ANYTHING that resembled a typical Hollywood bomb.


White kids are typically stereotyped as crazy people that shoot up schools, and you're telling me that if a white kid brought on of these to school the exact same way Mohammad did, that he wouldn't face the same actions? Of course he would!


People are so stuck on playing the race card for things that can just easily be dealt with on a normal and logical basis. As a result of the circus of media outlets covering this story, he's probably gained so much free shit in return for being used by politicians like President Obama and the like to push awful social agendas.


Political correctness and social justice are such cancers, dammit.


Trump 2016!

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Its less direct than that. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=SJW


It is meant as an insult if anyone calls you that. But I wouldn't pay heed if you're talking about what @Albatross said to you, he/she will call you a SJW while doing the same. 


Ah, ty.  I try not to be too harsh to @Albatross, I know her heart is in the right place.


I was not pointing out any race issue, until she brought it up (and yeah you did, I even went back to double-check ;) ).  As easily as someone can say it is not about race, someone else can say it is.  Fact is, if you are not there or one of the people involved, you have no freakin' clue what was really going on in their heads.


All speculative crap.

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Ah, ty.  I try not to be too harsh to @Albatross, I know her heart is in the right place.


I was not pointing out any race issue, until she brought it up (and yeah you did, I even went back to double-check ;) ).  As easily as someone can say it is not about race, someone else can say it is.  Fact is, if you are not there or one of the people involved, you have no freakin' clue what was really going on in their heads.


All speculative crap.


Albatross brings up good points, but just has the tendency to call peeps SJW. Not that you need to pay heed to that. 


(and yeah you did, I even went back to double-check  ;) ). 


Did wha?

i5 2400 | ASUS RTX 4090 TUF OC | Seasonic 1200W Prime Gold | WD Green 120gb | WD Blue 1tb | some ram | a random case


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And no offense to Linus, he's completely entitled to his personal opinion on the topic, however--

I think what he said in the WAN show about it was really short sighted. In light of all of the shootings that happened in schools.. Put yourself in the position of a school teacher at this point. Your job is not only to instruct your class, but you're also RESPONSIBLE for the safety of your students.

It's easy to say that they were stupid AFTER the facts of what was actually in the 'pencil box briefcase', but in a "take no chances situation" you're supposed to report suspicious things anytime you see them or get tipped. That's part of your JOB.

What if that had been a bomb? What if somehow there was an explosive that was hard to detect inside that brief case, and it harmed or killed some students? What would you say to their parents? The case looked harmless?!

In my opinion, they did their job and the situation could have been worse.

"It seems we living the American dream, but the people highest up got the lowest self esteem. The prettiest people do the ugliest things, for the road to riches and diamond rings."- Kanye West, "All Falls Down"


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Ah, ty.  I try not to be too harsh to @Albatross, I know her heart is in the right place.


I was not pointing out any race issue, until she brought it up (and yeah you did, I even went back to double-check ;) ).  As easily as someone can say it is not about race, someone else can say it is.  Fact is, if you are not there or one of the people involved, you have no freakin' clue what was really going on in their heads.


All speculative crap.


Well, that's sort of my usage. Urban dictionary tends to use the strongest meaning of any "internet" word. My usage stems from Tumblr "SJW", people who "white knight" so much that everything they say and do is related to that one thing. Basically, that they cannot see beyond what does happen to some people and instead see it as the "common place". 


You are right, I wasn't there. And neither were you. This is true. But from accounts of the story and events we have, it is obvious it wasn't a case of religion or skin color. None of the people who reported it did so out of fear of Islam or Muslims, but of a damn bomb. They were very much okay with it until he did what they suggested he shouldn't do—flaunt around a suspicious device that looks just like a bomb. The fact of the matter is that if he was a white kid or a black kid, the result would have been the same. The evidence of which can be seen where white kids were suspended and treated like criminals for far lesser suspicious things, like chewing out a gun shape into their food. But people are so caught up in the minority of racists and *phobics that they see every case related to a "minority" as one done out of racism/etc. 


So with the evidence and accounts we have, we can see what actually happened.

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Well, that's sort of my usage. Urban dictionary tends to use the strongest meaning of any "internet" word. My usage stems from Tumblr "SJW", people who "white knight" so much that everything they say and do is related to that one thing. Basically, that they cannot see beyond what does happen to some people and instead see it as the "common place". 


You are right, I wasn't there. And neither were you. This is true. But from accounts of the story and events we have, it is obvious it wasn't a case of religion or skin color. None of the people who reported it did so out of fear of Islam or Muslims, but of a damn bomb. They were very much okay with it until he did what they suggested he shouldn't do—flaunt around a suspicious device that looks just like a bomb. The fact of the matter is that if he was a white kid or a black kid, the result would have been the same. The evidence of which can be seen where white kids were suspended and treated like criminals for far lesser suspicious things, like chewing out a gun shape into their food. But people are so caught up in the minority of racists and *phobics that they see every case related to a "minority" as one done out of racism/etc. 


So with the evidence and accounts we have, we can see what actually happened.


All speculative.  You assume a lot from second hand information.  ... and you assume a lot of me.  You assumed his muslim background was important when you first quoted me.  I made no reference as to his ethnicity or religion in any of my prior posts at the time.  You are regurgitating a narrative that I should not have enabled later on.  You were not talking to me, but expressive a viewpoint:




This is a satirical thread right?






Look... you have a story here that displays the ignorance of many "responsible adults".  Yeah, they make huge mistakes and they try to justify them.


A wider community decides to help out an impressionable 14 year old with a whole lot of praise because the immediate dumb-ass community around him is not capable of doing so.


Get your heads out of your a$$es.  Hate?  Like wtf?  Hate what should be hated, ignorance.



I commend anyone that tried to use details to tell the truth, but it won't work.  You have to keep the context as simple as possible.  ;)



There is a problem with this very idea throughout this thread.


A lot of authoritative abuses go unnoticed.  Private run prisons in the USA is a cash cow... throw whoever you can in jail.  A situation like this out of the public eye can get way out of hand, and a kid (or his family) could have little recourse.


So my question to you is: if some randomly talented kid is not going to get all the free stuff anyway, what does it matter to you (or anyone, it is not a personal attack on you Speaker1264) what is gifted to this particular kid?


Can you not feel good for a "happy-ish" ending? 


...and no, I am not watching the video.  :D



He was handcuffed and taken to a detention center for what?  ..."adults" that have no clue what to do about the investigation of an unknown quantity: 


     "Hey, what is that?"


          "A clock I built"


     "Oh cool, how does it work?" 


At anytime did he hint that it was a bomb?




This word.  No company or person that praised this kid or sent him stuff was obligated to do so.  It was not compensation, it was way more than that.  The message to this kid was:  Don't let stupid people ruin your aspirations.


Is it so hard to understand that when people run around saying:  "I don't think he deserves that", what it really means is that: 'I am envious'.  This thread is black and white.  Not a single good argument for demonizing this fourteen year old or his family.


The same stupidity that causes these situations is available to see here in this thread... that is the only reason I even commented.



It doesn't feel like a happy ending to me, not anymore at least. I mean, it is obviously for Ahmed and his family, but when you think about the truly talented kids that could really use all of those scholarships (or just half of one) for actually creating things or being mistreated even, it makes you realize just how wrong this situation is. No one was mistreating him for being a Muslim, which the media makes it seem like they were doing, but in reality they were only trying to be safe on the "ifs" (to do their job!)—an "if" made on all of the recent shootings and mass murders happening at schools by teenagers.





Wow, wait a second!


No one in here is demonizing the kid. Okay I think maybe I saw one person say something negative toward the kid that could be described as "demonizing" him. But the rest of us? We're only referring to the situation.


The reason I made my next post in an unorthodox manner was a feeble attempt to not get into this argument.  You always seem to win the argument, how do you do that?  :P:( :angry: :)

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All speculative.  You assume a lot from second hand information.  ... and you assume a lot of me.  You assumed his muslim background was important when you first quoted me.  I made no reference as to his ethnicity or religion in any of my prior posts at the time.  You are regurgitating a narrative that I should not have enabled later on.  You were not talking to me, but expressive a viewpoint:


The reason I made my next post in an unorthodox manner was a feeble attempt to not get into this argument.  You always seem to win the argument, how do you do that?  :P:( :angry: :)


It doesn't always take standing right in the middle of an event to get the truth, you know. Second hand information can only go so far, true, but when it is being collaborated by multiple people, even sometimes by the "victim" itself, then we can trust that information. I brought up his religion and skin tone to carry on the intention of my post, not really to say you brought it up. I was trying to make a point on how you, or others, take the stances in the thread and how the media takes it and turns it into a complete "negative", like calling people racists or saying they are calling the kid scum or whatnot.


Oh, I thought the quote system just got broken. :P 

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It doesn't always take standing right in the middle of an event to get the truth, you know. Second hand information can only go so far, true, but when it is being collaborated by multiple people, even sometimes by the "victim" itself, then we can trust that information. I brought up his religion and skin tone to carry on the intention of my post, not really to say you brought it up. I was trying to make a point on how you, or others, take the stances in the thread and how the media takes it and turns it into a complete "negative", like calling people racists or saying they are calling the kid scum or whatnot.


Oh, I thought the quote system just got broken. :P


This story is an example of lazy and incompetent investigative work, from the teachers to the cops.  Nice and simple.  No more.


The fact that the kid got "swag" means nothing to no one but him.  Be happy for him and leave it at that.


This whole thread is based on demeaning the kids effort to have fun with electronics, from the first post.  It is nobody's business if he gets an invite to the white house.  Just too much emotional immaturity for me:


     'Not fair!'  *stomping feet for days

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This story is an example of lazy and incompetent investigative work, from the teachers to the cops.  Nice and simple.  No more.


The fact that the kid got "swag" means nothing to no one but him.  Be happy for him and leave it at that.


This whole thread is based on demeaning the kids effort to have fun with electronics, from the first post.  It is nobody's business if he gets an invite to the white house.  Just too much emotional immaturity for me:


     'Not fair!'  *stomping feet for days


No, it isn't. You think it is because of Liberal news spreading the story around for their own agendas. The only thing the cops did wrong was ignoring the kid's rights...the rest of their work was just fine. They did their job and they followed protocol. If they didn't do this for every potential threat/call, a lot of people would suffer.


Again, no. People aren't saying he didn't deserve it all because they are jealous (though some made some jokes and others said they felt that way because there were other kids who really deserved it—not them), and you pointing all of the disapproval of the events on that is childish itself. People who don't think he deserved thousands of dollars of free stuff based on a lie and misrepresentation of actual events feel that way because it is true. He didn't do anything to deserve scholarships or visits to tech related companies, because he absolutely did nothing but bring someone else's work to school in a suspicious box, flaunt it around by ignoring teachers' advice, and then unknowingly spread about as a case of "bigotry" by the news when it wasn't.


If he had really built the clock or if this really had been a case of bigotry, awesome. But it wasn't his creation, even in the slightest, and it wasn't a case of bigotry.

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|"They got a war on drugs so the police can bother me.”Tupac Shakur  | "Half of writing history is hiding the truth"Captain Malcolm Reynolds | "Museums are racist."Michelle Obama | "Slap a word like "racist" or "nazi" on it and you'll have an army at your back."MSM Logic | "A new command I give you: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another"Jesus Christ | "I love the Union and the Constitution, but I would rather leave the Union with the Constitution than remain in the Union without it."Jefferson Davis |

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No, it isn't. You think it is because of Liberal news spreading the story around for their own agendas. The only thing the cops did wrong was ignoring the kid's rights...the rest of their work was just fine. They did their job and they followed protocol. If they didn't do this for every potential threat/call, a lot of people would suffer.


Again, no. People aren't saying he didn't deserve it all because they are jealous (though some made some jokes and others said they felt that way because there were other kids who really deserved it—not them), and you pointing all of the disapproval of the events on that is childish itself. People who don't think he deserved thousands of dollars of free stuff based on a lie and misrepresentation of actual events feel that way because it is true. He didn't do anything to deserve scholarships or visits to tech related companies, because he absolutely did nothing but bring someone else's work to school in a suspicious box, flaunt it around by ignoring teachers' advice, and then unknowingly spread about as a case of "bigotry" by the news when it wasn't.


If he had really built the clock or if this really had been a case of bigotry, awesome. But it wasn't his creation, even in the slightest, and it wasn't a case of bigotry.


I quit.  Apperently you know why I think what I think, and what I think.


I guess in some wacky alternate universe being wrong is being right... because I can't tell the difference between a bomb and a fucking clock.

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The entire story is manufactured, not real.

Let's start with the clock itself. The clock was not a homemade clock but an old alarm clock from the 70s that was gutted out and put on a briefcase. From the get go the kid is not an inventor of any kind. Kids much younger than him have done much better inventions so in the invention department he is not special.

"But what about muh police brutality and muh islamaphobia."

Settle down darling, settle down.

That part of the story was also manufactured.

You see the kid first showed his "invention" to his engineering teacher but he told him to not show it to others because it looks like a fake bomb. What does the kid do then? Make it look like a bomb by having the wires all over the briefcase and connecting it so it goes off as in the alarm goes off. His English teacher did what you do in Hoax Bomb situations and refer to the authorities. The Cops took him not to be arrested but to question him and tell him that hoax bombs are not cool. The famous pic of him getting arrested was manufactured by them in order to have a photo to pass around.

"Okay so the clock is fake and the arrest was fake. Anything else?"

As a matter of fact, there is.

The kid's father is a Sufi Muslim businessman with ties to the CIA and with presidential aspirations in Sudan. There's a move in the intelligence community to have Sufis in power on muslim countries because they think they would be easier to control. This entire operation was nothing more than propaganda to boost the businessman PR in the west. Why do you think Obama was so quick to support the kid? It's all manufactured, everything is fake.

As to guys like Zuckerberg and Microsoft well, they are either in on it or just want some sweet PR. Both are known Obama administration supporters and conspirators so it can go either way.

So this is why the store is out of tinfoil

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CPU: i7 4770k GPU: GTX 780 Direct CUII Motherboard: Asus Maximus VI Hero SSD: 840 EVO 250GB HDD: 2xSeagate 2 TB PSU: EVGA Supernova G2 650W

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I quit.  Apperently you know why I think what I think, and what I think.


Well, to be fair I think it because that's the only outcome of this event that you will accept and that you will give out in the discussion. You keep on lumping us all up as one thing, over and over again. You continuously claim we do and feel the way we feel because of so and so, when people have continuously told you (and others) differently. You refuse to think that perhaps this isn't a case of jealousy/immaturity, racism, sexism or whatever. You also believe the police and school officials handled this wrong (as evident to your post) when they didn't. They handled it as they were supposed to and "investigated" properly and effectively. The only thing that can be argued as the "wrong" here is how they handled him once they arrested him, by detaining him without a lawyer and his parents.


The very same sentiments are expressed only on hard left channels or articles, where their only goal is to attack the police and invoke a sense of common place bigotry, and your lack of willingness to consider other possibilities shows where you get your stance from—even if subconsciously. Numerous people have collaborated on the event, and nothing suggests the police/school did what they did out of bigotry nor does it suggest their work was insufficient, and despite what you say and feel not everyone in this thread feels the way they do about the free things he got because "they want it" or because they are "immature". Most of them expressed their disapproval in regards for people who actually deserve it or people who deserve similar treatment but are being ignored because they are white or aren't acknowledged in the first place when they should be—like kids who are poor and actually build things who can't even afford school supplies.


Maybe we can just agree that the kid shouldn't have been treated the way that he was, and not on any other particular details? :P

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Well, to be fair I think it because that's the only outcome of this event that you will accept and that you will give out in the discussion. You keep on lumping us all up as one thing, over and over again. You continuously claim we do and feel the way we feel because of so and so, when people have continuously told you (and others) differently. You refuse to think that perhaps this isn't a case of jealousy/immaturity, racism, sexism or whatever. You also believe the police and school officials handled this wrong (as evident to your post) when they didn't. They handled it as they were supposed to and "investigated" properly and effectively. The only thing that can be argued as the "wrong" here is how they handled him once they arrested him, by detaining him without a lawyer and his parents.


The very same sentiments are expressed only on hard left channels or articles, where their only goal is to attack the police and invoke a sense of common place bigotry, and your lack of willingness to consider other possibilities shows where you get your stance from—even if subconsciously. Numerous people have collaborated on the event, and nothing suggests the police/school did what they did out of bigotry nor does it suggest their work was insufficient, and despite what you say and feel not everyone in this thread feels the way they do about the free things he got because "they want it" or because they are "immature". Most of them expressed their disapproval in regards for people who actually deserve it or people who deserve similar treatment but are being ignored because they are white or aren't acknowledged in the first place when they should be—like kids who are poor and actually build things who can't even afford school supplies.


Maybe we can just agree that the kid shouldn't have been treated the way that he was, and not on any other particular details? :P


Stop before this gets messier.  You go on and on about absolute bullshit.  Liberals this and SJWs that, where the fuck does that fly?  Some serious work was done on your brain to be that egocentric and divisive.


Stop pretending you are on some winning side and grow the fuck up.

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Stop before this gets messier.  You go on and on about absolute bullshit.  Liberals this and SJWs that, where the fuck does that fly?  Some serious work was done on your brain to be that egocentric and divisive.


Stop pretending you are on some winning side and grow the fuck up.


I wasn't aware it was messy in the first place? :huh: You seem to be taking extreme offence to something you shouldn't be, when in fact you were the one swearing me out (though, of course, I had no problem with that) and putting words in not only other people's mouths and assuming why they felt the way they did, but you did so toward me. Am I not allowed to argue my point or defend it in the slightest? Am I not allowed to disagree with you, or common sentiments?


I would consider the comment of being egocentric but I honestly can't see how it has any ground to stand on. And some winning side? Alright dude...you win. I'm a self-absorbed asshole who is just jealous I didn't receive thousands of dollars of free stuff for doing absolutely nothing. Better now? There was no need to get so angry over something this simple... :ph34r:

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|"They got a war on drugs so the police can bother me.”Tupac Shakur  | "Half of writing history is hiding the truth"Captain Malcolm Reynolds | "Museums are racist."Michelle Obama | "Slap a word like "racist" or "nazi" on it and you'll have an army at your back."MSM Logic | "A new command I give you: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another"Jesus Christ | "I love the Union and the Constitution, but I would rather leave the Union with the Constitution than remain in the Union without it."Jefferson Davis |

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I wasn't aware it was messy in the first place? :huh: You seem to be taking extreme offence to something you shouldn't be, when in fact you were the one swearing me out (though, of course, I had no problem with that) and putting words in not only other people's mouths and assuming why they felt the way they did, but you did so toward me. Am I not allowed to argue my point or defend it in the slightest? Am I not allowed to disagree with you, or common sentiments?


I would consider the comment of being egocentric but I honestly can't see how it has any ground to stand on. And some winning side? Alright dude...you win. I'm a self-absorbed asshole who is just jealous I didn't receive thousands of dollars of free stuff for doing absolutely nothing. Better now? There was no need to get so angry over something this simple... :ph34r:



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Fact1: Kid's dad was a political activist in Sudan so he knows PR.

Fact2: Kid's dad is a member of CAIR (Council for American-Islamic Relations, a group that has been linked to terrorist activity) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Council_on_American%E2%80%93Islamic_Relations

Fact3: Irvin, TX, which is where they are, in January passed an 'anti sharia law'.. meant to be a proactive move to make sure muslims can't inact their own policing methods and harass people based on their religion like they do in some parts of england and australia

Fact4: This pisses off some muslims, kids dad included, and they protest it (even though all muslims are peace loving and want to integrate 100%!!!!

Fact5: Kid never built anything.  DIsassembled an old clock and put it in a pencil case which looks a lot like a smaller suitcase one may build bombs in. And it's a stupid design too, with the case closed you can't even read the clock.  

Fact6: Kid shows the clock to a science teacher. Teacher says "cool but don't show it to anyone else, might look suspicious and get you in trouble".  kid then immediately goes to the english teacher and shows it to them... since the first teacher didn't get the kind of response he was looking for

Fact7: Shit blows up and dad kisses ass big time by bringing free pizza and drinks to all the reports outside his home.. GOTTA LOVE THAT PR

Fact8: Family gets evangelized as some saints and gets thousands of free stuff

Fact9: This now desensitizes all future suspicious item reports and sets it up nicely for a true home made bomb

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That did not happen, right?


*googles it*


That's it we've gone too far. GG America.



Your quotes is going to make it very difficult for me to reply. If I miss anything, just say so.


1. What do you mean "what is this shit"? You asked shouldn't we be happy for the happy ending...I am arguing it wasn't. 


2. Because the same teachers that praised him kept telling him to keep it hidden because it did, in fact, look like a bomb. He was mistreated, but it has nothing to do with being a Muslim.


3. Bullshit? How is it bullshit? Care to elaborate on that? Fear from recent attacks have made this a very reasonable thing to do. Should we have to? No, it is facked up beyond a doubt, but we can't not be cautious anymore. Not with what has been going on. But no. Someone was supposed to see what looks very much like a bomb and just ignore it because hey, let's not potentially look like we're anti-Islam or something.


4. The same thread, but without SJW glasses on. Only one person made references to disliking the kid and his family to an extent that definitely feels like he is demonizing the kid. The rest expressed disappointment in how it was handled and how it is being handled and how the kid told the story when there are conflicting accounts. Your sensitivities are taking everything said against your stance on the subject as "demonizing" or "hateful".



I can't believe I can read something like that and it actually be true. It is disgusting.

Welcome to the sad but true reality that is politics.


What we have for a political system these days, is what you get when you allow those who's only desire is more money or power, take control of movements that are based upon strong emotions. If people were well informed, and our political system was more strict, none of this would be happening. We need to outlaw political parties, and impose seat and term limits on all branches of government, both state and federal.


No more than two terms per office, and only one office per lifetime. You get elected for two terms? Great, congratulations, your work is done, and you are no longer in politics. Now go do something useful with your life.


Just look at the absolute furor over Ben Carson saying "I wouldn't support a muslim president". People are going nuts over it, calling it racist, instead of simply thinking about what he said. "I wouldn't support a muslim president". How is that racist? Saying "A muslim should never be president" would be racist. Saying "I would not support one" is simply a statement of one mans opinion on who can accurately represent the American public.


The media has done everything it can in the western world to suppress rational thought in favor of abject moronic emotional reaction.

Ketchup is better than mustard.

GUI is better than Command Line Interface.

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There is a lot of jealousy in this thread.

The reason he got this attention, and stuff, is:

-> NOT because he made a clock or put it in a box, or whatever you think he did

-> NOT because the school acted poorly on the matter (that is just the cherry on the top)

-> NOT because the school overreacted (many schools always do, due to parental pressure from other students overreacting. That wont' change this is a parent thing.)

The issue, is the police. The police treated him as a serious criminal, and prevented him getting the basics access of contacted lawyers or his parents. Normally, for all underage kids, parents are always with the kid during interrogations. The police was racist on him. The school overreaction is just added to the top. Was it also fuels by racism or not, that is debatable. But the main story he that even criminal that was caught red handed stealing someone or even shooting someone had more rights than he did. THAT is why he got the media attention, THAT is why he got an invitation to the white house, and companies. Is it a PR move from everyone? Of course! (well interestingly enough the Microsoft gift was not publicized by Microsoft, Ahmed and his parents decided to share what he got). But the action of the big companies and the government is more of a social responsibility act. "We have failed as a society, we can't really fix the problem then bringing it to attention in the hope of change, to better a bit ourselves one story at a time. Here is something" Type of action.

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There is a lot of jealousy in this thread.

The reason he got this attention, and stuff, is:

-> NOT because he made a clock or put it in a box, or whatever you think he did

-> NOT because the school acted poorly on the matter (that is just the cherry on the top)

-> NOT because the school overreacted (many schools always do, due to parental pressure from other students overreacting. That wont' change this is a parent thing.)

The issue, is the police. The police treated him as a serious criminal, and prevented him getting the basics access of contacted lawyers or his parents. Normally, for all underage kids, parents are always with the kid during interrogations. The police was racist on him. The school overreaction is just added to the top. Was it also fuels by racism or not, that is debatable. But the main story he that even criminal that was caught red handed stealing someone or even shooting someone had more rights than he did. THAT is why he got the media attention, THAT is why he got an invitation to the white house, and companies. Is it a PR move from everyone? Of course! (well interestingly enough the Microsoft gift was not publicized by Microsoft, Ahmed and his parents decided to share what he got). But the action of the big companies and the government is more of a social responsibility act. "We have failed as a society, we can't really fix the problem then bringing it to attention in the hope of change, to better a bit ourselves one story at a time. Here is something" Type of action.


I only saw three users express jealousy, and I'm pretty sure two of them were joking around...?


Oh, and I very much agree! Good to read this as comment in this thread, because the police work is the real issue here. They detained him without a lawyer and without his parents, which is a violation of his American rights—even rapists and murderers are given far more rights than he was—but the police weren't "racist" toward him because 1) Muslims are not a "race" and 2) they were just doing their job, albeit poorly. They have to take every bomb threat, real or fake, seriously and follow strict protocol.


I mean...come on people! Regardless of how the police felt (as if you can read their mind?), it is their job to follow the rules and the law. You can argue that they are full-blown incompetent 'tards because once they arrived at the police station they violated his rights, and that would be entirely accurate, but racist? You have no evidence to support this claim. Absolutely nothing. And no, it wasn’t an overreaction by the school (though it was handled poorly). It looked exactly like a bomb, so much so that his teacher(s) advised him to not show it around because of that similarity. He was warned and warned and warned, and he did so anyway.


Even the local Mosques where the kid lives agree on this; the police and school is not at blame (at a whole; read the article for more depth). They were doing what they were required, by law, to do.

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I only saw three users express jealousy, and I'm pretty sure two of them were joking around...?

I see a few more, but it is a small discussion, perhaps not the right words used.
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I only saw three users express jealousy, and I'm pretty sure two of them were joking around...?

Not sure if you included me in those 3 being jealous. If you didn't then make that 4 people!

Who wouldn't be jealous of all the free stuff he is getting for what seems to be 15 seconds of "building" a clock?



I don't think being jealous necessarily undermines or invalidates your arguments for or against something though, as long as you stick to being objective.

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