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Worst Tech mistake you have ever made?


Something happened to me the other day that got me thinking of a question for you all.

What is the Worst thing that has ever happened to your Hardware? Laptop, Desktop, Monitor, DVD player, whatever you have.

So the other day I went to my room to play some DOOM or Titanfall, I hadn't really decided on which yet. I sat down at my desk and went to turn the monitor on. It did not power on. a good bit of info too is I had already taken my night time meds and I was starting to get a little sleepy. I crawled under my desk to see if it was plugged in and it was. I unplugged it and plugged it back in thinking that might do it, it did not. I get up and fiddle with the connections a bit and still no life to it. I go downstairs and look on my laptop if there are an issues with this monitor, since I had just bought it like a week earlier. Nothing that would explain what was going on. The monitor is question was a Viewsonic VX2257-MHD I got from Amazon. It isn't 4k but it was a huge upgrade from my old VGA Gateway LCD I had. And it has the AMD Freesync which go perfectly with my new Radeon RX480 (seriously that is the best graphics card you can get, in my opinion, for the price). So at this point I am grumpy and shake my monitor a bit and I see little drops of liquid falling out of the edges of the monitor. My first though was, "ok why is my monitor leaking", and I shake it some more and a lot of liquid comes out. Now my mind starts to wonder "do LCD leak?" my meds were really kicking in. I at this point to a close look at the screen and aw liquid on it, and on my keyboard. I am looking at my roof wondering if I have a leak. Nope. So finally I dip my fingers in it and smell it. It was cat piss. My cat jumped on my desk and peed all over my monitor, a lot too, and shorted it out.

Moral of the story, cover your stuff when you aren't using it and hope the return period for it is still good (which it was and I got my replacement today :P)


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Lol My cat would sit on top of my RAD and it would overheat

ƆԀ S₱▓Ɇ▓cs: i7 6ʇɥפᴉƎ00K (4.4ghz), Asus DeLuxe X99A II, GT҉X҉1҉0҉8҉0 Zotac Amp ExTrꍟꎭe),Si6F4Gb D???????r PlatinUm, EVGA G2 Sǝʌǝᘉ5ᙣᙍᖇᓎᙎᗅᖶt, Phanteks Enthoo Primo, 3TB WD Black, 500gb 850 Evo, H100iGeeTeeX, Windows 10, K70 R̸̢̡̭͍͕̱̭̟̩̀̀̃́̃͒̈́̈́͑̑́̆͘͜ͅG̶̦̬͊́B̸͈̝̖͗̈́, G502, HyperX Cloud 2s, Asus MX34. פN∩SW∀S 960 EVO

Just keeping this here as a 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̌̅̒̾̈́̆͌̌̾̎̽̐̅̏́̈̔͛̀̋̃͊̒̓͗͒̑͒̃͂̌̄̇̑̇͛̆̾͛̒̇̍̒̓̀̈́̄̐͂̍͊͗̎̔͌͛̂̏̉̊̎͗͊͒̂̈̽̊́̔̊̃͑̈́̑̌̋̓̅̔́́͒̄̈́̈̂͐̈̅̈̓͌̓͊́̆͌̉͐̊̉͛̓̏̓̅̈́͂̉̒̇̉̆̀̍̄̇͆͛̏̉̑̃̓͂́͋̃̆̒͋̓͊̄́̓̕̕̕̚͘͘͘̚̕̚͘̕̕͜͜͝͝͝͠͝͝͝͝͠ͅS̷̢̨̧̢̡̨̢̨̢̨̧̧̨̧͚̱̪͇̱̮̪̮̦̝͖̜͙̘̪̘̟̱͇͎̻̪͚̩͍̠̹̮͚̦̝̤͖̙͔͚̙̺̩̥̻͈̺̦͕͈̹̳̖͓̜͚̜̭͉͇͖̟͔͕̹̯̬͍̱̫̮͓̙͇̗̙̼͚̪͇̦̗̜̼̠͈̩̠͉͉̘̱̯̪̟͕̘͖̝͇̼͕̳̻̜͖̜͇̣̠̹̬̗̝͓̖͚̺̫͛̉̅̐̕͘͜͜͜͜ͅͅͅ.̶̨̢̢̨̢̨̢̛̻͙̜̼̮̝̙̣̘̗̪̜̬̳̫̙̮̣̹̥̲̥͇͈̮̟͉̰̮̪̲̗̳̰̫̙͍̦̘̠̗̥̮̹̤̼̼̩͕͉͕͇͙̯̫̩̦̟̦̹͈͔̱̝͈̤͓̻̟̮̱͖̟̹̝͉̰͊̓̏̇͂̅̀̌͑̿͆̿̿͗̽̌̈́̉̂̀̒̊̿͆̃̄͑͆̃̇͒̀͐̍̅̃̍̈́̃̕͘͜͜͝͠͠z̴̢̢̡̧̢̢̧̢̨̡̨̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̲͚̠̜̮̠̜̞̤̺͈̘͍̻̫͖̣̥̗̙̳͓͙̫̫͖͍͇̬̲̳̭̘̮̤̬̖̼͎̬̯̼̮͔̭̠͎͓̼̖̟͈͓̦̩̦̳̙̮̗̮̩͙͓̮̰̜͎̺̞̝̪͎̯̜͈͇̪̙͎̩͖̭̟͎̲̩͔͓͈͌́̿͐̍̓͗͑̒̈́̎͂̋͂̀͂̑͂͊͆̍͛̄̃͌͗̌́̈̊́́̅͗̉͛͌͋̂̋̇̅̔̇͊͑͆̐̇͊͋̄̈́͆̍̋̏͑̓̈́̏̀͒̂̔̄̅̇̌̀̈́̿̽̋͐̾̆͆͆̈̌̿̈́̎͌̊̓̒͐̾̇̈́̍͛̅͌̽́̏͆̉́̉̓̅́͂͛̄̆͌̈́̇͐̒̿̾͌͊͗̀͑̃̊̓̈̈́̊͒̒̏̿́͑̄̑͋̀̽̀̔̀̎̄͑̌̔́̉̐͛̓̐̅́̒̎̈͆̀̍̾̀͂̄̈́̈́̈́̑̏̈́̐̽̐́̏̂̐̔̓̉̈́͂̕̚̕͘͘̚͘̚̕̚̚̚͘̕̕̕͜͜͝͠͠͝͝͝͝͠͝͝͝͠͝͝͝͝͝͝ͅͅͅī̸̧̧̧̡̨̨̢̨̛̛̘͓̼̰̰̮̗̰͚̙̥̣͍̦̺͈̣̻͇̱͔̰͈͓͖͈̻̲̫̪̲͈̜̲̬̖̻̰̦̰͙̤̘̝̦̟͈̭̱̮̠͍̖̲͉̫͔͖͔͈̻̖̝͎̖͕͔̣͈̤̗̱̀̅̃̈́͌̿̏͋̊̇̂̀̀̒̉̄̈́͋͌̽́̈́̓̑̈̀̍͗͜͜͠͠ͅp̴̢̢̧̨̡̡̨̢̨̢̢̢̨̡̛̛͕̩͕̟̫̝͈̖̟̣̲̖̭̙͇̟̗͖͎̹͇̘̰̗̝̹̤̺͉͎̙̝̟͙͚̦͚͖̜̫̰͖̼̤̥̤̹̖͉͚̺̥̮̮̫͖͍̼̰̭̤̲͔̩̯̣͖̻͇̞̳̬͉̣̖̥̣͓̤͔̪̙͎̰̬͚̣̭̞̬͎̼͉͓̮͙͕̗̦̞̥̮̘̻͎̭̼͚͎͈͇̥̗͖̫̮̤̦͙̭͎̝͖̣̰̱̩͎̩͎̘͇̟̠̱̬͈̗͍̦̘̱̰̤̱̘̫̫̮̥͕͉̥̜̯͖̖͍̮̼̲͓̤̮͈̤͓̭̝̟̲̲̳̟̠͉̙̻͕͙̞͔̖͈̱̞͓͔̬̮͎̙̭͎̩̟̖͚̆͐̅͆̿͐̄̓̀̇̂̊̃̂̄̊̀͐̍̌̅͌̆͊̆̓́̄́̃̆͗͊́̓̀͑͐̐̇͐̍́̓̈́̓̑̈̈́̽͂́̑͒͐͋̊͊̇̇̆̑̃̈́̎͛̎̓͊͛̐̾́̀͌̐̈́͛̃̂̈̿̽̇̋̍͒̍͗̈͘̚̚͘̚͘͘͜͜͜͜͜͜͠͠͝͝ͅͅͅ☻♥■∞{╚mYÄÜXτ╕○\╚Θº£¥ΘBM@Q05♠{{↨↨▬§¶‼↕◄►☼1♦  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26 minutes ago, CptLameJokes said:

+1 reason to not have a pet. A cat will always be a butthole.

But that look.....

+1 reason to not have a CAT.
A dog would never pee on your computer, monitor or whatever.
Unless it's a male and your PC is sitting on the floor.

CPU: AMD Ryzen 3700x / GPU: Asus Radeon RX 6750XT OC 12GB / RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 2x8GB DDR4-3200
MOBO: MSI B450m Gaming Plus / NVME: Corsair MP510 240GB / Case: TT Core v21 / PSU: Seasonic 750W / OS: Win 10 Pro

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I was nearly killed by a cat pissing on things once.
I was trying to get an old and slightly broken K6-2 laptop running again to connect to a ELO frame mount touch panel I had. Couldn't get it to power on. As it was more than slightly broken with a very damaged case, the chassis was exposed. It was sitting on top of my tower, and when I wiggled the power lead a bit to see if it was a loose connection, I got an allmighty shock in my right arm as I touched both the laptop and PC chassis with the same hand. The PSU was full of piss, enough to conduct the mains and trip my bench RCD.

I have also chipped the die on 2 AMD processors. First was a Duron 1600, that still worked. The second was an Athlon XP 3200, happened when the Barton core was still new and not cheap to replace.

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I have a really soft white inside of my Laptop Incase sleeve, and apparently my cat was have a good o'l time  and when I put my laptop in iand  brought it too school I opened it up and discovered she did a number 1 in it :PP Not hardware but eh still a bit embarrassing 

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I'm 90% sure that my 7950 just died, and I don't really have a viable replacement. :/

Main rig on profile

VAULT - File Server


Intel Core i5 11400 w/ Shadow Rock LP, 2x16GB SP GAMING 3200MHz CL16, ASUS PRIME Z590-A, 2x LSI 9211-8i, Fractal Define 7, 256GB Team MP33, 3x 6TB WD Red Pro (9TB partition for general storage + 2TB partition for dumping ground), 4x 8TB WD White Label/Red (Plex) (all 3 arrays in their respective Windows Parity storage spaces), Corsair RM750x, Windows 11 Education

Sleeper HP Pavilion A6137C


Intel Core i7 6700K @ 4.4GHz, 4x8GB G.SKILL Ares 1800MHz CL10, ASUS Z170M-E D3, 128GB Team MP33, 1TB Seagate Barracuda, 320GB Samsung Spinpoint (for video capture), MSI GTX 970 100ME, EVGA 650G1, Windows 10 Pro

OptiPlex 7040M


Intel Core i7 6700, 2x16GB Mushkin Redline (stuck at 2133MHz CL13), 240GB Corsair MP510, 130w Dell power brick, Windows 10 Pro

Mac Mini (Late 2020)


Apple M1, 8GB RAM, 256GB, macOS Sonoma

Consoles: Softmodded 1.4 Xbox w/ 500GB HDD, Xbox 360 Elite 120GB Falcon, XB1X w/2TB MX500, Xbox Series X, PS1 1001, PS2 Slim 70000 w/ FreeMcBoot, PS4 Pro 7015B 1TB (retired), PS5 Digital, Nintendo Switch OLED, Nintendo Wii RVL-001 (black)

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1 hour ago, natey_g said:

Dropped my screwdriver on my cpu, hurt my feelings more then my cpu

That reminds me, I used to have a Socket 7 machine, it was an old AT case with a wrap-around type lid. I accidentally knocked a box of assorted screws right onto the back of the mainboard under the CPU socket when the lid was removed after some upgrades.

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There is an area that overlooks my living room on the second floor. 7 or 8 years ago, I was preparing to head downstairs to do homework on my HP laptop. I put the laptop on the platform, and accidentally knocked it overboard when I went through the drawer below it to grab some pencils and a notebook. Needless to say, the laptop didn't survive.

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back before cpu covers i have chiped a few corners of my cpu die , making it unstable at stock clock speed . if am not mistaken it was a early AMD cpu probably athlon socket a , and somewhere below 1500 mhz .



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A zumax power supply exploded and destroyed my mono/CPU/gpu and burnt my desk to crisp before I turned it off


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I used to have a general power supply in my old desktop and i upgraded from a cheap AMD graphics card to a Nvidia i can't remember which model but basically my power supply couldn't handle the voltage. It was working for like 6 months and then i smelled something burning so i thought it is something inside the case. I turned off the computer, took it apart and i didn't see anything unusual so i thought that the source of the smell wasn't my computer. Little did i know it was a power supply issue... I turn on the computer start playing call of duty if i remember correctly and as i'm playing i smell something burning again but this time it was like rubber or wires burning. I look at the back of my PC and i see that the power supply caught fire :D i bursted out laughing not fully aware of the situation i was in since i was a kid... Extinguished the fire with a small fire extinguisher turned that crap off and got rid of it. Corsair power supply fixed all my issues... Tho i almost fried my motherboard while installing it :D mistakes happen...


Macbook Pro Retina 13" early 2013

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My motherboard once died, I believe the south bridge overheated on the board. Anyways, it was within the warranty period, so I got a new one for free

"We're all in this together, might as well be friends" Tom, Toonami.


mini eLiXiVy: my open source 65% mechanical PCB, a build log, PCB anatomy and discussing open source licenses: https://linustechtips.com/topic/1366493-elixivy-a-65-mechanical-keyboard-build-log-pcb-anatomy-and-how-i-open-sourced-this-project/


mini_cardboard: a 4% keyboard build log and how keyboards workhttps://linustechtips.com/topic/1328547-mini_cardboard-a-4-keyboard-build-log-and-how-keyboards-work/

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Well, the worst thing would be when my laptop was stolen. The laptop itself wasn't super expensive or something, but I couldn't afford a new one. The worst part has yet to come and it's my external drive with all the data backed up on it. Everything. Whole my life in pictures and videos, my work and a lot of different stuff that were there and only there... I didn't have any additional cloud backup or something. And guess what? Yes, it was in the same bag where my laptop was. Stolen along with it... Few days earlier I wanted to set up a VNC server on it, but (and I can't remember why) I didn't. Maybe then I could find the thief. Moral of the story is that you shouldn't keep your external drive with backup in the same bag where you keep backed up laptop. 

Main Rig - AMD Ryzen 1800X @ 3.9 - NZXT Kraken X62 - MSI X370 SLI PLUS - G.Skill TRIDENT Z RGB 16GB 2667MHz - 2 x Gigabyte GeForce GTX1080 WindForce OC - NZXT S340 (Purple-White) - OCZ 120GB, Seagate 1TB - Corsair RM750i 80+ Gold - SAMSUNG S24D590 24", HP L1950g - Logitech G810 Orion Spectrum - Logitech G502 Proteus Spectrum - Creative Cambridge Sound Works + two random Philips speakers, Logitech G430 headset - Win 10 Pro x64

Retro Gaming PC - ASUS T3

Server - HP ProLiant DL380 G6(Currently assembling it) - 2 x Intel Xeon E5520 2.26GHz 8MB Quad Core Processor

NAS - Zyxel NSA320S 2 x Seagate Constellation ES 2TB(RAID1) - QNAP TS-212 1 x 500GB


-=Logitech FanBoiiiiiiii=-

I love NZXT as well <3

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Earlier this year I was clearing out a classroom full of computers and relocating them to another building. We were using a box truck with a lift on the back to get them into the truck. We loaded up the lift with carts full of computers and monitors. Another person rode the lift to make sure the carts and things didn't shift on the way up, however this time it didnt go as planned. Once I started the lift up the carts shifted so much that the person holding the cart could not correct it fast enough and bam! down goes a cart full of computers and monitors right onto the concrete. Needless to say but many of them were very dented and looked unusable however most them still turned on and functioned.   

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either opening up this old yamaha cd player, which probably didn't work, but it was also thrown away afterwards, so letting that happen wasn't nice.

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I installed virtualmin on the servers where I work, and I was going to remove it from one of the servers that had issues. apt-get remove blabla. Then I realized I was on the wrong server :ph34r: Thankfully I didn't lose anything, but that was pretty scary!

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Using a Corsair CS psu for a fairly high end build. Got lucky the thing only died and didn't take any components with it.

My Build:


CPU: i7 4770k GPU: GTX 780 Direct CUII Motherboard: Asus Maximus VI Hero SSD: 840 EVO 250GB HDD: 2xSeagate 2 TB PSU: EVGA Supernova G2 650W

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