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Madison reveals experiences working at LMG

Message added by SansVarnic,

*03NOV2023: Topic is now locked for the time until the investigation results are released, will not be re-open prior.*



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Just now, coopa said:

Madison never presented the narrative as you have put it in this post. To quote her posts:

I remember getting told off for taking my sick days, as in the days you're entitled to.

This no days off, "grindset" culminated in the real moment I realized I had to leave.

I purposefully cut my leg open so badly I would have to go to the ER to get it stapled back together. 
It was genuinely the only way in my mind to take a day off without being harassed for a reason why.

Now I can't vouch for whether or not it's true for Madison/LMG, but whether or not a workplace is so hostile that they browbeat you over taking sick leave (or vacation) that you are entitled to - I can say that people I know closely have had that happen at other (non-LMG) employers. In the context of the other allegations she posts about workload (and other employees talking about a heavy workload in the "what it's like to work for Linus" video) - I would find that potentially credible.

I think it's pretty disgusting that people are continuing to try to pick Madison apart when her allegations were serious enough for the new CEO of LMG to agree to hire an independent third party investigator to investigate her claims and what claims can be verified as true/false/not verifiable, and which can be verified as a current problem for LMG and its employees.

Ok, so she didn't cut herself after attempting to call out sick. She just assumed they would say no and proceeded to grab the knife. Yea, total rational thinking by a stable individual.

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2 minutes ago, starsmine said:

I always love these posts because they self report so hard

She had 1.5 years to think about this? why now?
well if she waited another year the response would be

She had 2.5 years to think about this? why now?
well if she waited another 2.5 years the response would be

She had 5 years to think about this? why now?
well if she waited another 5 years the response would be

She had 10 years to think about this? why now?

Talk to victims, they do not generally want to drag people. 
Names are dangerous, it is NOT positive to anyone. It does not help the accused become a better person, it does not help her move on from the trauma. 

You say names are dangerous, opposed to publicly accusing a company of various abuse without context? You think that's safer.


I said she had 1,5 year to think about it, I never said she had to do it in a certain time, I said she 1,5 year and this was the best way she could come up with. Read before you accuse.

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Just now, Neroon said:

You say names are dangerous, opposed to publicly accusing a company of various abuse without context? You think that's safer.


I said she had 1,5 year to think about it, I never said she had to do it in a certain time, I said she 1,5 year and this was the best way she could come up with. Read before you accuse.

Yes, this is the best, because it was onset by a massive influx of harrassement and unwanted questions. It wasnt "planned"

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4 minutes ago, starsmine said:

I always love these posts because they self report so hard

She had 1.5 years to think about this? why now?
well if she waited another year the response would be

She had 2.5 years to think about this? why now?
well if she waited another 2.5 years the response would be

She had 5 years to think about this? why now?
well if she waited another 5 years the response would be

She had 10 years to think about this? why now?

Talk to victims, they do not generally want to drag people. 
Names are dangerous, it is NOT positive to anyone. It does not help the accused become a better person, it does not help her move on from the trauma. 
The goal isnt to ruin the accussed life. 

If they are as serious as she claims she could've brought up evidence with redacted names the second she was not under NDA if she was under one, or the moments he left. Again, Audio recordings (which don't have people's names attached to them but would point at the people at fault).


I'm not a fan of coming with accusations without evidence.

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NOTE: recording date of this is unknown to me, this could be old footage...
But, if this is real and made after these few days of events: Making sex jokes in a meeting like this with the background it was held for, i suspect they knew by this time, is really inappropriate for someone with a leading roll in the company. 
The most stuff Linus talked about is just stuff that has to be mentioned in corporate style and you don't need or want to make more or less than it is. That its implemented, being enforced and regular checked on is way more important. As a manager you can set the work culture that people work and interact in.
The biggest mistake i hear is the fact that this person is not being corrected for inappropriate behaviour on the spot by Linus or any other person in the call (with a leading role). That is a thing that worries me more than the style he told it.
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3 minutes ago, Orthusaku said:

Nitazene-King-002 on reddit reports that other LMG employees have given statements that match madison's.

Yeah I know. The guy claims he has a ton of insider info and a lot of vids. Yet the only vid he keeps posting, is an old one and is completely innocent, except that people whine about James making a joke towards Linus.


That said though, you heard it here first. I'm in a message chain with all LMG employees, and no one has ever heard of him. Now some of them did say some juicy stuff about you, but I cannot share that because I want to keep their privacy, but it's totally real.

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Just now, Neroon said:

Yeah I know. The guy claims he has a ton of insider info and a lot of vids. Yet the only vid he keeps posting, is an old one and is completely innocent, except that people whine about James making a joke towards Linus.


That said though, you heard it here first. I'm in a message chain with all LMG employees, and no one has ever heard of him. Now some of them did say some juicy stuff about you, but I cannot share that because I want to keep their privacy, but it's totally real.

How do you think he got the video?

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1 minute ago, starsmine said:

Yes, this is the best, because it was onset by a massive influx of harrassement and unwanted questions. It wasnt "planned"

Massive influx of harrassment and unwanted questions? How exactly did this massive influx came to be? Oh and if someone been living with this for that long, they have thought about every option possible, many, many times.

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2 minutes ago, starsmine said:

I always love these posts because they self report so hard

She had 1.5 years to think about this? why now?
well if she waited another year the response would be

She had 2.5 years to think about this? why now?
well if she wated another 2.5 years the response would be

She had 5 years to think about this? why now?

GN had a couple of weeks to react to something that manifested as a problem within LTT, why didn't he waited 5 years for that? Letcs note that we are talking about errors in data and questionable ethics when that data is presented, not serious stuff as harassment.


I'm not familiar with Canadian law, but where I'm from, after a certain ammount of time, legally, you can't do anything about it as it becomes nullified.


When movemnts like #metoo existed beforehand, when you have labor protection laws that make any binding piece of paper worth nothing, when you as a being are trully harmed, you go the proper way and adress it in the court ( along side social media if that's what you fancy), but nevertheless in the court.


The actions, may them be founded or not, are childish and will end up in hurting her on the long run.

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Just now, Orthusaku said:

How do you think he got the video?

From the internet. What makes you assume he is the original uploader? Want me to upload it and claim ownership?

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12 minutes ago, Neroon said:

She had a ton of options here, she had over 1,5 year to think about this. Her choice here was to go on twitter, make a ton of accusations, name no one, offer no context, and we are to take this as proof that it all really happened. But even if we were to assume it really happened, we have no context and we have no clue what intent there was. 

I know.  The thing is we can't expect anyone under the age of 25 to react like they are 30.  At the ages of most LTT people, at the age of Madison being liked by random people is still of great importance. Popularity still matters in their mind even if it is of little practical value.    A 30 to 35 year old version of Madison would look at being hated by and hate watched by a bunch of gamer boys on Twitch as a monetizeable thing.    A 20 or 25 year old, or younger, Madison would look at it as being the unpopular kid alone at the lunch table.  

Then on top of that layer on the fact people in that age range appreciate that as full adults, legally, they are liable to be sued, or homeless, or who knows what else.  They know all kinds of bad things can happen but have never had to weather a storm.  Madison not wanting to rock the boat, to just get out, get a new job, and move on is about what we can expect from one her age.  That it's not worth fighting since she would never win.  Someone in experienced would think that.  

Meanwhile I know professionals who are in their 30's to 40's who have worked for a company that they sued for discrimination in court and won against


12 minutes ago, Neroon said:


And while her being the only one to come forward is not proof that it never happened, it also doesn't help when the only standing up, is someone who addresses the situation like this.

IT is not "proven" by any means.  However, the way she gets it proven is by making the allegation.  LMG has to do their own investigation.  She needs legal counsel who can get the documents that should still exist.  The emails, the messages, time sheets, calendars, videos... my god VIDEOS of interactions may exist.  Some of which will look good for LTT others will look awful for LTT.   She needs a lawyer, that that lawyer will gain access by discovery in a lawsuit.  

I don't see how we find out without something kin to a lawsuit.  

In short I agree with you.  A 20 something male or female in the last part of adolescence can be very immature, and make a merely uncomfortable situation out to be something more than it is.   This is not just one thing.  Alleging that one guy wanted to date her or something... When there are these many things.  So many comments.  So many actions. 

I mean think hard about who you have seen on Camera?   
Think of how and why Emily feels uncomfortable on Camera.   No woman knows men like a transwoman.  

Sarah why is she not on camera much.  When they did her Intel upgrade they had to take special measures to conceal her address because some creeps would show up. 

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3 minutes ago, KOAO said:

If they are as serious as she claims she could've brought up evidence with redacted names the second she was not under NDA if she was under one, or the moments he left. Again, Audio recordings (which don't have people's names attached to them but would point at the people at fault).


I'm not a fan of coming with accusations without evidence.

So no evidence and it never happened? So what is the evidence of a butt slap or being caught undressing someone with your eyes?

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Just now, Neroon said:

From the internet. What makes you assume he is the original uploader? Want me to upload it and claim ownership?

So you are claiming that Nitazene-King-002 is lying and that they did not get the audio from a source in LMG?

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Just now, Orthusaku said:

So you are claiming that Nitazene-King-002 is lying and that they did not get the audio from a source in LMG?

I'm saying he is claiming he got lots of damaging material, he obviously is out to damage LMG, yet for some strange reason he refuses to share it, but keeps mentioning he really has it. He's an attention whore. So until he actually uploads more, I will consider him a giant liar.

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1 minute ago, Neroon said:

I'm saying he is claiming he got lots of damaging material, he obviously is out to damage LMG, yet for some strange reason he refuses to share it, but keeps mentioning he really has it. He's an attention whore. So until he actually uploads more, I will consider him a giant liar.

So you will say they are lying and stand by that in a court of law right now under oath? and you can prove they are lying?

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2 minutes ago, avg123 said:

has Linus denied all the accusations? if not why are people here dickriding him so hard?

It's simply because the mob is mad and anything and everything that can be used against Linus and LMG will help fuel the fire, regardless if it is true, or not.

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10 minutes ago, avg123 said:

has Linus denied all the accusations? if not why are people here dickriding him so hard?

Parasocial relationships and a heavy sprinkling of gamer misosgny. 

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1 minute ago, Neroon said:

I'm saying he is claiming he got lots of damaging material, he obviously is out to damage LMG, yet for some strange reason he refuses to share it, but keeps mentioning he really has it. He's an attention whore. So until he actually uploads more, I will consider him a giant liar.

That video above seems old, I can’t imagine anyone is laughing like that at the end right now.

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1 minute ago, Uttamattamakin said:

I know.  The thing is we can't expect anyone under the age of 25 to react like they are 30.  At the ages of most LTT people, at the age of Madison being liked by random people is still of great importance. Popularity still matters in their mind even if it is of little practical value.    A 30 to 35 year old version of Madison would look at being hated by and hate watched by a bunch of gamer boys on Twitch as a monetizeable thing.    A 20 or 25 year old, or younger, Madison would look at it as being the unpopular kid alone at the lunch table.  

Then on top of that layer on the fact people in that age range appreciate that as full adults, legally, they are liable to be sued, or homeless, or who knows what else.  They know all kinds of bad things can happen but have never had to weather a storm.  Madison not wanting to rock the boat, to just get out, get a new job, and move on is about what we can expect from one her age.  That it's not worth fighting since she would never win.  Someone in experienced would think that.  

Meanwhile I know professionals who are in their 30's to 40's who have worked for a company that they sued for discrimination in court and won against


IT is not "proven" by any means.  However, the way she gets it proven is by making the allegation.  LMG has to do their own investigation.  She needs legal counsel who can get the documents that should still exist.  The emails, the messages, time sheets, calendars, videos... my god VIDEOS of interactions may exist.  Some of which will look good for LTT others will look awful for LTT.   She needs a lawyer, that that lawyer will gain access by discovery in a lawsuit.  

I don't see how we find out without something kin to a lawsuit.  

She's accused the management of violations of BC Worker's Rights laws. There's a couple of agencies, part of the BC government, that handle these types of cases directly. There's also criminal complaints that may or may not have been available.  None of which would require her to hire her own lawyers.


I feel like everyone has forgotten that the Activision stuff came to light because of a long running State of California investigation of the company. Madison lives & works in a Western country. There's are boatloads of agencies that deal with things. How well, obviously, is up for debate, but she has yet to take that direction.


Though if there's one criticism that can be laid at LMG's feet, it's probably pretty clear no one noticed her in severe mental destress over a long period of time, unless she was really good at acting around it or compartmentalizing it.

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I always wondered if something torrid was going on at LMG nothing as bad as SA. If I was really bored I would watch a vid and wonder if Linus was having an affair or maybe the office culture was not as publicly represented. Nothing like this bad I alway wondered why Maddison was in maybe 3 vids here entire employment. I think Nitazene-King-002's audio is real (I have no proof for that). WHO OH WHO assaulted and mental Ab**ed Maddison? Linus needs to clear this now. In less than a week GN took down his image and Maddison came forward with accusations which (true or otherwise) Have tarnished his life's work forever.

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17 hours ago, Legitsu said:

please stop assuming that the random women on the twitter isn't lieing 

timing is pretty sus so what she was slient for 2 years and picks now to say something?

if anything she said was true any court on the planet would have had a field day 


or we really gonna bite for the old 'female victum routine' 


I agree it is pretty sus, but when would she have been able to come forward without the wrath of this community coming back at her? LTT was spotless until the GN incident, but she saw that the image was shatteted and took the oportunity to say her piece with minimal backlash from the community since everyone ia already pretty ticked off at them. 

I feel for her, truly. If that actually happened then LMG Is a horrible company, but i still believe that we should hear both sides before jumping to conclusions. 

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Madison is such a whiney millennial about having to actually work, that I find her more serious allegations hard to beleive, especially considering the timing. And she sure is vague about what people are calling "assault". I read her entire thread.

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I have read multiple concerns that Emily might have quit due to the same reasons Madison claims. I have watched nearly every LTT video the last 6 years (except for the sponsored nonsense), but I can't remember who Emily is. First I thought it was Lukes girlfriend they talk about on WAN sometimes. But that doesn't make any sense. Or did she work for LMG at one time, and doesn't anymore now?

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Holy crap took a look at the various Reddits, and the mob is truly unhinged about this.  Reading any of the threads for a minute and you would think LMG was actively encouraging this, endorsed by Linus, and this is the biggest scandal since watergate.   Like 10,000% doom, this company is done forever, how dare they, they need to burn, doom.


Just a reminder...the ACLU penned an op-ed in I believe the Atlantic, with full throated support for the absolutely clear and egregious physical and mental abuse Johnny Depp put Amber Heard through...I guess Reddit didn't watch that trial and stuck with the OG headlines on that one.


Dont jump to conclusions folks, the GN/Bt saga was egregious on LMG's part, but there is a lot of unknown here, other than the words of a disgruntled employee.  Maybe wait for some receipts before the witch burning this time around ya?

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