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Gamers Nexus alleges LMG has insufficient ethics and integrity

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3 hours ago, Thaldor said:

It's also plain and simple that LTT cut the video short, posted it with incorrect testing and while the writer asked Linus to give him a bit time to make the testing correct, Linus went "Shit product, shit price, I won't spend another dime or minute to it because nothing will change anything". And the outcome was lazy video which left the conclusion "product is shit because it doesn't perform well compared to its price" with the incorrect testing. Linus could have spend like 20 minutes extra and made the conclusion part of the video clearer about that the price of the product is ridiculous and pretty much no matter the performance, it's not a product he could give positive review, or spend the few hours/days and add the correct testing to strengthen the already filmed conclusion.


The problem isn't that the review was bad, the problem was that LTTs testing in that review was completely incorrect because Linus didn't want to initially spend 20 minutes to get RTX 3090 Ti (E: which Billet Lab also send to LTT) to test the product and, because his some odd vision about always making only the newest and shiniest builds, they went on with the RTX 4090 that the Billet Lab said just only "might work" which it didn't.

The outcome really doesn't matter but that LTT released video about someones product in which LTT fucks up the testing because Linus and the LTT correction is pretty much Linus saying sorry and spending 10 minutes talking about why doing the testing correctly wouldn't change the outcome. The cold hard fact is still that LTT willingly and knowingly posted a video with fucked up testing.


What it comes to error correcting the pinned comment and later editing videos isn't enough. 99% of the people do not return to rewatch videos in case "there was a problem" or anything and the misinformation and error will remain and grow. GN also might put notion on the videos with mistakes pointing people to the video with the correction but even if not, them making the correction video and that being either fixed video or video only concerning their mistake is million times better than what LTT does.

You are right, Linus should have sent it back and said the same thing he said in the end. It is a product we cant recommend to anyone, it doesnt make sense.

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4 minutes ago, hmfaysal said:

Yes, GianLuca, YES. Steve thought he would gain financially from this. Not from the expose video itself, but from newer releases. 

i can't tell if it's irony or this forum is legit filled with 13 years old kids. 

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2 minutes ago, Biomancer81 said:

The Job was to do a review, not give a good review. They did the review.


If you defend the line of thinking you present, then you are actually defending against what GN implied. You are literally saying it is ok to Pay for Good Reviews.

that wasn't a review, that was a disaster... when you do a review you test the product as meant to... and not the wrong GPU that has a 1mm gap to the actual cooler so it won't work... they even got the correct gpu with the cooler to test it... they didn't care to do their job properly...

that's like a McD slave not bothered to put the patty and cheese in the cheeseburger and just send you a bun with some condiments and let you drive home with that...

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4 minutes ago, Godiwa said:

that wasn't a review, that was a disaster... when you do a review you test the product as meant to... and not the wrong GPU that has a 1mm gap to the actual cooler so it won't work... they even got the correct gpu with the cooler to test it... they didn't care to do their job properly...

that's like a McD slave not bothered to put the patty and cheese in the cheeseburger and just send you a bun with some condiments and let you drive home with that...

Billet labs should’ve just reviewed it themselves. That thing is a space station made with copper 

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3 hours ago, a39c said:

Since there's no link to this source, care to include what the asterisk in this chart means?

Basically it means that those are numbers where they have made adjustements but not tested yet.


I am attaching a link to the page, as well as the rest of the information, including the fact that Billet Labs "Loves LTT and enjoyed the video".




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9 minutes ago, Gianluca Angeli said:

i can't tell if it's irony or this forum is legit filled with 13 years old kids. 

Probably. There's a reason why the only two options are "Destroy LMG" and "LMG Is Infallible."

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4 hours ago, PCGamer2727 said:

I don't really understand this strange redirection thing that happens in forums/comments/social media.


Point: AMD is blocking competing technologies from being used in their games

Response: nVidia does even worse things than this


Point: LTT has issues with the with data quality and ethics

Response: GN has their own issues


In both cases, the responses are deeply irrelevant.  The fact that others also did things badly doesn't excuse the first party.


Each party should be held accountable for their own actions.


In this case, issues about LMG have been brought into the public view.  In response they have been forced to take accountability and by their own words are planning to make changes.  From the perspective of a consumer, that seems like a great thing.


None of the parties involved here are evil entities that deserve vilification.

I see your issue. You missed the first part of the response. See we all agree LMG has messed up royally, and need to fix stuff, and they are taking the time to fix things, they have owned theor failure, but this isnt a "one or the other situation. Steve also messed up in a royal way, and he cant admit that, nor can it seems you guys. It isnt deflection, it is holding both people accountable for their wrongdoing.


Both groups can be wrong at the same time and in this case are. But only one side seems willing to accept it.

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5 minutes ago, OverjoyedDonut said:

Probably. There's a reason why the only two options are "Destroy LMG" and "LMG Is Infallible."

Yeah, how did it escalate to that ??? O.o

I held the Tech community in such high regards... and now look into the "discussions" or the comment section (which was quite nice and constructive before, at least when I bothered to read it(since everywhere else it's horribly bad/stupid))

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28 minutes ago, Goriss said:

Linus should took those 100m and RUN RUN RUN as fast as possible. Now his company is evaluated at approximately 2$

Nope, I don't think the valuation has gone down at all. 

"It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brain falls out." - Carl Sagan.

"I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you" - Edward I. Koch

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16 minutes ago, poochyena said:

what a joke. Is "Conor Murray" a code word for ChatGPT wrote that pile.... ?

Forbes must be the orientation point for Linus' view on what journalism is.... xDD

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5 hours ago, eece_ret said:

Yeah thats why his video comes off as disingenuous.  GN definitely has their schtick.  Usually those types get pwned in the same fashion they made a rep on.  I dont wish it on them, I like GN, but, yeah...  

For real GN can make zero mistakes now because there is a whole crowd of people watching for it to happen and will jump on it, just like GN did here, to make sure there is accountability.

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1 minute ago, Gianluca Angeli said:

i can't tell if it's irony or this forum is legit filled with 13 years old kids. 

Welcome to the LTT community during shitstorm when YT, Reddit and whatever other platforms find the forums and raid it.


It's really not a joke or meme but even Linus has mentioned the fact that as whole he has very toxic following (mostly probably from the "entertaining" videos where nothing seems to go as planned and it pretty much boils down to chaos, something that pleases 14 year old teenagers with ADHD and too much money to spend on energy drinks).

Like the word "toxic" isn't enough, oh boy, not even half of it and things would be pretty much okay if it was ONLY these times when Linus is under attack, as in community is mostly against Linus. But nope.

Like there's a moment in history after which no one should be proud to call themselves part of Linus-fanclub and it has nothing to do with Linus but everything to do with the energy drink fueled ADHD fanclub. The keyword is Mindchop.


These forums usually are active but kind of don't even care about LTT that much, some will point out some videos and WAN show but generally just talk about tech and troubleshooting and fighting over fruit product company or someone tryinf to do something somewhere.

But not when the brown stuff hits the fan and there seems to be more couple days old accounts sprouting than mushrooms in rain.

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21 minutes ago, darki333 said:

Yeah, how did it escalate to that ??? O.o

I held the Tech community in such high regards... and now look into the "discussions" or the comment section (which was quite nice and constructive before, at least when I bothered to read it(since everywhere else it's horribly bad/stupid))

If the internet can find something to be angry about, it'll feed off it until it finds something else to be angry about.


Edit: Deleted the pancakes meme cause it was obnoxiously large and bright. Sorry about that.


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3 minutes ago, Biomancer81 said:

For real GN can make zero mistakes now because there is a whole crowd of people watching for it to happen and will jump on it, just like GN did here, to make sure there is accountability.

That's also the risk one takes in situations like this. Everyone is now watching, and as soon as you have any mistakes in your content, people will call you out. But, there are also going to be people who called out LTT for their issues, but defend GN for the same issues. 

"It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brain falls out." - Carl Sagan.

"I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you" - Edward I. Koch

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5 hours ago, iCrap said:


What specifically are you skeptical of? the errors shown and detailed are clearly facts, I'm not sure how you can argue with that.

There were no facts. A fact os something that is checked, he did no validation. He 


5 hours ago, iCrap said:

But "get it right the first time" IS the correct expectation. The point brought by Steve is that this incorrect data can mislead the consumer, LTT videos have millions of views of reach, and now you've just told them all incorrect data. And if they go back and correct it later, everyone who ALREADY SAW IT, saw the WRONG data. That's the problem.


This is pretty much exactly what I was trying to get across

Even Steve doesnt always get it right, amd according to his own standards he doesnt remove videos, he releases a short video explaining why he was wrong, doesnt change anything if no one sees it, which is his argument about LTT putting in pinned comments.


You are hanging yourself on the same cross you are crucifying LMG with 

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6 hours ago, QuantumSingularity said:

You are right to some extend, but GN did what they do best - keep everyone in check and not let anyone think they are untouchable. Friends, fellow journalists or big tech companies, it doesn't matter - all have to be held accountable for their mistakes so they can do better.

Well, letting no one think they were untouchable but themselves.

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Steve made a point to tell us in his first “Linus Bad” video how he didn’t monetize it. He’s gained half a million subs in the last two days though… that doesn’t equate to views but it doesn’t hurt a bit. Steve stinks as much as anyone in this deal. 

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11 hours ago, ImpliedSilence said:

Dying channel?....Not doing so good?

Opera Snapshot_2023-08-17_211722_socialblade.com.png

Still clamping down on my comment, a dying channel, nothing more for a niche group and nothing more. 

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5 hours ago, Blademaster91 said:

One of reasons GN reacted was because someone from the LMG LTT labs made a comment saying they do better benchmarking than GN or HW Unboxed, then Linus made a comment on a WAN show which was obviously aimed at GN about the whole "trust me bro" thing, which Linus still seems to be upset and have an ego over.

Also if you think Steve is being too "abrasive" then you probably don't watch any of his videos, he isn't concerned with whether he's upsetting people at LTT or not, the video needed to happen, and the mistakes are things LMG/LTT have been making for years, LMG needed to be called out now that they're using  their LTT labs, yet there are still inconsistencies in their data. Having inconsistent data is an important concern with how much influence LMG/LTT have over the community and they need to make sure the data is as correct as possible.

As for monetizing the video, while you might just think its a "coolstory" and not care, I guess some expect ads and jokes as its "on brand" for LTT but jokes and sponsorships isn't the time or place for a video addressing the community on how they can improve. A lot of people have been concerned with the ad for a screwdriver and joking about sponsorships. And the video monetization seems like they care more about making money from the video than admit they messed up.

You are lacking one point here. Steve benefits financially from tanking LMG. It makes his "reporting" lack objectivity, so no, it isnt the same thing ever.


And just to be clear, I dont mean he is going to make money from the video he demonitized. I mean long term there is evidence already that he is benefitting from views and subscribers, which means he didnt have to monitize one video to increase his profit overall.


He has lost his credibility as an objective reporter.

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8 hours ago, Absentia13 said:

No, not saying I know anyone. After a very long period of content though, people's personalities tend to come out. He's very passionate about animal rescue, recycling, ewaste, that kind of thing and puts his money where his mouth is. Which can lead you to different conclusions about him, generally, based on psychology and knowing people. He's probably a very responsible person, someone that holds people to account, which is evident from his perpetual updating of processes, slowdown of video releases to implement new testing to ensure accuracy and organization. You can glean a bit more about someone by how they structure their team, how the team behaves on camera, their disposition, style of delivery, etc. You can easily tell by all of the people working there that it is a very calm and probably semi-normal workplace environment. You can also see how GN has leaned in hard to not taking sponsors on videos AT ALL when possible, and definitely not taking sponsors from major players, just like Hardware Unboxed. This tells me that GN is committed to ACTUALLY trying to stay independent as an outlet as much as possible, unlike LTT who has Dell as a sponsor and then releases a video on SC the same day about a Dell laptop. 


LTT seems like more of a circus, crazy hijinks, less serious a lot of the time. Which is part of the appeal obviously. It's just a different feel and attitude between the channels. 


This is just what I'm gathering, but considering Steve's reaction to other large company's responses to issues like this, the reaction to LTT is not surprising. Having an LTT employee make fun of your channel in the face of all the errors makes LTT look exceedingly stupid. They did it to themselves.  Go watch the MSI video on GN and watch for similarities. 

Are you saying that the reason Steve did this is because he couldnt handle what someone said about him, so he did a hit piece, played it off as altruistic, and then defended that by saying its ok because they deserved it?


Like the whole statement is just.... Wow. I am impressed by the number of turns in your line of logic.

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31 minutes ago, OverjoyedDonut said:

If the internet can find something to be angry about, it'll feed off it until it finds something else to be angry about.


Edit: Deleted the pancakes meme cause it was obnoxiously large and bright. Sorry about that.


I see. I was probably just wrong seeing the tech community to be more/better than the rest of the internet - pity.😕

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9 minutes ago, Emperor Anime said:

Oh yeah the LMG employee handbook was leaked and there's some funny stuff in there, but also some stuff that's illegal which is lol. GG dudes

What was illegal in the handbook?

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On 8/15/2023 at 4:41 PM, bramturismo said:

I understand that you may have a personal problem with Steve, but this should not be a reason to ignore facts being presented.


I don't necessarily like all my colleagues at work, but that doesn't mean I should not listen to their advice and expertise.


I just struggle to care about this drama.


And on that note; I'm outta here.  There are much better things for me to do.

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