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Are we pirates?


did you even watch the entire segment or just blindly started raging about being called a pirate and missed where Linus disclosed that their team has Youtube premium accounts for scrubbing through old videos and their company is paying for those multiple work accounts.


When it comes to browser wide ad blocking, what does it really matter? How their company makes money is the priority for their company, how others make money is not, nor is it mine or yours outside of some virtue signaling and toxic championing for things you yourself have admitted to blocking.


It also seems pretty hypocritical to complain on the forum those ads provide funding to host, about policies you have no right or requirement to know, clearly it's deeply troubling you so you may need to reflect on why instead of complaining.

The best gaming PC is the PC you like to game on, how you like to game on it

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19 hours ago, crazzp said:

You agreed to the data collection when you sign up for youtube. No one force you to watch YouTube.


You can choose not to watch YouTube, but you cannot choose not to pay when you agreed to use their service.

you can just that argument to for anything just dont use it... really. dont want data collected dont use it. dont want to be tracked dont your your phone, tv, fringe, toaster, car, like crap man... why even live any more.

I have dyslexia plz be kind to me. dont like my post dont read it or respond thx

also i edit post alot because you no why...

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7 minutes ago, thrasher_565 said:

you can just that argument to for anything just dont use it... really. dont want data collected dont use it. dont want to be tracked dont your your phone, tv, fringe, toaster, car, like crap man... why even live any more.

Lol are you like a child or something? There are rules and tradeoffs in every part of our lives. You're getting tracked every step of your way. Your ISP knows that you've been on this forum and where you go, why are you still using it? 

Using your argument:
Can I get money without working/investing? Why must I spend my time working to get money? Why can't people just give me money without asking anything in return? 
If you don't wanna be tracked but wanna use a phone then build your own, but you gotta build your own service too. Can't do that? Then you got to live by the manufacturers' and government's rules. You can't have your cake and eat it too. 

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16 hours ago, Dont Cry said:

Just like I don’t force linus to use youtube especially when he has built himself an alternate platform years ago.


No, I said youtube was free for him to utilize as a platform. Either you misunderstood the point I’m making due to poor comprehension ability or are grasping at straws to twist and create a nonsensical strawman. It’s 100% free to upload content for sharing on youtube. Not sure what part of this you don’t understand.

its not free for him like its not free for me.  linus only post to you tube cause that's what most people use. that it pane and simple.


16 hours ago, Bramimond said:

You can disagree, but I think the Internet would be better off without people relying on ads contributing content. 

Like I mentioned before, there is also plenty of free content that does not rely on ads. If all the ad relying content was just gone it would be way easier to find, too. 


Ads are not the price to be paid for content.


Internet ads are making the world a worse place to live in.


Everyone should do their part and block all ads to make the world a better place. 



Once upon a time it was normal to own slaves and people were saying that's just the way how things must be, since there cannot be any other possible solution.

Even if there was no other solution, it would still be wrong and shouldn't be done. Everyone making money off of ads is doing their part to make the world a little bit worse. 


I'm doing mine to make the world a tiny bit better. By blocking all ads. 



Don't look at how the world is and be content. Think how you would like the world to be and then do what you can to make it happen. 



back in the good old days internet was free. maybe there was some donations and well alot  of scams..well sill scams... but people had realy jobs and when to the internet for fun. everything they did was for fun, free. no one payed them for and opinion. rember gaming on like was also free...maybe you dont rember... sad. 


tell me what i can access for "free" that paying $100 a moth can get and wont track me.  not only that there are lots of people that dont have unlimited internet and ads take up that space... so its like dubble dipping. one reason i dont use my phone on the internet because 2gb cant do crap with.. im not spending $100 for 'unlimited' on my phone too...

3 minutes ago, crazzp said:

Lol are you like a child or something? There are rules and tradeoffs in every part of our lives. You're getting tracked every step of your way. Your ISP knows that you've been on this forum and where you go, why are you still using it? 

Using your argument:
Can I get money without working/investing? Why must I spend my time working to get money? Why can't people just give me money without asking anything in return? 
If you don't wanna be tracked but wanna use a phone then build your own, but you gotta build your own service too. Can't do that? Then you got to live by the manufacturers' and government's rules. You can't have your cake and eat it too. 

i didn't say i want it for free... i dont even watch linus anymore so...

I have dyslexia plz be kind to me. dont like my post dont read it or respond thx

also i edit post alot because you no why...

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1 hour ago, Dont Cry said:

A google account is required to do what you suggest therefore it's not possible for me which I'm fine with.

You just complained about it, so clearly you're not fine with it but refuse to fix it because you weighted the pros and cons yourself and decided you'd rather deal with random videos being pushed to you, which is fine, you do you


1 hour ago, Dont Cry said:

The less time I spend on any google "service" the better.

Yeah, a point I made before

If you hate something so much, don't use it

If you have to use it, it must be bringing value to you, as much as you wish not to admit it


So if it brings value to you, it's only fair that you give some value back


To me, I can't stand YouTube giving me too much ads, that's why I just blocked it

But as I understand it, it's the creators that decide on the ads, not the platform

Some of the creators I watch put an ad every two minutes or so in a 20 minute video, it's unbearable


2 hours ago, Dont Cry said:

Sure. Do as you please. I paid for the full resolution of my screen. If someone is too damn lazy to turn their phone over correctly then I simply won't provide them with my view of the video.

Some content are better suited to be filmed vertically, as filming them horizontally would be filming non-relevant stuffs

Videography is an art, and there's no right answer

But I agree that most content should be filmed horizontally though


2 hours ago, Dont Cry said:

Watching anything longer than a minute long clip on a 6 inch phone screen is a terrible experience, visually, audibly and physically but you do you if that makes you happy.

It's way more portable, pretty much the reason why I consume internet more and more on my phone nowadays

Sitting at my desk all day isn't great or healthy for me

-sigh- feeling like I'm being too negative lately

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8 hours ago, dizmo said:

I haven't seen a single video that makes you watch a 1-2 min ad for a 30 second video. Smells like you're just trying to justify your use of it. Just be honest with yourself. 


Doesn't force you, but IMHO it is pretty ridiculous to manually skip a 2 minute ad to see a 30 second video.
Why isn't it the other way around? Auto-skip after say 10 seconds, unless the user clicks on see full ad? That could be far more meaningful for the advertiser, that is real engagement as opposed to me not clicking on skip ad (I could be taking a piss, answering my phone, getting some water, etc.).

This whole thing screams regulate me, like for TV ads European Union legislation limits the time taken by commercial breaks to 12 minutes per hour (20%), with a minimum segment length of 20 or 30 minutes, depending on the programme content. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TV_advertisements_by_country


^ not a crypto wallet

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Sorry if this has been posted before.   I just saw this video from Louis Rossman.  Is ad blocker piracy?    I have multiple friends that get paid by youtube and a couple full time creators and none of them care if their viewers use ad blockers.  I also have friends that own companies that you may or may not have seen and they have to pay for the add based on number of views.  Piracy is a weird law in today's world. I'm just curious about other content enjoyers and their opinion on ad blockers.    Personally I do have a few websites whitelisted but mostly use it to not clutter a page I visit.   Putting Linus in the thumbnail I don't agree with but that's for his legal team to work out


Edit: Guess I could have done a simple search before posting.   My bad   Glad it got moved to the correct page



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12 hours ago, dalekphalm said:

I can't speak for current numbers, but historically, ad revenue was around $1-3 per 1000 views. I have no idea if that value is still accurate for today.


But let's say it's $1 per 2000 views... and?

... why would he even need to explain or justify this? He has no control over what other content creators upload and publish. Nor does he have any control over YT deciding to demonetize a channel.


He follows the rules as best he can. YT might have stupid reasons for their rules, but it's generally pretty easy to not get demonetized - avoid controversial topics and don't do anything obviously against the rules as stated.


As a tech channel, there's very little reason he'd get demonetized - as opposed to a channel that deals with politics or other topics that quickly can become "controversial".

That's the most non-sequitor argument yet.


You're justifying monetization by staying inside YT's ruleset--thereby defacto sanctioning their rules.  Meaning that if content creators are generating quality content that doesn't meet YT standards for monetization, you are now directly complicit in that--thanks to the "rules for thee, not for me" mindset.



avoid controversial topics and don't do anything obviously against the rules as stated.

What is the point of a free site to come and view content on...if it's only people who are allowed to color inside the lines?  Before monetization, this wasn't an issue.  But the mere fact that YT can choose who to monetize and who to demonetize means they hold sway over political discourse, dissenting opinions, facts that don't meet their "wish it to be true" narratives, etc.


Worse, you are now espousing that somehow LTT "has more right to exist", simply because of the topics covered.  That's a dangerously slippery slope.  Today the topic of tech may not be controversial.  Tomorrow, it may be interpreted as a way of trying to undermine the powers that be--and is now seen as subversive.


Whether or not your opinions on the matter match Linus' or not, the statements you put forth here show a shocking lack of self-awareness and disturbingly flippant attitude towards the entire premise.

11 hours ago, Middcore said:

How many threads do we need about this same subject? There's still an ongoing one from when Linus first made that Twitter post like a week ago.


I am sure Linus and many others in the company use ad blockers. He said he does sometimes, and as many have pointed out he's made tutorial videos on things like PiHole. He has no expectation people will stop blocking ads. All he did was state the fact that it takes away revenue from creators, and then people got very very upset that he had the temerity to state a fact, for a variety of reasons.


The issue isn't what he does.  Nor is it the fact that it can reduce revenue for creators.  The issue is and always has been his bombast in claiming it is PIRACY.  That is objectively false and a damnable lie--one in which he still refuses to renege on.  He could have corrected himself and chosen other words like "theft of services" or some other such--which we could instead be debating the merits of the argument over.


Instead, we're here arguing that the very semantics of the argument he has chosen--are fallacious from the get-go.  And redefining words as something they are not--in order to add credence to one's own misguided arguments--is wholly par for the course from many a would-be, self-righteous person here in decade 3 of the new millennia.

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8 hours ago, Dont Cry said:

It's free for him.


No, he uploads to youtube because that's where the dollars rolll in.


I'd honestly be surprised if floatplane was profitable after all his expenses developing and maintaining it.


Maybe now that they have additional content outside of what they produce on it?

no its not free for him. like other said its 50% of the ad money gos to yt


its free if he dose not monetizes it but they still collect his data so still not free.

Edited by thrasher_565

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also i edit post alot because you no why...

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Every single free hardware Linus gets is only free because of us, that watch, the number of views and subscriptions, they really can't care less if we block ads or not.

Every single sponsor he gets decides to go with him and not someone else, based on susbscription number and views numbers, no one is looking to this numbers excluding those that use adblock,

The power he have to get connections in the industry is the same thing.

The YT buttons and i'm sure some YT perks the same thing


This could be applied to more things i'm sure, those the one i can name now. One can almost say he makes money PARTIALLY of pirates. What does that makes him? 😉



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8 hours ago, Dont Cry said:

Ironically no it hasn't because out of sheer spite I will never purchase that product. The purpose of an ad is to get you to buy whatever you're being subjected to. You must have a significantly weaker mind than I do if you simply give in and throw money at whatever you see being advertised.

Must you attack people personally at every turn? I said nothing about immediately throwing money at everything advertised. Ads want to create awareness of a product with the hope of generating sales, so by making you notice one way or another at least part of its purpose has been fulfilled. You might even complain to others how annoyed you were by that particular ad.

8 hours ago, Dont Cry said:

There is no counter argument because I argue with facts not assumptions from outdated dubious sources. Bring me real data points from a vetted collection pool with a history of accuracy. Until you can your opinion is just fluff in the wind and not worth mentioning any further.

So you have none is what you're trying to say. Cutting everything short with "I don't believe you, bring me something else" is not how discussions work.

8 hours ago, Dont Cry said:

Not sure why you’re trying to flip the script to focus on me but since you asked I work in an industry where I don't need customers to come to me because they post the work that needs to be done to a "forum" and then I either outright accept it at the rate being offered or contact them directly to negotiate. So I suppose you could call this a "niche channel". One reason of many I chose the line of work I'm in. There are no never ending sales pitches or e-begging required.

I brought it up since you brought it up. By relating it to your own work there might have been some real life experience  to draw on, but it turns out you don't work that way, so that doesn't apply then. I assume on that forum you get some form of reputation, in which case think of it as using good reviews or whatever from there to convince other people you can do good work should you want to.

8 hours ago, Dont Cry said:

I chose that route because I determine my own destiny rather than have someone else dictate it for me. Not sure how this is relevant to anything. You seem to be grasping straws now...

So you're saying you are allowed to choose your path, regardless of what other people think you should do? How is that relelvant? Well past you started with:

On 2/3/2022 at 10:12 AM, Dont Cry said:

And before we get another regurgitated excuse of “bUt I gOtsTa PaY mUh StaFf”, literally no viewer has ever asked him to keep continually hiring more people that need to be added to the payroll yet here we are…

  If you are allowed to determine your own destiny, why should LTT stand still because their viewers aren't actively asking them to grow?

9 hours ago, Dont Cry said:

Free to upload was my argument from the beginning when I stated youtube was a "free platform". Your inability to understand that or take it out of context isn't my concern. If linus wants to call adblock users "pirates" then we would first have to be stealing something of value with safeguards in place to prevent it. Since there aren't any all you're doing is yelling at clouds in blind defense of your idol.

Then you're the one taking things out of context as it never was about what it cost them to upload. It's about the (ad)revenue from consumption and the impact of blocking ads on that.

9 hours ago, Dont Cry said:

Trivial semantics. Everyone knows that linus is still luke's boss.


So tell me exactly how long  one would need to watch the WAN show before linus shitty take can be "heard out"? Based on what you mentioned I already watched the majority if not that entire segment before deeming it retarded and having the foresight to stop watching.

Here you go: timestamped if you take 5 seconds to read the description you'll know exactly when it ends and how long to make a reservation of attention span for.

7 hours ago, Biohazard777 said:

Doesn't force you, but IMHO it is pretty ridiculous to manually skip a 2 minute ad to see a 30 second video.
Why isn't it the other way around? Auto-skip after say 10 seconds, unless the user clicks on see full ad? That could be far more meaningful for the advertiser, that is real engagement as opposed to me not clicking on skip ad (I could be taking a piss, answering my phone, getting some water, etc.).

Having someone actually click is probably more meaningful indeed, but there probably would be a lot of auto-skips that now play fully so I don't see this being implemented soon really. I think the system would then first need to change such that the CPM model disappears entirely, making it depend solely on actual clicks, before that happens.

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6 hours ago, joaopt said:

Every single free hardware Linus gets is only free because of us, that watch, the number of views and subscriptions, they really can't care less if we block ads or not.

Every single sponsor he gets decides to go with him and not someone else, based on susbscription number and views numbers, no one is looking to this numbers excluding those that use adblock,

The power he have to get connections in the industry is the same thing.

The YT buttons and i'm sure some YT perks the same thing


This could be applied to more things i'm sure, those the one i can name now. One can almost say he makes money PARTIALLY of pirates. What does that makes him? 😉

What? What is it?

-sigh- feeling like I'm being too negative lately

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It's not piracy. it is leaching or mooching.

They are different things.

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I use an add blocker only because of the nuisance that adds bring to me.  If I am watching content from a creator that I like I'll turn it off.  But if it's a random website or just trying to figure something out, it usually stays on.  However, I feel that this is less of piracy and more taking a bit of money away from a creator.  For me, piracy is more like violating a copyright, trademark, or taking someones intellectual property.  I feel like having an add blocker also puts a wall between my data and The Zuck.  It is of course always your option to chose who you support.  But, that's my take on this.

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18 hours ago, Dont Cry said:

It cost a whopping zero dollars to click the upload button. Not sure why you think repeating the same thing again is going to change that fact.


How about asking linus what it costs to build and maintain floatplane?

he has more then 10,000 subs... his videos are monetizes and 50% of that money gose to ut. yes technly if he didn't monetize it it would be free...

I have dyslexia plz be kind to me. dont like my post dont read it or respond thx

also i edit post alot because you no why...

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Arrr the tension builds up! 


Just like good pirates of the big blue sea. 



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10 hours ago, Dont Cry said:

It’s relevant because you tried to claim that if everyone else does something then so should LTT regarding clickbait. When my point was that he should be blazing his own path. Leaders not followers. Try to keep up.

What I'm saying is that LTT and many other channels are doing what they need to do to stay relelvant on YouTube. "The algorithm" is used to refer to however YouTube determines what is worth showing and recommending to people. It's fine to say that they can pack up and do business elsewhere, but it's that would hurt the business severely.

10 hours ago, Dont Cry said:

Yes it’s some what reputation based and a large part of my argument is how LTT’s has been declining after how he’s chosen to run his business in recent years. Glad you came to that conclusion finally.

Consider this then: the forum where you advertise your work is by large and far the biggest and prime way to take jobs and practically the only way to reach a large customer pool, like YouTube for building reputation. Now consider that if your reputation will be hidden from customers, perhaps even a substantial fraction of the adverts you respond to will not get notified that you responded to them  or vice versa you will not be presented with jobs withing your area of expertise, unless you follow some vaguely known-but-unknown "rules" of the forum. You have the choice of taking the hit and work with whatever job you do still get offered here or on some other platform that isn't nearly as big, or you adapt such that you get presented your applicable jobs again and can leverage the platform to reach a substantial audience. You may choose the former, LTT chose the latter. I have had plenty of occasions where YouTube's bell notifications appeared days after the upload (though that seems to be better now for a while).

10 hours ago, Dont Cry said:

His choice to grow beyond what’s logical is hurting the content he’s been releasing and he’s become a massive hypocrite in the process showing where his true priorities lay to pay for it.

His business is quite successful as his purchases and endeavours show, so the content is hurt in the sense that it doesn't satisfy you and other existing viewers sharing your point of view anymore. That's completely fine.

10 hours ago, Dont Cry said:

Are you going to answer my question or keep deflecting? How long does it take to “hear him out”? As far as I'm concerned I've already done so.

No. The link literally starts when they're discussing it and you can find the sections all laid out for you in the description. It'll probably only result in something in the spirit of "too long". Call me a hypocrite if you want.

10 hours ago, Dont Cry said:

I knew this would eventually happen. Any time someone starts losing an argument they claim the victim card looking for sympathy. An observation based on what you typed is not an “attack”.

And half assed assumptions aren’t a strong basis for an argument. If you want a real discussion on the topic, start bringing more substance to the table.

You can call me whatever this forum permits you to, be it weakminded or otherwise. So where are your arguments then? I have brought numbers to the table showing estimates of ad block usage, translating that to revenue losses, whereas we have yet to see anything more than calling it wrong, half-assed, unreliable from you. Arguments go both ways. If you don't agree with material presented, then there's the choice to not accept it, in which case it finishes on an agree-to-disagree, or to counter with what you believe to be stronger sources and not "don't believe it, next". I'll wait. Until then I withdraw, as I consider this an impasse.

10 hours ago, ShrimpBrime said:

Arrr the tension builds up! 


Just like good pirates of the big blue sea. 



Arrr. Nothing like a good kerfulffle on the briney deep.

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Laptop: Dell XPS 13 9370 | CPU: i5 10510U | RAM: 16 GB

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🎶 We are, we are on the cruise! 🎶

 🎶 We are! 🎶



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I have one thing with the Ad block argument, Usually ads used to be to help pay for things that are generally free, like Youtube, or Google. Free content/services buts Ads help pay for those things. 

Someone even started Free water paid by Ads. But the context that blocking ads is piracy seems to be quite the debate so how about 

Peacock a streaming service, free of charge... but there are Ads. or in the US you can do the same for NBC and some other channels. And this content is paid for by the advertisement, rather than a subscription charge.

So exchange is this, you give the company your time for them to show you some ads and to get content, but if you run Ad block you are getting service for free.

Almost like getting that bottle of water without the label, although the water company might still get the money to pay for that bottle from the advertiser, the advertiser is not getting what they paid for which is an Ad delivered.

So I mean If its piracy or not is not up to me, but its not the equal exchange for service if you use ad block.

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1 hour ago, Dont Cry said:

You know that white knighting for some one that doesn't care about you isn't going to make him your friend, right?

this has nothing to do with what i said...white knighting  for who? linus? if so i dont watch his videos(any more), buy mertch, ich on the forms, run adblock? as far as im concerned i pays him in views. back when he woked at ncix. that view got him sponsors that got hit monatised and ad moeny...  people can say what they want but with out me there nothing... not only did a watch his video i alos let other no about him and link video too. the moeny is not the only reason. i could care less if i gave him $5 or even $20


one could also argue that if you dont watch all the videos your deniyning him money but that would also be stupid

I have dyslexia plz be kind to me. dont like my post dont read it or respond thx

also i edit post alot because you no why...

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2 hours ago, Tamesh16 said:

I have one thing with the Ad block argument, Usually ads used to be to help pay for things that are generally free, like Youtube, or Google. Free content/services buts Ads help pay for those things. 

Someone even started Free water paid by Ads. But the context that blocking ads is piracy seems to be quite the debate so how about 

Peacock a streaming service, free of charge... but there are Ads. or in the US you can do the same for NBC and some other channels. And this content is paid for by the advertisement, rather than a subscription charge.

So exchange is this, you give the company your time for them to show you some ads and to get content, but if you run Ad block you are getting service for free.

Almost like getting that bottle of water without the label, although the water company might still get the money to pay for that bottle from the advertiser, the advertiser is not getting what they paid for which is an Ad delivered.

So I mean If its piracy or not is not up to me, but its not the equal exchange for service if you use ad block.

ya but you pay for tv....and internet... souldint it be free then???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


not only do you pay for tv(pay for electric to run the tv, pay the "environmental fee"),  you also pay to watch ads on something you PAID for!. see the problem here. there ads there just because. why not. just wate till there an 30 second ad to take a dump...

Edited by thrasher_565

I have dyslexia plz be kind to me. dont like my post dont read it or respond thx

also i edit post alot because you no why...

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On 1/29/2022 at 11:46 AM, Spotty said:

To the people who use ad blockers, has this made you reconsider using it or have you since whitelisted sites you wish to support

I have whitelisted sites, but I will not do it for LMG revenue. Why? - very simple.

Remember few years ago when the community gathered here and told Linus "stop with the stupid thumbnails and clickbaity titles"? What was Linus response? Wasn't it something of the likes "I heard you, but it generates me more subscribes and more money so I will keep doing it"? (I won't go through years of stupid faces to link the actual video).

We, the community that cared back then, got the fu so why being surprised when you receive the same?


ARRRRRRR while writing this my plugin has blocked 107 ads from this page alone......

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13 minutes ago, komar said:

ARRRRRRR while writing this my plugin has blocked 107 ads from this page alone......

There's only 2 ads that will display on this forum page. A footer ad for newegg/amazon and an ad in the top right for LMG sponsors.

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10 minutes ago, Spotty said:

There's only 2 ads that will display on this forum page. A footer ad for newegg/amazon and an ad in the top right for LMG sponsors.














all the crap i got blocked from just this forum page. But it's far from being one of the worst, i remember seeing over 50 one a page alone. It's not also one of the best

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