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Anime Club - Heaven Society


what the hell is wrong with her in general


for some reason this looks really wrong. her back is really really enlongated or something. its like she's half horse.


Her pants are very low. Looks fine to me aside from the belt maybe. :huh:

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so pretty fun stuff here, down to the CGI being blended fairly well.

so far not regretting picking kekkai back up after the first episode being kinda boring

kept a good sense of motion during the shot of the lady on the light pole with some attention to speed and area of focus with an unstable camera.

that sounds super basic, but many anime won't bother to do that.




pretty decent amount of giggles, musical direction has been pretty 9/10 solid too.

Error: 410

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Oh, hey phantasy star online 2 the Anime is also out, man that was weird... Didnt like the first 1:30 min of it (before OP) They mix CGI and normal not to mention in game shots as well.

No real comment on plot though... But it feelt random.

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@チーズの just out of curiosity, why did you choose that username?

Edit: looks like the tag isn't working properly for some reason.

My first IGN was cheesyhoney, shortened by clanmates to cheesy, or later on, cheesysmoker (don't ask). One of my clanmates then started calling me chīzu no

"A white guy learning japanese to read anime and manga is like an Indian learning english to watch child beauty pageants." -Anon


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I wouldn't call it a SAO clone, but I did enjoy Grimgar. It had some very decent animation, I'm curious if that will continue. Thief guildmaster was enough fanservice for me. Goblins seem cool.

I'll watch this one for sure... It's got a lot of potential...

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Yay, I think I've made it through all of the "episode ones" I care to try this season, aside from Ajin and maybe a couple other long-shots.

Schwarzesmarken (1). decent.

You go into a series like this knowing it'll be a trashy, grimy mecha show aimed at the sensibilities of a 15 year old, and that's what you get here for the most part: Cold War "Germany" fights testicle-looking aliens with huge mecha. The aliens are even called "Beings of the Extra Terrestrial original which is Adversary of human race" for good measure. There is blood, death, big explosions, random PTSD, and over-the-top villains. If you haven't turned your brain off by the mid-point though, then things start to fall apart. How is this squad so special given how easy it seems to be to mow the aliens down? How did the bratty pilot manage to randomly meet an obnoxious girl that looks like his sister in such a setting? Why did they even save her in the first place? And yet, the decent music and the lack of fanservice help keep things on target for the most part, so if you're in the mood for this sort of thing then it should be sufficient. I don't know how it'll stack up to Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans, though.

Dimension W (1). good.

Overall this was better than I feared, but it was trying much too hard to be mainstream and that cheapened its appeal a fair bit. If you're going to do that, just do it from the start like Luck and Logic did. Don't try to hint at being something with more depth, only to turn into a basic rule-of-cool show with nice window dressing. Now, I don't want to undersell this, because despite its flaws it certainly has the creativity and writing tact to be more than just merely watchable. They efficiently established their factions and setting, using good POV characters and nice direction (the lead isn't even a teen!). But ultimately it's another "brain off" anime, and even has a character say "I'm overthinking it" at one point as if to wink at the audience. So I'm not going to take this too seriously and will just be thankful that there's a mainstream show I can watch for once without feeling completely insulted by the lack of effort put into it. Hopefully it will downplay the light noveley elements soon and not fall into the trap of getting less and less interesting and fun.

Ooyasan wa Shishunki (1). so-so.

One part wholesome moe show about a cute kid, one part "I just moved into this apartment" harem anime. Their intersection wasn't funny to me, despite it being labeled a comedy. If you like either concept a lot, then this might work, as it's nicely animated for a short-episode series. Otherwise, I can't picture it being worthwhile.

Divine Gate (1). bad.

Could this be any more pitiful? What an awful script. Excessive emo dialogue. Boring superpowers. People randomly feel the need to go crazy just to infodump an intro of the magic system to us. A virtual battle arena suddenly appears out of nowhere, complete with the usual lame "get ready!" announcement in Engrish. Seriously? Not four minutes into this and it felt like I had seen this anime dozens of times already, just more painfully this time. It was one trope after another. A standard dead-eyed OP chosen one who cries on the inside as the rain falls around him. Spunky superpowered teens and silly evil-looking stuffed animal mascot things. I only managed to skim through the second half of the episode (hey, if the anime studio can't be bothered to put any real ass into this, why should I?) I only caught glimpses of yet more innovation like a cabal of magic-police running some kind of magic highschool/institute, a prolonged edgy backstory for the chosen one, and a token calamity-like event at the end of the episode with the titular Divine Gate opening. Talk about aiming for mediocrity and exceeding expectations.

Rainbow Days (1). mediocre.

Cute boy archetypes pick on their loser friend who can't ask out the girl he likes. Standard romcom scenarios play out with rather obvious jokes. The script even sometimes points out its own jokes. I am not amused. The end. If you're into light cute boy comedies, this might do it for you. I didn't see much of a reason to stick around, even if the romance angle pays off, because the guy is super pathetic and the girl is a flatline (because that's what the comedy in this series requires).

Active Raid (1). decent.

This one wears its old-schoolness on its sleeve, so whether you can appreciate it or not will probably depend on your fondness for retro anime like Patlabor and You're Under Arrest. I found enough sly touches here that it was a fun little watch for me, in addition to the over-the-topness. For instance, they used the Star Trek TNG tricorder sound for their computer consoles, and they had exposition being cut off twice in succession when it became clear it wasn't necessary for the characters to hear it (rather than the audience). They even practically broke the fourth wall with a "but a chase scene isn't in our budget" joke, just to underscore how unorthodox this rag-tag team of cops really is. But will others be able to enjoy a Tiger-and-Bunny-esque show with such old-school sensibilities? I doubt it, even if it has silly over-designed mecha and a bombastic 70's style soundtrack. As for me, I'm entertained enough to give it a shot for now.

Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash (1). decent.

This is the kind of series that tries a bit too hard to be different, yet still ends up doing alright somehow. It has a nicely down-to-earth execution that helps smooth over the many nits I could pick (the tired "gay" archetype, the distractingly bloom-flooded watercolor artwork, the "sexy" outfit for that one lady, and the lame battle music, for instance). Its bigger problem is that its deliberate pacing just ends up making it feel a bit too dull; the deadliness of the world just doesn't quite come across, and the characters are so arch that it feels like a waste to get to know them this slowly. In short it's holding its cards too close to its chest. Is it a shock value survival anime? A fantasy adventure anime? Heck, it could even be a message anime for all we know. For now that's fine, except that it has neither pulled me in, nor pushed me away. It needs to start leaving a stronger impression or it will wither away or collapse under the weight of expectations.

Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu (1). great.

Wow, a good Deen anime? Yes, it's hard to believe, but they still put one out from time to time. And this one seems en route to being their best in a long time. Granted, this was a re-edit of an earlier OVA, so the real test will come once the new material starts, but so far it's doing well. It's essentially a TV drama in anime form, but does a good job using the anime medium to show the subtlety in the performance art being shown, with solid voice acting and fine character designs. The characters themselves are a bit on the obnoxious side, but that proves to be the point; the lead is supposed to be a bull in a china shop. The story around the performances is also well-constructed, and should appeal to anyone who's been around the block in their lives. In short this seems like the closest thing to a class act that this stale medium has had in quite a while, to the point where it almost feels like a breath of fresh air at times. My only real complaint is that it feels a bit rushed near the end, but I only noticed that because I wanted to see more. Count me in!


kept a good sense of motion during the shot of the lady on the light pole with some attention to speed and area of focus with an unstable camera.

That episode was hilarious. 10/10 will watch again.

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Will recommend Ooya-san wa Shishunki! for this season's anime short recommendation...

Plot is about the daily life of a middle-schooler landlady...


MadVR doesn't play nice with the HorribleSubs 480p rendition of Phantasy Star with frame skipping and video lag all over the place...

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You guys are fucking hilarious


I'm sure at some point military weapons will be made so only certain people can use them. Not fingerprint scanned but by other means.



That is pretty cool actually. Could learn some things watching this guy draw.

Starts to sound suspiciously like something...


Lets hope it doesn't involve nanomachines™ or an AI that secretly controls the world...





Too damn poor ;-; rn. But my dad is onboard FINALY only took me 3 hours to convince him that it's nice

Didn't you just lately get yourself a 350z?


Actually... Just how many cars do ya have?



@チーズの just out of curiosity, why did you choose that username?

Edit: looks like the tag isn't working properly for some reason.

topkek Chīzu no's name broke the tags ... shocker 

Have to probably ask in the LTT forum Features and suggestions thread to add support for name tags in other forms than Latin letters.


I actually remember this thing (tags not working because of username being written in Japanese) happening earlier with @Tokuninashi, and soon after they either requested a name change or made a new account.

Never trust my advice. Only take any and all advice from me with a grain of salt. Just a heads up.

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Divine Gate (1). bad.

Could this be any more pitiful? What an awful script. Excessive emo dialogue. Boring superpowers. People randomly feel the need to go crazy just to infodump an intro of the magic system to us. A virtual battle arena suddenly appears out of nowhere, complete with the usual lame "get ready!" announcement in Engrish. Seriously? Not four minutes into this and it felt like I had seen this anime dozens of times already, just more painfully this time. It was one trope after another. A standard dead-eyed OP chosen one who cries on the inside as the rain falls around him. Spunky superpowered teens and silly evil-looking stuffed animal mascot things. I only managed to skim through the second half of the episode (hey, if the anime studio can't be bothered to put any real ass into this, why should I?) I only caught glimpses of yet more innovation like a cabal of magic-police running some kind of magic highschool/institute, a prolonged edgy backstory for the chosen one, and a token calamity-like event at the end of the episode with the titular Divine Gate opening. Talk about aiming for mediocrity and exceeding expectations.

I went ahead and looked this one up. Why would anyone ever want to adapt a cellphone game into an anime.

I might watch this just to see if they decide to include 'pay $0.99 to continue this series'.

Windows 10 likes to spy on you. Protect your Data! Run GNU/Linux!
That One Privacy Guy's VPN Comparison Chart.


|ARCH LINUX| |CPU i5 4690k @ 4.7GHz| |GPU: Asus Strix 390x| |Mobo: Asus Sabertooth Z97 Mk 2| |RAM: Corsair Veangence Pro 16gb (2x8gb) @2133mhz| |CPU Cooler: Corsair H100i| |PSU: 750w EVGA Supernova 80+ Gold| |Case: Phanteks Enthoo Evolv ATX(Silver)| |K/B: Pok3r w/ Cherry MX Blues|


|Samsung 250GB 840 EVO: Arch Linux installation.| |Seagate Barracuda 2TB: Mostly Games and stuff related to that. Music and most Media as well.| |Seagate NAS 4TB: Anime and Anime Art-Whoring.| |Seagate 1TB 2.5" SSHD: Arch install on my Thinkpad X220.| |Samsung OEM Lenovo SSD: Windows 8.1 cause I need to play JRPGs some how.|


|Cans: Sennheiser HD 558(Modded)| |Earbuds: Shure SE215| I'm working on expanding this.


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So I found out something interesting today. The forum only lets me attach images from my phone if I'm on wifi, I can't do it on cellular data.

Had to download the new Google photos app to get to my images to delete duplicates. I don't like it. Not as in, 'Ew, this is new, I don't like new,' but as in it added an extra 3 menus between opening it and getting to my folders, because now it doesn't automatically add images from folders that aren't the 'Camera' folder. Thanks Google.

Found a couple good backgrounds.


Good to know someone dislikes Gilgamesh as much as I do.


Also found my new avatar.


You know what's easier than buying and building a brand new PC? Petty larceny!
If you're worried about getting caught, here's a trick: Only steal one part at a time. Plenty of people will call the cops because somebody stole their computer -- nobody calls the cops because they're "pretty sure the dirty-bathrobe guy from next door jacked my heat sink."

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Starts to sounds suspiciously like something...


Lets hope it doesn't involve nanomachines™ or an AI that secretly controls the world...




Didn't you just lately get yourself a 350z?


Actually... Just how many cars do ya have?


Have to probably ask in the LTT forum Features and suggestions thread to add support for name tags in other forms than Latin letters.


I actually remember this thing (tags not working because of username being written in Japanese) happening earlier with @Tokuninashi, and not soon after they either requested a name change or made a new account.

tagging works iirc...

@チーズの (pardon the tagging... I just wanted to demonstrate that I can tag member names in non-EN-US characters)


Use this

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tagging works iirc...

@チーズの (pardon the tagging... I just wanted to demonstrate that I can tag member names in non-EN-US characters)


Use this

unless things have changed that will link to their account but not send a notification as I recall anyways.
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Have to probably ask in the LTT forum Features and suggestions thread to add support for name tags in other forms than Latin letters.


I actually remember this thing (tags not working because of username being written in Japanese) happening earlier with @Tokuninashi, and not soon after they either requested a name change or made a new account.

I think its cause you guys are still using the old way of tagging people.

Instead of typing this:

You need to be typing this:

Lets test if this tags him properly:


Chizu no can you tell me if this sent you a notification?

Edit: lol I see @DigitalHermit ninja-ed me.

Note to self press f5 before posting.

Windows 10 likes to spy on you. Protect your Data! Run GNU/Linux!
That One Privacy Guy's VPN Comparison Chart.


|ARCH LINUX| |CPU i5 4690k @ 4.7GHz| |GPU: Asus Strix 390x| |Mobo: Asus Sabertooth Z97 Mk 2| |RAM: Corsair Veangence Pro 16gb (2x8gb) @2133mhz| |CPU Cooler: Corsair H100i| |PSU: 750w EVGA Supernova 80+ Gold| |Case: Phanteks Enthoo Evolv ATX(Silver)| |K/B: Pok3r w/ Cherry MX Blues|


|Samsung 250GB 840 EVO: Arch Linux installation.| |Seagate Barracuda 2TB: Mostly Games and stuff related to that. Music and most Media as well.| |Seagate NAS 4TB: Anime and Anime Art-Whoring.| |Seagate 1TB 2.5" SSHD: Arch install on my Thinkpad X220.| |Samsung OEM Lenovo SSD: Windows 8.1 cause I need to play JRPGs some how.|


|Cans: Sennheiser HD 558(Modded)| |Earbuds: Shure SE215| I'm working on expanding this.


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So, this season's SAO clone is Hai to Gensou no Grimgar... and so far it feels like it will be way better....

The protags get summoned into another world and their memories of the real/outside world get wiped...

so far it's interesting, but the plot flow is a bit slow for ep1 with a bit of worldbuilding...

not that much fanservice right now...

visually, the anime looks like a watercolor painting...


This might indeed be way better... it's more down-to-earth rather than over-the-top... and somehow it's appealing to me...

OK, kind of a spoiler of sao, but no one here seems to care

That thing you mentioned about the memories sounds a lot like the Alicization arc of sao, that arc would be the 3rd season if they decide to make another season (well, more like half of the arc since that arc its massive, about half or more of the entire LN series so far)

Just wanted to point that out, don't hate me :P

Error: 451                             

I'm not copying helping, really :P

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OK, kind of a spoiler of sao, but no one here seems to care

That thing you mentioned about the memories sounds a lot like the Alicization arc of sao, that arc would be the 3rd season if they decide to make another season (well, more like half of the arc since that arc its massive, about half or more of the entire LN series so far)

Just wanted to point that out, don't hate me :P



I stopped caring for SAO after the GGO arc...

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looks a little off to me but its not uncommon to exaggerate things in anime

I thought that was the whole point in anime. To exaggerate things. That it's literally the staple of the genre. 

Also, the thief chick looks strange, but I think that's because we don't see women wearing stuff like that often. Her lower half looks somewhat accurate to me.

IPB 4 (new forum software) is apparently on it's way. How do I know? That's why the "Trusted Advisor" badges were removed. Because stuff like that won't be given out by mods anymore and will be based strictly on community voting apparently.

I feel like shit. Body aches. No energy. Just want to sleep. Have a fever. Nose is runny. Throat is slightly sore. I imagine I have a cold (it's 35F here and this is the first time it's been freezing, plus the wind is super bad so wind chill is very bad).

I forgot my warm layer yesterday when it was between 30F and 50F all day with high winds. Bad choice.

@helping -senpai, if you had to go to class the next day, and felt like the above sentences describe, what would you do/be doing right now?

All I can think of is Aspirin.

† Christian Member †

For my pertinent links to guides, reviews, and anything similar, go here, and look under the spoiler labeled such. A brief history of Unix and it's relation to OS X by Builder.



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Yeah, no notification

Soo, what kind of multiplayer games you guys play? I mainky play CS:GO, starcraft, and hearthstone

World of Warships mostly...

does KanColle count as Multiplayer??

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World of Warships mostly...does KanColle count as Multiplayer??

i bought the japanese tier 4 preorder, havent played since beta. I used to play silver league world of tanks

"A white guy learning japanese to read anime and manga is like an Indian learning english to watch child beauty pageants." -Anon


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i bought the japanese tier 4 preorder, havent played since beta. I used to play silver league world of tanks

I'm a casual... currently on break from playing but I'm on Japanese Tier IV and grinding to unlock the CVs...

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Yeah, no notification

Soo, what kind of multiplayer games you guys play? I mainky play CS:GO, starcraft, and hearthstone

SCII, dota2(got back recently), I also just bought battefront instead of BO3 but it's still downloading


meanwhile I'm playing witcher 2 right now, Im so bad at this game.

|CPU: Intel i7-5960X @ 4.4ghz|MoBo: Asus Rampage V|RAM: 64GB Corsair Dominator Platinum|GPU:2-way SLI Gigabyte G1 Gaming GTX 980's|SSD:512GB Samsung 850 pro|HDD: 2TB WD Black|PSU: Corsair AX1200i|COOLING: NZXT Kraken x61|SOUNDCARD: Creative SBX ZxR|  ^_^  Planned Bedroom Build: Red Phantom [quadro is stuck in customs, still trying to find a cheaper way to buy a highend xeon]

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Yeah, no notification

Soo, what kind of multiplayer games you guys play? I mainky play CS:GO, starcraft, and hearthstone

I play world of warships, battlefield 4 and sometimes world of tanks and csgo.

GPU: Gigabyte GTX 970 G1 Gaming CPU: i5-4570 RAM: 2x4gb Crucial Ballistix Sport 1600Mhz Motherboard: ASRock Z87 Extreme3 PSU: EVGA GS 650 CPU cooler: Be quiet! Shadow Rock 2 Case: Define R5 Storage: Crucial MX100 512GB
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SCII, dota2(got back recently), I also just bought battefront instead of BO3 but it's still downloading


meanwhile I'm playing witcher 2 right now, Im so bad at this game.

For evrything but graghics, battlefront 2>EA battlefront

"A white guy learning japanese to read anime and manga is like an Indian learning english to watch child beauty pageants." -Anon


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