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What console has been the biggest disappointment?

Count Lustig
3 minutes ago, TheInvisible_Dude said:

I’m going to be honest, 


to this day, I’m still so mad they didn’t make Majora’s Mask for the Wii U. Such a wasted potential. 

They remade it for 3DS, so it makes sense tbh.  But I get you.

Currently focusing on my video game collection.

It doesn't matter what you play games on, just play good games you enjoy.


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15 minutes ago, kaiju_wars said:

They remade it for 3DS, so it makes sense tbh.  But I get you.

Oh ofc, but with better graphs I always thought the game would look so cool in a TV screen.

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Wii U.

I honestly think the Wii U had potential but it was marketed bad, and just - didn't have enough games for it.

People thought it was an accessory to the Wii or just didn't buy it for one reason or another (cost, how it looked, or whatever the reason may be idk).

I personally think the Wii U was okay, not going to lie I loved playing Mario Kart 8 on the Wii U, and I think pikimin was pretty good on the Wii U, but it just - lacked in a lot of areas, performance, games, et cetera compared to Microsoft and Sony.

One thing however, I did like about the Wii U was its backwards compatibility with the Wii (I know not surprising, and duh it has Wii in its name.) and the fact Nintendo took the time to make a separate "Wii Menu" for it to emulate on. 

I know it's not really a big thing but its something I liked about the Wii U. 

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Always blows me away how much of a failure Wii U was commercially when it had a pretty banging game library between Bayonetta 2, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, Super Mario 3D World, Mario Kart 8, Super Mario Maker, Splatoon, Wind Waker HD, Xenoblade X, etc. Thankfully most of which is now ported to the Switch, though man I really want Wind Waker HD.

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2 hours ago, SteveGrabowski0 said:

Always blows me away how much of a failure Wii U was commercially when it had a pretty banging game library between Bayonetta 2, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, Super Mario 3D World, Mario Kart 8, Super Mario Maker, Splatoon, Wind Waker HD, Xenoblade X, etc. Thankfully most of which is now ported to the Switch, though man I really want Wind Waker HD.

Ported to the Switch and/or easily emulated. I was going to pick up a Wii U for a few games when the Switch dropped, then Cemu came roaring through and saved me a good deal of pocket change. I know it's not the same, but the best Mario Kart experience I've had is playing MK8 at whatever resolution I want with a PS4 controller in hand.

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3 hours ago, SteveGrabowski0 said:

Always blows me away how much of a failure Wii U was commercially when it had a pretty banging game library between Bayonetta 2, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, Super Mario 3D World, Mario Kart 8, Super Mario Maker, Splatoon, Wind Waker HD, Xenoblade X, etc. Thankfully most of which is now ported to the Switch, though man I really want Wind Waker HD.

I think it’s because outside the big names, there was not much variety compared to other consoles in the market, so naturally it will drive clients away. Nintendo sometimes goes from one extreme to another. They either focuses on investing in their consoles, and sometimes they just don’t.


I think WW should really go to the Switch. I understand about the whole thing on the SW HD but perhaps since I’m biased, I think if they included at least WW as in duo collection, the reaction would have been better. I mean, I can still play it anyway in my Wii U, but this console is even more difficult on portability lol

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I will start this by saying, I adore all my systems. I don't really regret buying any of them... except maybe one but it's a special case.


I would say that my 3DS and Vita were disappointments. They just made me realize how much I hate playing anything other than very specific games on portable systems. I could never get myself to sit down and play anything longer on them. Especially my 3DS. My Vita games got a second wind with my PSTV. My PSP I played a lot more because I had it before I had a smart phone or tablet. I still didn't play it a whole lot but I still used it more than the 3DS or Vita. I have barely played my 3DS and Vita in the 6+ years I've owned them and most of it has been Project Diva/Mirai games. My Wii U has seen more use. Despite that, I still love them, and I'm glad I have them.


The NeoGeo Mini is kind of a disappointment because it only includes the hard-as-nails home versions of the games instead of free play arcade versions. Also, too many fighting games. I love the actual console itself though. It looks super cool and is a great little collectable.


Now for the one I sort of regret buying. An Xbox 360. I bought it long after release. I'm not an Xbox person, but there was one game I really loved that I wanted to play again, plus another I hadn't played but wanted to try. So, I bought a 360 like 3 years ago to play these games. Well, the one I loved got a Xbox One, PS4 and PC re-release like 6 months after I bought the 360 (I immediately bought the limited edition PS4 version) and the other I wanted to play kind of sucked. There just isn't anything else exclusive for it that I want leaving me with no reason to even own it anymore.


Oh, and there's one more but it only sort of counts because my expectations were already low before buying it. The PlayStation Classic. I don't think I really have to explain this one. I never even hooked it up. Again, it's just kind of a neat little collectable, namely the box. My original PlayStation didn't come in that cool early box that the PS Classic's is modeled after. It was a later one with a lamer box.

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I'm actually sad to say this, but for me it's the PS Vita. Bought it for over $400 at release, pre-ordered it. Played it back in 2012 for like a year, then put it away and played it some more in 2016-2017, now it's just untouched since then.

I wish the support was better for it and the games selection is just so small. These days smartphones are already on that game level and just for a dedicated controller/Playstation experience it's good, but I don't have much reason to touch it nowadays anymore.

My expectations were high, but I'm disappointed about how expensive the device was, how they did not support MicroSD cards, only their own expensive cards and finally how games were $50/$60 and rarely on sale.

Also, in the end I never used the 3G after all, even though I paid $50 extra for that. It's just big and bulky to bring and I don't like paying for 2 contracts.

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48 minutes ago, FRD said:


My expectations were high, but I'm disappointed about how expensive the device was, how they did not support MicroSD cards, only their own expensive cards and finally how games were $50/$60 and rarely on sale.


I agree. The games were too expensive for a handheld system. And the lack of SD-card support was a greedy move on Sony's part. 

I had the same problem with the Vita as I now have with the Switch lite. Can't think of any games I want for it.


Now the Vita is mainly a emulation machine for me, and worth the ~60$ I paid for it years ago.

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As much as I like it, the Nintendo Switch is super overrated. The thing is uncomfortable in handheld mode, the Joycons sometimes disconnect while mounted on the Switch and they've had drift issues in the past. The WiFi is super sucky and disconnects even though it's 5ft from the router. Currently it's connected to my TV, as a dedicated offline console for playing classic Minecraft Console Edition with a wired Hori gamepad and nothing else. It kinda sucks with having solid state storage soldered to the board and having no way of transferring saves to and from the console. And there's no physical media for classic Minecraft Console Edition so I have to make sure this switch doesn't break if I wanna keep playing it. I did pre-order it before launch day so it has all the day-one vulnerabilities. I suppose that, having classic MCE installed, and having an old firmware version installed will make this thing super valuable in the future.

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6 hours ago, LloydLynx said:

As much as I like it, the Nintendo Switch is super overrated. The thing is uncomfortable in handheld mode, the Joycons sometimes disconnect while mounted on the Switch and they've had drift issues in the past. The WiFi is super sucky and disconnects even though it's 5ft from the router. Currently it's connected to my TV, as a dedicated offline console for playing classic Minecraft Console Edition with a wired Hori gamepad and nothing else. It kinda sucks with having solid state storage soldered to the board and having no way of transferring saves to and from the console. And there's no physical media for classic Minecraft Console Edition so I have to make sure this switch doesn't break if I wanna keep playing it. I did pre-order it before launch day so it has all the day-one vulnerabilities. I suppose that, having classic MCE installed, and having an old firmware version installed will make this thing super valuable in the future.

It sounds like you have a faulty console... which happens.  I've owned 3 switches and none even had half the issues you're having.  Also the Switch can transfer saves to and from the console, been able to do it with the micro SD card almost day 1, and Nintendo patched that in via USB like a year ago.  It really does sound like you got a defective unit.

Currently focusing on my video game collection.

It doesn't matter what you play games on, just play good games you enjoy.


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On 4/29/2021 at 10:27 AM, FRD said:


I wish the support was better for it and the games selection is just so small. These days smartphones are already on that game level and just for a dedicated controller/Playstation experience it's good, but I don't have much reason to touch it nowadays anymore.

My expectations were high, but I'm disappointed about how expensive the device was, how they did not support MicroSD cards, only their own expensive cards and finally how games were $50/$60 and rarely on sale.

Also, in the end I never used the 3G after all, even though I paid $50 extra for that. It's just big and bulky to bring and I don't like paying for 2 contracts.

Honestly, as a Vita owner, I have never had a shortage of games to play. It is still a great handheld if you are into JRPG, anime, and just Japanese games in general. It had a lot of indie games too. I think people think the Vita has a small library because they are looking for the AAA experience games Sony marketed the Vita as specializing in. There were very few and but like I said, there are just tons of great games for it if you are into weeb type games.


As for the cards, yeah, they were expensive but I think part of the reason for this was to combat piracy. While it may have sucked for the consumer to have to cough up so much money, it's hard to blame Sony considering just how bad piracy was on the PSP. That said, I put up with an 8 GB card when I first got mine but quickly just sprang for the 64 GB version. Coughing up $100 for a 64 GB card felt like a joke considering what that would get you for any other media but man, it sure made the experience a lot better.


I never used the 3G either. One, because AT&T coverage sucks around me and two, I have a 4G smartphone. I think the speed and low latency of Verizon LTE far outweighs the convenience of just turning on the Vita and being online. It's not that hard to have to turn tethering on lol.



As for a disappointing console? Well, it wasn't a console but rather a handheld. I actually convinced my parents to buy me a Tiger Game.com when I was a kid. I was a dumb kid and lured by the PDA functions and internet connectivity. Do I even need to explain why I was disappointed?

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On 4/29/2021 at 9:09 PM, LloydLynx said:

I suppose that, having classic MCE installed, and having an old firmware version installed will make this thing super valuable in the future.

I don't think many would care about low firmware when any early Switch is hackable on any firmware.

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2 hours ago, Kawaii Koneko said:

Honestly, as a Vita owner, I have never had a shortage of games to play. It is still a great handheld if you are into JRPG, anime, and just Japanese games in general. It had a lot of indie games too. I think people think the Vita has a small library because they are looking for the AAA experience games Sony marketed the Vita as specializing in. There were very few and but like I said, there are just tons of great games for it if you are into weeb type games.

Yeah whenever the Vita comes up whether you're into Japanese games or not is basically a litmus test as to whether you'll like it since it was such a commercial flop in most of the world but was pretty popular in Japan. Still, what I would give to get Muramasa Rebirth on Switch, PS4/PS5, or Steam so I can play it on a bigscreen (I know there is Playstation TV, but it doesn't look that great honestly). 

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Honestly, the Wii.


Sure, it's got some potential with the Wiimote, and it had a lot of overall great games.


But i can't help but feel that a lot of the games were great, because... they were great. Not because of the console. I mean, Mario Galaxy works fine on the switch and it's also great there. The Wiimote added nothing interesting and i feel like the crystal shooting-stuff was just added because "hey they've got a wiimote anyway, right?"


I just never felt like the wiimote - and the tons of various connections you needed to plug into it, was any good. 


It's hardware wasn't impressive and you needed to plug in controllers for the gamecube, to utilize the gamecube backwards compatibility. It was cool that it could.. but personally i couldn't even find those controllers, so what was the point?


Sure it was a different way to play and it was probably fun for a group of people who wouldn't normally sit down and play. swinging your arm, with a wiimote to throw a bowling ball is pretty simple, right? Even grandma can join in that. but as a "real gamer" i just found those games to be so dumbed down i couldn't be bothered.


And it can be done with a ton of controllers these days as well. The playstation and switch also have gyro sensor for example. Yet, nobody bothers to make suchs games, because there's not a market for it, really.  WiiSports was included with the switch and because of that, the wii got popular


i'm 100% sure that the wii would have been much less of a success if it didn't include any games at all



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From my personal experience I'd have to say the Nintendo switch is the worst console out there. I've got stick drift on the joy cons after 2 months, the buttons are wayyy to small and the joy cons kept falling off after a while ( I never even took them out!!)

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It was waaay overhyped when it came out for what it was.

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On 5/4/2021 at 6:53 AM, SteveGrabowski0 said:

Yeah whenever the Vita comes up whether you're into Japanese games or not is basically a litmus test as to whether you'll like it since it was such a commercial flop in most of the world but was pretty popular in Japan. Still, what I would give to get Muramasa Rebirth on Switch, PS4/PS5, or Steam so I can play it on a bigscreen (I know there is Playstation TV, but it doesn't look that great honestly). 

I love my Vita but it's not my favorite console.  It's not the biggest disappointment though

Currently focusing on my video game collection.

It doesn't matter what you play games on, just play good games you enjoy.


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The most disappointing console in my case is the Original 2ds.


mostly due its terrible layout, and button to screen position.

║__________________║ hardware_____________________________________________________ ║
║ cpu ______________║ ryzen 9 5900x_________________________________________________ ║
║ GPU______________║ ASUS strix LC RX6800xt______________________________________ _║
║ motherboard_______ ║ asus crosshair formulla VIII______________________________________║
║ memory___________║ CMW32GX4M2Z3600C18 ______________________________________║
║ SSD______________║ Samsung 980 PRO 1TB_________________________________________ ║
║ PSU______________║ Corsair RM850x 850W _______________________ __________________║
║ CPU cooler _______ ║ Be Quiet be quiet! PURE LOOP 360mm ____________________________║
║ Case_____________ ║ Thermaltake Core X71 __________________________________________║
║ HDD_____________ ║ 2TB and 6TB HDD ____________________________________________║
║ Front IO__________   ║ LG blu-ray drive & 3.5" card reader, [trough a 5.25 to 3.5 bay]__________║
║ OS_______________ ║ Windows 10 PRO______________________________________________║


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