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    Xanthe_2871 got a reaction from Arzifin in Using SAI Paint Tools on 4K display?   
    Hi guys, I'm trying to setup SAI Paint Tools on my new laptop, but it on screen GUI it tiny. I googled the issue and found a few pages about it, but the method they said to use hasn't worked. The UI size did not change. I've also tried this method, it worked for Photoshop and other Adobe programs but not for Paint Tools. My manifest whatever setting is open to external whatevers but the file didn't work. Maybe the code in the file needs to be different for a non Adobe program?
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0" xmlns:asmv3="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3"> <dependency> <dependentAssembly> <assemblyIdentity type="win32" name="Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls" version="" processorArchitecture="*" publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df" language="*"> </assemblyIdentity> </dependentAssembly> </dependency> <dependency> <dependentAssembly> <assemblyIdentity type="win32" name="Microsoft.VC90.CRT" version="9.0.21022.8" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b"> </assemblyIdentity> </dependentAssembly> </dependency> <trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3"> <security> <requestedPrivileges> <requestedExecutionLevel level="asInvoker" uiAccess="false"/> </requestedPrivileges> </security> </trustInfo> <asmv3:application> <asmv3:windowsSettings xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/SMI/2005/WindowsSettings"> <ms_windowsSettings:dpiAware xmlns:ms_windowsSettings="http://schemas.microsoft.com/SMI/2005/WindowsSettings">false</ms_windowsSettings:dpiAware> </asmv3:windowsSettings> </asmv3:application> </assembly>  
    What can I do to scale up the program without changing my screen resolution? 

  2. Like
    Xanthe_2871 got a reaction from Enderman in How do I set Photoshop to not make transparent sections black?   
    ...wow, I've used Windows PCs for 20 years, never knew a program could open a web file by copy pasting the URL into the windows explorer box...
    Thank you!
  3. Like
    Xanthe_2871 reacted to SupaKomputa in Is there a M.2 card with 4G AND WiFi?   
    To my knowledge wifi and modem have different chipset.
    You can have either one but i haven't seen any of both.
  4. Like
    Xanthe_2871 reacted to WereCatf in Is there a M.2 card with 4G AND WiFi?   
    The two different chipsets exist because WiFi and LTE use entirely different frequencies. This also means one would need multiple sets of antennas, since you can't share the antenna for both.
    AFAIK, there is no such an M.2 card in existence at the moment.
  5. Like
    Xanthe_2871 reacted to SupaKomputa in Is there a M.2 card with 4G AND WiFi?   
    The easy way is to have which one is your main device and add a usb dongle for the other.
    I say have the 4g module in m.2 / mini pcie and a mini wifi dongle like this one.

  6. Agree
    Xanthe_2871 reacted to hello_there_123 in Which SSD would be best for me?   
    Oh, I thought you were putting it into a desktop. My bad. In that case then go for the 2.5"
  7. Like
    Xanthe_2871 reacted to hello_there_123 in Which SSD would be best for me?   
    1. It's ok for budget primary OS use, but I think that for your usecase with lots of files moving around, video clips photos etc. it would be worth the upgrade to an SSD with even better nand/cache, aka the MX500/WD Blue 3D. 
    2. Absolutely not. https://reddit.com/r/buildapcsales/comments/ag3h6f/ssd_sandisk_ssd_plus_1tb_internal_ssd_10624/ee3fsh4/
    3. I would pick this if you're fine with the 1-2 extra cables to hassle with. 
    4. I would pick the m.2 version of this for the same price if you don't want to hassle with any cables (imo it's worth the $5). 
    5. In primary os/consumer workloads in general this SSD performs similarly to the MX500/WD Blue 3D while being a lot more expensive. Would pass on this. 
    6+7. If you want 2TB for some reason those are ok choices, but I would get the MX500 over the su800 because of the reason I listed in 1. 
  8. Like
    Xanthe_2871 reacted to SenKa in Which reward TV should we get?   
    I dont know who is making Sony's panels, but I would personally say Samsung just because there is one less step of manufacturing and shipping between production and your living room.
    Though, the Sony does appear as if it has better specs in all regards being larger and HDR certified.
  9. Like
    Xanthe_2871 reacted to SolarNova in Which reward TV should we get?   
    Probably the NU8000
    its a good Tv for sure , not only for normal TV usage but also for gaming both console and PC.
    Unfortunately rtings doesn't have the X800G reviewed, but it has the X800E and the X900F, with the X900F being somewhat better than the NU8000 whilst the X800E being much worse, and i believe its closer to the X800E.
    I would say ..if your going for the 55" version get the Sony , if ur going for the 75" or bigger get the Samsung.
  10. Like
    Xanthe_2871 reacted to Vandey in Which reward TV should we get?   
    I'd get the Sony, IMO they are all around one of the best in TV's.
    Take for example their OLED tv's, I think Sony uses the LG panel, but the hardware that drives the panel is way better than what LG themselves use. This isn't an OLED tv, but in my experience I've enjoyed the looks of Sony over many of the other larger brands. Plus I'm not a fan of the "QLED" tech from Samsung.
  11. Like
    Xanthe_2871 reacted to it_dont_work in How can I get a replacement for this USB pen holder?   
    Saw one on aliexpress as well for 5-7 bucks 
  12. Like
    Xanthe_2871 reacted to Amazonsucks in POLL: When using Google Assistant, Alexa, or other smart assistants, do you say "Please" and "Thank you"? (2019 Edition)   
    Real people actually buy that useless trinketry spyware?
  13. Informative
    Xanthe_2871 reacted to Amazonsucks in Why I think Google Home spying on you doesn't really matter.   
    Except all of those are false premises.
    • You may be spied on and tracked in public constantly, but that doesnt mean that you normally would be in your home, or other peoples' private residences or even businesses.
    Why continue to normalize it instead of doing what you can to stop it or minimize it?
    • Hackers can usually pwn complex systems, but IoT garbage is exponentially easier to hack because its designed to be disposable junk targeted at ignorant consumers. Its very different from REAL hardware that professionals use.
    And you shouldnt "live in fear" but you SHOULD take reasonable precautions and use security best practices to avoid having your bank account drained.
    With all the documented vulnerabilities in IoT gadgets like those LED WiFi bulbs that allow complete access to the network they are on etc why would you make it easier? 
    • "They" cant watch you unless you have "smart" BS devices for them to actually hack either. At least not in your own home. So thats just a blatantly false premise. You can stop them to a large extent. Saying that you can't is just FUD and fear mongering that makes other people give up too. What is the motive for spreading that fake news?
    So here's my take. Assuming such a complacent attitude about that just makes it worse for EVERYONE.
    You, and others who WILLINGLY buy hardware spyware like Google or Amazon trinkets that are pretending to be Jetsons futurists are making the world a worse place through your behavior and buying practices.
    Imagine if people were generally informed instead of uninformed and made better buying decisions? The market forces would cause companies to make different products. They only make this insecure IoT garbage because people willingly buy it. If people stopped buying it they would be forced to change what they make. Its basic economics.
    The defeatist attitude is the same mentality that allowed Walmart and outsourcing to China to make the west weak. Its the same mentality that has allowed Amazon to destroy so many ethical companies even though they are a scumbag company that sponges off the taxpayer.
    Adopting a defeatist attitude and assuming "everyone else is doing it so i will too" is always a race to the bottom. Its objectively destructive and exactly the path that has led civilization into every dark age throughout history.
    It is the same type of nonadaptive mentality that poses an existential threat to the continued existence of our species. So i ask you:
    Why do you WILLINGLY contribute to a system that you know is unethical, instead of doing what you can to destroy that system?
    Also, is the purpose of this thread positing a real question or simply looking to justify a position you know is unethical?
    You have apparently already made up your mind that you and many others are nothing but livestock for the ruling class of tech billionaires. Are you attempting to see how many others have the same attitude?
    Or are you actively attempting to convince and persuade other people that they should also adopt the same complacent, defeatist attitude and buy IoT spyware gadgets?
  14. Like
    Xanthe_2871 reacted to it_dont_work in How can I get a replacement for this USB pen holder?   
    3d print something? https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2766368 or https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2638003
  15. Like
    Xanthe_2871 reacted to kb5zue in How can I get a replacement for this USB pen holder?   
    Have you considered maybe dropping an email or other message to the folks at Lenovo?  Their website offers support forums and other places of contact so that you may get some help looking for a specific part if you deal directly with them.  Good Luck.
  16. Like
  17. Informative
    Xanthe_2871 got a reaction from LukeLinusFanFic in Dbrand prism Pixel 2 XL   
    I have no idea. I was able to find this, it might be useful for you:
  18. Like
    Xanthe_2871 got a reaction from kirashi in How much can I flip this for?   
    Researching online I find that similarly damaged phones tend to sell for around $100-$200 US, or about £75 to £160. Here's a list of completed listings on eBay:
    Always check completed listings when trying to find the value of something. Just because you see someone asking $300 for an item doesn't mean it's worth that. 
    P.S: In case you didn't know, Green listings sold for that price. Red listings didn't sell. Black listings didn't sell for that price, but got relisted, probably for less.
  19. Informative
    Xanthe_2871 got a reaction from XR6 in How much can I flip this for?   
    Not sure about eBay UK but here you'd be looking at approximately 12.5% loss between eBay and PayPal. 
  20. Like
    Xanthe_2871 reacted to Razor Blade in Why I think Google Home spying on you doesn't really matter.   
    Many people have no problems giving up privacy, security, and all their personal information for a convenient service or free stuff. The sad thing is those people have no idea how valuable personal data actually is.
  21. Like
    Xanthe_2871 got a reaction from XR6 in How much can I flip this for?   
    Researching online I find that similarly damaged phones tend to sell for around $100-$200 US, or about £75 to £160. Here's a list of completed listings on eBay:
    Always check completed listings when trying to find the value of something. Just because you see someone asking $300 for an item doesn't mean it's worth that. 
    P.S: In case you didn't know, Green listings sold for that price. Red listings didn't sell. Black listings didn't sell for that price, but got relisted, probably for less.
  22. Like
    Xanthe_2871 reacted to Razor Blade in Why I think Google Home spying on you doesn't really matter.   
    I guess? Remember...the T-800 was an infiltration unit equipped with a learning computer...this was a concept thought up long before people believed AI would be that advanced.
    However Google's AI will most likely continue to work on learning about you in order to keep selling you stuff you never knew you needed.
  23. Agree
    Xanthe_2871 reacted to airdeano in Whats The Difference?   
    welcome to the Linus tech Tips forums!
    rs has individual argb controller the r relies on the motherboard to control the rgb.
  24. Like
    Xanthe_2871 reacted to TempestCatto in Different Hard Drives?   
    They'll work fine. They should show up in your OS (presumably Windows) in the file explorer and disk management. If they're new, they'll need to be formatted.
  25. Like
    Xanthe_2871 reacted to boey in What are your tech pet peeves for 2019?   
    I just thought of one, people who talk like they know a lot about computers, when in reality all they know is that they have a processor in their computer. I've had someone go up to me and try to be cool and show off his 'alienware gaming computer laptop', since I think he overheard me talk to my friend about computer stuff. He said that he had a 'Nvidia GTX' in his computer and that he had '1 TB of HDD'. It was pretty irritating tbh, especially since he was super arrogant about it. 