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Day Eleven - The Fall of Oppression



Legs Eleven anyone? It looks like the fall of the king may be on the horizon... How will he respond? Is the king to take up arms or abdicate his throne?


Today's drink, Comforting Old Fashioned


Double Southern Comfort 

10ml Bar Syrup 

A few drops of bitters

Slice of orange

Served over ice.


Currently counting his days on the throne we have The King @Den-Fi with 233.76 million points! He has been sitting comfortably for most of the event but @Macaw2000 has rallied the mercenaries of the cloud to help oust the king, taking the number two spot with 214.07 million points it looks all but certain that he will find himself occupying the throne by the time the curtain falls. In third place we have @miker07 with 149.88 million points, he can look at the rear view mirror with some relaxation as seems to be fairly stable in the bronze spot. In forth place we have @walderston, with 146.7m points he can be proud of his achievements so far in the event for sure! In fifth place we have the eater of brains, @ZombieStew, with 114.0 million points it has to be said that he has done well for himself despite being a member of the dead.


@Ayren in 6th place seems to be losing steam with 104m points they can be somewhat confident of a decent ranking by the end of the event for sure. 7th place we see @Unilevers steaming ahead full bore, with 85m points they will certainly need to push hard if they are looking to make some headway up the ranks. @bafo_ah this strangely named individual has captured the rank of 8th so far with 85m points, but there is come aggressive moved being made to their rear that they will need to be conscious about if they wish to make that spot their own. In 9th place we find @Xoggy with 81m points, @n0xlf is slightly out producing him but with only 66m points there is some distance to clear if advancement is the aim of the game here!


11th place is seated by @LAR_Systems with 64m points. @kto can be found taking the number 12 spot with 55m points. In 13th we have an interesting case, @GalaxyNetworks seems to have picked up the pace currently sitting on 55m points there is a possibility of leadfrogging a few of the ranks above. In 14th we have @HybridTI with 54m points and finally in 15th place we have @BlackAda with 53m. But as the gate-keeper of the top 15 he will need to look out as a number of lower ranks are looking for a promotion!


Day Eleven Stats


as always:


Please remember that this is a friendly event, but we are all folding away for science, AND GLORY! 


I'm really impressed with the numbers we are seeing here for all of folding, Thank you to all who are involved and who make this worth while every event!


Remember we are a team first and individuals second, so give thanks where thanks is due and hit that reaction button when someone helps you out.


Be wary of the minimum participation requirements this year.


minimum requirements: 500k points, and 10 days of having activity over the course of our 14 day event.


Happy folding,




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A throne is but a chair,

but the crown is the soul.


The king will always be the king.


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1 minute ago, GOTSpectrum said:

I think you will find that Louis XVI would disagree 

Then he was no true king.

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Hey wait.... oppression?! I’ve been a kind and gentle king! 🥺

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One thing is for certain, there is no stopping them, the macaws will soon be here...


And I for one welcome our new avian overlords!  I'd like to remind them as a trusted TV personality, I could be helpful in rounding up others for them!

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I was really late in starting this. Missed the actual sign up... Right now, I have 5 upper mid end computers all blissfully doing their thing. About 500,000 points in the last 8 hours...

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I try I try I try to get to the top but I just can't seem to find the next rung on that ladder lol, I am so proud of the top 15 for what you all are putting into this along with all of us. It is truly amazing to see what we nerds can do. Who knew just a year ago we were thought to be the ones in need of help now we are the ones doing all we can to help the world. :) Will be a interesting next few days. Happy Folding all.

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36 minutes ago, Yujah said:

Yay. Now definitively busted into the Top 2000 (we all get to have our own little victories...)

All I have done is fall out of it, I had internet issues, then no work units then needed PC for other things. I even missed a whole day :( 

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1 minute ago, Tsuga said:

I am on rank 217 with just R9 3950X and 5700XT.. nice thing :)



Hope you stick around after all this is done with!



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1 hour ago, GOTSpectrum said:



Hope you stick around after all this is done with!



All this got me back into folding, I will dabble in it when the sun shines and I don’t need my PC. 

I can’t spare much on the electric bill so I need to use the solar panels to power my rig.


I hope others continue to fold, even casually as time and PC usage allows.


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2 hours ago, NineEyeRon said:

All I have done is fall out of it, I had internet issues, then no work units then needed PC for other things. I even missed a whole day :( 

I was about to say it likely that you'd pass me again tomorrow if you'd get down to it but you seem to currently have 2M- points with 98 WUs vs. 3M+ for me with 80, both as per the EOC statistics. If you didn't just happen to get a lot more CPU rather than GPU WUs than me this seems to say you're on even less impressive hardware than I am. I have my [rgb=rainbow]gaming rig[/rgb] deployed; am however rather explicitly not a gamer, so, yes, well, what's one to do. You may be up for a hardware upgrade though? 🙂



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3 hours ago, Yujah said:

I was about to say it likely that you'd pass me again tomorrow if you'd get down to it but you seem to currently have 2M- points with 98 WUs vs. 3M+ for me with 80, both as per the EOC statistics. If you didn't just happen to get a lot more CPU rather than GPU WUs than me this seems to say you're on even less impressive hardware than I am. I have my [rgb=rainbow]gaming rig[/rgb] deployed; am however rather explicitly not a gamer, so, yes, well, what's one to do. You may be up for a hardware upgrade though? 🙂



I’m a 🎶part time folder🎶 and no money for an upgrade until Xmas time. 

I’m slowing production today for various reasons but will pick it up again when I’m back to working at my desk instead of playing.



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Oh made it to the top 10 in daily production 😋

Now I am happy !🤪 (and tired, babysittings all those minions is slightly time consuming)



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