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Xbox One explanations


Anyone read this? They bring up good points.



    >The thing is we suck at telling the story. The whole point of the DRM switch from disc based to cloud based is to kill disc swapping, scratched discs, bringing discs to friends house, trade-ins for shit value with nothign going back to developers, and high game costs. If you want games cheaper then 59.99, you have to limit used games somehow. Steam's model requires a limited used game model.
    >The thing is, the DRM is really really similar to steam... You can login anywhere and play your games, anyone in your house can play with the family xbox. The only diff is steam you have to sign in before playing, and Xbox does it automatically at night for you (once per 24 hours)
    >It's a long tail strategy, just like steam. Steam had it's growing pains at the beginning with all it's drm shit as well. [...] For digital downloads steam had no real competition at the time, they were competing against boxed sales. At the time people were pretty irate about steam, (on 4chan too...) It was only once they had a digital marketplace with DRM that was locked down to prevent sharing that they could do super discounted shit.
    >Think about it, on steam you get a game for the true cost of the game, 5$-30$. On a console you have to pay for that PLUS any additional licenses for when you sell / trade / borrow / etc. If the developer / publisher can't get it on additional licenses (like steam), then they charge the first person more. [...] If we say "Hey publishers, you limit game to 39.99, we ensure every license transfer you get 10$, gamestop gets 20$" that is a decent model... Microsoft gets a license fee on first and subsequent game purchases, compared to just first now? That's a revenue increase.
    >Competition is the best man, it helps drive both to new heights. See technology from the Cold War. If we had no USSR, we'd be way worse off today. TLDR: Bring it on Steam :)
    >Yeah we passed that around the office at Xbox. Most of us were like "Well played Sony, Well played". That being said they are just riding the hype train of ZOMG THEY ARE TRYING TO FUCK US FOR NO REASON. Without actually thinking about how convienent it would be for the majority of the time to not find that disc your brother didn't put back... [...] just simpleminded people not seeing the bigger picture. Some PS4 viral team made them all "U TOOK R DISCS" and they hiveminded.
    >Everyone and their mother complains about how gamestop fucks them on their trade ins, getting 5$ for their used games. We come in trying to find a way to take money out of gamestop, and put some in developers and get you possibly cheaper games and everyone bitches at MS. Well, if you want the @#$@ing from Gamestop, go play PS4.
    >The goal is to move to digital downloads, but Gamestop, Walmart, Target, Amazon are KIND OF FUCKING ENTRENCHED in the industry. They have a lot of power, and the shift has to be gradual. Long term goal is steam for consoles. [...] If you always want to stay with what you have, then keep current consoles, or a PS4. We're TRYING to move the industry forwards towards digital distribution... it'sa bumpy road
    >Publishers have enourmous power. Microsoft is trying to balance between consumer delight, and publisher wishes. If we cave to far in either direction you have a non-starting product. WiiU goes too far to consumer, you have no 3rd party support to shake a stick at. PS4 is status-quo. XB1 is trying to push some things, at the expense of others. We have a vision, we'll see if it works in the coming years
    >Living room transformation. We want to own the living room. Every living room TV with an XBox on input one. It's the thing that gives the signal to your TV, everything is secondary. The future, where games, TV, internet telephony, all that shit happens magically on some huge ass screen with hand / voice gestures... That's our goal.
    >Google TV + PS4 + Minority report level gestures, that combined with a sick second screen experience (which is really hot for TV, I know I know.. tv tv tv tv tv... but it's fucking sick when you have it). Games will be the same, there are more exclusives to MS then PS atm, and Kinect 2 makes Kinect 1 look like a childs toy.
    >By default it's on, listening for "Xbox On". You can turn it off tho, and turn the console like OFF off. OFF off is required for Germany / other countries that require it (no vampire appliances) [...] It has to be plugged in for the console to post. You can turn off everything it does from the settings. Think of it like airplane mode for the iPhone. You can't just unplug the cellular radio, but you can turn it off.
    >Instead of 10mins, is 24hrs for your console, and 1 or 2 at a friends house. Really the majority of people have a speck of internet at least once a day. And if you don't. Don't buy an Xbox 1. Just like if you didn't have a broadband connection don't get Live, and if you don't have an HDTV the 360 isn't that great for you either. New tech, new req. This allows us to do cool shit when we can assume things like you have a kinect, you have internet, etc.
    >Current plan is basically you're fucked after 24 hours. Yeah... I know. Kind of sucks. I believe they will probably revist the time period and / or find a diff way to "call in" to ensure you haven't sold your license to gamestop or something... but there is no plan YET. I'm hoping the change it, but I don't work on that so I don't have much influence there /sigh
    >If the power goes out you ain't playing shit. I'm assuming you mean the internet goes out but you have power for TV and Xbox. Yes, You're fucked for single player games. Again, that's the PoR (Plan of record), but I expect it to change after the e3 clusterfuck
    >What fee? There is no fee to play your games at your friends house. Never has, never will. Even x360 digital downloads could do that.
    >The cloud capabilities is the shit they like the most. We basically made a huge cloud compute shit and made it free. What people are doing with it is kind of cool. THe original intention was to get all the Multiplayer servers not requiring 3rd party costs (Like EA shutting down game servers to cut costs), as well as taking all the games that servers hosted by the clients (Halo, etc), and have all that compute done in the cloud allowing more CPU cycles for gameplay. That will really expand what developers can do. Anything that doesn't need per frame calculation and can handle 100ms delays can be shifted to the cloud. That's huge.
    >SmartGlass + IE is going to be pretty freaking sweet. 1 finger cursor, 2 finger direct manip. Basically if you think of a laptop trackpad where your phone/ slate is the trackpad and the monitor is your TV... it's that. The tech is there, just needs to be applied. There is some really cool shit going on with Petra + controllers that pairs people with controllers. So if person with controller two trades controlers with controller 1, their profiles magically switch. It's sick. What does this matter? Now if you lean left/right it knows which person is leaning, even if 4 people are all int he same room. It's awesome.
    >New service using Azure for cloud compute. Allows developers to not use clients for hosting multiplayer servers, or other tasks that do not require per frame calcuations. It's pretty sweet.
    >Honestly, if you care about anything other then pure games AT ALL. Xbox 1 > PS4. If all you do is play games, and nothing else, PS4.
    This was all from the Microsoft engineer that was on /b/ last night.
    >It's not worth my time to prove it, or risk my Job. I work in Studio A, 40th ave in Redmond, Wa. The thai place in the studio cafeteria has double punch wednesdays. Go ahead and call them and verify if you want.


Source: http://pastebin.com/uCmdh9jB


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So, to put it simply, why don't they just put steam on XBOne and call it a day?

\[T]/ Praise the Sun!
Super Budget Gaming Build: Intel Pentium G1610, Gigabye GA-H61M-DS2 rev. 3, Kingston Value RAM 4GB CL9 1333MHz, Fractal Design Core 1000, Corsair VS 450, WD 1TB, Powercolor Radeon HD 7750 1GB/GDDR5, (Optional: Asus DRW-24B1ST).
 (Total: $340 USD)

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So, to put it simply, why don't they just put steam on XBOne and call it a day?


I'm still confused why we have to pay for online services that we subscribe to(hulu, netflix, mlb.tv)  and the 24 hour thing is shitty end of story. 

Main Rig: i5 760 @ 4.0GHZ Asus p7p55d-e, 8GB Corsair Vengance @ 1600 Mhz. Samsung BX2231 X 3 (5760x1080)

                EVGA GTX 680 Superclocked +150/+500, 128GB Crucial M4, 1TB WD Black

                Xonar DX, AudioEngine A2, Astro Mixamp, AudioTechnica ath-m50 & ath-ad700

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at least you can play steam offline

Cpu: Intel i7 4770k @4.4 Ghz | Case: Corsair 350D | Motherbord: Z87 Gryphon | Ram: dominator platinum 4X4 1866 | Video Card: SLI GTX 980 Ti | Power Supply: Seasonic 1000 platinum | Monitor: ACER XB270HU | Keyboard: RK-9100 | Mouse: R.A.T. 7 | Headset : HD 8 DJ | Watercooled

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   >The thing is we suck at telling the story. The whole point of the DRM switch from disc based to cloud based is to kill disc swapping, scratched discs, bringing discs to friends house, trade-ins for shit value with nothign going back to developers, and high game costs. If you want games cheaper then 59.99, you have to limit used games somehow. Steam's model requires a limited used game model.
Terrible point. Games like Borderlands 2 and Skyrim were sold at 59.99 on Steam at launch as well as consoles.
"If thou wilt make a man happy, add not unto his riches but take away from his desires."

    >The thing is, the DRM is really really similar to steam... You can login anywhere and play your games, anyone in your house can play with the family xbox. The only diff is steam you have to sign in before playing, and Xbox does it automatically at night for you (once per 24 hours)
Terrible point.

    >It's a long tail strategy, just like steam. Steam had it's growing pains at the beginning with all it's drm shit as well. [...] For digital downloads steam had no real competition at the time, they were competing against boxed sales. At the time people were pretty irate about steam, (on 4chan too...) It was only once they had a digital marketplace with DRM that was locked down to prevent sharing that they could do super discounted shit.
Good point, but irrelevant.

    >Think about it, on steam you get a game for the true cost of the game, 5$-30$. On a console you have to pay for that PLUS any additional licenses for when you sell / trade / borrow / etc. If the developer / publisher can't get it on additional licenses (like steam), then they charge the first person more. [...] If we say "Hey publishers, you limit game to 39.99, we ensure every license transfer you get 10$, gamestop gets 20$" that is a decent model... Microsoft gets a license fee on first and subsequent game purchases, compared to just first now? That's a revenue increase.
Except microsoft will never lower the game prices, will they? And why would they? Xbox/PS4 gamers are already content with the 59.99 price tag.

    >Yeah we passed that around the office at Xbox. Most of us were like "Well played Sony, Well played". That being said they are just riding the hype train of ZOMG THEY ARE TRYING TO FUCK US FOR NO REASON. Without actually thinking about how convienent it would be for the majority of the time to not find that disc your brother didn't put back... [...] just simpleminded people not seeing the bigger picture. Some PS4 viral team made them all "U TOOK R DISCS" and they hiveminded.
Wait... this person works for Microsoft in the Xbox division? Seems like a ill-gotten, disgruntled child wrote this.

    >Everyone and their mother complains about how gamestop fucks them on their trade ins, getting 5$ for their used games. We come in trying to find a way to take money out of gamestop, and put some in developers and get you possibly cheaper games and everyone bitches at MS. Well, if you want the @#$@ing from Gamestop, go play PS4.
Again with the butthurt...

    >Living room transformation. We want to own the living room. Every living room TV with an XBox on input one. It's the thing that gives the signal to your TV, everything is secondary. The future, where games, TV, internet telephony, all that shit happens magically on some huge ass screen with hand / voice gestures... That's our goal.
Admit it, you planned the whole thing from the first Xbox. Microsoft had a vision. A vision everyone having a Media Center PC in every livingroom. You tried it in 2005 and you failed. You're going to fail with the Xbox One. Do you not see from your past mistakes?


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    >By default it's on, listening for "Xbox On". You can turn it off tho, and turn the console like OFF off. OFF off is required for Germany / other countries that require it (no vampire appliances) [...] It has to be plugged in for the console to post. You can turn off everything it does from the settings. Think of it like airplane mode for the iPhone. You can't just unplug the cellular radio, but you can turn it off.
GOOD! Next time get better PR and say things clear the first time.

    >Instead of 10mins, is 24hrs for your console, and 1 or 2 at a friends house. Really the majority of people have a speck of internet at least once a day. And if you don't. Don't buy an Xbox 1. Just like if you didn't have a broadband connection don't get Live, and if you don't have an HDTV the 360 isn't that great for you either. New tech, new req. This allows us to do cool shit when we can assume things like you have a kinect, you have internet, etc.
People enjoy consumer options. Xbone with and without the kinect. Do that and you have a successful product for different demographics.
Demographics and Consumer Options, Microsoft! Learn it!

    >Current plan is basically you're fucked after 24 hours. Yeah... I know. Kind of sucks. I believe they will probably revist the time period and / or find a diff way to "call in" to ensure you haven't sold your license to gamestop or something... but there is no plan YET. I'm hoping the change it, but I don't work on that so I don't have much influence there /sigh
Quit your job. Cause you're representing your company in the dumbest way possible.

    >If the power goes out you ain't playing shit. I'm assuming you mean the internet goes out but you have power for TV and Xbox. Yes, You're fucked for single player games. Again, that's the PoR (Plan of record), but I expect it to change after the e3 clusterfuck
No, shit!

    >What fee? There is no fee to play your games at your friends house. Never has, never will. Even x360 digital downloads could do that.
Again... Get better PR and do it right the first time.

    >The cloud capabilities is the shit they like the most. We basically made a huge cloud compute shit and made it free. What people are doing with it is kind of cool. THe original intention was to get all the Multiplayer servers not requiring 3rd party costs (Like EA shutting down game servers to cut costs), as well as taking all the games that servers hosted by the clients (Halo, etc), and have all that compute done in the cloud allowing more CPU cycles for gameplay. That will really expand what developers can do. Anything that doesn't need per frame calculation and can handle 100ms delays can be shifted to the cloud. That's huge.
100ms? Do... Do you not realize how slow that is?

    >SmartGlass + IE is going to be pretty freaking sweet. 1 finger cursor, 2 finger direct manip. Basically if you think of a laptop trackpad where your phone/ slate is the trackpad and the monitor is your TV... it's that. The tech is there, just needs to be applied. There is some really cool shit going on with Petra + controllers that pairs people with controllers. So if person with controller two trades controlers with controller 1, their profiles magically switch. It's sick. What does this matter? Now if you lean left/right it knows which person is leaning, even if 4 people are all int he same room. It's awesome.
I stopped reading after "IE"

    This was all from the Microsoft engineer that was on /b/ last night.
4chan... That explains everything now. The poor grammar, The misspellings, The lazy "explanations."
Also, Lrn2Greentext

    >It's not worth my time to prove it, or risk my Job. I work in Studio A, 40th ave in Redmond, Wa. The thai place in the studio cafeteria has double punch wednesdays. Go ahead and call them and verify if you want.
Keep your punch.
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The difference is with Steam is that if Steam disepeared we still have out games and it would be possible to still play them with little work needed. You can quote me on this because I have done this with my two Fallout games (New Vegas and 3), so I could play them on holiday without an internet connection or Steam. You can also do this with Skyrim and other Elder Scrolls games although I haven't tried it. For the Fallout games you will need NVSE, Fake Fullscreen, 4GB enabler. There is an install order to it but I can't think of it so just play around with the install order until the game actually loads.



(")_(")  GTX 1070 5820K 500GB Samsung EVO SSD 1TB WD Green 16GB of RAM Corsair 540 Air Black EVGA Supernova 750W Gold  Logitech G502 Fiio E10 Wharfedale Diamond 220 Yamaha A-S501 Lian Li Fan Controller NHD-15 KBTalking Keyboard

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There may be more exclusives on the XBone but ho many of those are actually good. The PS4 has at least one game that I would really want to get called Order 1886. None of the other exclusives for either console looks interesting to me though. I won't get a PS4 though because I want to buy a high resolution display for my PC.



(")_(")  GTX 1070 5820K 500GB Samsung EVO SSD 1TB WD Green 16GB of RAM Corsair 540 Air Black EVGA Supernova 750W Gold  Logitech G502 Fiio E10 Wharfedale Diamond 220 Yamaha A-S501 Lian Li Fan Controller NHD-15 KBTalking Keyboard

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I'm still confused why we have to pay for online services that we subscribe to(hulu, netflix, mlb.tv) and the 24 hour thing is shitty end of story.

Me too, why pay for online services when on the other team it's free even without subscription? And also the Hourly-check and the "always-be-watching-listening-to-you" Kinect? Saying "F*ck", "Sh*t", is a really professional way of explaining things from a Microsoft staff. Did he even think that his representing his company's name? Wow, how professional.

Edited by Artorias

\[T]/ Praise the Sun!
Super Budget Gaming Build: Intel Pentium G1610, Gigabye GA-H61M-DS2 rev. 3, Kingston Value RAM 4GB CL9 1333MHz, Fractal Design Core 1000, Corsair VS 450, WD 1TB, Powercolor Radeon HD 7750 1GB/GDDR5, (Optional: Asus DRW-24B1ST).
 (Total: $340 USD)

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Me too, why pay for online services when on the other team it's free even without subscription? And also the Hourly-check and the "always-be-watching-&-listening-to-you" Kinect? If he really is from Microsoft that's a really professional way to act in a huge company.

More and more people I know don't even have cable / satellite any more, and there are so many boxs that will do this for free also.


They are trying to escape fees not replace them. 

Main Rig: i5 760 @ 4.0GHZ Asus p7p55d-e, 8GB Corsair Vengance @ 1600 Mhz. Samsung BX2231 X 3 (5760x1080)

                EVGA GTX 680 Superclocked +150/+500, 128GB Crucial M4, 1TB WD Black

                Xonar DX, AudioEngine A2, Astro Mixamp, AudioTechnica ath-m50 & ath-ad700

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I'm thinking this whole forum is just about hating the Xbox One and it seriously needs to stop.

i3-2120|4gb 1333|GTX 650ti 1gb|Fractal R4|Corsair 430w 

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I'm thinking this whole forum is just about hating the Xbox One and it seriously needs to stop.

It's threads like this always igniting the fire. However, I'm not blaming the OP his just posting what that "So-Called" Microsoft Staff said. :P

\[T]/ Praise the Sun!
Super Budget Gaming Build: Intel Pentium G1610, Gigabye GA-H61M-DS2 rev. 3, Kingston Value RAM 4GB CL9 1333MHz, Fractal Design Core 1000, Corsair VS 450, WD 1TB, Powercolor Radeon HD 7750 1GB/GDDR5, (Optional: Asus DRW-24B1ST).
 (Total: $340 USD)

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It's threads like this always igniting the fire. However, I'm not blaming the OP his just posting what that "So-Called" Microsoft Staff said. :P

This basically.

And honestly, I personally think the Xbox One deserves to be hated. Simply because of the policies it's trying to make "the norm". Which aren't going to fly from all that can be seen.

As for the OP's post, lolno.

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I'm thinking this whole forum is just about hating the Xbox One and it seriously needs to stop.

The Xbox One isn't really a bad system. Many of the points in OP's post are good like:


Living room transformation. We want to own the living room. Every living room TV with an XBox on input one. It's the thing that gives the signal to your TV, everything is secondary. The future, where games, TV, internet telephony, all that shit happens magically on some huge ass screen with hand / voice gestures... That's our goal.

People like All-in-One devices. It's the reason we like Smart Phones now. Remember when cell phones had cameras built into them when they first started coming out? People were mocking it. They disliked the idea. People said things like "Why not just buy a camera that's good instead of that piece of junk, you hipster?!" But over time we accepted the idea and now we can't live without cameras in our phones. And now we want more and more tech built into our phones.


Let me be clear, the Xbox One is a good idea. Make the gaming industry 100% digital? I'm all for it. But the reason it will fail is because of it's horrible presentation, it's horrible execution and microsoft's god-awful PR. If you want a successful system with all of these new restrictions, you should add these restrictions over time. Not all at once. If you do that, you're basically asking the majority of consumers to hate your product. Sony is doing the same thing, albeit the right way... Mark my words, one day Sony will make a console that will have the same restrictions that the Xbox One has now. They will add a new restriction to every generation of it's console. Microsoft is just trying to get there first. And getting there first is a stupid move.


With that said, The Xbox One won't be a total and complete failure. It will thrive primarily on fanboyism. It won't have anywhere near the same success as Sony but it will cling desperately to the rope over the cliff. Microsoft tried to jump over that cliff to get to the over side, where as Sony is steadily building a bridge to safely travel to that other DRM-filled side.

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OH my god, why do people even care? If you don't like it and you don't want it, don't bash it, and if you do want it, great! There is no need for a war. Instead of complaining, boycott the product, don't buy it, and when a company starts loosing money, they will try to get the market back and fix their mistakes. 
                                           *cough* glorious pc gaming master race *cough*

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What we need to realize is that we people here on Linus tech tips are pretty tech savvy and are in the loop with what is behind the xbox one and the bad things about it.  I personally think it is a nice thing simply because I have internet and I have been paying 60$ for games for years. (Not as much now since I mostly play on the pc) I also like that it is quite good at multitasking.  If you dont like the kinect, unplug it or cover up the damn thing with a rag :p.  As stated in the article, with the used game aspect out of the picture, MS can hopefully lower the prices of the games ,but back to my point. 


The majority of people buying the xbox one are just average joes who don't really know what they are buying and are getting it because they know the name and see that it is new.  My little brother is excited to no end for this thing and he is 11.  A common age group for the xbox and a very under informed group.  Along with him is my dad.  He is busy with his job and doesn't have the time to look into things.  He just has a brief idea of what it features: Better graphics, can multitask, can be hooked up to the tv signal, and most importantly, something NEW. 


Most people are like them, under informed and will still buy it.  Contrary to what many of you have said, I think the xbox one will be just as popular as the last one.

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I'm thinking this whole forum is just about hating the Xbox One and it seriously needs to stop.

Hating on 24 hour DRM and forced Kinect?

I'm all for all digital games, but I'm not for always online. Steam isn't even always online, Origin isn't even always online.


And why am I forced to use a Kinect? It's like forcing you to use 3D on all the content you own. I don't want it, keep it as an option.


I'm hating on Microsoft for enforcing anti-consumer policies, they are the ones who need to stop.

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You guys, he posted this on /b/ he did not care, nor should he have cared, about being professional. These aren't official statements, this is a dude talkin to some folks on line in a casual setting

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You guys, he posted this on /b/ he did not care, nor should he have cared, about being professional. These aren't official statements, this is a dude talkin to some folks on line in a casual setting

You really want 4channers in a position of power to decide what your consoles will be like? Think about it.

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You really want 4channers in a position of power to decide what your consoles will be like? Think about it.

I don't judge someone based on what message board they post on, he's obviously good enough at what he does to get a job on the Xbox team so no I don't care that he posts on /b/

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I don't judge someone based on what message board they post on, he's obviously good enough at what he does to get a job on the Xbox team so no I don't care that he posts on /b/

Fair enough. But when people that have power and influence in decisions that can directly affect you and your wallet, I sure as hell demand professionalism.

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It'll play games beautifully and that is what matters most. I think Microsoft deserves a bit of credit for trying to move the industry to being digital. I agree that the PR has been horrible, but let's not attack the Xbox One for the first, poor impressions. Sure, if you live in an area with frequent internet blackouts then the One probably isn't for you. In my experience though this is not the case for most people. At least for me it isn't. And seeing as the PS4 puts a fee on online gaming as well, I'd still take the One over the PS4.


I think it's an important point that the consoles will never win here, because this is a tech savvy computer-forum. We all know how well our computers do the job and we see the advantages from our personal systems, but most people do not have access to that kind of computers let alone the knowledge to use them and build them like we do. They'll buy a console, and if they have an internet connection they'll probably buy an Xbox One as well. They won't even notice something is different in terms of being online.


Finally, I'd like to quote the original post: "PS4 is status-quo. XB1 is trying to push some things (...)"

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Fair enough. But when people that have power and influence in decisions that can directly affect you and your wallet, I sure as hell demand professionalism.

demand professionalism in a professional setting. If this guy was talking to his neighbor about the Xbox like this would you demand he be more professional? This wasn't an official statement from Microsoft,or on behalf of Microsoft. It's a dude on the internet talking in a casual manner in a casual setting about something he's doing at work.
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demand professionalism in a professional setting. If this guy was talking to his neighbor about the Xbox like this would you demand he be more professional? This wasn't an official statement from Microsoft,or on behalf of Microsoft. It's a dude on the internet talking in a casual manner in a casual setting about something he's doing at work.

Except he had every intention to get on 4chan and answer questions about it. You don't just do that. Microsoft would never want their employees to do that. They explicitly tell their employees to keep their trap shut and wait for the word "go." There's a reason why he didn't want to reveal his identity for fear of losing his job. This person is a terrible employee who doesn't understand simple company-demanded formalities.


Sure, we can "talk about our day at work today" to your wife, friend or neighbor. But for a company like Microsoft who I know for a fact would not like what he did in a public place like 4chan? No. You're fired.


Now we can bicker about work ethics and company formalities. But I'm gonna go ahead and nip this conversation in the bud and call it a day.

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