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Shocking discovery about Windows 10

21 minutes ago, Bhav said:

Its even funnier that people who complain about windows 10s spying stuff also have a facebook account.


Facebook is at the top of the software list which spy's on its users, even the police and government collect data from it, and any fishy terrorist related messages will have you arrested the following day.

often times, they don't even need to collect data, they just look and see what the user posts because sometimes they're stupid enough to post the evidence online.

You know how it is, the cow goes "moo", the dog goes "woof" and the gamer goes "The PvP is unbalanced."


Personal Computer: CPU: i7-4790 Mobo: Asrock Z97 Extreme6 Graphics Card: MSI R9-380  Memory: 16GB (8GB x2) G. Skill Sniper Gaming Series PSU: Apevia Warlock 750W Case: NZXT Phantom 410 Series Storage: 240GB SSD (OS) 3TB HDD (data and such) 500 GB SSD (Movies and Large Data Transfers (I'm constantly moving this one around to other computers))



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3 hours ago, JoeyDM said:

Nice clickbait title.

It sounds like one of those Twitter adds that may give you a virus if you click the link..


"CNN uncovers shocking new method to get a fit bod in 2 weeks!! Click here to learn more: www.cm.com/dankassmeme"

PCPartPicker link: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/R6GTGX

Привет товарищ ))))

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3 minutes ago, Whorax said:

It sounds like one of those Twitter adds that may give you a virus if you click the link..


"CNN uncovers shocking new method to get a fit bod in 2 weeks!! Click here to learn more: www.cm.com/dankassmeme"


You know how it is, the cow goes "moo", the dog goes "woof" and the gamer goes "The PvP is unbalanced."


Personal Computer: CPU: i7-4790 Mobo: Asrock Z97 Extreme6 Graphics Card: MSI R9-380  Memory: 16GB (8GB x2) G. Skill Sniper Gaming Series PSU: Apevia Warlock 750W Case: NZXT Phantom 410 Series Storage: 240GB SSD (OS) 3TB HDD (data and such) 500 GB SSD (Movies and Large Data Transfers (I'm constantly moving this one around to other computers))



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Primary Build: i7-4790 · 16GB Hynix DDR3-1600 · Sapphire Tri-X R9 390x · NZXT S340 · Win10 Pro · Seagate Barracuda 1TB T_T

Portable: 2015 Retina Macbook Pro 13" · i5-5257u · 512GB PCIe SSD · Intel Iris 6100 T_T

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If a user disables all the features that send data to Microsoft, no data should be sent. Even though we don't know what is being sent, it is probably personal data, why would they encrypt a request to something like a time server? Microsoft may have no reason to look at your data and they might just keep it stored on their servers but would you feel the same way about China keeping your personal data? Microsoft may say they are just collecting data to improve your experience but that can be done locally on your PC. Data should only be sent to Microsoft if you opt-in. Saying you do not need privacy because you have nothing to hide is like saying you do not need free speech because you have nothing to say.

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I like those people who are saying i do not care i dont have nothing to hide...then install team veawer and give me code to your computers if you dont care..


Mr.Belfiore from Microsoft was talking about telemetry and he said that usual programs cannot stop win 10 to call home. it can reduce spying but he will connect again to data centre


Thats why i had created my method combined with multiple programs and windows firewall control to find a SHOCKING discovery only 2 services are necessary for regular user,rest of 99 netowrk services and other does not need to connect.


Thats fascinating and this shows you their secrets THEY ARE SPYING

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4 minutes ago, Johnny09 said:

I like those people who are saying i do not care i dont have nothing to hide...then install team veawer and give me code to your computers if you dont care..



I would however I don't want you messing with my skyrim mods. The installation order took me 3 days to figure out.

You know how it is, the cow goes "moo", the dog goes "woof" and the gamer goes "The PvP is unbalanced."


Personal Computer: CPU: i7-4790 Mobo: Asrock Z97 Extreme6 Graphics Card: MSI R9-380  Memory: 16GB (8GB x2) G. Skill Sniper Gaming Series PSU: Apevia Warlock 750W Case: NZXT Phantom 410 Series Storage: 240GB SSD (OS) 3TB HDD (data and such) 500 GB SSD (Movies and Large Data Transfers (I'm constantly moving this one around to other computers))



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5 minutes ago, Howlingwolf101 said:

I would however I don't want you messing with my skyrim mods. The installation order took me 3 days to figure out.

Yep great game i love skyrim damn amazing.....one more thing as i already mentioned everyone who want to improve his win 10 privacy feel free to download all data i had give detailed guide for everyone, all data is clean and malware free. I assure everyone gentleman go and enjoy. I recommend this discovery for single pc configurations, because i did not tested it on multiple connected pc-s. There is a chance that additional computers will not have connection, i cannot be sure because i did not have chance to test. 





I want to inform and present to everyone i had discover biggest spy project in Microsoft Windows 10 Pro x64. I will present you my Zero kilobytes Windows 10 project. I had tried for more than one month to establish contact with Microsoft,they are most hatred corporation on planet,i was tried to give them chance for negotiations about my shocking discovery.You will see shocking informations

They had refuse to call and to prevent fiasco.I had offer constructive conversation but without any progress for entire month. Windows 10 is spying project and system that has been constantly connecting with countless connections,with telemetry and other spy components. I had track some of those ip adresses some of them are going to redmond,and i did not have time to track all of them. Let those gentleman from Microsoft explain what is point of 99 percent of services which are configured to allow through windows forewalls,they had gather everything that could be sell and make profit. 
We all know that Microsoft is gathering massive ammount of data which can be given to intelligence or marketing agencies for reasearch. People world wide have right for privacy and this corporation is taking data with suspicious manners hidden behind their EULA. Microsoft is saying that telemetry is gathering only basic metadata and simillar files,but those files are encrypted so we are unable to analyse and confirm their statements. Many people are suspecting about windows 10 spying project and refuse this system.

Keep in mind that Microsoft has invest more one billion dollar to data centre and infrastructure and they will deny everything at all costs to hide their spying project. This corporation was already colaborated with NSA in past ,do not allow them to exploit and spying you, and making profit on your data.I would like to hear why Microsoft is gathering skype data,why their apps intercept microphone and etc.This system is gathering literally everything.
I am person who is very concerned about privacy in Windows 10,i do not care which data is collected i do not want to give any data. We have right to choose did we want to give any data. Thats why i was started my research in order to enchance privacy.

I will tell you shocking discovery that only two connections are truly necessary in order to have fully functional Windows 10.I had blocked 99 percent of services inside windows 10 in order to have spying free system.  I had using combined method with W10Privacy, ShutUp10 and Windows Firewall control program to create perfect windows 10 system with ZERO connections in outgoing -ingoing protocol on active internet connection.  I had tracked network activity for 12 hours and we have zero activity on active internet in stand by.

I had tested this configuration for more than one month and everything is working perfect. I will give you all data ,including my exclusive letter and answer from Microsoft hosted on MEGA.  If you want to have apsolute privacy like me download all data and follow my instructions. Do not update windows 10 and all other programs. Microsoft has already fixed everything in new versions,and there is chance that this corporation has made potential influence on other companies.
I had throughly tested my discovery on single computer configuration and its working perfect for more than one month already. I did not test it on multiple connected computers which share internet,or if you are using external devices such as tablets co connect on your pc through router. 

So i cannot quarantee that it will work and you can test it on your own risk.There is a chance that you will lose internet on external devices or connected pc-s. But if somebody want to test it you can follow my guide and slowly configure rules one by one until you find necessary services. Before making any actions,back up your firewall rules in windows firewall control. I will give you step by step instructions along with videos share my discovery so everyone can have ultimate privacy. If you are absolute beginner do not do this,give to somebody who is advanced user. I cannot educate anyone and i will not answer on that type of messages.

Keep in mind after my discovery presentation about windows 10 spying project,they will hire army of bots and payed shills who will invent all kinds of problems in order to discourage you or to scare you dont fall on their messages.They will especially try to scare and discourage beginners users in order to prevent them to use my method,dont fall on that. Keep in mind that Microsoft want you to stay on newer vulnerable versions to keep exploiting you and stealing your personal data. They will try all kinds of dirty tricks to sabotage me and discourage and reduce my discovery with payed reviews and army of bot writers. They will do everything in order to their data centre keep gathering data so they can make profit. Microsoft needs to know that this will last for many months until every second person knows about my project and use this discovery. I want Microsoft to earn ZERO dollars with data collecting.  I will not pay attention to potential bots and microsoft shills they will not take my time.I would also like to suggest to all advanced users to give feedback on thread.

My discovery is free and available to everyone to download world wide. I want to people use his guide so you can have ultimate privacy too.
I hope that people will share this message so other users can have spy free system. Everyone can have zero kb system and microsoft will have 0 dollars from you. 
Firstly i will give you exclusive letter screenshot from Microsoft to read their answer after i submitted all data.All data is hosted on MEGA

Microsoft letter download


So lets start firstly you need to download and install Windows 10,if you already have newer version it will not work because Microsoft has made changes in order to prevent this.In that case you need to backup your important data,and format your hdd in order to erase current windows 10. I will give you ISO file,this is fully stable RTM version i did not encounter any bug,no issues with using it,this system also have directx12 etc.

Windows 10 Pro x64 end of December 2015


I recommend everyone to use Rufus and to create bootable USB flash,before doing this make sure to backup all data first. After creating bootable windows 10,restart your pc,enter bios and choose usb flash as primary boot device apply and start installation. Before you start installing windows 10, disconnect cable for internet first and do not turn it on for now follow my guide.

After successful windows 10 installation,first what you need to to is to disable windows update.
Do not use regedit or group policy it will not work. Open task manager,open Services field,then you will see  Open Services option in lower left corner click on it, find Windows Update service right click on it and select Properites. Change Startup type to Disabled,go to Recovery option you will see three options First Failure,Second failure,and Subsequent failyre change from Restart the Service to Take no Action option in all three fields. 

In Reset fail count after option put a number 9999 days click apply and ok. If Windows Update service is still running right click and select Stop. Thats it ,now you need to activate windows 10 licence you can transfer your current win7/8 key you can easily see data on internet.
After you done this step,you can enable your internet connection.

Download CCleaner from internet install it and open it click on Tools-Uninstall. Now uninstall all Microsoft apps from list,i had only leave Calculator. If you dont use this app you can uninstall it too

Now download and install your preferred browser i am using Mozilla Firefox. You can any other browser if you want.
Now download Win10 Privacy program,firstly we will use version,and later we will use never version.Unrar archive with latest WinRar download and install it too

W10 Privacy download


Unrar win10 privacy version to one folder on desktop,run it with right click run as administrator and follow my guide. Do exactly same as me in video guide download video. Do not use and execute ShutUp10 application for now. We will use it later

Final guide for W10 Privacy and ShutUp10 video


So follow my video and click everything same as me until you have same configured options in Win10 Privacy.
Now download and install Windows Firewall Control and install it. Untick an option for program to create recommended rules,leave system rules at default.

Windows Firewall Control download


After windows firewall control installation dont forget to restart your computer. 

Now set up windows firewall control like this follow download and follow photo guide

Windows firewall control photo quide


Please not that i have paid program version some less important options are not available in free version,ignore them. You can support this guys from Binisoft and buy if you want full functionality such as realtime notifications.Its a great program
Configure Windows firewall control exactly like me,and start changing rules start blocking 99 percent of connections in Windows 10. Do not worry nothing bad will happend just follow guide what to allow and what to block. Please note that your rules can be moved in different order. Do not literally start blocking  Pay attention to exact service name and local port number 

It is crycial to ALLOW these two services to connect

Core Networking - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP-Out) he have local port number 68-remote port 67-protocol UDP service dhcp.   Just click allow inside windows firewall control and do not change any internal option.
And you must also ALLOW  this service 

Core Networking - DNS (UDP-Out) he have remote port 53 protocol UDP service is named dnscache. Do same just click allow and do not change anything inside that rule.

After that follow my guide and block other 99 percent of windows 10 unecessary network spying processes. You will also see some of my personal programs such as antivirus, etc ignore that programs that is individual based choice. 
Now i will show you in video demonstration how to configure additional Privacy options inside Windows 10 and how to completely disable Cortana. As we already know even if you disable Cortana this program will continue to send your search data ,and if you disable her startup or change folder your search function will stop working completely. I have another method configure everything as me in video guide and i will show you how to easily reach all Cortana executable files.This files needs to be blocked inside Windows firewall control and Cortana will never call her home.

Win10 Privacy configuration and Cortana guide video


Now download O&O ShutUp10 unpack it in one folder and run this program


You will see that W10 Privacy has not suceed to disable all win10 spying,thats why we need O&O ShutUp10 too. You will see that some options are red,follow my guide inside video and enable everything to be same
Video guide download


Now i will show you one more evidence about microsoft windows 10 spying i had discovered that one telemetry spying adress is making minor problem on some websites if you block her inside W10 Privacy. This particular telemetry adress is spying you in all browsers and if we block it we will have some minor issues on some web pages some elements dont load properly. It does not affecting all pages. Microsoft needs to explain why they are intercepting all browsers data, this looks like MIDM attacks man in the middle intercepting data. I am suggesting to everyone to keep blocking this adress it is minor issue in order to privacy dont be compromised.

I also suggest to everyone to open Windows firewall control  to select all telemetry adresses with mouse and choose Create duplicate option. Now you will have double telemetry rules and the will be red-blocked too. Click on all duplicates only, one by one and click Properites and in Direction option choose Inbound option. Do the same for all duplicates, and do not touch original telemetry rules which have Outbound option. Thats it click apply on those rules,and restart your computer.
This is final version how it needs to be configured and look like download this video guide

Final WFC list and config guide


Thats it you have ultimate privacy now. I do not quarantee 100 percent  protection from spying but  i can quarantee 99.9 percent privacy in this condition. As i say i had monitored traffic for 12 hour and there is zero network traffic on windows 10 pro on active internet. No spying no internet traffic. All programs such as skype, antiviruses, video players everything i tested has working fine,programs are checking for update without any issue, entire windows 10 system works perfect,internet upload/download works completely fine,even if you disable-enable i countless times. Even windows update is working fine which i recommend to stay disabled forever if you want to have privacy.

Now i will show you videos and photo evidence that i had stopped all windows 10 spying,i had created perfect system for ordinary customer fully functional but without idle network traffic we have zero kilobytes people.I had measure network activity with Comodo Killswitch and i also follow network inside task manager completely blink page on active internet,in stand by condition for 12 hours. I will show you two videos 10 minutes long and photos for download

Win10 spying is destroyed completely zero kb on active internet video no 1 download evidence


Win10 spying is destroyed completely zero kb on active internet video no 2 download evidence


Comodo Killswitch no activity photo evidence download


and if somebody wants to see my first submitted video which i has give to microsoft you can download it here. DO NOT use it as guide because it has some flaws,this is older video.
Tryth about windows 10 old video download


As i already mentioned my discovery is free and available to everyone. If somebody want to support my project and want to give money support or donation feel free to contact me in email stalker90145@gmail. com

Share my vision abou ultimate privacy on Windows 10. I do not care what data is gathered by Microsoft,i do not want to give any data. People have right for choice.

Any support will be greatly appreciated thanx.

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If somebody install my method please give your feedback here, and i will answer you asap.Just follow my guide carefully step by step.  I am here for any help,suggestions, thanx





one more thing to mention there is no any surveys or referral links, or malware.I had provide you direct download on safe MEGA domain all files are clean i quarantee to everyone nothing will harm your pc or data. I want to share this amazing discovery so everyone can see those truly shocking data about Windows 10

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4 hours ago, Johnny09 said:

I can accuse them because i have concerns and i am seeing many unwanted options from taking data from skype, and other. Previous versions of windows 10 has even had keylogger to catch all typings win 10 is clearly spying

You would be referring to the keylogger in the early development builds of windows 10. This is something that was there for development purposes so that they could see if there were bugs related to user input. It's a development tool. The windows 10 technical preview was the first to have a keylogger because it was released to the public at a much earlier stage than previous windows previews. Most are already well past that stage of development before they are released to public testers.

4 hours ago, Johnny09 said:

Just watch privacy option in win 10, their suspicious apps can steal data from skype, i dont see why my contacts are important for inproving windows experience

You keep coming back to this skype contacts thing. You do realize that skype is a service that is run by microsoft on microsoft servers right? Your account info and contacts as well as everyone elses is already stored on a microsoft server. If they are looking at anything with your skype contacts they are looking to see how they can better sort the list you see in the app so that they can improve how the contacts are sorted. 

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I am using RTM version from end of december 2015 and it has keyloger. Because when i start W10 Privacy i have option to disable it. 


It is clearly spying monster of a system and nothing can save it from fiasco. People dont like win10 because they know its spying 

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Hello everyone sorry for innacurate links some of them was removed without reasons. Probably reported by some microsoft paid shill or crazy microsoft fanboy. That cannot help at all because i have copies of each file. I will soon find other safer host away from stupid usa and their dmca c**p. I am tired of usa and their nose which put it everywhere. They dont know my balkanic mentality and my stubborness.

Yes it is shocking and shameful that two service is enough to have normal experience on single pc configuration and my method is working very nice.

All my files are clean and i dont use warez links i had use mega links for storage. Nothing will save you microsoft keep attack me and you will see that resistance is futile.

download links










Final WFC list and config guide


Win10 spying is destroyed completely zero kb on active internet video no 1 download evidence


Win10 spying is destroyed completely zero kb on active internet video no 2 download evidence


Now i will show you one more evidence about microsoft windows 10 spying i had discovered that one telemetry spying adress is making minor problem on some websites if you block her inside W10 Privacy.

This particular telemetry adress is spying you in all browsers and if we block it we will have some minor issues on some web pages some elements dont load properly. It does not affecting all pages. Microsoft needs to explain why they are intercepting all browsers data, this looks like MIDM attacks man in the middle intercepting data. I am suggesting to everyone to keep blocking this adress it is minor issue in order to privacy dont be compromised.

One more video evidence telemetry spying connected through all browsers


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2 minutes ago, CUDA_Cores said:

If I share my p0rn with microsoft will they suggest better p0rn for me later on?

ahahaha thats funny..they will sell data i am sure...for marketing purpose there is no worthless information in todays world


I also want to say big THANX for Linus Tech Tips community this is best forum on internet without any doubt. I wish you all the best,and i am pleasantly surprised with members and forum .


Hear you soon.

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Nothing to hide, nothing to fear.
Go ahead, Microsoft. Spy on me. You gonna find some weird stuff. But nothing criminal. 

Gaming PCs:
Intel i7 4790k, EVGA GTX 980ti, NZXT H440
Intel i5 7600k, Asus GTX 970 DC Mini, Silverstone SG13B
HTPC: AMD Phenom II X6 1045t, EVGA GTX 770 FTW, Fractal Node 604
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12 hours ago, Marziman said:

Want to figure out how to make your internet faster/lose weight?  Use this one weird trick with a hooker and a dog!

That trick works, you know. My Internet is now 30% leaner due to the supes easy trick.

"It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brain falls out." - Carl Sagan.

"I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you" - Edward I. Koch

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7 hours ago, Godlygamer23 said:

That trick works, you know. My Internet is now 30% leaner due to the supes easy trick.

Told you guys, just spreading the love.

  "As Individuals we are weak like twigs but when we come together we become a mighty faggot"

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Between the Clickbait title, the terrible English, the lack of common sense and the tinfoil hat, I am struggling to see any real benefit to this thread.  


To the OP;  Speaking as someone who cares about privacy I can say that you are not doing anyone an favors.  


Most importantly though I want to address something you said earlier.  You don't have the "right" to anything when it comes to this issue.   If you don't like how W10 works then you need t use a different OS.  If that OS doesn't fit your needs then you are out of luck.   You also better not be using Facebook, this forum, a phone, or doing any kind of communication outside of direct face to face contact.   



Tell my tale to those who ask. Tell it truly; the ill deeds along with the good, and let me be judged accordingly.

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3 hours ago, KWelz said:

Between the Clickbait title, the terrible English, the lack of common sense and the tinfoil hat, I am struggling to see any real benefit to this thread.  


To the OP;  Speaking as someone who cares about privacy I can say that you are not doing anyone an favors.  


Most importantly though I want to address something you said earlier.  You don't have the "right" to anything when it comes to this issue.   If you don't like how W10 works then you need t use a different OS.  If that OS doesn't fit your needs then you are out of luck.   You also better not be using Facebook, this forum, a phone, or doing any kind of communication outside of direct face to face contact.   



Yes i do have right to discuss about this shocking and shameful facts that i had disabled almost 99 percent of system services to connect,and i still have perfect experience with no crashes,errors everything is working fine... so what is poing of all those network services if i only need two of them to be enabled.


I do like windows 10 design,good for games i have better fps. I will use windows 10 and reduce all chance for spying. Now i feel great with win 10


Customers have right to decide did they want spying or not. Not to give them I agree sneaky EULA and to BYPASS LAW by finding a hole...Microsoft is enabling all spying by default

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9 hours ago, Bhav said:

I'm honestly dumbstruck that the op thinks anyone here is going to download his files.

What will happend if you do that there is no malware or survey legitimate files ,videos quide and photos.


My files will not do any harm, your pc will not explode or set on fire.


enjoy in data and give feedback people


nobody want to hack anyone i just want to share my imrpoved privacy method

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Hey check out what I did! posts nothing in the op


You're whining about nothing and can't even use the KISS method of working on something. You want to stop this ooooooh so evil data tracking (which it's not)? Regardless, you did not discover anything and if anyone wanted to "stop Microsoft's spying" it's a 5 second Google search away with hundreds of articles on the matter.


Use this:




Go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc . You will find a file named hosts . Open the file with Notepad (You must execute Notepad as an administrator) and add this following lines: local vortex.data.microsoft.com vortex-win.data.microsoft.com telecommand.telemetry.microsoft.com telecommand.telemetry.microsoft.com.nsatc.net oca.telemetry.microsoft.com oca.telemetry.microsoft.com.nsatc.net sqm.telemetry.microsoft.com sqm.telemetry.microsoft.com.nsatc.net watson.telemetry.microsoft.com watson.telemetry.microsoft.com.nsatc.net redir.metaservices.microsoft.com choice.microsoft.com choice.microsoft.com.nsatc.net df.telemetry.microsoft.com reports.wes.df.telemetry.microsoft.com wes.df.telemetry.microsoft.com services.wes.df.telemetry.microsoft.com sqm.df.telemetry.microsoft.com telemetry.microsoft.com watson.ppe.telemetry.microsoft.com telemetry.appex.bing.net telemetry.urs.microsoft.com telemetry.appex.bing.net:443 settings-sandbox.data.microsoft.com vortex-sandbox.data.microsoft.com survey.watson.microsoft.com watson.live.com watson.microsoft.com statsfe2.ws.microsoft.com corpext.msitadfs.glbdns2.microsoft.com compatexchange.cloudapp.net cs1.wpc.v0cdn.net a-0001.a-msedge.net statsfe2.update.microsoft.com.akadns.net sls.update.microsoft.com.akadns.net fe2.update.microsoft.com.akadns.net diagnostics.support.microsoft.com corp.sts.microsoft.com statsfe1.ws.microsoft.com pre.footprintpredict.com i1.services.social.microsoft.com i1.services.social.microsoft.com.nsatc.net feedback.windows.com feedback.microsoft-hohm.com feedback.search.microsoft.com rad.msn.com preview.msn.com ad.doubleclick.net ads.msn.com ads1.msads.net ads1.msn.com a.ads1.msn.com a.ads2.msn.com adnexus.net adnxs.com aidps.atdmt.com apps.skype.com az361816.vo.msecnd.net az512334.vo.msecnd.net a.rad.msn.com a.ads2.msads.net ac3.msn.com aka-cdn-ns.adtech.de b.rad.msn.com b.ads2.msads.net b.ads1.msn.com bs.serving-sys.com c.msn.com cdn.atdmt.com cds26.ams9.msecn.net c.atdmt.com db3aqu.atdmt.com ec.atdmt.com flex.msn.com g.msn.com h2.msn.com h1.msn.com live.rads.msn.com msntest.serving-sys.com m.adnxs.com m.hotmail.com preview.msn.com pricelist.skype.com rad.msn.com rad.live.com secure.flashtalking.com static.2mdn.net s.gateway.messenger.live.com secure.adnxs.com sO.2mdn.net ui.skype.com www.msftncsi.com msftncsi.com view.atdmt.com
When it's done, register and reboot your computer !


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3 minutes ago, AlwaysFSX said:

Hey check out what I did! posts nothing in the op


You're whining about nothing and can't even use the KISS method of working on something. You want to stop this ooooooh so evil data tracking (which it's not)? Use this:





Go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc . You will find a file named hosts . Open the file with Notepad (You must execute Notepad as an administrator) and add this following lines: local vortex.data.microsoft.com vortex-win.data.microsoft.com telecommand.telemetry.microsoft.com telecommand.telemetry.microsoft.com.nsatc.net oca.telemetry.microsoft.com oca.telemetry.microsoft.com.nsatc.net sqm.telemetry.microsoft.com sqm.telemetry.microsoft.com.nsatc.net watson.telemetry.microsoft.com watson.telemetry.microsoft.com.nsatc.net redir.metaservices.microsoft.com choice.microsoft.com choice.microsoft.com.nsatc.net df.telemetry.microsoft.com reports.wes.df.telemetry.microsoft.com wes.df.telemetry.microsoft.com services.wes.df.telemetry.microsoft.com sqm.df.telemetry.microsoft.com telemetry.microsoft.com watson.ppe.telemetry.microsoft.com telemetry.appex.bing.net telemetry.urs.microsoft.com telemetry.appex.bing.net:443 settings-sandbox.data.microsoft.com vortex-sandbox.data.microsoft.com survey.watson.microsoft.com watson.live.com watson.microsoft.com statsfe2.ws.microsoft.com corpext.msitadfs.glbdns2.microsoft.com compatexchange.cloudapp.net cs1.wpc.v0cdn.net a-0001.a-msedge.net statsfe2.update.microsoft.com.akadns.net sls.update.microsoft.com.akadns.net fe2.update.microsoft.com.akadns.net diagnostics.support.microsoft.com corp.sts.microsoft.com statsfe1.ws.microsoft.com pre.footprintpredict.com i1.services.social.microsoft.com i1.services.social.microsoft.com.nsatc.net feedback.windows.com feedback.microsoft-hohm.com feedback.search.microsoft.com rad.msn.com preview.msn.com ad.doubleclick.net ads.msn.com ads1.msads.net ads1.msn.com a.ads1.msn.com a.ads2.msn.com adnexus.net adnxs.com aidps.atdmt.com apps.skype.com az361816.vo.msecnd.net az512334.vo.msecnd.net a.rad.msn.com a.ads2.msads.net ac3.msn.com aka-cdn-ns.adtech.de b.rad.msn.com b.ads2.msads.net b.ads1.msn.com bs.serving-sys.com c.msn.com cdn.atdmt.com cds26.ams9.msecn.net c.atdmt.com db3aqu.atdmt.com ec.atdmt.com flex.msn.com g.msn.com h2.msn.com h1.msn.com live.rads.msn.com msntest.serving-sys.com m.adnxs.com m.hotmail.com preview.msn.com pricelist.skype.com rad.msn.com rad.live.com secure.flashtalking.com static.2mdn.net s.gateway.messenger.live.com secure.adnxs.com sO.2mdn.net ui.skype.com www.msftncsi.com msftncsi.com view.atdmt.com
When it's done, register and reboot your computer !



I had use this i had added telemetry ip-s with W10 Privacy. Thats not enough to have privacy. First time when you update it microsoft will add tons of other spying backdoors and new telemetry adresses. Thats why you need to follow my guide microsoft has already informed


Mr. Belfiore from Microsoft has said that it can reduce but windows 10 will always call home


Thats why i had invented my method combined with windows firewall control to block 99 percent of network and other services to connect, and only allow TWO crycial services to connect.


so i have zero kb traffic now. This is best method combined with known programs

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5 minutes ago, Johnny09 said:


Yes i do have right to discuss about this shocking and shameful facts that i had disabled almost 99 percent of system services to connect,and i still have perfect experience with no crashes,errors everything is working fine... so what is poing of all those network services if i only need two of them to be enabled.


I do like windows 10 design,good for games i have better fps. I will use windows 10 and reduce all chance for spying. Now i feel great with win 10


Customers have right to decide did they want spying or not. Not to give them I agree sneaky EULA and to BYPASS LAW by finding a hole...Microsoft is enabling all spying by default

You can discuss whatever you like.  However you sound like a used car salesman.  Shocking and Shameful.   great buzzwords that really don't apply to the topic at hand.   


But you don't have a right to the OS.  You can use it or use another.   If you don't like parts of it then use another.  If the good outweighs the bad then use this one.  The choice is yours.  


But let me say it one more time.   You have no right to the OS.  You are not entitled too it.  And the EULA is binding whether you like that or not either.  




Tell my tale to those who ask. Tell it truly; the ill deeds along with the good, and let me be judged accordingly.

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OP, have you ever used wireshark? I suggest you using wireshark to show off your example of "0 kb sent to microsoft." It would be 100000 times more valid.


In fact, will you capture the network logs as well and upload them so we can inspect? ;)

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10 minutes ago, Johnny09 said:


What will happend if you do that there is no malware or survey legitimate files ,videos quide and photos.


My files will not do any harm, your pc will not explode or set on fire.


enjoy in data and give feedback people


nobody want to hack anyone i just want to share my imrpoved privacy method

Pretty sure we all trust Microsoft more than your files. 

Tell my tale to those who ask. Tell it truly; the ill deeds along with the good, and let me be judged accordingly.

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