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Madison reveals experiences working at LMG

Message added by SansVarnic,

*03NOV2023: Topic is now locked for the time until the investigation results are released, will not be re-open prior.*



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1 minute ago, cmndr said:

She played up an act on a video she knew would be widely distributed. 

She then made repeated efforts, to get into a public facing role. 
She received an offer and then consented to working in a public facing role. 

Someone choosing to pursue celebrity and then being unhappy with it is something that's happened A LOT OF TIMES. 

It's a repeated, predictable, pattern and it sucks that huge swathes of people act crazy towards public figures. 

It's why I don't become a politician. It's why I do NOT want a public facing role at work. I chose NOT to expose myself to that for very deliberate reasons. And yes, that's a choice on my end. 

saying its her own fault she was treated by the community this way because she showed herself to the public is absolutely insane. she never sexualized herself, she never flirted with anyone, she just likes tech. please reflect upon yourself

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Gave this whole thread a read and holy shit it's bad, Going to wait to see what they have to say about this before picking a side though. 🫠

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1 minute ago, cmndr said:

It's why I don't become a politician. It's why I do NOT want a public facing role at work. I chose NOT to expose myself to that for very deliberate reasons. And yes, that's a choice on my end. 

Ain't that the truth. I'm kinda-sorta public-facing for some non-work stuff I do (not remotely on the same scale as Linus, obvs), and the crap that I get because of it is mad - think police arriving at my door for made-up accusations, threatening calls, incredibly unsavoury stuff through the letterbox etc.


Having that as part of my job would be an absolute nightmare. Can't imagine why anybody would want to.

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2 minutes ago, cmndr said:

I didn't say it was her fault. I said it was PARTIALLY her fault. She engaged in some VERY attention seeking behaviors and then she got attention. 

She played up an act on a video she knew would be widely distributed. If I'm not mistaken she specifically noted that she deliberately played up her behavior on the first video (though I could be misremembering)


You think that Linus and other people at LTT don't play up behaviors and put on personas for the camera?


Once again you're seemingly making the fact that the LTT fanbase liked her into some sort of wrong she committed.


2 minutes ago, cmndr said:

She then made repeated efforts, to get into a public facing role. 


So she pursued a job she wanted and successfully got it? 


2 minutes ago, cmndr said:




She received an offer and then consented to working in a public facing role. Job applications don't fill themselves out. 

Someone choosing to pursue celebrity and then being unhappy with it is something that's happened A LOT OF TIMES. 


What does "celebrity" have to do with being bulled, harassed, and groped at work? 

Corps aren't your friends. "Bottleneck calculators" are BS. Only suckers buy based on brand. It's your PC, do what makes you happy.  If your build meets your needs, you don't need anyone else to "rate" it for you. And talking about being part of a "master race" is cringe. Watch this space for further truths people need to hear.


Ryzen 7 5800X3D | ASRock X570 PG Velocita | PowerColor Red Devil RX 6900 XT | 4x8GB Crucial Ballistix 3600mt/s CL16

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1 minute ago, Toriyan said:

Gave this whole thread a read and holy shit it's bad, Going to wait to see what they have to say about this before picking a side though. 🫠

My thoughts as well.  I dont think LMG will make a statement.  I think it will be handled internally if and when it's needed to be.  But who knows.  They have a lot going on right now.

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1 minute ago, Legitsu said:

So what we are just gonna allow baseless accusations by somebody thats clearly unstable on effing twatter? 


see heres the nasty truth: the whole #metoo thing has effectively ruined anybodys creditablity that doesn't have damming evidence and so far all shes done is complain on the internet. 


given her history and personality anybody that ever seen any of her content might be inclined to belive shes just panning for attention 


Sexual abuse alligations are some of the nastyist ones you can make because nobody wants to be that guy that says "shes a lier" 

its why people resort to using them when they want attention because it imediately sets a tone thats hard to logically defend against 


welp Im saying it: maddison soup is a low down dirty bald faced LIER:

Untill somebody ANYBODY else collaberates her claims they are pure alligation and given her publicly facing personality likely a attention grab 








thats also a classic one. "shes clearly unstable." she doesnt know what shes talking about! its not like shes a grown adult and had 2 years to reflect, shes just being a classic histerical woman! amirite guys 😄

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1 minute ago, DaytonaDragon said:

In the 2020 election results could be seen changing abruptly in some cases from Trump to Biden. I saw this myself. I'm not talking if the election was stolen or not. In madison's case, there is literally nothing that would support her claims. 

That kind of proves the point. You "seeing it yourself" is anecdotal. Others swore affidavits along the same lines. But that isn't proof, its a sworn statement that they believed they saw or experienced something. Upon investigation, the claims did not hold up. 

The point isn't to get further into politics. The point is to demonstrate a statement is not sufficient proof without corroborating evidence

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why did madison talk about it NOW??? when lmg is having a pr crisis?

Did I help you?? Then please mark my answer as the solution!

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4 minutes ago, Astetine said:

I believe Madison.

SA, gaslighting, harassment, blackmail, micro-aggression. As a woman who has been working in IT for many years I seen it all, it's happening all the time. You have no idea what stories we share between each other. Man are either ignorant or choose to not see these situations.  Luckily my workplace has been fairly good at dealing with this nowadays, but very few of us are so lucky.

You can even see it in this thread - suggestions of being delusional, seeking attention or misremembering. They always pop up - here is a bingo for you guys.




These are some serious accusations and needs to be addressed. Addressed without any shootouts for store or jokes about sponsors - it's time to grow up.

Thank you!

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1 minute ago, Astetine said:

I believe Madison. SA, gaslighting, harassment, blackmail, micro-aggression.


As a woman who has been working in IT for many years I seen it all, it's happening all the time. You have no idea what stories we share between each other. Man are either ignorant or choose to not see these situations.  Luckily my workplace has been fairly good at dealing with this nowadays, but very few of us are so lucky.

You can even see it in this thread - suggestions of being delusional, seeking attention or misremembering. They always pop up - here is a bingo for you guys.




These are some serious accusations and needs to be addressed. Addressed without any shootouts for store or jokes about sponsors - it's time to grow up.

I'm disappointed this isn't an actual bingo. How am I supposed to get an across or diagonal on this thing?

Don't forget to mark posts as the solution if you're satisfied!

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Did I help you?? Then please mark my answer as the solution!

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8 hours ago, Legitsu said:

read between the lines people the timing is simply put convenient

adapt. overcome. succeed. I face all kinds of shit that isn't in my job description daily I buckle the fawkes down and do the work


example its not my job to help unload the daily shipment of network cable. but I need the network cable todo my job and the longer that takes the longer I am here and longer it takes before I can go home. because I am not leaving untill I feel my job is done.


its not my job to run and get lunch for the crew but the sooner we all have full bellies the happier everybody will be and the more work gets done 


WHY? because I take some god dam pride in what I do and I don't leave because I am 'insulted' that my coworker or boss asked me to help out.


 her job was the post on effing twitter exactly how hard do you think that could get at worst you need some basic photo editing skills and even with large post so what you blow a day on it 



This the type of dude who ruins work for the rest of the workplace because he doesn't understand what's reasonable for your job and what's unacceptable especially including timetables and workloads.


It's not just "management expects you to do work" bud.


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I sane person wouldn't injury itself to get days off. I think this is 50% tantrum 50% toxic work environment 

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1 minute ago, DakotaCx said:

I disagree. That opens up far too much liability and legal exposure for no reason. Personnel matters are handled internally, no matter what others choose to share that is always the right call for a business. The most they should do is say they separated for whatever reason and wish her the best. 

ya, maybe. But to someone outside, this could look like they have something to hide for not clearing the air. To put it this way: I just don't think those kind of "unwritten rules" that worked for most "traditional" companies would work the same way for a company like LMG that literally makes its money from being in public.

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10 minutes ago, DakotaCx said:

There in lies the issue. A person's statements are not proof. 

In the 2020 election, there were plenty of "statements" advertised as proof that the election was stolen. It wasn't. That was not proof, that was people swearing affidavits to what they perceived they saw.. which turned out was not reality. 

There is an expectation in any fair system of justice that the word of one person is not automatically superior to that of another without some burden. Anything other than that is not just. 



People these days just jumps into conclusion right away from a tweet. No matter how serious the allegation. 


The GN bombshell caught on because there is FACTS and recordings to back up every claim he made.


Now people are jumping conclusion of sexual harassment from a tweet. No evidence , no nothing. 


Not siding with anyone, but its ok to wait until to form an opinion. It wont kill you...........



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Anyone defending a work environment where someone feels the need to self-harm to be able to take a sick day without getting hounded needs to get their head checked. Anyone claiming she is definitely lying because she never went to law enforcement or pursued legal action at the time also needs to get their head checked. 

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1 minute ago, djksm said:

why did madison talk about it NOW??? when lmg is having a pr crisis?

heres the explanation she very clearly stated in the thread: "I am still scared shitless of what the response will be, since I am a woman, and have already been called dramatic. I'm not stating what happened to me because I am seeking clout, I'm stating it because it has been eating away at me for 2 years."


its because shes scared of assholes like you

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6 minutes ago, Astetine said:

I believe Madison.

SA, gaslighting, harassment, blackmail, micro-aggression. As a woman who has been working in IT for many years I seen it all, it's happening all the time. You have no idea what stories we share between each other. Man are either ignorant or choose to not see these situations.  Luckily my workplace has been fairly good at dealing with this nowadays, but very few of us are so lucky.

You can even see it in this thread - suggestions of being delusional, seeking attention or misremembering. They always pop up - here is a bingo for you guys.




These are some serious accusations and needs to be addressed. Addressed without any shootouts for store or jokes about sponsors - it's time to grow up.

Thanks, maybe this will shine some light on some people.


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Just now, djksm said:

why did madison talk about it NOW??? when lmg is having a pr crisis?

I'd have thought that would be obvious. It's even been addressed several times in this thread - LMG has a fairly rabid fanbase, and if she said it at literally any other time she'd be guaranteed to get nothing but crap back for it (which, as she said, has happened befoer). Now, however, there's pretty much a 50/50 split in terms of folk who are open to the idea that LMG's offices aren't a utopian paradise. Far from being suspicious, and depending on her goal with it, now is exactly the right time to do that.

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3 minutes ago, djksm said:


I doubt it.


This is the one he won't hastily respond to, and probably try to bury even harder than his previous..... Influencer moments.

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1 minute ago, djksm said:


They really arent obligated to tell us anything. They are going to be lynched no matter what they say so, its literally in their best interest to keep quiet and handle it internally.

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1 minute ago, 0catt said:

How can claims of sexual harassment are a exaggeration exactly ?

Sexual harassment between 2 employees probably occurred, but I would suspect that was _not_ due to LTT taking this lightly.

It was an interpersonal conflict left to marinate inappropriately, at which point people start to insult and resent each other.


Everytime there's a divorce or a inter workplace conflict, these kinds of comments of harassment surface. It's usually not because the workplace tolerates sexual harassment, it's because minor conflicts, and fears of job insecurity, were not addressed and were allowed to escalate into resentment and name-calling. 


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23 minutes ago, geo3 said:

The moment Linus started insisting LMG didn't need a union I knew something was fucky. 

I know more than one boss with the same opinion as Linus.

A union is deserved when there are unsolvable problems between management and the employees. If the employees need a union despite the boss making all the efforts in the world, this is when he thinks he failed.

Do not take it as the company failed because there is a union. Take is as Linus feels he failed the employees because the need an union.

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5 minutes ago, Legitsu said:


yes I realise that this increases the chance of the Guilty getting away scott free









I'd rather see 99 guilty go free than see ONE innocent have their life ruined because of false accussations...

Innocent until proven otherwise...

Have proof... (wear a mic, have a cam around you, whatever) and bring those fuggers down... and don't WAIT coming forward, ruins your case and evidence might get lost (like surveilance in building is only around most places for like 30 days)

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