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Madison reveals experiences working at LMG

Message added by SansVarnic,

*03NOV2023: Topic is now locked for the time until the investigation results are released, will not be re-open prior.*



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10 minutes ago, DakotaCx said:

It's not about complying with law. It's about tact. The company has no choice but to comply with the law, but if I'm trying to get something that's not the approach to take. 

Wrong. If you break X laws I will come share my issues that you are breaking X las with you. Yes I will be respectful but to come and not cite the laws you are breaking for whatever reason is complete insanity. That is 100% the approach you take, you start a dialogue and mention what the issues are. Any other way is you submitting to your boss and to not call him out. That's pathetic. You really want to let yourself get stepped on and have people treat you like a slave? 


Idk who or what brainwashed you into thinking this is not OK but man oh man this is sad to read.   

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13 minutes ago, sfh0525 said:

Guys, have you watched the old CSF content?

In early days, when LMG was relatively small, they did have some tradition of making fun of others, some in a pretty bad way.

Like Taran (or the guy who is pretty tall, and was one of the editor in LMG), said he constantly got trolled there. And he didnt like it.

Now... Do CSF and Dennis still here?

I dont know after LMG grown such big now, if they still treat each other offensively* (In any ways of letting others not feeling good on things could be communicate better).


It definitely seems like there was always a culture of "banter" going back to when they were a very small team.


Now I will say that watching Linus's interactions with various employees in the Extreme Tech Upgrade vids, it seemed to me like he did a good job of matching the other person's energy so that there would be seemingly good-natured banter back and forth with people who enjoyed that but he was more chill and harmonious with people who weren't into it. 


However, I can definitely see how that culture of banter and "roasting," when it pervades a much larger company, could result in bad actors feeling like they had cover to do and say things that should be consider inappropriate by any standard, even if Linus himself was able to tell who would enjoy the back and forth ribbing and who wouldn't and adjust his demeanor accordingly. Even in older videos, certain employees (though not ones who are still with the company, I think) definitely gave me the vibe that they were the type who would push people more and more and then fall back on "It's just a joke, bro" whenever they finally took it too far and someone got upset. 

Corps aren't your friends. "Bottleneck calculators" are BS. Only suckers buy based on brand. It's your PC, do what makes you happy.  If your build meets your needs, you don't need anyone else to "rate" it for you. And talking about being part of a "master race" is cringe. Watch this space for further truths people need to hear.


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1 minute ago, Anders155 said:

Am I? What evidence do you have to support that? I want proof of me being here and breathing. I hope you can understand the point I'm trying to make here. Nothing is black or white, demanding proof for something to be a fact is a silly notion and not how anything works. 

I agree.  There are no PROVEN facts here yet.  I reserve judgement for when said facts are presented.

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12 minutes ago, Sawa Takahashi said:

As far as I know HR is always mingled with upper management because HR works for upper management. HR is responsible for managing employees so the company can be productive. If you are talking about a department that receives complaints and see to the well being of employees, that can be managed by HR if the company allows it, but this is normally the role of the ombudsman office, a union or any designated department.

Bad phrasing, what I meant is that HR IS upper management in LMG, i.e, if some abuse happens vertically, the employee has nowhere to go. And yes, a ombudsman office should be considered in the light of all this. An union also, but that's not inside the company's control, it's up to the employees.

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1 minute ago, Anders155 said:

Am I? What evidence do you have to support that? I want proof of me being here and breathing. I hope you can understand the point I'm trying to make here. Nothing is black or white, demanding proof for something to be a fact is a silly notion and not how anything works. 

I mean, I hope youre breathing, cause youre  here 

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1 minute ago, Middcore said:


It definitely seems like there was always a culture of "banter" going back to when they were a very small team.


Now I will say that watching Linus's interactions with various employees in the Extreme Tech Upgrade vids, it seemed to me like he did a good job of matching the other person's energy so that there would be seemingly good-natured banter back and forth with people who enjoyed that but he was more chill and harmonious with people who weren't. 


However, I can definitely see how that culture of banter and "roasting," when it pervades a much larger company, could result in bad actors feeling like they had cover to do and say things that should be consider inappropriate by any standard. Even in older videos, certain employees (though not ones who are still with the company, I think) definitely gave me the vibe that they were the type who would push people more and more and then fall back on "It's just a joke, bro" whenever they finally took it too far and someone got upset. 

A good example of this is Nicky V and Dennis. Like sometimes it was funny but other times it seemed to go too far but nothing was done about it.

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LMG will NEVER ever comment on this

Did I help you?? Then please mark my answer as the solution!

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1 hour ago, maskmcgee said:

We already know about how Linus refuses to give his employees sick days, how he forces them to work on public holidays including Christmas if it's a Friday, how if anyone comes to him quoting the Canadian employment law he'll fire them on the spot, strongly implying he dosen't follow/care about what it says, because he's said all of these in WAN shows, so this just follows that pattern.

Somehow I think this is a gross mischaracterization of anything that was said first hand. Can you link to what you're referring to?

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2 minutes ago, codemak said:

I never said she was.  I'm just providing a reason why there are two sides to this story.


Your response reflects the same misinterpretation of reality of a salty former employee.

No, your inability to understand basic human socialization is what actually worries me...
The 2 sides you are talking so far is

1. Someone shows they have been sexually harassed

2. Your option is to totally disregard the person because you think she is a "teenager" who doesn't know how to "control" herself 

3. I can see 2 things from this, you are either a really shitty person or lacks extremely obvious social skills.


You can comment on my comprehension skills but when your only "argument"/"response" is that, honestly I don't even know why I am arguing with you

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37 minutes ago, leadeater said:

That is true even if you haven't moved, not everyone is fully aware of their options and possibilities. That's why you seek advice from people you trust, worst case Google but well..


Anyway I do not think it is a good idea to spread the perception that the Police will do nothing and legal advice is not accessible or too expensive. This influences people in to not trying and thinking it is hopeless.

That is a good point, but maybe they felt as if getting any help with it would've been pointless, we don't know if police or employment law was involved or not, all we have are assumptions. Also it isn't unheard that people don't want to go to police or seek law advice out of fear of retaliation, because the side with more money usually can afford better lawyers.

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1 minute ago, Leiker535 said:

This is not how whistleblowing works. As per the people's victim blaming inherent in this thread, it often takes a push for people to come out with their grievances, specially if they bottled it up for a long time. It's not something you decide to share casually out of nowhere.

LMG has always been credible and appeared transparent about their internal functions. It's what so many of us love about the channel. So just coming out of nowhere with a completely opposite perception (not taking sides here) is not easy, specially considering the aforementioned tendency of victim blaming inside the tech community.

I hope the claims are false or blown out of proportion out of love for LMG, but just me liking the company doesn't merit outright rebutting them.

True, I get that it's hard to share these experiences. However, I have encountered a girl in a past job that had this issue.
First, it blew up, then it settled down and she is still working there as far as I know. 

She engaged most of it by herself, she made sexual jokes toward other man workers and complained when receiving them.
How can a company judge this if both parties participate in this practice of trolling each other? 

My biggest issue is that Madison was from the beginning already a girl that made a lot of jokes many of them on the edge of what's okay.
Linus even corrected her a few times in the ROG video. And I started thinking is she a victim of LMG (because that's not okay) or does she claims to be a victim even though she engaged in it herself?

For now, we don't have the facts so we can only speculate but my feelings say it's more that she was pretty loose, and got treated the same.

"Trust but verify"
- Listed, think then talk -
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6 minutes ago, JustACityBoy said:

Absolutely not. It's one person making claims about her experience from her perspective. That's not enough to make a blanket statement like that, it would be irresponsible to just hop on the bandwagon with that as the "evidence" to burn it all down. 

When more people come out, more actual facts or verifiable information is dropped, then it becomes something else.. but right now it's just a combination of venting and some serious allegations from one person who demonstrates bias. 

Reactions like this demonstrate why vigilantism is thankfully illegal. 

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5 minutes ago, DaytonaDragon said:

You know the story of the guy crying wolf falsely and being believed 2 time and the 3rd time, when the cry was genuine, he wasn’t believed? That’s the gazillion of fake rape allegations. No proof = lies.

False accusations are only around 8-10% at the highest, according to several studies. There aren't "gazillions" of fake allegations. That's just you heavily inflating the amount for your own purposes. I'm sorry to say, but you're wrong. Yes, it can be very difficult to prove these things. But you instantly treating them as fake shows your bias.

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people here are disgusting. defending linus even when theres clear Sexual Harassment. Trying to make the victim feel like its their fault, trying to find any reason to deflect it back at them... 

cannot wait for this channel and community to be gone. 

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2 minutes ago, Gunpocket said:

The amount of people discounting this and calling her a liar/saying this is 'sus' is just pathetic. We get that you have a parasocial relationship with Linus. I did too at one point. This is really gross.

Like, do you guys not remember this review from last year? Where she had to say it wasn't her, just to get the fanbase to stop going after her; and now she says it was actually her who wrote that review? And the whole Mindchop thing is part of why she had to stay quiet. You're just proving her right. Parts of this fanbase, especially on this forum, are just pathetic. Open your eyes, please. I know I am just some 'literal who' but please.



99% of that is her complaining about the criticism she was receiving about her job/role, also the "sexual remarks, coded language" etc shes guilty of in some of the videos she was in as someone already pointed out previously. Also and this is the most important.. instead of making claims on social media defaming a companies name she should have taken all her problems she had to the Employment Standards of BC they would have opened an investigation and everyone wouldn't be here speculating on whether shes just looking for attention to build her brand or if she was indeed telling the truth.    Her claim she didn't pursue legal action because she couldn't afford it, seems like an excuse for those questioning why she didn't report it.  she was hired for social media which means shes extremely capable of browsing and using the internet how was it she had no issue posting an employment review, and she knew she could have had legal rights if she had money if she knew all that she could have easily looked up labour laws in BC and found out within 20 seconds of her rights and what she could do that cost $0..

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2 minutes ago, RWxAshley said:

Being in control, and not in control are two extremely different things. Just like consent, and no consent. This doesn't take away from the fact that people invaded her personal space, touched her inappropriately, and sexually harass her. Just cause I'm ok with sexual jokes around a partner or close friend does not mean I want the random creep at the office making weird sexual jokes directly to me, or touching me in a weird way.

So it's ok to be sexually inappropriate, as long as you are the one in control? No, it's wrong no matter who does it. Also what is touched inappropriately? Did someone grab her shoulder to talk to her while she was sitting at her desk? Or did they grab her sexually? She didn't say, she only describes it as inappropriate, and that assuming the incident did happen. Sexual harassment? Was she willingly having an inappropriate discussion at work, and now describes it in a different light? There's nothing wrong with asking questions and being skeptical, and there are many questions that need to be answered before jumping on the anti-LTT train.

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18 minutes ago, DaytonaDragon said:

Facts? Where is the proof? For something to be a fact it needs to be proven. Come back with some before declaring it a fact.

A fact doesn't need to be proven, but it should be able to be. Just as the truth is always the truth even if no one believes it. This is the start of a process and I don't think it's helpful to just disbelieve everything that Madison has said because she didn't have video recordings, email threads, or other forms of proof in her twitter thread. Again, this is the start of the process and everything will need to be investigated.

Don't forget to mark posts as the solution if you're satisfied!

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2 minutes ago, codemak said:

Ya thanks for the comments but I'll let you really reflect on all that.

I would, if there was anything to reflect on . On rare occasions I allow myself to get entangled in petty comments, with jokers such as yourself. This is going to be my last reply, most definitely. Have a great day! 😉

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1 minute ago, ShadowDev said:

people here are disgusting. defending linus even when theres clear Sexual Harassment. Trying to make the victim feel like its their fault, trying to find any reason to deflect it back at them... 

cannot wait for this channel and community to be gone. 

Then just leave maybe?  Then you dont have to wait.


Nothing has been proven at this point.  Plain and simple.

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Did I help you?? Then please mark my answer as the solution!

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5 minutes ago, TheMidnightNarwhal said:

Wrong. If you break X laws I will come share my issues that you are breaking X las with you. Yes I will be respectful but to come and not cite the laws you are breaking for whatever reason is complete insanity. That is 100% the approach you take, you start a dialogue and mention what the issues are. Any other way is you submitting to your boss and to not call him out. That's pathetic. You really want to let yourself get stepped on and have people treat you like a slave? 


Idk who or what brainwashed you into thinking this is not OK but man oh man this is sad to read.   

You're really taking me out of context here. But that's fine, I guess you just misunderstood my post. 

I'm aware of how to raise issues with my employer, I'm not new to the workforce and have advocated quite well for myself to be where I am. I regret that my wording isn't enough to convey what I'm trying to say to you, but it seems you've already made up your mind on that matter anyway.  

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Just now, codemak said:

I'm so glad I could ruffle the feathers of a person named buttpoop.


Sorry that my quick responses are not satisfying to you.  I won't be taking the time to spell it out for you either.

No need. Another post would just reveal further how sexist you are and how flimsy the argument "Madison seems like a hysterical girl" is.


Go a step further and turn off your computer and apologize to your daughter.

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