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Madison reveals experiences working at LMG

Message added by SansVarnic,

*03NOV2023: Topic is now locked for the time until the investigation results are released, will not be re-open prior.*



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1 minute ago, 0catt said:

Dude... what? 

I'm not even gonna comment on the absurdity of your first statement.
Also employee's should go around recording everything in their life because of a fear of being mistreated, harassed etc...?
Makes no sense buddy

my first statement? oh you you are FINE with some innocent get jailed just because? is that what you are saying?

noone should EVER have taken their innocence for something they didn't do...

maybe you don't think it makes sense... but if you can't PROVE something... then it is word against word...
how would you know someone isn't just LYING because they have a grudge against a person? (we have seen PLENTY cases during the #metoo where liars framed innocent people and RUINED their lives... so that is totally fine with you I guess... makes me feel sick... 

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5 minutes ago, Sawa Takahashi said:

Even if I'd really Like Linus to take on your offer, I doubt any good can come out of it. It would only feed the windmill of haters versus supporters.

Not counting that if there is legal action resulting of this, Linus should walk on eggs until it is resolved.

yeah, i guess so

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I totally believe her. Those of you in this thread discounting what she said because she didn't immediately go and report it to the authorities or go public with it a year ago are very naïve.


Madison is from the US, she was in Canada for work on a work visa. This is a scary situation since making the wrong step can get you messed up and sent back to your country; you don't have the same protections as a Canadian would. Even if the law does protect you, it's something that most people aren't confident enough in to want to mess with while a guest in another country.


Secondly, the community's response in this very thread shows why she wouldn't have wanted to come forward publicly with this earlier. Imagine how crucified she would have been had she said these things a year ago.

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9 hours ago, SimonShipperd said:

Oh no, a high workload at a demanding job. This has never been seen in the history of capitalism.

yeah all I read was the ranting of a GenZer who couldn't handle real work at a real job, boo hoo

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1 minute ago, coopa said:

If it weren't a sexual harassment and hostile workplace allegation then I wouldn't be so sure (given Linus rushing in to reply about GN) but yes, this is a whole different level and unless someone is severely compromised in judgment, any response to what Madison said is going to go through many hands, not the least of which will be legal counsel.

Right.  So I dont think we will hear anything from LMG on this for some time., if ever.  Time will tell.  Unless Linus jumps the gun and rants again, which is always possible.

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8 minutes ago, AlwaysFSX said:

This the type of dude who ruins work for the rest of the workplace because he doesn't understand what's reasonable for your job and what's unacceptable especially including timetables and workloads.


It's not just "management expects you to do work" bud.


Exactly. In a professional environment you never want to be the person who does not raise concerns around the workload and expectations being unmanageable.


If you’re that person at your job who never pushes back on the unrealistic expectations of management and just takes everything lying down, congratulations, everyone else you work with hates you!

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4 minutes ago, iHateCoilWhine said:

you clearly need to educate yourself on the topic properly. sexual assualt is a truly traumatizing and horrifying experience. if an empoyee shares multiple stories to management, there should action taken. clearly that didnt happen. 

Sexual assault is truly traumatizing but false sexual assault accusations are equally traumatizing too.

That is why it is important to know the facts from all parties involved. And that is not for Internet to find out.

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1 minute ago, Godiwa said:

did she just go to them and say "bla bla bob is evil and touching me" or did she have a recording proving bob was talking nasty to her? or video of him groping her? or did she just make an accusation? I could go in and make several accusations too and demand they do something... how would they know it is true without proof?

how exactly do you expect people to collect proof on something like that? do you seriously think people at work will walk around all day filming themselves? or record all day long? do you think thats an actual viable thing victims can do in a work environment? 


and again, if a staff member goes to management MULTIPLE TIMES about sexual and generall harrasement, it should be pretty clear that there is something wrong. she stated in the thread that female empoyees needed mirrors at their desks (not just her, all of them) to know if someone was sneaking up on them. that alone should be proof enough that this workplace is not one that respects women and their bodies.

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8 minutes ago, Astetine said:

These are some serious accusations and needs to be addressed. Addressed without any shootouts for store or jokes about sponsors - it's time to grow up.

I agree with this 100%, they should address this. I disagree with the notion that they can/have to keep quiet about this. 


However, whilst I am sorry you went through or witnessed or heard about the things that you have but that doesn't make anybody right or wrong in this situation. Your personal and past experiences have no bearing regarding this topic as mine don't either. And generalizing men as being ignorant and such is as sexist as generalizing women as being attention seekers, false accusers like some people have been doing.


No person should be judged solely because of what some other person is saying let alone be declared guilty outright. This is about one or more people's livelihood and reputation and I mean this both ways. There isn't enough information out there to come to any conclusions, I am not saying she has but anyone can accuse anyone of anything at anytime. That should not mean that they get blind support as LMG shouldn't either. These thing can very well have happened for all we know. But we don't.

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2 minutes ago, Middcore said:

The person you're replying to was one of the most vociferous and irrational "Linus defense force" attack dogs in the thread about the GN video, it's not worth the time to engage. The demonstration that even these types of allegations aren't enough to sway his rabid loyalty for LTT proves it. 

Yeah they're quite obvious but a good way to burn some time in the morning. There's always been an alarming number of LMG apologists who think anything brought against them is an attack / assassination piece / whatever shit you want to come up with.

The biggest issue is that all of the problems LMG faces today have been KNOWN for over a decade. Watching since 08-09 when the channel was made after NCIX it's clear that there is a disregard for accuracy in the content, where does everyone think that'll end up? Surprise! Right where we are.


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3 minutes ago, HesCalledTheStig said:

Yep.  And people dont seem to understand that LMG is a large and well known company.  They arent going to make a public statement before approaching it from a legal standpoint.  This is something that could ruin them.  They have to tread lightly and do things right.  

Yep I hope that the new ceo can do something about it, This is one hell of a situation just 6 weeks into him being appointed ceo 😅

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12 minutes ago, iHateCoilWhine said:

heres the explanation she very clearly stated in the thread: "I am still scared shitless of what the response will be, since I am a woman, and have already been called dramatic. I'm not stating what happened to me because I am seeking clout, I'm stating it because it has been eating away at me for 2 years."


its because shes scared of assholes like you

why would the response be bad?? people are hating on linus right now??

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2 minutes ago, codemak said:

This person that is replying to the reply was one of the most vociferous and irrational "GN defense force" attack dogs in the thread about the GN video, it's not worth the time to engage.


GN didn't need defending because they brought receipts. The most I said about GN was that they had a proven record of holding companies in the tech space accountable for screwups and getting results for consumers. 


It was clear from the efforts by some in that thread to come after GN, and the efforts by some in this thread to attack Madison, that they will never be willing to believe anything bad about Linus and LMG, and that the greater the severity of the alleged wrongdoings, the more aggressive and irrational they will become in their reactions. It's pointless to even try to have a discussion with such people. 

Corps aren't your friends. "Bottleneck calculators" are BS. Only suckers buy based on brand. It's your PC, do what makes you happy.  If your build meets your needs, you don't need anyone else to "rate" it for you. And talking about being part of a "master race" is cringe. Watch this space for further truths people need to hear.


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Just now, Sawa Takahashi said:

Sexual assault is truly traumatizing but false sexual assault accusations are equally traumatizing too.

That is why it is important to know the facts from all parties involved. And that is not for Internet to find out.

well thats true, which is why didnt name anyone in the thread. which she easily couldve done. and if LMG never acted on any of the agressors in these situations, its obvious why she choses to go public. common sense to a person with basic empathy

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1 minute ago, Remy van den Nouweland said:

Yes, some parts are very true. I work with a lot of female workers because I'm in marketing and we have a great team.
But some are more loose than others, and that's my biggest issue.

Claiming you're one of the guys, making the same jokes and maybe even going to the limit yourself can happen, and I have seen it happen.
I'm not taking sides, or disagreeing with you. I'm just sharing a side that also exists. 

Let's refresh our memory, ROG Reboot video in which Linus even corrected Maddison because she was going too far: 12:30...
What if she said that when working there and a male said "Yes you are", then shit hits the fan. But it could also be just plain fun.

There is no way of knowing if people don't communicate... 

My issue is that Madison has a history of saying weird stuff and that's fine. And if she did not like that maybe she should have stopped saying things like "I'm sexy ..." Those are very mixed signals to say on the one hand you don't want to be treated like that but saying stuff like this.

To be honest, I liked Madison and if this never came out I would have still liked her, but to make these jokes yourself and now point the finger exactly at the same moment this shit show I find very distasteful. 



I think this is a very fair take that some will cast off as "victim blaming" when in reality it highlights the nuances in claims like this. Sexual harassment is harassment when it's unwelcome. If you're taking part in that alleged culture, making those jokes, it blurs that line. Communication, then documentation is everything if she really had an issue. 

This is a big reason I am hesitant to take everything she claims at face value. 

She also seems to suffer from "never met your heroes" syndrome, she talks a lot about wanting to work for on-camera Linus, but when it came time to actually work with CEO Linus and the team, and do a real job things got drastically different. 

Couple this with the logistics and challenges of a very young person moving to a new country, after losing a close family member, and the other struggles that obviously by her own admission led to a spiral of mental health issues including self-harm --- all of which will severely alter your perception of yourself, your work, and the statements others make to/about/around you. 

It's not an unfair assessment that there may be more than meets the eye here. She may genuinely believe a lot of it, but I can't help but believe so much of this probably went down differently than described, but was perceived this way by her. 

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Just now, thebakerman said:

Exactly. In a professional environment you never want to be the person who does not raise concerns around the workload and expectations being unmanageable.


If you’re that person at your job who never pushes back on the unrealistic expectations of management and just takes everything lying down, congratulations, everyone else you work with hates you!


Another issue with a lot of work environments is any concerns that get raised over the work or environment are raised to improve the workplace. That's a good thing. But most environments, LMG clearly included, only want you to keep your head down and follow what they say even when the absurdity of the request is impossible to meet.


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Just now, Zodiark1593 said:

Witness testimony would probably be enough to meet burden of proof in a Civil case, barring any rebuttals. It would be easy enough to defend, but requires some small shred that she acted in good faith. 

Hence why Madison should at least prepare to defend against the possibility of a suit. 

Witness testimony saying counter to what she said wouldn't likely be enough; they would have to show that it's still a false statement (which when it comes to hearsay is a tough thing).  They effectively would have to discredit her and thus discredit her statement (like lets say catching in a lie).


Essentially all she would have to show is that in her opinion those events happened.

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14 minutes ago, codemak said:

I'll choose to stop when professor skidmark decides to move on.  I haven't said anything to them except in response in the better part of an hour now.


I welcome you to ignore me as well.

by responding to them you are instigating them to respond to you which is causing a chain reaction

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7 minutes ago, coopa said:


But this is not true, she's posted threads like this with different details of events in 2022, two different times. She's since deleted them, but there are remnants on these forums, and Reddit of some of the unfolding. The first time it unfolded very similarly. I'm finding it difficult to cite due to all the recent media clogging the search results. 
Part of the drama

If I find more, I'll report, but it's like deja vu but with some different commentary and a few changed stories.

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3 minutes ago, myashypaintbox said:

yeah all I read was the ranting of a GenZer who couldn't handle real work at a real job, boo hoo

When you delute every meaningful point down you can make any point you want.

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Just now, Godiwa said:

my first statement? oh you you are FINE with some innocent get jailed just because? is that what you are saying?

noone should EVER have taken their innocence for something they didn't do...

maybe you don't think it makes sense... but if you can't PROVE something... then it is word against word...
how would you know someone isn't just LYING because they have a grudge against a person? (we have seen PLENTY cases during the #metoo where liars framed innocent people and RUINED their lives... so that is totally fine with you I guess... makes me feel sick... 

You do realize LMG is a corporation and many people take part in this if her story is true right?
You are making claims and comparisons like this is between 2 people.
the me too movement was a thing that happened EXACTLY because of these problems, Just because someone lied, doesn't take away the original problem.
And yes, I would keep 99 people in jail because the problem is SERIOUS and I'm not trying to destigmatize the problem because it doesn't affect me. Abusers tend to abuse more if they aren't caught. its a pattern. Blame the system for locking a innocent person which is a collective, rather than release 99 guilty people

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2 minutes ago, Sawa Takahashi said:

Sexual assault is truly traumatizing but false sexual assault accusations are equally traumatizing too.

That is why it is important to know the facts from all parties involved. And that is not for Internet to find out.

which is also why I write what I do... but people get all in a knot over that because then I must think that it is alright... no I don't think it is alright... but you sure as hell better have PROOF before you ruin someones life...

and we have countless times seen liars ruin other peoples life... one of the most famous ones all americans should know since it was on frigging TV worldwide for years... (Amber if anyone forgot)

and telling them to have proof isn't because I try to discredit them... it's to frigging HELP them because a case is so much eaiser if you can slap it on the table and say "I have proof of this here and here and here" there is no need for "word against word" because the proof is on the table now...

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1 minute ago, HolographicOne said:

But this is not true, she's posted threads like this with different details of events in 2022, two different times. She's since deleted them, but there are remnants on these forums, and Reddit of some of the unfolding. The first time it unfolded very similarly. I'm finding it difficult to cite due to all the recent media clogging the search results. 
Part of the drama

If I find more, I'll report, but it's like deja vu but with some different commentary and a few changed stories.

exactly and people wonder  why we doubt the veracity of her claims 

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probably everyone here will shit on linus if he publicly comes out stating that madison was sexually harrased

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Just now, 0catt said:

You do realize LMG is a corporation and many people take part in this if her story is true right?
You are making claims and comparisons like this is between 2 people.
the me too movement was a thing that happened EXACTLY because of these problems, Just because someone lied, doesn't take away the original problem.
And yes, I would keep 99 people in jail because the problem is SERIOUS and I'm not trying to destigmatize the problem because it doesn't affect me. Abusers tend to abuse more if they aren't caught. its a pattern. Blame the system for locking a innocent person which is a collective, rather than release 99 guilty people

so you would jail 99 people without proof + 1 innocent... I'd hate to be near you... too risky... not gonna go to jail because you lie on a whim... sorry to say...

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