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Gamers Nexus alleges LMG has insufficient ethics and integrity

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Just now, PandaSasquatch said:

Sure... It's not worth a dedicated follow-up video, but it's all over the thumbnail and title designed to get clicks as the biggest news around. :old-eyeroll:

Yes I’m sure you would prefer the lie in Linus’ post not getting coverage as you’ve established you’re perfectly fine with getting gaslit and being lied to and have your goodwill exploited.

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2 minutes ago, PandaSasquatch said:

To anyone with a brain not clouded by adrenaline and rage, it is clear that LMG did not KNOWINGLY sell something that they were not allowed to.

Is that clear, or is that something he said and you accepted as the truth? I am not saying it is completely clear whether he did or not, but we can't conclude it by his vague statement.

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22 minutes ago, kalleth said:

I'd point out that  is posting US sources (NPR, etc) and you're posting UK sources, just to make sure people don't talk past each other. But in general terms, I've seen comment before in this thread that matches the IPSO's interpretation in other countries -- I just can't find the post right now.

We're talking about ethical concerns anyway, not the law, where it comes from has little bearing. We're not talking statistics - if you're citing sources for whether something is ethical or not I think you've already kind of lost the argument. If you have an argument for why or why not something is moral or ethical make that argument, I don't really care if some other random guy has the same opinion as you, regardless of qualification. Maybe that guy has a good reason, but if so post that reason.

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Just now, atxcyclist said:


It is, he made them and has now ignored them. He has talked constantly about these standards whenever he does a video like this.


I cannot explain that any clearer, to you or anyone else. If you've not been watching GN's videos and are not familiar with the standards he's set for himself, then I guess you will just keep pointlessly arguing about it.

You keep referencing this "standard" do you have this standard in writing anywhere besides your own writing? Because you certainly haven't linked to anything by GN. But then again, I legitimately couldn't make it from page 107-132 of this thread without still being 17 pages behind.

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1 hour ago, dege13 said:

I think we can all see that LTT has been making a lot of mistakes in their videos lately.

No doubt. It wasn't quite a drop to 'The Verge' quality when they implied that silicone bracelets stop static discharge in that awful build video (which every creator savagely attacked them for), but they need to fix things and get the place in order before ballooning any larger. I do recall watching the short video with James where nearly every spec had a *correction and thinking 'what the heck?' 

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1 minute ago, WolframaticAlpha said:

Also I hate the fact that so many people have signed up to the forum to post their one sided reddit takes.


LTT is Satan reincarnate amirite fellow redditors?

and what do we do with witches?


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3 minutes ago, FadedSpark said:

was however complete and utter ineptitude and lack of accountability that allowed it to happen.

Yep, somewhat true. They have become too large of a company and don't know how to deal with. A person can at most deal with 15-20 people effectively. LMG and LTT seems to have an extremely flat and decentralised hierarchy. News and communications are bound to get lost into the ther when all 100 people in the company are supposed to deal with each other. 

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Just now, aka473 said:

He doesn't have to request comment for a High-Profile Target that could attempt to kill the story before publication if requested for comment.

Your own source states that his video meets the standard for an ethical obligation to  request comment. If you can’t safely do so, you should at least be explaining why you couldn’t. Steve didn’t bother, and pretended that very valid criticism had no merit.

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2 minutes ago, K4shira said:

They intentionally sold it at an auction. Key word intentionally. They didn't lose it. It was clearly labeled at the auction as Billet Labs water block prototype. It was not mistakenly placed there, or lost somewhere, it was placed at the auction with intent and with knowledge of who's and what it is, because it was labeled as such...

LMG is not a hive mind. It is a company full of individuals. Linus doesn't sit there and make every decision for the company himself.

So yes, it is very much incorrect to say it was "stolen," and anyone repeating this is being a thoughtless lemming.

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1 minute ago, WolframaticAlpha said:

Also I hate the fact that so many people have signed up to the forum to post their one sided reddit takes.


LTT is Satan reincarnate amirite fellow redditors?

Some people have no takes except reddit hot-takes, unfortunately. At least most of the longer-time posters here have displayed valid and constructive criticism in the situation, it's clear who the reddit brigade is.

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11 minutes ago, Abraxaz said:

Exactly, my bet is this was hidden from Linus.


I bet if Steve had contacted Linus about it, Linus wouldn't have even known about it.


But since the nzxt fire issue that hasn't been Steve's style, outrage gets views see his monetisation of the latest video 

Ok I'm glad I'm not crazy for thinking that's where I stopped liking GN's videos as much. That video itself wasn't bad if I'm remembering correctly, but the focus and tone of the videos seemed to change after it.

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1 hour ago, RichardBirch said:

He scrambled to fix things because of the video, not because it was the right thing. It was attempted damage control.

How do you know it wasn't answer 'D. All of the above.'?


You have no idea if Linus was privy to the agreed return of the block and the "emails" mentioned in GN video aren't actually "emails". He may very well have just learned about the LTT screwup from the GN video and was trying to make it right with Billet Labs again. He also needs to do damage control at this point, which is stating the obvious.

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at this point, the number of people that dropped from Floatplane has got to cost between a min of 9000 at 3 a month to a max of 30k if you sup at 10 bucks a month so the cost damage is done and every few min the number goes up probably should have spent that $ to fix them in the future at least

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1 minute ago, zeroality said:

Yes there was a GN recap breaking down his post and the lies in it. Check the latest vid on their channel

It is not really a proper breakdown nether does it adress misinterpretation.
Steve's interpretation was quite negative and that is not everything

But no post or topic on the Forum?

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1 minute ago, throwawayManMode said:

Is this the deepest water Linus has ever been in? I can't recall anything worst

The Trust Me Bro backpack situation was handled poorly, but the viewer sentiment wasnt too bad. This was handled just as bad, but the viewer sentiment here is definately worse, especially among LTT's core audience. Atleast thats how I see it.

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Just now, WolframaticAlpha said:

Yep, somewhat true. They have become too large of a company and don't know how to deal with. A person can at most deal with 15-20 people effectively. LMG and LTT seems to have an extremely flat and decentralised hierarchy. News and communications are bound to get lost into the ther when all 100 people in the company are supposed to deal with each other. 

I still remember when they moved in to the warehouse how proud he was of their inventory system.


How in the world it got past that, I don't know.

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2 minutes ago, WolframaticAlpha said:

Also I hate the fact that so many people have signed up to the forum to post their one sided reddit takes.


LTT is Satan reincarnate amirite fellow redditors?

cope and seethe, mald, L+Ratio, don't care didn't ask, touch grass

But in all seriousness though. Most people ONLY engage with LMG on Youtube.

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19 hours ago, ContentCrafterHQ said:

Here's the thing with reviews, they are an opinion. This wasn't a sponsored video. They sent him the product, asked for him to check it out and give his thoughts on it. 

If it's a bad product, or not. It's his opinion. 

I mean... if any can just get a product and test it the wrong way and say it's a bad product.. and on top of that no matter the costs of the product we won't test it properly because it's a bad product due to it's costs.... 
Are you smoking something?
It's like doing Der8uer's delidding tool or direct die frame (at early manufacturing process), and install or delidd wrong and say it's a bad product because you won't do it correctly.
PLEASE dig your head out of the chicken nest, and smell the roses.

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2 minutes ago, FullSpeed said:

Stop watching their vids, unsub from all their channels & stop buying their merch. He needs to address this issue publicly on the main LTT channel. 

Perhaps you should give them the time to you know, actually make a video then?

My apologies for any spelling / grammar mistakes. English isn't my native language.

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6 minutes ago, ben025 said:

If you have seriously messed up by selling a prototype that isn't yours, you should not send an email to the CEO. Instead, you should go to the CEO's office immediately and explain to him what happened. You need to tell him that you have made a serious mistake and that the company needs to take action to fix this as soon as possible.

Yup. But the issues goes further back. 


Finished reviewing a loaned equipment? Package it, put the shipping labels and send it back ASAP. Holding onto it is a liability.


The manufacturer agreed to have it shown at LTX? Clearly marking it with a sticker label saying "not for sale/loaned sample" upon receival would have prevented that. That's 5-10 cents per label? 


If it was not supposed to be at LTX, the responsible employee should have noted and said it wasn't supposed to be there.


When all the previous steps failed, notifying the CEO to resolve ASAP would be the right move. 

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"but I've told him that I won't be drawn into a public sniping match over this"  -   Bro you fired the first shots. You may not realize this due to being an "entertainer" but you are an IT professional bro. I promise you every single IT Professional (which id bet my personal body parts, makes up 99% of your viewership) had a complete melt-down when they discovered you tested a prototype on a product it was not intended for (not just by model/part number but by numerous other metrics and design differences, most importantly: the amount of heat produced by the GPU itself....seeing as how the prototype being tested is a GPU cooler....my brain can't even fathom how it was "acceptable" to move forward with the review by your team) and then....and then.... AND THENNNNN...       you drug it through the mud in your review of it. With complete disregard of the negative impacts on that company (someone else's lifes work...).  That type of behavior / mentality completely undermines your closing statement of "I'm a real boy, and I try to do my best, blah blah blah blah...etc...etc...etc".  Do better man. So disappointed in this behavior. later bro...  ./me Waves goodbye. 

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@LinusTech Man up and take the L. You're human, you bit off more than you could chew, you're in the wrong. Admit it, take the L and learn from this experience. 



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I'd like to apply for a position at LMG. I'm thinking "Assistant to the Assistant Manager". Here's a few bits of advice I would like to give away for free, as a way of showing my obviously immense knowledge and experience in basic human interaction:


1. When you are the undisputed leader in your field, don't promote your new project by taking shots at others beneath you. It makes you look like an amateur. Like a real jerk. You could be some nobody trying to get attention and this would've been a weird way to introduce yourself. Especially when you have a history of doing a worse job at the thing you are calling people out over : professional, fact-based reviews. All while coming from the worst possible justification for doing a worse job at that : $500 in billable hours for a multimillion dollar company with plenty of employees, and the release schedule of your videos. Which is really just a way of saying the same thing twice, you like money too much to do your job right. Greed over integrity, to the extreme level that you do less than the bare minimum while calling out others beneath you who go above and beyond? That is about the worst argument you could make for a "man of the people" reviewer.


2. Spare yourself the self-clowning about journalism. Saying "journalistic practice" wasn't followed? You are asking for the opposite of journalism. You wanted GN to detour around journalism, so that you can get ahead of the truth as much a possible. To distort reality to your own vision, where your flawed video about a product is the bottom line and that 20 degrees celcius won't change anything. You made a public statement about the issue more than once. This is not some accusation made by random people that you never addressed. Maybe don't mention journalism ever again, at least not publicly in such a hypocritical and unaware fashion.


3. When reviewing a prototype waterblock, make sure you are applying it to the correct GPU. When you trash that prototype in review, make sure you have a few dollars in reserve to spend on your employees to double-check your work. Don't even tell them your findings, have a few independent tests to compare. It's important to have a solid foundation for a harsh criticism. Same goes for positivity : the greater your emphasis, the greater the reason you are going to need, and the greater the amount of work you are going to need to do to back it up. If you do this, you will have the confidence required to do your job right. In fact, just apply this to everything you do. If you have a "meh" review of something, make sure it actually is. Maybe it is really good, and maybe it is really bad. You need to do the work if you are going to have an opinion that matters.


4. When your audience calls out this blunder, definitely don't mention money. Especially when the cost is a fraction of what you make in a day, and you have plenty of ready and willing employees to do the work for you. When you are supposed to return the prototype waterblock, keep track of it so it doesn't get "lost" or "auctioned for charity." When you get some return fire over this from your peers, don't cry about semantics, especially when GN said "auctioned" anyways.


5. When you "aren't reviewing" a mouse, definitely don't badmouth it. Especially when you are giving it away as a prize later on. Spend a few more dollars to make sure the problem you have isn't due to user error for something as common as removing protective film. This is directly related to your crticism, not some obscure and unforseen consequence. Also don't try to play with the facts after they've come to light, especially when the evidence is in your own video.

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