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I have a beer gut and don't drink beer...

8 hours ago, Caroline said:

There's no such thing as "it's in the genes lol"

If you're fat it's all because you never exercise and always eat trash



Eating a family size pizza per week doesn't sounds very healthy if you ask me.


I kinda eat everything but also exercise every day so I'm lean. Some of my friends weigh less than me and look fat because they have no muscle mass at all, weight by itself means nothing, you could weigh 110lbs and still have a belly if you don't exercise.

I strongly disagree with being fat has anything to do with being fat. 

It’s all about how much you eat not what you eat. 

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9 hours ago, valdyrgramr said:

Depends on the beer, tbh. 

That's why I listed several beers. Sure, there are some that are healthier than other, but that's like saying some donuts are healthier than other. All of them are more or less unhealthy and should be avoided, especially if you want to lose weight. 



9 hours ago, valdyrgramr said:

You could eat less, but that may or may not help depending on a few factors.  

No, eating less will in 100% of cases help. It is in fact the ONLY (natural) thing that will help. 

If you want to lose weight, you need to eat less. 



9 hours ago, valdyrgramr said:

Without knowing OP's genetics and health history, we can really make assumptions about the root cause.  

The root cause is that OP has eating more calories than his bodies uses up, causing him to store the excess energy as fat. That's it. No need to know what genetics OP. People do not gain weight through magic. It is literally the laws of physics. Fat does not magically appear on some people because of genetics. It appears because they have excess energy that the body decides to store. 



9 hours ago, valdyrgramr said:

Overeating to gain muscles, depends.  For example, overeating candy bars isn't going to develop muscles it's going to lead to organ failure. 

That's a fair point. But I'm talking in general. I assume people understand that when I say you need to eat to build muscles, I am not talking about them eating sugar with a spoon. I assume people have some basic understanding of food and our bodies, such as protein being the building blocks for muscles. Wanna build muscles? You should preferably eat a lot of protein. 



9 hours ago, valdyrgramr said:

Weight lifting doesn't exactly burn the same amount of calories to moderate that as much as cardio does.

I already answered this point here:

9 hours ago, LAwLz said:

Cardio exercises is a decent way to lose weight, but the problem is usually that overweight (or even the average person) people do not have the stamina to actually burn any meaningful amount of calories from let's say running. You should absolutely do cardio exercises if you are overweight because it helps strengthen your heart and build a better stamina, but don't count on it benefitting your weight loss in a significant way. 


9 hours ago, valdyrgramr said:

However, some people are freaks of nature and that doesn't apply to them. 

No they aren't. Again, it really is the laws of physics we're talking about here. What you're saying is as absurd as saying some people have genes that let's them defy the law of gravity. Matter can't be created out of nothing. Nor can energy be created out of nothing. 

Eating less calories than your body uses will in 100% of cases lead to weight loss. 

Eating more calories than your body uses will in 100% of cases lead to weight gain. 

It really is as simple as that. 

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35 minutes ago, valdyrgramr said:

Avoiding causes cravings, and that can actually make it harder for someone to lose weight.  Moderation is a better approach, and then maybe avoiding.

I guess that depends on what kind of person you are. But it feels like we are using the same words to describe different things.

When I say "stop drinking beer, it will help you lose weight" I mean "cutting beer out of your diet will reduce the amount of calories you take in, which will help you lose weight".

When you say not drinking beer makes it harder to lose weight you mean "if you stop drinking beer, you might get a craving that causes you to drink beer, which will make you gain weight".


It's still drinking beer that is the issue. Not drinking beer will help with weight loss. You can't say "not drinking beer causes me to drink beer which makes me gain weight, so therefore avoiding beer is an issue. I need to drink beer to lose weight because if I don't drink beer, I will drink a lot of beer". It makes no sense. When I say "don't drink beer" I actually mean "don't drink beer". Got cravings? Though luck. You will have to power through them. Nobody said losing weight is easy. But I think most people will find it easier to cut something out completely, than to try and "only drink in moderation". Especially since most people with these types of issues (overweight, alcoholics, etc) don't know what moderation is. 

Try asking an alcoholic what a "moderate amount of alcohol" is, or an obese person what a "moderate amount of pizza is".



43 minutes ago, valdyrgramr said:

Yes and no.

There is no "no". The statement I said is 100% true.

If you want to lose weight (in as natural way), you will need to eat less calories than your body uses. There is no way around it.



44 minutes ago, valdyrgramr said:

If you are in too much of a caloric deficit you're not going to burn the guy, you're going to burn muscle and other organs.

Who said anything about going into starvation mode? I feel like your posts are just full of strawman arguments.


45 minutes ago, valdyrgramr said:

Another misconception is that people assume the weight they're losing is fat, but typically people who don't know what they're doing are losing muscle and water weight.

You're going to lose everything, fat, muscle and water, when you go on a proper diet that makes you lose weight. There is no way around it. It feels like you're trying to push the idea that "don't go on a diet, it will only makes you lose water and muscles!" and it's ridiculous.


46 minutes ago, valdyrgramr said:

However, there is other problems with that approach too, such as cravings.

Again, the problem isn't "not eating", the problem is "eating". You might say not eating causes cravings but at the end of the day it's still the fact that you eat too much that is the issue. Stop with the backwards "not eating causes me to over-eat so therefore not eating is the issue".


48 minutes ago, valdyrgramr said:

Fiber sources, like oatmeal will help with avoid that.  Eating nothing but candy bars in a deficit isn't going to make you lose the fat.  Your body needs specific vitamins and nutriants for that.

Who said anything about only eating candy bars? You're the only one who keeps bringing that up and I don't understand why. When did I recommend only eating candy bars and saying that will solve everything?

You can lose weight eating only candy bars, but it will be way harder to follow that diet and not feel like shit compared to following a more balanced (but still calorie deficient) diet.

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10 minutes ago, LAwLz said:

Who said anything about going into starvation mode? I feel like your posts are just full of strawman arguments.


You're going to lose everything, fat, muscle and water, when you go on a proper diet that makes you lose weight. There is no way around it. It feels like you're trying to push the idea that "don't go on a diet, it will only makes you lose water and muscles!" and it's ridiculous.

I know those who do srteath training do increase the amount of Protein in their diet.

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51 minutes ago, valdyrgramr said:

The problem is there's more misinformation than not.  Like "strong men" claiming they need a big ol' gut.  Well, Arnold himself, the king of the strong men, came out and admitted that most of the fitness industry is full of liars to cover up steroid abuse. 

So what is your point? I never said "listen to Arnold" or anything of the likes. I feel like you're arguing against points I have never said.



53 minutes ago, valdyrgramr said:

What you're talking about is the laws of thermadynamics.  However, there are people who are genetically gifted with things like an increased metabolisms and people with shit genetics who struggle to lose weight.

Even if those people exist and their "increased metabolism" is any meaningful amount, that still does not change the fact that eating more calories than your body uses will cause you to gain weight, and eating less will cause you to lose weight.

The only thing that chances depending on these genes you keep talking about is how many calories your body uses.

A person who burns 2500 calories a day and eats 2100 a day will lose weight (roughly 50 grams a day)

A person who burns 2000 calories a day and eats 2100 a day will gain weight (roughly 10 grams a day)


"Eat less calories than you burn" is not some set number. It's an individual value that is different from person to person, based on age, weight, activity level, height, and many more factors.

When I say "eat fewer calories than you use" I am not saying "everyone should eat 200g of chicken and 500g of broccoli every day". How much you should eat varies because "calories you use" is a number that is different from person to person.

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On 10/8/2021 at 8:41 PM, whm1974 said:

So I noticed the other day after wearing a tighter fitting shirt, that I have a beer gut for crying out loud. I don't even drink beer at all. Never cared for the taste of it. Brandy and Rum, sometimes. Not very often however.


How can I get rid of this pregnant look? Used to make fun of guys having one. Or even worse, The Curse of Man-Boobs!!! Wait... Nope just felt around don't have them.


I just purchased my Air Fryer a few weeks ago, so would that help? Mind you, been eating a large 5 topping pizza every week since about ~1 year. But I make that last for three days and have pushed that almost 4.

It is a simple matter of ratios. The in hole is bigger than the out hole, simple as that. Mind you, around my area there are a lot of out holes.

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Watch this guy,  and any other videos you can find. He makes a really good argument (with evidence) for genetics and weight gain.  He also explains why and what you have to do about it.


Especially check out he bit about leptin deficiency. 


long story short, yes there is a genetic component, but it's not really an excuse as you now know about it and what you have to do to get around it.


He also does great lectures on diets and why they mostly work and fail.

Grammar and spelling is not indicative of intelligence/knowledge.  Not having the same opinion does not always mean lack of understanding.  

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7 minutes ago, mr moose said:


Watch this guy,  and any other videos you can find. He makes a really good argument (with evidence) for genetics and weight gain.  He also explains why and what you have to do about it.


Especially check out he bit about leptin deficiency. 


long story short, yes there is a genetic component, but it's not really an excuse as you now know about it and what you have to do to get around it.


He also does great lectures on diets and why they mostly work and fail.

The most popular diets are of the FAD Type. Meaning they are work for a short time if they work at all. Not unheard of Folks dying from these from time to time. One involved a woman who over consumed Protein Powders and vastly reduced the level of Carbs and Fats in Meals along with it.


She died of Protein Poisoning AKA Rabbit Starvation.

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31 minutes ago, mr moose said:


Watching it right now but it seems like it will be the same thing I've been saying the whole thread.


20 hours ago, LAwLz said:

Some evidence also indicates that genes might also play a role in which food you prefer. So some people might be more drawn towards sugar for example, and as a result are more likely to overeat. It's still the food that makes you fat though, not your genes. 


If you are genetically prepositioned to crave pizza every night, and you act on those cravings, then you will become fat. You can blame your genes for making you wanna eat pizza, but you can not pretend like "there is no point in me eating healthy because my genes will make me gain weight anyway", which is what I see a lot of people do when they bring up "genetics".


Calorie deficiency will cause you to lose weight, regardless of your genes. That is a fact. The only way your genes plays a role in that equation is how likely you are to fail and over-eat.


Blaming genes for being fat is like blaming genes for being caught driving drunk. "It's not my fault I'm drunk. It's my genes that causes me to drink". The latter part might be true (that genetics make some people more likely to become alcoholic addicts), but the first part is bullshit. 




Edit: Hey, I really like this guy.

Quote from the video:


This is otherwise known as the second law of thermodynamics. Which means that you can't magic energy from somewhere, and you can't magic the energy away. So the only way, and the only way, ladies and gentlemen, okay, that you can actually gain weight, is to eat more than you burn, and the ONLY WAY, the only way [to lose weight], okay, is to burn more than you eat. It's the physics. 

How we become obese, is physics.

This is exactly what I have been saying over and over in this thread, but some people don't like to hear that.  

Worth noting that he then goes on to talk about, how genetics plays a role on how likely you are to overeat. How genetics plays a role in how you behave. Which are all the same things I have already said.

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4 minutes ago, whm1974 said:

The most popular diets are of the FAD Type. Meaning they are work for a short time if they work at all. Not unheard of Folks dying from these from time to time. One involved a woman who over consumed Protein Powders and vastly reduced the level of Carbs and Fats in Meals along with it.


She died of Protein Poisoning AKA Rabbit Starvation.

I don't think anyone here suggests you go on a fad diet. The point is that having a calorie deficiency will cause you to lose weight. How you achieve that calorie deficiency is up to you, and different diets will suit different people better or worse. Finding a diet that you can stick to is hard and something you need to figure out yourself, probably with some experimentation. A good place to start however is to cut out the stuff you will find in next to no diets, such as pizza and other high fat, high carb, fast foods.


By the way, speaking of deaths. If you think a news story about a woman dying of rabbit starvation is scary, wait until you see the statistics for how many people die from being overweight. 

According to WHO, at least 2.8 million people die each year because of complications related to being obese, because of things like heart disease, diabetes, some types of cancer, COVID-19 (far more likely to kill overweight people) and so on.

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23 hours ago, whm1974 said:

I'm already have been cutting back on the Pizza. Refrain from getting one last night.

You sound like me in a lot of ways. Back in the days I refer to as my youth it was not uncommon of me to eat fast food 3 or 4 times a week. Get myself a large pizza or go to the store and buy lots of candy. Some people drink, some smoke, some do drugs. Food was my drug of choice. It wasnt until I went to see a Doctor (I was on Medicaid for a while and so I have insurance) I was able to see the extent of damage I was causing. At the heaviest I was 275lbs. I was a quarter of a step away from Diabetes. I have High Blood Pressure. Ill likely have cholesterol issues as well as that does run in my family. 


The point is, I started making changes. They were difficult. I gave up Pop, gave up Candy. After I figured out I was lactose intolerant I gave up most dairy, which also helped me give up bread for the most part (lots of carbs there). Ive started trying some of the plant based dairy substitutes but I have also tried some of the plant based meat as well. My dad was diagnosed type 2 diabetic earlier this year, so the entire family is trying to change the way we eat. 


While genes play a role, such as making you predisposed to certain conditions such as Type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol. At the end of the day, you're the one who puts the food in the mouth and chews. You have to be willing for change. 

I just want to sit back and watch the world burn. 

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Agree with everything that's said here. Losing weight is for the most part a matter of your calories out needing to be higher than your calories in. Exercise can help with that, because you'll increase your calories out meaning a diet will be either more effective, or you can get away with a slightly less strict one depending on how quickly you want to go.


Start by estimating your so-called Base Metabolic Rate (i.e. how many you burn in rest), there are formulas for that or talk to your GP. Once you know how many calories you burn in a day you can start adjusting your diet and exercise to balance that. Exercise will also just make you feel better besides helping burn calories. As they say, mens sana in corpore sano.


One subtlety to keep in mind is that stuff will change over time as well. As you lose weight, get older etc. your BMR will go down so that target you need to hit will keep changing. Your body will also get fitter and more efficient the more you train, so your burned calories can go down if you train a specific thing long enough, because your body learns how to optimise energy usage for the exercise you are doing.


Oh and don't fall into the trap of "rewarding" yourself for exercising.


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2 hours ago, valdyrgramr said:

Well, part of the problem with that is some people do too much.  Not everyone needs supplements or increased protein.  It's become more of a fad thing.  One of the dumbest things I've seen on a can is "Super BCAAs"  like wtf is that?

There is this "Broscience" that Gym Freaks always talking about. Strength training I can see, but Bodybuilders and Weightlifters just for the sake of bulging muscles? You could asked one those folks I just mentioned. I doubt you are going to get a straight answer or accurate one though.

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12 hours ago, whm1974 said:

The most popular diets are of the FAD Type. Meaning they are work for a short time if they work at all. Not unheard of Folks dying from these from time to time. One involved a woman who over consumed Protein Powders and vastly reduced the level of Carbs and Fats in Meals along with it.


She died of Protein Poisoning AKA Rabbit Starvation.

Watch the video and the videos this guy has done on diets,  In fact I'll find it for you:


It's no that they are fads that is the problem as such it is more the fact we don't understand why they work and then don't work. (EDIT: we meaning the people who go on them then fail a little while later,  we as in people like Giles and their ilk know why).


He also does one on why calories don't count and how you must appraise calories in food.  


Seriously this guy knows his shit.  He even has one on being vegan etc.  But if your a hard core meat defending ideologue I suggest you don't watch it.  Coz it will trigger you.



12 hours ago, LAwLz said:

Edit: Hey, I really like this guy.


Yep, he's good,  one of the very few science communicators that is actually good at the job.

Grammar and spelling is not indicative of intelligence/knowledge.  Not having the same opinion does not always mean lack of understanding.  

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40 minutes ago, mr moose said:

Watch the video and the videos this guy has done on diets,  In fact I'll find it for you:


It's no that they are fads that is the problem as such it is more the fact we don't understand why they work and then don't work. (EDIT: we meaning the people who go on them then fail a little while later,  we as in people like Giles and their ilk know why).


He also does one on why calories don't count and how you must appraise calories in food.  


Seriously this guy knows his shit.  He even has one on being vegan etc.  But if your a hard core meat defending ideologue I suggest you don't watch it.  Coz it will trigger you.

People tend to fare much better with a wide diet then one that is restrictive. The amount of Fats and Sugars in our food now was unheard of in the not too far past. 

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3 minutes ago, whm1974 said:

People tend to fare much better with a wide diet then one that is restrictive. The amount of Fats and Sugars in our food now was unheard of in the not too far past. 

I don't understand, why ask for advice if you are confident you already understand?

Grammar and spelling is not indicative of intelligence/knowledge.  Not having the same opinion does not always mean lack of understanding.  

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21 minutes ago, mr moose said:

I don't understand, why ask for advice if you are confident you already understand?

I'm looking for faster ways to lose the Beer Gut....

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2 minutes ago, whm1974 said:

I'm looking for faster ways to lose the Beer Gut....

Liposuction? I mean surgery is the fastest way. 


Other wise changing the way you eat and exercise. 

I just want to sit back and watch the world burn. 

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2 minutes ago, whm1974 said:

I'm looking for faster ways to lose the Beer Gut....

There's no shortcuts. Exercise and eat healthy. 

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Just now, Donut417 said:

Liposuction? I mean surgery is the fastest way. 


Other wise changing the way you eat and exercise. 

That sounds expensive...

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1 minute ago, whm1974 said:

I'm looking for faster ways to lose the Beer Gut....

there is no fast way unless you want to go the route of liposuction or a new untested program that might or might not be dangerous on top of pointless.


I'm afraid really  hardwork is so far the only guaranteed way.


Also, not sure if it has been mentioned, but the reason fat on the belly of men is so dangerous is because it can go in and around the organs as much as it does out.  Even a little pot belly can be a dangerous thing for men.  That is why diabetes can sometimes be reversed when men lose gut weight.



Grammar and spelling is not indicative of intelligence/knowledge.  Not having the same opinion does not always mean lack of understanding.  

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I should also mention, you can do it fast, but the faster you want the results the harder you have to work for it.



I've been told the 300 exercise regime works, not sure if its just an internet myth though so I don't take any responsibility for it other than something to look into.




And lastly fix yourself sooner rather than later, the older we get the harder it is to correct, exponentially harder.


Speaking as an AFL trainer, ex power lifter and someone who has had to recover from multiple surgery's at 40 years old.



Grammar and spelling is not indicative of intelligence/knowledge.  Not having the same opinion does not always mean lack of understanding.  

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I just had two ears of roasted Corn on the Cob using my Air fryer.

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8 minutes ago, Benji said:

You appear to be incredibly drawn to greasy and sugary things... Corn on a cob, in the popular sweeter variants, have tons of carbohydrates (which includes sugars). They're just as bad.

I don't get what the big deal about maize is, it's just obscenely sweet and offers nothing else, really.

I think that you should really get a dietician on board, because you seem to be having trouble making reasonable choices.

Sweet corn is just one variety of Zea Maize. And not all sweet corn are overpowering sweet. One Heirloom type isn't very sweet at all. But does taste better for eating.


There is also Homily which made from Field Corn and treat with alkali water. Which prevents a few diseases cause by Poor Diets.



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11 hours ago, whm1974 said:

Sweet corn is just one variety of Zea Maize. And not all sweet corn are overpowering sweet. One Heirloom type isn't very sweet at all. But does taste better for eating.

Corn is still quite unhealthy. It's not horrible, but even the less sweet varieties (which I kind of doubt where the ones you ate) contain a lot of carbs.

A quick Google search indicates that one cob is around 150 grams, and contains around 155 calories.

If you didn't have any butter on those cobs, and that was the only thing you ate for let's say lunch then it was alright, maybe even a bit on the low side. But if you added some butter then you are probably pushing 400 to 500 calories, which is almost as bad as eating a Big Mac. I hope that wasn't just a snack.



11 hours ago, whm1974 said:

There is also Homily which made from Field Corn and treat with alkali water. Which prevents a few diseases cause by Poor Diets.



That line of thinking is very dangerous.

You don't fix a bad eating habit by adding more things to eat. 

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