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Windows 8.2??


you know i want to get an opinion of windows 8 from a non enthusiast. i know two of my friends(who are girls) said "windows 8 is my love" but i want to get a perspective from a guy too. I know many gamers hate it, but what does the general public think?

Most of the people I know who are not into pc's like us just love it.  It has everything they need in the metro at their finger tip (literally).  Nearly all the complaints I have heard are generic complaints which could be made about any os, hardware layout, or user.   But as far as win 8 goes, I think MS got their research right for the average joe, Unfortunately they boned it for enthusiasts and professional environments, but for cross platform consistency it seems to be received quite well.

Grammar and spelling is not indicative of intelligence/knowledge.  Not having the same opinion does not always mean lack of understanding.  

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So the start button is back.. IE is no different, File explorer is no different.. How is this an update?

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So the start button is back.. IE is no different, File explorer is no different.. How is this an update?

it's a downdate, or maybe just a date. 

Grammar and spelling is not indicative of intelligence/knowledge.  Not having the same opinion does not always mean lack of understanding.  

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OMG Microsoft your naming scheme is just as bad as apples lol

and still 100000000000000 times better than amd's lol

CPU: i5 4670k with Noctua C12P-SE14 GPU: Gigabyte GTX 770 SSD: 250gb Samsung EVO MOBO: MSI Z87-G43 RAM: 8GB G-Skill 1600mhz PSU: Antec HCG 620W CASE: Corsair 300R windowed 

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Just waiting for some 50% or higher sale on Win8 before i upgrade now...

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should i upgrade to windows 8.1 or just wait for 8.2?

Go with 8.1 and then upgrade to 8.2 later. You're not paying for it, so why not?

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That is something everyone can agree with. God damn it AMD.

IKR, don't they realise that when they have shit naming conventions all the con merchants out there capitalise on it and make dodgy old 20cent hardware sound like the latest and greatest and charge excessively for it.

Grammar and spelling is not indicative of intelligence/knowledge.  Not having the same opinion does not always mean lack of understanding.  

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What I want to see is windows coming with mantle by default. That will kick start Microsoft's gaming OS again. Enough of windows gaming performance and console bull-crap. Admit it, the reason we use windows because the games we can play and the things we can do in it. Or Linux was just fine.

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should i upgrade to windows 8.1 or just wait for 8.2?

Grab 8.1 now its free and has some nice updates/features over 8

PLEASE tell me this has a thing that lets you toggle it to be like win7

Umm nope not going to happen for many good reasons I and others have explained over amd over it thread after thread. Hell articles on newsites habe been writyen about this topic.

I see no reason to not keep your OS up to date. They are all free, so...

I totally agree.

i always said if they made a windows 8 that worked just like windows 7 i would upgrade...

Why upgrade it would just be win7 then...

Hahaha... Windows 8, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4 etc. etc. Good thing i didnt buy 8...

Why? Microsoft announced they were returning to this numbering sceme with 8. I dont think they thought they would be going through these so quick though. Either way dont expect windows 9 until like 2022 or something like that.

How about telling metro to go fuck itself, problem bloody solved.

Metro doesnt exsist anymore and none of the issues revolve around the start screen.

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Either way dont expect windows 9 until like 2022 or something like that.

Yeah right...

<p>Eryi's Action Rule#2 - "Dont jump on the green mushroom"

Ministry of StopIt!

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OMG Microsoft your naming scheme is just as bad as apples lol

Microsoft used it before apple.

that won't happen. as much as enthusiast and pro users hate it the everyday facebooking mums love it, for people who only do light web surfing facebook and emails the metro interface is great, just like their tablet (if they go with a win tablet) and microsoft is hoping just like their phone if anyone buys it (market share is increasing but it's early days).

Im and enthusiast and pro used and dont hate it and actually like it after the windows 8.1 updates it got. I dont use a single app on there except for one that lets me control windows media center on my htpc in the basement.

Hopefully windows 8 enterprise version doesnt have it, I dont see any office users liking it. Honestly the enterprise version sales would explode if that happened.

Probably not as once you get use to in and the way a few other thing are done im finding it nicer in many ways than the start menu.

Yep, office users wouldn't like it, it's supposed to be an interface to make it easier for casual users to swap between home pc , tablet and phone. Were Microsoft messed up (I think anyway) is that they did not provide a way to customise or stream line the interface for power users or business users. If they had of done that from the beginning, win 8 would only have had the usual number of haters instead of all the confused haters as well.

Not just casual users it meant to make switch between all their platforms not completely disorienting. What may I ask is missing for business or power users?

Also why does everyone now hate shadows, why is everything 2d, I really dont like that, i liked aero and how it blends in which stuff which depth of field and what not.

Idk about that but I didnt like aero in win vista and 7 it used direct x which caused issue with anything windowed that used it. Win8 uses aero or at least its ther is called aero and there is even a aero basic that hidden for those with less powerful graphics.

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I currently have windows 7,not windows 8.

I have a pirated version of windows 8.1 ready to install from a dok,could i upgrade to 8.2 once it comes out even if its not a legit copy?

Please buy your software and then you wont have any issues upgrading and updating.

This had better be the real deal. Been wanting so many win8 features for so long but that metro thing pisses me the eff off.

What pisses you off so much? Is it just that you have to embrace change and relean something a little bit. Just a heads up on 8.1 it feels quite fluid.

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This would be funny if the updates are not free... so your going to wait for win 9?

They wernt planned to be it was supposed to be a os upgrade every year for a cheap price to get you newer features sooner.

They're basically service packs...

Their not supposed to be and 8.1 was a true upgrade this 8.2 would really be which is why im a bit sceptical. I would be surprised if there was a huge update to 8.1 for fixes though.

Windows 8.1 and beyond are free for anyone who bought Windows 8. This isn't Apple, Microsoft doesn't charge for service packs.

No they arnt planned to be and they arnt service packs. 8.1 was only free any many things in it should have been in 8.

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So instead of server packs i guess they are going to release the updates as a new os, hmm, i wonder what they are up to.

8.1 was technically an upgrade not a update and is different from a service paxk as well.

Even then, at this rate... that's still over 8 years down the road :lol:

Yep thats the plan as annound with win 8.

Win8 seems like a mess of inconsistency..I'll wait for Win9.

Be ready to wait quite a while.

What is the GUI crap, I want my Command Line back!!!!!!!

Kids these days. :blink:

Its kinda still mostly there. U could always boot to dos on a flash drive.

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Maybe too many people complained about it using up resources. Either that or its the Ja Ja Binks effect, where people just whinge about a thing or product because someone else did and they don't want to be seen as an amateur or lacking in understanding.

I dont like how much it used and what it used to do it. Also aero basic in vista and 7 looked horrible. On 8 it looks nearly as good as aero.

It had better be really good, cos 8.1 practically broke my laptop... They should have just released two versions of the os, one for tablets, with the new interface, and one for pcs for real people who just want a decant and familiar experience.

Then some was done wrong or not done right. And there would be discontinuity between things all called windows which is never good.

AN OS can't break your hardware/laptop.

The 2 version is stupid. The Start Screen is more powerful than the Start Menu. Start Menu is something I don't want to see again.

Agree and agreed sir.

I believe wendell wanted shadow copy to work again, or something along that lines.

Make it happen Microsoft.

Its would be nice and just like a bunch of other stuff its already fully there still and available from what I understand, even more so than gadgets.

I guess it's down to opinion but I think the majority of people using desktops preferred the start menu, which functioned fine with no obvious reason to change it.

And I am quite aware, as most others around here are, that an os cannot break my hardware, it wasn't meant to be taken that literally, I am having software conflicts since the 8.1 update that result in general instability in explorer - pretty annoying I hope 8.2 will fix this, I will hold on a little longer before going back to 8 (.0)

They may prefer it but it didnt function fine because no one used it and if they did it wasnt as intended. This was based on their telemetry they collected and based on my experiences I would call it spot on. That alone it obvious reason to change it besides the fact that it wouldnt work at all for touch.

no, it's because the majority of people using a desktop aren't, willing to try something different, because they are scared of change.

Yep and therenothing really to teach them them how to use it that in their face enough to ise it they actually have to seek it out on the win8 website which most people nowdays arnt willing to seek anything out really sadly.

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I've got a new laptop and updated it to 8.1 and run start is back .... truthfully i am fine how it is

Yep for many people thats the way to go and has been in previous versions of windows as well. Look at stardock and the different file explorers even stuff like mpc-hc that are replacements for WMC. It just software and widows has had a history of thing replacing many of it core components and ui elements.

Idk what to say, I just hope they have the 8.1 start button as an option. I do miss having some of the other shortcuts on the start menu. I think windows 8 served a better purpose for me imo

Whick ones do you miss?

Sutff like the option for documents, computer, pictures. I could easily open the file explorer, but it felt "better" using the start button to get ot that

Oh you mean this:

Posted Image

You can pin any folder you want. I put mine at the bottom left corner of the Start Screen for quick access.

Idk if you guys know about this but their a quicker way than what goodbytes showed even. That being the jump lists in the taskbar. They were introduced I win7 but much improved in win8 and 8.1. Just right click the icon and you get a list of the most recently accessed ones or popular ones (I forget which sorry). You can also pin which ever ones that you want here. I have pinned my downlaods folder and folder of txt files. The other thing is in 8.1 pictures and stuff is accessible directly from my computer which is just win+e and I believe click the filder in the task bar brings up libraries which should have that in as well.

you know i want to get an opinion of windows 8 from a non enthusiast. i know two of my friends(who are girls) said "windows 8 is my love" but i want to get a perspective from a guy too. I know many gamers hate it, but what does the general public think?

I would say just general dislike because that the general concensus from the public not nevessarily from personal experience. The same thing happened witb visa and the Xbox 1. Also I dont know why gamers hate it.

Actually, that is not true. This is the Vista effect.

People saying they don't like it, or it's crap, because they were told so, by a computer enthusiast that they trust.

Vista was a great OS if you had the hardware: 3-4GB of RAM for Vista 64-bit, 256MB dedicated PCI-E GPU memory, Pixel shader 2.0 and DirectX 10 ready GPU, true dual core CPU 2.0GHz+ (no Pentium D crap), SATA 7200RPM HDD, with the SATA controller set to AHCI mode, and all internals components are new technologies as well (no legacy crap). And Vista was running very smoothly and nice. In other words: no 500$ laptop with Intel integrated graphics of the time, which could not even handle DVD playback perfectly smoothly on XP, which is what OEM put everywhere.

What is sad, is that the average consumer prefer Windows 8 and are more open to change than computer enthusiasts. Most of us, are acting like grumpy old gramp, and bitch and moan all day, while we are the ones that is supposed to be the most open to change, and always seeking for fresh ideas, whether good or bad.

You didnt even need that much but yes vista was sold on under powered systems also. Intel worked out with microsoft to get their integrated graphics certified by getting vista home basic made but it then got vista certified so companies either sold it with home premium still on or conbinced customers they should upgrade becayse they would be missing features even though the only major thing missing from memory was aero.

But.. I just got used to using 8.1... Now you're changing it back AGAIN oh man.

Microsoft, please grow a pair and just lose all your money standing by your guns instead of U-turning :P

Lol except 8.1 didnt change anything huge from 8 and im sure 8.2 will be the same.

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But Vista was crap...

And Windows 8 is made for touchscreens. Microsoft jumped the gun here and made a tablet OS without thinking about their PC users. I do believe that if there was an option between using Metro and a Start Menu, then it would have been a lot better.

Vista was crap its was a huge step up from xp and I would take it over xp any day for day to day usage. Win8 is not made for touchscreens it optimised for both and 8.1 can be used easily on both from my experiences. No no it wouldnt have I can only imagine the support horrors amoung other things. Also how many peoole would activly choose something they know little about over something they have used for years if given the choice?

Did you give them a tour or just dump them in? When I give a tour to people I build computers, all, even my mother loves Windows 8, despite no touch screen.

All I do is show them the Start Screen, on how it's the Start Menu but evolved to full screen, and that how it's more powerful and you can pin anything they want in terms of folders and programs. And I help them get started with a layout, 'cause i have to admit the default layout isn't very good on a desktop/laptop environment.

Yep that basicall all it took for me with most people. Start screen is the new start menu and I delete all the crap that comes on their stock.

Yea, true. Having a true Vista ready system provided a too fast experience for people. They had to install XP to slow things down.

Oh and the Task bar color changes... and the """"""""new"""""""" Start Menu, oh the horror.

Remember when OEMs was installing Windows 7 task bar replacements, because people where freaking out of control on the new task bar, and now everyone loves it and don't want to go back.

Same old story over and over again.

Desktop sales are super low. Most people are on laptops, and tablets.

You choose:

-> Big fat tower and cables everywhere for Facebook.

-> Nice sleek laptop you can move anywhere, with at most 3 cables (printer cable if you don't have a network or wireless one, mouse, and Ethernet). Why do you think the iMacs are popular? Few wires, and looks nice on any desk, no visible "beige box".

-> Tablet where you can be anywhere in the house and outside, for Facebook.

Also, tablets can play games. The other can't. WOW! Let me explain.

The average consumer, don't like the games we play. They are casual gamers. There is no place on the PC side to get the types of games they like. Installing Steam is too complicated.. then you need to look for dedicated GPU for some games... annoying. Tablets in the other hands have a store. 1 place you can get apps and games... their kind of games. No headaches on system specs, and such. It always runs nicely.

I also apprecited vista and remeber the win7 stuff and even know someone who ran it like winxp until I shoed him the benefits of the new way.

Pretty much a full tutorial, swapped default programs so nothing goes to Modern UI like photos/videos/etc, the complaints are starting to drop off, but I've had to put Windows 7 back on a few computers now.

Why would anyone want anything to open in a app on the start screen unless they opened it there I never understood that being the default in win8. Microsofts done some stupid stuf before though like the defaukt power settings for the longest time the power button put the pc to sleep which still boggles my brain.

Most of the people I know who are not into pc's like us just love it. It has everything they need in the metro at their finger tip (literally). Nearly all the complaints I have heard are generic complaints which could be made about any os, hardware layout, or user. But as far as win 8 goes, I think MS got their research right for the average joe, Unfortunately they boned it for enthusiasts and professional environments, but for cross platform consistency it seems to be received quite well.

Yes I know what you mean many people that are used to smartphines and tables as theor main devices probably enjoy the simplified interface that is just the start screen. The nice thibg that not many people especailly enthusiasts and professionals dont seem to get is that hit desktop or press win+d and your where you want to be.

(Hey I think that rhymed :P )

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What I want to see is windows coming with mantle by default. That will kick start Microsoft's gaming OS again. Enough of windows gaming performance and console bull-crap. Admit it, the reason we use windows because the games we can play and the things we can do in it. Or Linux was just fine.

Why have it do that its not microsofts software and its not an industry standard like say flash is. The reason you use windows it because it has the things youbwant to do and use, isnt that the same for everything.

Yeah right...

Aparently someone wasnt keeping up when they were justa announcing win8 and rebranding windows.

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Aparently someone wasnt keeping up when they were justa announcing win8 and rebranding windows.

10 year of break between another Windows? Never happened in history of Microsoft. Its always was 3-5 years. They are too money hungry to keep on 10 years on 8 versions.

<p>Eryi's Action Rule#2 - "Dont jump on the green mushroom"

Ministry of StopIt!

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So I think I caught up with the thread. Sorry about bombarding it with all my posts but I felt I had to do it I really want to do what ever I can to make win8 not turn into another win vista.

Just a heads up I really do like it and use it daily. When im using win7 I try to do things regularly that are on in win8 or 8.1. Heck even when I hadnt upgraded a pc to 8.1 from 8 I was doing the same thing ever now and then for feature that was only in 8.1.

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10 year of break between another Windows? Never happened in history of Microsoft. Its always was 3-5 years. They are too money hungry to keep on 10 years on 8 versions.

Something rearly that long or something a good bit longer than average. They plan to do smaller upgrades every year to get people the new features sooner and cheaper per year instead of a huge change and a huge chunk of money at once. I mean what do you think mac has been doing with OSX? Win 8.1 would have probably cost money had it not included so many features that should have been in win8 and not much else.

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OMG Microsoft your naming scheme is just as bad as apples lol

There is nothing wrong with this naming scheme, it make sense to most people. they just lack animals or locations to name the os after

Desktop -  i5 4670k, GTX 770, Maximums VI Hero, 2X Kingston Hyper X 3k in raid zero.

Laptop - Lenovo X230 Intel 535 480GB, 16GB Gskill memory, Classic Keyboard Mod, Triple USB 3.0 Express Card.

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There is nothing wrong with this naming scheme, it make sense to most people. they just lack animals or locations to name the os after

Dont forget candy bars and other foods.

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