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PCMR is launching a YouTube channel soon


Just saying.

Satire is fine, but a lot of the PCMR isn't satirical. Hell, I used to consider myself a part of it when it was a more satirical thing, but a lot of events and trends have pushed me away from the group. But now I can't even look at anything videogame related without seeing some PCMR comment, it just gets to be too much. And considering that the first point under general information on /r/PCMR is "This is not a satirical subreddit...."... I think my point has been made. Not that I expect anyone to accept it, but there it is. 


Edit: Just to clarify, I do believe PCs are the way to go when it comes to videogames because there are really no draw backs compared to console gaming. Its the ego I can't stand. 

Here is a list of common fallacies. Which ones have you used today?

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Satire is fine, but a lot of the PCMR isn't satirical. Hell, I used to consider myself a part of it when it was a more satirical thing, but a lot of events and trends have pushed me away from the group. But now I can't even look at anything videogame related without seeing some PCMR comment, it just gets to be too much. And considering that the first point under general information on /r/PCMR is "This is not a satirical subreddit...."... I think my point has been made. Not that I expect anyone to accept it, but there it is. 


Edit: Just to clarify, I do believe PCs are the way to go when it comes to videogames because there are really no draw backs compared to console gaming. Its the ego I can't stand. 


Good point,  I think there is a fine line between satire and and excuse to insult. 

Grammar and spelling is not indicative of intelligence/knowledge.  Not having the same opinion does not always mean lack of understanding.  

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Its your choice to dislike it as it is my choice to enjoy it.


Im not as easily offended.


That has little to do with the intention or resultant outcome.

Grammar and spelling is not indicative of intelligence/knowledge.  Not having the same opinion does not always mean lack of understanding.  

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That has little to do with the intention or resultant outcome.


It has to do with the fact you find it insulting and i dont.


The journalists at charlie hebdo were also being offensive to some people .


Am i against their freedom of speech for that fact?


You cant please everyone .


If we stop doing things because they are "offensive" to some culture would stagnate.


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24 hours ago... I made this thread thinking that people would just go, Oh cool no one cares.


That wasn't the case. At all.

I was also going to post a status update before, I am glad I didn't. I am actually really happy that I didn't Lol

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It has to do with the fact you find it insulting and i dont.


The journalists at charlie hebdo were also being offensive to some people .


Am i against their freedom of speech for that fact?


You cant please everyone .


If we stop doing things because they are "offensive" to some culture would stagnate.



I see your issue,  The problem is people  (for whatever reason) have a lot of trouble distinguishing the difference between have the right to express an opinion and doings so without being a dick.


No one is suggesting stopping anything, we are merely pointing out the childishness of insulting people because they disagree.   I can say I disagree, and put forward many arguments to explain why. But being insulting is totally optional, ergo a choice people make, and I dare say one they make knowing the effect it has.


And to augment this ideology, this thread is a classic example, the PCMR has earnt itself the ire of quite a few people due to it's derogatory language, now you can argue that people have the choice to be offended, however that is moot because the outcome is that the PCMR now has a reputation for being immature. sure they are free to speak any way they want but at the end of the day it comes with consequences and you can't blame people for not liking something they see as childish.

Grammar and spelling is not indicative of intelligence/knowledge.  Not having the same opinion does not always mean lack of understanding.  

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That opinion piece though, so nice. citations for your claims. Or its personal bias and we should all ignore the ramblings of an old soul.


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When will people realise that PCMR is not synonymous with the circlejerk.

PCMR - A community of people who accept PC as the superior gaming platform regardless of which they actually use

Circlejerkers - Neckbeards who take the PCMR joke way to seriously and act like a "Gaming Gestapo"

The Dude's PC Build<p>i5 4690k @ 3.5ghz w/ The Crappy Intel Stock Cooler | Asus Z97-K | 8GB Corsair Vengance LP DDR3 RAM @ 1600mhz |1TB Seagate Barracuda + 120GB Samsung Evo SSD | Gigabyte Windforce R9 290 4GB | 650 Watt CoolerMaster Gaming Series PSU | Bitfenix Shinobi Windowed | BenQ GL2460 | Corsair Vengeance K70 Cherry MX Brown | Razer Naga Hex Wraith Red gaming mouse | A £0.63 mouse pad from artcow.com

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I see your issue,  The problem is people  (for whatever reason) have a lot of trouble distinguishing the difference between have the right to express an opinion and doings so without being a dick.


No one is suggesting stopping anything, we are merely pointing out the childishness of insulting people because they disagree.   I can say I disagree, and put forward many arguments to explain why. But being insulting is totally optional, ergo a choice people make, and I dare say one they make knowing the effect it has.


And to augment this ideology, this thread is a classic example, the PCMR has earnt itself the ire of quite a few people due to it's derogatory language, now you can argue that people have the choice to be offended, however that is moot because the outcome is that the PCMR now has a reputation for being immature. sure they are free to speak any way they want but at the end of the day it comes with consequences and you can't blame people for not liking something they see as childish.


Thing is "offensive " and "insulting" are utterly subjective.


For you the posts there are insutling , for me they are funny satirical pieces.


I dont you "blame" per say , im just asking you to understand some people like it.


Linus is a big fan of the sub AFAIK , he shares stuff from it on his facebook a lot of times.

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I actually find it hilarious.


My understanding of it is that PC Master Race started as a joke that they took seriously (like complete idiots) so it will be fun to see them actually flaming people because they truly believe they are the master race/better than others and then throw a massive hissy fit like four year old children when someone calls them Nazis or makes Hitler references. It will be glorious. :lol:

Then you don't understand.

The term "PC Gaming(remember this part) Master Race" was satire at first.

PCMR(notice that it is without "Gaming" part) is different;

It was never about people being better; it was always about superiority of PC as a platform, not just for gaming.


Of course, many people, such as certain individuals on this forum, believe and tell others otherwise because they needed something to despise/feel better about self with.


PCMR also stood for truth; naturally, some people spreading bullshit about PCMR will be flamed...but that is to be expected if anyone spreads bullshit on internet.

Anyone who has a sister hates the fact that his sister isn't Kasugano Sora.
Anyone who does not have a sister hates the fact that Kasugano Sora isn't his sister.
I'm not insulting anyone; I'm just being condescending. There is a difference, you see...

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Then you don't understand.

The term "PC Gaming(remember this part) Master Race" was satire at first.

PCMR(notice that it is without "Gaming" part) is different;

It was never about people being better; it was always about superiority of PC as a platform, not just for gaming.


Of course, many people, such as certain individuals on this forum, believe and tell others otherwise because they needed something to despise/feel better about self with.


PCMR also stood for truth; naturally, some people spreading bullshit about PCMR will be flamed...but that is to be expected if anyone spreads bullshit on internet.


As soon as I got a PC at age 12 or so, I stopped looking at consoles as an option.  Sure I played on N64 and PS if someone had one, but the SNES was the last console I ever owned. 


I am strictly the only one of all my family (big greek family) and friends that uses a PC for gaming.  I am a perfect advocate for PCMR, but I don't advocate it much at all.  When I talk with my cousins or whoever, I mention limits/capabilities of said hardware and leave it at that. 


The kiddies are just having fun with this idea of PCMR by joking and insulting.  The people getting hurt are probably getting hurt for one of two reasons:


1.  There decision to console game as opposed to owning a PC.  (EGO)


2.  They don't have the money for a PC.  (frustration)


Smarter people won't take advantage of someone's disadvantage, to the point where emotions begin to affect them badly.

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If you find something offensive, that's your problem.


...and then you punch someone in the face and make it theirs :o


Just kidding!  Don't punch people in the face

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Thing is "offensive " and "insulting" are utterly objective.



But yeah you are right, if you are offended then that's your problem. I mean, I could start saying that the color yellow is offensive, but that doesn't mean I should go around and be hostile towards anyone who has something yellow on them. If I think the color yellow is offensive then that's my issue, not the people who likes yellow.


I don't visit Reddit so I don't know what PCMR is like, but I see far more of the "haha I am superior to that group of people!" from the people who attack PCMR. Whenever I see it mentioned on this site it's always something saying that everyone on PCMR is a child, has an inferiority complex, are idiots or something along those lines. I don't know if they deserve all the shit they gets from at them, but to me it seems like the opposing side are worse because I have only seen the (really bad) actions from them.

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But yeah you are right, if you are offended then that's your problem. I mean, I could start saying that the color yellow is offensive, but that doesn't mean I should go around and be hostile towards anyone who has something yellow on them. If I think the color yellow is offensive then that's my issue, not the people who likes yellow.


I don't visit Reddit so I don't know what PCMR is like, but I see far more of the "haha I am superior to that group of people!" from the people who attack PCMR. Whenever I see it mentioned on this site it's always something saying that everyone on PCMR is a child, has an inferiority complex, are idiots or something along those lines. I don't know if they deserve all the shit they gets from at them, but to me it seems like the opposing side are worse because I have only seen the (really bad) actions from them.


Subjective doh!


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Thing is "offensive " and "insulting" are utterly objective.


For you the posts there are insutling , for me they are funny satirical pieces.


I dont you "blame" per say , im just asking you to understand some people like it.


Linus is a big fan of the sub AFAIK , he shares stuff from it on his facebook a lot of times.


I understand some people like it, that's not the discussion,  no one has even insinuated that people shouldn't like it. The fact of the matter is people find it offensive and view it as childish,  You can say it's not, but then you would be trying to argue against the "subjective" argument you just posted.


If you find something offensive, that's your problem.


There are two angles you can approach this statement.


1. So long as you are happy to wear the consequences of your actions, then you may subscribe to that ideology.

2. It is poor a poor argument the relies on insults.  There is a big difference between saying something you believe to be true and needs to be said, and saying something because you know it will offend someone and that's your intention.





But yeah you are right, if you are offended then that's your problem. I mean, I could start saying that the color yellow is offensive, but that doesn't mean I should go around and be hostile towards anyone who has something yellow on them. If I think the color yellow is offensive then that's my issue, not the people who likes yellow.


I don't visit Reddit so I don't know what PCMR is like, but I see far more of the "haha I am superior to that group of people!" from the people who attack PCMR. Whenever I see it mentioned on this site it's always something saying that everyone on PCMR is a child, has an inferiority complex, are idiots or something along those lines. I don't know if they deserve all the shit they gets from at them, but to me it seems like the opposing side are worse because I have only seen the (really bad) actions from them.


As I said above, it's only the problem of the person being insulted if they are putting themselves in a position to be offended,  if the person doing the insulting is intentionally setting out to be offensive then one could argue they have no sound basis for their opinion (other than to offend) and they are intentionally making it difficult for others.  This whole PCMR thing isn't just limited to reddit.  It's on nearly every forum and tech related site.  


All the technicalities aside what ever happened to human decency? You know, be considerate of others.  Until someone actually does something to warrant being insulted why would the default position be to offend them?

Grammar and spelling is not indicative of intelligence/knowledge.  Not having the same opinion does not always mean lack of understanding.  

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As I said above, it's only the problem of the person being insulted if they are putting themselves in a position to be offended,  if the person doing the insulting is intentionally setting out to be offensive then one could argue they have no sound basis for their opinion (other than to offend) and they are intentionally making it difficult for others.  This whole PCMR thing isn't just limited to reddit.  It's on nearly every forum and tech related site.  


All the technicalities aside what ever happened to human decency? You know, be considerate of others.  Until someone actually does something to warrant being insulted why would the default position be to offend them?

Sure, if someone is trying to insult you then being offended is a perfectly valid response. I don't really see how a group of people calling themselves the "master race" would offend you though, unless there is a little voice in your head telling you that they might be right.


If someone went "dance is the best exercise ever! Dancing master race!" would you be offended? I wouldn't, even if that person genuinely believed that dance was the best exercise ever. That person might be obnoxious sure, but calling that person an immature child, an idiot, saying that he/she has a superiority complex and other very nasty things just makes you look like a douchebag.


Again, most of the things I have seen regarding PCMR have been people calling them mean things, and telling everyone how horrible the community is. In my experience they seem to be bullied, not the bullies.

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Just feels like they're trying to piggyback off of the success of the "PC Master Race", just because of the subreddit..

"Hidden optical drive, crouching PC-builder."

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Sure, if someone is trying to insult you then being offended is a perfectly valid response. I don't really see how a group of people calling themselves the "master race" would offend you though, unless there is a little voice in your head telling you that they might be right.


If someone went "dance is the best exercise ever! Dancing master race!" would you be offended? I wouldn't, even if that person genuinely believed that dance was the best exercise ever. That person might be obnoxious sure, but calling that person an immature child, an idiot, saying that he/she has a superiority complex and other very nasty things just makes you look like a douchebag.


Again, most of the things I have seen regarding PCMR have been people calling them mean things, and telling everyone how horrible the community is. In my experience they seem to be bullied, not the bullies.


I'm not calling anyone who associates with the PCMR an idiot, but I am saying some of the comments I've seen from the PCMR are childish, are insulting and do bring the whole PCMR into disrepute. 

Grammar and spelling is not indicative of intelligence/knowledge.  Not having the same opinion does not always mean lack of understanding.  

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@SpaceCore either engage in proper debate with @mr moose or stop posting shitposts and memes and calling his viewpoints "shyte".

it gets right to the point, without the wall of text. If i am to get his argument straight. It is that in his personal experience, he has seen endless childish, hateful, blah blah. I ask, point me or anyone else in the direction of these posts in the sub. He says no, he doesnt have to. So how can i engage in proper debate with that? Explain pls


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