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They are kinda used interchangeably but yes usually when referring to a single one is mech (usually).

Ah, cool.

About Monster, did you mean physiological or psychological? Physiological has to do with the body. Psychological has to do with the mind. i.e. Death Note is a psychological anime. I can't think of a physiological anime off the top of my head. Something where people physically transform?

† Christian Member †

For my pertinent links to guides, reviews, and anything similar, go here, and look under the spoiler labeled such. A brief history of Unix and it's relation to OS X by Builder.



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Ah, cool.

About Monster, did you mean physiological or psychological? Physiological has to do with the body. Psychological has to do with the mind. i.e. Death Note is a psychological anime. I can't think of a physiological anime off the top of my head. Something where people physically transform?

psychological. just watch the first ep or so and youll probably see what I mean.

"notice another manga to read"




Read it for the artwork ABe in my opinionis one of the best animators in the industry. Also you probbaly know his work even if you dont know him.

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holding myself back on this one

Aaaaaand Boku came to mind. Thanks. ya bish

† Christian Member †

For my pertinent links to guides, reviews, and anything similar, go here, and look under the spoiler labeled such. A brief history of Unix and it's relation to OS X by Builder.



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I added more to that post. 

The movie or the manga? Don't know. Haven't seen/read it respectively. I only know that the manga is named "All you need is kill" and it's about a time paradox where some people keep living the same day over and over and they are on the verge of annihilation by an alien threat. Like Haruhi's Eternal Eight, but not so boring since it's very action-packed (due to war and all that).  



Interesting. Is Monster good? I've heard of it, but never seen/read it. 

Probably. lol

That looks like it could be pretty interesting It's a little strange though once you realize she's holding that giant gun with her mechanical hand foot...

"Her tsundere ratio is 8:2. So don't think you could see her dere side so easily."

Planing to make you debut here on the forums? Read Me First!

unofficial LTT Anime Club Heaven Society

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Was looking for animation not live action.


>something more western yet not too western

>Not Live Action

Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron

Not Spaghetti in any shape or form imo. It's Disney too, so high quality animation and all that.

† Christian Member †

For my pertinent links to guides, reviews, and anything similar, go here, and look under the spoiler labeled such. A brief history of Unix and it's relation to OS X by Builder.



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>something more western yet not too western

>Not Live Action

Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron

Not Spaghetti in any shape or form imo. It's Disney too, so high quality animation and all that.


'not too western' links "wild west movie"


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'not too western' links "wild west movie"


But the focus of the movie isn't on Cowboys, but on horses. It's actually a pretty unique film in terms of what it is. 

I don't see how you can be western at all without having some aspect of the wild west in it personally. That's what being western means, isn't it? I could be totally forgetting something important here, but I don't think I am?

† Christian Member †

For my pertinent links to guides, reviews, and anything similar, go here, and look under the spoiler labeled such. A brief history of Unix and it's relation to OS X by Builder.



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>something more western yet not too western

>Not Live Action

Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron

Not Spaghetti in any shape or form imo. It's Disney too, so high quality animation and all that.


Wasn't talking about genre more where it's produced cause I'm really wanting to watch more shows like Wkafu.

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Avatar the last air bender?

The Legend of Korra?



Was hoping for something European.

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Was hoping for something European.

So specific.

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ugh, European ...Ben 10.. huehuehuehuehuehuehue no.

Let´s se, you ok with movies? or do you want a series?



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is it good? never heard of it


I heard they were about to do an HBO adaptation of Monster, but not sure what happened.


and I can't help but suspect a dichotomy of fans from a Hollywood adaptation of a manga, lol.

It's the best movie adaptation of Japanese material, ever.


Although that's not saying much.


They removed teh feels from the ending.

Anyone who has a sister hates the fact that his sister isn't Kasugano Sora.
Anyone who does not have a sister hates the fact that Kasugano Sora isn't his sister.
I'm not insulting anyone; I'm just being condescending. There is a difference, you see...

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Regarding this post,

Keeping the answer train rolling! This will probably be the last update for the week so we can focus on some business items (



Q: How will the 12k+ Backer credits be shown on the OVA?
A: We will post backer’s names in the end credits, maybe also on a separate track, and we will be sure to make it legible.

Q: When will we get a chance to vote for the voice over?
A: Once we reach that stage of production. It is a ways off still.

Q: Will the premier in Japan have English Subtitles?
A: Ya, sure! Why not?!

Q: Who is signing the poster?
A: The poster will be signed by the creative team: Masahiro Ando, Yusuke Kozaki, Hiroaki Yura, and Jiro Ishii

Q: What size is the poster?
A: A2 - 42.0 x 59.4cm (16.53 x 23.39 inches)

Q: What size is the challenge coin and what will it look like?
A: We do not have a design just yet but we were looking to make a 2.25” coin with color on both sides and a beveled edge.

Q: What will the ⅛ Anthea figure look like?
A: Our first concept is here although it is subject to change: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1300298569/under-the-dog/posts/976808

Q: Who will be producing the figure?
A: Good Smile Co.: http://www.goodsmile.info/en

Q: What does the collapsible container box look like and what are the dimensions?
A: It will look something *similar* to this: http://plamoya.com/bmz_cache/5/5eb61185905781f17fbb5b4c8cc090b1.image.500x500.jpg and we have not confirmed the precise dimensions.

Q: Will reward items be available for sale afterward?
A: The basic forms of the items (i.e. non-exclusives and no signatures) will be available after the fact.

Q: When will the website forum be up and running?
A: We do not have a specific date for this but it will be soon. Hopefully by the end of September.

Future Projects

Q: Will you be using Kickstarter for EP 2?
A: It will depend where we end up after our 1st anime project here and how much interest there is.

Q: Will there be a possible manga installment or any other materials?
A: We will produce things like this as long as we perceive there is an interest and we have met funding requirements either through investors who are willing to play within the confines of our demands or through crowdfunding methods.

Q: Could you elaborate on your ideas of the UTD game?
A: Not at this time!

Q: How likely is it for the UTD universe to be expanded in the future?
A: Seeing the response on KS and across the web it seems very likely. That said, we will have to see how we do with the 1st installment!

Q: Will funding on KS for this initial project make it easier to fund the future Under the Dog projects without relying on Kickstarter or other funding as heavily?
A: Very likely!


Anime Industry

Q: How do you expect japanese viewers to receive UTD?
A: We don’t know. Since the Japanese market is super moe driven, we are unsure exactly how they will react.

Q: Do you think there will be more animes in the future which are fund by kickstarter?
A: This is our desire and hope. At the very least it should be the inklings of a wake-up call to investors and production committees.

Q: How quickly do you feel that this project will change the outlook for the Animation industry in Japan, in relation to a more global reach?
A: Not sure how *quickly* this will happen but it is happening. Projects like Little Witch Academia 2 and Kick-Heart helped establish that backers and fans were willing to directly support projects they believe in and we took that a step further by laying out the whole huge budget in Kickstarter’s hands. We were not disappointed and we hope the next anime project to come along on KS (or any other crowdfunding site) will help push that line even further.

Q: Do you see the future of anime pushing towards funding through venues like Kickstarter to have full control or freedom from committees?
A: Yes, at least initially. We hope more and more projects will come to be funded directly by the fans that love them but it will also spur the investors and production committees to start seeing the potential in such projects before they reach that point. Our goals have been met and we wish the same for future projects to come.

Q: Will the UTD Kickstarter make future conventional investors more likely to trust the vision without using a committee?
A: I think this seems more plausible on the international level so, yes. But within the Japanese society I am not sure how likely it seems, at least not for a while. They are too risk averse and not focused on the craft of the anime but rather the profits.

Q: What's the desired feedback you guys would like from the anime industry in japan and Japanese fans after of this pioneer project?
A: We hope Japan (committees and creators) will see the potential of the global audience and not always focus solely on Japan. We hope they will reach out and become more creative through the diaspora of ideas out there that can be used for inspiration. As a whole, the industry is stagnant and needs to grow.


Other / Misc.

Q: Could you summarise the plot of the other idea that wasn't used (yet)? (End of the World)
A:Not without Ishii-san's release to do so! You will have to ask him. =)

Q: This question made me literally lol: Who was your PR person and why didn't you kick him/her off? What do you guys think about the PR responsible, did he do a good job?
A: Yes! We liked him very much and he is typing this response right now!

Q: Do you have others projects going on or is UTD the main project until the end of 2015?
A: Other than UTD, CIA has Project Phoenix. Until those two are complete those are our main projects.

Q: How long do you think it will be before fans start cosplaying characters?
A: Not long at all! This makes us hope for some great cosplay: http://squidbotfx.deviantart.com/art/Anthea-s-Gun-WIP-477688263

Q: Do any of you already have a favorite character?
A: We each have our favorites. Yura-san says Anthea is his. =)

Q: How does it feel to see an idea that you had several years ago coming to life?
A: We all feel very blessed and humbled by the response and look forward to turning this concept into a reality.

Q: How does it feel to be the most successful animation project on Kickstarter?
A: Pretty stinkin awesome. We hope this is a sign of things to come.

Q: Since CIA’s 2nd campaign (UTD after Project Phoenix) has ended, what next project are you going to make for the 3rd campaign?
A: We do not have any immediate plans for another project but once Project Phoenix and/or UTD come to a close you can bet we will have something in the pipeline!

Q: What's your favorite anime?
A: We definitely prefer some of the classics: Neon Genesis Evangelion, Akira, and Ghost in the Shell.

Q: Will there be celebratory cakes for everyone!
A: The cake is a lie.

Q: How do you feel about the level of support you got from your backers?
A: We are blown away by the support and each of you have our humble gratitude.

† Christian Member †

For my pertinent links to guides, reviews, and anything similar, go here, and look under the spoiler labeled such. A brief history of Unix and it's relation to OS X by Builder.



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Regarding this post,

Keeping the answer train rolling! This will probably be the last update for the week so we can focus on some business items (



Q: How will the 12k+ Backer credits be shown on the OVA?

A: We will post backer’s names in the end credits, maybe also on a separate track, and we will be sure to make it legible.

Q: When will we get a chance to vote for the voice over?

A: Once we reach that stage of production. It is a ways off still.

Q: Will the premier in Japan have English Subtitles?

A: Ya, sure! Why not?!

Q: Who is signing the poster?

A: The poster will be signed by the creative team: Masahiro Ando, Yusuke Kozaki, Hiroaki Yura, and Jiro Ishii

Q: What size is the poster?

A: A2 - 42.0 x 59.4cm (16.53 x 23.39 inches)

Q: What size is the challenge coin and what will it look like?

A: We do not have a design just yet but we were looking to make a 2.25” coin with color on both sides and a beveled edge.

Q: What will the ⅛ Anthea figure look like?

A: Our first concept is here although it is subject to change: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1300298569/under-the-dog/posts/976808

Q: Who will be producing the figure?

A: Good Smile Co.: http://www.goodsmile.info/en

Q: What does the collapsible container box look like and what are the dimensions?

A: It will look something *similar* to this: http://plamoya.com/bmz_cache/5/5eb61185905781f17fbb5b4c8cc090b1.image.500x500.jpg and we have not confirmed the precise dimensions.

Q: Will reward items be available for sale afterward?

A: The basic forms of the items (i.e. non-exclusives and no signatures) will be available after the fact.

Q: When will the website forum be up and running?

A: We do not have a specific date for this but it will be soon. Hopefully by the end of September.

Future Projects

Q: Will you be using Kickstarter for EP 2?

A: It will depend where we end up after our 1st anime project here and how much interest there is.

Q: Will there be a possible manga installment or any other materials?

A: We will produce things like this as long as we perceive there is an interest and we have met funding requirements either through investors who are willing to play within the confines of our demands or through crowdfunding methods.

Q: Could you elaborate on your ideas of the UTD game?

A: Not at this time!

Q: How likely is it for the UTD universe to be expanded in the future?

A: Seeing the response on KS and across the web it seems very likely. That said, we will have to see how we do with the 1st installment!

Q: Will funding on KS for this initial project make it easier to fund the future Under the Dog projects without relying on Kickstarter or other funding as heavily?

A: Very likely!

Anime Industry

Q: How do you expect japanese viewers to receive UTD?

A: We don’t know. Since the Japanese market is super moe driven, we are unsure exactly how they will react.

Q: Do you think there will be more animes in the future which are fund by kickstarter?

A: This is our desire and hope. At the very least it should be the inklings of a wake-up call to investors and production committees.

Q: How quickly do you feel that this project will change the outlook for the Animation industry in Japan, in relation to a more global reach?

A: Not sure how *quickly* this will happen but it is happening. Projects like Little Witch Academia 2 and Kick-Heart helped establish that backers and fans were willing to directly support projects they believe in and we took that a step further by laying out the whole huge budget in Kickstarter’s hands. We were not disappointed and we hope the next anime project to come along on KS (or any other crowdfunding site) will help push that line even further.

Q: Do you see the future of anime pushing towards funding through venues like Kickstarter to have full control or freedom from committees?

A: Yes, at least initially. We hope more and more projects will come to be funded directly by the fans that love them but it will also spur the investors and production committees to start seeing the potential in such projects before they reach that point. Our goals have been met and we wish the same for future projects to come.

Q: Will the UTD Kickstarter make future conventional investors more likely to trust the vision without using a committee?

A: I think this seems more plausible on the international level so, yes. But within the Japanese society I am not sure how likely it seems, at least not for a while. They are too risk averse and not focused on the craft of the anime but rather the profits.

Q: What's the desired feedback you guys would like from the anime industry in japan and Japanese fans after of this pioneer project?

A: We hope Japan (committees and creators) will see the potential of the global audience and not always focus solely on Japan. We hope they will reach out and become more creative through the diaspora of ideas out there that can be used for inspiration. As a whole, the industry is stagnant and needs to grow.

Other / Misc.

Q: Could you summarise the plot of the other idea that wasn't used (yet)? (End of the World)

A:Not without Ishii-san's release to do so! You will have to ask him. =)

Q: This question made me literally lol: Who was your PR person and why didn't you kick him/her off? What do you guys think about the PR responsible, did he do a good job?

A: Yes! We liked him very much and he is typing this response right now!

Q: Do you have others projects going on or is UTD the main project until the end of 2015?

A: Other than UTD, CIA has Project Phoenix. Until those two are complete those are our main projects.

Q: How long do you think it will be before fans start cosplaying characters?

A: Not long at all! This makes us hope for some great cosplay: http://squidbotfx.deviantart.com/art/Anthea-s-Gun-WIP-477688263

Q: Do any of you already have a favorite character?

A: We each have our favorites. Yura-san says Anthea is his. =)

Q: How does it feel to see an idea that you had several years ago coming to life?

A: We all feel very blessed and humbled by the response and look forward to turning this concept into a reality.

Q: How does it feel to be the most successful animation project on Kickstarter?

A: Pretty stinkin awesome. We hope this is a sign of things to come.

Q: Since CIA’s 2nd campaign (UTD after Project Phoenix) has ended, what next project are you going to make for the 3rd campaign?

A: We do not have any immediate plans for another project but once Project Phoenix and/or UTD come to a close you can bet we will have something in the pipeline!

Q: What's your favorite anime?

A: We definitely prefer some of the classics: Neon Genesis Evangelion, Akira, and Ghost in the Shell.

Q: Will there be celebratory cakes for everyone!

A: The cake is a lie.

Q: How do you feel about the level of support you got from your backers?

A: We are blown away by the support and each of you have our humble gratitude.


I´m broke though :( and i feel bad for not supporting it earlier. but man...1 episode..."shrugs"

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It's the best movie adaptation of Japanese material, ever.


Although that's not saying much.


They removed teh feels from the ending.



this is already out?

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Yes, Edge of Tomorrow is already out. It came out June 6th.

...oh wow

I wasn't aware it existed until yesterday.


then again I don't remember the last time I've been to a theater or saw any movie advertisement.

obliviously surprised.


it took me a while to figure out where the hell all these baby tree "groot" pictures on Imgur were coming from, lol.

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