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Cannot delete Google account data backup

So I recently used Google's service to download all my data from them. When asked for a storage option I selected my Google Drive (which is on a plan for 115GB)

It took a few days, but I then noticed that I had no storage on my drive. Once I figured out what was causing it - my 150GB backup, I deleted the files (they were in a folder on my drive homepage) and continued on with my day. However, they are still 'there' just invisible. The space is taken up, but no files are there. The data backup control panel shows that I have no active backups.


Also, I know Google support is pretty good, other than they are really hard to get hold of as they make you jump through a bunch of hoops to get there. I would have done that but I don't think they have an option for Google Accounts - at least there is no forum option

Bow down to me humans.

I can't help if you don't quote me. How am I supposed to know if you need my premium support? Now starting at £399.99 a year.

Also, be a sport and mark the correct answer as the correct answer. It will help pour souls in the future when they are stuck and need guidance.

"If it works, proceed to take it apart and 'make it work better.' Then cry for help when it breaks." - Me, about five minutes ago when my train of thought wandered.

Remember kids, A janky solution is still a solution.

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