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  1. Like
    Ziondaman got a reaction from Why_Me in Crafting a Future-Proof Gaming and Development Rig: Seeking Guidance!   
    Holy Moly, thank you so much XD
    even better that you got Swedish shops on 
  2. Agree
    Ziondaman reacted to manikyath in Hello LTT What is a good lite linux os   
    raspbian really is your best shot. it's gonna be easier to work the issues out of raspbian, than to work the issues out of anything else.
  3. Like
    Ziondaman reacted to LogicalDrm in how do i fix nois on my streaming   
    From those, the clip from SL is bit better, but still shows pixelation a bit. Not that much that it would really bother anyone. People watch for content over video quality.
    And you do realize that recordings can't be compared as ShadowPlay has 60000kbps which is 10x more than SL? You can see that the difference is huge. with 60Mbps, the clip is clear. And I think it would remain clear even if you went through uploading it to YT adding YT compression to it.
    I'm bit out of the game with streaming gaming content, so I don't know whether GPUs age will have effect of rendering quality when its 6000kbps. And can't really test it either.
  4. Like
    Ziondaman reacted to LogicalDrm in how do i fix nois on my streaming   
    I can see that from your pic... But maybe you should try that? As well as recording locally with both to see whether its actually Twitch being the issue.
  5. Informative
    Ziondaman reacted to LogicalDrm in how do i fix nois on my streaming   
    So you didn't understand anything of that? Ok, well, for me usually when I start something new, I learn the basics. Helps when I then try to troubleshoot issues.
    Your pic here:
    Has two values, Bitrate and Max Bitrate. You also have it set as VBR which stands for Variable Bitrate. Twitch recommends using CBR which is Constant Bitrate. In the pic, your bitrate is set to 6000kbps, but Max Bitrate is 5000kbps. So it will be at 5000kbps. Unless you have already noticed and changed that.
    As for recording with ShadowPlay, you call it Nvidia in your posts. ShadowPlay is part of Geforce Experience that can be used to record to your local drive or stream Twitch/Youtube/etc. Nvidia as its own might get mixed to NVENC, Nvidia Encoder which is the hardware encoder within your GPU that other software like OBS (and Streamlabs) can utilize. If you record file, we could check from its properties with what bitrate it has been recorded and so see what settings the software is set to use. Unless you can manually set those in which case you should state what bitrate and other settings you are using with it.
    The last point should be self-explanatory. The footage on both clips looks like you aren't getting enough bitrate to Twitch in order to get good quality results. Twitch recommends 6000kbps for 1080p60 setting (source) which is also max allowed for non-partners.
    If you need further clarifications, please point to exact points. Sadly, its hard to this any easier than this as talking about tech stuff requires you to understand what terminology means.
  6. Like
    Ziondaman reacted to LogicalDrm in how do i fix nois on my streaming   
    Looks exactly same for me. You know that you have 5000 as max bitrate. And can you record something with ShadowPlay using same settings to verify its bitrate? If you can't change that manually. Overall it looks like you aren't pushing as high bitrate (max for Twitch is 6000kbps) as you would need to get good quality from 1080p60.
  7. Like
    Ziondaman reacted to LogicalDrm in how do i fix nois on my streaming   
    -> Moved to Programs, Apps and Websites
    Please list your PC specs and Internet upload speed. Also when you give exampl, you should use same platform. For me those clips look about same, but I have no way of knowing whether Twitch is 720p or 1080p. Also looks like you are on 30fps which can contribute.
  8. Like
    Ziondaman reacted to Pixelfie in how do i fix nois on my streaming   
    Do you use Nvenc on streamlabs?
  9. Informative
    Ziondaman reacted to Kilrah in How Do i install Java 17 on lunix pi   
    I have no idea. But looks like if you select "other platforms" on that site you do get arm32 and aarch64 builds, so take the one corresponding to whether your OS is 32 or 64bit.
  10. Informative
    Ziondaman reacted to Lightwreather in how do i run commads on Raspberry Pi OS on start up   
    So, this is assuming the RPi has Nano (a terminal based Text editor):
    First open the terminal, then do the following:
    First run
    nano /etc/rc.local Then scroll down to the very bottom of the file. And before the final `exit 0` and then add the following (basically the commands you want):
    cd /home/pi/MinecraftServer export PATH=$PWD/jdk-16.0.1+4/bin:$PATH java -Xmx2500M -Xms2500M -jar server.jar nogui Then save and exit the text editor (Nano should have the shortcuts listed at the bottom.)
    As for reboot at a certain time, I'm not really sure about that
  11. Like
    Ziondaman reacted to Somerandomtechyboi in Time for a upgade for my pc (need help)   
    Full specifications of your current rig? Theres usually some stuff that is reusable
    With that kind of money you could prob expect a 5900x + 3080ti unless you squandered too much on rainbows
    Btw what country do you come from?
  12. Like
    Ziondaman reacted to Somerandomtechyboi in Time for a upgade for my pc (need help)   
    Damn thats pretty old but not bad unless you didnt overclock (pretty much a crime on these older platforms since they basically depended on ocing for good performance xD)
    Cpu board and ram are obv not reusable
    Idk what your psu is so not sure if its reusable or not
    You have a high budget so i dont think gpu needs to be reused unless you cant find a decent gpu
    Storage is def reusable
    Not sure on case, if its a hotbox with no mesh then dont bother and swap it out
  13. Informative
    Ziondaman reacted to nox_ in i need help on the Butterfly Labs ASIC 5-7GH/s Bitcoin Miner   
    You are a bit late to mining, at least by a few years. Not worth it these days.
  14. Funny
    Ziondaman reacted to Radium_Angel in i need help on the Butterfly Labs ASIC 5-7GH/s Bitcoin Miner   
    Hope you didn't pay much for it...
  15. Informative
    Ziondaman reacted to Radium_Angel in i need help on the Butterfly Labs ASIC 5-7GH/s Bitcoin Miner   
    They were shut down around 6 years ago
  16. Informative
    Ziondaman reacted to Radium_Angel in i need help on the Butterfly Labs ASIC 5-7GH/s Bitcoin Miner   
    Nothing of value, no.
    You are very late to the party
  17. Agree
    Ziondaman reacted to Ankh Tech in RTX 3080 wait times in uk?   
    woah a 1060 3gb you need an upgrade man
  18. Informative
    Ziondaman got a reaction from TheSlothness in RTX 3080 wait times in uk?   
    well the 3070 is canda like 2080 ti and the 3080 is a big boost so is up to you 
    Good luck 

  19. Informative
    Ziondaman reacted to Slottr in The Best Liquid Cooling On a 3090   
    Please use a status update for posts such as this 
  20. Agree
    Ziondaman reacted to WereCatf in Batch file to create a folder based on current date & time   
    Since you're not saying what folder, I assume you just mean the folder where the batch-script itself is:
    @echo off REM Set current working-directory to where the bat-file is. SET mypath=%~dp0 cd "%mypath:~0,-1%" REM Create directory for /f "skip=1" %%i in ('wmic os get localdatetime') do if not defined fulldate set fulldate=%%i set year=%fulldate:~0,4% set month=%fulldate:~4,2% set day=%fulldate:~6,2% set foldername=%year%.%month%.%day% mkdir "%foldername%" REM Move all files, except the batch-file itself for %%i in (*) do if not "%%i" == "%~nx0" move "%%i" "%foldername%\%%i"  
  21. Like
    Ziondaman reacted to BrinkGG in filezila host?   
    IF THERE IS A SERVER at that IP address. You need something to HOST the website. 
  22. Like
    Ziondaman reacted to BrinkGG in filezila host?   
    So did you only buy the domain name, and no hosting option? If so, you have to host the webserver SOMEWHERE. The domain just points to an IP address where you host the website. That would be why you can't connect to it, there's nothing there. 
  23. Like
    Ziondaman reacted to BrinkGG in filezila host?   
    I have no idea. Can you give us more info on how you're hosting this domain? 
  24. Like
    Ziondaman reacted to BrinkGG in filezila host?   
    Filezilla works by connecting to a networked FTP/SFTP server by IP address or Hostname, and allowing you to browse it's folders and move data on and off of it. If you cannot access your domain from Filezilla, you probably FTP/SFTP disabled. 
  25. Like
    Ziondaman reacted to paddy-stone in filezila host?   
    The part where it says host etc, is for connecting remotely to another computer/NAS etc, so there you enter the hosts parameters for that connection eg sftp:// then the password for that etc.
    Then you can copy files etc from the computer you're using, to the connected host pc/NAS.