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Posts posted by LinusTech

  1. On 4/4/2024 at 7:37 AM, LogicalDrm said:



    Timestamped if anyone is interested. I must agree @LinusTech @LMGcommunity @RILEYISMYNAME, thats very poor taste your audience and recent events in consideration.

    Hard to consider what took place if you don't know (and you don't).

    As for the appropriateness of the joke, we've always been PG / PG-13. I don't think there's really gonna be an overall change there. A self-deprecating joke about one's own promiscuity/infidelity is well in-bounds, and watching that get turned into trivializing sexual harassment has been bizarre to behold. Projection is for watching movies, not posting in forums.


  2. On 3/30/2024 at 10:24 PM, wanderingfool2 said:

    Boo hoo, you think I'm a fool; you are still ignorant and blind at what people were implying.  Your whole rant video essentially didn't address a single thing that people were implying [which is that you are using it as a tax write-off]


    You will find that there are MANY rich people out there who WILL use little justification to declare something as a business expense. [It's the whole joke that people will "go out to dinner" and call it a "meeting"]  Are you seriously that sheltered that you don't realize that?  It goes back to my post on page 1, people know they can usually get away with things [People stretch the rules all the time, need I remind you that you operated out of a non-commercial building and were effectively forced out of the house]


    People, especially rich people, will generate "business expenses" for personal items, I've seen it happen and am friends with enough accountants of millionaires who frequently talk about how they see it happen frequently [although they never drop names or they'd get in trouble].  Seriously, I know of one person who has labelled their 3 decked out vehicles as business expenses because they use them for "business"...sure if they get audited it would likely be reversed but it will be statute barred by the time it's likely caught.


    Utilizing a home as a film shoot also 100% would entitle someone to write off personal tax expenses as well [S4-F2-C2].  If one were to justify that the whole room cooling was intended for the whole video concept any "costs" associated with that would classify as a business expense.  It's a whole grey area of taxes.


    The tl;dr there can and will be people who will write it off as an expense.  Just like how there are many family businesses who conveniently hired their family and pay them just enough to not get really taxed.

    Neat. You know someone who committed light tax fraud, so I expensed by pool, evading 10s of thousands of dollars in taxes? 


    That's the logical leap that I object to. 


    Also, my explanation is fine. An oversimplification, but fine. 


    Would I be wrong if I said "cars can only be driven by their owners"?


    They are so easy to steal and people do it without getting caught so that's wrong then?


    Look, if you want to have a conversation about how tax law is so complicated that compliance is difficult and enforcement is nearly impossible and the way the current system allows the wealthy to pay less than their fair share, that's fair game. I agree. Just keep accusations against me out of it, unless you work for the CRA. 

  3. 5 hours ago, wanderingfool2 said:

    So let's give a bit of "education" because that LMG Clip is mind numbingly deceitful as well.  Actually honestly the way @LinusTech explained it makes it so people like you crazzp buy into  the failed logic


    If you are going to install a pool, whether or not you actually make a video on it, what would you rather do.  Include it in video shoots and make it into a project so you can claim the cost of the pool are part of a business expense...or not do it and now you don't get to claim it as a business expense.


    It's like all my above examples from pervious posts, if a pool costs lets say $50,000 to install; if you just strictly label it as personal use then it costs $50,000.  If you do a "tax write-off" then you get to reduce your taxes by [in Linus' 50% example] by $25,000.   That is what people are implying, but Linus either through lack of clarity or his general superiority complex he seems to have fails to address that in his example.  Instead he introduces something completely unrelated to how people are saying tax write-off.


    Since Linus can't seem to understand what people are referring to, here's the thing.  IF you tack on a video, they are implying that you are now using that as a business expense (where they are claiming it should be personal), in order to write off more of your taxes.

    1. A pool at your personal residence is not a business expense no matter how many times you shoot a video in it.


    2. I like your user name.

  4. 15 hours ago, Re_Moor said:


    long time subscriber to LTT (2015) from the land down under. 
     A bit of back drop to the query up above. 


    Tech enthusiast from the health industry ( not having built a pc from the ground up, but upgraded desktops (from the 486DX2 to a K6 then the athlon64.). always subscribed to guru3d since time immemorial (should tell you how old I am), and then once life got very busy and relocations for work happened came into laptops. Once NBR went down, I never really went to a PC Forum till now. So while following Linus, I I went from a t40 ( I still have trying to resuscitate), through a HP pavilion and still run an aging T450 (bought refurbed) and then I saw the Razer blades on Linus. Enthusiastically bought the machine (from their 8750H blade 15’s and what a roller coaster). Briefly dabbled in the 15 advanced running the 9750h and promptly returned that too ( massive manufacturing issue). Held back till the early 2021 blade 15 with the 10875H. The laptop has been babied ever since , the battery bulged and finally the cable (at the moment the IR camera lead is working in certain screen angles, which means the screen would follow suit). I recently placed an order and receiving a framework laptop 13 Ryzen(tomorrow) after much research (and a obviously Linus’s review and backing the device) 

    now my question  is


    why hasn’t Linus ever called them out about their recurring reliability issues when he is backing FW (and rightly so) about the laptops turning into paperweights ( without having to pay exorbitant amounts to Razer to fix a known engineering issue)


    1) why not run a secret shopper for laptops


    2) would be glad to find out a reason for the above queries. 




    We called them out when we experienced reliability issues. 

    Beyond that, we haven't experienced anything first-hand, so we don't really have any evidence for their reliability one way or the other.

  5. Just now, FunkyBushMonkey said:

    I did contact them asking and they said they recently switch to the battery for more reliability. But when replying about my order it also sounded contradicting. I linked my order number as topic or reason for reaching out to them. They said they no longer carry the mechanical movement ones, which is the one I currently have. When I just ordered. I then attempted to ask for further clarification. 


    I posted this specifically because as a talking point for them the items were listed as automatic... Then finding out they may not be. It appears to be misleading for people who need specific watches for their work environment (which I do). 


    Responses and pages also seem to be contradicting which can also be misleading for people looking to purchase their items. These pages then listing them(on their website) Should be corrected. 



    It wasn't clear from your post. It sounded to me pike you hadn't heard back from them yet. Thanks for clarifying. 

  6. 23 minutes ago, FunkyBushMonkey said:



    I ordered a watch specifically cause it was advertised(in the sponsor segment and some of Thorums web pages) as an automatic watch. I need an automatic watch for work in an electrostatic environment. When I ordered one I found product pages seemed to contradict this. It appears they threw in a battery now making many ads... Even now be inaccurate(Some were even within the week) So now I'm sitting here thinking I'm getting a watch I can't use. 


    Looks like the poster HAS contacted them and it's the inconsistency of their responses that is troubling. That makes much more sense. 




    The first party you should contact about this is Thorum.

    You should ask them for clarification about the attributes of the product you purchased, and then see how they resolve it. 

    If they engage in any kind of malicious or fraudulent behavior, then you can raise it here.

    Maybe we should pin this or something because there seems to be some misunderstandings about what this thread is. It's not a support chat for any random company that LMG has ever mentioned in a video. It's a safety mechanism to ensure we aren't promoting talking points or products that are misleading or harmful to the user. 


    We obviously do our own due diligence, but sometimes individual experiences can be enlightening, or long-term users can uncover issues that wouldn't be apparent to us in a short amount of time.

  7. I wonder how many of the people who criticized this review are going to buy the Fairphone 5 and daily it for 7+ years.


    The last part is the most critical. If you aren't actually reducing your consumption, then you've accomplished nothing. You're like a Prius driver who rides around on your gas-hog ride-on-mower on your water-guzzling lawn in California. 


    It's easy to virtue signal. It's hard to actually daily drive a device that is 'fair' but kinda sucks in every other way - including some SERIOUS usability problems (like the ringtone and vibration one).

  8. 3 hours ago, Thomas A. Fine said:

    Sigh.  So... I've heard this one before but it keeps bugging me.  And I am after all fully entitled to demand that everyone including @LinusTech pronounce words to my personal satisfaction.


    Composite:  It's com-PAH-zit.  Not COM-puh-zit.


    Now I will grant you that this is a differing pronunciation between American and British English.  And (unlike the travesty that is "aluminium") it is a difference that I accept.

    But, last time I checked, Canada was part of North America.  Where American English is used.

    We're commonwealth and most of our pronunciation and spelling cues actually come from British English, not American English. We just watch so much American media that we end up with a weird mish-mash.

  9. On 1/1/2024 at 6:50 AM, Somtaw said:

    Hahahaha, I appreciate the commitment to the upsell, but I'm not down for spending $30-$50 bucks (I'm guessing, I don't know what the price point for them will be) on something I don't particularly want or need for fear of missing out on the credit. Especially given the USD conversion rate right now, it feels a bit like spending ten to save a toonie. 

    Edit: Tried to apply the coupon against the torx bits, because screw it, free bits. It does not appear to apply to the shipping, so can't really think of it that way. 😂

    Hrm... My bad. I'll see if we can run a shipping promo or something at some point over the next couple months 

  10. 1 hour ago, Somtaw said:

    And I do sincerely appreciate the effort with the warranty clause. I know I'm probably coming across as all negativity, which is definitely not how I feel about the backpack. As someone who has spent too much on too many backpacks over the years, I really, really, *really*  like this bag, and I don't want that fact to get lost in this discussion. Thanks for taking the time to reply, it's always appreciated. 


    Yeah, that's pretty well what I settled on. I know it's not an entirely rational desire given the current build quality and the warranty extension, but a part of my brain keeps going "you didn't get what you paid for", which is 100% a "me" problem. 

    I'm just going to pretend the $25 credit never existed. It can't hurt me if it doesn't exist. 

    You can also just use it. Think of it as free shipping for your order when we launch the cable management stuff in Q1

  11. 13 minutes ago, Somtaw said:

    Here's the thing that seems to keep being missed; I don't want a refund. I like the bag. I just want it to be the bag I thought I was buying.

    I would take the refund, and use it to buy a backpack that had the originally as-advertised features, except that there's no timeframe on when (or even if) two-layer bags will be available. The $25 credit *would* be a nice gesture, if a little underwhelming, but sticking an expiration date on it just means that it might as well not have been on offer at all. 

    Like I say, I understand that it's a tough situation without a lot of real good solutions, but that shouldn't leave the customer feeling like they're also between a rock and a hard place when it comes to actually receiving the product they wanted. 

    If it ever naturally wear through, we will replace it with an all-new bag. The 'virtual second layer' is our response to those folks. We've got u.

  12. 53 minutes ago, Somtaw said:

    When I say "false advertising", I'm referring to Canadian consumer protection laws that fall under the umbrella of "false or misleading representations" under the Competition Act. Sorry for not being more specific, but it's not moving the goalposts. 

    Performance claims not based on an adequate and proper test (canada.ca)

    Edit to add: I think I should clarify that I'm not advocating for this sort of case to be brought against LMG, nor do I *want* to see such a thing. Hell, I'm far from sure that it would meet the bar by any means either way. However, I do think it's worth noting that there is language in both provincial and federal legislation that, from a cursory layman's overview, could be seen as applicable to this situation and may be a potential pitfall. 

    No, there's no pitfall here.


    Anyone who was unhappy could get a refund, plain and simple. We conducted a voluntary recall. There's no issue.


    The $25 credit was a goodwill gesture. 

  13. From an accounting standpoint, the situation is very different for a second hand buyer. You're not asking for a refund. You're essentially asking for us to purchase the bag bag from you. It's much more complicated. 


    For that reason, the warranty is transferable, but a refund on the product is not. 


    As support laid out, if it ever naturally fails due to the missing second layer, we would be happy to get you taken care of in accordance with our upgraded warranty policy for this product. 


    Contrary to your post we never said you can't contact support again. We just aren't going to give you a different answer about this specific issue if you aren't able to get in touch with the original purchaser. 


    For them, we could process a refund, because it would be a refund. You'd have to sort out the money with them from there. 


    Hope this helps clear things up. 

  14. 38 minutes ago, Capra Audio said:

    I would like to preface this with the fact that I was not aware of the plan when I initially sent these files. When a representative of LMG reached out to a Discord server I was in for recommendations regarding DIY headphones and parts and brands, I responded saying that I was making a design intended to be entirely DIY’d. I released it, and your representative was sent the link to the project and the files. That was the extent of my interaction.


    I do realize part of this is on me for not inquiring deeper on the cause of this, and I should have done my due diligence in trying to find out more. When someone reaches out and asks for a DIY headphone project, I am going to try to provide them the best possible one I can find or make. It was my understanding that they would be shown as instructed, possibly in a head to head comparison of multiple DIY headphones.


    If I had known this was the plan from the beginning, or even what this ended up turning out to be, I wouldn’t have participated in the way I did. If anything I would have been fine making a test bed for this project that was totally separate to goof around on! I’m seeing negative impressions of my passion project from your audience and curious comments about even being able to make these yourself despite having the files linked. I understand that you can’t control your audience, or that all of them will get the intent you had, it’s just a bit hard to see those things about something you worked on for the community, aimed at folks just like them to make themselves.


    I had all the intent to have these be accessible, and having more visibility helps that, I just had hoped that more would grasp the idea that these are good sounding headphones that you can make yourself from this video. I feel like things could have gone better for all parties involved and I wouldn’t have been upset at all if LMG had asked me for something specifically for this. I guess to me this just feels like a missed opportunity.

    This is the first I hearing of us coordinating anything about this project with you directly. I'll inquire about how expectations were set.


    If it helps at all, I can relate to your frustration. Every comment I see about how bad this review is makes me want to put my fist through the screen and shout "what part of any of this made it sound like a review??" 


    The thing is, when 1M people watch something, if even 1% completely miss the point, that will be 10,000 people. No getting away from it. 


    I think most people are pretty clear that we made no attempt to build this properly because it wasn't the point. 


    Maybe there will be an opportunity to do a DIY headphone project where we build the Satyr 1 for real. I was very impressed by many aspects of the design and I think it could be a cool topic. It just wasn't the topic today and I'm sorry if you felt misled 😞
